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Production 1.0

August 1999


Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and AdministrationVolume 2 • Student Guide

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AuthorsBruce Ernst

Hanne Rue Rasmussen

Ulrike Schwinn

Vijay Venkatachalam

Technical Contributors and ReviewersDavid Austin

Ben van Balen

Gerry Batista

Doug Bridges

Sandra Cheevers

Ralf Durben

Ari Fyhr

Joel Goodman

Scott Gossett

Lex de Haan

Tony Holbrook

Heike Hundt

Christine Jeal

Dominique Jeunot

Thomas Kerepes

Steven King

Pierre Labrousse

Dean Margolese

Jean-Marie Misztela

Tigger Newman

Howard Ostrow

Hans Proetzl

Gary Purcell

Shankar Raman

Donalyn Selinsky

Roger Simon

James Spiller

Ramonito Te

Sabine Teuber

Jean-Francois Verrier

Norbert Wittje

PublisherSherry Polm

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.

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PrefaceProfile xvii

Related Information xix

Typographic Conventions xx

IntroductionObjectives I-2

Oracle8i Enterprise Edition I-3

Database Administrator Tasks I-5

Course Schedule I-6

Lesson 1: Oracle Architectural Components Objectives 1-2

Overview 1-3

Oracle Database Files 1-5

Other Key Files 1-6

Oracle Instance 1-7

Processing a SQL Statement 1-9

Connecting to a Database 1-10

Processing a Query 1-12

The Shared Pool 1-14

Database Buffer Cache 1-16

Program Global Area 1-17

Processing a DML Statement 1-19

Redo Log Buffer 1-21

Rollback Segment 1-22

COMMIT Processing 1-23

Log Writer 1-25

Other Instance Processes 1-26

Database Writer 1-27

SMON: System Monitor 1-28

PMON: Process Monitor 1-30

Archiving 1-31

Summary 1-33

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Lesson 2: Getting Started with the Oracle Server Objectives 2-2

Overview 2-3

Oracle Universal Installer 2-4

Validating Privileged Users 2-8

Oracle Enterprise Manager 2-15

Summary 2-30

Lesson 3: Managing an Oracle Instance Objectives 3-2

Overview 3-3

Stages in Startup and Shutdown 3-10

Starting Up the Instance 3-13

Changing Database Availability 3-16

Opening a Database in Read-Only Mode 3-17

Shutting Down 3-18

Getting and Setting Parameter Values 3-22

Managing Sessions 3-29

Summary 3-36

Lesson 4: Creating a Database Objectives 4-2

Overview 4-3

Preparing the Operating System 4-4

Creating a Database 4-10

Using the Database Configuration Assistant 4-11

Creating a Database Manually 4-15

Summary 4-29

Lesson 5: Creating Data Dictionary Views and Standard Packages Objectives 5-2

Overview 5-3

Data Dictionary Overview 5-4

Data Dictionary Contents 5-5

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Base Tables and Data Dictionary Views 5-6

How the Data Dictionary Is Used 5-7

Data Dictionary View Categories 5-8

Data Dictionary Examples 5-10

Dynamic Performance Views 5-11

Stored Program Units 5-12

Stored PL/SQL Program Units 5-14

Packages 5-16

Executing a PL/SQL Program Unit 5-17

Package Specification and Body 5-18

Oracle-Supplied Packages 5-19

Obtaining Information 5-20

Troubleshooting 5-22

Constructing the Data Dictionary 5-23

Administrative Scripts 5-25

Built-in Package Example 5-27

Triggers 5-29

Parts of a Trigger 5-31

Trigger Example 5-33

Summary 5-34

Lesson 6: Maintaining the Control File Objectives 6-2

The Use of the Control File 6-3

Control File Contents 6-4

Multiplexing the Control File 6-6

Guidelines for Control Files 6-7

Obtaining Information About the Control File 6-9

Summary 6-11

Lesson 7: Maintaining Redo Log Files Objectives 7-2

Overview 7-3

Using Online Redo Files 7-4

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LGWR, Log Switches, and Checkpoints 7-6

Archiving Redo Log Files 7-8

Obtaining Log and Archive Information 7-11

Controlling Log Switches and Checkpoints 7-18

Multiplexing and Maintaining Members and Groups 7-21

Relocating or Renaming Online Redo Log Files 7-24

Dropping Online Redo Log Groups and Members 7-26

Planning Online Redo Logs 7-30

Troubleshooting 7-32

Using LogMiner 7-33

Summary 7-40

Lesson 8: Managing Tablespaces and Data Files Objectives 8-2

Overview 8-3

Database Storage Hierarchy 8-4

SYSTEM and Non-SYSTEM Tablespaces 8-7

Creating Tablespaces 8-8

Space Management in Tablespaces 8-12

Locally Managed Tablespaces 8-13

Temporary Tablespace 8-15

Changing the Storage Settings 8-18

Taking Tablespaces Offline or Online 8-20

Read-Only Tablespaces 8-23

Dropping Tablespaces 8-26

Resizing a Tablespace 8-29

Enabling Automatic Resizing of Data Files 8-30

Manually Resizing Data Files 8-33

Adding Data Files to a Tablespace 8-34

Moving Data Files 8-36

Data Dictionary Information 8-39

Guidelines 8-40

Summary 8-42

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Lesson 9: Storage Structure and Relationships Objectives 9-2

Overview 9-3

Types of Segments 9-4

Storage Clause Precedence 9-8

Extent Allocation and Deallocation 9-9

Used and Free Extents 9-10

Using Block Space Utilization Parameters 9-11

Obtaining Information About Storage Structures 9-16

Querying DBA_SEGMENTS 9-17

Querying DBA_EXTENTS 9-18

Querying DBA_FREE_SPACE 9-19

Planning the Location of Segments 9-20

Summary 9-22

Lesson 10: Managing Rollback Segments Objectives 10-2

Overview 10-3

Rollback Segments 10-4

Using Rollback Segments with Transactions 10-8

Creating Rollback Segments 10-12

Maintaining Rollback Segments 10-18

Obtaining Rollback Segment Information 10-26

Planning Rollback Segments 10-32

Troubleshooting Rollback Segment Problems 10-34

Summary 10-40

Lesson 11: Managing Tables Objectives 11-2

Overview 11-3

Oracle Data Types 11-7

Creating a Table 11-17

Controlling Space Used by Tables 11-25

Retrieving Table Information 11-41

Summary 11-47

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Lesson 12: Managing Indexes Objectives 12-2

Overview 12-3

Creating Indexes 12-12

Reorganizing Indexes 12-22

Dropping Indexes 12-29

Obtaining Index Information 12-31

Summary 12-33

Lesson 13: Maintaining Data Integrity Objectives 13-2

Overview 13-3

Integrity Constraints 13-5

Implementing Constraints 13-14

Maintaining Constraints 13-19

Getting Constraint Information 13-26

Summary 13-29

Lesson 14: Loading Data Objectives 14-2

Overview 14-3

Loading Data Using Direct-Load Insert 14-5

Loading Data Using SQL*Loader 14-8

Direct Path Loading 14-28

Summary 14-29

Lesson 15: Reorganizing Data Objectives 15-2

Overview 15-3

Transportable Tablespaces 15-23

Transporting a Tablespace 15-25

Exporting and Importing Metadata 15-26

Transporting a Tablespace 15-28

Transportable Tablespace Uses 15-29

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Transportable Tablespaces and Schema Objects 15-30

Checking the Transport Set 15-31

Summary 15-32

Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources Objectives 16-2

Overview 16-3

Administering Passwords 16-5

Altering and Dropping a Profile 16-20

Controlling Usage of Resources 16-24

Viewing Password and Resource Limits Information 16-31

Summary 16-33

Lesson 17: Managing Users Objectives 17-2

Overview 17-3

Creating New Database Users 17-6

Altering and Dropping Database Users 17-14

Dropping Users 17-17

Monitoring Information About Users 17-18

Summary 17-20

Lesson 18: Managing Privileges Objectives 18-2

Overview 18-3

System Privileges 18-4

Granting System Privileges 18-6

Password File Authentication 18-9

Displaying System Privileges 18-11

Revoking System Privileges 18-14

Object Privileges 18-17

Granting Object Privileges 18-18

Displaying Object Privileges 18-20

Revoking Object Privileges 18-21

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Auditing Guidelines 18-25

Using Database Auditing 18-29

Viewing Auditing Results 18-36

Summary 18-37

Lesson 19: Managing Roles Objectives 19-2

Overview 19-3

Creating and Modifying Roles 19-5

Assigning Roles 19-11

Controlling Availability of Roles 19-13

Displaying Role Information 19-22

Using Fine-Grained Access Control 19-23

Summary 19-25

Lesson 20: Using National Language Support Objectives 20-2

Overview 20-3

Choosing a Database and a National Character Set 20-5

Specifying Language-Dependent Behavior 20-11

NLS Parameters and SQL Functions 20-19

NLS Parameters in SQL Functions 20-22

Linguistic Index Support 20-26

Importing and Loading Data Using NLS 20-27

Obtaining Information About NLS Settings 20-28

Summary 20-33

Appendix A: PracticesEnvironment A-2

Practice 1: Oracle Architectural Components A-3

Practice 2: Getting Started With Oracle A-5

Practice 3: Managing an Oracle Instance A-6

Practice 4: Creating a Database A-8

Practice 5: Creating Data Dictionary Views and Standard Packages A-9

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Practice 6: Maintaining the Control File A-10

Practice 7: Maintaining Redo Log Files A-11

Practice 8: Managing Tablespaces and Data Files A-12

Practice 9: Storage Structure and Relationships A-13

Practice 10: Managing Rollback Segments A-14

Practice 11: Managing Tables A-15

Practice 12: Managing Indexes A-17

Practice 13: Maintaining Data Integrity A-19

Practice 14: Loading Data A-20

Practice 15: Reorganizing Data A-21

Practice 16: Managing Password Security A-22

Practice 17: Managing Users A-23

Practice 18: Managing Privileges A-24

Practice 19: Managing Roles A-25

Practice 20: Using National Language Support A-26

Appendix B: HintsPractice 1: Oracle Architectural Components B-2

Practice 2: Getting Started With Oracle B-3

Practice 3: Managing an Oracle Instance B-4

Practice 4: Creating a Database B-7

Practice 5: Creating Data Dictionary Views and Standard Packages B-8

Practice 6: Maintaining the Control File B-9

Practice 7: Maintaining Redo Log Files B-10

Practice 8: Managing Tablespaces and Data Files B-12

Practice 9: Storage Structure and Relationships B-14

Practice 10: Managing Rollback Segments B-16

Practice 11: Managing Tables B-18

Practice 12: Managing Indexes B-20

Practice 13: Maintaining Data Integrity B-22

Practice 14: Loading Data B-23

Practice 15: Reorganizing Data B-25

Practice 16: Managing Password Security B-26

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Practice 17: Managing Users B-27

Practice 18: Managing Privileges B-28

Practice 19: Managing Roles B-29

Practice 20: Using National Language Support B-30

Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus Practice 1 Solutions C-2

Practice 2 Solutions C-4

Practice 3 Solutions C-7

Practice 4 Solutions C-16

Practice 5 Solutions C-20

Practice 6 Solutions C-24

Practice 7 Solutions C-27

Practice 8 Solutions C-33

Practice 9 Solutions C-40

Practice 10 Solutions C-46

Practice 11 Solutions C-54

Practice 12 Solutions C-59

Practice 13 Solution C-63

Practice 14 Solutions C-69

Practice 15 Solutions C-75

Practice 16 Soltuions C-80

Practice 17 Solutions C-84

Practice 18 Solutions C-87

Practice 19 Solutions C-92

Practice 20 Solutions C-95

Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager Practice 1 Solutions D-2

Practice 2 Solutions D-3

Practice 3 Solutions D-4

Practice 4 Solutions D-8

Practice 5 Solutions D-9

Practice 6 Solutions D-10

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Practice 7 Solutions D-12

Practice 8 Solutions D-19

Practice 9 Solutions D-25

Practice 10 Solutions D-26

Practice 11 Solutions D-37

Practice 12 Solutions D-42

Practice 13 Solutions D-47

Practice 14 Solutions D-49

Practice 15 Soltuions D-52

Practice 16 Solutions D-59

Practice 17 Solutions D-64

Practice 18 Solutions D-71

Practice 19 Solutions D-76

Practice 20 Solutions D-80

Appendix E: Certification Test: Sample QuestionsOracle Certified Professional (OCP) Program: Oracle Certified Database Administrator Track E-2

Oracle Database Administration: Sample Test E-3

Oracle Backup and Recovery Sample Test E-5

Answers E-8

Registering for an OCP Test E-9

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Reorganizing Data

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 15: Reorganizing Data


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After completing this lesson, you should be able todo the following:

• Reorganize data using the Export and Importutilities

• Move data using transportable tablespaces

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The Export and Import UtilitiesExport and Import utilities enable the administrator to move data between Oracle databases, and within an Oracle database, to different tablespaces or users, or to reorganize data for efficient storage and performance.

Export UtilityThe Export utility can be used to make a logical copy of object definitions and data to an operating system binary file. Export can write to a file on disk or tape. The Export utility extracts a consistent view of data within each table.

Import UtilityThe Import utility can read the operating system files created by the Export utility and copy the object definitions and data into an Oracle database. The Import utility cannot read text files or files created in any other format.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Moving Data Using Export and Import

Data files OS file



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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 15: Reorganizing Data

Using Export and ImportExport and Import can be used in the following cases:

• Reorganize tables: There are many instances where tables need reorganization:

– Data in one tablespace may need to be moved from one tablespace to another to minimize contention, reduce free-space fragmentation, or to facilitate backup.

– A table may contain many migrated rows.

– A table may have many blocks with a large amount of freespace.

– A table may have many empty blocks below the high-water mark.

• Move data owned by one user to another user: This may be necessary when a schema needs to be removed from the database or to redistribute object ownership. Data that was exported from one user can be imported into a different user’s schema.

• Move data between databases: Object definitions can be moved from development to production by extracting only definitions and disregarding data. Export and Import can also be used to extract data from an OLTP application into a data warehouse.

• Migrate to a different operating system platform or release of Oracle: Data that is exported on one machine can be imported into a database on a different machine, possibly using a different character set.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Uses of Export and Import

• Reorganize tables• Move data owned by one user to another user• Move data between databases:

– Development to production– OLTP system to a data warehouse

• Migrate the database to a different:

– OS platform

– Release of the Oracle database• Repeat test runs during development or

upgrade• Perform a logical backup

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Using Export and Import (continued)• Migrate to a different release of the Oracle database: When you are upgrading to a

new release of Oracle server, data can be exported from the older release and imported into the new release. Note that it may not be possible to use this method for moving data from a later release to an earlier release.

• Repeat test runs during development or upgrade: In a development or test database, an application may require several test runs before it is fully debugged and accepted. Test data can be exported to an external file and imported before each run to ensure that tests are performed on the same set of data. This method is also useful to test a new version of the Oracle server before a production database is upgraded.

• Perform a logical backup: All or some objects in a database can be exported, and the export file can be used as a logical backup.

In this lesson, the use of Export and Import for data reorganization and moving data between users is presented.

Note: The use of Export and Import for backup and recovery is discussed in detail in the course Enterprise DBA Part 1B: Backup and Recovery.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 15: Reorganizing Data

Three Export ModesThe Export utility provides three modes of export:

• Table

• User

• Database

Table ModeAll users can use the table mode to export their own tables. Privileged users can export tables owned by any user. The use of the table mode exports:

• The table definition

• Data in the table, if required

• All indexes on the table if the export is performed by a privileged user (Otherwise, only those indexes on the table owned by the user are exported.)

• All triggers on the table only if the utility is run by a privileged user (Otherwise, only the triggers on the table owned by the user are exported.)

• Constraints on the table

• All grants made on the table

• Definition of the analyze method to use on import

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Export Modes

Table User Database

• Table• Indexes• Triggers• Constraints• Grants• Analyze


• All objectsowned byuser, exceptindexes andtriggers ontables ownedby other users

• All objects inthe database,except objectsowned by SYS

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User ModeUser mode export works differently depending on whether the user running the export has special privileges.

• A privileged user can export objects owned by any user. In this case, the objects exported are:

– All objects owned by the user, except indexes and triggers that are owned by the user but are on tables owned by other users

– Triggers and indexes created by other users on the user’s tables

• Nonprivileged users can export only objects owned by them, and this mode will not include any indexes or triggers that are created by other users on the tables owned by this user.

Full Database ModeAll objects in the database, except those owned by the user SYS, are exported when using this mode. This mode requires special privileges and cannot be used by all the users.

Note: In all the three modes of export, privileged users are users with the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role. This role is discussed in the lesson “Managing Roles.”

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Export PathsThe slide shows the difference between conventional path and direct path exports.

Conventional PathThis term refers to the default method of formatting data from a database and writing it out to an export file. Conventional path export uses the SQL SELECT statement to extract data from tables. Data is read from disk into a buffer cache, and rows are transferred to the evaluation buffer. The data, after passing expression evaluation, is transferred to the export client, which then writes the data into the export file.

Direct PathDirect path export extracts data much faster than a conventional path export by reading data directly and bypassing the SQL Command Processing layer. In a direct path export, data is read from disk into the buffer cache and rows are transferred directly to the export process. The evaluating buffer is bypassed—that is, data in the blocks is not reorganized to bring row pieces together. The data is already in the format that Export expects, thus avoiding unnecessary data conversion. The data is transferred to the export process, which then writes the data into the export file.

The Import utility is capable of using an export file created by any of the paths. The time taken to perform the import is not affected significantly by the export path used.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Conventional and Direct Path Export

SQL commandprocessing

Buffer cachemanagement

Read databaseblock




Private bufferor buffer cache



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Using ExportExport can be invoked using:

• Command line

• Interactive mode

• Graphical interface, where available

The interactive mode is primarily provided for backward compatibility and does not offer the full range of options that the command line provides. As a result, use of command line mode is recommended.

Command LineUse the following command on UNIX or Windows NT to perform an export:

$exp [keyword=]{value|(value, value ...)}[ [ [,] keyword=]{value|(value, value ...)} ] ...

where: keyword is one of the keywords discussed in the next section

value is the value assigned to the keyword

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Using Export

$exp scott/tiger tables=(dept,emp) \

> file=emp.dmp log=exp.log \

> compress=n direct=y

$exp scott/tiger tables=(dept,emp) \

> file=emp.dmp log=exp.log \

> compress=n direct=y

DEPT andEMP tables exp.log



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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 15: Reorganizing Data

Command Line (continued)Note• If keywords are not specified, the values must be specified in the correct order.

Although this option is available, it is generally advisable to use the keywords.

• As shown in the slide, it is possible to specify the first few values without keywords and then specify other values with keywords.

• Some operating systems, such as UNIX, use escape characters before special characters, such as a parenthesis, so that the character is not treated as a special character.

Windows NT: Command LineUse the same command on Windows NT to perform an export:

C:\>EXP [keyword=]{value|(value, value ...)}[ [ [,] keyword=]{value|(value, value ...)} ] ...

Note: Views required by the Export and Import utilities are created by running the catexp.sql script, which is invoked when the catalog.sql script is executed.

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How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Export Data1 Launch the Oracle Enterprise Manager console:

(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>Oracle Enterprise Management—>Enterprise Manager Console

2 Enter administrator, password, and management server. Click OK to log in to the console.

3 Expand the Databases folder.

4 Select your working database and choose Data Management—>Export from the right mouse menu.

5 Enter the export filename on the Export Filepage, and click Next.

6 Specify the type of export in the Export Type page, and click Next.

7 Specify the associated objects, and click Next.

8 Select objects to be exported on the Object Selection page of the Data Manager Wizard.

9 Specify associated objects, such as indexes and rows, to be exported and the path on the Associated Objects page.

10 Specify schedule parameters, and click Finish.

11 Verify the entered parameters in the Summary page and click OK.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 15: Reorganizing Data

Command Line ParametersSome of the commonly used parameters are shown below.

Keyword Default Meaning

USERID Oracle username and password. If password is not specified, the user will be prompted for the password.

BUFFER OS specific Size of the buffer that will be used for storing the rows fetched before they are written to the export file

COMPRESS Y A value of Y specifies that on import the initial extent size will be set to a value that is equal to the current size of the segment. A value of N will cause the current extent sizes to be retained. The choice has to be made at export because the information gets written to the export file.

LOB segments are not compressed.

CONSISTENT N A value of Y specifies that the entire export operation be performed in one read-only transaction. Export will attempt to get a read-consistent image of all the objects exported. A value of N specifies that only table-level consistency needs to be maintained.

CONSTRAINTS Y A value of Y specifies that constraints are to be exported with the table. A value of N causes constraints not to be exported.

DIRECT N A value of Y specifies that direct path be used for the export. A value of N uses conventional path.

FEEDBACK 0 This parameter is specified as an integer n to request for a dot (.) to be displayed when n rows are exported. Zero, the default, indicates that no dots are displayed.

FILE expdat.dmp Output filename

FULL N A value of Y specifies full database export.

GRANTS Y A value of Y specifies that all the grants on objects exported must also be preserved on import.

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Note• Only one of the parameters, FULL=Y, OWNER=user, or TABLES=schema.table,

can be defined.

• If direct path is specified (DIRECT=Y), the CONSISTENT parameter cannot be set to Y.

• The parameters defined here are not exhaustive. For a complete reference, see the “Export” chapter in the manual, Oracle8i Utilities.

HELP N A value of Y displays a list of the parameters and their meanings. This parameter is not combined with other parameters.

INDEXES Y A value of Y causes indexes to be exported.

LOG NULL The name of the file to store all export messages. By default, message are displayed only on the screen.

OWNER The names of the users for user-level export

PARFILE Specifies the name of the file that contains a list of export parameters

RECORDLENGTH OS specific The size of the output record

ROWS Y A value of Y specifies that data is to be exported.

STATISTICS ESTIMATE Specifies the analyze method to be used on import

TABLES schema.table for table mode export

Keyword Default Meaning

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Using ImportImport can be invoked using:

• Command line

• Interactive mode

• Graphical interface, where available

The interactive mode is primarily provided for backward compatibility and does not offer the full range of options that the command line provides. As a result, use of command line mode is recommended.

Command LineUse the following command on UNIX or Windows NT to perform an export:

$imp [keyword=]{value|(value, value ...)}[ [ [,] keyword=]{value|(value, value ...)} ] ...

where: keyword is one of the keywords discussed in the next section

value is the value assigned to the keyword

Windows NT: Command LineThe Windows command is the same as for UNIX:

C:\>IMP [keyword=]{value|(value, value ...)}[ [ [,] keyword=]{value|(value, value ...)} ] ...

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Using Import


$imp scott/tiger tables=(dept,emp) \

> file=emp.dmp log=imp.log ignore=y

$imp scott/tiger tables=(dept,emp) \

> file=emp.dmp log=imp.log ignore=y



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How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Import Data1 Launch the Oracle Enterprise Manager console:

(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>Oracle Enterprise Management—>Enterprise Manager Console

2 Enter administrator, password, and management server. Click OK to log in to the console.

3 Expand the Databases folder.

4 Select your working database and choose Data Management—>Import from the right mouse menu.

5 Specify the filename of the export file that should be imported, and click Next.

6 Wait for the job to finish.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 15: Reorganizing Data

Command Line ParametersSome of the commonly used parameters are shown below.

Keyword Default Meaning

USERID Oracle username and password (If password is not specified, user will be prompted for the password.)

BUFFER OS specific Size, in bytes, of the buffer through which data rows are transferred

COMMIT N A value of Y specifies that Import should commit after each array insert. By default, Import commits only after loading each table, and Import performs a rollback when an error occurs, before continuing with the next object. Specifying COMMIT=Y prevents rollback segments from growing inordinately large.

FEEDBACK 0 This parameter is specified as an integer n to request for a dot (.) to be displayed when n rows are imported. The default value suppresses the display.

FILE expdat.dmp Input filename

FROMUSER NULL A list of users whose objects are to be imported.

FULL N A value of Y specifies full database import.

GRANTS Y A value of Y specifies that all the grants on objects imported must also be imported.

HELP N A value of Y displays a list of the parameters and their meanings. This parameter is not combined with other parameters.

IGNORE N If the value is set to Y, Import overlooks object creation errors when it attempts to create database objects. In this case, Import continues without reporting the error. For tables, IGNORE=Y causes rows to be imported into existing tables. No message is given. IGNORE=N causes an error to be reported, and the table is skipped if it already exists.

Note that only object creation errors are ignored; other errors, such as operating system, database, and SQL errors, are not ignored and may cause processing to stop.

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Note• Only one of the parameters, FULL=Y, OWNER=user, or TABLES=schema.table,

can be defined.

• The IMP_FULL_DATABASE role is covered in the lesson “Managing Roles.”

• The parameters defined here are not exhaustive. For a complete reference, see the “Import” chapter in the manual, Oracle8i Utilities.

INDEXES Y A value of Y causes indexes to be imported.

INDEXFILE NULL Specifies a file to receive index-creation commands. When this parameter is specified, index-creation commands for the requested mode are extracted and written to the specified file, rather than used to create indexes in the database. Tables and other database objects are not imported.

The file can then be edited (for example, to change storage parameters) and used as a SQL script to create the indexes.

LOG NULL The name of the file to store all import messages. By default, the messages are displayed only on the screen.

PARFILE Specifies the name of the file that contains a list of import parameters

RECORDLENGTH OS specific The size of the input record. This is necessary only if data was exported on an operating system with a different record size.

ROWS Y A value of Y specifies that data is to be imported.

SHOW N If the value is Y, the contents of the export file are listed to the display and not imported. The SQL statements contained in the export are displayed in the order in which import will execute them. If SHOW=Y, the only other parameters that can be set are FROMUSER, TOUSER, FULL, and TABLES.

TABLES NULL Names of the tables to import

TOUSER NULL A list of user names to import tables. Only users with IMP_FULL_DATABASE role can use this parameter to import objects into another user’s account.

Keyword Default Meaning

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 15: Reorganizing Data

Order of ImportTable objects are imported as they are read from the export file. The export file contains objects in the following order:

1 Type definitions

2 Table definitions

3 Table data

4 Table indexes

5 Integrity constraints, views, procedures, and triggers

6 Bitmap, functional, and domain indexes

This sequence prevents data from being rejected because of the order in which tables are imported. This sequence also prevents redundant triggers from firing twice on the same data (once when it was originally inserted and again during the import).

However, some objects such as procedures may be invalidated on import because they are imported before the objects they reference. Check the objects with STATUS=INVALID and recompile them.

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Import Behavior

• Order of import:

Table—>Data—>B-tree indexes—>constraints,triggers, bitmap indexes

• Tablespace used for the object:

– Same tablespace as in the source database, ifpossible

– User’s default tablespace

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Considerations for Importing into Existing TablesWhen data is imported into existing tables, the order of import can still produce referential integrity failures. A similar situation occurs when a referential integrity constraint on a table references itself at the end of the import.

For the reasons mentioned previously, it is a good idea to disable referential constraints when importing into an existing table. The constraints can be reenabled after the import is completed.

Tablespace Used for an ObjectIf a user has the necessary quota, the tables are imported into the same tablespace from which they were exported. However, if the tablespace no longer exists or the user does not have the necessary quota, Import creates the table in the default tablespace for that user. If a user is unable to access the default tablespace, the table cannot be imported.

A LOB segment can only be imported into the same tablespace from which it was exported. So a table containing LOBs will not be created if the owner of the table cannot create objects in the tablespace from which the LOB segment was exported.

Note: Quotas and controlling use of tablespaces by users are discussed in the lesson “Managing Users.”

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Export and Import GuidelinesUse a parameter file to store commonly used line parameters. This minimizes errors and keeps the command line smaller.

If there is heavy update activity on tables that are being exported, using CONSISTENT=Y is likely to produce SNAPSHOT TOO OLD errors. Generally, it is preferable to run large exports during periods of low activity. Alternatively, create a large rollback segment, take all others offline, and perform the import.

The export option COMPRESS=Y will generate code to create an initial extent, which is equal to the sum of the sizes of all the extents currently allocated to an object. If the object has many deleted rows or if the last extent has many unused blocks, this will unnecessarily allocate a lot of space for the object.

Allocate as large a buffer as the operating system and the resources on the machine allow. Use direct path export if the data will be imported into a database running release 7.3.3 or higher.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Export and Import Guidelines

• Use a parameter file to specify commonly usedcommand line options.

• Use CONSISTENT=Y only if exporting a smallvolume of data.

• Do not use COMPRESS=Y if there are many deletedrows.

• Improve performance by:– Allocating large buffer size– Using direct path if using 7.3.3 or higher

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Export and Character Set ConversionConventional path export writes export files using the character set specified for the user session, for example, 7-bit ASCII or IBM CODE Page 500 (EBCDIC).

Direct path export exports in the database character set only. If the character set of the export session is not the same as the database character set when an export is initiated, Export displays a warning and aborts. Specify the session character set to be the same as that of the database before retrying the export.

The export file contains a flag that shows the character encoding scheme used for its character data.

Import and Character Set ConversionThe import session and the target database character set can differ from the source database character set. This situation requires one or more character set conversion operations.

If necessary, the export file data is first converted during import to the character encoding scheme specified for the user session, and then to the database character set.

During the conversion, any characters in the export file that have no equivalent in the target character set are replaced with a default character, which is defined by the target character set. To guarantee 100% conversion, the target character set must be a superset of or equivalent to the source character set.

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NLS Considerations in Export and Import


Databasecharacter set

Export clientcharacter set

Import clientcharacter set

Possible character set conversion


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GuidelinesBecause character set conversion lengthens the processing time required for import, limit the number of character set conversions to as few as possible. In the ideal scenario, the import session and target database character sets are the same as the source database character sets, requiring no conversion.

Note: The setting of the character set at the session level and its impact on various database operations are covered in detail in the lesson “Using National Language Support.”

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.....................................................................................................................................................Transportable Tablespaces

Transportable Tablespaces

Transportable TablespacesMoving data from a data warehouse to a data mart or from an OLTP system to a staging area for a data warehouse can be cumbersome and time consuming. Direct path loading through SQL*Loader or parallel DML makes the task faster, but the process can be simpler for data movement between identical databases. Oracle8i provides a mechanism for copying data files between identical systems and allows the same data to be accessed by both systems. Now data movement can be as fast as a simple transfer of files between machines. This greatly improves performance and provides operational simplicity for transfer of data.

Corporate Information SystemsA large amount of data may flow across a corporate information system, from an OLTP database to a staging database, then through an enterprise data warehouse to data marts. In this environment, transportable tablespaces can be used for many purposes. Typically, tables in a data warehouse are not the same as those in the OLTP database. A transportable tablespace can be used to move data from an OLTP database to a DSS or warehouse database.

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Data warehouse

Data marts



Data Transportation:Transportable Tablespaces

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 15: Reorganizing Data

Information DistributionThis feature can also be used by:

• Companies to publish data on CD ROMs that can be easily integrated into Oracle databases at regional or area offices.

For example, PRODUCT tables with product descriptions and price can be populated and updated at the head office and moved to regional or branch offices for use in an order processing system.

• Content providers to distribute structured data such as trade directories and demographic data to organizations for easy integration into their decision support systems

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.....................................................................................................................................................Transporting a Tablespace

Transporting a Tablespace

Steps for Transporting a TablespaceUse the steps shown below to move a tablespace from one database to another.

1 To ensure that no changes are made to the file when it is being moved, make the tablespace read-only.

2 Use Export to capture the data dictionary information into an operating system file.

3 Make a copy of the tablespace by performing a binary copy of the data files from the source to the target machine.

4 Transfer the export file to the target machine.

5 Use Import to load the data dictionary information into the target.

6 If necessary, alter the tablespace in the source or target database to permit writing.

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Transporting Tablespaces

1. Make tablespace read-only2. Export metadata from source3. Copy data files to target system4. Transfer export file5. Import metadata into target6. If necessary, alter the tablespace to read-write

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 15: Reorganizing Data

Exporting and Importing Metadata

Exporting MetadataThe use of the TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE option specifies that the data dictionary information about all of the objects in the tablespaces must be exported. The new clause TRIGGERS, along with CONSTRAINTS and GRANTS, can be used to control whether associated information is exported when a table is exported.

It is useful to transfer all related data while publishing structured data, while it may not be necessary to copy triggers and constraints if copying data to a data warehouse.

Importing MetadataUse the Import utility with the TRANSPORT_TABLESPACE option to update the target data dictionary with the tablespace and other object definitions. The following rules govern the import operation:

• The DATAFILES option must be specified. It names the files belonging to the tablespace that is being transferred. Use the names as they are stored on the target computer, even if they are different from the original filenames.

• If the TABLESPACES clause is specified, the supplied tablespace names are compared with those of the export file. Otherwise tablespace names are extracted from the export file.

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Exporting and Importing Metadata

exp sys/… FILE=s980501.dmp




exp sys/… FILE=s980501.dmp




imp sys/… FILE=s980501.dmp




imp sys/… FILE=s980501.dmp




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.....................................................................................................................................................Exporting and Importing Metadata

Importing Metadata (continued)• The USERS option can be specified to compare the usernames with those of the

metadata file. Otherwise the user names are extracted from the export file.

• The FROMUSER and TOUSER options can be used to import objects from a source schema into a target schema.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 15: Reorganizing Data

Transporting a Tablespace

Transporting a TablespaceThe slide shows the transportation of tablespace SALES_TS from System 1 to System 2. The transportation requires that the following steps be taken:

1 Put the tablespace into read-only mode in the source database on System 1.SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE sales_ts READ ONLY;

2 Export the tablespace metadata from the source database on System 1.exp FILE=x980501.dmp TRANSPORT TABLESPACE=y \


3 Physically copy the tablespace data files from System 1 to System 2. Note that the data filenames are changed during the copy.

4 Physically copy the export file, s980501.dmp, from System 1 to System 2.

5 Import the tablespace metadata into the target database, using the data filenames that were given on System 2.imp FILE=x980501.dmp TRANSPORT TABLESPACE=y \


6 The data in tablespace SALES_TS is available for queries on both systems. The tablespace can be returned to read-write mode on either or both nodes.SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE sales_ts READ WRITE;

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Transporting a Tablespace












Read Only

System 1 System 2

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.....................................................................................................................................................Transportable Tablespace Uses

Transportable Tablespace Uses

UsageMedia recovery is supported through the transport operation. In the event of media damage, you can use a backup performed prior to a tablespace transport operation and recover to a point in time that is after the time the tablespace was transported.

The column PLUGGED_IN in DBA_TABLESPACES is set to YES after import. A plugged-in tablespace must be dropped before you downgrade to earlier releases. You can transport the tablespace to another Oracle8i database to preserve data, or use Import and Export.

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Transportable Tablespaces:Uses

• Moves entire tablespace data

• Supports media recovery

• Source and target databases must:

– Be on the same operating system

– Run Oracle8 i, release 8.1, or above

– Have the same block size

– Use the same character set

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Transportable Tablespaces and Schema Objects

Self-Contained Sets of DataThe set of tablespaces transported in each run must be self-contained.

The tablespace to be moved can contain tables with LOBs and user-defined data types. If a table with a BFILE column is part of the tablespace that is moved, the user needs to copy the referenced files to the target. Bitmap indexes and tables with VARRAYs or nested tables cannot be transported.

The user is responsible for resolving dependencies between objects in the tablespaces that are transported and those in the target database.

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Transportable Tablespacesand Schema Objects

• Tablespaces transported in one run must be self-contained:

– All partitions of a table

– LOBs must be exported with tables• The following objects cannot be transported:

– Tables containing nested tables and VARRAYs

– Bitmap indexes

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.....................................................................................................................................................Checking the Transport Set

Checking the Transport Set

DBMS_TTS.TRANSPORT_SET_CHECKThe PL/SQL procedure DBMS_TTS.TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK can be used to verify that a set of tablespaces is self-contained. This procedure accepts two IN arguments:

• A comma-separated list of tablespaces

• A Boolean argument specifying whether to check for referential integrity constraints when determining if the set of tablespaces is self-contained

The procedure populates the view TRANSPORT_SET_VIOLATIONS, indicating which objects in the tablespaces specified have relationships to objects outside of the set of tablespaces specified.

The script dbmsplts.sql, which is run by catproc.sql, creates the DBMS_TTS package.

DBMS_TTS.ISSELFCONTAINEDThe function DBMS_TTS.ISSELFCONTAINED returns TRUE if the transportable set is self-contained; otherwise, it returns FALSE. The function has the same arguments as TRANSPORT_SET_CHECK.

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Checking Transport Set


ts_list => ’SALES_TS’,

incl_constraints => TRUE);

Data dictionary

Objects with references to objectsoutside the transport set into tableTRANSPORT_SET_VIOLATIONS

List of tablespaces


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Quick Reference

Context ReferenceInitialization parameters NoneDynamic performance views NoneData dictionary views NoneCommands:


Windows NT

sqlldr or sqlload






Packaged procedures and functions DBMS_TTS

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In this lesson, you should have learned how to:

• Use the Export and Import utilities to reorganizedata

• Move data using transportable tablespaces

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Managing PasswordSecurity and Resources

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources


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After completing this lesson, you should be able todo the following:

• Manage passwords using profiles

• Administer profiles

• Control use of resources using profiles

• Obtain information about profiles, passwordmanagement, and resources

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What Is a Profile?A profile is a named set of the following password and resource limits:

• Password aging and expiration

• Password history

• Password complexity verification

• Account locking

• CPU time

• I/O operations

• Idle time

• Connect time

• Memory space (private SQL area for MTS only)

• Concurrent sessions

After a profile has been created, the database administrator can assign it to each user. If resource limits are enabled, the Oracle server limits the database usage and resources to the defined profile of the user.

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• Are named sets of passwordand resource limits

• Are assigned to users bythe CREATE USERor ALTER USER command

• Can be enabled or disabled

• Can relate to the DEFAULTprofile







Tablespace quotas




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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

DEFAULT ProfileThe Oracle server automatically creates a DEFAULT profile when the database is created.

The users who have not been explicitly assigned a specific profile conform to all the limits of the DEFAULT profile. All limits of the DEFAULT profile are initially unlimited. However, the database administrator can change the values so that limits are applied to all users by default.

Profile Usage• Restrict users from performing some operations that require heavy use of


• Ensure that users log off the database when they have left their session idle for some time

• Enable group resource limits for similar users

• Easily assign resource limits to users

• Manage resource usage in large, complex multiuser database systems

• Control the use of passwords

Profile Characteristics• Profile assignments do not affect current sessions.

• Profiles can be assigned only to users and not to roles or other profiles.

• If you do not assign a profile when creating a user, the user is automatically assigned the DEFAULT profile.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Administering Passwords

Administering Passwords

Password Management FeaturesFor greater control over database security, Oracle password management is controlled by database administrators with profiles.

This lesson describes the available password management features:

• Account locking: Enables automatic locking of an account when a user fails to log into the system in the specified number of attempts

• Password aging and expiration: Enables the password to have a lifetime, after which it expires and must be changed

• Password history: Checks the new password to ensure that the password is not reused for a specified amount of time or a specified number of password changes

• Password complexity verification: Makes a complexity check on the password to verify that it is complex enough to provide protection against intruders who might try to break into the system by guessing the password

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Password Management


Passwordexpirationand aging




Setting upprofiles

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

How to Enable Password ManagementCreate the profile to limit the password settings, and assign the profile to the user by using the CREATE USER or ALTER USER command.

Password limit settings in profiles are always enforced.

When password management is enabled, the user account can be locked or unlocked by using the CREATE USER or ALTER USER command.

Note: The CREATE USER command will be covered in the “Managing Users” lesson.

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Enabling Password Management

• Set up password management by using profilesand assign them to users.

• Lock, unlock, and expire accounts using theCREATE USER or ALTER USER command.

• Password limits are always enforced.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Administering Passwords

Account LockingThe Oracle server automatically locks an account after the FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS value is reached. The account is either automatically unlocked after a specified time (PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME) or it must be unlocked by the database administrator using the ALTER USER command.

The database account can be explicitly locked with the ALTER USER command. When this happens, the account is not automatically unlocked.

Note: The ALTER USER command will be demonstrated later in this lesson.

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Password Account Locking





Number of failed login attempts before lockout of the accountNumber of days for which the account remains locked upon password expiration

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

Password Aging and ExpirationThe PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME parameter sets the maximum lifetime after which the password must be changed.

The database administrator can specify a grace period (PASSWORD_GRACE_TIME), which begins after the first attempt to log in to the database after password expiration. A warning message is generated every time the user tries to log in until the grace period is over. The user is expected to change the password within the grace period.

If the password is not changed, the account is locked.

The user’s account status is changed to EXPIRED by explicitly setting the password to be expired. That is, when the user logs in, the account enters the grace period. For example, this is useful when a new account is created.

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Password Expiration and Aging





Lifetime of the password in days after which the password expiresGrace period in days for changing the password after the first successful login after the password has expired

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.....................................................................................................................................................Administering Passwords

Controlling Account Lock and PasswordYou can use the ALTER USER command to change the password and control account locking. Some of the situations where this may be useful are:

• To reset the password when a user forgets the password

• To unlock a user’s account that has been locked by the system

• To explicitly lock an account

• To manually expire a password (This clause is useful when resetting user passwords.)

SyntaxUse the following command in these situations:





Password changes, expiration, and locks do not affect the current session if the user is already logged on. They will be effective only for subsequent sessions.

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Controlling Account Lock and Password




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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

Syntax (continued)When a user account is locked and the user attempts to connect, the following message is displayed:

ERROR: ORA-28000: the account is lockedWarning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Administering Passwords

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Control Account Lock and Password1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database:

Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Expand the Users folder in the navigator tree.

4 Select the username.

If changing account lock or expiring password:

5 Select Object—>Change Account Status.

6 Choose Unlock, Lock, or Expire Password.

If changing password or mode of authentication:

7 Enter the details in the General page of the property sheet.

8 Click Apply

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

Password HistoryPassword history checks ensure that a user cannot reuse a password for a specified time interval. These checks can be implemented using one of the following:

• PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME to specify that a user cannot reuse a password for a given number of days

• PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX to force a user to define a password that is not identical to earlier passwords

When one parameter is set to a value other than DEFAULT or UNLIMITED, the other parameter must be set to UNLIMITED.

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Password History





Number of days before a password can be reused

Maximum number of times apassword can be reused

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.....................................................................................................................................................Administering Passwords

Password VerificationBefore assigning a new password to a user, a PL/SQL function can be invoked to verify the validity of the password.

The Oracle server provides a default verification routine or the database administrator can write a PL/SQL function.

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Password Verification




PL/SQL function that makes a password complexity check before a password is assigned

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

How to Define a Function to Verify a PasswordWhen a new password verification function is added, the database administrator must consider the following restrictions:

• The procedure must use the specification indicated in the slide.

• The procedure returns the value TRUE for success and FALSE for failure.

• If the password function raises an exception, an error is returned and the ALTER USER or CREATE USER command is terminated.

• The password function is owned by SYS.

• If the password function becomes invalid, an error message is returned and the ALTER USER or CREATE USER command is terminated.

Note: The CREATE USER command is covered in the “Managing Users” lesson.

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User-Provided Password Function

Function must be created in the SYS schema andmust have the following specification:


userid_parameter IN VARCHAR2(30),

password_parameter IN VARCHAR2(30),

old_password_parameter IN VARCHAR2(30))


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.....................................................................................................................................................Administering Passwords

The Default Verification FunctionThe Oracle server provides a complexity verification function, in the form of a default PL/SQL function called VERIFY_FUNCTION of the script utlpwdmg.sql, which must be run in the SYS schema.

During the execution of the script utlpwdmg.sql, the Oracle server creates VERIFY_FUNCTION and changes the DEFAULT profile with the following ALTER PROFILE command:









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Password Verification FunctionVERIFY_FUNCTION

• Minimum length is four characters.

• Password should not be equal to username.

• Password should have at least one alphabetic, onenumeric, and one special character.

• Password should differ from the previouspassword by at least three letters.


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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

How to Create a ProfileUse the following CREATE PROFILE command to administer passwords:









{function|NULL|DEFAULT} ]

where: profile is the name of the profile to be created

FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTSspecifies the number of failed attempts to log in to the user account before the account locked

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Creating a Profile: Password Settings








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.....................................................................................................................................................Administering Passwords

How to Create a Profile (continued)PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME

limits the number of days the same password can be used for authentication. The password expires if it is not changed within this period, and further connections are rejected.

PASSWORD_REUSE_TIMEspecifies the number of days before which a password cannot be reused. If you set PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME to an integer value, then you must set PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX to UNLIMITED.

PASSWORD_REUSE_MAXspecifies the number of password changes required before the current password can be reused. If you set PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX to an integer value, then you must set PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME to UNLIMITED.

PASSWORD_LOCK_TIMEspecifies the number of days an account will be locked after the specified number of consecutive failed login attempts

PASSWORD_GRACE_TIMEspecifies the number of days after the grace period begins during which a warning is issued and login is allowed. If the password is not changed during the grace period, the password expires.

PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTIONallows a PL/SQL password complexity verification script to be passed as an argument to the CREATE PROFILE statement

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.....................................................................................................................................................16-18 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Create a Profile1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database:

Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Select the Profiles folder and select Object—>Create.

4 Select Profile in the list and click Create.

5 Select the Password tab and enter the account password parameters.

6 Click Create.

Assigning a ProfileWith the CREATE USER command or the ALTER USER command, a profile can be assigned. Each user can be assigned only one profile at a time.

Note: The CREATE USER command is covered in the “Managing Users” lesson.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Administering Passwords

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Assign a Profile to a UserTo generate the ALTER USER command with Oracle Enterprise Manager use the following steps:

1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database:Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Expand the Profiles folder.

4 Select a profile.

5 Select Object—>Assign a Profile to User(s).

6 In the Assign Profile list, select the user.

7 Click Ok.

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.....................................................................................................................................................16-20 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

Altering and Dropping a Profile

Altering a ProfileUse the ALTER PROFILE command to change the password limits assigned to a profile:









{function|NULL|DEFAULT} ]

If you want to set the password parameters to less than a day:

1 hour: PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME = 1/24

10 minutes PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME = 10/1400

5 minutes PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME = 5/1440

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Altering a Profile









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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 16-21

.....................................................................................................................................................Altering and Dropping a Profile

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Alter a Profile1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database:

Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Expand the Profiles folder.

4 Select the profile.

5 In the Password tab, change the details on the password parameters.

6 Click Apply.

GuidelinesChanges to a profile do not affect current sessions. Changes are used in subsequent sessions only.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

Dropping a ProfileDrop a profile using the DROP PROFILE command:


where: profile is the name of the profile to be dropped

CASCADE revokes the profile from users to whom it is assigned (The Oracle server automatically assigns the DEFAULT profile to such users. Specify this option to drop a profile that is currently assigned to users.)

Guidelines• The DEFAULT profile cannot be dropped.

• When a profile is dropped, this change applies to subsequently created sessions only and not to the current sessions.

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Dropping a Profile

DROP PROFILE developer_prof;DROP PROFILE developer_prof;

DROP PROFILE developer_prof CASCADE;

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 16-23

.....................................................................................................................................................Altering and Dropping a Profile

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Drop a Profile1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database:

Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Expand the Profiles folder.

4 Select the profile.

5 Select Object—>Remove.

6 Click OK.

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.....................................................................................................................................................16-24 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

Controlling Usage of Resources

Steps for Using Resource LimitsUse the following steps to control the usage of resources with profiles:

1 Create a profile with the CREATE PROFILE command to determine the resource and password limits.

2 Assign profiles with the CREATE USER or ALTER USER command.

3 Enforce resource limits with the ALTER SYSTEM command or by editing the initialization parameter file (and stopping and restarting the instance).

These steps are discussed in detail in the following section.

Note: Enforcing the resource limits is not required for enabling Oracle password management.

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Managing Resourceswith Profiles

1. Create profiles with the CREATE PROFILEcommand

2. Assign profiles to the user with the CREATE orALTER USER commands

3. Enable resource limits with the:

– RESOURCE_LIMIT initialization parameter

– ALTER SYSTEM command

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.....................................................................................................................................................Controlling Usage of Resources

Call-Level and Session-Level LimitsProfile limits can be enforced at the session level, the call level, or both. Session-level limits are enforced for each connection.

When a session-level limit is exceeded:

• An error message returns; for example:ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSION_PER_USER limit.

• The Oracle server disconnects the user.

Call-level limits are enforced for each call made while executing a SQL statement.

When a call-level limit is exceeded:

• The processing of the statement is halted.

• The statement is rolled back.

• All previous statements remain intact.

• The user’s session remains connected.

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Total CPU time measured inhundredths of seconds

Number of concurrent sessionsallowed for each username

Elapsed connect time measuredin minutes

Periods of inactive timemeasured in minutes

Number of data blocks(physical and logical reads)

Private space in the SGAmeasured in bytes (for MTSonly)

Setting Resource Limitsat Session Level

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

Guidelines• IDLE_TIME is calculated for the server process only. It does not take into account

application activity. The IDLE_TIME limit is not affected by long-running queries and other operations.

• LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION is a limitation on the total number of reads from both memory and disk. This might be done to ensure that no I/O intensive statements can hoard memory and tie up the disk.

• PRIVATE_SGA applies only when running the multithreaded server (MTS) architecture and can be specified in M or K.

Note: The MTS architecture is discussed in the course Enterprise DBA Part 3: Network Administration.

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CPU time per call inhundredths of seconds

Number of data blocks thatcan be read per call

Setting Resource Limitsat Call Level

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 16-27

.....................................................................................................................................................Controlling Usage of Resources

The CREATE PROFILE Command SyntaxCreate a profile using the following CREATE PROFILE command:



[CPU_PER_SESSION max_value]

[CPU_PER_CALL max_value]

[CONNECT_TIME max_value]

[IDLE_TIME max_value]




[PRIVATE_SGA max_bytes]


profile is the name of the profile

max_value is an integer, UNLIMITED, or DEFAULT

max_bytes is an integer optionally followed by K or M, UNLIMITED, or DEFAULT

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Creating a Profile:Resource Limit






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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

The CREATE PROFILE Command Syntax (continued)UNLIMITED indicates that a user assigned this profile

can use an unlimited amount of this resource

DEFAULT indicates this profile is subject to the limit for this resource, as specified in the DEFAULT profile

COMPOSITE_LIMIT limits the total resource cost for a sessionexpressed in service units; Oracle calculates the resource cost as a weighted sum of:





Note: The data dictionary view RESOURCE_COST provides the weightages assigned to different resources.

For information on how to specify the weight for each session resource, see the ALTER RESOURCE COST command in the SQL Reference Guide.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Controlling Usage of Resources

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Create a Profile1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database:

Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Select the Profiles folder and select Object—>Create.

4 Select Profile in the list and click Create.

5 Enter the resource parameters.

6 Click Create.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

Controlling Enforcement of Resource LimitsEnable or disable the enforcement of resource limits by altering the RESOURCE_LIMIT initialization parameter or by using the ALTER SYSTEM command.

RESOURCE_LIMIT Initialization Parameter• To enable or disable enforcement of resource limits, alter this parameter in the

initialization file and restart the instance.

• A value of TRUE enables enforcement.

• A value of FALSE disables enforcement (default).

• Use this parameter to enable enforcement when the database can be shut down.

ALTER SYSTEM Command• To enable or disable enforcement of resource limits for an instance, use the


• The setting specified using the ALTER SYSTEM command remains in effect until altered again or until the database is shut down.

• Use this command to enable or to disable enforcement when the database cannot be shut down.

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Enabling Resource Limits

• Set the initialization parameter RESOURCE_LIMITto TRUE

• Enforce the resource limits by enabling theparameter with the ALTER SYSTEM command


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.....................................................................................................................................................Viewing Password and Resource Limits Information

Viewing Password and Resource Limits Information

Viewing User InformationUse DBA_USERS to obtain information about expiration and locking dates and the account status.

SQL> SELECT username, password, account_status,

2 lock_date, expiry_date

3 FROM dba_users;


-------- ------------------- --------------- ---------- -------

SYS 8A8F025737A9097A OPEN







SCOTT F894844C34402B67 OPEN 10-JUL-99

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Viewing Password and Resource LimitsInformation


– profile

– username

– account_status

– lock_date

– expiry_date


– profile

– resource_name

– resource_type (PASSWORD, KERNEL)

– limit

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.....................................................................................................................................................16-32 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

Viewing Profile InformationQuery the DBA_PROFILES view to display password profile information:

SQL> SELECT * FROM dba_profiles

2 WHERE resource_type=’PASSWORD’

3 AND profile=’GRACE_5’;


------- ------------------------ -------- ---------








Join the data dictionary views DBA_USERS and DBA_PROFILES to display the resource limits for the user SCOTT.

SQL> SELECT p.profile, p.resource_name, p.limit

2 FROM dba_users u, dba_profiles p

3 WHERE p.profile=u.profile AND

4 username=’SCOTT’ AND

5 p.resource_type=’KERNEL’;


--------------- -------------------------- --------










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Quick Reference

Context ReferenceInitialization parameters RESOURCE_LIMITDynamic performance views NoneData dictionary views DBA_PROFILES




ALTER USERStored procedures and functions


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In this lesson, you should have learned how to:

• Administer passwords

• Administer profiles

• Administer resource limits

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 16: Managing Password Security and Resources

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Managing Users

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.....................................................................................................................................................17-2 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 17: Managing Users


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After completing this lesson, you should be able todo the following:

• Create new database users

• Alter and drop existing database users

• Monitor information about existing users

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 17-3



Security DomainThe database administrator defines the names of the users allowed to access a database. A security domain defines the settings that apply to the user.

Authentication MechanismA user who needs access to the database can be authenticated by one of the following:

• Database

• Operating system

• Network

The means of authentication is specified at the time the user is defined in the database and can be altered later. This lesson covers authentication by database and by operating system only.

Note• Refer to OS authentication using roles in the lesson “Getting Started with Oracle.”

• Authentication through the network is covered in the course Enterprise DBA Part 3: Network Administration.

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Users and Security

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.....................................................................................................................................................17-4 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 17: Managing Users

Tablespace Quotas Tablespace quotas control the amount of physical storage space allocated to a user in the tablespaces in the database.

Default TablespaceThe default tablespace defines the location where segments created by a user are stored if the user does not explicitly specify a tablespace at the time the segment is created.

Temporary TablespaceTemporary tablespace defines where extents will be allocated by the Oracle server if the user performs an operation that requires writing sort data to the disk.

Account LockingAccounts can be locked to prevent a user from logging on to the database. This can be set to occur automatically, or the database administrator can lock or unlock accounts manually.

Resource LimitsLimits can be placed on the use of resources such as CPU time, logical I/O, and the number of sessions opened by a user. Resource limits are discussed in the Oracle Enterprise DBA Part 2: Performance and Tuning course.

Direct PrivilegesPrivileges are used to control the actions a user can perform in a database.

Role PrivilegesA user can be granted privileges indirectly through the use of roles.

Privileges granted directly and through roles are discussed in the lessons “Managing Privileges” and “Managing Roles.”

This lesson covers defining a user with the appropriate authentication mechanism, limiting the use of space by the users in the system, and manually controlling account locking.

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What Is a Schema?A schema is a named collection of objects such as tables, views, clusters, procedures, and packages associated with a particular user. When a database user is created, a corresponding schema with the same name is created for that user. A user can be associated only with a schema of the same name, and therefore username and schema are often used interchangeably.

The slide shows some of the objects that users can own in an Oracle database.

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Stored program units


User-defined data types

Database links

Database Schema

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.....................................................................................................................................................17-6 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 17: Managing Users

Creating New Database Users

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Checklist for Creating Users

1. Choose a username and authentication mechanism.

2. Identify tablespaces in which the user needs tostore objects.

3. Decide on quotas for each tablespace.4. Assign a default tablespace and temporary

tablespace.5. Create a user.6. Grant privileges and roles to the user.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 17-7

.....................................................................................................................................................Creating New Database Users

SyntaxUse the following command to create a new user:





[ QUOTA {integer [K | M ] | UNLIMITED } ON tablespace

[ QUOTA {integer [K | M ] | UNLIMITED } ON tablespace ] ...]



[ PROFILE { profile | DEFAULT }]

where: user is the name of the user

BY password specifies that the user is authenticated by the database and needs to supply password while logging on

EXTERNALLY specifies that the user is authenticated by the operating system

GLOBALLY AS specifies that the user is authenticated

external_name globally by the specified external name

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Creating a New User:Database Authentication

Set the initial password:





QUOTA 15m ON data


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.....................................................................................................................................................17-8 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 17: Managing Users

Syntax (continued)


identifies the default or temporary tablespace for the user

QUOTA defines the maximum space allowed for objects owned by the user in the tablespace tablespace (Quota can be defined as integer bytes or kilobytes and megabytes. The keyword UNLIMITED is used to specify that the objects owned by the user can use as much space as is available in the tablespace. By default, no user has any quota on any tablespace.)

PASSWORD EXPIRE forces the user to reset the password when the user logs on to the database using SQL Plus (This option is valid only if the user is authenticated by the database.)


can be used to lock or unlock the user’s account explicitly (UNLOCK is the default.)

PROFILE is used to control resource usage and to specify the password control mechanism to be used for the user

Note: Profiles are discussed in the lesson “Managing Profiles.”

A password authentication method is mandatory. If a password is specified, it is maintained by the Oracle server in the data dictionary. Password control mechanisms provided by the Oracle server are available when users are authenticated by the server.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Creating New Database Users

Syntax (continued)Once the password expiry is set, when the user logs on using SQL Plus, the user receives the following message at logon, and is prompted to enter a new password:


ORA-28001: the account has expired

Changing password for PETER

Old password:

New password:

Retype new password:

Password changed

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.....................................................................................................................................................17-10 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 17: Managing Users

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Create a New User1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database

Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Select the Users folder and select Create from the right mouse menu.

4 Enter user information in the General page of the property sheet.

5 Specify quotas using the Quotas page.

6 Click Create.

Select a user and then select Object—>Create Like from the menu bar to create a user with the same quotas and privileges as an existing database user.

Note: Oracle Security Manager automatically grants the CONNECT role to any user who is created using the tool. This role is discussed in the “Managing Roles” lesson.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 17-11

.....................................................................................................................................................Creating New Database Users

Operating System AuthenticationUse the IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY clause of the CREATE USER command to specify that a user must be authenticated by the operating system. This option is generally useful when the user logs on directly to the machine where the Oracle server is running.

Username for Operating System AuthenticationThe OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX initialization parameter is used to specify the format of the usernames for operating system authentication. This value defaults to OPS$ to make it backward compatible with earlier releases of the Oracle server. To set the prefix to a NULL value, specify this initialization parameter as:


The example in the slide shows how a user, USER15, is defined in the database. This specifies that the operating system user user15 will be allowed access to the database without having to go through any validation by the Oracle server. Thus, to use SQL Plus to log on to the system UNIX user user15 needs to enter the following command from the operating system:

$ sqlplus /

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Remote LoginPossible

Creating a New User:Operating System Authentication



empty string“ “


Database User





Example: os User = user15




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.....................................................................................................................................................17-12 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 17: Managing Users

Username for Operating System Authentication (continued)Note• Using OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX=OPS$ gives the flexibility of having a user

authenticated by either the operating system or the Oracle server. In this case, the DBA can create the user by entering a command of the form:CREATE USER ops$user

IDENTIFIED BY password ...

A user who logs on to the machine running the Oracle server need not supply a password. If the user connects from a remote client, he or she can connect by supplying the password.

• Setting another initialization parameter, REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT=TRUE, specifies that a user can be authenticated by a remote operating system. The default value of FALSE indicates that a user can be authenticated only by the machine running the Oracle server. Use this parameter with care because there is a potential security problem.

• If there are users in the database who are authenticated by the operating system, changing OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX may prevent these users from logging on to the database.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Creating New Database Users

Guidelines for Creating a New User• After creating the user account, pass the information on to the user.

• Show the user how to connect to the Oracle server and how to change the password.

• The temporary tablespace defaults to SYSTEM and can cause fragmentation of the SYSTEM tablespace, so it is important to specify the temporary tablespace for each user.

• DEFAULT TABLESPACE is a convenience feature. Although this defaults to SYSTEM, a user cannot create any object in this tablespace unless explicitly assigned space.

• A user requires quota on some tablespace to store user objects. Because the temporary segments are created and removed by the Oracle server, users need not have any quota on temporary tablespaces. In a similar vein, a user need not have any quota on tablespaces meant for rollback segments.

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Creating a NewUser: Guidelines

• Choose a standard password initially;use os authentication sparingly.

• Use the EXPIRE keyword to force users to resettheir passwords.

• Always assign a temporary tablespace.

• Restrict quotas to few users;use QUOTA UNLIMITED with caution.

• Educate users:

– To connect

– To change password

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.....................................................................................................................................................17-14 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 17: Managing Users

Altering and Dropping Database Users

Modifying Tablespace QuotasYou may need to modify tablespace quotas in the following situations:

• When tables owned by a user exhibit unanticipated growth

• When an application is enhanced and requires additional tables or indexes

• When objects are reorganized and placed in different tablespaces

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Changing User Quota on Tablespace


QUOTA 0 ON data;


QUOTA 0 ON data;

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 17-15

.....................................................................................................................................................Altering and Dropping Database Users

SyntaxUse the following command to modify tablespace quotas or to reassign tablespaces:




[ QUOTA {integer [K | M] | UNLIMITED } ON tablespace

[ QUOTA {integer [K | M] | UNLIMITED } ON tablespace ] ... ]

Once a quota of 0 is assigned, the objects owned by the user remain in the revoked tablespace, but they cannot be allocated any new space. For example, if a table that is 10 MB exists in tablespace data01, and the tablespace data01 quota is altered to 0, no more new extents can be allocated for that table.

Any unchanged options remain unchanged.

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.....................................................................................................................................................17-16 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 17: Managing Users

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Modify Tablespace Quota1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database:

Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Expand the Users folder.

4 Select the username.

5 Enter the details in the Quotas page of the property sheet.

6 Click Apply.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Dropping Users

Dropping Users


Guidelines• The CASCADE option drops all objects in the schema before dropping the user.

This must be specified if the schema contains any objects.

• A user who is currently connected to the Oracle server cannot be dropped.

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Dropping a User

Use the CASCADE clause if theschema contains objects.

DROP USER peter;DROP USER peter;


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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 17: Managing Users

Monitoring Information About Users

Tablespace QuotasUse the following query to verify the tablespace quotas for the user SCOTT:

SQL> SELECT tablespace_name, blocks, max_blocks,bytes, max_bytes

2 FROM dba_ts_quotas

3 WHERE username = ’SCOTT’;

A value of -1 in the MAX_BLOCKS or the MAX_BYTES column indicates that the user has unlimited quota on a tablespace.











DATA01 10 -1 20480 -1

1 row selected.

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Monitoring Users
























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.....................................................................................................................................................Monitoring Information About Users

User Account StatusThe following query lists all the users, their account status, and temporary tablespaces:

SQL> SELECT username, account_status, temporary_tablespace

2 FROM dba_users;











4 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................17-20 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 17: Managing Users


Quick Reference

Context ReferenceInitialization parameters OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX

REMOTE_OS_AUTHENTData dictionary views DBA_USERS




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In this lesson, you should have learned how to:

• Create users specifying the appropriate passwordmechanism

• Control usage of space by users

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Managing Privileges

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.....................................................................................................................................................18-2 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges


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After completing this lesson, you should be able todo the following:

• Identify system and object privileges

• Grant and revoke privileges

• Control operating system or password fileauthentication

• Identify auditing capabilities

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 18-3



System PrivilegesEach system privilege enables a user to perform a particular database operation or class of database operations. These operations include creating, dropping, and altering tables, views, rollback segments, and procedures.

Object PrivilegesEach object privilege enables a user to perform a particular action on a specific object, such as a table, view, sequence, procedure, function, or package.

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Managing Privileges

Two types of privileges:

• System: Enables users to perform particularactions in the database

• Object: Enables users to access and manipulate aspecific object

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.....................................................................................................................................................18-4 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

System Privileges

What Are System Privileges?• There are approximately 126 system privileges, and the number continues to grow.

• The privileges can be classified as follows:

– Privileges enabling systemwide operations; for example, CREATE SESSION, CREATE TABLESPACE

– Privileges enabling management of objects in a user’s own schema; for example, CREATE TABLE

– Privileges enabling management of objects in any schema; for example, CREATE ANY TABLE

• Privileges can be controlled with the DDL commands GRANT and REVOKE, which add and revoke system privileges to the user or to a role (see the lesson “Maintaining Roles”).

Note: Users with ANY privileges can access dictionary tables except those with the prefix USER_, ALL, and any views on which privileges have been granted to PUBLIC.

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System Privileges

• There are about 126 system privileges.

• The ANY keyword in the privileges signifies thatusers have the privilege in every schema.

• The GRANT command adds a privilege to a user ora group of users.

• The REVOKE command deletes the privileges.

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.....................................................................................................................................................System Privileges

System Privileges: Examples• There is no CREATE INDEX privilege.

• Privileges such as CREATE TABLE, CREATE PROCEDURE, or CREATE CLUSTER include the dropping of these objects.

• CREATE TABLE includes the CREATE INDEX and the ANALYZE commands. The user must have a quota for the tablespace or must have been granted UNLIMITED TABLESPACE.

• UNLIMITED TABLESPACE cannot be granted to a role.

• For truncating a table, the DROP ANY TABLE privilege is necessary.

Note: For the complete list, see the “Managing User Privileges” chapter in Oracle Server Administrator’s Guide Release 8.1, or query the SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP view.

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System Privileges: ExamplesCategory Examples





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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Granting System Privileges

Syntax Use the following command to grant a system privilege:

GRANT {system_priv|role}

[, {system_priv|role} ]...

TO {user|role|PUBLIC}

[, {user|role|PUBLIC} ]...



system_priv specifies the system privilege to be granted

role specifies the role name to be granted

PUBLIC grants system privilege to all users

WITH ADMIN OPTION enables the grantee to further grant theprivilege or role to other users or roles

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Granting System Privileges






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.....................................................................................................................................................Granting System Privileges

Guidelines• To grant a system privilege, you must have been granted the privilege WITH


• The grantee with the ADMIN OPTION can further grant the system privilege or role with the ADMIN OPTION.

• Any user with the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege can grant any role in a database.

• The grantee with the ADMIN OPTION can grant the system privilege to or revoke the system privilege from any user or role in the database.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Grant System Privileges1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database

Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Select the username or role to which you want to grant the privilege.

4 Select Tab: System Privileges.

5 Select the system privilege you want to grant.

6 Optionally, select the WITH ADMIN OPTION Box.

7 Click Apply.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Password File Authentication

Password File Authentication

SYSDBA and SYSOPER PrivilegesIn the lesson “Getting Started with Oracle,” the system privileges SYSDBA and SYSOPER were introduced to specify the authentication by using a password file.

Only database administrators should have the capability to connect to a database with administrator privileges. Connecting as SYSDBA gives a user unrestricted privileges to perform any operation on a database or the objects within a database.

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SYSDBA and SYSOPERPrivileges

Category Examples





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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

How to Enable Password File AuthenticationCheck that the password file has been created; if not, use the password utility ORAPWD to create it. Check that the initialization parameter REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORD_FILE has been set to EXCLUSIVE.

The database administrator can add users to the password file by granting the SYSOPER or SYSDBA system privileges. The WITH ADMIN OPTION cannot be used for granting these privileges. Only users currently connected as SYSDBA can grant or revoke SYSDBA or SYSOPER system privileges to another user. These privileges cannot be granted to roles, because a role is not available before a database startup.

View V$PWFILE_USERS to display users who have been granted SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges.

SQL> SELECT * FROM v$pwfile_users;






2 rows selected.

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Password File Authentication

1. Check that the password file has been created; ifnot, create it using ORAPWD.

2. Check that the initialization parameterREMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORD_FILE has been setto EXCLUSIVE.

3. Grant SYSOPER and SYSDBA privileges to users.

4. Query V$PWFILE_USERS to verify the passwordfile members.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Displaying System Privileges

Displaying System Privileges

Querying System PrivilegesQuery DBA_SYS_PRIVS to list system privileges granted to users and roles.



---------- --------------- -----











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Displaying System Privileges







Database Level Session Level

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Querying System Privileges (continued)The SESSION_PRIVS view lists the privileges that are available for the current session to a user—in the example, for the user SUMMIT.

SQL> SELECT * FROM session_privs;















12 rows selected.

Note: The DBA_SYS_PRIVS view shows all system privileges granted to roles and users at the database level, whereas SESSION_PRIVS shows the current privileges for the session, both from the privilege granted directly and from enabled roles (see the “Managing Roles” lesson).

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.....................................................................................................................................................Displaying System Privileges

How to Prevent Unauthorized Access to the DictionaryThe dictionary protection mechanism in Oracle8 prevents unauthorized users from accessing dictionary objects.

Access to dictionary objects is restricted to the users with the system privileges SYSDBA and SYSOPER.

System privileges providing access to objects in other schemas do not give access to dictionary objects. For example, the SELECT ANY TABLE privilege enables access to views and tables in other schemas, but it does not enable you to select dictionary objects.

If the parameter is set to TRUE, which is the default, access to objects in the SYS schema is enabled (Oracle7 behavior).

If this parameter is set to FALSE, system privileges that allow access to objects in other schemas do not allow access to objects in the dictionary schema.

For example, if O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY=FALSE, then the SELECT ANY TABLE statement enables access to views or tables in any schema except the SYS schema. The system privilege EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE enables access on the procedures in any other schema except in the SYS schema.

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System Privilege Restrictions


• Reverts to Oracle7 behavior

• Removes the restrictions on systemprivileges with the ANY keyword

• Defaults to TRUE

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Revoking System Privileges

Syntax Use the following command to revoke a system privilege:

REVOKE {system_priv|role}

[, {system_priv|role} ]...

FROM {user|role|PUBLIC}

[, {user|role|PUBLIC} ]...

Note• The REVOKE command can only revoke privileges that have been granted

directly with a GRANT command.

• Revoking system privileges may have an effect on some dependent objects. For example, if SELECT ANY TABLE is granted to a user and that user has granted any procedures or views that use a table in some other schema, revoking the privilege invalidates the procedures or views.

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Revoking System Privileges



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.....................................................................................................................................................Revoking System Privileges

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Revoking System Privileges Using WITH ADMIN OPTION






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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Revoking System Privileges Using WITH ADMIN OPTIONThere are no cascading effects when a system privilege is revoked, regardless of whether it was given using WITH ADMIN OPTION.

The following scenario illustrates this:

Scenario1 The DBA grants the CREATE TABLE system privilege to KAREN with the


2 KAREN creates a table.

3 KAREN grants the CREATE TABLE system privilege to SCOTT.

4 SCOTT creates a table.

5 The database administrator revokes the CREATE TABLE system privilege from KAREN.

Results• The table of KAREN still exists but the user cannot create any new tables.

• SCOTT still has the table and the CREATE TABLE system privilege.

Note: In step 3 above, if KAREN grants privileges WITH ADMIN OPTION to SCOTT, SCOTT could potentially revoke the privilege from KAREN.

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Revoking System Privileges Using WITH ADMIN OPTION


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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 18-17

.....................................................................................................................................................Object Privileges

Object Privileges

What Are Object Privileges?Each object privilege that is granted authorizes the grantee to perform some operation on the object.

The table above summarizes the object privileges that can be granted on each type of object.

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Object Privileges

Object priv. Table View Sequence Procedure







SELECT √ √ √


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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Granting Object Privileges

SyntaxUse the following command to grant an object privilege:

GRANT { object_priv [(column_list)]

[, object_priv [(column_list)] ]...


ON [schema.]object

TO {user|role|PUBLIC}

[, {user|role|PUBLIC} ]...



object_priv specifies the object privilege to be granted

column_list specifies a table or view column (This can be specified only when granting the INSERT, REFERENCES, or UPDATE privilege.)

ALL grants all privileges for the object that have been granted WITH GRANT OPTION

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Granting Object Privileges

GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_pipe TO public;GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_pipe TO public;

GRANT UPDATE(first_name, salary) ON

employee TO karen WITH GRANT OPTION;

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.....................................................................................................................................................Granting Object Privileges

Syntax (continued)ON object identifies the object on which the privileges

are to be granted

WITH GRANT OPTION enables the grantee to grant the objectprivileges to other users or roles

Guidelines• To grant privileges, the object must be in your schema or you must have been

given the privilege WITH GRANT OPTION.

• By default, if you own an object, all privileges on that object are automatically acquired.

• Use caution when granting privileges on your objects to other users when security is a concern.

• The option WITH GRANT OPTION cannot be used for granting privileges to roles.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Displaying Object Privileges

Query Object PrivilegesQuery DBA_TAB_PRIVS to return all object privileges granted to the specified user.

SQL> SELECT * FROM dba_tab_privs


To list all the column specific privileges that have been granted, use the following query:

SQL> SELECT * FROM dba_col_privs;








1 row selected.










2 rows selected.

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Displaying Object Privileges




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.....................................................................................................................................................Revoking Object Privileges

Revoking Object Privileges

SyntaxUse the following command to revoke an object privilege:

REVOKE { object_priv

[, object_priv ]...


ON [schema.]object

FROM {user|role|PUBLIC}

[, {user|role|PUBLIC} ]...



object_priv specifies the object privilege to be granted

ALL revokes all object privileges that are granted to the user

ON identifies the object on which the object privileges are revoked

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Revoking Object Privileges

REVOKE execute ON dbms_pipe FROM scott;REVOKE execute ON dbms_pipe FROM scott;

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Syntax (continued)FROM identifies users or roles from which the

object privileges are revoked

CASCADE CONSTRAINTS drops any referential integrityconstraints that the revoke has definedusing REFERENCES or ALLprivileges

RestrictionGrantors can revoke privileges from only those users to whom they have granted privileges.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Revoking Object Privileges

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Revoking Object Privileges Using WITH GRANT OPTION







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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Revoking Object Privileges Using WITH GRANT OPTIONRevoking object privileges will cascade when given using WITH GRANT OPTION.

The following scenario illustrates this:

Scenario1 USER 1 is granted the SELECT object privilege with the GRANT OPTION.

2 USER 1 grants the SELECT privilege on EMP to USER 2.

ResultsLater, the SELECT privilege is revoked from USER 1. This revoke is cascaded to USER 2 as well.

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Revoking Object Privileges Using WITH GRANT OPTION


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.....................................................................................................................................................Auditing Guidelines

Auditing Guidelines

Focusing Your AuditingRestrict auditing by first identifying the auditing requirements, and setting minimal auditing options that will cater to the requirements. Object auditing must be used where possible to reduce the number of entries generated. If statement or privilege auditing needs to be used, the following settings can minimize audit generation:

• Specifying users to audit

• Auditing by session, and not by access

• Auditing either successes or failures, but not both

Audit records may be written to either SYS.AUD$ or the operating system’s audit trail. The ability to use the operating system’s audit trail is operating system–dependent.

Monitoring the Growth of the Audit TrailIf the audit trail becomes full, no more audit records can be inserted, and audited statements will not execute successfully. Errors are returned to all users that issue an audited statement. You must free some space in the audit trail before these statements can be executed.

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Auditing Guidelines

• Define your purpose of auditing

– Suspicious database activity

– Gather historical information

• Define what you want to audit

– Audit users, statements, or objects

– By session

– Successful or unsuccessful

• Manage your audit trail

– Monitor the growth of the audit trail

– Protect the audit trail from unauthorizedaccess

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Monitoring the Growth of the Audit Trail (continued)To ensure the audit trail does not grow too rapidly:

• Enable auditing only when necessary.

• Be selective about which audit options are specified.

• Tightly control schema object auditing. Users can turn on auditing for the objects they own.

• The AUDIT ANY privilege also enables a user to turn on auditing, so grant it sparingly.

Periodically remove audit records from the audit trail with the DELETE or TRUNCATE command.

Protecting the Audit TrailYou should protect the audit trail so that audit information cannot be added, modified, or deleted. Issue the command:

AUDIT delete ON sys.aud$ BY ACCESS;

To protect the audit trail from unauthorized deletions, only the DBA should have the DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE role.

Moving the Audit Trail out of the System Tablespace As new records get inserted into the database audit trail, the AUD$ table can grow without bound. Although you should not drop the AUD$ table, you can delete or truncate from it because the rows are for information only and are not necessary for the Oracle instance to run. Because the AUD$ table grows and then shrinks, it should be stored outside of the system tablespace.

To move AUD$ to the AUDIT_TAB tablespace:

1 Ensure that auditing is currently disabled.

2 Enter the following commandALTER TABLE aud$


3 Enter the following commandCREATE INDEX i_aud1 ON aud$(sessionid, ses$tid)TABLESPACE AUDIT_IDX;

4 Enable auditing for the instance.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Auditing Guidelines

Auditing of Privileged OperationsThe Oracle server will always audit the following database-related actions into the system audit trail:

• Instance startup: An audit record is generated that details the OS user starting the instance, terminal identifier, the date and time stamp, and whether database auditing was enabled or disabled.

• Instance shutdown: An audit record is generated that details the OS user shutting down the instance, terminal identifier, the date and time stamp.

• Connections to the database with administrator privileges: An audit record is generated that details the OS user connecting to the Oracle server as SYSOPER or SYSDBA to provide accountability of users with administrator privileges.

Database AuditingDatabase auditing is the monitoring and recording of selected user database actions. Information about the event is stored in the audit trail.

The audit trail can be used to investigate suspicious activity. For example, if an unauthorized user is deleting data from tables, the database administrator may decide to audit all connections to the database in conjunction with successful and unsuccessful deletions of rows from tables in the database.

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Auditing Categories

• Auditing privileged operations

– Always audited

– Startup, shutdown, and SYSDBA connections

• Database auditing

– Enabled by DBA

– Cannot record column values

• Value-based or application auditing

– Implemented through code

– Can record column values

– Used to track changes to tables

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Database Auditing (continued)Auditing might also be used to monitor and gather data about specific database activities. For example, the database administrator can gather statistics about which tables are being updated, how many logical I/Os are performed, and how many concurrent users connect at peak times.

Value-Based AuditingDatabase auditing cannot record column values. If the changes to database columns need to be tracked and column values need to be stored for each change, use application auditing. Application auditing can be done either through client code, stored procedures, or database triggers.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Using Database Auditing

Using Database Auditing

Enabling and Disabling Database AuditingOnce you have decided what to audit, you set the AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter to enable auditing for the instance. This parameter indicates whether the audit trail is written to a database table or the operating system audit trail.

Syntax AUDIT_TRAIL = value

where value can be one of the following:

DB enables auditing and directs all audit records to the database audit trail (SYS.AUD$)

OS enables auditing and directs all audit records to the operating system audit trail (if permitted on the operating system)

NONE disables auditing (This is the default value.)

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Database Auditing

Audit trail

Audit options

Parameter file

Enable databaseauditing


Specify audit options



Execute command

Generate audit trail



OS audit trail

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Enabling Database Auditing (continued)Audit records will not be written to the audit trail unless the DBA has set the AUDIT_TRAIL parameter to DB or OS. Although the SQL statements AUDIT and NOAUDIT can be used at any time, records will only be written to the audit trail if the DBA has set the AUDIT_TRAIL parameter in the initialization file.

Note: The Installation and Configuration Guide for your os system provides information on writing audit records to the OS audit trail.

Specifying Audit OptionsNext, you set specific auditing options using the AUDIT command. With the AUDIT command, you indicate which commands, users, objects, or privileges to audit. You can also indicate whether an audit record should be generated for each occurrence or once per session. If an auditing option is no longer required, you can turn off the option with the NOAUDIT command.

Execution of StatementsWhen users execute PL/SQL and SQL statements, the server process examines the auditing options to determine if the statement being executed should generate an audit record. SQL statements inside PL/SQL program units are individually audited, as necessary, when the program unit is executed. Because views and procedures may refer to other database objects, several audit records may be generated as the result of executing a single statement.

Generating Audit DataThe generation and insertion of an audit trail record is independent of a user’s transaction; therefore, if a user’s transaction is rolled back, the audit trail record remains intact. Since the audit record is generated during the execute phase, a syntax error, which occurs during the parse phase, will not cause an audit trail record to be generated.

Reviewing Audit InformationExamine the information generated during auditing by selecting from the audit trail data dictionary views or by using an operating system utility to view the operating system audit trail. This information is used to investigate suspicious activity and to monitor database activity.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Using Database Auditing

Events Audited on RequestYou can specify the auditing options using the AUDIT command. These audit records are never generated by sessions established by the user SYS or connections as INTERNAL. Connections by these users bypass certain internal features of the Oracle server to enable administrative operations to occur, such as database startup, shutdown, and recovery.

Statement AuditingYou can audit by using a type of SQL statement or by a type of object. The statement auditing example audits all CREATE, ALTER, and DROP USER statements for all users.

Statement auditing options are typically broad, auditing the use of several types of related actions per option. For example, AUDIT TABLE tracks several DDL statements regardless of the table on which they are issued. You can set statement auditing to audit selected users or every user in the database.

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Enabling Auditing Options

• Statement auditing

• Privilege auditing

• Schema object auditing

AUDIT select any table

BY summit BY ACCESS;

AUDIT user;AUDIT user;

AUDIT LOCK ON summit.employee


AUDIT LOCK ON summit.employee


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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Privilege AuditingPrivilege auditing audits the use of system privileges. In the example in this slide, whenever SUMMIT uses the SELECT ANY TABLE privilege, an audit entry is generated; an entry will only be generated if SUMMIT queries tables belonging to other users, for which he has not received SELECT privileges. When auditing, owner privileges are checked first, then object privileges, and then system privileges. So if a user’s SELECT ANY TABLE privilege is being audited, and he selects from a table he owns, then the SELECT ANY TABLE privilege would not cause an audit record to be generated, because the user can select from the table using his ownership privilege.

Schema Object AuditingSchema object auditing audits statements performed on a specific schema object. In the example, an audit trail entry is generated when a user successfully executes the LOCK command on the object SUMMIT.EMPLOYEE.

SyntaxUse the following command to enable auditing options:

Privilege or Statement AuditingAUDIT {statement|system_priv}

[, {statement|system_priv} ]...

[BY user [, user ]... ]



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.....................................................................................................................................................Using Database Auditing

Syntax (continued)

Object AuditingAUDIT statement [, statement ]...

ON {[schema.]object|DEFAULT}



where: statement specifies the SQL statement type or schema-object to audit

system_priv specifies the system privilege to audit

schema.schema-object identifies the object chosen for auditing

DEFAULT sets the specified object options as default object options for subsequently created objects

user indicates to only audit the users in the list (If this clause is omitted, then all users’ activities are audited.)

BY SESSION causes the Oracle server to insert only one record per database object into the audit trail for each session, no matter how many SQL statements of the same type are submitted (This is the default, except for DDL.)

BY ACCESS causes the Oracle server to insert a record into the audit trail each time an audited statement is submitted (For Data Definition Language (DDL) statements, the Oracle server always audits by access.)

WHENEVER specifies that auditing is to be carried out only on successful or unsuccessful completion of SQL statements (The default is both.)

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Syntax (continued)Note• Because audit records are generated during the execution phase, parse errors, such

as TABLE OR VIEW DOES NOT EXIST, cannot be trapped by using the WHENEVER UNSUCCESSFUL clause.

• Statement and privilege auditing options specified by the AUDIT command apply only to subsequent sessions, not to the current session. In contrast, changes to schema object audit options become effective for current sessions immediately.

Disabling AuditingUse the NOAUDIT statement to stop auditing chosen by the AUDIT command.

Note: A NOAUDIT statement reverses the effect of a previous AUDIT statement. Note that the NOAUDIT statement must have the same syntax as the previous AUDIT statement and that it only reverses the effects of that particular statement. Therefore, if one AUDIT statement (statement A) enables auditing for a specific user, and a second (statement B) enables auditing for all users, then a NOAUDIT statement to disable auditing for all users reverses statement B, but leaves statement A in effect and continues to audit the user that statement A specified.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Using Database Auditing

Viewing Auditing ResultsThe views listed above contain information from the audit trail. The following is an example that shows the audit records generated when a series of statements are executed:

SQL> SELECT username, obj_name, action_name, priv_used

2 FROM sys.dba_audit_object

3 WHERE owner = ’SUMMIT’

4 AND obj_name = ’EMPLOYEE’;


-------- -------- ----------- ----------------




3 rows selected.

These results are only obtained when certain events occur in the database.

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Data Dictionary View






Default audit options

Statement auditing options

Privilege auditing options

Schema object auditingoptions

Viewing Auditing Options

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Viewing Auditing Results

Audit Trail ViewsThe data dictionary views listed contain information on auditing options. These views are queried by the database administrator to determine what is being audited.

For example, the following query shows the privilege auditing options that are set:SQL> SELECT * FROM dba_priv_audit_opts;


---------- ------------------- ------------ -----------







6 rows selected.

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Audit Trail View







All audit trail entries


Records concerning schemaobjects

All connect and disconnect entries

Statement auditing records

Viewing Auditing Results

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In this lesson, you should have learned how to:

• Control system and object privileges

• Use database auditing

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 18: Managing Privileges

Quick Reference

Context ReferenceInitialization parameters O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY

AUDIT_TRAILDynamic performance views NoneData dictionary views DBA_SYS_PRIVS
















NOAUDITPackaged procedures and func-tions


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Managing Roles

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.....................................................................................................................................................19-2 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 19: Managing Roles


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After completing this lesson, you should be able todo the following:

• Create and modify roles

• Control availability of roles

• Remove roles

• Use predefined roles

• Display role information from the data dictionary

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What Is a Role?Oracle provides for easy and controlled privilege management through roles. Roles are named groups of related privileges that are granted to users or other roles. They are designed to ease the administration of privileges in the database.

Role Characteristics • Granted to and revoked from users with the same commands used to grant and

revoke system privileges

• May be granted to any user or role, except to itself (even indirectly)

• Can consist of both system and object privileges

• May be enabled or disabled for each user granted the role

• Can require a password to enable

• Each role name must be unique among existing usernames and role names

• Are not owned by anyone; are not in any schema

• Have their descriptions stored in the data dictionary

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.....................................................................................................................................................19-4 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 19: Managing Roles

Reduced Granting of PrivilegesUse roles to simplify privilege management. Rather than granting the same set of privileges to several users, you can grant the privileges to a role, and then grant that role to each user.

Dynamic Privilege ManagementIf the privileges associated with a role are modified, all the users who are granted the role automatically and immediately acquire the modified privileges.

Selective Availability of PrivilegesRoles can be enabled and disabled to turn privileges on and off temporarily. Enabling a role can also be used to verify that a user has been granted that role.

Granted Through the Operating SystemOperating system commands or utilities can be used to assign roles to users in the database.

No Cascading RevokesObject privileges can be revoked without causing cascading revokes.

Improved PerformanceBy disabling roles, there are fewer privileges to verify during statement execution. Using roles reduces the number of grants stored in the data dictionary.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Benefits of Roles

• Reduced granting of privileges

• Dynamic privilege management

• Selective availability of privileges

• Granted through the OS

• No cascading revokes

• Improved performance

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.....................................................................................................................................................Creating and Modifying Roles

Creating and Modifying Roles

SyntaxUse the following command to create a role:


{BY password | EXTERNALLY }]

where: role is the name of the role

NOT IDENTIFIED indicates that no verification is required when enabling the role

IDENTIFIED indicates that verification is required when enabling the row

BY password provides the password that the user must specify when enabling the role

EXTERNALLY indicates that a user must be authorized by an external service (such as the operating system or a third-party service) before enabling the role

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Creating Roles

CREATE ROLE sales_clerk;CREATE ROLE sales_clerk;

CREATE ROLE hr_clerk


CREATE ROLE hr_manager


CREATE ROLE hr_manager


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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 19: Managing Roles

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Create a Role1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database:

Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Select the Roles folder. Select Create from the right mouse button menu.

4 Enter the role name and select the identification method.

5 Optionally, GRANT roles and privileges to the new role by clicking the Roles, System Privileges or Object Privileges tab (covered in a previous lesson).

6 Click Create.

Note: The CREATE ROLE IDENTIFIED GLOBALLY command specifies that role verification must be done through the Oracle Security Server.

The Oracle Security Server is a security product that enables you to set up roles and users centrally in an Oracle distributed environment. Users and roles that are defined in the Oracle Security Server can be used across multiple databases. These users and roles are called global users and global roles respectively. See the manual Oracle8i Server Distributed Database Systems for more information.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Creating and Modifying Roles

Predefined RolesThe roles listed are defined automatically for Oracle databases. CONNECT and RESOURCE roles are provided for backward compatibility to earlier versions of the Oracle server and can be modified in the same manner as any other role in an Oracle database.

The EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE roles are provided for convenience in using the Import and Export utilities.

The roles DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE, EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE, and SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE are provided for accessing data dictionary views and packages. These roles can be granted to users who do not have the DBA role but who require access to the views and tables in the data dictionary.

Other Special RolesThe Oracle server also creates other roles that authorize you to administer the database. On many operating systems, these roles are called OSOPER and OSDBA. Their names may be different on your operating system.

Other roles are defined by SQL scripts provided with the database. For example, the roles AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE and AQ_USER_ROLE are created by the dbmsaqad.sql script. These roles are used with the Advanced Queuing feature.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Using Predefined Roles

Role Name Description

CONNECT, These two roles are providedRESOURCE for backward compatibility.

DBA All system privileges WITHADMIN OPTION

EXP_FULL_DATABASE Privileges to export thedatabase

IMP_FULL_DATABASE Privileges to import the database

DELETE_CATALOG_ROLE DELETE privileges ondata dictionary tables

EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE EXECUTE privilege ondata dictionary packages

SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE SELECT privilege on datadictionary tables

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 19: Managing Roles

Other Special Roles (continued)Note• On some platforms such as Solaris, grantees of the RESOURCE role also receive

the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege explicitly, although this privilege is not assigned to the role.

• You should not rely on these roles. Rather, it is recommended that you design your own roles for database security. These roles may not be created automatically by future versions of the Oracle server.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Creating and Modifying Roles

Modifying RolesA role can only be modified to change its authentication method.

SyntaxUse the following command to modify a role:


{BY password | EXTERNALLY }};

where: role is the name of the role

NOT IDENTIFIED indicates that no verification is required when enabling the role

IDENTIFIED indicates that verification is required when enabling the row

BY password provides the password used when enabling the role

EXTERNALLY indicates that a user must be authorized by an external service (such as the operating system or a third-party service) before enabling the role

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Modifying Roles

ALTER ROLE hr_clerk


ALTER ROLE hr_manager


ALTER ROLE hr_manager


ALTER ROLE sales_clerk

IDENTIFIED BY commission;

ALTER ROLE sales_clerk

IDENTIFIED BY commission;

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 19: Managing Roles

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Modify a Role1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database

Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Expand the Roles folder.

4 Select the role.

5 Indicate the identification method.

6 Click Apply.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Assigning Roles

Assigning Roles

SyntaxTo grant a role to a user, use the same syntax command that was used to grant a system privilege to a user:

GRANT role [, role ]...

TO {user|role|PUBLIC}

[, {user|role|PUBLIC} ]...



role is a role to be granted or a role receiving the role granted

user is a user receiving a role

role is a role receiving a role

PUBLIC grants the role to all users

WITH ADMIN OPTION enables the grantee to grant the role to other users or roles. (If you grant a role with this option, the grantee can grant and revoke the role from other users and alter or drop the role.)

The user who creates a role is implicitly assigned the role with ADMIN OPTION. A user who has not been granted a role with ADMIN OPTION requires the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege to grant and revoke roles to and from others.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Assigning Roles

GRANT hr_clerk,

TO hr_manager;

GRANT sales_clerk TO scott;GRANT sales_clerk TO scott;

GRANT hr_manager TO scott


GRANT hr_manager TO scott


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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 19: Managing Roles

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Assign a Role1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database

Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Expand the Users or Roles folder.

4 Select the user or role.

5 Select the Role or System Privileges tab.

6 Select the Role to be granted.

7 Click the down arrow to add the role to the granted list.

8 Add additional roles as required.

9 Click Apply.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Controlling Availability of Roles

Controlling Availability of Roles

Default RolesA user may have many roles assigned. A default role is a subset of these roles that is automatically enabled when the user logs on. By default, all the roles assigned to a user are enabled at logon. Limit the default roles for a user with the ALTER USER command.

SyntaxUse the following syntax to assign default roles to a user:


{role [,role]... | ALL [EXCEPT role [,role]... ] | NONE}

where: user is the name of the user granted the roles

role is the role to be made the default role for the user

ALL makes all of the roles granted to the user default roles, except those listed in the EXCEPT clause (This is the default.)

EXCEPT indicates that the following roles should not be included in the default roles

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Establishing Default Roles


DEFAULT ROLE hr_clerk, sales_clerk;


DEFAULT ROLE hr_clerk, sales_clerk;







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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 19: Managing Roles

Syntax (continued)NONE makes none of the roles granted to the user

default roles (The only privileges that the user has at login are those privileges assigned directly to the user.)

Because the roles must be granted before they can be made defaults, you cannot set default roles with the CREATE USER command.

For roles that are authenticated with a password, the password is not required when the role is a default role.

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Assign Default Roles1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database:

Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Expand the Users folder.

4 Select the user.

5 Select the Role tab.

6 Select the box Default for the default roles.

7 Click Apply.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Controlling Availability of Roles

Enabling and Disabling RolessEnable or disable roles to temporarily activate and deactivate the privileges associated with the roles. To enable a role, the role must first be granted to the user.

When a role is enabled, the user can use the privileges granted to that role. If a role is disabled, the user cannot use the privileges associated with that role unless that privilege is granted directly to the user or to another role enabled for that user. Roles are enabled for a session. At the next session, the user’s active roles will revert to default roles.

Specifying Roles to Be EnabledThe SET ROLE command and the DBMS_SESSION.SET_ROLE procedure enable all of the roles included in the command and disable all other roles. Roles can be enabled from any tool or program that allows PL/SQL commands; however, a role cannot be enabled in a stored procedure.

You can use the ALTER USER...DEFAULT ROLE command to indicate which roles will be enabled for a user at login. All other roles are disabled.

A password may be required to enable a role. The password must be included in the SET ROLE command to enable the role. Default roles assigned to a user do not require a password; they are enabled at login, the same as a role without a password.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Enabling and Disabling Roles

• Disable a role to temporarily revoke the role from auser.

• Enable a role to temporarily grant it.

• The SET ROLE command enables anddisables roles.

• Default roles are enabled for a user at login.

• A password may be required to enable a role.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 19: Managing Roles

RestrictionsA role cannot be enabled from a stored procedure, because this action may change the security domain (set of privileges) that allowed the procedure to be called in the first place. So, in PL/SQL, roles can be enabled and disabled in anonymous blocks and application procedures (for example, Oracle Forms procedures), but not in stored procedures.

If a stored procedure contains the command SET ROLE, the following error is generated at run time:

ORA-06565: cannot execute SET ROLE from within stored procedure

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.....................................................................................................................................................Controlling Availability of Roles

SyntaxUse the following commands to enable and disable roles:



| ALL [ EXCEPT role [, role ] ...]

| NONE }

The SET ROLE command turns off any other roles granted to the user.

where: role is the name of the role


BY password provides the password required when enabling the role

ALL enables all roles granted to the current user, except those listed in the EXCEPT clause (You cannot use this option to enable roles with passwords.)

EXCEPT role does not enable these roles

NONE disables all roles for the current session (Only privileges granted directly to the user are active.)

The ALL option without the EXCEPT clause works only when every role that is enabled does not have a password.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Enabling and Disabling Roles:Examples

SET ROLE hr_clerk;SET ROLE hr_clerk;



SET ROLE ALL EXCEPT sales_clerk;SET ROLE ALL EXCEPT sales_clerk;


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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 19: Managing Roles

SyntaxTo revoke a role from a user, use the same command syntax that was used to revoke a system privilege from a user:

REVOKE role [, role ]...

FROM {user|role|PUBLIC}

[, {user|role|PUBLIC} ]...

where: role is the role to be revoked or the role from which roles are revoked

user is the user from which the system privileges or roles are revoked

PUBLIC revokes the privilege or role from all users

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Revoke a Role1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database:

Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Expand the Users or Roles folder.

4 Select the user or role.

5 Select the Roles or System Privileges tab.

6 Under Granted, select the Role to be revoked.

7 Click the up arrow to remove the role from the granted list.

8 Click Apply.

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Removing Roles from Users


REVOKE sales_clerk FROM scott;REVOKE sales_clerk FROM scott;

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.....................................................................................................................................................Controlling Availability of Roles

SyntaxTo remove a role from the database, use the following syntax:


where: role is the role to be removed

When you drop a role, the Oracle server revokes it from all users and roles to whom it has been granted and removes it from the database.

You must have been granted the role with ADMIN OPTION or have the DROP ANY ROLE system privilege to drop the role.

How to Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to Remove a Role1 Launch Security Manager and connect directly to the database:

Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager

2 Enter the login information, and click the OK button.

3 Expand the Roles folder.

4 Select the role.

5 Select Object—>Remove.

6 In the dialog box, click Yes.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Removing Roles

DROP ROLE hr_manager;DROP ROLE hr_manager;

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 19: Managing Roles

Guidelines for Creating RolesBecause a role includes the privileges necessary to perform a task, the role name is usually an application task or a job title. The example above uses both application tasks and job titles for role names.

1 Create a role for each application task. The name of the application role corresponds to a task in the application, such as payroll.

2 Assign the privileges necessary to perform the task to the application role.

3 Create a role for each type of user. The name of the user role corresponds to a job title, such as PAY_CLERK.

4 Grant only application roles, not individual privileges, to user’s roles.

5 Grant user and application roles to users.

If a modification to the application requires that new privileges are needed to perform the payroll task, then the DBA only needs to assign the new privileges to the application role, PAYROLL. All of the users that are currently performing this task will receive the new privileges.

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Guidelines for Creating Roles


Payroll privilegesBenefits privileges

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.....................................................................................................................................................Controlling Availability of Roles

Using Passwords• Passwords provide an additional level of security when enabling a role. For

example, the application might require a user to enter a password when enabling the PAY_CLERK role, because this role can be used to issue checks.

• Passwords allow a role to be enabled only through an application. This technique is shown in the example above.

– The DBA has granted the user two roles, PAY_CLERK and PAY_CLERK_RO.

– The PAY_CLERK has been granted all of the privileges needed to perform the payroll clerk function.

– The PAY_CLERK_RO (RO for read only) has been granted only SELECT privileges on the tables required to perform the payroll clerk function.

– The user can log in to SQL Plus to perform queries, but cannot modify any of the data, because the PAY_CLERK is not a default role, and the user does not know the password for PAY_CLERK.

– When the user logs on to the payroll application, it enables the PAY_CLERK by providing the password. It is coded in the program; the user is not prompted for it.

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Guidelines for Using Passwords andDefault Roles


Default rolePassword protected(not default)

Select privilegesINSERT, UPDATE, DELETE,and SELECT privileges

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 19: Managing Roles

Displaying Role Information

Query Role InformationMany of the data dictionary views that contain information on privileges granted to users also contain information on privileges to roles.

SQL> SELECT role, password_required FROM dba_roles;


------------------------------ -----------




... ..








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Displaying Role Information

Role View Description

DBA_ROLES All roles that exist in the database

DBA_ROLE_PRIVS Roles granted to users and roles

ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS Roles that are granted to roles

DBA_SYS_PRIVS System privileges granted to usersand roles

ROLE_SYS_PRIVS System privileges granted to roles

ROLE_TAB_PRIVS Table privileges granted to roles

SESSION_ROLES Roles that the user currently hasenabled

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.....................................................................................................................................................Using Fine-Grained Access Control

Using Fine-Grained Access Control

What Is Fine-Grained Access Control?Fine-grained access control allows you to implement security policies with functions and then associate those security policies with tables or views. The database automatically enforces those security policies, no matter how the data is accessed.

You can:

• Use different policies for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE

• Use security polices only where you need them; for example, on salary information

• Use more than one policy for each table, including building on top of base policies in packaged applications

The PL/SQL package DBMS_RLS allows you to administer your security policies. Using this package, you can add, drop, enable, disable, and refresh policies you create.

Note: How to implement fine-grained access control is not covered in this course.

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Fine-Grained Access Control







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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 19: Managing Roles

How Does Fine-Grained Access Control Work?The implementation of fine-grained access control is through dynamic modification. When a user accesses an object (directly or through a subquery) that has a security policy attached to it, the RDBMS automatically consults the package that implements the policy for that view or table. The policy returns a predicate (access condition) that is appended to the query. The statement is then parsed, optimized, and executed.

If there are multiple policies attached to a table, the data server “ANDs” the predicates returned by each policy. For example, you might want one policy for queries and another for some or all of the DML statements (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE).

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Fine-Grained Access Control:How It Works

• Direct or indirect user access to object with anattached policy automatically invokes the policy.

• Policy package returns a predicate (a WHEREcondition).

• The database dynamically rewrites the SQLstatement by appending the predicate.

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In this lesson, you should have learned how to:

• Create roles

• Assign privileges to roles

• Assign roles to users or roles

• Establish default roles

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.....................................................................................................................................................19-26 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 19: Managing Roles

Quick Reference

Context ReferenceInitialization parameters NoneDynamic performance views NoneData dictionary views DBA_ROLES












REVOKEPackaged procedures and func-tions


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Using NationalLanguage Support

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.....................................................................................................................................................20-2 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support


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After completing this lesson, you should be able todo the following:

• Choose character set and national character setfor a database

• Specify the language-dependent behavior usinginitialization parameters, environment variables,and the ALTER SESSION command

• Use the different types of National LanguageSupport (NLS) parameters

• Explain the influence on language-dependentapplication behavior

• Obtain information about NLS usage

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National Language SupportThe National Language Support (NLS) ensures that database utilities and error messages, sort order, date, time, monetary, numeric, and calendar conventions automatically adapt to the native language.

Oracle currently supports about 45 languages, 60 territories, 60 linguistic sorts, and many encoded character sets.

The language-dependent operations are controlled by a number of parameters and environment variables on both the client and the server sides.

Server and client may run in the same or different locations. When client and server use different character sets, the Oracle server handles character set conversion automatically.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

NLS Features

• Language support

• Territory support

• Character set support

• Linguistic sorting

• Message support

• Date and time formats

• Numeric formats

• Monetary formats

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.....................................................................................................................................................20-4 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

National Language Support• Users can interact, store, process, and retrieve data in their native language,

including Western European, Eastern European, Middle Eastern, East Asian, and Southeast Asian languages.

• Different countries and geographies dictate different cultural conventions that directly affect data formats.

• Many different character encoding schemes, including single-byte, multibyte, and fixed-width encoded character sets are supported.

• The Oracle server provides many different linguistic sorts for linguistically accurate sorting.

• Database utilities and error messages appear in the supported native language. The Oracle products are translated into 26 different languages.

• Date and time formats can be expressed according to ISO conventions for hour, day, month, and year.

• National calendars such as Gregorian, Japanese, Imperial, and Thai Buddha are supported.

• Numeric data is represented in the appropriate local formats.

• Currency symbols reflect the local economy and the ISO conventions. Credit and debit symbols also differ from location to location.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Choosing a Database and a National Character Set

Choosing a Database and a National Character Set

Character Encoding SchemesA character encoding scheme specifies numeric codes corresponding to characters that a computer or terminal can display and receive.

Character encoding schemes are used to interpret data into meaningful symbols from a terminal to a host machine.

Oracle provides different classes of encoding schemes:

• Single-byte

• Varying-width

• Fixed-width

• Unicode

Single-Byte Character SetsIn a single-byte character set, each character occupies one byte. Single-byte 7-bit encoding schemes can define up to 128 (27) characters; single-byte 8-bit encoding schemes can define up to 256 (28) characters.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Different Typesof Encoding Schemes

Oracle supports different classes ofcharacter encoding schemes:

• Single-byte character sets

– 7-bit

– 8-bit

• Varying-width multibyte character set

• Fixed-width multibyte character set

• Unicode (UTF8, AL24UTFFSS)

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

Examples of Single-Byte Schemes 7-bit character set: ASCII 7-bit American (US7ASCII)

8-bit character set:

• ISO 8859-1 West European (WE8ISO8859P1)

• EBCDIC Code Page 500 8-bit West European (WE8EBCDIC500)

• DEC 8-bit West European (WE8DEC)

Varying-Width Multibyte Character SetsA multibyte character set is represented by one or more bytes per character. Multibyte character sets are commonly used for Asian language support. Some multibyte encoding schemes use the value of the most significant bit to indicate if a byte represents a single byte or is part of a series of bytes representing a character. However, other character encoding schemes differentiate single-byte from multibyte characters. A shift-out control code, sent by a device, indicates that the following bytes are double-byte characters, until a shift-in code is encountered.

Examples of Varying-Width Multibyte Schemes• Japanese Extended UNIX Code (JEUC)

• Chinese GB2312-80 (CGB2312-80)

Fixed-Width Multibyte Character SetsFixed-width character sets provide support similar to multibyte character sets, except that the format is a fixed number of bytes for each character.

This provides the benefits of having a uniform byte size representation for each character.

Examples of Fixed-Width Multibyte Character Sets• JA16EUCFIXED,16-bit Japanese (a fixed-width subset of JA16EUC)

• JA16SJISFIXED,16-bit Japanese (a fixed-width subset of JA16SIJS)

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.....................................................................................................................................................Choosing a Database and a National Character Set

Unicode Character SetUnicode is a worldwide character-encoding standard that can represent all characters for computer usage, including technical symbols and characters used in publishing. In total, Unicode version 2.0 can represent 38,885 characters.

The Unicode character repertoire can be represented in a number of different encoding formats.

UCS2 (Universal Character Set; 2-byte form) is a two-byte, fixed-width format; UTF8 (Universal Character Set Transformation Format) is a multibyte, varying-width format. UCS2 and UTF8 encode the same character repertoire: Unicode 1.1 or Unicode 2.0.

Oracle7 uses Unicode 1.1 encoded as UTF8 (character set: AL24UTFFSS); Oracle8 additionally provides Unicode 2.0 encoded as UTF8 (character set: UTF8). The advantage of UTF8 is that it includes ASCII using the same single-byte encoding.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

Character Set TypesThe CREATE DATABASE statement has the CHARACTER SET clause and the additional optional clause NATIONAL CHARACTER SET to declare the character set to be used as the database character set and the national character set. Neither character set can be changed after creating the database. If no NATIONAL CHARACTER SET clause is present, the national character set defaults to the database character set.

Because the database character set is used to identify and to hold SQL and PL/SQL source code, it must have either EBCDIC or 7-bit ASCII as a subset, whichever is native to the platform. Therefore, it is not possible to use a fixed-width, multibyte character set as the database character set, only as the national character set.

The data types NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, and NCLOB are provided to declare columns as variants of the basic types CHAR, VARCHAR2, and CLOB, to note that they are stored using the national character set and not the database character set.

• To declare a fixed-length character item that uses the national character set, use the data type specification NCHAR [(size)].

• To declare a variable-length character item that uses the national character set, use the data type specification NVARCHAR2 (size).

• To declare a character large object (CLOB) item containing fixed-width, multibyte characters that uses the national character set, use the data type specification NCLOB (size).

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Character Sets and National CharacterSets of a Database

Database Character Sets

Defined at creation timeCannot be changed withoutre-creationStore data columns of typeCHAR, VARCHAR2, CLOB,LONGCan store varying-widthcharacter sets

National Character Sets

Defined at creation timeCannot be changed withoutre-creationStore data columns of typeNCHAR, NVARCHAR2 andNCLOBCan store fixed-width andvarying-width multibytecharacter sets

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 20-9

.....................................................................................................................................................Choosing a Database and a National Character Set

Character Set Types (continued)Note• Oracle does not support the national character set on the LONG data type.

• The fixed or varying-width aspect of a character set’s encoding is independent of the fixed or varying-length aspect of the types CHAR and VARCHAR2. One aspect refers to the number of bytes needed by each character in a string, the other to the total space allocated for the string. Either a fixed-width or a varying-width character set can be used for a column of a fixed-length type (CHAR or NCHAR), and similarly for a varying-length type (VARCHAR2 or NVARCHAR2).

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

GuidelinesThe database character set and the national character set should be closely related; for example, Japanese customers will choose JA16EUC as the database character set and JA16EUCFIXED as the national character set.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®


• Choose a closely related databasecharacter set and national character set.

• String operations might be faster withfixed-width character sets.

• Variable-width character sets use spacemore efficiently.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 20-11

.....................................................................................................................................................Specifying Language-Dependent Behavior

Specifying Language-Dependent Behavior

Three Ways to Specify NLS ParametersThere are three ways to specify NLS parameters:

• As initialization parameters on the server side to specify the default server NLS environment (These default settings have no effect on the client side.)

• As environment variables for the client to specify locale-dependent behavior overriding the defaults set for the server

• As the ALTER SESSION parameter to override the default set for the session or the server

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Specifying Language-DependentBehavior

Initialization parameter

Environment variable


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.....................................................................................................................................................20-12 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

NLS Initialization ParametersThe initialization parameter NLS_LANGUAGE defines the value for language-dependent conventions, such as:

• Language used for Oracle messages

• Language used for day and month names and their abbreviations

• Symbols used for language-equivalents of a.m, p.m, A.D., and B.C.

• Default sorting sequence of character data

The initialization parameter NLS_TERRITORY defines values for territory-dependent conventions, which include:

• Default date format

• Decimal character and group separator

• Local currency symbol

• ISO currency symbol

• ISO week number calculation

• Week start day

Note: When the territory name contains a space, as in The Netherlands, the territory name should be enclosed in double quotes, for example “The Netherlands.”

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Specifying Language-DependentBehavior for the Server

• NLS_LANGUAGE specifies: - The language for messages - Day and month names - Symbols for A.D, B.C, A.M, P.M. - The default sorting mechanism

• NLS_TERRITORY specifies: - Day and week numbering - Default date format, decimal character, group separator, and the default ISO and local currency symbols

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 20-13

.....................................................................................................................................................Specifying Language-Dependent Behavior

NLS Initialization ParametersThe initialization parameter NLS_LANGUAGE determines the default values of the following parameters:

Column DescriptionNLS_DATE_LANGUAGE Explicitly changes the language for day and month

names and abbreviations and spelled values of other date format elements

NLS_SORT Changes the linguistic sort sequence the Oracle server uses to sort character values (The sort value must be either BINARY or the name of a linguistic sort sequence.)

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Dependent Language and TerritoryDefault Values

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.....................................................................................................................................................20-14 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

NLS Initialization Parameters (continued)NLS_TERRITORY determines the default values for the following parameters:

Dual Currency Support for the EuroOn January 1, 1999, the new currency of the European union, the euro, made its debut. In order to support the new European Union currency, dual currency support has been added for given territories. An initialization parameter NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY sets an alternate currency symbol for the user session.

The following territories have the euro symbol added for dual currency support:

Austria Italy

Belgium Luxembourg

Finland Netherlands

France Portugal

Germany Spain


The ISO character sets, such as WE8ISO8859P1, MS Code Pages and IBM code pages, have specified code points for the euro symbol.

Column DescriptionNLS_CURRENCY Explicitly specifies a new local currency symbolNLS_ISO_CURRENCY Explicitly specifies the territory whose ISO

currency symbol should be usedNLS_DATE_FORMAT Explicitly specifies a new default date format (The

value must be a date format model.)NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Explicitly specifies a new decimal character and

group separator

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 20-15

.....................................................................................................................................................Specifying Language-Dependent Behavior

The Environment Variable NLS_LANGOverride the default NLS behavior for an individual user with the NLS_LANG environment variable. The value of NLS_LANG overrides any values of the NLS initialization parameters.

Each component controls a subset of NLS features:



where: language overrides the value of NLS_LANGUAGE and controls the same features as NLS_LANGUAGE

territory overrides the value of NLS_TERRITORY and controls the same features as NLS_TERRITORY

characterset specifies the character encoding scheme used by client application (normally that of the user’s terminal)

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Specifying Language-DependentBehavior for the Session

• Environment variable:NLS_LANG=<language>_<territory>.<charset>

• Additional environment variables:








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.....................................................................................................................................................20-16 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

The Environment Variable NLS_LANG (continued)NLS_LANG defines a client terminal’s character encoding scheme. Different clients can use different encoding schemes. Data passed between client and server is converted automatically between the two encoding schemes. The database encoding scheme should be a superset, or equivalent of, all the client encoding schemes. The conversion is transparent to the client application.

Additional Environment VariablesAll NLS initialization parameters are available as environment variables, making it possible to specify individual NLS characteristics for each client.

In addition NLS_CALENDAR can be used to specify which calendar system the Oracle server uses; for example, Gregorian, Persian, or Thai Buddha.

The following variables can be set only in the client environment:








Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Character Setsin Client-Server Architecture















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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 20-17

.....................................................................................................................................................Specifying Language-Dependent Behavior

Additional Environment Variables (continued)Note• The description of these parameters can be found in the Oracle8i: Server

Reference Manual.

• If the environment variable ORA_NLS33 (see the lesson “Creating a Database”) is not set, it is possible to create the database only with the default character set US7ASCII. ORA_NLS should be set on UNIX as follows:


• On Windows NT, parameters such as NLS_LANG and ORA_NLS33 are automatically set during the installation and stored in the registry in the folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

Changing NLS ParametersChange individual NLS characteristics for a session with the ALTER SESSION command. All environment variables that can be set on both the client and server sides can also be modified by issuing the ALTER SESSION command.

In the above example the date format is changed for the session.

Also, tools such as SQL*Plus reads the environment variables and issue the corresponding ALTER SESSION command.

In addition to explicitly issuing ALTER SESSION commands, there is a database package DBMS_SESSION.SET_NLS that takes the name and the value of the parameter.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Specifying Language-DependentBehavior for the Session




’’’DD.MM.YYYY’’’) ;


’’’DD.MM.YYYY’’’) ;

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 20-19

.....................................................................................................................................................NLS Parameters and SQL Functions

NLS Parameters and SQL Functions

How NLS Affects SortsA binary sort is a conventional sorting mechanism by which letters are sorted according to the binary values used to encode the characters. The alphabetic position of a character may vary for different languages.

For example ä is sorted before b in German, but ä occurs after z if you use a binary sort.

To overcome the limitations of binary sorting, the Oracle server provides linguistic sorts by setting the NLS_SORT parameter.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®


• Oracle provides a linguistic sort.

• NLS_SORT specifies types of sort.

• The NLSSORT function reflectslinguistic comparison.


SELECT letter FROM letters ORDER BY letter;LETTER





SELECT letter FROM letters ORDER BY letter;LETTER




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.....................................................................................................................................................20-20 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

How NLS Affects Sorts (continued)The following examples illustrate sorting behavior:


Session altered.

SQL> SELECT letter FROM letters ORDER BY letter;









6 rows selected.


Session altered.










6 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................NLS Parameters and SQL Functions

How NLS Affects Sorts (continued)The NLSSORT function can be used, to enable comparison according linguistic conventions and not binary values.

SQL> SELECT letter FROM letters WHERE letter < ’z’;






SQL> SELECT letter FROM letters

2 WHERE NLSSORT(letter) < NLSSORT(’z’);








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.....................................................................................................................................................20-22 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

NLS Parameters in SQL Functions

SQL Functions with NLS ParametersSQL character functions support single-byte and multibyte characters.

Some SQL functions Oracle NLS parameters to be specified explicitly as part of their parameter list. Therefore SQL functions can override the behavior specified by the NLS environment.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Using NLS Parametersin SQL Functions



SELECT ename, TO_CHAR(sal,’9G999D99’,


FROM emp;

SELECT ename, TO_CHAR(sal,’9G999D99’,


FROM emp;

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 20-23

.....................................................................................................................................................NLS Parameters in SQL Functions

Examples Using NLS Parameters in SQL Functions SQL> SELECT TO_CHAR(hiredate,’dd.mon.yyyy’,


3 FROM emp

















14 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................20-24 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

Examples Using NLS Parameters in SQL Functions (continued)SQL> SELECT ename,

2 TO_CHAR(sal,’99G999D99’,’NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=’’,.’’’)

3 FROM emp;


------- ----------

SMITH 800,00

ALLEN 1.600,00

WARD 1.250,00

JONES 2.975,00

MARTIN 1.250,00

BLAKE 2.850,00

CLARK 2.450,00

SCOTT 3.000,00

KING 5.000,00

TURNER 1.500,00

ADAMS 1.100,00

JAMES 950,00

FORD 3.000,00

MILLER 1.300,00

14 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 20-25

.....................................................................................................................................................NLS Parameters in SQL Functions

Examples Using NLS Parameters in SQL Functions (continued)The following SQL functions use NLS parameters:

Several format mask elements have been defined for functions such as TO_CHAR, TO_DATE, and TO_NUMBER.

Number Format Mask Elements• “D” for decimal separator

• “G” for group (thousands) separator

• “L” for local currency symbol

• “C” for local ISO currency symbol

• “U” for the dual currency symbol, used for the euro

Date Format Mask Elements• “RM, rm” for Roman month number

• “IW” for ISO week number

• “IYYY, IYY, IY,” and “I” for ISO year











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.....................................................................................................................................................20-26 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

Linguistic Index Support

Linguistic IndexingFunctional indexes, described in the lesson Indexes and Index-Organized Tables, can be specialized to create linguistically sorted indexes. The SQL function NLSSORT returns the string of bytes used to sort the first parameter in the given linguistic sorting sequence. In this example, an index is created on ENAME that is sorted according to German sorting order. This allows you to perform index-based queries on data sorted according to each languages rules.

Linguistic Behavior of Comparison OperatorsNLS_COMP is a dynamic initialization parameter that controls how comparison operators such as <, >, and = handle linguistic ordering. When set to BINARY (the default), comparison is based on the binary value of the string. When set to ANSI, comparison operators use linguistic sorting sequences to determine the outcome of the operation according to the NLS_SORT session parameter.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

National Language Support:Linguistic Index Support

• Linguistic indexing

• High performance with local sorting

• NLS_COMP parameter for linguistic comparisons


emp (NLSSORT(ename, ‘NLS_SORT = German’));

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 20-27

.....................................................................................................................................................Importing and Loading Data Using NLS

Importing and Loading Data Using NLS

NLS with Import and SQL*LoaderDuring the import, the data is automatically converted to a character set for the specified session as determined by the NLS_LANG parameter. After the data has been converted to the session character set, it is then converted to the database character set.

This means that NLS_LANG has to be set to the character set of the export file.

SQL*Loader also has the capability to convert data from the data file character set to the database character set.

When using conventional path, data is converted into the session character set specified by the NLS_LANG parameter for that session.

On the direct path, data is converted directly into the database character set.

The control file of the SQL*Loader shows how to interpret the data file.

The parameter character set tells what character set is used in each data file.

Example: $sqlldr control=utl1case.ctl characterset=WE8ISO9959P1

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Import and Loading DataUsing NLS

• Data will be converted from NLS_LANGto the database character set during theimport


– Conventional: Data is converted into thesession character set specified by NLS_LANG.

– DIRECT: Data is converted directly into thedatabase character set.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

Obtaining Information About NLS Settings

Querying the Data Dictionary for NLS InformationView the database and the national character set with the following query:

SQL> SELECT parameter, value FROM nls_database_parameters



----------------------- ------------------------------



2 rows selected.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Obtaining InformationAbout Character Sets




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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration 20-29

.....................................................................................................................................................Obtaining Information About NLS Settings

Querying the Data Dictionary for NLS InformationThis view displays only values for parameters that have been explicitly set in the init<SID>.ora file.

SQL> SELECT * FROM nls_instance_parameters;


-------------------------- ------------------------------









8 rows selected.

Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®

Obtaining InformationAbout NLS Settings


– PARAMETER ( NLS initialization parameters thathave been explicitly set)



– PARAMETER ( NLS session parameters)


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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

Querying the Data Dictionary for NLS Information (continued)The following view shows session parameters.

SQL> SELECT * FROM nls_session_parameters;


------------------------ ------------------------------










9 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Obtaining Information About NLS Settings

Querying the Data Dictionary for NLS InformationList all valid values for NLS parameters.

SQL> SELECT * FROM v$nls_valid_values

2 WHERE parameter=’LANGUAGE’;


--------- --------------












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Obtaining InformationAbout NLS Settings


– PARAMETER ( NLS initialization parameters thathave been explicitly set)



– PARAMETER ( NLS session parameters)


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.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

Querying the Data Dictionary for NLS Information (continued)Display current values of NLS parameters.

SQL> SELECT * FROM v$nls_parameters;


------------------ ------------------











10 rows selected.

Note: Various views will contain a new column, CHARACTER_SET_NAME, which shows the name of the character set: CHAR_CS for database character set and NCHAR_CS for national character set.

For example, DBA_TAB_COLUMNS builds this column from COL$.

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Copyright Oracle Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved.®


In this lesson, you should have learned how to:

• Choose a database character set and a nationalcharacter set for the database

• Use the various types of NLS parameters for theserver, or the session

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.....................................................................................................................................................20-34 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Lesson 20: Using National Language Support

Quick Reference

Context ReferenceInitialization parameters NLS_LANGUAGE








NLS_CALENDARDynamic performance views V$NLS_VALID_VALUES



NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERSCommands ALTER SESSION SETPackaged procedures andfunctions


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.....................................................................................................................................................A-2 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix A: Practices

EnvironmentYour instructor will provide you with information about the setup for the practices. Note that your environment may not need all of the information given below. Use this section to record the details for use during the practices.

Client Setup

Server Setup

Oracle Environment




Directory containing lab files

Directory containing sample solutions

Parameter file



Hostname/ IP Address

Directory containing lab files

Directory containing sample solutions

Parameter file

Password for SYSDBA

Password for SYS

Password for SYSTEM

Database Connect String

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration A-3

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 1: Oracle Architectural Components

Practice 1: Oracle Architectural Components1 A user attempts to log on and receives the error message “ORA-01034 ORACLE

not available.” Which of the following is the likely cause of the problem?

a The user supplied an invalid password.

b The user supplied an invalid username.

c The instance that the user is connecting to is not running.

d The Oracle version that the user is requesting is not installed.

2 A user executes an SQL command to update a row in the EMP table. Which process executes this statement?

a User process

b Server process



3 A user executes an SQL command to update a row in the EMP table. Where is the change made by the process identified in the previous question?

a Data files

b Database buffer cache

c Shared pool

d Parameter file

4 Which of the following files is used to authenticate privileged database users?

a Redo log file

b Control file

c Password file

d Archived log file

5 Which of the following files is not a part of the database?

a Redo log file

b Control file

c Password file

d Data file

6 Which of the following files store rollback segments?

a Redo log file

b Control file

c Password file

d Data file

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.....................................................................................................................................................A-4 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix A: Practices

7 Which of the following memory areas is not a part of the SGA?

a Database buffer cache


c Redo log buffer

d Shared pool

8 Which of the following memory areas is used to cache the data dictionary information?

a Database buffer cache


c Redo log buffer

d Shared pool

9 Which of the following stages are used to process a DML statement?

a Parse

b Execute

c Fetch

10 When a user executes a commit, in which of the following files are the changes recorded before the Oracle server returns a “Commit complete” message to the user?

a Redo log file

b Control file

c Password file

d Data file

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration A-5

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 2: Getting Started With Oracle

Practice 2: Getting Started With Oracle

Using SQL*Plus1 What is the size of the database buffer cache?

2 What is the size of the system global area?

3 List the first 9 rows of the OWNER, TABLE_NAME, TABLESPACE _NAME columns in the data dictionary view DBA_TABLES and format the output. (The display of the first ten rows is sufficient.) Exit SQL*Plus.

4 Start SQL*Plus and run a script named para.sql, which spools all initialization parameters to the output file para.lst.

5 Run the script scott.sql.

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.....................................................................................................................................................A-6 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix A: Practices

Practice 3: Managing an Oracle Instance1 Identify the database name, instance name, and size of the database blocks.

2 List the name and size of the data files, online redo log files, and the name of the control files.

3 List the installed options.

4 Display the version numbers.

5 Display the maximum number of operating system user processes that can simultaneously connect to the instance.

6 Try to change the database block size. What happens?

7 List the default initialization parameter.

8 Open the database in read only mode. Connect as user SCOTT and add 10 percent to all salaries in the table EMP. What happens?Put the database back in read write mode.

9 Enable and verify timing in trace files dynamically.

10 Connect as user SCOTT and insert rows in the table EMP. Open second session and try to shut down the database transactional. What happens?

11 Ensure that there are at least two sessions open, one session as user SCOTT and one as user SYS. Enable the restricted session, verify this and ensure that only the database administrator SYS is connected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration A-7

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 3: Managing an Oracle Instance

12 Examine the following sample of an alert file to identify if internal errors or exceptions have occurred.

Wed Jun 30 13:24:30 1999Starting ORACLE instance (normal)LICENSE_MAX_SESSION = 0LICENSE_SESSIONS_WARNING = 0LICENSE_MAX_USERS = 0Starting up ORACLE RDBMS Version: parameters with non-default values: processes = 60 shared_pool_size = 3500000 java_pool_size = 1000000 control_files = $HOME/DATA/DISK1/control01.con db_block_buffers = 100 db_block_size = 4096 compatible = 8.1.5 log_checkpoint_interval = 10000 log_checkpoint_timeout = 1800 db_files = 1024 db_file_multiblock_read_count= 8 dml_locks = 200 rollback_segments = sysrol db_domain = world global_names = TRUE distributed_transactions = 10 sort_area_size = 64000 db_name = DB01 job_queue_processes = 2 job_queue_interval = 10 parallel_max_servers = 12 background_dump_dest = $HOME/BDUMP user_dump_dest = $HOME/UDUMP max_dump_file_size = 10240 core_dump_dest = $HOME/CDUMPPMON started with pid=2DBW0 started with pid=3LGWR started with pid=4CKPT started with pid=5SMON started with pid=6RECO started with pid=7SNP0 started with pid=8SNP1 started with pid=9..Corrupt block relative dba: 0x01c0003a file=7. blocknum=58.Fractured block found during buffer readData in bad block - type:6. format:2. rdba:0x01c0003alast change scn:0x0000.0000e9c5 seq:0xa0 flg:0x00consistancy value in tail 0x44c506a0check value in block header: 0x0, check value not calculatedspare1:0x0, spare2:0x0, spare2:0x0

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.....................................................................................................................................................A-8 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix A: Practices

Practice 4: Creating a DatabaseThe directories specified for the files must be placed within $HOME/DATA.

1 Create a password file using the following information:

- Password for sys:oracle

- Enable five privileged users

Ensure that Oracle can write to this file.

2 Write a script for the creation of a database with the following configuration:

– Database name and instance name DB<xx>

– One control file named control01.con located in the directory DISK5

– Two redo log file groups each with one 150K member named redo0101.log and redo0201.log located in the directory DISK6

– The maximum number of five log file groups and five log file members for each group

– A 20M data file named system01.dbf and located in DISK4 directory

– Maximum of 30 data files that can be created for the database

– A maximum number of 100 archived redo logs for automatic media recovery

– The Character set WE8ISO8859P1

The Trace file location should be in the BDUMP and CDUMP directory.

3 Enable spooling to capture the errors and run the script.

4 (Optional) Include the command “spool <file_name>” before running the command

5 (Optional) After creation check the database state and ensure that the database files are created

6 Try to display the names of the database users? What happens and why?

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration A-9

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 5: Creating Data Dictionary Views and Standard Packages

Practice 5: Creating Data Dictionary Views and Standard Packages1 Create the data dictionary views.

2 Use the data dictionary views to gather the following information:

a What is the name and number of the rollback segments?

b Identify the data file that makes up the SYSTEM tablespace.

c How much free space is available in the database and how much is already used?

d List the name and creation date of the database users.

3 Check which data dictionary tables are used to define the DBA_USERS view.

4 Establish the usage of PL/SQL functionality. (Take a break as soon as the script is started.)

5 Check if any packages are invalid.

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.....................................................................................................................................................A-10 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix A: Practices

Practice 6: Maintaining the Control File1 Where is the existing control file located and what is the name?

2 Try to start the database without any control files. (You can simulate this by changing the name of the control file in the parameter file or just changing the name of the control file.) What happens?

3 Multiplex the existing control file using the directory DISK2 and name the new control file control02.con. Make sure that the Oracle Server is able to write to the new control file. For example, on UNIX use the command chmod 660. Confirm that both control files are being used.

4 What is the initial sizing of the datafile section in your control file?

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration A-11

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 7: Maintaining Redo Log Files

Practice 7: Maintaining Redo Log Files1 List the number and location of existing log files and display the number of redo

log file groups and members your database has.

2 In which database mode is your database configured? Is archiving enabled?

3 Add a redo log member to each group in your database located on DISK3, using the following naming conventions:

If group 1 has two existing files called redo0101.log and redo0102.log, then add a new member called redo0103.log. Verify the result.

4 Create a new redo log group located in the directory DISK3, DISK4, and DISK5 and verify the existence of the new group.

5 Relocate the members redo0103.log and redo0303.log (see step 3) and locate them in the directory DISK5 from DISK3.

6 Remove the redo log group created in step 4.

7 Resize all online redo log files to 1024K. (Since we cannot resize log files we have to add new logs and drop the old.)

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.....................................................................................................................................................A-12 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix A: Practices

Practice 8: Managing Tablespaces and Data Files1 Create permanent tablespaces with the following names and storage:

a DATA01 for tables with default storage

b DATA02 for large objects with default storage (Ensure that every used extent size in the tablespace is multiple of 100K.)

c INDX01 for indexes with the default storage (Enable automatic extension of 500K when more extents are required.)

d RONLY for read only tables with the default storage

Display the information from the data dictionary

2 Allocate 500K more to the tablespace DATA02 and verify the result.

3 Relocate the INDX01 tablespace and move it to DISK6.

4 Turn RONLY tablespace to read only after creating a table in this tablespace. Attempt to create an additional table and drop the table. What happens and why?

5 Drop the tablespace RONLY and verify it.

6 Without shutting down the instance, change the SORT_AREA_SIZE to 2 kilobytes.

7 Open two connections to the database as user SYSTEM. Run srt_dd.sql from one session and monitor the sort activity from another session. Query sort statistics and temporary segment information both during and after the completion of the script. Note the findings.

8 From one of the sessions, run asn_tts.sql to prepare for the next part of the lab. This script ensures that TEMP tablespace will be used for the sorts made by the user SYSTEM, and will be covered under the lesson “Managing Users.” Connect as SYSTEM from one of the sessions and run srt_dd.sql. From the other session monitor sort activity and statistics, as was done in question 3. Do you notice any difference?


Tablespace Name Subdirectory Data File Location (Size)DATA01 DISK4 data01.dbf (2M)

DATA02 DISK5 data02.dbf (1M)

INDX01 DISK3 indx01.dbf (1M)

RONLY DISK1 ronly.dbf (1M)

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration A-13

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 9: Storage Structure and Relationships

Practice 9: Storage Structure and Relationships1 As user system, run the script cr_segs.sql to create tables and indexes.

2 Identify the different types of segments in the database.

3 Write a query to check which segments are within five extents short of the maximum extents. Ignore the bootstrap segment. This query is useful in identifying any segments that are likely to generate errors during future data load.

4 Which files have space allocated for the EMP table?

5 (a) Write a query to obtain the File Number and Block Number of EMP table header.

(b) Write a query that will accept a file number and block number as the input and return the name and type of the segment that uses the block. Test your query by supplying the file and block number of the EMP table header (obtained in the previous query. Use SQL*Plus to run the query).

6 List the free space available by tablespace. The query should display the number of fragments, the total free space, and the largest free extent in each tablespace.

7 Run the script cr_frags.sql in the LABS directory. Check if there are any adjacent free extents in the database. Coalesce them and verify again.

8 List segments that will generate errors because of lack of space when they try to allocate an additional extent.

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.....................................................................................................................................................A-14 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix A: Practices

Practice 10: Managing Rollback SegmentsBefore starting this practice make sure you run the script $HOME/LABS/alt_sysrol.sql as user SYSTEM.

1 Connect as system (password = manager) and insert a record into the EMP table. Was the operation successful? Why, or why not?

2 You are going to be running an online order entry application on your database. The orders will be entered using 15 client stations, which have a very high volume of activity in the mornings. Create an appropriate number of rollback segments in the database. (Assume default sizing for the purpose of this exercise.)

3 Ensure that you can perform the INSERT in question 1. Test to check whether you are able to INSERT a record into the EMP table. Do not commit the INSERT.

4 Verify which rollback segments in the system are available for use by transactions.

5 Find which rollback segment is used by the transaction.

6 Invoke SQL*Plus from the labs directory. Run the script ins_emp.sql. Using a separate session take the rollback segment tablespace offline.

7 (a) Shut down the instance, start up again, and query the rollback segment information in the data dictionary to check how many rollback segments are online.

(b) Ensure that all rollback segments will be brought online whenever the database is opened in the future and restart the instance. Make sure that all the rollback segments are ONLINE.

8 Create a new rollback segment called DEMO_RBS in the database with the following storage parameters and ensure that it can be used. This is essential for the next question:


NEXT = 10K


9 Check the number of extents in DEMO_RBS rollback segment. Log in as system/manager using SQL*Plus and run the script ext_rbs.sql. Is there any change in the number of extents in the rollback segment?

10 Ensure that the rollback segment DEMO_RBS is reduced to its optimal size and verify that it has reduced.

11 Run ins_dept1.sql connected as SYSTEM. Using a separate session, connect as SYSTEM and run ins_emp3.sql. Check if there is a blocking session.

12 Drop the DEMO_RBS rollback segment.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration A-15

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 11: Managing Tables

Practice 11: Managing Tables1 You need to create the following tables for an order entry system that you are

implementing now. The tables and the columns are shown below:

You have been informed that in the table ORDERS, rows will be inserted without a value for DATE_OF_DELY, and it will be updated when the order is fulfilled. Log in as system/manager and create the tables using the appropriate block space utilization and tablespace settings. Use tablespace DATA01. You can use the default storage settings. Use the Table Wizard when creating table CUSTOMERS. Do not use the Table Wizard when creating tables ORDERS.

2 Run the script ins_cord.sql to insert rows into the tables.

3 Find which files and blocks contain the orders from the customer with CUST_CODE=A04.

4 Check the number of extents used by the table ORDERS.

5 Allocate an extent manually, with default size, for the table ORDERS and confirm that the extent has been added as specified.

6 (a) Drop the table BIG_EMP.

(b) Create another table, ORDERS2 as copy of the ORDERS table, but with MINEXTENTS=10 and PCTINCREASE=0. Verify that the table has been created with the specified number of extents.

7 Truncate table ORDERS without releasing space and check the number of extents to verify extents have not been deallocated.

8 Alter the ORDERS2 table to reduce MINEXTENTS to 4. Has there been a reduction in the number of extents?

Table Column Data Type and Size








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.....................................................................................................................................................A-16 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix A: Practices

9 Truncate the ORDERS2 table releasing space. How many extents does the table have now?

10 (a) Run the script ins_ord2.sql to insert some rows into ORDERS2 table. (b) Release unused space from ORDERS2 and check the number of extents. Has space been released from the table? Why, or why not?

11 (a) For the order entry application, you now need to add a PRODUCTS table, which has the following columns:

Create this table in tablespace DATA02 using uniform extent sizes of 10K.

(b) Check the sizes of the extents for this table. What do you observe?

Column Data Type and Size




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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration A-17

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 12: Managing Indexes

Practice 12: Managing Indexes1 You are considering creating indexes on the NAME and REGION columns of the

CUSTOMERS table. What types of index are appropriate for the two columns? Create the indexes, naming them CUST_NAME_IDX and CUST_REGION_IDX, respectively, placing them in the appropriate tablespaces.

2 Move the CUST_REGION_IDX index to another tablespace.

3 Note the files and blocks used by the extents by CUST_REGION_IDX index.

4 Re-create the CUST_REGION_IDX index without dropping and re-creating it, and retaining it in the same tablespace as before. Does the new index use the same blocks that were used earlier?

5 (a) Using system account, run the script cr_numb.sql to create and populate the NUMBERS table.

(b) Query the table NUMBERS to find the number of distinct values in the two columns in the table.

(c) Using uniform extent sizes of 4K, create B-tree indexes NUMB_OE_IDX and NUMB_NO_IDX on the ODD_EVEN and NO columns of the NUMBERS table, respectively, and check the total sizes of the indexes.

File_id Block_id Blocks

Index Blocks



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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix A: Practices

(d) Once again, using uniform extent sizes of 4K, create bitmap indexes NUMB_OE_IDX and NUMB_NO_IDX on the ODD_EVEN and NO columns of the NUMBERS table, respectively, and check the total sizes of the indexes.

What can you conclude about the relationship between cardinality and sizes of the two types of indexes?

Index Blocks



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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration A-19

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 13: Maintaining Data Integrity

Practice 13: Maintaining Data Integrity1 Examine the script, cr_cons.sql. Run the script to create the constraints.

2 Query the data dictionary to:

(a) Check for constraints, whether they are deferrable, and their status.

(b) Check the names and types of indexes created to validate the constraints.

(c) Check which columns are used in the constraints created.

3 Insert two records with the following values into the PRODUCTS table:

4 Enable the unique constraint on the PRODUCTS table. Was it successful? Why, or why not?

5 (a) Ensure that new rows added to the table do not violate the constraint on the PRODUCTS table.

(b) Query the data dictionary to verify the effect of the change.

(c) Test that the constraint rejects inserts that violate the constraint by adding a row with the following values:

PROD_CODE: 100860DESCRIPTION: Yellow Jersey Bicycle HelmetPRICE: 30

6 Take the necessary steps to identify existing constraint violations in the PRODUCTS table, modify product codes as needed and guarantee that all existing as well as new data do not violate the constraint. (Assume that the table has several thousands of rows and it is too time consuming to verify each row manually.)

7 Run the script ins_ocus1.sql to insert rows into the table. Were the inserts successful? Rollback the changes.

8 Now examine the script, ins_ocus2.sql. Notice that this script also performs the inserts in the same sequence. Run the script and check if it executes successfully.

9 Truncate the CUSTOMERS table. Was it successful? Why or why not?


100860 Ace Tennis Racket 36.20

100860 Ace Tennis Ball 3-Pack 2.40

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.....................................................................................................................................................A-20 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix A: Practices

Practice 14: Loading DataUse the account system for all the questions in this lab.

1 (a) Run the script ins_item.sql to insert data into the ITEMS table.(b) Create a table ITEMS2 as a copy of the ITEMS table.

(c) Note down the last file/block number used by a row in the table currently _____________________.

2 (a) Delete all rows in ITEMS2 and insert a new row with the following values into the table:

ORD_ID: 200PROD_CODE: 200000QTY: 20(b) Check and note down the file/block number for the new row _____________________.

3 (a) Use direct-load insert to copy data into the ITEMS2 table from the ITEMS table.

(b) Check the file/block numbers of the rows with ORD_ID<>200. What can you observe about the location of these rows?

4 Examine the scripts ulcase1.sql, ulcase1.ctl, ulcase2.ctl and ulcase2.dat. These are some of the standard loader demonstration files supplied with the demonstration Oracle8i Enterprise Edition. As user system, perform the following steps to try two load runs and get acquainted with using SQL*Loader:

(a) Run the script ulcase1.sql to create the DEPT and EMP tables.

(b) Run SQL*Loader to load data into the DEPT table using the control file ulcase1.ctl. Examine the log file generated, and query the DEPT table to check the data loaded.

(c) Run SQL*Loader again to load data into the EMP table using the control file ulcase2.ctl. Notice that this run uses an input data file to load data. Examine the log file generated, and query the EMP table to check the data loaded.

5 (a) Check the number of extents and total number of blocks in the ITEMS2 table.

(b) Allocate an extent to the table manually, and note the number of extents and blocks now ______________________. Since the extent has just been created, the new extent is empty.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration A-21

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 15: Reorganizing Data

Practice 15: Reorganizing Data1 You want to reorganize the ITEMS2 table using export and import. Check the

number and size of the extents in the ITEMS2 table before you drop the table and then do it again after importing the table. What can you infer about the behavior of export/import on space allocation?

2 You need to move several indexes from one tablespace to another. This practice uses one index to show how this can be done.

(a) Create an index named ITEM_OID_IDX, in the tablespace DATA01, on the ORD_ID column of the ITEMS2 table.

(b) Using export and import, move the index to the tablespace INDX01.

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.....................................................................................................................................................A-22 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix A: Practices

Practice 16: Managing Password Security1 Enable password management by using the utlpwdmg.sql script.

2 Try to change the password of user SCOTT to SCOTT. What happens?

3 Make sure that the following applies to users assigned the DEFAULT profile:

- After two login attempts, the account should be locked.

- The password should expire after 30 days.

- The same password should not be reuse again for at least one minute

- The account should have grace period of five days to change an expired password.

Ensure that the requirements given have been implemented.

4 Log in to user SYSTEM supplying an invalid password. Try this twice, then log in again this time supplying the correct password.

5 Ensure the SYSTEM can reconnect.

6 Disable password checks for the DEFAULT profile.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration A-23

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 17: Managing Users

Practice 17: Managing Users1 Create user Bob with a password of ALONG. Make sure that any objects and

temporary segments created by Bob are not created in the system tablespace. Also, ensure that Bob can log in and create objects up to one megabyte in size in DATA01 and INDX01 tablespaces. If you are not using Oracle Enterprise Manager, run the script bob.sql.

2 (a) Create a user Kay with a password of MARY. Make sure that any objects and sort segments created by Kay are not created in the system tablespace.

(b) Copy the ORDERS2 table from SYSTEM schema to Kay’s account. Call the new table ORDERS.

3 Display the information on Bob and Kay from the data dictionary.

4 From the data dictionary display the information on the amount of space that Bob can use in tablespaces.

5 (a) As user Bob change his temporary tablespace. What happens? Why?

(b) As Bob, change his password to SAM.

6 As system, remove Bob's quota on his default tablespace.

7 Remove Kay's account from the database.

8 Bob has forgotten his password. Assign him a password of OLINK and require that Bob change his password the next time he logs on.

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.....................................................................................................................................................A-24 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix A: Practices

Practice 18: Managing Privileges1 As system, create user Kay and give her the capability to log on to the database and

create objects in her schema.

2 (a) Connect as Kay, and create tables using the script ulcase1.sql to create the tables EMP and DEPT.

(b) Connect as system and copy the data from SYSTEM.EMP to Kay’s EMP table. Verify that records have been inserted.

(c) As system give Bob the ability to select from Kay's EMP table. What happens and why?

3 Reconnect as Kay and give Bob the ability to select from Kay's EMP table. Also, enable Bob to give the select capability to other users. Examine the data dictionary views that record these actions.

4 Create user Todd with the capability to log on to the database

5 (a) As Bob, enable Todd to access Kay’s EMP table. Give Bob the new password sam.

(b) As Kay, remove Bob’s privilege to read Kay’s EMP table.

(c) As Todd, query Kay’s EMP table. What happens and why?

6 (a) Enable Kay to create tables in any schema. As Kay, create the table DEPT in Bob’s schema as a copy of KAY.DEPT. What happened and why?

(b) As system, examine the data dictionary view DBA_TABLES to check the result.

7 Enable Kay to start up and shut down the database without the ability to create a new database.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration A-25

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 19: Managing Roles

Practice 19: Managing Roles1 Examine the data dictionary view and list the system privileges of the


2 Create a role called DEV, which enables a user to create a table, create a view and select from Kay’s EMP table.

3 (a) Assign the RESOURCE and DEV roles to Bob, but make only the RESOURCE role to be automatically enabled when he logs on.

(b) Give Bob the ability to read all the data dictionary information.

4 Bob needs to check the rollback segments that are currently used by the instance. Connect as Bob and list the rollback segments used.

5 As system, try to create a view EMP_VIEW on Kay’s EMP table. What happens and why?

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.....................................................................................................................................................A-26 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix A: Practices

Practice 20: Using National Language Support1 Check the database and the national character set.

2 Which are valid values for the database character set.

3 Make sure that all dates in this session are displayed using a 4-digit year.

4 Define the NLS_LANG on server and client side to enable 8-bit character encoding scheme. Run the script nls.sql connected as user SYS and display the rows. Then export the table. Import the table to user Bob using the character set US7ASCII.

Query the table; what happened and why? (optional)

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.....................................................................................................................................................B-2 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

Practice 1: Oracle Architectural ComponentsThere are no hints for this practice.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration B-3

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 2: Getting Started With Oracle

Practice 2: Getting Started With Oracle

Using SQL*Plus1 What is the size of the database buffer cache?

2 What is the size of the system global area?

3 List the columns OWNER, TABLE_NAME, TABLESPACE _NAME of the data dictionary view DBA_TABLES and format the ouput. (The display of the first ten rows is sufficient.) Exit SQL*Plus.

4 Start SQL*Plus and run a batch script named para.sql, which spools all initialization parameters to the output file para.lst.

Hint: Invoke para.sql from the operating system command line.

5 Run the script scott.sql.

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.....................................................................................................................................................B-4 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

Practice 3: Managing an Oracle Instance1 Identify the database name, instance name, and size of the database blocks.

Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$DATABASE, V$THREAD, and V$PARAMETER to display the database and instance name and the size of the database blocks.

2 List the name and size of the data files, online redo log files, and the name of the control files.

Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$DATAFILE, V$LOGFILE, and V$CONTROLFILE to display the data files, online redo log files, and the name of the control files.

3 Which options are installed?

Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$OPTION to display the installed options.

4 Display the version number.

Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$VERSION to display the version number.

5 Display the maximum number of operating system user processes that can simultaneously connect to the instance.

Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$PARAMETER or use the SHOW PARAMETER command to display the maximum number of operating system user processes that can simultaneously connect to the instance.

6 Try to change the database block size. What happened?

Hint: There is no hint for this question.

7 List the default initialization parameter.

Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$PARAMETER to display the default initialization parameter.

8 Open the database in read only mode. Connect as user SCOTT and add 10 percent to all salaries in the table EMP. What happens? Put the database back in read write mode.

Hint: There is no hint for this question.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration B-5

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 3: Managing an Oracle Instance

9 Enable timing in trace files dynamically and verify it.

Hint: Use the ALTER SYSTEM command to enable timing in trace files dynamically and use the dynamic performance view V$PARAMETER to verify the result.

10 Connect as user SCOTT and insert rows in the table EMP. Open second session and try to shut down the database transactional. What happens?

Hint: There is no hint for this question.

11 Ensure that there are at least two sessions open, one session as user SCOTT and one as user SYS. Enable the restricted session, verify this and ensure that only the database administrator SYS is connected.

Hint – Use the ALTER SYSTEM command to enable the restricted session and query

the dynamic performance views V$INSTANCE to verify the result.

– Use the dynamic performance view V$SESSION to see the values of the SID and SERIAL# column.

– Execute the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command to terminate sessions.

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.....................................................................................................................................................B-6 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

12 Examine the following sample of an alert file to identify if internal errors or exceptions have occurred.

Hint: There is no hint for this question.

Wed Jun 30 13:24:30 1999Starting ORACLE instance (normal)LICENSE_MAX_SESSION = 0LICENSE_SESSIONS_WARNING = 0LICENSE_MAX_USERS = 0Starting up ORACLE RDBMS Version: parameters with non-default values: processes = 60 shared_pool_size = 3500000 java_pool_size = 1000000 control_files = $HOME/DATA/DISK1/control01.con db_block_buffers = 100 db_block_size = 4096 compatible = 8.1.5 log_checkpoint_interval = 10000 log_checkpoint_timeout = 1800 db_files = 1024 db_file_multiblock_read_count= 8 dml_locks = 200 rollback_segments = sysrol db_domain = world global_names = TRUE distributed_transactions = 10 sort_area_size = 64000 db_name = DB01 job_queue_processes = 2 job_queue_interval = 10 parallel_max_servers = 12 background_dump_dest = $HOME/BDUMP user_dump_dest = $HOME/UDUMP max_dump_file_size = 10240 core_dump_dest = $HOME/CDUMPPMON started with pid=2DBW0 started with pid=3LGWR started with pid=4CKPT started with pid=5SMON started with pid=6RECO started with pid=7SNP0 started with pid=8SNP1 started with pid=9..Corrupt block relative dba: 0x01c0003a file=7. blocknum=58.Fractured block found during buffer readData in bad block - type:6. format:2. rdba:0x01c0003alast change scn:0x0000.0000e9c5 seq:0xa0 flg:0x00consistancy value in tail 0x44c506a0check value in block header: 0x0, check value not calculatedspare1:0x0, spare2:0x0, spare2:0x0

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration B-7

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 4: Creating a Database

Practice 4: Creating a DatabaseThe directories specified for the files must be placed within $HOME/DATA.

1 Create a password file using the following information:

– Password for sys:oracle

– Enable five privileged users

Ensure that Oracle can write to this file.

Hint: Use the orapwd utility to create the password file and locate the password file in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory.

2 Write a script for the creation of a database with the following configuration:

– Database name and instance name U<xx>

– One control file named control01.con located in the directory DISK5

– Two redo log file groups each with one 150K member named log1a.rdo and log2a.rdo located in the directory DISK6

– The maximum number of five log file groups and five log file members for each group

– A 20M data file named system01.dbf and located in DISK4 directory

– Maximum of 30 data files that can be created for the database

– A maximum number of 100 archived redo logs for automatic media recovery

– The Character set WE8ISO8859P1

The Trace file location should be in the BDUMP and CDUMP directory.

Hint– Edit the parameter file.

– Start the instance.

– Generate the CREATE DATABASE command script.

3 Enable spooling to capture the errors and run the script (optional): Include the command “spool <file_name>” before running the command.

4 After creation check the database state and ensure that the database files are created (optional).

Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$DATABASE, V$THREAD, V$DATAFILE, V$LOGFILE, and V$CONTROLFILE to check the database state and display the information about data files, online redo log files, and control files.

5 Try to display the names of the database users? What happens and why? (optional)

Hint: There is no hint for this question.

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.....................................................................................................................................................B-8 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

Practice 5: Creating Data Dictionary Views and Standard Packages1 Create the data dictionary views.

2 Use the data dictionary views to gather the following information:

a What is the name and number of the rollback segments?

Hint: Query the data dictionary view DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS to show the name of the rollback segments.

b Identify the data file that makes up the SYSTEM tablespace.

Hint: Query the data dictionary view DBA_DATA_FILES to identify the data files that make up SYSTEM tablespace.

c How much free space is available in the database and how much is already used?

Hint– Query the data dictionary view DBA_FREE_SPACE to show how much free

space is available in the database.

– Query the data dictionary view DBA_SEGMENTS to display how much space is already used.

d List the name and creation date of the database users.

Hint: Query the data dictionary view dba_users to list the name and the creation of the database users.

3 Check which data dictionary tables are used to define the DBA_USERS view.

Hint: Query the data dictionary view DBA_VIEWS to display the view definition of the data dictionary view DBA_USERS.

4 Establish the usage of PL/SQL functionality. (Take a break as soon as the script is started.)

Hint: There is no hint for this question.

5 Check if any packages are invalid.

Hint: Query the DBA_OBJECTS view to obtain this information.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration B-9

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 6: Maintaining the Control File

Practice 6: Maintaining the Control File1 Where is the existing control file located and what is the name?

Hint: Query the dynamic performance view V$CONTROLFILE or V$PARAMETER, or execute the SHOW PARAMETER command to display the name and the location of the control file.

2 Try to start the database without any control files (You can simulate this by changing the name of the control file in the parameter file or just changing the name of the control file.) What happens?

Hint: There is no hint for this question.

3 Multiplex the existing control file using the directory DISK2 and name the new control file control02.con. Make sure that the Oracle server is able to write to the new control file. For example, on UNIX use the command chmod 660. Confirm that both control files are being used.

Hint– Shut down the database.

– Copy the existing control file to a new file with the name control02.con to the directory DISK2.

– Use the command chmod 660 on UNIX.

– Modify the parameter file to include the new filename.

– Start up the database.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$CONTROLFILE or V$PARAMETER or use the SHO PARAMETER command to confirm both control files are being used.

4 What is the initial sizing of the data file section in your control file?

Hint: There is no hint for this question.

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.....................................................................................................................................................B-10 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

Practice 7: Maintaining Redo Log Files1 List the number and location of existing log files and display the number of redo

log file groups and members your database has.

Hint– Query the dynamic performance views V$LOGFILE to display the location of

the existing log files.

– Use the dynamic performance view V$LOG to display the number of redo log file groups and members.

2 In which database mode is your database configured? Is archiving enabled?

Hint– Query the dynamic performance views V$DATABASE to show the database


– Query the dynamic performance view V$INSTANCE to verify if the automatic archiving is enabled.

3 Add a redo log member to each group in your database located on DISK3, using the following naming conventions:

If group 1 has two existing files called redo0101.log and redo0102.log, then add a new member called redo0103.log. Verify the result.

Hint– Execute the ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE MEMBER command to

add a redo log member to each group.

– Query the dynamic performance views V$LOGFILE to verify the result.

4 Create a new redo log group located in the directory DISK3, DISK4, and DISK5 and verify the existence of the new group.

Hint – Execute the ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE command to create a new


– Query the dynamic performance views V$LOGFILE to display the name of the new members of the new group.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$LOG to display the number of redo log file groups and members.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration B-11

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 7: Maintaining Redo Log Files

5 Relocate the members redo0103.log and redo0303.log (see step 3) and locate them in the directory DISK5 from DISK3.

Hint– Move the members to the directory DISK5.

– Execute the ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE command to rename the members.

– Query the dynamic performance views V$LOGFILE to verify the result.

6 Remove the log group created in step 4.

Hint– Execute the ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE GROUP command to

remove the log group.

– Query the dynamic performance views V$LOG to verify the result.

7 Resize all online redo log files to 1024K. (Since we cannot resize logfiles we have to add new logs and drop the old.)

Hint– Execute the ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE GROUP command to add

two new group with the size 1024K.

– Query the dynamic performance views V$LOG to check the active group.

– Execute the ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE command to force log switches and change the group stage to inactive.

– Execute the ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE to remove the inactive groups.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$LOG to verify the result.

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.....................................................................................................................................................B-12 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

Practice 8: Managing Tablespaces and Data Files1 Create permanent tablespaces with the following names and storage:

a DATA01 for tables with default storage

b DATA02 for large objects with default storage (Ensure that every used extent size in the tablespace is multiple of 100K.)

c INDX01 for indexes with the default storage (Enable automatic extension of 500K when more extents are required.)

d RONLY for read only tables with the default storage

Display the information from the data dictionary.

Hint– Execute the CREATE TABLESPACE command to create the permanent


– Display the information from the data dictionary.

– Query the dynamic performance view DBA_DATA_FILES to verify the result.

2 Allocate 500K more to the tablespace DATA02 and verify the result.

Hint– Use the ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE... RESIZE command to allocate

another 500K.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$DATAFILE to verify the result.

3 Relocate the INDX01 tablespace and move it to DISK6.

Hint– Take the tablespace INDX01 OFFLINE.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$DATAFILE to verify the result.

– Execute the ALTER TABLESPACE RENAME command to rename the files.

– Take the tablespace INDX01 ONLINE.

– Query the dynamic performance views V$DATAFILE to verify the result.

Tablespace Name Sub-directory Data File Location (Size)DATA01 DISK4 data01.dbf (2M)

DATA02 DISK5 data02.dbf (1M)

INDX01 DISK3 indx01.dbf (1M)

RONLY DISK1 ronly.dbf (1M)

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration B-13

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 8: Managing Tablespaces and Data Files

4 Turn RONLY tablespace to read only after creating a table in this tablespace. Attempt to create an additional table and drop the table. What happens and why?

Hint: There is no hint for this question.

5 Drop the tablespace RONLY and verify it.

Hint– Execute the DROP TABLESPACE ... to remove the tablespace.

– Delete the operating-system files.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$TABLESPACE to verify the result.

6 Without shutting down the instance, change the SORT_AREA_SIZE to 2 kilobytes.

Hint: SORT_AREA_SIZE is a dynamic parameter needing the DEFERRED option.

7 Open two connections to the database as user SYSTEM. Run srt_dd.sql from one session and monitor the sort activity from another session. Query sort statistics and temporary segment information both during and after the completion of the script. Note the findings.

Hint: Sort segment information is available from V$SORT_SEGMENT and current sort activity from V$SORT_USAGE.

8 From one of the sessions, run asn_tts.sql to prepare for the next part of the lab. This script ensures that TEMP tablespace will be used for the sorts made by the user SYSTEM, and will be covered under the lesson “Managing Users.” Connect as SYSTEM from one of the sessions and run srt_dd.sql. From the other session monitor sort activity and statistics, as was done in question 3. Do you notice any difference?


Page 238: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................B-14 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

Practice 9: Storage Structure and Relationships1 As user system, run the script cr_segs.sql to create tables and indexes.

2 Identify the different types of segments in the database.

3 Write a query to check which segments are within five extents short of the maximum extents. Ignore the bootstrap segment. This query is useful in identifying any segments that are likely to generate errors during future data load.

Hint: The columns EXTENTS and MAX_EXTENTS in the data dictionary view DBA_SEGMENTS contain the current number and the maximum number of extents.

4 Which files have space allocated for the EMP table?

Hint: The views DBA_EXTENTS and DBA_DATA_FILES need to be joined to obtain this information.

5 (a) Write a query to obtain the File Number and Block Number of EMP table header.

Hint: To find the header block of the EMP table, query the DBA_SEGMENTS view.

(b) Write a query that will accept a file number and block number as the input and return the name and type of the segment that uses the block. Test your query by supplying the file and block number of the EMP table header (obtained in the previous query. Use SQL*Plus to run the query.)

Hint: Create a SQL*Plus script to accept the relative file number and block number, and query the view DBA_EXTENTS to find the segment that uses the relative file and the block number entered..

6 List the free space available by tablespace. The query should display the number of fragments, the total free space, and the largest free extent in each tablespace.

Hint: Query the DBA_FREE_SPACE view to get this information.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration B-15

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 9: Storage Structure and Relationships

7 Run the script cr_frags.sql in the LABS directory. Check if there are any adjacent free extents in the database. Coalesce them and verify again.

HintExecute the script cr_frags.sql.

– Query the DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED view for any tablespaces where PERCENT_BLOCKS_COALESCED <> 100.

– Use the ALTER TABLESPACE command to coalesce free space in the tablespace.

– Query the DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED view again to check for any tablespaces where PERCENT_BLOCKS_COALESCED <> 100.

8 List segments that will generate errors because of lack of space when they try to allocate an additional extent.

Hint: You need to check if the biggest free extent for a tablespace from DBA_FREE_SPACE is not as large as the NEXT_EXTENT for any segment in the tablespace.

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.....................................................................................................................................................B-16 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

Practice 10: Managing Rollback SegmentsBefore starting this practice make sure you run the script $HOME/LABS/alt_sysrol.sql as user SYSTEM.

1 Connect as system (password = manager) and insert a record into the EMP table. Was the operation successful? Why, or why not?

2 You are going to be running an online order entry application on your database. The orders will be entered using 15 client stations, which have a very high volume of activity in the mornings. Create appropriate number of rollback segments in the database. (Assume an default sizing for the purpose of this exercise.)

Hint: Using a ratio of one rollback segment for every four transactions, you will need to create four rollback segments.

3 Ensure that you can perform the INSERT in question 1. Test to check whether you are able to INSERT a record into the EMP table. Do not commit the INSERT.

Hint: At least one of the rollback segments needs to be ONLINE before you can successfully insert a row into the EMP table.

4 Verify which rollback segments in the system are available for use by transactions.

Hint: This information can be obtained from DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS view.

5 Find which rollback segment is used by the transaction.

Hint: This information can be obtained by joining V$ROLLSTAT and V$ROLLNAME views.

6 Invoke SQL*Plus from the labs directory. Run the script ins_emp.sql. Using a separate session take the rollback segment tablespace offline.

Hint• The script starts another transaction that inserts a row into the EMP table. Since

both transactions are using the rollback segments in this tablespace, you need to use the following steps.

– First, take all rollback segments in the tablespace OFFLINE to prevent new transactions from using the rollback segments in the tablespace.

– Now, identify the sessions that are using the rollback segments in the RBS tablespace.

– Kill the sessions using rollback segments in the tablespace.

– Take the RBS tablespace offline.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration B-17

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 10: Managing Rollback Segments

7 (a) Shut down the instance, start up again, and query the rollback segment information in the data dictionary to check how many rollback segments are online.

(b) Ensure that all rollback segments will be brought online whenever the database is opened in the future and restart the instance. Make sure that all the rollback segments are ONLINE.

Hint: This can be done using the ROLLBACK_SEGEMENTS initialization parameter. Also, the RBS tablespace must be brought ONLINE.

8 Create a new rollback segment called DEMO_RBS in the database with the following storage parameters and ensure that it can be used. This is essential for the next question:


NEXT = 10K


Hint: To ensure that the rollback segment can be used, it must be brought ONLINE after creation.

9 Check the number of extents in DEMO_RBS rollback segment. Log in as system/manager using SQL*Plus and run the script ext_rbs.sql. Is there any change in the number of extents in the rollback segment?

10 Ensure that the rollback segment DEMO_RBS is reduced to its optimal size and verify that it has reduced.

Hint: The OPTIMAL size can be verified from V$ROLLSTAT.

Hint: Use the ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT command to reduce the size and verify again.

11 Run ins_dept1.sql connected as SYSTEM. Using a separate session, connect as SYSTEM and run ins_emp3.sql. Check if there is a blocking session.

Hint: Determine blocking session from V$ROLLSTAT.

12 Drop the DEMO_RBS rollback segment.

Hint: The rollback must be taken offline before it is dropped. You may need to ensure that no transactions are using the rollback segment.

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.....................................................................................................................................................B-18 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

Practice 11: Managing Tables1 You need to create the following tables for an order entry system that you are

implementing now. The tables and the columns are shown below:

You have been informed that in the table ORDERS, rows will be inserted without a value for DATE_OF_DELY, and it will be updated when the order is fulfilled. Log in as system/manager and create the tables using the appropriate block space utilization and tablespace settings. Use tablespace DATA01. You can use the default storage settings. Use the Table Wizard when creating table CUSTOMERS. Do not use the Table Wizard when creating tables ORDERS.

Hint: PCTFREE has to be set carefully for the ORDERS table as rows in this table are likely to grow after updates.

2 Run the script ins_cord.sql to insert rows into the tables.

3 Find which files and blocks contain the orders from the customer with CUST_CODE=A04.

Hint: You need to use the DBMS_ROWID package to translate the ROWID. Since the database only has a few files, the relative file number and absolute file numbers are the same.

4 Check the number of extents used by the table ORDERS.

5 Allocate an extent manually, with default size, for the table ORDERS and confirm that the extent has been added as specified.

Table Column Data Type and Size








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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration B-19

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 11: Managing Tables

6 (a) Drop the table BIG_EMP.

(b) Create another table, ORDERS2 as copy of the ORDERS table, but with MINEXTENTS=10 and PCTINCREASE=0. Verify that the table has been created with the specified number of extents.

7 Truncate table ORDERS without releasing space and check the number of extents to verify extents have not been deallocated.

8 Alter the ORDERS2 table to reduce MINEXTENTS to 4. Has there been a reduction in the number of extents?

9 Truncate the ORDERS2 table releasing space. How many extents does the table have now?

10 (a) Run the script ins_ord2.sql to insert some rows into ORDERS2 table. (b) Release unused space from ORDERS2 and check the number of extents. Has space been released from the table? Why, or why not?

11 (a) For the order entry application, you now need to add a PRODUCTS table, which has the following columns:

Create this table in tablespace DATA02 using uniform extent sizes of 10K.

(b) Check the sizes of the extents for this table. What do you observe?

Hint: Check the DBA_EXTENTS view to get the size.

Column Data Type and Size




Page 244: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................B-20 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

Practice 12: Managing Indexes1 You are considering creating indexes on the NAME and REGION columns of the

CUSTOMERS table. What types of index are appropriate for the two columns? Create the indexes, naming them. CUST_NAME_IDX and CUST_REGION_IDX, respectively, placing them in the appropriate tablespaces.

Hint: A B-tree index is suitable for a column with many distinct values, and a bitmap index is suitable for columns with only a few distinct values.

2 Move the CUST_REGION_IDX index to another tablespace.

Hint: The index can be rebuilt specifying a different tablespace.

3 Note the files and blocks used by the extents by CUST_REGION_IDX index.

Hint: Use the view DBA_EXTENTS to get this information.

4 Re-create the CUST_REGION_IDX index without dropping and re-creating it, and retaining it in the same tablespace as before. Does the new index use the same blocks that were used earlier?

Hint: Rebuild the index.

File_id Block_id Blocks

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration B-21

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 12: Managing Indexes

5 (a) Using system account, run the script cr_numb.sql to create and populate the NUMBERS table.

(b) Query the table NUMBERS to find the number of distinct values in the two columns in the table.

(c) Using uniform extent sizes of 4K, create B-tree indexes NUMB_OE_IDX and NUMB_NO_IDX on the ODD_EVEN and NO columns of the NUMBERS table, respectively, and check the total sizes of the indexes.

Hint– Use PCTINCREASE=0 to create extents of equal size.

– Check the total blocks allocated to the extents from DBA_SEGMENTS.

(d) Once again, using uniform extent sizes of 4K, create bitmap indexes NUMB_OE_IDX and NUMB_NO_IDX on the ODD_EVEN and NO columns of the NUMBERS table, respectively, and check the total sizes of the indexes.

What can you conclude about the relationship between cardinality and sizes of the two types of indexes?

Hint: The existing indexes need to be dropped before creating the new indexes.

Hint: Now reexecute the query to check the sizes of the indexes.

Index Blocks



Index Blocks



Page 246: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................B-22 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

Practice 13: Maintaining Data Integrity1 Examine the script, cr_cons.sql. Run the script to create the constraints.

2 Query the data dictionary to:

(a) Check for constraints, whether they are deferrable, and their status.

Hint: Use the DBA_CONSTRAINTS view to get this information.

(b) Check the names and types of indexes created to validate the constraints.

Hint: The indexes are only created for primary key and unique. constraints and have the same name as the constraints.

(c) Check which columns are used in the constraints created.

Hint: This information may be obtained from DBA_CONS_COLUMNS.

3 Insert two records with the following values into the PRODUCTS table:

4 Enable the unique constraint on the PRODUCTS table. Was it successful? Why, or why not?

5 (a) Ensure that new rows added to the table do not violate the constraint on the PRODUCTS table.

Hint: This can be done by enabling the constraint NOVALIDATE.

(b) Query the data dictionary to verify the effect of the change.

(c) Test that the constraint rejects inserts that violate the constraint by adding a row with the following values:

PROD_CODE: 100860DESCRIPTION: Yellow Jersey Bicycle HelmetPRICE: 30


100860 Ace Tennis Racket 36.20

100860 Ace Tennis Ball 3-Pack 2.40

Page 247: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration B-23

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 14: Loading Data

Practice 14: Loading DataUse the account system for all the questions in this lab.

1 (a) Run the script ins_item.sql to insert data into the ITEMS table(b) Create a table ITEMS2 as a copy of the ITEMS table.

(b) Note down the last file/block number used by a row in the table currently _____________________.

Hint: Query the ROWIDs using the functions in the DBMS_ROWID package.

2 (a) Delete all rows in ITEMS2 and insert a new row with the following values into the table:

ORD_ID: 200PROD_CODE: 200000QTY: 20(b) Check and note down the file/block number for the new row _____________________.

3 (a) Use direct-load insert to copy data into the ITEMS2 table from the ITEMS table.

(b) Check the file/block numbers of the rows with ORD_ID<>200. What can you observe about the location of these rows?

4 Examine the scripts ulcase1.sql, ulcase1.ctl, ulcase2.ctl and ulcase2.dat. These are some of the standard loader demonstration files supplied with the demonstration Oracle8i Enterprise Edition. As user system, perform the following steps to try two load runs and get acquainted with using SQL*Loader:

(a) Run the script ulcase1.sql to create the DEPT and EMP tables.

(b) Run SQL*Loader to load data into the DEPT table using the control file ulcase1.ctl. Examine the log file generated, and query the DEPT table to check the data loaded.

(c) Run SQL*Loader, again, to load data into the EMP table using the control file ulcase2.ctl. Notice that this run uses an input data file to load data. Examine the log file generated, and query the EMP table to check the data loaded.

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.....................................................................................................................................................B-24 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

5 (a) Check the number of extents and total number of blocks in the ITEMS2 table.

Hint: Query the DBA_SEGMENTS view.

(b) Allocate an extent to the table manually, and note the number of extents and blocks now ______________________. Since the extent has just been created, the new extent is empty.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration B-25

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 15: Reorganizing Data

Practice 15: Reorganizing Data1 You want to reorganize the ITEMS2 table using export and import. Check the

number and size of the extents in the ITEMS2 table before you drop the table and then do it again after importing the table. What can you infer about the behavior of export/import on space allocation?

Hint: Perform the following steps:

– Use table level export to do this.

– Drop the ITEMS2 table.

– Import the ITEMS2 table.

– Check the number and size of the extents in the ITEMS2 table using DBA_SEGMENTS.

2 You need to move several indexes from one tablespace to another. This practice uses one index to show how this can be done.

(a) Create an index named ITEM_OID_IDX, in the tablespace DATA01, on the ORD_ID column of the ITEMS2 table.

(b) Using export and import, move the index to the tablespace INDX01.

Hint: Use the following steps.

– Export the table with indexes, but without rows.

– Drop the index.

– Import from the output of the previous export and create a script to build the index.

– Edit the index file created in the previous step to change the tablespace to INDX01 and run the script to re-create the index.

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.....................................................................................................................................................B-26 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

Practice 16: Managing Password Security1 Enable password management by using the utlpwdmg.sql script.

Hint: There is no hint for this question.

2 Try to change the password of user SCOTT to SCOTT. What happens?

Hint: There is no hint for this question.

3 Make sure that the following applies to users assigned the DEFAULT profile:

- After two login attempts, the account should be locked.

- The password should expire after 30 days.

- The same password should not be reuse again for at least oneminute

- The account should have grace period of five days to change an expired password.

Ensure that the requirements given have been implemented.

Hint- Use the ALTER PROFILE command to change the default profile


- Query the data dictionary views DBA_PROFILES to verify the result.

4 Log in to user SYSTEM supplying an invalid password. Try this twice, then log in again this time supplying the correct password.

Hint: There is no hint for this question.

5 Ensure the SYSTEM can reconnect.

Hint: Execute the ALTER USER command to “unlock” the SYSTEM account.

6 Disable password checks for the DEFAULT profile.

Hint: Execute the ALTER PROFILE command to disable the password checks.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration B-27

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 17: Managing Users

Practice 17: Managing Users1 Create user Bob with a password of ALONG. Make sure that any objects and

temporary segments created by Bob are not created in the system tablespace. Also, ensure that Bob can log in and create objects up to one megabyte in size in DATA01 and INDX01 tablespaces. If you are not using Oracle Enterprise Manager, run the script bob.sql.

Hint: Ensure that the temporary tablespace is assigned.

2 (a) Create a user Kay with a password of MARY. Make sure that any objects and sort segments created by Kay are not created in the system tablespace.

(b) Copy the ORDERS2 table from SYSTEM schema to Kay’s account. Call the new table ORDERS.

Hint: Kay needs a quota on her default tablespace before objects can be created in her schema.

3 Display the information on Bob and Kay from the data dictionary.

Hint: This can be obtained by querying DBA_USERS.

4 From the data dictionary display the information on the amount of space that Bob can use in tablespaces.

Hint: This can be obtained by querying DBA_TS_QUOTAS.

5 (a) As user Bob change his temporary tablespace. What happens? Why?

(b) As Bob, change his password to SAM.

6 As system, remove Bob's quota on his default tablespace.

7 Remove Kay’s account from the database.

Hint: Since Kay owns tables, you need to use the CASCADE option.

8 Bob has forgotten his password. Assign him a password of OLINK and require that Bob change his password the next time he logs on.

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.....................................................................................................................................................B-28 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

Practice 18: Managing Privileges1 As system, create user Kay and give her the capability to log on to the database and

create objects in her schema.

Hint: Kay needs the CREATE SESSION and CREATE TABLE privileges.

2 (a) Connect as Kay, and create tables using the script ulcase1.sql to create the tables EMP and DEPT.

(b) Connect as system and copy the data from SYSTEM.EMP to Kay’s EMP table. Verify that records have been inserted.

(c) As system give Bob the ability to select from Kay’s EMP table. What happens and why?

3 Reconnect as Kay and give Bob the ability to select from Kay’s EMP table. Also, enable Bob to give the select capability to other users. Examine the data dictionary views that record these actions.

Hint: Query the view DBA_TAB_PRIVS to see the privileges.

4 Create user Todd with the capability to log on to the database

5 (a) As Bob, enable Todd to access Kay’s EMP table. Give Bob the new password sam.

(b) As Kay, remove Bob’s privilege to read Kay’s EMP table.

(c) As Todd, query Kay’s EMP table. What happens and why?

6 (a) Enable Kay to create tables in any schema. As Kay, create the table DEPT in Bob’s schema as a copy of KAY.DEPT. What happened and why?

(b) As system, examine the data dictionary view DBA_TABLES to check the result.

7 Enable Kay to start up and shutd own the database without the ability to create a new database.

Hint: Give Kay the SYSOPER privilege.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration B-29

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 19: Managing Roles

Practice 19: Managing Roles1 Examine the data dictionary view and list the system privileges of the


Hint: This information is available from DBA_SYS_PRIVS.

2 Create a role called DEV, which enables a user to create a table, create a view and select from Kay’s EMP table.

3 (a) Assign the RESOURCE and DEV roles to Bob, but make only the RESOURCE role to be automatically enabled when he logs on.

Hint: Use the ALTER USER command to specify default role.

(b) Give Bob the ability to read all the data dictionary information.

Hint: Assign the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE. to Bob.

4 Bob needs to check the rollback segments that are currently used by the instance. Connect as Bob and list the rollback segments used.

Hint: Bob needs the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE to check the rollback segments, but since this is not one of his default roles, it must be enabled first.

5 As system, try to create a view EMP_VIEW on Kay’s EMP table. What happens and why?

Page 254: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................B-30 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix B: Hints

Practice 20: Using National Language Support1 Check the database and the national character set.

Hint: Query the data dictionary view NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS to check the character sets.

2 Which are valid values for the database character set.

Hint: Query the data dictionary view V$NLS_VALID_VALUES to list the valid values.

3 Make sure that all dates in this session are displayed using a 4-digit year

Hint: Set the parameter NLS_DATE_FORMAT..

4 Define the NLS_LANG on server and client side to enable 8-bit character encoding scheme. Run the script nls.sql connected as user SYS and display the rows. Then export the table. Import the table to user Bob using the character set US7ASCII.

Query the table; what happened and why? (optional)

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Practice Solutionsfor SQL*Plus

Page 256: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................C-2 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Practice 1 Solutions1 A user attempts to log on and receives the error message “ORA-01034 ORACLE

not available.” Which of the following is the likely cause of the problem?

a The user supplied an invalid password.

b The user supplied an invalid username.

c The instance that the user is connecting to is not running.

d The Oracle version that the user is requesting is not—installed.

Answer: C2 A user executes a SQL command to update a row in the EMP table. Which process

executes this statement?

a User process

b Server process



Answer: B3 A user executes a SQL command to update a row in the EMP table. Where is the

change made by the process identified in the previous question?

a Data files

b Database buffer cache

c Shared pool

d Parameter file

Answer: B4 Which of the following files is used to authenticate privileged database users?

a Redo log file

b Control file

c Password file

d Archived log file

Answer: C5 Which of the following files is not a part of the database?

a Redo log file

b Control file

c Password file

d Data file

Answer: C

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-3

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 1 Solutions

6 Which of the following files store rollback segments?

a Redo log file

b Control file

c Password file

d Data file

Answer: D7 Which of the following memory areas is not a part of the SGA?

a Database buffer cache


c Redo log buffer

d Shared pool

Answer: B8 Which of the following memory areas is used to cache the data dictionary


a Database buffer cache


c Redo log buffer

d Shared pool

Answer: D9 Which of the following stages are used to process a DML statement?

a Parse

b Execute

c Fetch

Answer: A, B10 When a user executes a commit, in which of the following files are the changes

recorded before the Oracle server returns a “Commit complete” message to the user?

a Redo log file

b Control file

c Password file

d Data file

Answer: A

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.....................................................................................................................................................C-4 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Practice 2 Solutions

Using SQL*Plus1 What is the size of the database buffer cache?

2 What is the size of the system global area?

SQL> connect system/manager@db01Connected.

SQL> sho sga

Total System Global Area 6315408 bytesFixed Size 64912 bytesVariable Size 5308416 bytesDatabase Buffers 409600 bytesRedo Buffers 532480 bytes

SQL> sho sga

Total System Global Area 6315408 bytesFixed Size 64912 bytesVariable Size 5308416 bytesDatabase Buffers 409600 bytesRedo Buffers 532480 bytes

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-5

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 2 Solutions

3 List the first 9 rows of the OWNER, TABLE_NAME, and TABLESPACE _NAME columns in the data dictionary view DBA_TABLES, and format the output. (The display of the first ten rows is sufficient.) Exit SQL*Plus.

4 Start SQL*Plus and run a script named para.sql, which spools all initialization parameters to the output file para.lst.

Hint: Invoke para.sql from the operating system command line.

SQL> COL owner FORMAT a5SQL> COL table_name FORMAT a15SQL> COL tablespace_name FORMAT a15SQL> SELECT owner, table_name, tablespace_name 2 FROM dba_tables 3 WHERE rownum < 10;


SQL> exitDisconnected from Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release ...With the Partitioning and Java optionsPL/SQL Release - Production

$ sqlplus system/manager@db01 @$HOME/LABS/para.sql

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu May 6 15:37:15 1999

(c) Copyright 1999, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - ProductionWith the Partitioning and Java optionsPL/SQL Release - Production


NAME TYPE VALUE-------- ------ ------...db_name string db01 ...

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.....................................................................................................................................................C-6 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

5 Run the script scott.sql.

SQL> @$HOME/LABS/scott


Grant succeeded


Table created.

Table created.

1 row created.


1 row created.

Commit completed.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-7

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 3 Solutions

Practice 3 Solutions1 Identify the database name, instance name, and size of the database blocks.

Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$DATABASE, V$THREAD, and V$PARAMETER.

SQL> CONNECT system/manager@db01


SQL> SELECT name FROM v$database;




SQL> SELECT instance FROM v$thread;





2 FROM v$parameter

3 WHERE name = ’db_block_size’;




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.....................................................................................................................................................C-8 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

2 List the name and size of the data files, online redo log files, and the name of the control files.

Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$DATAFILE, V$LOGFILE, and V$CONTROLFILE.

SQL> SELECT name FROM v$datafile;










SQL> SELECT member FROM v$logfile;







SQL> SELECT name FROM v$controlfile;




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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-9

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 3 Solutions

3 List the installed options.

Hint: Query the dynamic performance view V$OPTION.

SQL> COL paramter FORMAT a40SQL> COL status FORMAT a10SQL> SELECT * from v$option;

PARAMETER VALUE---------------------------------------- ----------Partitioning TRUEObjects TRUEParallel Server FALSEAdvanced replication TRUEBit-mapped indexes TRUEConnection multiplexing TRUEConnection pooling TRUEDatabase queuing TRUEIncremental backup and recovery TRUEInstead-of triggers TRUEParallel backup and recovery TRUEParallel execution TRUEParallel load TRUEPoint-in-time tablespace recovery TRUEFine-grained access control TRUEN-Tier authentication/authorization TRUEFunction-based indexes TRUEPlan Stability TRUEOnline Index Build TRUECoalesce Index TRUEManaged Standby TRUEMaterialized view rewrite TRUEMaterialized view warehouse refresh TRUEDatabase resource manager TRUESpatial TRUEVisual Information Retrieval TRUEExport transportable tablespaces TRUETransparent Application Failover TRUEFast-Start Fault Recovery TRUESample Scan TRUEDuplexed backups TRUEJava TRUE

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.....................................................................................................................................................C-10 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

4 Display the version numbers.

Hint: Query the dynamic performance view V$VERSION.

5 Display the maximum number of operating system user processes that can simultaneously connect to the instance.

Hint: Query the dynamic performance view V$PARAMETER or use the SHOW PARAMETER.

SQL> SELECT * FROM v$version;



Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production

PL/SQL Release - Production

CORE Version - Production

TNS for Solaris: Version - Production

NLSRTL Version - Production


2 FROM v$parameter

3 WHERE name = ’processes’;




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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-11

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 3 Solutions

6 Try to change the database block size. What happens?

7 List the default initialization parameter.

Hint: Query the dynamic performance view V$PARAMETER.

SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdba


SQL> shutdown immediate;

Database closed.Database dismounted.ORACLE instance shut down.

SQL> exit

a Edit initdb01.ora, and add the following line.DB_BLOCK_SIZE=8192

b Then startup the database as follows:SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdba


SQL> startup pfile=$HOME/initdb01.ora

ORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 6315408 bytesFixed Size 64912 bytesVariable Size 5308416 bytesDatabase Buffers 409600 bytesRedo Buffers 532480 bytesORA-00209: control file blocksize mismatch, check alert log for more info

SQL> shutdown immediate;SQL> exit

c Edit init<SID>.ora file to undo the db_block_size change made above.SQL> connect sys/oracle as sysdbaSQL> startup pfile=$HOME/initDB01.ora


2 FROM v$parameter

3 WHERE isdefault=’TRUE’;NAME-------------------------------------------------------spin_countsessions...session_max_open_files aq_tm_processes hs_autoregister

174 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

8 Open the database in read-only mode. Connect as user SCOTT and add 10 percent to all salaries in the table EMP. What happens?

a Put the database back in read-write mode.

SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdbaConnected.SQL> shutdown immediate;Database closed.Database dismounted.ORACLE instance shut down.SQL> exit

b Then Startup the database as follows:SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdbaConnectedSQL> startup pfile=$HOME/initDB01.ora mount;ORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 6315408 bytesFixed Size 64912 bytesVariable Size 5308416 bytesDatabase Buffers 409600 bytesRedo Buffers 532480 bytesDatabase mounted.

SQL> alter database open read only;SQL> Database altered.SQL> connect scott/tiger@db01SQL> update emp set sal=sal*1.1;0 rows updated.SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdbaConnectedSQL> shutdown immediate;Database closed.Database dismounted.ORACLE instance shut down.SQL> exit

c Then start up the database as follows:SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdbaConnectedSQL> startup pfile=$HOME/initDB01.ora;ORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 6315408 bytesFixed Size 64912 bytesVariable Size 5308416 bytesDatabase Buffers 409600 bytesRedo Buffers 532480 bytesDatabase mounted.Database opened.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-13

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 3 Solutions

9 Enable and verify timing in trace files dynamically.

Hint: Use the ALTER SYSTEM command. Use the dynamic performance view V$PARAMETER to verify the result.

10 Connect as user SCOTT and insert rows in the table EMP. Open a second session and try to shut down the database transactional. What happens?

Hint: There is no hint for this question.

The Oracle server waits for SCOTT’s transaction to end before shutting down. Wait for the instance to shut down at the second session. Then bring it back up.

11 Ensure that there are at least two sessions open; one session as user SCOTT and one as user SYS. Enable the restricted session, verify this, and ensure that only the database administrator SYS is connected.

SQL> SELECT value, isdefault, ismodified 2 FROM v$parameter 3 WHERE name = ’timed_statistics’;

VALUE ISDEFAULT ISMODIFIED------------------------------ --------- ----------FALSE TRUE FALSE

1 row selected.

SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET timed_statistics=true;System altered.

SQL> SELECT value, isdefault, ismodified 2 FROM v$parameter 3 WHERE name =’timed_statistics’;

VALUE ISDEFAULT ISMODIFIED------------------------------ --------- ----------TRUE TRUE SYSTEM_MOD

SQL> connect scott/tiger@db01


SQL> INSERT INTO emp (empno, ename, deptno)

2 VALUES (1,’Vijay’,10);

1 row created.

a In the second session,SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdba

SQL> shutdown transactional

SQL> startup pfile=$HOME/initDB01.ora

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Hints: – Use the ALTER SYSTEM command to enable the restricted session and query

the dynamic performance views V$INSTANCE to verify the result.

– Use the dynamic performance view V$SESSION to see the values of the SID and SERIAL# column.

– Execute the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command to terminate sessions.

SQL> connect scott/tiger@db01Connected.

a In the first session,SQL> INSERT INTO emp (empno, ename, deptno) 2 VALUES (1,’Vijay’,10);1 row inserted.

b In the second session,SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdbaConnected.SQL> ALTER SYSTEM ENABLE RESTRICTED SESSION;System altered.SQL> SELECT logins FROM v$instance;LOGINS ----------RESTRICTEDSQL> SELECT sid, serial#,username

2 FROM v$session 3 WHERE username!= ’SYS’;

SID SERIAL# USERNAME ---------- ---------- ------------------------------ 7 3 SCOTT


System altered.SQL> SELECT username, status

2 FROM v$session3 WHERE type=’USER’;

USERNAME STATUS ------------------------------ --------SCOTT KILLED SYS ACTIVE

c In the first session,SQL> SELECT user

2 FROM dual;Your session has been killed.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-15

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 3 Solutions

12 Examine the following sample of an alert file to identify if internal errors or exceptions have occurred.

There is a block corruption message as shown above. Also note other useful messages, such as:• Startup time• Nondefault initialization parameters and background processes• Tablespace creation and log switches (to be discussed in a later lesson)

Wed Jun 30 13:24:30 1999Starting ORACLE instance (normal)LICENSE_MAX_SESSION = 0LICENSE_SESSIONS_WARNING = 0LICENSE_MAX_USERS = 0Starting up ORACLE RDBMS Version: parameters with non-default values: processes = 60 shared_pool_size = 3500000 java_pool_size = 1000000 control_files = $HOME/DATA/DISK1/control01.con db_block_buffers = 100 db_block_size = 4096 compatible = 8.1.5 log_checkpoint_interval = 10000 log_checkpoint_timeout = 1800 db_files = 1024 db_file_multiblock_read_count= 8 dml_locks = 200 rollback_segments = sysrol db_domain = world global_names = TRUE distributed_transactions = 10 sort_area_size = 64000 db_name = DB01 job_queue_processes = 2 job_queue_interval = 10 parallel_max_servers = 12 background_dump_dest = $HOME/BDUMP user_dump_dest = $HOME/UDUMP max_dump_file_size = 10240 core_dump_dest = $HOME/CDUMPPMON started with pid=2DBW0 started with pid=3LGWR started with pid=4CKPT started with pid=5SMON started with pid=6RECO started with pid=7SNP0 started with pid=8SNP1 started with pid=9..Corrupt block relative dba: 0x01c0003a file=7. blocknum=58.Fractured block found during buffer readData in bad block - type:6. format:2. rdba:0x01c0003alast change scn:0x0000.0000e9c5 seq:0xa0 flg:0x00consistancy value in tail 0x44c506a0check value in block header: 0x0, check value not calculatedspare1:0x0, spare2:0x0, spare2:0x0

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.....................................................................................................................................................C-16 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Practice 4 SolutionsThe directories specified for the files must be placed within $HOME/DATA.

1 Create a password file using the following information:

– Password for sys:oracle

– Enable five privileged users

Ensure that Oracle can write to this file.

Hint: Use the orapwd utility to create the password file and locate the password file in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory.

2 Write a script for the creation of a database with the following configuration:

– Database name and instance name DB<xx>

– One control file named control01.con, located in the directory DISK5

– Two redo log file groups each with one 150 KB member named

redo0101.log and redo0201.log, located in the directory DISK6

– The maximum number of five log file groups and five log file members for each group.

– A 20 MB data file named system01.dbf, located in DISK4 directory

– A maximum of 30 data files that can be created for the database

– A maximum of 100 archived redo logs for automatic media recovery

– The character set WE8ISO8859P1

The trace file location should be in the BDUMP and CDUMP directory.

Hints: – Edit the parameter file.

– Start the instance.

– Generate the CREATE DATABASE command script

$rm $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwDB01

$orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwDB01 entries=5 \

> password=oracle

$chmod 777 $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwDB01

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-17

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 4 Solutions


3 Enable spooling to capture the errors and run the script.

4 (Optional) Include the command “spool <file_name>” before running the command.

SQL> STARTUP NOMOUNT PFILE=initdb01.ora;ORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 6315408 bytesFixed Size 64912 bytesVariable Size 5308416 bytesDatabase Buffers 409600 bytesRedo Buffers 532480 bytesSQL> CREATE DATABASE "DB01"


Database created.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

5 (Optional) After creation, check the database state and ensure that the database files are created.

Hint: Query the dynamic performance views V$DATABASE, V$THREAD, V$DATAFILE, V$LOGFILE, and V$CONTROLFILE.

SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdba;


SQL> SELECT name, created, log_mode FROM v$database;

NAME CREATED LOG_MODE--------- --------- ------------DB01 10-JUN-99 NOARCHIVELOG

SQL> SELECT status, instance FROM v$thread;STATUS INSTANCE------ ----------------OPEN DB01

SQL> SELECT name FROM v$datafile;


SQL> SELECT member FROM v$logfile;MEMBER----------------------------------------/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK6/redo0101.log/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK6/redo0201.log

SQL> SELECT name FROM v$controlfile;


SQL> show sga

Total System Global Area 6315408 bytesFixed Size 64912 bytesVariable Size 5308416 bytesDatabase Buffers 409600 bytesRedo Buffers 532480 bytes

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-19

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 4 Solutions

6 Try to display the names of the database users. What happens and why?

This fails because the data dictionary views have not yet been created.

SQL> SELECT username2 FROM dba_users;

FROM dba_users *ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

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.....................................................................................................................................................C-20 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Practice 5 Solutions1 Create the data dictionary views.

2 Use the data dictionary views to gather the following information:

a What is the name and number of the rollback segments?

Hint: Query the data dictionary view DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS to show the name of the rollback segments.

b Identify the data file that makes up the SYSTEM tablespace.

Hint: Query the data dictionary view DBA_DATA_FILES to identify the data files that make up SYSTEM tablespace.

c How much free space is available in the database and how much is already used?

Hints:– Query the data dictionary view DBA_FREE_SPACE to show how much free

space is available in the database.

– Query the data dictionary view DBA_SEGMENTS to display how much space is already used.

SQL> @@?/rdbms/admin/catalog....Role created.

Grant succeeded.

Commit completed.

SQL> SELECT segment_name2 FROM dba_rollback_segs;


SQL> SELECT file_name 2 FROM dba_data_files 3 WHERE tablespace_name=’SYSTEM’;FILE_NAME-----------------------------------------/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/system01.dbf

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 5 Solutions


d List the name and creation date of the database users.

Hint: Query the data dictionary view DBA_USERS to list the name and the creation of the database users.

SQL> SELECT sum(bytes)/1024 "free space in KB" 2 FROM dba_free_space;

free space in KB---------------- 146976

SQL> SELECT sum(bytes)/1024 "used space in KB" 2 FROM dba_segments;

used space in KB---------------- 43460

SQL> SELECT username, created FROM dba_users;USERNAME CREATED------------------------------ ---------SYS 10-JUN-99SYSTEM 10-JUN-99SCOTT 10-JUN-99OUTLN 10-JUN-99DBSNMP 10-JUN-99

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.....................................................................................................................................................C-22 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

3 Check which data dictionary tables are used to define the DBA_USERS view.

Hint: Query the data dictionary view DBA_VIEWS to display the view definition of the data dictionary view DBA_USERS.

SQL> SET PAGESIZE 100SQL> SET LONG 1400SQL> SELECT text 2 FROM dba_views 3 WHERE view_name = ’DBA_USERS’;TEXT -------------------------------------------------------------------------select, u.user#, u.password, m.status, decode(u.astatus, 4, u.ltime, 5, u.ltime, 6, u.ltime, 8, u.ltime, 9, u.ltime, 10, u.ltime, to_date(NULL)), decode(u.astatus, 1, u.exptime, 2, u.exptime, 5, u.exptime, 6, u.exptime, 9, u.exptime, 10, u.exptime, decode(u.ptime, ’’, to_date(NULL), decode(pr.limit#, 2147483647, to_date(NULL), decode(pr.limit#, 0, decode(dp.limit#, 2147483647, to_date(NULL), u.ptime + dp.limit#/86400), u.ptime + pr.limit#/86400)))),,, u.ctime,, u.defschclass, u.ext_username from sys.user$ u, sys.ts$ dts, sys.ts$ tts, sys.profname$ p, sys.user_astatus_map m, sys.profile$ pr, sys.profile$ dp where u.datats# = dts.ts# and u.resource$ = p.profile# and u.tempts# = tts.ts# and u.astatus = m.status# and u.type# = 1 and u.resource$ = pr.profile# and dp.profile# = 0 and dp.type#=1 and dp.resource#=1 and pr.type# = 1 and pr.resource# = 1

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-23

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 5 Solutions

4 Establish the usage of PL/SQL functionality. (Take a break as soon as the script is started.)

5 Check if any packages are invalid.

Hint: Query the DBA_OBJECTS view to obtain this information.

SQL> @@?/rdbms/admin/catproc....Package created.

Package body created...Library created...

SQL> COL object_name FORMAT a30SQL> SELECT object_name, object_type

2 FROM dba_objects3 WHERE object_type LIKE ’PACKAGE%’ 4 AND status = ’INVALID’;


213 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................C-24 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Practice 6 Solutions1 Where is the existing control file located and what is the name?

Hint: Query the dynamic performance view V$CONTROLFILE or V$PARAMETER, or execute the SHOW PARAMETER command to display the name and the location of the control file.

2 Try to start the database without any control files. (You can simulate this by changing the name of the control file in the parameter file or just changing the name of the control file.) What happens?

SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdbaConnected.SQL> COL name FORMAT a50SQL> SELECT * FROM v$controlfile;STATUS NAME------- ----------------------------------------- /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/control01.ctl

SQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdba;Connected.SQL> shutdown immediateDatabase closed.Database dismounted.ORACLE instance shut down.SQL> exit

a Change the name of the control file by moving it into a new filename:mv $HOME/DATA/DISK1/control01.ctl $HOME/DATA/DISK1/control01.bakSQL> connect sys/oracle@db01 as sysdba;Connected.SQL> startup pfile=initDB01.oraORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 6315408 bytesFixed Size 64912 bytesVariable Size 5308416 bytesDatabase Buffers 409600 bytesRedo Buffers 532480 bytesORA-00205: error in identifying controlfile, check alert log for more infoSQL> shutdown immediateSQL> exit;

b Rename your control file to the original name and location:mv $HOME/DATA/DISK1/control01.bak $HOME/DATA/DISK1/control01.ctl

c Do not startup the database as yet.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-25

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 6 Solutions

3 Multiplex the existing control file, using the directory DISK2, and name the new control file control02.con. Make sure that the Oracle Server is able to write to the new control file. For example, on UNIX use the command chmod 660. Confirm that both control files are being used.

Hints: – Shut down the database.

– Copy the existing control file to a new file with the name control02.con in the directory DISK2.

– Use the command chmod 660 on UNIX.

– Modify the parameter file to include the new filename.

– Start up the database.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$CONTROLFILE or V$PARAMETER, or use the SHOW PARAMETER command to confirm that both control files are being used.

Ensure the database is shutdown before doing this.$ cp $HOME/DATA/DISK1/control01.con $HOME/DATA/DISK2/control02.con$ chmod 660 $HOME/DATA/DISK2/control02.con

a Edit the (init.ora) parameter file to include:control_files = ($HOME/DATA/DISK1/control01.con, $HOME/DATA/DISK2/control02.con)SQL> startup pfile=initdb01.oraORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 6315408 bytesFixed Size 64912 bytesVariable Size 5308416 bytesDatabase Buffers 409600 bytesRedo Buffers 532480 bytesDatabase mounted.Database opened.SQL> SELECT name

2 FROM v$controlfile;NAME-------------------------------------------/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/control01.con/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/control02.con

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

4 What is the initial sizing of the data file section in your control file?

SQL> SELECT records_total2 FROM v$controlfile_record_section3 WHERE type = ’DATAFILE’;

RECORDS_TOTAL------------- 254

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-27

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 7 Solutions

Practice 7 Solutions1 List the number and location of existing log files and display the number of redo

log file groups and members your database has.

Hints: – Query the dynamic performance view V$LOGFILE.

– Use the dynamic performance view V$LOG.

2 In which database mode is your database configured? Is archiving enabled?

Hints: – Query the dynamic performance view V$DATABASE.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$INSTANCE.

SQL> SELECT member FROM v$logfile;MEMBER-----------------------------------------/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/redo0101.log/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/redo0102.log/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/redo0201.log/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/redo0202.log

SQL> SELECT group#,members2 FROM v$log;

GROUP# MEMBERS--------- --------- 1 2 2 2

SQL> SELECT log_mode FROM v$database;LOG_MODE ------------NOARCHIVELOG

SQL> SELECT archiver FROM v$instance;ARCHIVE-------STOPPED

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

3 Add a redo log member to each group in your database located on DISK3, using the following naming conventions:

If group 1 has two existing files called redo0101.log and redo0102.log, then add a new member called redo0103.log.

Verify the result.

Hints: – Execute the ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE MEMBER command to

add a redo log member to each group.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$LOGFILE to verify the result.


Database altered.SQL> COL member FORMAT a40SQL> SELECT * FROM v$logfile;

GROUP# STATUS MEMBER------- ------- ---------------------------------------- 1 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/redo0101.log 1 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/redo0102.log 2 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/redo0201.log 2 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/redo0202.log 1 INVALID /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/redo0103.log 2 INVALID /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/redo0203.log

6 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-29

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 7 Solutions

4 Create a new redo log group located in directories DISK3, DISK4, and DISK5, and verify the existence of the new group.

Hints: – Execute the ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE command to create a new


– Query the dynamic performance view V$LOGFILE to display the name of the new members of the new group.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$LOG to display the number of redo log file groups and members.

SQL> ALTER DATABASE2 ADD LOGFILE GROUP 3( 3 ’$HOME/DATA/DISK3/redo0301.log’,4 ’$HOME/DATA/DISK4/redo0302.log’,5 ’$HOME/DATA/DISK5/redo0303.log’)6 SIZE 1024K;

Database altered.SQL> SELECT * FROM v$logfile;GROUP# STATUS MEMBER------- ------- ----------------------------------------- 1 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/redo0101.log 1 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/redo0102.log 2 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/redo0201.log 2 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/redo0202.log 1 INVALID /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/redo0103.log 2 INVALID /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/redo0203.log 3 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/redo0301.log 3 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/redo0302.log 3 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK5/redo0303.log

9 rows selected.SQL> SELECT group#, members FROM V$log;GROUP# MEMBERS------- --------- 1 3 2 3 3 3

3 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................C-30 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

5 Relocate the members redo0103.log and redo0203.log (see step 3) and locate them in the directory DISK5 from DISK3.

Hints: – Move the members to the directory DISK5.

– Execute the ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE command to rename the members.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$LOGFILE to verify the result..

$ cd $HOME/DATA/DISK5$ mv $HOME/DATA/DISK3/redo0103.log.$ mv $HOME/DATA/DISK3/redo0203.log.

a Use the following statement to decide which group is current:SQL> SELECT group#, status 2 FROM v$log;GROUP# STATUS--------- ---------------- 1 INACTIVE 2 CURRENT 3 UNUSEDSQL> ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE;System altered.SQL> ALTER DATABASE 2 RENAME FILE ’$HOME/DATA/DISK3/redo0103.log’, 3 ’$HOME/DATA/DISK3/redo0203.log’ 4 TO ’$HOME/DATA/DISK5/redo0103.log’, 5 ’$HOME/DATA/DISK5/redo0203.log’; Database altered.SQL> COL member FORMAT a50SQL> SELECT * FROM v$logfile;GROUP# STATUS MEMBER--------- ------- ----------------------------------------- 1 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/redo0101.log 1 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/redo0102.log 2 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/redo0201.log 2 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/redo0202.log 1 INVALID /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK5/redo0103.log 2 INVALID /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK5/redo0203.log 3 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/redo0301.log 3 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/redo0302.log 3 /oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK5/redo0303.log

9 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-31

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 7 Solutions

6 Remove the redo log group created in step 4.

Hints: – Execute the ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE GROUP command to

remove the log group.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$LOG to verify the result.

SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE;System altered.SQL> ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE GROUP 3; Database altered.SQL> SELECT group#, members FROM v$log;GROUP# MEMBERS ---------- ---------- 1 2 2 22 rows selected.$rm $HOME/DATA/DISK5/redo0301.log$rm $HOME/DATA/DISK5/redo0302.log$rm $HOME/DATA/DISK5/redo0303.log

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.....................................................................................................................................................C-32 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

7 Resize all online redo log files to 1024 KB. (Because we cannot resize log files, we have to add new logs and drop the old.)

Hints: – Execute the ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE GROUP command to add

two new groups with the size 1024 KB.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$LOG to check the active group.

– Execute the ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE command to force log switches and change the group stage to inactive.

– Execute the ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE command to remove the inactive groups.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$LOG to verify the result..

SQL> ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE 2 GROUP 3 (’$HOME/DATA/DISK3/redo0301.log’,3 ’$HOME/DATA/DISK4/redo0302.log’) SIZE 1024K,4 GROUP 4 (’$HOME/DATA/DISK3/redo0401.log’,5 ’$HOME/DATA/DISK4/redo0402.log’) size 1024K;

Database altered.SQL> SELECT group#, status FROM v$log;GROUP# STATUS------- --------- 1 INACTIVE 2 CURRENT 3 UNUSED 4 UNUSED4 rows selected.SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE;System altered.SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE;System altered.SQL> ALTER DATABASE DROP LOGFILE GROUP 1, GROUP 2;Database altered.SQL> SELECT group#, bytes FROM v$log;

GROUP# BYTES------- --------- 3 1048576 4 10485762 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-33

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 8 Solutions

Practice 8 Solutions1 Create permanent tablespaces with the following names and storage:

a DATA01 for tables with default storage

b DATA02 for large objects with default storage (Ensure that every used extent size in the tablespace is multiple of 100 KB.)

c INDX01 for indexes with the default storage (Enable automatic extension of 500 KB when more extents are required.)

d RONLY for read-only tables with the default storage

Display the information from the data dictionary

Hints: – Execute the CREATE TABLESPACE command to create the permanent


– Display the information from the data dictionary.

– Query the dynamic performance view DBA_DATA_FILES to verify the result.

Tablespace Name Subdirectory Data File Location (Size)DATA01 DISK4 data01.dbf (2 MB)

DATA02 DISK5 data02.dbf (1 MB)

INDX01 DISK3 indx01.dbf (1 MB)

RONLY DISK1 ronly.dbf (1 MB)

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus



2 ’$HOME/DATA/DISK5/data02.dbf’ SIZE 1M3 MINIMUM EXTENT 100k;




2 ’$HOME/DATA/DISK1/ronly.dbf’ SIZE 1M;Tablespace created.SQL> COL file_name FORMAT A40SQL> COL tablespace_name FORMAT A15SQL> SELECT file_name, tablespace_name, bytes,

2 autoextensible, increment_by3 FROM DBA_DATA_FILES;

FILE_NAME TABLESPACE_NAME BYTES---------------------------------------- --------------- ---------/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/data01.dbf DATA01 2097152/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK5/data02.dbf DATA02 1048576/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/indx01.dbf INDX01 1048576/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/ronly.dbf RONLY 1048576/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/system01.dbf SYSTEM 52428800/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/rbs01.dbf RBS 15728640/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/data01.dbf DATA 52428800/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/temp01.dbf TEMP 10485760/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/indx01.dbf INDX 5242880/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/oemrep01.dbf OEM 5242880/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/query01.dbf QUERY_DATA 1048576

11 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-35

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 8 Solutions

2 Allocate 500 KB more to the tablespace DATA02 and verify the result.

Hints: – Use the ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE... RESIZE command to allocate

another 500 KB.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$DATAFILE to verify the result.


Database altered.SQL> COL name FORMAT a40SQL> SELECT name, bytes, create_bytes FROM v$datafile;NAME BYTES CREATE_BYTES---------------------------------------- --------- ------------/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/system01.dbf 52428800 52428800/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/rbs01.dbf 15728640 15728640/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/data01.dbf 52428800 52428800/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/temp01.dbf 10485760 10485760/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/indx01.dbf 5242880 5242880/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/oemrep01.dbf 5242880 5242880/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/query01.dbf 1048576 1048576/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/data01.dbf 2097152 2097152/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK5/data02.dbf 1536000 1048576/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/indx01.dbf 1048576 1048576/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/ronly.dbf 1048576 1048576

11 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

3 Relocate the INDX01 tablespace and move it to DISK6.

Hints: – Take the tablespace INDX01 OFFLINE.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$DATAFILE to verify the result

– Execute the ALTER TABLESPACE RENAME command to rename the files.

– Take the tablespace INDX01 ONLINE.

– Query the dynamic performance views V$DATAFILE to verify the result.

SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE indx01 OFFLINE;Tablespace altered.SQL> SELECT name, status FROM v$datafile;NAME STATUS---------------------------------------- -------/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/system01.dbf SYSTEM/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/rbs01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/data01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/temp01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/indx01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/oemrep01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/query01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/data01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK5/data02.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/indx01.dbf OFFLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/ronly.dbf ONLINE11 rows selected.SQL> !mv $HOME/DATA/DISK3/indx01.dbf $HOME/DATA/DISK6/indx01.dbfSQL> ALTER TABLESPACE indx01

2 RENAME DATAFILE 3 ’$HOME/DATA/DISK3/indx01.dbf’ TO 4 ’$HOME/DATA/DISK6/indx01.dbf’;

Tablespace altered.SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE indx01 ONLINE;Tablespace altered.SQL> SELECT name, status FROM v$datafile;NAME STATUS---------------------------------------- ------/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/system01.dbf SYSTEM/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/rbs01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/data01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/temp01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/indx01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/oemrep01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/query01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/data01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK5/data02.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK6/indx01.dbf ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/ronly.dbf ONLINE11 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 8 Solutions

4 Change the RONLY tablespace to read-only after creating a table in this tablespace. Attempt to create an additional table and drop the table. What happens and why?

SQL> CREATE TABLE t1 (t1 number) TABLESPACE ronly;Table altered.SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE ronly READ ONLY;Tablespace altered.SQL> SELECT name, enabled, status FROM v$datafile;NAME ENABLED STATUS---------------------------------------- ---------- ------/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/system01.dbf READ WRITE SYSTEM/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/rbs01.dbf READ WRITE ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/data01.dbf READ WRITE ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/temp01.dbf READ WRITE ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK2/indx01.dbf READ WRITE ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK3/oemrep01.dbf READ WRITE ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/query01.dbf READ ONLY ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK4/data01.dbf READ WRITE ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK5/data02.dbf READ WRITE ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK6/indx01.dbf READ WRITE ONLINE/oracle/hrasmuss/DATA/DISK1/ronly.dbf READ ONLY ONLINE

11 rows selected.SQL> CREATE TABLE t2 (t2 number) TABLESPACE ronly;CREATE TABLE t2 (t2 number) TABLESPACE ronly*ORA-01647: tablespace ’RONLY’ is read only, cannot allocate space in itSQL> DROP TABLE t1;Table dropped.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

5 Drop the tablespace RONLY and verify it.

Hints: – Execute the DROP TABLESPACE ...command to remove the tablespace.

– Delete the operating system files.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$TABLESPACE to verify the result.

6 Without shutting down the instance, change the SORT_AREA_SIZE to 2 kilobytes.

Hint: SORT_AREA_SIZE is a dynamic parameter requiring the DEFERRED option.

7 Open two connections to the database as user SYSTEM. Run srt_dd.sql from one session and monitor the sort activity from another session. Query sort statistics and temporary segment information both during and after the completion of the script. Note the findings.

Hint: Sort segment information is available from V$SORT_SEGMENT and current sort activity from V$SORT_USAGE.

8 From one of the sessions, run asn_tts.sql to prepare for the next part of the practice. This script ensures that the TEMP tablespace will be used for the sorts made by the user SYSTEM; this will be covered under the lesson “Managing Users.” Connect as SYSTEM from one of the sessions and run srt_dd.sql. From the other session monitor sort activity and statistics, as was done in question 3. Do you notice any difference?

The sort in this case uses the temporary tablespace, TEMP, and the extents allocated are not released at the end of the sort.

SQL> DROP TABLESPACE ronly;Tablespace dropped.SQL> SELECT * FROM v$tablespace;TS# NAME ---------- ------------------------------ 0 SYSTEM 1 RBS 2 DATA01 3 DATA02 4 TEMP 5 INDX01 6 rows selected.$rm $HOME/DATA/DISK1/ronly.dbf

SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET sort_area_size=2048 DEFERRED;System altered.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 8 Solutions


SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET sort_area_size=65536 DEFERRED;System altered.

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.....................................................................................................................................................C-40 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Practice 9 Solutions1 As user system, run the script cr_segs.sql to create tables and indexes.

SQL> connect system/managerConnected.SQL> @$HOME/LABS/cr_segsSQL> -- Script cr_segs.sql to create segmentsSQL> -- for Practice 09, Q1 O8iDBA classSQL> -- Dependencies :SQL> -- needs SYSTEM account to runSQL> -- needs DATA01 tablespace with exactly 2M free spaceSQL> -- needs INDX01 tablespace with at least 100K free spaceSQL>SQL> CREATE TABLE emp(


Table created.SQL> SQL> CREATE TABLE fragment1(


Table created.SQL> CREATE TABLE dept(

2 deptno NUMBER,3 dname VARCHAR2(15))4 TABLESPACE data015 STORAGE(INITIAL 50K6 NEXT 50K)7 /

Table created.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-41

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 9 Solutions

2 Identify the different types of segments in the database.


Table created.SQL>SQL> CREATE TABLE big_emp(

2 empno NUMBER(4), 3 ename VARCHAR2(30))


Table created.SQL> SQL> CREATE INDEX i_e_empno

2 ON emp(ename)3 TABLESPACE indx014 STORAGE(INITIAL 50K5 NEXT 50K)6 /

Index created.SQL> SQL> DROP TABLE fragment1

2 /Table dropped.SQL> SQL> DROP TABLE fragment2

2 /Table dropped.

SQL> connect system/managerConnected.SQL> SELECT DISTINCT segment_type


7 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

3 Write a query to check which segments are within five extents short of the maximum extents. Ignore the bootstrap segment. This query is useful in identifying any segments that are likely to generate errors during future data load.

Hint: The columns EXTENTS and MAX_EXTENTS in the data dictionary view DBA_SEGMENTS contain the current number and the maximum number of extents.

4 Which files have space allocated for the EMP table?

Hint: The views DBA_EXTENTS and DBA_DATA_FILES need to be joined to obtain this information.

5 (a) Write a query to obtain the file number and block number of the EMP table header.

Hint: To find the header block of the EMP table, query the DBA_SEGMENTS view.

SQL> SELECT segment_name, segment_type, max_extents, extents3 FROM dba_segments4 WHERE extents+5 > max_extents5 AND segment_type<>’CACHE’;

SEGMENT_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE MAX_EXTENTS EXTENTS------------ ------------------ ----------- ---------EMP TABLE 10 8

SQL> SELECT DISTINCT f.file_name2 FROM dba_extents e,dba_data_files f3 WHERE e.segment_name=’EMP’4 AND e.file_id=f.file_id;


SQL> SELECT relative_fno, header_block2 FROM dba_segments3 WHERE owner=’SYSTEM’4 AND segment_name = ’EMP’;

RELATIVE_FNO HEADER_BLOCK------------ ------------ 8 2

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 9 Solutions

(b) Write a query that will accept a file number and block number as the input and return the name and type of the segment that uses the block. Test your query by supplying the file and block number of the EMP table header (obtained in the previous query). Use SQL*Plus to run the query.

Hint: Create a SQL*Plus script to accept the relative file number and block number, and query the view DBA_EXTENTS to find the segment that uses the relative file and the block number entered.

6 List the free space available by tablespace. The query should display the number of fragments, the total free space, and the largest free extent in each tablespace.

Hint: Query the DBA_FREE_SPACE view to get this information.

SQL> COL segment_name FORMAT A30SQL> COL segment_type FORMAT A15SQL> SELECT segment_name,segment_type 2 FROM dba_extents 3 WHERE file_id=&1 4 AND &2 BETWEEN block_id AND (block_id+blocks-1);Enter value for 1: 8old 3: WHERE file_id=&1new 3: WHERE file_id=8Enter value for 2: 2old 4: AND &2 between block_id and (block_id+blocks+1)new 4: AND 2 between block_id and (block_id+blocks+1)

SEGMENT_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE------------------------------ ---------------EMP TABLE

SQL> SELECT tablespace_name,COUNT(*) AS fragments,2 SUM(bytes) AS total,3 MAX(bytes) AS largest4 FROM dba_free_space5 GROUP BY tablespace_name;

TABLESPACE_NAME FRAGMENTS TOTAL LARGEST--------------- --------- --------- ---------DATA 1 50376704 50376704DATA01 3 147456 126976DATA02 1 1531904 1531904INDX 1 5238784 5238784INDX01 1 983040 983040OEM 1 5238784 5238784QUERY_DATA 1 1044480 1044480RBS 1 1593344 1593344SYSTEM 1 64565248 64565248TEMP 5 10481664 9662464

10 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

7 Run the script cr_frags.sql in the LABS directory. Check if there are any adjacent free extents in the database. Coalesce them and verify again.

Hint: Execute the script cr_frags.sql.

Hint: Query the DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED view for any tablespaces where PERCENT_BLOCKS_COALESCED <> 100.

Hint: Use the ALTER TABLESPACE command to coalesce free space in the tablespace.

Hint: Query the DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED view again to check for any tablespaces where PERCENT_BLOCKS_COALESCED <> 100.

SQL> @$HOME/LABS/cr_frags

SQL> SELECT tablespace_name, total_blocks, 2 blocks_coalesced, percent_blocks_coalesced3 FROM dba_free_space_coalesced4 WHERE percent_blocks_coalesced<>100;

TABLESPACE TOTAL_BLOCKS BLOCKS_COALESCED PERCENT_BLOCKS_COALESCED---------- ------------ ---------------- ------------------------TEMP 2559 50 1.9538882DATA02 374 5 1.3368984


SQL> SELECT tablespace_name, total_blocks, 2 blocks_coalesced, percent_blocks_coalesced3 FROM dba_free_space_coalesced4 WHERE percent_blocks_coalesced<>100;

TABLESPACE TOTAL_BLOCKS BLOCKS_COALESCED PERCENT_BLOCKS_COALESCED---------- ------------ ---------------- ------------------------TEMP 2559 50 1.9538882

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 9 Solutions

8 List segments that will generate errors because of lack of space when they try to allocate an additional extent.

Hint: You need to check if the biggest free extent for a tablespace from DBA_FREE_SPACE is not as large as the NEXT_EXTENT for any segment in the tablespace.

SQL> SELECT s.segment_name,s.segment_type,2 s.tablespace_name,s.next_extent3 FROM dba_segments s4 WHERE NOT EXISTS 5 (SELECT 1 FROM dba_free_space f6 WHERE s.tablespace_name=f.tablespace_name7 HAVING max(f.bytes) > s.next_extent);

SEGMENT_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE TABLESPACE NEXT_EXTENT------------ ------------------ ---------- -----------BIG_EMP TABLE DATA01 1048576

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Practice 10: Managing Rollback SegmentsBefore starting this practice make sure that you run the script $HOME/LABS/alt_sysrol.sql as user SYSTEM.

1 Connect as system (password = manager) and insert a record into the EMP table. Was the operation successful? Why or why not?

This operation fails because DML on a non-SYSTEM tablespace requires a non-SYSTEM rollback segment, and currently there are none available.

2 You are going to be running an online order entry application on your database. The orders will be entered using 15 client stations, which have a very high volume of activity in the mornings. Create an appropriate number of rollback segments in the database. (Assume default sizing for the purpose of this exercise.)

Hint: Using a ratio of one rollback segment for every four transactions, you will need to create four rollback segments.

SQL> INSERT INTO emp VALUES2 (7369,’SMITH’,’CLERK’,7902,3 to_date(’17-12-1980’,’dd-mm-yyyy’),800,NULL,20);

ORA-01552: cannot use system rollback segment for non-system tablespace ’DATA01’


Rollback segment created.SQL> CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r02

2 TABLESPACE rbs;Rollback segment created.SQL> CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r03

2 TABLESPACE rbs;Rollback segment created.SQL> CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT r04

2 TABLESPACE rbs;Rollback segment created.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-47

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 10: Managing Rollback Segments

3 Ensure that you can perform the INSERT in question 1. Test whether you are able to insert a record into the EMP table. Do not commit the INSERT.

Hint: At least one of the rollback segments needs to be ONLINE before you can successfully insert a row into the EMP table.

4 Verify which rollback segments in the system are available for use by transactions.

Hint: This information can be obtained from DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS view.

5 Find which rollback segment is used by the transaction.

Hint: This information can be obtained by joining the V$ROLLSTAT and V$ROLLNAME views.

SQL> ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r01 ONLINE;Rollback segment altered.SQL> ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r02 ONLINE;Rollback segment altered.SQL> ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r03 ONLINE;Rollback segment altered.SQL> ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r04 ONLINE;Rollback segment altered.SQL> INSERT INTO emp VALUES

2 (7369,’SMITH’,’CLERK’,7902,3 to_date(’17-12-1980’,’dd-mm-yyyy’),800,NULL,20);

SQL> SELECT segment_name, status2 FROM dba_rollback_segs;


6 rows selected.

SQL> SELECT n.name2 FROM V$rollname n, V$rollstat s3 WHERE n.usn=s.usn4 AND s.xacts>0;


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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

6 Invoke SQL*Plus from the labs directory. Run the script ins_emp.sql. Using a separate session take the rollback segment tablespace offline.

Hint: The script starts another transaction that inserts a row into the EMP table. Because both transactions are using the rollback segments in this tablespace, you need to use the following steps:

First, take all rollback segments in the tablespace OFFLINE to prevent new transactions from using the rollback segments in the tablespace.

Hint: Now, identify the sessions that are using the rollback segments in the RBS tablespace.

Hint: Kill the sessions using rollback segments in the tablespace.

Hint: Take the RBS tablespace offline.

SQL> ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r01 OFFLINE;Rollback segment altered.SQL> ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r02 OFFLINE;Rollback segment altered.SQL> ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r03 OFFLINE;Rollback segment altered.SQL> ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT r04 OFFLINE;Rollback segment altered.

SQL> SELECT s.sid, s.serial#2 FROM v$session s3 WHERE s.saddr in 4 (SELECT t.ses_addr5 FROM V$transaction t, dba_rollback_segs r6 WHERE t.xidusn=r.segment_id7 AND r.tablespace_name=’RBS’);

SID SERIAL#--------- --------- 9 362 11 306

SQL> ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION ’9,362’;System altered.SQL> ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION ’11,306’;System altered.


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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-49

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 10: Managing Rollback Segments

7 (a) Shut down the instance, start up again, and query the rollback segment information in the data dictionary to check how many rollback segments are online.

(b) Ensure that all rollback segments will be brought online whenever the database is opened in the future and restart the instance. Make sure that all the rollback segments are ONLINE.

SQL> shutdown immediateDatabase closed.Database dismounted.ORACLE instance shut down.SQL> startup pfile=$HOME/initDB01.oraORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 26676624 bytesFixed Size 64912 bytesVariable Size 18149376 bytesDatabase Buffers 8388608 bytesRedo Buffers 73728 bytesDatabase mounted.Database opened.SQL> SELECT segment_name, status 2 FROM dba_rollback_segs;SEGMENT_NAME STATUS------------ -------SYSTEM ONLINESYSROL OFFLINER01 OFFLINER02 OFFLINER03 OFFLINER04 OFFLINE

6 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Hint: This can be done using the ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS initialization parameter. Also, the RBS tablespace must be brought ONLINE.

SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE rbs ONLINE;Tablespace altered.SQL> shutdownDatabase closed.Database dismounted.ORACLE instance shut down.SQL> exit

a Edit the initdb01.ora and add the following line:rollback_segments = (r01,r02,r03,r04)

SQL> startup pfile=$HOME/initDB01.oraORACLE instance started.Total System Global Area 6315408 bytesFixed Size 64912 bytesVariable Size 5308416 bytesDatabase Buffers 409600 bytesRedo Buffers 532480 bytesDatabase mounted.Database opened.SQL> SELECT segment_name, status


6 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-51

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 10: Managing Rollback Segments

8 Create a new rollback segment called DEMO_RBS in the database with the following storage parameters, and ensure that it can be used. This is essential for the next question:


NEXT = 10K


Hint: To ensure that the rollback segment can be used, it must be brought ONLINE after creation.

9 Check the number of extents in the DEMO_RBS rollback segment. Log in as system/manager using SQL*Plus and run the script ext_rbs.sql. Is there any change in the number of extents in the rollback segment?


Rollback segment created.SQL> ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT demo_rbs ONLINE;Rollback segment altered.

SQL> SELECT extents2 FROM dba_segments3 WHERE segment_name=’DEMO_RBS’;

EXTENTS--------- 2

SQL> @$HOME/LABS/ext_rbsTable truncated.Transaction set.PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> SELECT extents2 FROM dba_segments3 WHERE segment_name=’DEMO_RBS’;

EXTENTS--------- 5

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

10 Ensure that the rollback segment DEMO_RBS is reduced to its optimal size and verify that it has reduced.

Hint: The OPTIMAL size can be verified from V$ROLLSTAT.

Hint: Use the ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT command to reduce the size, and verify again.

SQL> SELECT extents, rssize, optsize2 FROM v$rollstat3 WHERE usn = (SELECT usn4 FROM v$rollname5 WHERE name=’DEMO_RBS’);

EXTENTS RSSIZE OPTSIZE--------- --------- --------- 5 86016 32768

SQL> ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT demo_rbs SHRINK;Rollback segemnt alteredSQL> SELECT extents, rssize, optsize

2 FROM v$rollstat3 WHERE usn = (SELECT usn4 FROM v$rollname5 WHERE name=’DEMO_RBS’);

EXTENTS RSSIZE OPTSIZE--------- --------- --------- 2 36864 32768

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-53

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 10: Managing Rollback Segments

11 Run ins_dept1.sql connected as SYSTEM. Using a separate session, connect as SYSTEM and run ins_emp3.sql. Check if there is a blocking session.

Hint: Determine blocking session from V$ROLLSTAT.

12 Drop the DEMO_RBS rollback segment.

Hint: The rollback must be taken offline before it is dropped. You may need to ensure that no transactions are using the rollback segment.

a In the first Session:SQL> @$HOME/LABS/ins_dept1

b In the Second Session:SQL> @$HOME/LABS/ins_emp3Table truncated.Transaction set.PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.SQL> SELECT s.sid, s.serial#, t.start_time, t.xidusn 2 FROM v$session s, v$transaction t, v$rollstat r 3 WHERE s.saddr = t.ses_addr 4 AND t.xidusn = r.usn 5 AND ((r.curext = t.start_uext-1) OR 6 ((r.curext = r.extents-1) AND t.start_uext=0));

SID SERIAL# START_TIME XIDUSN---------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- 7 3 01/03/98 20:07:14 5 10 9 01/03/98 20:07:24 5

SQL> ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT demo_rbs OFFLINE;Rollback segment altered.SQL> DROP ROLLBACK SEGMENT demo_rbs;Rollback segment dropped.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Practice 11 Solutions1 You need to create the following tables for an order entry system that you are

implementing now. The tables and the columns are shown below:

You have been informed that in the table ORDERS, rows will be inserted without a value for DATE_OF_DELY, and it will be updated when the order is fulfilled. Log in as system/manager and create the tables using the appropriate block space utilization and tablespace settings. Use tablespace DATA01. You can use the default storage settings. Use the Table Wizard when creating table CUSTOMERS. Do not use the Table Wizard when creating table ORDERS.

Hint: PCTFREE has to be set carefully for the ORDERS table because rows in this table are likely to grow after updates.

Table Column Data Type and Size








SQL> CREATE TABLE SYSTEM.customers(2 cust_code varchar2(3),3 name varchar2(50),4 region varchar2(5))5 TABLESPACE data01;

Table created.SQL> CREATE TABLE SYSTEM.orders(

2 ord_id NUMBER(3),3 ord_date DATE,4 cust_code varchar2(3),5 date_of_dely DATE)6 TABLESPACE data017 PCTFREE 35;

Table created.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 11 Solutions

2 Run the script ins_cord.sql to insert rows into the tables.

3 Find which files and blocks contain the orders from the customer with CUST_CODE=A04.

Hint: You need to use the DBMS_ROWID package to translate the ROWID. Since the database only has a few files, the relative file number and absolute file numbers are the same.

4 Check the number of extents used by the table ORDERS.

5 Allocate an extent manually, with default size, for the table ORDERS and confirm that the extent has been added as specified.

SQL> @$HOME/LABS/ins_cord1 row created.

1 row created.....

SQL> SELECT DISTINCT dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid) AS "File",

2 dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) AS "Block"3 FROM orders4 WHERE cust_code=’A04’;

File Block--------- --------- 8 488

SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) 2 FROM dba_extents 3 WHERE segment_name=’ORDERS’ 4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’

COUNT(*)--------- 1


Table altered.SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) 2 FROM dba_extents 3 WHERE segment_name=’ORDERS’ 4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’;

COUNT(*)--------- 2

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

6 (a) Drop the table BIG_EMP.

(b) Create another table, ORDERS2 as copy of the ORDERS table, but with MINEXTENTS=10 and PCTINCREASE=0. Verify that the table has been created with the specified number of extents.

7 Truncate table ORDERS without releasing space and check the number of extents to verify extents have not been deallocated.

8 Alter the ORDERS2 table to reduce MINEXTENTS to 4. Has there been a reduction in the number of extents?

There is no change in the number of extents for the table.

SQL> DROP TABLE system.big_emp;Table dropped.


Table created.SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) 2 FROM dba_extents 3 WHERE segment_name=’ORDERS2’ 4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’;

COUNT(*) ---------- 10


Table truncated.SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) 2 FROM dba_extents 3 WHERE segment_name=’ORDERS’ 4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’;

COUNT(*) ---------- 2


Table altered.SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) 2 FROM dba_extents 3 WHERE segment_name=’ORDERS2’ 4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’;

COUNT(*) ---------- 10

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 11 Solutions

9 Truncate the ORDERS2 table, releasing space. How many extents does the table have now?

10 (a) Run the script ins_ord2.sql to insert some rows into the ORDERS2 table.

(b) Release unused space from ORDERS2 and check the number of extents. Has space been released from the table? Why or why not?

No space has been released because this command only releases space above the high-water mark; that is, in excess of MINEXTENTS.

SQL> TRUNCATE TABLE system.orders2;Table truncated.SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) 2 FROM dba_extents 3 WHERE segment_name=’ORDERS2’ 4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’;

COUNT(*) ---------- 4

SQL> @$HOME/LABS/ins_ord21 row created....Commit complete.

SQL> ALTER TABLE system.orders2 2 DEALLOCATE UNUSED;Table altered.SQL> SELECT COUNT(*) 2 FROM dba_extents 3 WHERE segment_name=’ORDERS2’ 4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’;

COUNT(*) ---------- 4

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

11 (a) For the order entry application, you now need to add a PRODUCTS table, which has the following columns:

Create this table in tablespace DATA02 using uniform extent sizes of 10 KB.

(b) Check the sizes of the extents for this table. What do you observe?

Hint: Check the DBA_EXTENTS view to get the size.

The size of the extent is 100 KB and not the 10 KB specified while creating the table, because DATA02 tablespace has a MINIMUM EXTENT size of 100 KB.

Column Data Type and Size




SQL> CREATE TABLE system.products

2 (prod_code NUMBER(6),

3 description VARCHAR2(30),

4 price NUMBER(8,2))



7 TABLESPACE data02 ;

Table created.

SQL> COL segment_name FORMAT A12

SQL> SELECT segment_name, extent_id, blocks, bytes

2 FROM dba_extents

3 WHERE segment_name = ’PRODUCTS’

4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’

5 /


------------ --------- --------- ---------

PRODUCTS 0 25 102400

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-59

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 12 Solutions

Practice 12 Solutions1 You are considering creating indexes on the NAME and REGION columns of the

CUSTOMERS table. What types of index are appropriate for the two columns? Create the indexes, naming them CUST_NAME_IDX and CUST_REGION_IDX, respectively, and placing them in the appropriate tablespaces.

Hint: A B-tree index is suitable for a column with many distinct values, and a bitmap index is suitable for columns with only a few distinct values.

2 Move the CUST_REGION_IDX index to another tablespace.

Hint: The index can be rebuilt specifying a different tablespace.

3 Note the files and blocks used by the extents by CUST_REGION_IDX index.

Hint: Use the view DBA_EXTENTS to get this information.

SQL> CREATE INDEX system.cust_name_idx 2 ON system.customers(name) 3 PCTFREE 30 4 TABLESPACE indx01;

Index created.SQL> CREATE BITMAP INDEX system.cust_region_idx 2 ON system.customers(region) 3 TABLESPACE indx01;

Index created.

SQL> ALTER INDEX system.cust_region_idx REBUILD 2 TABLESPACE indx;

Index altered.

File_id Block_id Blocks

SQL> SELECT file_id, block_id, blocks 2 FROM dba_extents 3 WHERE segment_name=’CUST_REGION_IDX’ 4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’;

FILE_ID BLOCK_ID BLOCKS--------- --------- --------- 5 2 5

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

4 Re-create the CUST_REGION_IDX index without dropping and re-creating it, and retain it in the same tablespace as before. Does the new index use the same blocks that were used earlier?

Hint: Rebuild the index.

The new index does not reuse the same space as seen from the location of the extent after rebuild. This is because Oracle server builds a temporary index, drops the old one, and renames the temporary index.

5 (a) Using system account, run the script cr_numb.sql to create and populate the NUMBERS table.

(b) Query the table NUMBERS to find the number of distinct values in the two columns in the table.

SQL> ALTER INDEX system.cust_region_idx REBUILD;Index altered.SQL> SQL> SELECT file_id, block_id, blocks 2 FROM dba_extents 3 WHERE segment_name=’CUST_REGION_IDX’ 4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’;

FILE_ID BLOCK_ID BLOCKS--------- --------- --------- 5 7 5

SQL> @$HOME/LABS/cr_numbTable created.PL/SQL procedure completed successfully.

SQL> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT no), 2 COUNT(DISTINCT odd_even) 3 FROM system.numbers;

COUNT(DIST COUNT(DIST---------- ---------- 10000 2

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 12 Solutions

(c) Using uniform extent sizes of 4 KB, create B-tree indexes NUMB_OE_IDX and NUMB_NO_IDX on the ODD_EVEN and NO columns of the NUMBERS table, respectively, and check the total sizes of the indexes.

Hint: Use PCTINCREASE=0 to create extents of equal size.

Hint: Check the total blocks allocated to the extents from DBA_SEGMENTS.

(d) Once again, using uniform extent sizes of 4 K, create bitmap indexes NUMB_OE_IDX and NUMB_NO_IDX on the ODD_EVEN and NO columns of the NUMBERS table, respectively, and check the total sizes of the indexes.

What can you conclude about the relationship between cardinality and sizes of the two types of indexes?

Index Blocks



SQL> CREATE INDEX system.numb_oe_idx 2 ON system.numbers(odd_even) 3 TABLESPACE indx01 4 STORAGE( INITIAL 4K NEXT 4k PCTINCREASE 0);

Index created.SQL> CREATE INDEX system.numb_no_idx 2 ON system.numbers(no) 3 TABLESPACE indx01 4 STORAGE( INITIAL 4K NEXT 4k PCTINCREASE 0);

Index created.

SQL> SELECT segment_name, blocks 2 FROM dba_segments 3 WHERE segment_name LIKE ’NUMB%’ 4 AND segment_type=’INDEX’;

SEGMENT_NAME BLOCKS --------------- ----------NUMB_OE_IDX 40NUMB_NO_IDX 45

Index Blocks



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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Hint: The existing indexes need to be dropped before creating the new indexes.

Hint: Now reexecute the query to check the sizes of the indexes.

It can be seen from the results that a bitmap index is compact for a low-cardinality column, while a B-tree index is compact for a high-cardinality column.

SQL> DROP INDEX system.numb_oe_idx;Index dropped.SQL> DROP INDEX system.numb_no_idx;Index dropped.SQL> CREATE BITMAP INDEX system.numb_oe_idx 2 ON system.numbers(odd_even) 3 TABLESPACE indx01 4 STORAGE( INITIAL 4K NEXT 4k PCTINCREASE 0);

Index created.SQL> CREATE BITMAP INDEX system.numb_no_idx 2 ON system.numbers(no) 3 TABLESPACE indx01 4 STORAGE( INITIAL 4K NEXT 4k PCTINCREASE 0);

Index created.

SQL> SELECT segment_name, blocks 2 FROM dba_segments 3 WHERE segment_name LIKE ’NUMB%’ 4 AND segment_type=’INDEX’;


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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 13 Solutions

Practice 13 Solutions1 Examine the script cr_cons.sql. Run the script to create the constraints.

2 Query the data dictionary to:

(a) Check for constraints, whether they are deferrable, and their status.

Hint: Use the DBA_CONSTRAINTS view to get this information.

(b) Check the names and types of indexes created to validate the constraints.

SQL> @$HOME/LABS/cr_consSQL>ALTER TABLE system.customers 2 ADD (CONSTRAINT cust_pk PRIMARY KEY(cust_code) 3 DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE 4 USING INDEX TABLESPACE indx01, 5 CONSTRAINT cust_region_ck 6 CHECK (region in (’East’,’West’,’North’,’South’)));

Table altered.SQL> ALTER TABLE system.orders 2 ADD(CONSTRAINT ord_pk PRIMARY KEY(ord_id) 3 USING INDEX TABLESPACE indx01, 4 CONSTRAINT ord_cc_fk FOREIGN KEY(cust_code) 5 REFERENCES customers(cust_code) 6 DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE, 7 CONSTRAINT ord_dod_ck CHECK (date_of_dely >= ord_date));

Table altered.SQL> ALTER TABLE system.products 2 ADD CONSTRAINT prod_uk UNIQUE(prod_code) 3 DEFERRABLE DISABLE;

Table altered.

SQL> SELECT constraint_name, table_name, 2 constraint_type, deferrable, status 3 FROM dba_constraints 4 WHERE table_name IN 5 (’PRODUCTS’,’ORDERS’,’CUSTOMERS’) 6 AND owner=’SYSTEM’;


6 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Hint: The indexes are only created for primary key and unique constraints and have the same name as the constraints.

c Check which columns are used in the constraints created.

Hint: This information may be obtained from DBA_CONS_COLUMNS.

3 Insert two records with the following values into the PRODUCTS table:

SQL> SELECT index_name,table_name,uniqueness 2 FROM dba_indexes 3 WHERE index_name in 4 (SELECT constraint_name 5 FROM dba_constraints 6 WHERE table_name IN (’PRODUCTS’, ’ORDERS’, ’CUSTOMERS’) 7 AND owner=’SYSTEM’ 8 AND constraint_type in (’P’,’U’));

INDEX_NAME TABLE_NAME UNIQUENES--------------- --------------- ---------CUST_PK CUSTOMERS NONUNIQUEORD_PK ORDERS UNIQUE 2 rows selected.

SQL> SELECT constraint_name,table_name, column_name 2 FROM dba_cons_columns 3 WHERE table_name IN (’PRODUCTS’, ’ORDERS’,

’CUSTOMERS’) 4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’ 5 ORDER BY table_name, constraint_name, position;


7 rows selected.

PROD_CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE100860 Ace Tennis Racket 36.20100860 Ace Tennis Ball 3-Pack 2.40

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 13 Solutions

4 Enable the unique constraint on the PRODUCTS table. Was it successful? Why or why not?

The constraint cannot be enabled because there are rows that violate the constraint.

5 (a) Ensure that new rows added to the table do not violate the constraint on the PRODUCTS table.

Hint: This can be done by enabling the constraint NOVALIDATE.

(b) Query the data dictionary to verify the effect of the change.

(c) Test that the constraint disables inserts that violate the change by adding a row with the following values:

PROD_CODE: 100860DESCRIPTION: Yellow Jersey Bicycle HelmetPRICE: 30

SQL> INSERT INTO system.products

2 VALUES(100860,’Ace Tennis Racket’,36.20);

3 /

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO system.products 2 VALUES(100860,’Ace Tennis Ball 3-Pack’, 2.4);

1 row created.

SQL> ALTER TABLE system.products 2 ENABLE CONSTRAINT prod_uk;

ALTER TABLE system.products*ORA-02299: cannot enable (SYSTEM.PROD_UK) - duplicate keys found


Table altered.

SQL> SELECT constraint_name, table_name, 2 constraint_type, validated, status 3 FROM dba_constraints 4 WHERE table_name = ’PRODUCTS’ 5 AND owner=’SYSTEM’;


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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

6 Take the necessary steps to identify existing constraint violations in the PRODUCTS table, modify product codes as needed, and guarantee that all existing as well as new data do not violate the constraint. (Assume that the table has several thousands of rows and it is too time-consuming to verify each row manually.)

Hint: Use the following steps:

Create the EXCEPTIONS table.

Hint: Run the command to enable the constraint and trap the exceptions.

Hint: Use the ROWIDs in the EXCEPTIONS table to list the rows in the PRODUCTS table that violate the constraint. (Do not list LOB columns.)

SQL> INSERT INTO products 2 VALUES(100860,’Yellow Jersey Bicycle Helmet’, 3 30);

ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYSTEM.PROD_UK) violated

SQL> connect system/manager;Connected.SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlexcpt Table created.

SQL> ALTER TABLE system.products 2 ENABLE CONSTRAINT prod_uk 3 EXCEPTIONS INTO system.exceptions;

ALTER TABLE system.products*ORA-02299: cannot enable (SYSTEM.PROD_UK) - duplicate keys found

SQL> SELECT rowid, prod_code, description 2 FROM products 3 WHERE rowid IN (SELECT row_id 4 FROM exceptions 5 WHERE table_name=’PRODUCTS’);

ROWID PROD_CODE DESCRIPTION------------------ --------- -----------------------AAAAtRAAJAAAAADAAA 100860 Ace Tennis RacketAAAAtRAAJAAAAADAAB 100860 Ace Tennis Ball 3-Pack

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 13 Solutions

Hint: Rectify the errors.

Hint: Enable the constraint.

7 Run the script ins_ocus1.sql to insert rows into the table. Were the inserts successful? Roll back the changes.

The insert to the ORDERS table fails because the customer code has not been inserted into the CUSTOMERS table.

SQL> UPDATE products 2 SET prod_code=’100861’ 3 WHERE rowid= (SELECT max(row_id) 4 FROM exceptions 5 WHERE table_name=’PRODUCTS’);

1 row Updated.

SQL> TRUNCATE TABLE exceptions;Table truncated.SQL> ALTER TABLE products 2 ENABLE CONSTRAINT prod_uk 3 EXCEPTIONS INTO exceptions;

Table updated.

SQL> @$HOME/LABS/ins_ocus1SQL> SET ECHO onEcho ONSQL> INSERT INTO system.orders 2 VALUES(800,’01-JAN-98’,’J01’,NULL)3 /

ORA-02291: integrity constraint (SYSTEM.ORD_CC_FK) violated - par-ent key not foundSQL> SQL> INSERT INTO system.customers

2 VALUES(’J01’,’Sports Unlimited’,’West’)3 /

1 row created.

SQL> ROLLBACK;Rollback complete.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

8 Now examine the script ins_ocus2.sql. Notice that this script also performs the inserts in the same sequence. Run the script and check if it executes successfully.

This script executes successfully because it defers the constraint checking until commit.

9 Truncate the CUSTOMERS table. Was it successful? Why or why not?

The table cannot be truncated because there is a foreign key in ORDERS that references this table.


2 /Session altered.SQL> INSERT INTO system.orders

2 VALUES(800,’01-JAN-98’,’J01’,NULL)3 /

1 row created.SQL> INSERT INTO system.customers

2 VALUES(’J01’,’Sports Unlimited’,’West’)3 /

1 row created.SQL> COMMIT;Commit complete.

SQL> TRUNCATE TABLE system.customers;TRUNCATE TABLE system.customers *ORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 14 Solutions

Practice 14 SolutionsUse the account system for all the questions in this practice.

1 (a) Run the script ins_item.sql to insert data into the ITEMS table.

(b) Create a table ITEMS2 as a copy of the ITEMS table.

(c) Note the last file/block number currently used by a row in the table _____________________.

Hint: Query the ROWIDs using the functions in the DBMS_ROWID package.

2 (a) Delete all rows in ITEMS2 and insert a new row with the following values into the table:

ORD_ID: 200PROD_CODE: 200000QTY: 20

SQL> @$HOME/LABS/ins_item1 row created....



3 AS

4 SELECT * FROM items;

Table created.

SQL> SELECT max(dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid)

2 ||’.’||dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid))

3 AS "File.Block"

4 FROM system.items2;




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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

(b) Check and note the file/block number for the new row. _____________________

3 (a) Use direct-load insert to copy data into the ITEMS2 table from the ITEMS table.

SQL> DELETE FROM system.items2;

271 rows deleted.

SQL> INSERT INTO system.items2

2 VALUES(200,200000,20);

1 row created.

SQL> SELECT dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid)||’.’

2 ||dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid)

3 AS "File.Block"

4 FROM system.items2;




SQL> INSERT /*+APPEND */ INTO system.items2

2 SELECT * FROM system.items;

271 rows created.


Commit complete.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 14 Solutions

(b) Check the file/block numbers of the rows with ORD_ID<>200. What can you observe about the location of these rows?

The rows inserted using direct-load insert have not reused blocks that were used earlier, while a normal insert uses these blocks.

4 Examine the scripts ulcase1.sql, ulcase1.ctl, ulcase2.ctl, and ulcase2.dat. These are some of the standard loader demonstration files supplied with the demonstration Oracle8i Enterprise Edition. As user system, perform the following steps to try two load runs and get acquainted with using SQL*Loader:

(a) Run the script ulcase1.sql to create the DEPT and EMP tables.


2 dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid)||’.’

3 ||dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid)

4 AS "File.Block"

5 FROM items2

6 WHERE ord_id <> 200;





SQL> @$HOME/LABS/ulcase1$

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

(b) Run SQL*Loader to load data into the DEPT table using the control file ulcase1.ctl. Examine the log file generated, and query the DEPT table to check the data loaded.

$ sqlldr system control=ulcase1.ctl


SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Thu Jun 17 09:47:08 1999

(c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Commit point reached - logical record count 7

$ sqlplus system/manager


2 FROM system.dept;


--------- -------------- -------------








7 rows selected.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-73

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 14 Solutions

(c) Run SQL*Loader again to load data into the EMP table using the control file ulcase2.ctl. Notice that this run uses an input data file to load data. Examine the log file generated and query the EMP table to check that the data loaded.

5 (a) Check the number of extents and total number of blocks in the ITEMS2 table.

Hint: Query the DBA_SEGMENTS view.

$ sqlldr system control=ulcase2.ctl


SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Thu Jun 17 09:47:08 1999

(c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Commit point reached - logical record count 7

$ sqlplus system/manager

SQL> SELECT *2 FROM system.emp;

EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO----- ------- --------- ----- --------- --------- ------ -------7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 2572.5 107839 KING PRESIDENT 5500 107934 MILLER CLERK 7782 920 107566 JONES MANAGER 7839 3123.75 207499 ALLEN SALESMAN 7698 1600 300 307654 MARTIN SALESMAN 7698 1312.5 1400 307658 CHAN ANALYST 7566 3450 207 rows selected.

SQL> SELECT extents, blocks

2 FROM dba_segments

3 WHERE segment_name=’ITEMS2’

4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’;


--------- ---------

1 5

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

(b) Allocate an extent to the table manually, and note the number of extents and blocks now.______________________. Because the extent has just been created, the new extent is empty.

SQL> ALTER TABLE system.items2


Table altered.


2 FROM dba_segments

3 WHERE segment_name=’ITEMS2’

4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’;


--------- ---------

2 10

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-75

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 15 Solutions

Practice 15 Solutions1 You want to reorganize the ITEMS2 table using export and import. Check the

number and size of the extents in the ITEMS2 table after import. What can you infer about the behavior of export and import on space allocation?

Hint: Perform the following steps:

Use table-level export to do this:

Hint: Drop the ITEMS2 table.

$ exp system/manager tables=items2

Export: Release - Production on Thu Jun 17 10:57:50 1999(c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.Connected to: Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Pro-ductionWith the Partitioning and Java optionsPL/SQL Release - ProductionExport done in US7ASCII character set and WE8ISO8859P1 NCHAR char-acter set server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)About to export specified tables via Conventional Path .... . exporting table ITEMS2 272 rows exportedExport terminated successfully without warnings.


2 FROM dba_segments

3 WHERE segment_name=’ITEMS2’

4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’;


--------- ---------

2 10

SQL> DROP TABLE system.items2;

Table dropped.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Hint: Import the ITEMS2 table.

Hint: Check the number and size of the extents in the ITEMS2 table using DBA_SEGMENTS.

By default, exporting a table and importing it will result in the table having one extent, which is as large as the original size of the segment.

$ imp system/manager tables=items2

Import: Release - Production on Thu Jun 23 11:02:20 1999

(c) Copyright 1997 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production

With the Partitioning and Java options

PL/SQL Release - Production

Export file created by EXPORT:V08.01.05 via conventional path


. importing SYSTEM’s objects into SYSTEM

. . importing table "ITEMS2" 272 rows imported

Import terminated successfully without warnings.

SQL> SELECT extents, blocks

2 FROM dba_segments

3 WHERE segment_name=’ITEMS2’

4 AND owner=’SYSTEM’;


--------- ---------

1 10

1 row selected.

Page 331: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-77

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 15 Solutions

2 You need to move several indexes from one tablespace to another. This practice uses one index to show how this can be done.

(a) Create an index named ITEM_OID_IDX in the tablespace DATA01 on the ORD_ID column of the ITEMS2 table.

(b) Using export and import, move the index to the tablespace INDX01.

Hint: Use the following steps:

Export the table with indexes, but without rows.

Hint: Drop the index.

SQL> CREATE INDEX system.item_oid_idx

2 ON system.items2(ord_id)

3 TABLESPACE data01;

Index created.

$ exp system/manager tables=items2 rows=n

Export: Release - Production on Thu Jun 17 12:51:02 1999

(c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production

With the Partitioning and Java options

PL/SQL Release - Production

Export done in US7ASCII character set and WE8ISO8859P1 NCHAR character set

Note: table data (rows) will not be exported

About to export specified tables via Conventional Path ...

. . exporting table ITEMS2

Export terminated successfully without warnings.

SQL> DROP INDEX system.item_oid_idx;

Index dropped.

Page 332: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................C-78 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Hint: Import from the output of the previous export and create a script to build the index.

$ imp system/manager tables=items2 indexfile=cr_itix.sql

Import: Release - Production on Thu Jun 17 12:24:42 1999

(c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production

With the Partitioning and Java options

PL/SQL Release - Production

Export file created by EXPORT:V08.01.05 via conventional path

Import terminated successfully without warnings.

Page 333: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-79

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 15 Solutions

Hint: Edit the index file created in the previous step to change the tablespace to INDX01 and run the script to re-create the index.

SQL> @cr_itix














Index created.

Page 334: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................C-80 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Practice 16 Solutions1 Enable password management by using the utlpwdmg.sql script.

2 Try to change the password of user SCOTT to SCOTT. What happens?

SQL> connect sys/oracle as sysdba;


SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlpwdmg

Function created.

Profile altered.





ORA-28003: password verification for the specified password failed

ORA-20001: Password same as user

Page 335: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-81

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 16 Solutions

3 Make sure that the following applies to users assigned the DEFAULT profile:

– After two login attempts, the account should be locked.

– The password should expire after 30 days.

– The same password should not be reused for at least one minute.

– The account should have a grace period of five days to change an expired password.

Ensure that the requirements given have been implemented.

Hints: – Use the ALTER PROFILE command to change the default profile limits.

– Query the data dictionary view DBA_PROFILES to verify the result.






Profile altered.

SQL> SELECT resource_name, limit FROM dba_profiles


3 resource_type=’PASSWORD’;


-------------------------------- ---------------








7 rows selected.

Page 336: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................C-82 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

4 Log in to user SYSTEM supplying an invalid password. Try this twice, then log in again, this time supplying the correct password.

5 Ensure that the SYSTEM can reconnect.

Hint: Execute the ALTER USER command to unlock the SYSTEM account.

SQL> connect system/manger@db01


ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.

SQL> connect system/man1@db01


ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

SQL> connect system/man2@db01


ORA-28000: the account is lockedSQL> connect system/manger@db01


ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.

SQL> connect system/man1@db01


ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

SQL> connect system/man2@db01


ORA-28000: the account is locked

SQL> CONNECT sys/oracle;



User altered.

Page 337: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-83

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 16 Solutions

6 Disable password checks for the DEFAULT profile.

Hint: Execute the ALTER PROFILE command to disable the password checks.









Profile altered.

Page 338: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................C-84 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Practice 17 Solutions1 Create user Bob with a password of ALONG. Make sure that any objects and

temporary segments created by Bob are not created in the system tablespace. Also, ensure that Bob can log in and create objects up to one megabyte in size in DATA01 and INDX01 tablespaces. If you are not using Oracle Enterprise Manager, run the script bob.sql.

Hint: Ensure that the temporary tablespace is assigned.

2 (a) Create a user Kay with a password of MARY. Make sure that any objects and sort segments created by Kay are not created in the system tablespace.

(b) Copy the ORDERS2 table from the SYSTEM schema to Kay’s account. Call the new table ORDERS.





5 QUOTA 1M ON data01

6 QUOTA 1M ON indx01;

User created.


GRANT create session TO bob;

Grant succeeded.





User created.

Page 339: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-85

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 17 Solutions

Hint: Kay needs a quota on her default tablespace before objects can be created in her schema.

3 Display the information on Bob and Kay from the data dictionary.

Hint: This can be obtained by querying DBA_USERS.

4 From the data dictionary, display the information on the amount of space that Bob can use in tablespaces.

Hint: This can be obtained by querying DBA_TS_QUOTAS.


User altered.SQL> CREATE TABLE kay.orders

2 AS3 SELECT * FROM system.orders2;

Table created.

SQL> SELECT username, default_tablespace, 2 temporary_tablespace3 FROM dba_users4 WHERE username IN (’BOB’, ’KAY’);


SQL> SELECT * FROM dba_ts_quotas WHERE username = ’BOB’;


-------------- -------- --------- --------- --------- ----------

INDX01 BOB 0 1048576 0 256

DATA01 BOB 0 1048576 0 256

Page 340: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................C-86 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

5 (a) As user BOB change his temporary tablespace. What happens? Why?

(b) As Bob, change his password to SAM.

6 As system, remove Bob’s quota on his default tablespace.

7 Remove Kay’s account from the database.

Hint: Because Kay owns tables, you need to use the CASCADE option.

8 Bob has forgotten his password. Assign him a password of OLINK and require that Bob change his password the next time he logs on.

SQL> CONNECT bob/along;






ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

SQL> CONNECT bob/along;




User altered.

SQL> CONNECT system/manager


SQL> ALTER USER bob QUOTA 0 ON data01;

User altered.


User dropped.




User altered.

Page 341: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-87

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 18 Solutions

Practice 18 Solutions1 As system, create user Kay and give her the capability to log on to the database and

create objects in her schema.

Hint: Kay needs the CREATE SESSION and CREATE TABLE privileges.

2 (a) Connect as Kay and use the script ulcase1.sql to create tables EMP and DEPT.

(b) Connect as system and copy the data from SYSTEM.EMP to Kay’s EMP table. Verify that records have been inserted.

SQL> CONNECT system/manager



2 IDENTIFIED BY "abcd12"



5 QUOTA 1M ON data01;

User created.

SQL> GRANT create session, create table TO kay;

Grante succeeded.

SQL> CONNECT kay/abcd12


SQL> @$HOME/LABS/ulcase1

SQL> CONNECT system/managerConnected.SQL> INSERT INTO kay.emp

2 SELECT * FROM emp;7 rows created.SQL> SELECT * FROM kay.emp;EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO ------- ---------- --------- ------- --------- ------- ------- ------- 7782 CLARK MANAGER 7839 2572.5 10 7839 KING PRESIDENT 5500 10 7934 MILLER CLERK 7782 920 10 7566 JONES MANAGER 7839 3123.75 20 7499 ALLEN SALESMAN 7698 1600 300 30 7654 MARTIN SALESMAN 7698 1312.5 1400 30 7658 CHAN ANALYST 7566 3450 20

7 rows selected

Page 342: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................C-88 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

(c) As system, give Bob the ability to select from Kay’s EMP table. What happens and why?

SYSTEM can query Kay’s table using the SELECT ANY TABLE privilege, but only Kay or any other user who received the privilege from Kay with GRANT OPTION can grant this privilege to others.

SQL> CONNECT system/manager


SQL> GRANT select ON kay.emp

2 TO bob;

GRANT select ON kay.emp


ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Page 343: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-89

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 18 Solutions

3 Reconnect as Kay and give Bob the ability to select from Kay’s EMP table. Also, enable Bob to give the select capability to other users. Examine the data dictionary views that record these actions.

Hint: Query the view DBA_TAB_PRIVS to see the privileges.

4 Create user Todd with the capability to log on to the database

5 (a) As Bob, enable Todd to access Kay’s EMP table. Give Bob the new password sam.

SQL> CONNECT kay/abcd12Connected.SQL> GRANT select ON emp

2 TO bob WITH GRANT OPTION; Grant succeeded.SQL> SQL> CONNECT system/managerConnected.SQL> SELECT * FROM dba_tab_privs

2 WHERE grantee=’BOB’;GRANTEE OWNER TABLE_NAME GRANTOR PRIVILEGE GRA---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---BOB KAY EMP KAY SELECT YES


User created.

SQL> GRANT create session TO todd;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> CONNECT bob/olink


ORA-28001: the password has expired

Changing password for bob

Old password: *****

New password: ***

Retype new password: ***

Password changed

Connected.SQL> GRANT select ON kay.emp TO todd;

Grant succeeded.

Page 344: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................C-90 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

(b) As Kay, remove Bob’s privilege to read Kay’s EMP table.

(c) As Todd, query Kay’s EMP table. What happens and why?

Since revoking object privileges has a cascading effect, Todd, who received the privilege from Bob, lost the SELECT privilege on Kay’s table when Bob’s privilege was revoked in the previous question.

6 (a) Enable Kay to create tables in any schema. As Kay, create the table DEPT in Bob’s schema as a copy of KAY.DEPT. What happened and why?

Bob’s quota on his default tablespace was removed in Practice 17, question 6.

SQL> CONNECT kay/abcd12


SQL> REVOKE select ON emp FROM bob;

Revoke succeeded.

SQL> CONNECT todd/abcd1?


SQL> SELECT * FROM kay.emp;

SELECT * FROM kay.emp


ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

SQL> CONNECT system/manager


SQL> GRANT create any table TO kay;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> CONNECT kay/abcd12



2 AS

3 SELECT * FROM dept;



ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace ’DATA01’

Page 345: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-91

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 18 Solutions

(b) As system, examine the data dictionary view DBA_TABLES to check the result.

7 Give Kay the ability to start up and shut down the database without the ability to create a new database.

Hint: Give Kay the SYSOPER privilege.

SQL> CONNECT system/manager


SQL> SELECT owner, table_name

2 FROM dba_tables

3 WHERE table_name IN (’EMP’, ’DEPT’);


------ -----------







6 rows selected.



SQL> GRANT sysoper TO kay;

Grant succeeded.

Page 346: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................C-92 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Practice 19 Solutions1 Examine the data dictionary view and list the system privileges of the


Hint: This information is available from DBA_SYS_PRIVS.

2 Create a role called DEV, that enables a user to create a table, create a view, and select from Kay’s EMP table.

SQL> CONNECT system/manager



2 FROM dba_sys_privs

3 WHERE grantee = ’RESOURCE’;


-------- -------------------- ---









8 rows selected.


Role created.

SQL> GRANT create table, create view TO dev;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> CONNECT kay/abcd12


SQL> GRANT select ON emp TO dev;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> CONNECT system/manager


SQL> GRANT dev TO bob;

Grant succeeded.

Page 347: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-93

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 19 Solutions

3 (a) Assign the RESOURCE and DEV roles to Bob, but make only the RESOURCE role automatically enabled when he logs on.

Hint: Use the ALTER USER command to specify the default role.

(b) Give Bob the ability to read all the data dictionary information.

Hint: Assign the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE. to Bob.

4 Bob needs to check the rollback segments that are currently used by the instance. Connect as Bob and list the rollback segments used.

Hint: Bob needs the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE to check the rollback segments, but since this is not one of his default roles, it must be enabled first.

SQL> GRANT dev, resource TO bob;

Grant succeeded.


2 DEFAULT ROLE resource;

User altered.

SQL> GRANT select_catalog_role TO bob;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> CONNECT bob/sam


SQL> SET ROLE select_catalog_role;

Role set.

SQL> SELECT segment_name

2 FROM dba_rollback_segs

3 WHERE status=’ONLINE’;








Page 348: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................C-94 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

5 As system, try to create a view EMP_VIEW on Kay’s EMP table. What happens and why?

SYSTEM can read Kay’s table using privileges acquired by the DBA role, but a privilege obtained through a role cannot be used to create views.

SQL> connect system/manager


SQL> CREATE VIEW kay_emp AS SELECT * FROM kay.emp;

CREATE VIEW kay_emp AS SELECT * FROM kay.emp


ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

Page 349: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-95

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 20 Solutions

Practice 20 Solutions1 Check the database and the national character set.

Hint: Query the data dictionary view NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS to check the character sets.

2 Which are valid values for the database character set?

Hint: Query the data dictionary view V$NLS_VALID_VALUES to list the valid values.

SQL> SELECT parameter,value

2 FROM nls_database_parameters



------------------------ ------------------------



SQL> SELECT value FROM v$nls_valid_values









233 rows selected.

Page 350: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................C-96 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

3 Make sure that all dates in this session are displayed using a four-digit year.

Hint: Set the parameter NLS_DATE_FORMAT.

4 Define the NLS_LANG on server and client side to enable 8-bit character encoding scheme. Run the script nls.sql connected as user SYS and display the rows. Then export the table. Import the table to user Bob using the character set US7ASCII.

Query the table; what happened and why? (optional)


Session altered.






$export NLS_LANG

SQL> CONNECT sytem/manager@db01



Table created.

1 row created.

1 row created.







exp system/manager tables=nls

Export: Release - Production on Thu Jun 17 12:51:02 1999


Export done in WE8ISO8859P1 character set and WE8ISO8859P1 NCHAR character set

Note: table data (rows) will not be exported

About to export specified tables via Conventional Path ...

. . exporting table NLS 2 rows exported.

Export terminated successfully without warnings.

Page 351: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration C-97

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 20 Solutions


$export NLS_LANG

imp system/manager fromuser=system touser=bob tables=nls

Import: Release - Production on Thu Jun 17 12:24:42 1999

(c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production

With the Partitioning and Java options

PL/SQL Release - Production

Export file created by EXPORT:V08.01.05 via conventional path

import done in US7ASCII character set and WE8ISO8859P1 character set

import server uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)

export client uses WE8ISO8859P1 character set (possible charset conversion)

. . importing table “NLS” 2 rows imported

Import terminated successfully without warnings.

SQL> CONNECT bob/sam







Page 352: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................C-98 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix C: Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus

Page 353: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)



Practice Solutionsfor Oracle Enterprise


Page 354: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................D-2 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Practice 1 SolutionsAll the solutions for this practice are the same as in Appendix C, “Practice Solutions for SQL*Plus.” Please refer to Appendix C for the answers.

Page 355: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-3

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 2 Solutions

Practice 2 Solutions

Using SQL*Plus WorksheetThe commands for using SQL*Plus and SQL*Plus Worksheet are identical. Please refer to Appendix C for the answers.

You can start the SQL*Plus Worksheet from the Windows NT menu by doing the following:

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet.

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

Page 356: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................D-4 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Practice 3 Solutions

Using SQL*Plus WorksheetThe commands for using SQL*Plus and SQL*Plus Worksheet are identical. Please refer to Appendix C for the answers unless a specific Oracle Enterprise Manager solution is used.

You can start the SQL*Plus Worksheet from the Windows NT menu by doing the following:

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

1 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

2 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

3 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

4 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

5 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

Page 357: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-5

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 3 Solutions

6 Try to change the database block size. What happened?

7 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

a (N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Instance Manager

b Connect using username sys, password oracle, service name db01, and connect as sysdba. Connect directly to the database. Do not connect to an OMS.

c Select Database—>Shutdown.

d Click Yes in the dialog box.

e Select Immediate in the Shutdown Options.

f Click OK.

g Edit init<SID>.ora, and add DB_BLOCK_SIZE=8192.

h Use Instance Manager.

i Select Database—>Startup.

j In the Startup dialog box, select Open and specify the name of the local parameter file.

k Shut down the instance.

l Edit the init<SID>.ora to comment out DB_BLOCK_SIZE.

m Start up and open the database. Select the Option button Open and click Apply.

Page 358: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................D-6 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

8 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

9 Start a SQL*Plus session. Connect as user SCOTT and insert rows in the table EMP. Open a second session and try to shut down the database transactional. What happens?

The Oracle server waits for SCOTT’s transaction to end before shutting down. Wait for the instance to shut down at the second session. Then bring it back up.

10 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

SQL> connect scott/tigerConnected.SQL> INSERT INTO emp (empno, ename, deptno) 2 VALUES (1,’Vijay’,10);1 row processed.

a Use Instance Manager

b Select Database—>Shutdown

c Click Yes in the dialog box

d Select Transactional in the Shutdown Options

e Click OKRollback Scott’s transaction.

Page 359: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-7

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 3 Solutions

11 Ensure that there are at least two sessions open, one session as user SCOTT and one as user SYS. Enable the restricted session, verify this, and ensure that only the database administrator SYS is connected.

a Use Instance Manager.

b Select Session—>Restrict from the menu and click OK in the dialog box.

c Expand the Sessions folder.

d Select user SCOTT and choose Disconnect—>Immediate from the right mouse menu.

e Select the Sessions folder and examine the status of SCOTT’s session.

Page 360: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................D-8 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Practice 4 SolutionAll the solutions for this practice are the same as in Appendix C. Please refer to Appendix C for the answers.

Using SQL*Plus WorksheetThe commands for using SQL*Plus and SQL*Plus Worksheet are identical. Please refer to Appendix C for the answers.

You can start the SQL*Plus Worksheet from the Windows NT menu by doing the following:

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

Page 361: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-9

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 5 Solutions

Practice 5 SolutionsAll the solutions for this practice are the same as in Appendix C. Please refer to Appendix C for the answers.

Using SQL*Plus WorksheetThe commands for using SQL*Plus and SQL*Plus Worksheet are identical. Please refer to Appendix C for the answers.

You can start the SQL*Plus Worksheet from the Windows NT menu by doing the following:

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

Page 362: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................D-10 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Practice 6 Solutions

Using SQL*Plus WorksheetThe commands for using SQL*Plus and SQL*Plus Worksheet are identical. Please refer to Appendix C for the answers unless a specific Oracle Enterprise Manager solution is used.

You can start the SQL*Plus Worksheet from the Windows NT menu by doing the following:

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet.

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

Page 363: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-11

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 6 Solutions

1 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

2 Try to start the database without any control files. (You can simulate this by changing the name of the control file in the parameter file.) What happens?

3 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

4 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

After renaming the file on the server, use Instance Manager to restart the database

Page 364: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................D-12 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Practice 7 Solutions1 List the number and the location of the existing log files and display the number of

redo log file groups and members your database has.

a Select Programs —>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Storage Manager.

b Connect directly to a database in the login dialog box.

c Expand Redo Log Groups folder to see the number of groups

d Select a group to see the number of members in the group and their locations.

Page 365: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-13

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 7 Solutions

2 In which database mode is your database configured? Is automatic archiving enabled?

a Use Oracle Enterprise Manager.

b Select Programs —>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Instance Manager.

c Connect directly to a database in the login dialog box.

d Select the Database in the navigator tree and click on the Information tab in the right window pane.

e Select Initialization Parameters in the navigator tree and view the parameters in the right window pane. The parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_START should show on the Basic Tuning tab.

Page 366: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................D-14 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

3 Add a redo log member to each group in your database located on DISK3, using the following naming conventions:

If group 1 has two existing files called redo0101.log and redo0102.log, then add a new member called redo0103.log on DISK3. Verify the result.

a Use Storage Manager.

b Expand the Redo Log Groups in the navigator tree.

c Select the redo log group and enter a new log file in the spreadsheet in the right window pane. Click Apply.

Page 367: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-15

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 7 Solutions

4 Create a new redo log group located in directories DISK3, DISK4, and DISK5, and verify the existence of the new group.

a Use Storage Manager.

b Select the Redo Log Groups in the navigator tree and choose Create from the right mouse menu.

c Enter the name and location of the redo log members. Click Create.

Page 368: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................D-16 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

5 Relocate the members redo0103.log and redo0203.log (see step 3) and locate them in the directory DISK5 from DISK3.

a Use Storage Manager.

b Select the Redo Log Groups in the navigator tree.

c Change the location of the redo log members. Click Apply. (Remember to copy the files to the new destination before renaming the files. Please refer to Appendix C for the answers.)

Page 369: OCP - Architecture and Admin (Vol2)

.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-17

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 7 Solutions

6 Remove the log group created in step 4.

d Use Storage Manager.

e Select Redo Log Groups.

f If group 3 is active, select your working database and choose Switch Logfile from the right mouse menu.

g Click OK in the message box.

h Select group 3 in the navigator tree.

i Select Object—>Remove.

j Click Yes in the Storage Manager dialog box.

k Log in to the server and execute:$rm $HOME/DATA/DISK3/redo0301.log$rm $HOME/DATA/DISK4/redo0302.log$rm $HOME/DATA/DISK5/redo0303.log

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

7 Resize all online redo log files to 1024 KB.

a Use Storage Manager to add two log groups with two members each.

b Switch log files until the groups 1 and 2 become inactive.

c Drop the log groups 1 and 2.

d Log in to the server and execute:$rm $HOME/DATA/DISK3/redo0101.log$rm $HOME/DATA/DISK3/redo0201.log$rm $HOME/DATA/DISK4/redo0102.log$rm $HOME/DATA/DISK4/redo0202.log$rm $HOME/DATA/DISK5/redo0103.log$rm $HOME/DATA/DISK5/redo0203.log

e Select each log group to verify that the files have been created properly.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-19

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 8 Solutions

Practice 8 Solutions1 Create permanent tablespaces with the following names and storage:

a) DATA01 for tables with default storage

c) DATA02 for large objects with default storage (Ensure that every used extent size in the tablespace is multiple of 100 KB.)

d) INDX01 for indexes with the default storage (Enable automatic extension of 500 KB when more extents are required.)

e) RONLY for read-only tables with the default storage

Display the information from the data dictionary.

Tablespace Name Subdirectory Data File Location (Size)DATA01 DISK4 data01.dbf (2M)DATA02 DISK5 data02.dbf (1M)INDX01 DISK3 indx01.dbf (1M)RONLY DISK1 ronly.dbf (1M)

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

a Use Storage Manager

b Select Programs —>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Storage Manager.

c Connect directly to a database in the login dialog box.

d Select the Tablespaces folder in the navigator tree and select Create from the right mouse button menu.

e Enter Name in the General tab of the Property Sheet and click Add.

f Enter the name and size of the data file in the Create Datafile dialog and click OK.

g Click Create.

h Repeat the above steps for all the tablespaces.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 8 Solutions

2 Allocate 500 KB more to the tablespace DATA02 and verify the result.

a Use Storage Manager.

b Expand the Tablespaces folder.

c Expand the data file DATA02.

d Expand the Datafiles folder.

e Select the data file.

f Specify 1500 KB for file size in the General page.

g Click Apply.

h Verify the size from the General page or by selecting Datafiles.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

3 Relocate the INDX01 tablespace and move it to DISK6.

a Use Storage Manager.

b Expand Tablespaces folder.

c Select the tablespace INDX01. Select Tablespace—>Take Offline—>Normal from the right mouse menu, and click Yes in the dialog box.

d Confirm from the General page that the tablespace is offline.

e Log in to the server and execute:$mv $HOME/DATA/DISK3/indx01.dbf $HOME/DATA/DISK6/indx01.dbf

f Expand Datafiles.

g Select the file belonging to INDX01 tablespace.

h Change the name in the General page.

i Click Apply.

j Expand Tablespaces.

k Select INDX01 tablespace.

l Select Object—>Place Online.

m Click Yes in the Oracle Storage Manager dialog box.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 8 Solutions

4 Change the RONLY tablespace to read-only after creating a table in this tablespace. Attempt to create an additional table and drop the table. What happens and why?

a Use SQL*Plus Worksheet to run the following command:

b Use Storage Manager.

c Expand the Tablespaces folder and select the RONLY tablespace.

d Select Tablespace—>Make Read-Only from the right mouse menu. Click Yes in the Oracle Storage Manager dialog box.

e Verify from the General page that the tablespace is read-only.

f Use SQL*Plus Worksheet to run the following commands:

g Use SQL*Plus Worksheet to drop table t1;

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

5 Drop the tablespace RONLY and verify it.

Hint – Execute the DROP TABLESPACE... to remove the tablespace.

– Delete the operating system files.

– Query the dynamic performance view V$TABLESPACE to verify the result.

6 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

7 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

8 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

a Use Storage Manager.

b Expand the Tablespaces folder.

c Select the RONLY tablespace.

d Select Object—>Remove.

e Log in to the server and execute the command:$rm $HOME/DATA/DISK1/ronly.dbf

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 9 Solutions

Practice 9 Solutions

Using SQL*Plus WorksheetThe commands for using SQL*Plus and SQL*Plus Worksheet are identical. Please refer to Appendix C for the answers unless a specific Oracle Enterprise Manager solution is used.

You can start the SQL*Plus Worksheet from the Windows NT menu by doing the following:

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet.

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

1 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

2 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

3 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

4 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

5 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

6 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

7 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

8 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Practice 10 SolutionsBefore starting this practice, make sure you that run the script $HOME/LABS/alt_sysrol.sql as user SYSTEM.

Using SQL*Plus WorksheetThe commands for using SQL*Plus and SQL*Plus Worksheet are identical. Please refer to Appendix C for the answers unless a specific Oracle Enterprise Manager solution is used.

You can start the SQL*Plus Worksheet from the Windows NT menu by doing the following:

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet.

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

1 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 10 Solutions

2 You are going to be running an online order entry application on your database. The orders will be entered using 15 client stations, which have a very high volume of activity in the mornings. Create an appropriate number of rollback segments in the database. (Assume default sizing for the purpose of this exercise.)

Hint: Using a ratio of one rollback segment for every four transactions, you will need to create four rollback segments.

a Use Storage Manager

b Select Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Storage Manager.

c Select the Rollback Segments folder and select Create from the right mouse button menu.

d Specify the name of the rollback segment and select RBS as the tablespace in the General page.

e Click Create.f The second, third, and fourth rollback segments can be created by selecting

the rollback segment R01 and choosing Create Like from the right mouse button menu.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

3 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

4 Verify which rollback segments in the system are available for use by transactions.

Hint: This information can be obtained from DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS view.

a Use Storage Manager.

b Select the Rollback Segments folder.

c Check for all rollback segments with the status ONLINE.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 10 Solutions

5 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

6 Invoke SQL*Plus Worksheet. Run the script ins_emp.sql. Using a separate session, take the rollback segment tablespace offline.

Hint: The script starts another transaction that inserts a row into the EMP table. Because both transactions are using the rollback segments in this tablespace, you need to use the following steps:

First, take all rollback segments in the tablespace offline to prevent new transactions from using the rollback segments in the tablespace.

Hint: Now, identify the sessions that are using the rollback segments in the RBS tablespace.

The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

a Use Storage Manager.

b Expand Rollback Segments.

c Select at least one non-SYSTEM rollback segment. Select Take Offline from the right mouse button menu.

d Respond to the Storage Manager dialog by clicking Yes.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Hint: Kill the sessions using rollback segments in the tablespace.

a Use Instance Manager.

b Expand the Sessions folder. Select the session to be killed.

c Select Session—>Disconnect—>Immediate.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 10 Solutions

Hint: Take the RBS tablespace offline.

a Use Storage Manager.

b Expand the Tablespaces folder. Select RBS.

c Select Tablespace—>Take Offline—>Normal from the right mouse button menu.

d Click Yes in the Oracle Storage Manager dialog box.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

7 (a) Shut down the instance, start up again, and query the rollback segment information in the data dictionary to check how many rollback segments are online.

(b) Ensure that all rollback segments will be brought online whenever the database is opened in the future and restart the instance. Make sure that all the rollback segments have the status ONLINE.

a Use Instance Manager to shutdown and restart the instance.

b Use Storage Manager to check the status of all rollback segments.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 10 Solutions

Hint: This can be done using the ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS initialization parameter. Also, the RBS tablespace must be brought online.

a Use Storage Manager to place the RBS tablespace online.

b Edit the initdb01.ora and specify:rollback_segments = (r01,r02,r03,r04)

c Use Instance Manager to shut down and reopen the database.

d Verify that the rollback segments are online, using Storage Manager.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

8 Create a new rollback segment called DEMO_RBS in the database with the following storage parameters, and ensure that it can be used. This is essential for the next question:


NEXT = 10K


Hint: To ensure that the rollback segment can be used, it must be brought online after creation.

9 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

a Use Storage Manager.

b Select the Rollback Segments folder. Select Create from the right mouse button menu.

c Specify DEMO_RBS as the name of the rollback segment, choose RBS as the tablespace, and select Online in the General page.

d Specify the storage settings in the Extents page.

e Click Create.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 10 Solutions

10 Ensure that the rollback segment DEMO_RBS is reduced to its optimal size and verify that it has reduced.

11 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

a Use SQL*Plus Worksheet to run the following query:SQL> SELECT extents, rssize, optsize

2 FROM v$rollstat

3 WHERE usn = (SELECT usn

4 FROM v$rollname

5 WHERE name=’DEMO_RBS’);

a Use Storage Manager.

b Expand the Rollback Segments folders.

c Select DEMO_RBS. Select Shrink from the right mouse button menu.

d Specify Optimal Size in the Shrink Rollback dialog and click OK.

e Use SQL*Plus Worksheet to run the following query:SQL> SELECT extents, rssize, optsize

2 FROM v$rollstat

3 WHERE usn = (SELECT usn

4 FROM v$rollname

5 WHERE name=’DEMO_RBS’);

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

12 Drop the DEMO_RBS rollback segment.

Hint: The rollback must be taken offline before it is dropped. You may need to ensure that no transactions are using the rollback segment.

a Roll back all active transactions.

b Use Storage Manager.

c Expand the Rollback Segments folder.

d Select DEMO_RBS. Select Take Offline.

e Click Yes in the Storage Manager dialog box.

f Select Object—>Remove.

g Click Yes in the Storage Manager dialog box.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 11 Solutions

Practice 11 Solutions

Using SQL*Plus WorksheetThe commands for using SQL*Plus and SQL*Plus Worksheet are identical. Please refer to Appendix C for the answers unless a specific Oracle Enterprise Manager solution is used.

You can start the SQL*Plus Worksheet from the Windows NT menu by doing the following:

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet.

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

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.....................................................................................................................................................D-38 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

1 You need to create the following tables for an order entry system that you are implementing now. The tables and the columns are shown below:

You have been informed that in the table ORDERS, rows will be inserted without a value for DATE_OF_DELY, and it will be updated when the order is fulfilled. Log in as system/manager and create the tables using the appropriate block space utilization and tablespace settings. Use tablespace DATA01. You can use the default storage settings. Use the Table Wizard when creating table CUSTOMERS. Do not use the Table Wizard when creating table ORDERS.

Table Column Data Type and SizeCUSTOMERS CUST_CODE VARCHAR2(3)




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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 11 Solutions

Hint: PCTFREE has to be set carefully for the ORDERS table because rows in this table are likely to grow after updates.

a Use Schema Manager

b Select Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Schema Manager.

c Connect directly to a database in the login dialog box.

d Select Object —>Create from the menu.e Select Table from the list. Click Create.f Specify tablename, schema, and tablespace. Click Next.g Specify column names, data types, and sizes. Click Insert to add a new

column. Click Finish when done.

h Click OK.i Create the table ORDERS.j Select Object—>Create from the menu.k Select Table from the list. Clear the Use Wizard box. Click Create.l Specify tablename, schema, tablespace, column names, data types, and

sizes.m Select the Storage tab. Specify 35 in the field% Free. Click Create. Click


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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

2 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

3 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

4 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

5 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

6 (a) Drop the table BIG_EMP.

(b) The solution is the same as in Appendix C. Do not use Schema Manager, because it will not copy the data to the new table.

7 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

8 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

9 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

10 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

11 (a) For the order entry application, you now need to add a PRODUCTS table, which has the following columns:

a Use Schema Manager

b Expand the Tables folder.c Expand SYSTEM.d Select table BIG_EMP.e Select Remove from the right mouse menu. Click Yes to remove the table.



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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-41

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 11 Solutions

Create this table in tablespace DATA02 using uniform extent sizes of 10 KB.

(b) The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

a Use Schema Manager.

b Expand the Tables folder.

c Select SYSTEM.

d Select Create from the right mouse button menu.

e Specify table name, tablespace name, column names, data types, and sizes in the General page.

f Specify extent sizes of 4 KB and PCTINCREASE=0 in the Storage page..

g Click Create.

h Click OK.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Practice 12 Solutions

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet.

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

1 You are considering creating indexes on the NAME and REGION columns of the CUSTOMERS table. What types of index are appropriate for the two columns? Create the indexes, naming them CUST_NAME_IDX and CUST_REGION_IDX, respectively, and placing them in the appropriate tablespaces.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 12 Solutions

Hint: A B-tree index is suitable for a column with many distinct values, and a bitmap index is suitable for columns with only a few distinct values.

a Select Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Schema Manager.

b Connect directly to a database in the login dialog box.

c Expand the Tables folder.

d Expand SYSTEM. Select the CUSTOMERS table.

e Select Create Index On from the right mouse button menu.

f Specify index name, tablespace name, and column name in the General page.

g Specify a PCTFREE of 35 in the Storage page.

h Click Create. Click OK.

i Repeat steps f through j, specifying Bitmap on the General page for the bitmap index.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

2 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

3 The solution is the same as in Appendix C

4 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

5 (a) The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

6 (b) The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

7 (c) The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

Hint: Use PCTINCREASE=0 to create extents of equal size.

Refer to Appendix C to query the segments.

(d) Once again, using uniform extent sizes of 4 KB, create bitmap indexes NUMB_OE_IDX and NUMB_NO_IDX on the ODD_EVEN and NO columns of the NUMBERS table, respectively, and check the total sizes of the indexes.

Index BlocksNUMB_OE_IDX


a Use Schema Manager.

b Expand the Tables folder.

c Expand SYSTEM.

d Select NUMBERS.

e Select Create Index On from the right mouse button menu.

f Specify index name, tablespace name, and column name in the General page.

g Specify extent sizes and PCTINCREASE of 0 in the Storage page.

h Click Create.

i Repeat steps 5 through 8 for the second index.


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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 12 Solutions

What can you conclude about the relationship between cardinality and sizes of the two types of indexes?

Hint: The existing indexes need to be dropped before creating the new indexes.

a Use Schema Manager.

b Expand the Indexes folder.

c Expand SYSTEM.

d Select the index to be dropped.

e Select Remove from the right mouse button menu. Click Yes in the Schema Manager Dialog.

f Expand the Tables folder.

g Expand SYSTEM.

h Select NUMBERS.

i Select Create Index On from the right mouse button menu.

j Specify index name, tablespace name, bitmap index type, and column name in the General page.

k Specify extent sizes and PCTINCREASE of 0 in the Storage page.

l Click Create.

m Repeat steps 2 through 13 for the second index.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Hint: Now reexecute the query to check the sizes of the indexes.

It can be seen from the results that a bitmap index is compact for a low-cardinality column, while a B-tree index is compact for a high-cardinality column.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 13 Solutions

Practice 13 Solutions

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet.

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

1 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

2 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

3 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

4 Enable the unique constraint on the PRODUCTS table. Was it successful? Why or why not?

The constraint cannot be enabled because there are rows that violate the constraint.

5 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

6 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

7 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

8 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

9 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

a Use Schema Manager.

b Expand the Tables folder.

c Expand SYSTEM.

d Select PRODUCTS.

e Cross Disable against PROD_UK in the Constraints page.

f Click Apply.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 14 Solutions

Practice 14 Solutions

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet.

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

Use the account system for all the questions in this lab.

1 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

2 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

3 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

4 Examine the scripts ulcase1.sql, ulcase1.ctl, ulcase2.ctl, and ulcase2.dat. These are some of the standard loader demonstration files supplied with the Oracle8i Enterprise Edition. As user system, perform the following steps to try two load runs and get acquainted with using SQL*Loader:

(a) The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

(b) Run SQL*Loader to load data into the DEPT table using the control file ulcase1.ctl. Examine the log file generated, and query the DEPT table to check the data loaded

a Select Programs —>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>Oracle Enterprise Management—>Enterprise Manager Console.

b Expand your working database.

c Expand the Schema Objects folder.

d Expand the Tables folder.

e Expand SYSTEM.

f Select DEPT and choose Data Management—>Load from the right mouse button menu.

g Specify control file name as ulcase1.ctl in the Introductions page.

h Click Finish in this page and click OK in the Summary page.

i Use SQL*Plus Worksheet to query the DEPT table. See Appendix C for the query.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 14 Solutions

C Run SQL*Loader again to load data into the EMP table using the control file ulcase2.ctl. Notice that this run uses an input data file to load data. Examine the log file generated, and query the EMP table to check the data loaded.Follow the steps shown in (b) but use EMP instead of DEPT and use ulcase2.ctl instead of ulcase1.ctl.

5 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Practice 15 Solutions

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet.

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

1 You want to reorganize the ITEMS2 table using export and import. Check the number and size of the extents in the ITEMS2 table after import. What can you infer about the behavior of export and import on space allocation?

Hint: Use table level export to do this.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 15 Solutions


a Select Programs —>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>Oracle Enterprise Management—>Enterprise Manager Console.

b Expand your working database.

c Expand the Schema Objects folder.

d Expand the Tables folder.

e Expand SYSTEM.

f Select ITEMS2 and choose Data Management—>export from the right mouse button menu.

g Accept the defaut Export File name of EXPDAT.DMP in the Export Filepage, and click Next.

h Select Table in the Export Type page, and click Next.

i Verify that only the ITEMS2 table is shown in the Selected Tables pane of the Table Selection page.

j Click Finish in the Table Selection page and click OK in the Summary page.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Hint: Drop the ITEMS2 table.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 15 Solutions

Hint: Import the ITEMS2 table.

a Select Programs —>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>Oracle Enterprise Management—>Enterprise Manager Console.

b Select your working database and choose Data Management—>Import from the right mouse button menu.

c Accept the defaut Export File name of EXPDAT.DMP in the Import Filepage, click Next, and wait for the job to finish

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Hint: Check the number and size of the extents in the ITEMS2 table using DBA_SEGMENTS.

By default, exporting a table and importing it will result in the table having one extent, which is as large as the original size of the segment.

2 You need to move several indexes from one tablespace to another. This practice uses one index to show how this can be done.

(a) Create an index named ITEM_OID_IDX, in the tablespace DATA01, on the ORD_ID column of the ITEMS2 table.

(b) Using export and import, move the index to the tablespace INDX01.

Hint: Use the following steps.

a Select Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Schema Manager.

b Expand Tables.

c Expand SYSTEM.

d Select ITEMS2.

e Select Object—>Create Index On.

f Specify index name, tablespace name, and column name in the General page.

g Click Create.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-57

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 15 Solutions

Export the table with indexes, but without rows.

a Select Programs —>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>Oracle Enterprise Management—>Enterprise Manager Console.

b Expand your working database.

c Expand the Schema Objects folder.

d Expand the Tables folder.

e Expand SYSTEM.

f Select ITEMS2 and choose Data Management—>Export from the right mouse button menu.

g Accept the defaut Export File name of EXPDAT.DMP in the Export Filepage, and click Next

h Select Table in the Export Type page, and click Next.

i Verify that only the ITEMS2 table is shown in the Selected Tables pane of the Table Selection page. Click Next.

j Select only Indexes on Tables in the Associated Objects page.

k Click Finish in the Associated Objects page and click OK in the Summary page.

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.....................................................................................................................................................D-58 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Hint: Drop the index.

Hint: Import from the output of the previous export and create a script to build the index.

Hint: Edit the index file created in the previous step to change the tablespace to INDX0, and run the script to re-create the index.

The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

a Select Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Schema Manager.

b Expand Tables.

c Expand SYSTEM.

d Select ITEMS2.

e Expand Indexes.

f Select ITEM_OID_IDX.

g Select Object—>Remove.

h Click Yes in the Schema Manager dialog box.

a Select Programs —>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>Oracle Enterprise Management—>Enterprise Manager Console.

b Select your working database and choose Data Management—>Import from the right mouse button menu.

c Accept the defaut Export File name of EXPDAT.DMP in the Import Filepage, and click Next.

d Click <– in the Selections page to specify that all items in the export file must be imported.

e Click Next in this page and the next two pages.

f In the Advanced Options page, specify Increment Type as none, click Write Index-Creation command to file, and specify a Index File name.

g Click Finish in this page and click OK the Summary page.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-59

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 16 Solutions

Practice 16 Solutions

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet.

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

1 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

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.....................................................................................................................................................D-60 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

2 Try to change the password of user SCOTT to SCOTT. What happens?

3 Make sure that the following applies to users assigned the DEFAULT profile:

– After two login attempts, the account should be locked.

– The password should expire after 30 days.

– The same password should not be reused for at least one minute.

– The account should have a grace period of five days to change an expired password.

Ensure that the requirements given have been implemented

Hint– Use the ALTER PROFILE command to change the default profile limits.

– Query the data dictionary view DBA_PROFILES to verify the result.

a Select Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager.

b Expand the Users folder.

c Select SCOTT.

d Specify the new password in General page.

e Click Apply

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-61

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 16 Solutions

4 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

5 Ensure that the SYSTEM can reconnect.

Hint: Execute the ALTER USER command to unlock the SYSTEM account.

a Select Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager.

b Expand the Profiles folder.

c Select the DEFAULT profile.

d Select the Password Tab.

e Enter the new limits and click Apply

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.....................................................................................................................................................D-62 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

6 Disable password checks for the DEFAULT profile.

a Use Security Manager.

b Expand Users.

c Select SYSTEM.

d Select Unlock from the right mouse button menu.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-63

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 16 Solutions

Hint: Execute the ALTER PROFILE command to disable the password checks.

a Use Security Manager.

b Expand Profiles.

c Select DEFAULT.

d Specify NULL for Complexity function and UNLIMITED for all other values in the Password page.

e Click Apply.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Practice 17 Solutions

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet.

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

1 Create user Bob with a password of ALONG. Make sure that any objects and temporary segments created by Bob are not created in the system tablespace. Also, ensure that Bob can log in and create objects up to one megabyte in size in the DATA01 and INDX01 tablespaces. If you are not using Oracle Enterprise Manager, run the script bob.sql.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-65

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 17 Solutions

Hint: Ensure that the temporary tablespace is assigned.

a Select Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager.

b Select the Users folder and choose Create from the right mouse button menu.

c Specify username, password, default tablespace, and temporary tablespace in the General page.

d Specify quotas on tablespaces in the Quotas page by selecting the tablespace in the scrolling list, clicking on the Value button, and defining the value.

e Click Create.

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.....................................................................................................................................................D-66 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

2 (a) Create a user Kay with a password of MARY. Make sure that any objects and sort segments created by Kay are not created in the system tablespace.

(b) As user SYSTEM, copy the ORDERS2 table from the SYSTEM schema to Kay’s account. Call the new table ORDERS.

Hint: Kay needs a quota on her default tablespace before objects can be created in her schema.

3 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

4 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

a Use Security Manager.

b Select User—>Create.

c Specify username, password, default tablespace, and temporary tablespace in the General page.

d Click Create.

a Use Security Manager.

b Expand Users.

c Select KAY.

d Specify an UNLIMITED quota on DATA01 in Quotas page.

e Click Apply.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-67

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 17 Solutions

5 (a) As user Bob, change his temporary tablespace. What happens? Why?

(b) The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

a Use Security Manager.

b Select your working database and choose Change Database Connection from the right mouse button menu.

c Enter the username bob, password along, and service name db01.

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.....................................................................................................................................................D-68 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

6 As system, remove Bob’s quota on his default tablespace.

7 Remove Kay’s account from the database.

a Use Security Manager.

b Expand the Users folder.

c Select BOB.

d Specify a 0 quota on DATA01 in Quotas page.

e Click Apply.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-69

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 17 Solutions

Hint: Because Kay owns tables, you need to use the CASCADE option.

a Use Security Manager.

b Expand the Users folder.

c Select KAY.

d Select Remove from the right mouse button menu.

e Click Yes in the Security Manager dialog box.

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.....................................................................................................................................................D-70 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

8 Bob has forgotten his password. Assign him a password of OLINK and require that Bob change his password the next time he logs on.

a Use Security Manager.

b Expand the Users folder.

c Select BOB.

d Select Expire Password Now and enter the new password in the General page.

e Click Apply.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-71

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 18 Solutions

Practice 18 Solutions

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet.

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

1 As system, create user Kay and give her the capability to log on to the database and create objects in her schema.

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.....................................................................................................................................................D-72 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Hint: Kay needs the CREATE SESSION and CREATE TABLE privileges.

2 (a) The solution is the same as in Appendix C.(b) The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

a Select Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager.

b Select the Users folder and choose Create from the right mouse button menu.

c Specify username, password, default tablespace, and temporary tablespace in the General page.

d Specify a quota of 1MB on DATA01 in the Quotas page.

e Select System Privileges for Privilege Type, and grant CREATE TABLE privilege in the Roles/Privileges page.

f Click Create. Click OK.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-73

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 18 Solutions

(c) As system, give Bob the ability to select from Kay’s EMP table. What happens and why?

a Use Security Manager.

b Expand the Users folder.

c Select user BOB.

d In the Object Privileges page, expand KAY, expand TABLES, and select EMP.

e Choose SELECT from Available Privileges and press the down arrow key.

f Click Apply.

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.....................................................................................................................................................D-74 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

SYSTEM can query Kay’s table using the SELECT ANY TABLE privilege, but only Kay or any other user who received the privilege from Kay with GRANT OPTION can grant this privilege to others.

3 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

4 Create user Todd with the capability to log on to the database

5 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

6 (a) Enable Kay to create tables in any schema. As Kay, create the table DEPT in Bob’s schema as a copy of KAY.DEPT. What happened and why?

a Use Security Manager.

b Select the Users folder and choose Create from the right mouse button menu.

c Specify username, password, default tablespace, and temporary tablespace in the General page.

d Click Create.

a Use Security Manager.

b Expand the Users folder.

c Select KAY.

d In the Roles/Privileges page, assign the CREATE ANY TABLE privilege.

e Click Apply.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-75

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 18 Solutions

Bob’s quota on his default tablespace was removed in Practice 17, question 6.(b) The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

7 Give Kay the ability to start up and shut down the database without the ability to create a new database, and verify the results.

Hint: Give Kay the SYSOPER privilege.

a Use Security Manager (connect as SYSDBA).

b Expand the Users folder.

c Select KAY.

d In the Roles/Privileges page, assign the SYSOPER privilege.

e Click Apply.

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.....................................................................................................................................................D-76 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Practice 19 Solutions

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet.

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-77

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 19 Solutions

1 Examine the data dictionary view and list the system privileges of the RESOURCE role.

Hint: This information is available from DBA_SYS_PRIVS.

a Select Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>Security Manager.

b Expand the Roles folder.

c Expand RESOURCE.

d Expand System Privileges Granted.

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.....................................................................................................................................................D-78 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

2 Create a role called DEV that enables a user to create a table, create a view, and select from Kay’s EMP table.

a Use Security Manager.

b Select the Roles folder and choose Create from the right mouse button menu.

c Specify name in General page.

d Assign CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW in the Roles/Privileges page.

e Click Create.

f Refer to Appendix C for using the SQL*Plus Worksheet to finish this practice.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration D-79

.....................................................................................................................................................Practice 19 Solutions

3 (a) Assign the RESOURCE and DEV roles to Bob, but make only the RESOURCE role automatically enabled when he logs on.

Hint: Use the ALTER USER command to specify the default role.

(b) Give Bob the ability to read all the data dictionary information.

Hint: Assign the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE to Bob.

4 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

5 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

a Use Security Manager.

b Expand the Users folder.

c Select BOB.

d In the Roles/Privileges page, assign DEV and RESOURCE roles.

e Under Granted in the same page, deselect Default against DEV.

f Click Apply.

a Use Security Manager.

b Expand Users.

c Select BOB.

d In the Roles/Privileges page, assign SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role, but do not make it a default role.

e Click Apply.

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.....................................................................................................................................................D-80 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix D: Practice Solutions for Oracle Enterprise Manager

Practice 20 Solutions

Step One(N) Start—>Programs—>Oracle - EMV2 Home—>DBA Management Pack—>SQL Plus Worksheet.

Step TwoMake sure you connect directly to a database. Enter the username system, the password manager, and the service name for your working database, and click OK.

1 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

2 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

3 The solution is the same as in Appendix C.

4 The solution is the same as in Appendix C

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Certification Test:Sample Questions

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.....................................................................................................................................................E-2 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix E: Certification Test: Sample Questions

Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) Program: Oracle Certified Database Administrator TrackThe OCP Program was developed by Oracle to recognize technical professionals who can demonstrate the depth of knowledge and hands-on skills required to fully support Oracle core products according to a standard of excellence established by Oracle.

A Performance-Based CredentialTo become an Oracle Certified Database Administrator, you must pass four separate tests. Each test will challenge you to apply specific knowledge you have gained through Oracle training, as well as experience you have developed on your job.

Working on a computer with no other resources, you will have up to 1.5 hours to answer 60–70 multiple-choice questions for each examination. Because there is no way to memorize what you need to know, only proven performers will be able to pass the test.

You are not required to take any Oracle Education courses before completing the certification tests for your job role track. However, this course is great preparation for test 2: Oracle Database Administration.

Are You Ready?Below are some test questions that are similar to the questions from:

• Test 2: Oracle Database Administration

• Test 3: Oracle Backup and Recovery

The answers are provided at the end of this appendix.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration E-3

.....................................................................................................................................................Oracle Database Administration: Sample Test

Oracle Database Administration: Sample Test 1 The database has two redo log groups and each group has two members. Each

member of the noncurrent online redo log group is corrupted. How could you reinitialize these files to begin using them again?

a Issue the ALTER DATABASE command to clear the corrupted files.

b Issue the ALTER DATABASE command to drop each member from the operating system and then re-create them.

c You must create a third group so that you can drop the corrupted group.

d The file must be deleted at the operating system level and re-created with the same name.

2 You need to allocate more space to the USERS tablespace, but the disk containing the data files is full. You want to take the tablespace offline so that you can move the associated files to another disk. The data files do not have errors and you need to be sure a checkpoint occurs when the tablespace is taken offline. Several users currently have transactions pending for the USERS tablespace. Which mode should you use to take the tablespace offline?




3 You have created a table and inserted data with no constraints enabled. You need to enable the table constraints to ensure that any new data inserted does not violate the constraints. You know that the table already contains data that violates the constraints, but you cannot update this data right now. Which state would be most appropriate for the integrity constraints?

a Disabled


c Enabled VALIDATE

d You cannot add a constraint to a table containing data that violates the constraint.

e A constraint cannot be enabled that will apply only to new transactions.

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.....................................................................................................................................................E-4 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix E: Certification Test: Sample Questions

4 Currently, all database users are authenticated by the Oracle server. You want to ensure that all users use a password that contains three characters followed by three numbers. How would you set up the server to restrict the format of all users’ passwords?

a You can create a profile that restricts the password format and assign it to each user.

b You must alter the PASSWORD parameter in init.ora to enable the password control mechanism.

c You must enable the password control mechanism when the user is created.

d You cannot control the format of a user’s password.

5 In your current session, the NLS_LANG parameter is set to GERMAN_GERMANY.WE8ISO8859P1. You are going to use SQL*Loader to export and import several tables. You want to convert the data and import it into a database with a different character set. How could you accomplish this task?

a Set the NLS_LANG parameter for the export.

b Shut down the instance and restart it using the desired character set before exporting the data.

c The data cannot be converted.

d Set the NLS_LANG parameter for the import.

6 You are determining the number of rollback segments needed for your OLTP environment. All of your transactions will be short and you have estimated that there will be at least 16 concurrent transactions during normal usage. What is the recommended number of rollback segments for this environment?

a 1

b 2

c 4

d 8

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration E-5

.....................................................................................................................................................Oracle Backup and Recovery Sample Test

Oracle Backup and Recovery Sample Test 1 You are creating a new Oracle8 database and will be using Recovery Manager.

Which memory structure should you explicitly create for use with Recovery Manager?

a Log buffer

b Shared pool

c Data buffer cache

d Large pool

2 The system administrator has just notified you that he has allocated two new disk drives to the PROD database. The database is currently being archived but you are concerned about the recent frequency of media failures. Now that you have additional disk resources, which init.ora parameter can you set to provide added protection against the loss of archived log files due to media failure?





3 You are responsible for a hybrid database that contains large tablespaces, which are updated infrequently and used for reporting purposes only. This database also includes tablespaces that contain DML intensive tables. Why should you consider using Recovery Manager to maintain the backup and restore operations for this database?

a Incremental block-level backups can be performed, reducing backup and recovery time.

b By default, backups will not be performed for the large tablespaces, reducing backup time.

c Restoring operations will be faster because the large tablespaces will not have to be restored.

d Online table-level backups can be performed, reducing recovery time.

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.....................................................................................................................................................E-6 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix E: Certification Test: Sample Questions

4 You are maintaining a recovery catalog for the PROD database and normally update the contents of the catalog each Friday afternoon; however, the development team created a new tablespace earlier in the week. In order to perform complete recovery using Recovery Manager, what must you do now to update the recovery catalog so that it reflects the changes made to the database?

a Update the recovery catalog by issuing the REGISTER DATABASE command.

b Update the recovery catalog by issuing the RESYNC CATALOG command.

c No action needs to be taken; the recovery catalog is automatically updated by Oracle8 when the database structure changes.

d Update the recovery catalog by issuing the CATALOG DATAFILECOPY <name> TAG = <string> command for the new data file associated with the new tablespace.

e Update the recovery catalog by issuing the RESET DATABASE command.

5 You have decided to use Recovery Manager to maintain backup and restore operations for the PROD database, which contains many large data files. What is one of the benefits of using Recovery Manager with this database?

a Mirror images of all data files will be automatically included in the backup set.

b Backup sets will be written directly to tape.

c Backup sets will be compressed by not including empty blocks in data files.

d Backup sets will not include nonessential database files.

6 You are performing an online backup of the PROD database and a power outage occurs. Once the database is mounted, you query V$BACKUP and determine that of the five data files being backed up, the second file was left in “hot backup” mode. Which action should you take to synchronize the data files so that you can open the database to users?

a Place the tablespace containing the data file offline by issuing the ALTER TABLESPACE <name> OFFLINE command.

b Unfreeze the header for File #2 by issuing the ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE 3 END BACKUP command.

c Shut down the database and restore from the previous full offline backup.

d Shut down the database; restart it, then issue the RECOVER DATAFILE command to recover the second data file.

e Determine the tablespace containing the second file and unfreeze the header by issuing the ALTER TABLESPACE <name> END BACKUP command.

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration E-7

.....................................................................................................................................................Oracle Backup and Recovery Sample Test

7 The PROD database is in a “hung” state and you attempt to resolve the problem. Upon further investigation, you learn that the current redo log group has become corrupted. What can you do to make the database operational?

a Shut down the database, re-create the redo log group, then start up the database.

b Clear the current log file by issuing the ALTER DATABASE CLEAR UNARCHIVED LOGFILE GROUP # command.

c Shut down the database with the SHUTDOWN ABORT command and then restart the database.

d Delete the current log file and issue the RECOVER DATABASE UNTIL CANCEL command, recovering the database to the last archived log file.

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.....................................................................................................................................................E-8 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix E: Certification Test: Sample Questions


Oracle Database Administration: Sample Test1 A

2 B

3 B

4 A

5 D

6 C

Oracle Backup and Recovery: Sample Test 1 D

2 C

3 A

4 B

5 C

6 B

7 B

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.....................................................................................................................................................Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration E-9

.....................................................................................................................................................Registering for an OCP Test

Registering for an OCP TestOCP Program tests are offered at Authorized Prometric Testing Centers worldwide. Call the Sylvan Prometric Regional Service Center serving your country to find out which Authorized Prometric Testing Center is most convenient for you, and then register for a test in the appropriate certification track.

• Sylvan Sydney, Australia Regional Service Center +61.2.9414.3666

• Sylvan Paris, France Regional Service Center +33.1.4289.3122

• Sylvan Düsseldorf, Germany Regional Service Center +49.2159.9233.50

• Sylvan London, England Regional Service Center +44.181.607.9090

• Sylvan Latin America Regional Service Center +1.612.820.5200

• Sylvan North America Regional Service Center +1.800.891.3926

For more detailed information about specific OCP job role–related tracks, please contact your local Oracle Education representative.

• Americas Headquarters Phone +1.650.506.7000

• Asia/Pacific Rim/India Headquarters Phone +65.337.3797

• Europe/Middle East/Africa Headquarters Phone +31.30.669.9000

• Japan Headquarters Phone +81.3.5213.6666

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.....................................................................................................................................................E-10 Enterprise DBA Part 1A: Architecture and Administration

.....................................................................................................................................................Appendix E: Certification Test: Sample Questions