Page 1: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

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Page 2: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967



-MILITARY_The most compact reference source to theentire spectrum of today's military aircraftfor pocket or bookshelf, this volume of lheObserver's BASIC Book of Airclaft illustratesthe vast majority of the aeroplanes servingwith the world's air forces and naval air arms,from attack bombers to assault transports;from strike fighters to support helicopters.For the first time in a book of this size com-parison silhouette drawings are provided toenable differing versions of one basic air-craft design to be readily compared. and tn

addition to no fewer than 406 individualdrawings and 140 photographs, the rcaderwill f ind an enormous wealth of information.much of which has remained previouslyunpublished, concerning the productionstatus of each aircraft type. quantities builtof each version, the air arms by which it is

uscd, its characteristics and its history.Never before has so much fact been gatheredl)etween the covers of so small a book.

An indispensable companion to thisvolume is The Observer's BASIC Book ofAircralt devoted lo civil aircraft whichillustrates and describes all the most im-portant long-, medium- and short-haultransports, feeder liners, cxecutive trans-ports and utility aircraft, agricultural, sporlsand touring aircraft, and commercial heli-copters. Unrform with this volume.


Pnntt'd ilt Gterl Bntrttl

Page 3: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967




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Page 4: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967


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Page 5: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967




AIRCRAFTTho Obsorver'e Books

nltil)lIul"rEnil.lBlwll,D ANlMAlloBAttBtIIOTUr! ANI) lONlBrAtnenAFfAnot I t1'Bo't'unE

BlfiP;coMMoN lNlltc'l.tCOMMON FT'N(II

AtltoMonIt.rtIlA[.WAY I,OCOM(r',llvlfioAnDllN rLOWtilrcAc'rIrLAOtse AND llt^tll(rttllLIC!IIIN'IrunNt'rullllSCULI'1'Unll

wlt,l) l,LowERs


ull{iltwATER nIsHEs

I )(XtS

(lr('LooYIrtItNttt,An(.ltill Mo'l'nst\tt,$t cIilltIrBt ttt;csMOt$tttJ

WllA'lIIlriRI|()NI) LII'I'l,AlN't'lNoHrA tftSrrrts











Compiled by


With silhouettes by




lt^Fl(: AlllcltAlrl' -

cIvILlt^tilc Allt(;R^rl



Page 6: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967



t,ililrAll\' orr coNcltliss c,\'fALoG CARD NO. 66-17234

Ptiiltcd iil Great Britain b!Rutlcr €l 'L'anntr, Iirortc ctnd l.ondon

r li(3. r 66


Suplr-rr,rrNrrNc the annual Obseruer's Book oJ Aircraft, which,cach year, surveys the newest aircraft and the latest variants ofcxisting types that have appeared in the preceding twelve monthsor are expccted to appear during the currency of the edition,this volume of The Obserter's BASIC Book of AircraJt l'as adifferent purpose: it has been designed to provide the most com-pact reference source possible to the world's most importantand most widely-used military aircraft, irrespective of age. Thus,on the pages that follow will be found attack aircraft rangingfrom the Douglas Skyraider, phased out of production in t957,to Ling-Temco-Vought's Corsair II which entered service tenyears later, in 1967; fighters from the MiG-r5 and F-86 Sabrewhich met in combat over Korea, having appeared a score ofyears ago, to the variable-geometry F-rrr now being deliveredto the U.S.A.F.; and trainers dating back to the'thirties in theshape of the T-6 Texan and contrasting sharply with their suc-cessors of the 'sixties, such as the supersonic T-38 Talon. Butalthough the piston-engined old stagers that rub shoulders onthe follolving pages with the very latest military types differradically in appearance and performance from their intendedsuccessors, the aircraft illustrated and described in this bookhave one common denominator: they are all serving with world'sair arms in substantial numbers, or, in the case of the newestmodels, are in quantity production.

To facilitate comparison between the widely-differing aircraftthat make up the contents of this volume, they have been dividedinto the following broad categories:


Bol,rspns exo Alt.,tcx Arncnepr

Parnor, ANtt-suulrlntNn aNl RncosNalssaNcoArncnent

Arn OnsenverloN Posrs




Pages 8 7t

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19o 239


Page 7: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

\L sDccd Nhxinrurrr sDectl inlclel lliaht

M. cruisc Nlaximum cruisingspccd

NI. climb Maximum attainableclimb rate

M. end. Maximum cncluranccNor. cr. Normal cruising spccdM.range Maximun rangcIlangc cr. Long-range cruising

spcedDcon. cr. Economical cruising


Com, rad. Combat radius'I'lc. rad, '.factical radiusCr. rlngc Cruising rangeS'I'OL Short take-off and

landingVTOL Vertical take-off and

lmdingSewice ceilingInitial climbSea levelAir-to-air missileAir-to-surface missileHigh-velocity Aircraft


AIR FORCE ABBRDVIATIONSThe air arms currently operating each aircraft type are listed in abbrevi-ated form on the following pages under "Operators", and the abbrevia-tions employed for each service are as follows:CONTRY SERVICD TITLE

ABBRDVIATIONS EMPLOYED IN THE TEXTIn addition to illustrating a widc varicty of aircraft types and providingbasic details of thcir porvcr pliurts, pcrformances, u'eights and dimen-tions, The Obscrotr's IIA SIC Ilooh oJ Airctuft <tftcrs details of productionquantitics, first fliglrt clrtcs, rncl thc principal variants of each type, aswell as listing thcir currcnt ol)crilto.s, but in order to include so muchinfornration in so snrirll l rrrltrnrc it hls bccn nccessary to make extensiveuse of irbbreviations, an cxpllnntion of rvhich follon's:

SERVICE TITLE.Dl Cueryo de Aviaci6n MiliLar DonfnicaDa

Fueza A6rea EcuatorianaImpedal Ethiopian Ar Forco

IhmvoimatAJmac de I'Air

A,ironautique NavaleAviattuil L6gdre {le l'Am6c dc Tcilc

Luf tstreitkrif te der DDn,Ldtvafte der Deutschen Bundesrepublik

trlrinediegcr der BundesrehrIleeresuiegerei

Ghana Air tsorceIioyal Eelledc Air l'orce

Ifuerza A6rea de GuatemalaForce A6rieDne de GuinfoCorys d'dviation d'Haiti!'ueza Aara Honduefla

Maryar L6gierdfndian Air Force

Angkatan Udara Republik IndoneslaIm1)erjal Iranian Air Force

Iraqi Air Forcefrilh Air CoryB

Eeil Avir Le kr&lAeroDautica trIiliLxre It.xliana

AYiazione per la Marina Militaretr'orco Adrienne de C6te d'Ivoire

Japan Ar Seu-Defence ForceJapan Maritime Self-DefeDce ForceJapan Ground geu-Defence Force

Royal Jordanian Air ForceKerrya Air Force

Korean leople's Amed l'orces Air ForceBepublic o{ Korm Air Forco

Kuwait Air Forcon,oyal Lao Air Forco

tr'orce Aerieme Lib&nahoIibyan Air lorce

Am6e de i'Air UalgacheForce A6riconc lslamituc dF Mrurihnie

Tetrtum Udara Diraia Malay8ial'orce A6detrne du MaliFuerza A6rca Meiicana

Aviatior lioyale Ch6rilienneKoninkli jke Luchtmacht

Koni*lijke Marjne LuchtlaartdieDBtRoyal New ZealaDd Air Force

Fueza Adrea, Ouardia Nacioml de Nicanguatr'orce Adrienne du Nigea

Ni{erian Air ForceKoDselige Nurike FlvvSpen

PakistaD Air ForceFuerza A6rea del Paragmy

FueMa A6rca del PeruIhililpino Air l'orce

.Polskie Irtnictwo WoiskowoForca A6rea Portuguese

Ioyal Rhodesian AiI ForcoAYiatir n,odni

tsnev^ A6rer Srlwedo.effAIloyal Saudi Air Force

Arnr6e de I'Air du S6n6galCuerpo Aeronautica dclla SoDralia

Suid-AJrikaame Lugmag

S. ccil.In. cl.s.l.AAMASMIIVAR

cotJN l nY


-,lo-{i0nnrny (li)c0r'nal'y (W)


G[^temalaCuineaI{aiiiIIoildumsHuDgaryIrdir]n(lonesiaI.aBIraqIrelanalIsraelItaly-do-Ivory CoaBtJapan

-do-JordaDKenyaKor@ (N)Korea (g)KuwaitLaosLebanoqLibyaltahsasyMrrrrihDiaMihFia1IaliIlexicoMotuccoN etherlaDalg-{o-New zalandNicaraguliigerNigeriaNorwayPakisian?ansayPeruPhilippines?olandPortugalIihodesiaIl,umaniaSalvadosaudi ArabiaSenegalsomaliasouth AJrier


Dom.'.!cua. -{.F.],ith. A.F.lrio. A.F.Fr. A.ts.

Fr. luit,Luli.KriegsmarineFed. G. AmyChan. A.)'.R.E.A.II.0uat. A.F.Cuin. A.I.Hait. A.0.Hon. A.F.lutr. A.F.r.a.F,A.U.A.I.Imn. A.I..lraqi A.F.r.r.c.LD.r''/A.F.Ital, A.F.Ital. NavyIv. C.A.F.J.A.S.D.F.J.M.S.D.F.J.G.S.D,t'.Jor, A.n.Ken. A.F.l{.P.A.F.A.F.R.O.K.A.F.Kuw. A.F.Lnos A.F.Leb.4.ts.Lib. A.ts.[Iad. A.]'.traur. A.l'.R.M.A.F.Mali A.F.Mex. A.F.trtor. A.F.Ii. Netrh.'.X,. Neth. N.A.g.ri.N.z.A.F,liic, A.E.Niger A.F.Nig. A.F.R. No. l.F.Pak. A.F.Para. A.F.P€ru. A.F.Phit. A.!.,P.L.W.Po$. A.F.n.Ii.a.F.n,m. A.F.Aal. A.F.n, Saud. A.If.SeD. A.l'.Som. A.C.s,A.A.rr,


Royal Afghan Air }'orcoPeople'B Anny Air I'orc€

Algeriatr Air ForceFuerza A6rea Argentina

Aviacifrn NaYal ArgentinaIioyal Australian Ar Forco

noral ludtralinn NawOsterreichischo Luftstroitkrift€

lforce icrlrnne Ilel(cI\trun ACrer llriivirnoI0rqr i6rca lhrsikrin

Il;rrirlril rlo llrilNilllx,lnrf! irirtioD

lirl,)'r oi lJrrrDril lir lorco( rrrr\1)uil -^ir n)rr€

Il0\trl l(l'n)rr lvjrtionll(,\,xl ('rrrilliirr lir lorco

llr'!rl ( rrrr(li:ril Nr!vyIt,'rrl (lfvl{,r Air lorcolfrrrzrr 4,1rft rfu Chilc

lr l{,r!..i llri ll!rl)k's l,ilrrrtir)n nny1 l,ir,+x! Nrli(r'rljst Air Ion,e

rrr,'r Atr, l ( 1il,'rril)irn,ll'rr'r llrl rrx.H (l,rAohilcsl il, r/iL r\, rri! la, v('lilriorrrrir

( r'rLtNl',! (:lrla lrtrjctvoli,r,1! larl

"'ro,lr l)rl,oIrre

Ill \e\ib(u

Afg. A.F.Alb, A.r'.Alg, A.F,Arg. A,F.Arg. NaYJrn,.A.A.F.R.A.N.

llelg. A.F.}loliv. A.F.Itraz. A,!'.IlrM. NavyBul, A.F.Bur. A.F.Carner. A.F.Oamb. Cey. A.Fchit, A.F,Chin. A.!'.C.N.A.II.(lt.4.1..(long. i.F.onban i.F.Czech. A.F.Dahom. A.F.R. Dan. A.F. Abbreaiations continued on pqge 272

Page 8: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

figllfiers FiglfiersBAC LIGHTNING

cquivalent of Mk. 3. F. Mk. 6-Similar to F. Mk. 3apart from cambered wing and larger ventral tank.F. Mk. 5z-Four ex-R.A.F. F. Mk. zs supplied (r966)to R. Saud. A.F. F. Mk. 53-Basically similar toF. Mk. 6 for R. Saud. A.F. (34 ordered r965) and I{uwA.F. (rz ordercd 1966) with cannon and attack pods.T. Mk.54-Trvo ex-R.A.F. T. Mk. 4s delivered (r966)to R. Saud. A.F. T. Mk.55-ex-R.A.F. T. Mk. 5s forR. Saud. A.F. (six) and l(uw. A.F. (two).Dimensions: Span, 34 ft. ro in.; length (inc. probe),55 ft. 3 in.; height, 19 ft.7 in. Photograph: LightningF. Mk. 3 (XP756) of No. z3 Squadron, R.A.F.

I]AC LIG}ITNINGCountry of Origin: United I(ingdom.Type: (F. Mks. z, 3, 6, Sz & 53) Single-seat All-weather Interceptor I'ightcr and (T. Mks. 4, 5, 54 &55) Two-seat Conversion 'frnincr.Power Plants: Two (F. \{k z & T. Mk. 4) Rolls-RoyceAvon zro turbojets of r r,z5o lb.s.t. and r4,43o lb. withreheat, or (F. Mks. 3 & 6 and T. Mk. 5) Avon 3orturbojets of r3,zzo lb.s.t. and r6,36o lb. rvith reheat.Estimated Performance: (Specification applied to F.Mk. 3 but is generally applicable to other marks) M'speed, r,5oo m.p.h. at 4o,ooo ft.; m. cl., 5o,oooffi./min.; time to 4o,ooo ft., z'5 min.; s. ceil., 60,000 ft.Weights : Loaded, 4o,ooo-4z,ooo lb.Armament: (F. Mks. 2 & 53) Two 3o-mm. Aden can-non and two Firestreak AAMs, or (F. Mk. 53) twonon and two .lrirestreak AAIVls, or (.b. 1vlk. 53) twoground-attack rocket pods or two r,ooo-lb. bombs;(f'. iUt<s. 3 & 6) Two Firestreak or Red Top AAMs.(f'. iUt<s. 3 & 6) Two Firestreak or Red Top AAMs.Operators: (F. Mks. z, 3.&_6_and' T. Mks. +^& S.)

R:A.F., (F. Mks. s2, fi & T. Mks. 54, 55) R. Saud.A.F,. (F- Mk. <r & T. Mk. <<) Kuw. A.F.I(.A..t'., (f . Mks. 52, 53 e r'. lvrks. 54, 5A.F., (F. Mk. S: & T. Mk. 55) Kuw. A.F.First Flights: (P.rB) April 4, rg57; (pre'Anril r. ro<8: (F. Mk. r) Oct. 20. ro<o:First Flights: (P.rB) April 4, tg57; (pre-production)April 3, rqSS; (F. Mk. r) Oct. 29, rgsg; (F. Mk. ?)Jtily ri, 196r;(F. Mk.3) June 16, 196z; (F. Mk.6)Junc 16, 1965;('1. Mk.4) May 6, rs59; (T. Mk. s)March 29, r962.I>roductiort Ilistory: Prototypes (3); pre-production(z); Ir. Ml<. r (zo*); Ir. Ml<. rA (+o*); F.Mk. z (4o-5o); F. Mks. (r & .53 (ctrrrcnt procluction). *Approx.[/ariants: F. Mk. z--liqrrippirrg Nos. r9 and 9z Sqdns'rvith zncl n'l'n1t (1967). T. Mk. 4-Side-by-sidetltincr ctpivitlcnt oI Mk. z. T. Mk. 5-Trainer

F. Mk.6

Page 9: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967


Count.ry o.f Origin: U.S.A.?y2c.' Singlc-scrt All-rvclthcr Interceptor and (TF-rozA) Sidc-by-sidc Trvo-scat Combat Proficiency'l'raincr.Pozoer Plant: One Platt & Whitncy IS7-P-zl turbojetof rr,7oo lb.s.t. and g,zoolb. with reheat.Performance: (Figurcs in parcnthcses relate to theTF-rozA) M. spccd, 8z.S (6+6) m.p.h. at 4o,ooo(38,ooo) ft., with two 23o U.S. gal. tanks, 63o 36,000 ft.; nor. cr., 54o m.p.h. at 35,ooo ft.; time to4o,ooo (3z,ooo) ft., 4'25 (z'8) min.; s. ceil., 54,ooo(5o,ooo) ft.; m. range, r,35o mls.'Weights: Nor. loaded, z7,7oo (27,778) lb.; max.,3 r,5oo lb.Armament: Up to six AIM-4A or -4C Falcon AAMs.Operators: U.S.A.F. (A.D.C., A.A.C., & U.S.A.F.E.)'A.N.G.First Flights: (YF-roz) Oct. 24, 1953; (YF-rozA)Dec. zo, 19-54; (TF-rozA) Nov. 8, r955.Production History: YF-roz (ro); YF-rozA (+);F-rozA (873); TIr-rozA (63). Manufacturcd r954-8.Variants:F-rozA-All cxamplcs in scrvice have under-g<;no succcssivc uroclcrnisution programmes aimed atincrcasing ovcrall c{licicncy at both high and low alti-trrrlcs antl uguitrst cnctny cottl]tcnneasures. Full infra-rctl caplbilily li)l tilrgct acquisition, lock-on andcornplclion ol rrrrr llrs bccn pt'oviclccl, and provisionlirr nvcnty-lorrl e 7s-in. ttngttidccl rockcts originallynrirtlc hus lrt't'tt tle lclt:tl. In-llight rcfuclling capabilityintrotltrcctl lrorn r9(16, thc pxrbc, mountcd above thecoclipit, pcrrrritting frrcl to bc drarvu from the tanh for



thc fighter's engine at the same time as the tank is beingrcfilled. At the beginning of 1967, 16 of the zr AirNational Guard Fighter-Interceptor Squadtons wereequipped rvith the F-rozA, each squadron normallyhaving two TF-rozA two-seaters on strength. TF-rozA-Orders for r r r originally placed were cut backto 63. Weapons capability retained but HughesMG-ro system not installed.Dhnensions: Span, 38 ft. r| in.; length (includingprobe), 68 ft. +? in., (TF-rozA), 63 ft. 4$ in.; height,zr ft. z! in., (TF-rozA), zo ft.7 in.; wing area,695sq. ft. Photograph: F-roz{ (56-roz8) of U.S.A.F.'s3znd Fighter-Interceptor Squadron.

Tr -1 024

Page 10: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967


CONVAIR F-IO6 DELTA DARTCountry of Origin: U.S.A.Type: Single- or (F-ro68) Two-seat All-weather In-terceptor and (F-ro68) Combat Proficiency Trainer.Power Plant: One Pratt & Whitney (F-ro68) JZS-P-gor (F-ro6A) I7S-I'-I7 turbojet of r7,zoo lb.s.t. andz4,5oo Lb. with reheat.Piiformance: (Specification applies to F-ro6A but isalso generally applicable to the F-ro68 which has anidentical performance envclope apart from slightlyreduced range capability) M. speed, r,525 m.p.h. at4o,ooo ft.; com. rad. (intcrnal fuel), 575 mls.; ferryiange, r,5oo mls. at 6ro m.p.h. at 4r,ooo ft.1 s. ceil.,57,ooo ft.Weights: Empty, 4,646lb.; loaded (clean), 35,5oo lb';max. overload. 38,25o lb.Armament: Four AIM-4E or -4F Super FalconAAMs ancl one AIR-zA or -zB Genie nuclear-tippedAAM.Operators: U.S.A.F. (Air Defence Command).First Flights: (F-ro64) Dec. 26, 1956; (F-ro6B) April9, 1958.Prodiction llistory: F-ro64' (257); F-ro68 (63).Manufacturcd r956-6o.Variants: F-ro6A-Principal U.S.A.F. Air DefenceCommand interceptor. Became operational in Junergsg and has undergone successive modernisationpiogrammes. Dquippcd with advanced HughesMA-r electronic guidance and fire control system.This opcratcs with thc Semi-Automatic Ground En-vironmint defcncc system. During r967, F-ro6s wercbeing fitted with external fuel tanks suitable for reten-tion during supcrsonic flight. These tanks may be re-

,:t ItightcrsCONVAIR F-ro6 DELTA DART

fuellcd or jettisoned in flight, and a refuelling probe hasbcen introduced behind the F-ro6's cockpit. F-ro6B-Differs solely from F-ro6A in having a second seat in-sorted immediateiy aft of the standard seat at somecxpense to fuselage fuel capacity. Retains MA-rsystem and missile armament of the single-seater, andfull operational potential. Each of the 13 F-ro6-equipped Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons (1967) in-cludes several two-seaters.Dimensions: Span, 38 ft. :# in.; length (includingprobe), 7o ft. 8f in.; height, zo ft. 3$ in.; wing area,697'83 sq. ft. Photograph: A U.S.A.F. Air DefenceCommand F-ro68 Delta Dart, the eighth productionexample (57-zSt4.

Page 11: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967


DASSAI]I,]' I'TDNDARDCowtlry o.[ ()vigi11 ; Iil rttrcc'?ylc.' Sirisle-scat Shipboard Strike Fighter and (IVP)'factical I{ccotrnitissltrcc Aircraft.Porut'r l>lant: Onc SNI|CNIIA Atar 88 turbojet of9,7oo lb.s.t.Pir[,,rnmttcr': (IVM) M. spccd, 673 m.p.h. at 36,oooft.. 68.r nr.p.h. itt s.l.; lirc. mcl., r86 mls. at s.1., 435 mls.

"t 4","ooo 'ft.;

r'itngc rvith t*io l3z Imp. gal. tanks'r,7io mls. rt.5ro r)r.p.h. rtt t(r,ooo ft.;in' cl., r9,685fi./min.; tirnc to 4z,ooo It.,6 nrir-r.; s. ccil., 5o,85o ft.Weights: Iinrpty, rz,7S(r lb.; lolclccl, r9,4oo lb.; max.ovcrload, 22,41.16 ll).Armamcnt: (lVM) 'l'rvo 3o-rnm. I)DFA cann-on, twoNord AS. fo ASM* rtrcl trvo Sidcwindcr AAMs, ortu'o 496-lb. or liliz-lb. bombs. (Notc: Only one 30-

-r'r'r. bitrr,rtt Irc<ltrcrrtly crtn'iccl, sccond being removedto proviclc slrtco foltAcAN.)O f ara I or s : Airotritvitlc,I;irst It!i.!!hts: (lVM-or) Mrry zr, rqs8; (IVB) Dec. z,rgca; (IVl)-o7) Nov. r9, rr-16o; (IVM No. r) Julv r96t.Protluclioil Ilislory: l)rototypcs (r); prc-producttonIVM (.s); prc-protittctiotr lVl'(r); IVM (69); IVP (zr).Manullcttrrctl r gsli-6s.Varianls: IVB Also linc,.vn as IVM-o3 was experi-rncntirl vcrsion fctturing rr,zoo lb.s't. Avon 5r turbo-ict and llaD blorvirrs. IVM-Nincteen have flightiefucllirrg 1rtol,, * ,i".[ cqtripmcnt for " buddy "tanl<cr citrtics. liquips l;loitilles rrF, r5F and r7F,and cntclcrl Adlorrlvilc sct'vicc in r9(rz. Iixpccted tobc rcplacccl cluring carly 'scvclrtics by-thc nnvalisedversio-n of thc Anglo-lilench Jnguar. fVP-Has nosercfuelling probc in placc of Aida 7 radar, twin vertical


clmeras in cannon bay, and three forward and obliquecameras in extreme nose. Serving with Flottille r6F'Dimensions: Span, 3r ft. 6 in.; length, 47-ft. 3 in-.;height, rz ft. 7}'in.; wing area, 3o6 scI. ft. Photograph:An Etendard IVP of the A6ronavale.

Page 12: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967


DASSAULT MIRAGE IIIC_ountry oJ Origin: France.'lype.. Single-seat All_weather (C, CJ, CZ and S1::"_r_.,:oi"" (E, EZ and O) Striti"'una'iAlg.-nTin.connarssance .hrchter. rnd (8, BO, BS, BZ-i.-i)Tandem Two-seit Traine..Powry Plant: One SNECMA Atar (B & C) gB turbo.


1"3' *t"' l? :'.'.?' $-'^3: " i 11 1 ;;i[ * r. "

j,? ib,

"b,Jet or 9,r70 lb.s.r. and rt zz| lb. with reheit-or (E. O* ril" sl sC or .s^,q6 ru.sli. ,ia ,3,ori ir-. *t,il i""t",P.e rJ or m a n c e : (Refers I II E uut gEi.' "iiriv'";;il;i; ..all.versions) M. speed, r, 3^g6 mlp.h.

-a;'1.;#;"ri;';""rad.,_ r8o mls. at-36,ooo'fg. at 594,-*i*,i*285 Imp. gal. tanki, 42o rnts.

K;:rli:;#i'f ,tt,"?n:;l:;:.J?xxy::t,:;l:,t,,".nrmam?nt: lwo 3o_mm. DEFA S_Sj'iannon an(jl{c_) one MAT-RA R-53o and"t"*i -Sft;;";.*1M:,.. (i{lE_) up to s,a5J rr. ;i".i;;."i;;;;;;:,up:ratoys_: (IIIB, C, E & R) Fr. e.r..tttir|i'i.lj.i:.4.F.; (IIIBZ, cz' & EZ) S.A.A.irlt Ali'o'&'-Dl,A.A.!..i(IIIS, BS & RS)'Swiss' ' ''^'" * 'f trst Flighrs: (IIl_oor) Nov. 17, rg5Oi (lte,_or) Marz, r958; (IilB_or) Oct. zr,,qs_qi-fIiigNo.;i j"ii

t i i n"li ii,?'ff i ie,eljl,lflhl# li i inl(l.Il 9* *) o"t. z 8, r e 6 5.'. i,i.ii | * t'."i il'".:"J,,''d;il**First Swiss assembl"ed.

!19!ygt.ion History: IIIA (ro); f II,B-_(3Q); IIIBS (z);IIIBZ(i; IIID iro): III

(r9r,"rii6iG!"))iii#'(8c),!'fi 'd.lil""$,(1i?hJi'r:fiIIIRS{F (rB): [t rS* (e6). '*Crr."nt d;j;1;;j;;i. l;;?.Varian-ts: IIIcz- Eiieiimcnral Atai qK_p.r;;r;a ii.-sion of standard I I IC. ilIo-A;.t;uii""ii".r""lr"ir,


rn,,rlcl. 'l'rvo built by G.A.M.D', fifty-two beingt,rrrpltlt't[ for thc attack role (IIIOA) and for-ty-eight,,', iirt.'rc.,1rt<rrs (IIIOF). IIIS-Swiss manufacturedr,,.r'ri,,n oi IIID'with Hughes TARAN Mk. rS firet or r I lol r:rdrtr, hinged nose, strengthened unde-rcarriage,rrrrrl crtrrying.a pair of HM-55S Falcon A4V:,/)irrr,'a.srorrs.j Spin, z6 ft. rr] in.; length (IIIC)' 45. ft'cl in.. (IIIE) +6 tt. ztr in'; height (IIIC)' r: ft.9] in',it'tttij i+ ft. b in.; wing area, 365'9 sq. ft. Photograph:A Milage IllE of the Armde de I'Air.

Page 13: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

l!, tr'iglfiersIrightersFIAT G.9t

I)imensions: Span, z8 ft. r in.; length- 33 f!'-9+.lgr'lC.orT). r8 fi. r,i in'; height, r3 ft' rl in' (G'qrT)'i. ft. ri1";n.r wins area, 176'7+ sq. ft. Photograph:,,{ G.qrT.r of the lialian Scuola Volo Basico AvanzatoAviogetti at Amendola.

FIAT G.9rCountv! of Oririn: Italv'iuar, -Si"ot" Strile and Reconnaissance FighteruriA fC.orTl Two-scat Opcrational Trainer.Po*i, i'!oni: Onc Bristol Siddeley Orpheus 8o3ozturboiet of <.ooo lb.s.t.Pnrfoimarrii (Specification applies to G9rR.r, figuresi. t"t".rth"s"t 'relatins to the G.grT.r) M' speed,

668 (6:f) m.p.h. at s.l', 675 m.p'h-. at-5,ooo ft'; com'rad., r96 mls.;ferry range, r'r50 (r,3b7^) mls'; ln' cl',6-ooo fi./min.i s. ciil., +.r,ooo (rq,:7o) ft.lveiphtsiEmpiv (G.qrR.i), o,s:s lb., (G.9rT.r) 7' ?.4oilb.; loadcd (G.9IR.r), rr,755 lb',(G.orR.r), tr,q9+ 16., (G.qrT'r), rr,8oo lb.Armament: Two ('f) or fottr (G'9rR't) o'5-tn'machine guns, or iwo (G.9rIt.3) 39-mry. DEFA can-

"""- ^"dt*o zso-lb.'or-.5oo-ib. bombs, two NordAS.zo ASMs or iwo packs of z-in. or z'75-in' rockets''oiiatirs: (G.orR.rA & -rB) Ital.A.F.; (G.9rR'3)iiifr.; (G.qrR.4) Port. A.F.; (G'9rT.r) Ital' A'F';(G.or'I.r) I-uft.ilr{t niintt' (rst Prototvpc) Aug. 9, r956; (rst.pre-nroductiin) Feb. zo, r95b; (rsrGerman-assembled)iuly zo, r96r; (rst prototypc G'9rT) May^:r,..r96o'niairi;oi n;itoryt Prototypes 13); . G.'grl ({);c.qtn.' (e8); G.{rR'3 (5o)iG.9rR.a (so); G'srT'r(16): G.or'l.r (++). *Sixtecn converted to Li'9rijeiv. M.""iirciui"d rqsT-66. In addition, Dornierassemblcd lz and tnrnrtfrcturcd z8z G.9lR'3s'iiriants: G.9rR.4-sirlilar to Il.3 with,armament ofR.;.

-feN-Conversion for Italian NationalAcrobatic tcam.

Page 14: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967




Countrv of Orlsin: U.S.A.iranr -T*o-t"i't (F-rrrA; Tactical Strike, (RF-rrrA)R-"ionttui..utt.e, and (F-irrts) Shipboard Air Superi-oritv FiEhter.Poriu Plortt: Two Pratt & Whitney (F-r r rA) TF3o-P-r turbofans of approx. zr,ooo lb. rvith reheat, or(FlrrrB) TF3o-P-ij turbolans of approx. z3,5oo Ib'with reheat.Performance: M. spced (design), r,65o m p'h' at 4o,oooft.."86< m.p.h. at s.l.; s. ccil., 6o,ooo I ft'; ferry range(interrial fuel), 3,8oo mls., (F-rrrB, approx' 2'9oomls.). (max. cxternal fucl), 4,5oo 5,ooo mls'iiiiinit, tp-trrA) Emprv, 43-,5oo lb.; approi{' loaded'?o,o"oo lb., max. overloid, 95,ooo lb. ; (F'-r r rB), empty'ar.soo Ib.: loaded, 75,ooo lb.iiiro^nnt't (F-r r rA) Two tactical nuclearweapons orCondor ASMs internally and additional weapons onfoui swivelling and four fixed underrvilg Pylons'Mo*-u- ordnance load is 37,5oo lb' but in p-rac-tice

i. ti-;tca to approx. zo,ooo Ib. One zo-mm' M-6rAt"i"r" """"o"

t mounted internally. (F- r r r B) Six

AfNlI'-s+A Phocnix AAMs, trvo internally and four onsrvivcllinc underwinq PYlons.7|i"r"],,r?t (F-r r rA) 'U.S.A.F.; (F-r r rB)* U'S N':ail;ict. tt.,q.n.r.; (F-rrrK)* R.A.F.; (FB-r-rr)*iJ.s.A.F. *Dclireries ol F-rrrC to R.A.A.F' sched-

"f"a f.i i968, cleliveries of F-r.rrB.for U'S' Nar'ry and

F-;;ii ?6t ft.A'r'. commcncing in same vear, withFB-rrrs for U.S.A.F. following in r969'

-nitiitigirtt' (rst Ir-rrrA) Dcc' zr, 1964; (rst F-rrrB)Mav r8, r965.fihiii ri' i i tlory.' Devclopmcnt and pre-p roduction


l;-rr rA (t8j. F-ttrB (5); production F-rrrA* (389),

i.-iiit.'?rii, F-rr rC"(z+); F'-rrrK (ro)r FB-r rrA(zro). *Orders placed at bcginning of r967'.. .,' i ii i o n t t, i -rt te-E i ehtv p

"i ce n t' tom m on al i t v " w i th

ir-lilii. -nr-irrA-'Elevinth F-rrrA served as triali".iuffotlo".-uircraft for reconnaissancc version-'- FB-iiiA,-sttut"cic bomber dcvelopment for r968. ser-

vice. Up t; fifty 75oJb. bombs' Retalns bas-rc

.ii""t"t"'or F-r r rA with .ving extensions of F-r r rB,;;-;;fu;i"; and. strengthened undercarriage' F-iirK-Version for R.A.F. basically similar toTB-r

-r.r ''O;r*"t;oi', ipan (F-rrrA), 6f f-''. o 11'' (f111n)'zo ft. o in.: length (F-r r rA), 73 ft' 6 in', (F-r trts) 66 lt'I in.; height (F-rirA), r7 fr. r] in', (F-r.rrB)' r6 tt'8 in.' PFotoiraph: Eiftln research and devclopmcntF-rrrA (61-gZ7o).


Page 15: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

ltiglttersHAL HF-z+ MARUT


HAL HF-24 MARUTCountrv of Oripin: India.iva", 'Sinsl"-" or (Mk. rB) Two-seat Interceptor,Siiike and Rcconnaissance Fighter.Power Plants: Two HAl-built Bristol Siddeley O-r-

"nt". "o, turboiets of +,86o lb.s.t., or (Mk' rR)

brpheu. io3R of-approx. 6'6oo l!'s.t. with.reh^eat,,or

tM'f<. z) A"iorrot-t B-3oo of 7,o55 lb.s.t. and 9,84o lb'with reheat.iiiiir*orrr'(Specification relates to Mk' rA, figuresin parenthesei ielating to the Mk. rR) Approx' m';;";J, 6j. (zqo) m.p.hl at 4o,ooo ft., 7o5^(745)rn'p'h'ai s.l.'(rlooo)-fr.; com. rad. on internal fuel.38o-4zo

-t.. ui!0" m.p.h. at 36,ooo ft.; time to 4o,ooo ft',7min.: s.-ceil.. a6'ooo (<z,ooo) ft.Wcig:hts: Empiy, r:,sio lb'; loaded, r9,45o lb'; max''z4,z5o Ib.Viio-rnt, Four 3o-mm. Aden cannon and (op.tional

;; Mk.. rA and rfl) internal missile launcher with four

""rii"ut rows of spin-stabilised rockets*,,-plus four

Sial*i"a". A-\Ms. (Attack) Four r,ooo-lb' bombs,four MATRA launchers each containing nineteen 3-i". t""t"t., or sixteen 6olb. HVARs. *May b.e"d br camcra pack, weapons system electronics orI""iii".v'f""i, and^(in Mk. isl u"y may be supplantedbv second seat.ii*rntors: l.A.F.x *First squadron with pre-pro-J.l"tint-r NIk. rs wrs scheduled to be formed duringfirst half of u167.i;ril ilistrtt,irst Prototvpe) June 17, rs6r; (Ind pro-i,,iop"l il"'., i,r(tz; (rst pic-pioduction Mk' r) March,r96j; (prot,,typc Mk. rl{) Scpttmber r966'Productiott Histoty: Prototypes (2); pre-productton

(r6): Mk. rA* (44). *Pre-production batch completcd],,oti.-

-i.i*t'pioduction' deliveries were scheduled

to commence r967.ti"riiiii t wrU. rA-Ittitiul production model with non-

ifu.["."i"e "ngines,

fully duplicated power controls

""J-i"tt""?i Ai.pu... Mk. rn-si-ilar to Mk' rA

il; t";-t Indian-developed afterburners' Mk' z-i;;;J"J For Mach z'o peifot-uttce with E-3-oo turbo-*1.

'a"""t.p"a in the 'United Arab Rcpublic' - C.ol-

i;b;;;i"" tetween India and U.A.R' in developingi-fr" fff'-za-g-loo combination xt very earl5r stage. at

besinnine'of rq6Z, and production of the Mk' 2 versionofTIF-ze unlikelv before r969.Dimensio'ns: Span, z9 ft. 6ir in.; length, 5r 11' 73t rn';rt"ighi,"l3 r,.'r |

'in.; approx. wing area, 295 -sq' ft'-i;nEiiiriint Third 'pri-production Marut Mk' r





Page 16: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

p!-t lliglrters

HAWKER HUNTERDimensions: Span, 33 ft. 8 in'; lerrgth' .45 ft'. rol in''(Mk. :) a8 ft. roi in.; height, I3 tl' ri rn';wrn€-area':i;t'';.i.'fi.

-i;lrotogropt , Hunter-F'R' Mk' ro of No' z

Sqdn., R.A.F.

_:il:--:s$p=--HAWKER HUNTER

Counlrv of Origin: United l(ingdom'?voer Sincle-seat (F. Mks. 6, 5r & 52) lnterceptot'ii."C..{'N[k. q-a h'. tul,.. s6. !2, ss & 5e) GroundAttack and (F.R. Mk' ro) l{econnatssance 'Frgnter'ia.ilNii;. ';i c;";;J Attack Trainer,.and (T' Mks'

ii"*,;'if;,i:uof;i'.fl :)fl;:;'i1l.T?oliisr&sz)rr< or (Mks. 7,8, fi & 6z) tt?-ot 7'575 lb's't'' oriridr.''ol"iii, sb'&'66) 2o3, or (Mks' q & ro) zo7 ofr o. r <o lb. s.t.;;,f;;;;;;;' (Mk. e) M. speed, 7r5 m'p'h' at s't'.,627

-.i.h. ut 16,ooo ft. ; rcnge (clcan), 489 mls', (max'

exiernal fuel), r,8S+ mls. ; in. cl'' r7,'lmrn'Weichts: Embtv, r4,4oo lb. ; max', 24,boo Ib'Aniuntent: (Mk. S) Four 3o-mm' c^annon.and two.5oo-Ih or r ooo-lb bombs' or twenty-tour 3-ln rocKcrs'-o;;*;;;;: lrrlrL-- ol n"t. A.F.;-Iraq A'F'; Jor' A'F' r

i:;- "a"il', : n.n.e.r'.1 (Mk. ro) R'A F' ;

fMl.;;i ii.\i.; tiitt 5r) Fi. Dan. A'F'; (\4F' 5z)Peru'X.ii.'' (Mi.'sai i.A.F:i (vt ' sz) Kurv' A'F' r (Mk'-s8)'si";.l X.E.;irltk. 5e) traq. e.F.' n' Saud' A'F'-r (Mk':i''1"^'; :' ii -N";i:

A.F.: (Mk. 8) R.N.; (l\1k. 53)

ii. ij",i.,,ile.i iMr.. or) piru. n.r.i (Mk. 66) I.A.F.'ii.5#.'A:F:;'iMt oil l(uw. A.F.r (Mk' 6q) rraq' e]F)"di,l"d to receive r8 refurbi''hed.i"J*-i" oncl thrce two-seaters from Julv r-967'"rilirii"ai', ii.'i-pi",.,vp"l June zo, rss r r-(F -M-k' r)Ni;; ''a:

;,;; ji innr*. +l"ir.i. 2.' tss+i (Mk' 6) Mar'2(.-r()s(t (Mk. Z) Oct. rr, t957'piodiiiiun Ilistory: 'I'otrl of r,7o8 ot nllversrons manu-

i#il;ffi u.ii. -pi,. is' lraf Mk -4s an-d z-j7.Mk' 6s)

;;;;i#;;; i"' tt'"" N"tircrlandi, of which rz8

asscmbled in Ilclgium.

Page 17: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

HAWKER SIDDELEY GNAICountrv of Origin: United Kingdom'i'l?,''siitr="-."";; ilt IntercEptor and (T' Mk' r)i-"'"a"-'lYwo-seat Advanced Trainer'if,ii i

- ii i"| t- o i"

-n tl.t

"t s i d del ev Orqhe us 7 o r turb o -

Jet of 4,7oo lb's.t., or (T. Mk' r) Orpheus ror turbo-iet of a.zro lb.s.t.'i;r"i;;;i;r',- iSpecification applies to .Gnat inter-ceoior. figures in parentheses being appttcaole to tne

f. ntl. I) M. speed, 695 (636) m'p'h' at,2o'ooo( ft.: tac. rad. with two 66 (59) lmp' gal' tanxs'l'.,Jioil,j -rl.;ii;;,; 4s,ooo (z6,ooo) ft', 5'25 (a'65)': ".

ceil., 5o,ooo (48,ooo) ft'W)'iinii'"-iiiiii,

-o,osb (6,o3e) lb'; max', 8,885

(q,roZ) lb.iliikiil' (lntcrccptor) Two 3o-mm' Aden cannon

and. two coo-lb. bombs or twelve 3-in rockets'?ii)#iiiii'ri..' e.n,-i e.e. ; (r. Mk' r ) R'A'F',First Fliphts: (Prototype) July r8, r955; (rst produc-i;"") Mav 16. rqs6; (T. Mk' r) Aug' 3r' 1959'

Pro1uctiin Histoiy: Prototypes (r); (in-at lntercep,tor(u'\:T. Mk. r (ros). T. Mk' I manulactured' t9o2-itol" llit,dttrun- Aeronautics holds a manutacturtngii;;"";-;;d had asscmbled fifteen Gnat interce.ptors

irl--l-no.t"d components and manufactured .ap-;;;il;ii'ty' ';o- tv' tr'e beginning of re66 when

nroduction contlnulnAV.iii r

"," iir-'dtt"t -Sut""ss of -this- lishtwe':sht

fishtcr irr lndian-l)akistrrni conflict ol t965 and delays

iti'ih; tiF-;n-ptuJ""tio" programme- have resulted

in extendcd pio.luction by Hindustan Aeronautrcs'



HAWKER SIDDELEY GNATI)imensions: Span, zz ft. z in' (T' Mk: r), z4 ft' o. in';f"""itr, ,q ft.'9 in', (T. Mk' r),.3r ft'.9 in'; herght'

iiii.''tli.,lr1 irir..''), s rt.7L in'; wing area'-r36-'6

.q.'i.:if. 'illk. rl, rzi'sq' ft - Photograph: A HAL-

i-ru*;f , C'"ut intcrceptoi of ihe Indiun Air Force'

Page 18: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967


HAWKER SIDDELEY P.rtz7 HARRIERCountry of Origin: United Kingdom'?ype: Single-seat V./S.T.O.L. Tactical Strike andReconnaissance Aircraft,Power Plant: One Bristol Siddele;r Pegasus B. Pg. 6vectored-thrust turbofan of r8,ooo-l8,5oo lb.s.t.Performance : (Specification relates to tri-partit-e evalua-tion model but is generally applicable to R.A.F. ver-sion) M. speed, 66o m.p.h. at s.1., m. cr., 6+S ! s.i.; endurance (V.T.O.L.), 3o min. at s'l'; radius ofaction (S.T.O.L.), zzo mls. rt r,ooo ft', 359 mls' at4o,ooo ft.;in. cl. (at rz,4oo lb.),35,ooo+ f1./4i1'_iirighttt'Empty,' ro,7oo lb.; loaded (V.T.O.L.),rz,4oo lb., (S.T.O.L.), r.5,5oo lb.Armament: (S.T.O.L.) Iiour 5oo-lb. or r,ooo-lb.bombs, z-in rochct pods, or Martcl AGMs.Operators: (lf.A.F'. for r968 9 service).First Fligtti: (rst Prototype-vertical take-off) Oct.zr, 196o, (hor:izontal take-off) Mar. r3, r96-r; (rst'l'rii-partitc If valuation Aircraft) Mar. 7, r964; (rstR.A.F. I'l'alurrtion Aircraft) Aug. 3r, r966.Production Ilistory : Prototypcs (6); Tri-partite evalua-rion aircraft (o)i l{.A.F.'development aircraft* (6).Initial contraci for 6o Harriers for R.A.F. was placedearly r967 rvith follorv-on contract for 4o-5o examplesof morc porvcrful models.Variants : P.rrz7-Six prototypes with qrogres-sivelymore powclfui engines. The first live differed in de-tail but all had unswept wing trailing edges. Thesixth prototypc, flown on Fcbruary 13, 1964, intro-ducedswcplwing trailing edges and, apart from opera-tional equipmeni was representative of ttr,e tri-partiteevaluation-aircraft. Kestrel F.G.A. Mk. r-Built


primarily for a tri-partite evaluation squadron mannedirv U.K., U.S. and German personnel, and operatedfrom October t5, 1964, until November 3o, 1965.Subsequently two of the surviving tri-partite air-craft rvere retained in the U.K., the remaining sixbeing delivetcd to the U.S.A. under thc designationXV-6A. Harrier F.G.A. Mk.r-Six additionai eval-uation aircraft ordered February 17, 1965 with changesproposed for the definitive production model for theiL.A.F. of R.A.F. evaluation aircraft with similarr5,zoo lb.s.t. Pegasus B.Pg.5 to Tri-partite. model'Iniroduced extended wingtips, re-positioned air brake,strengthened outrigger wheels, etc.Diminsions : (Kestrel) Span, zz ft. ro in. ; length, 4z ft.o in.; height, ro ft. 9 in.; wing arca, r89 sq. ft. - Pftolo-graph:Thc first R.A.F. evaluetion P.rrz7 (XYz76).

Page 19: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967


HAWKER SIDDELEY SEA VIXENCountrv of Oripin: United Kingdom.?vre; Two-sea1 Shipboard Ail-weather Strike Fighter.P'ower Plants: Two Rolls-Royce Avon 2o8 turbojetsof r r.z<o lb.s.t.PerJoriance: (The following specification is estimatedand applies to ihe F.A.W. Mk. z) M. speed, 645 ropbo ft., 6ro m.p.h. at 4o,ooo ft.; typical missionendurance, r'5 hr.; time to 4o,ooo ft', 6-7 min.'W

eights : Loaded, 35,ooo-37,ooo Ib'Armament: Trvo rciractable packs cach u'ith fourteenz-in, rockets and four Filestrcak or Red Top AAMs'or trvo Rcd Tops and two packs of tu'enty-four z-in.rockets, four 5oo-lb. bombs and trvo clusters of six3-in. IIVAI{s, or trvo I}ullpup ASMs and trvo z,ooo-lb.bombs.ODerator.s: I{.N.hirst Flights: (rst Scmi-navalised Prototype) June zo,195-5; (Ir.A.W. Mk. r) Mar. 20, 1957. . ...Iir:oiluction llistory: F.A.W. Mk. r (roo*). . Manu-factured 95(t-63.' F.A.W. Mk. z production initiatedin r963 rvith lirst dclivcries in r964. xApproximate.Variaitt: F.A.W. Mk. r-F'irst squadron, No. 892,commissioned on Jull' 2, t959' and subsequently issuedto Nos. 8go :u.rd 893 Squadrons. l-argely supplantedbv Ir.A.W. NIk. z rvhich entered service in 1964.F:A.W. Mk. z--I'ossessing similar overall perform-ance to prcdccessor but up-dated equipment-offeringmorc sophisticntcd interccpt potential. Differs ex-ternally from F.A.W. NIk. r in h:rving extendedboomsto house additional fucl. Limited new productionaugmented by convcrsion of F.A.W. NlIk. rs'

:tt l'ightcits

HAWKER SIDDELEY SEA VIXENl)imensions: Span, 5o ft. o in.; Iengtlr, 55-ft' 7 in';lrcisht, ro ft. 9 in.'; atea, 648 sq. ft, Pho-tograph:,{ -s"u vi""tt F.A.w."Mk' z '(XS58z) of No. 766Squadron, the Naval Air Fighter School.

Page 20: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

ItiglftcrsItiglllets LTV F-8 CRUSADER

l)irttertsiotts: Span, 35 ft' z in'; lengrh (F-8D)' 54. ft'

5| in., (RF-SC), S+ ft'3 in.: height' rq ft' 9ln'irnnrox. wtnq area, :io sq. ft. Photigraph:. One of the

i'i# Iii':dC C;;""d'"'. (n". No. '+08ss)


from l{F-SAs.

LTV F-8CottntrY of Origin: U-'S'A'?vlc: (F-SC & I)) Srngle-scat Shipboard-Interceptor'rdldei^ei*"ii Figt.,t"., ancl (RF-8G) Photographtc

i;;';rmt*'iri'flb"l Pratt & whitnev !57-P-zz

i,",t.: "'.t i" ] oo I b',' t' " l$.,iil i??']!;,:iii i:liib 3j

(Ir-8C) J57-P-r6 of r63ooi; tn'.,( ; r 1:'i :., l!:::';,1 1X,:?;:' ? J

o'uld $ 1"1," "l;

Performancc : (SPeclncatrilli'..*iit ;ppri*ut" to ai vcrsions) {' snegd' t-'1zo

i'.p.r.. ^t 4o,'ooo.f t' ;.ru'' r*,il;'

rl ?ii ;t'! ;.T"' ?;lilih :

time to 57,ooo tt'' b'5 m

#1; H: T::i:l:' A:sa l:':;ll;.1 i,"l Sl,u,,,,,,ooir,. '"-u*.

(F-8D & el, :r'ffi?<loi, cannon and (F-Sc)Armatnent: Four zo-mm'f,,J i' li i e s it * p r' :' :;i ";"J t3:i l,tyt: J 5--fJ

iltl#fr h#m-'fi ':;ffii:lllh;'5:*ffi :u ruiul5 *fi ;i+*ggiii ; m,:* :First Flishts: (XF-8A) \{rq.szr (t{F-sA) o"". '2, ''oitiiie:ssj

scpt'3.re58;/F-,lc\ Auo. 20, rg5d; iijgDj l"t" :o' rq6r; (F-

[ef.-eXtl Junc 26, r96-.+l (RF-EU) Auq 3r' reu5'--

iflf tT,zug.i+*+f$,:"i*qit+illq$ffiF-SHs and -SJs'

Page 21: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Fighters 3<tItigltters


LOCKHEED F-ro4 STARFIGH'I'EI{Country of Origin: U.S.A.?ype; Single-siat (F-ro4A, C, J & S) Interceptor and(F-roaG & CF-roa) All-weather Strike and Recon-iaissance Fighter, and (F-ro4B, D, DJ, F, TF-ro4G& CF-ro4D) Two-seat Operational Trainer.Power Plant: One General Electric (F-ro4A & B) JZS-GE-3B of 9,6oo lb.s.t. and r4,8oo lb. with reheat,(F-ro+C, D & F) IZg-GE-l or (F-ro4G, J, TF-ro4G,F-ro+DJ & CF-ro4) -rrA of ro,ooo lb.s.t. and r5,8oolb. wittr rcheat, or (F-ro4S) J79-GE-JIQ of r7,9oolb. u'ith reheat.Perform.ance: (F-ro+G) M. speed, r,3zo m'p.h. at

4o,boo ft., 915 m.p.h. at r,ooo ft.; tac. rad. (with twoizo and ilvo-zoo U.S. gal. tanks), 69o mls. at 6rom.p.h.; in. cl. 5o,ooo ft./min.; com. ceiling, 55,ooo-ft.Wiights: (F-ro+G) Empty, r4,o8z lb.; loaded, r9,84rlb.; max., 28,779 lb.Armament: One zo-mm. M-6r rotary cannon and upto r'.ooo lb. of extcrnal ordnance.Obiiators: (F-ro+A) U.S.A.F., Jor' A.F., Pak. A.F.;(F-ro+B) c.N.A.F.; U.S.A.F.; (F-ro+C) U.q.A.L;ip-'",io) U.S.A.F.; (F-ro+J & DJ) J.A.S.D'F.; (F-ro4F) Luft.; (CF-ro+) R.C.A.F'; (F-ro+G) q ry 4.F 'Luft., I{riegsmarine, R. No. A.F., Span. A.F. B.Pl".A.F., Turk-. A.F., R.H.A.F., Neth. A.F', Bel' A.F.'ItalA.F.; (TF-ro+G) I-uft., Ncth. A.F., Bel.A.F.'Ital. A.F., R. Dan. A.F.; (F-ro4S) *Ital. A.F' *Onorder for t967-7r deliver'-v.First Ftiy4hisi(XF-ro4) Feb.7, 195,1; (F-ro4A), rys6i (F-ro+B) Iicb. 7, 19-57; (F-ro4G) Oct. 5't6Oo;'(Cf'-r"+) Mar. 28, 196r; (CF-ro4D) June 14'196r; (F-ro4J) June 3o, 196r.

I,roduction History: XF-ro+,(z); YI:to+ (s)t \-t:n3i''.ii; p-to+u (26;; F-ro+C (77)i F-ro+D (22)i ur-',t-lii' i',s],'*El'"+pJ (2;);'F-i;4F (ro);. .19F-roa'"*-1. \iF:lo4l i;]o1t +F-;;4G (i,266); *Tf-ro4(iii;;il --F--';o:i-1''o;1. *Nincteen F-ro4DJs. as-

Iii'ti"a rru -rliit.uli.rti.

CF-ro4s manufactured bv

C;;;;uit. 'Mitsubishi assembled or manufactured r77

;;i;;;;ilt;i;.. ,,rppl"-"'.'tarv order for.3o'^ F- r o4G

total includes q77 built in Europe and r ro by uanaoarr''iri:j-;C";;;i'i'"i'a"' cur'rent orders' rt*Beins

built bv Fiat.V;;;rit; i-ro+C-Fi"t multi-mission version' ^F-;;6:iiJJgi"d.t'.'.r"'" for strike rolc'

- F-ro4S-

prLurilv an interceptor with Sparrow AAMs' a new

il..i:iil'; i,+!"i"'p't-'' maxi speed, and improved

radius of action.'ni"i"';ii-'"siin, zt fr' rr in'; length' si. ft' e in';ffiil;,' ;; r;. Ziili *in g"'"u,' ?g' i,'q ;f'; P hot ogr a p h :

F-i+G of No. 3tI Sqdn'' R' Neth' A't''


Page 22: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

lrightcrs ItiglficrsMcDONNELL F-4 PHANTOM II

(sl'i:). The r,oooth F-4 delivered mid-1965 and.'.,ooo* delivered by beginning of tg67-l/ariants: F-4D-APQ-ro9 supplanting APQ-roomtlar. F-4E Internally-mounted 2o-mm. M-6rAcrnnon and Hughes COITDS and APQ-rr7 radar.F-aG-AN/ASW-zr communications. F-4J-Nerv,rilcrons, flaps, and Doppler fire control' F-+K -i\nglicised version. F-4M-Similar for R.A.F.Diilensions: Span, 38 fi' 4l in.; length, 58 ft' 3| in.'(RF-+B), 6zft. rcl' in.; height, 16 ft.6 in.;wing area,

iro sq.'ft. Photograph: F-4B (Bu. No. r5o4r9) ofU.S. Navy Squadron VF-r43'


McDONNDLL F-+ PHANTOM IICountry of Origin: U.S.A.Type: Two-seat (F-4B, G, J & K) Shipboard Inter-ceptor, Attack and (RF-4B) Reconnaissance, (F-4C, D,E & M) Land-based Interceptor, Tactical Fighter-Bomber and (RF-4C) Reconnaissance Aircraft.Power Plants: Two General Electric (F-48, RF-48 &F-aG) l7e-GE-8 or (F-4C, RF-4C & F-+D) JZq-GE-r5 turbojets of ro,9oo lb.s.t. and r7,ooo lb. withreheat, or (F-al) J7g-GE-ro or (F-4E) I7g-GE-r7turbojets of rr,87o lb.s.t. and r7,9oo lb. with reheat,or (F-4K & F-aNI) Rolls-Royce RB. r68-a5R SpeyR.Sp.5R turbofans of rz,5oo lb.s.t. and approx.zr,ooo lb. with reheat.Performance: (Specification applies to F-4B but isgenerally applicablc to other J7g-powered variants)M. speed, r,584 m.p.h. at 48,ooo ft., (with four Spar-row AAMs), r,45o m.p.h., 9r5 m.p.h. at s.l.; in. cl.,z8,ooo ft./min.; low-level tac. rad. (with 6,ooo-lb.ordnance load), 4oo mls.; fcrry range, z,3oo mls.Weights: Empty, z8,ooo lb.; loaded (clean), 44,6oo lb.;max., 54,6oo lb.Armament: (Intercept) Four or six Sparrow III AAMs,or four Sparrow IIIs and four Sidewinder AAMs, or(F-aC & F-4E) Falcon AAMs, or (attack) various ord-nance loads up to a maximum of r3,3zo lb,Operators: (F-aB, G, I & RF'-aB) U.S.N., U.S.M.C.;(F-aC, D, E & RF-aC) U.S.A.F.; (F-4I() *R.N.;(F-+M) *R.A.F. *Ordered for 1967-8 service.First Flights: (F-aA) May 27, rg58; (F-4C) N{ay 27,1963; (RF-4B) Mar. rz, 1965; (YRF-4C) Aug. 9,1963; (RF-4C) May 18, 1964; (F-4D) Dec. 8, rs65;(F-aJ) May rs66; (YF-+II) June 27, 1966.Production Historj: F-+A (+Z); F-aB (9oo*); F-aC

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Itightcrs a8 niglfiersMcDONNELL F-ror VOODOO

t o I{F'- rorC configuration. RF-rorA-Tactical recon-rririssance derivative of F-rorA, the RF-rolC bcing an. truivalent version of the F-rorC. F-rorB-Embodicssril)stantial re-design for intercept role. Serves withtj.S.A.F. Air Defence Command. Also operatcd byIt.C.A.Ir. as CF-rorB and, rvith dual controls, as theCF-rorF.l)inensions: Span, 39 ft. B in'; length (F-rorB),'-r? in.. (RF-r-orC),6s ft.3 in.;heisht, r8 ft. o in.;*lrs ur"", 368 sq. ft. Photograph: RF-rorC Voodoosof the U.S.A.F. Pacific Air Forccs.


McDONNELI- F-ror VOODOOCotmtry of Origin: U.S.A.Type: (F-rorB) Two-seat All-weather Interceptor and(TF-rorB) Trainer, and (RF-rorC) Single-seat Tac-tical Reconnaissance Aircraft.Power Plants:'fwo Pratt & Whitney (F-rorB) J57-P-53 or -55 turbojets of rr,99o lb.s.t. and r4,99o lb. withreheat, or (RF-rorC) JS7-P-I: turbojets of ro,roolb.s.t. and r4,88o lb. with reheat.Performance: (Specification applies to F-rorB, figuresin parentheses relating to the RF-rorC) M. speed,t,z2o (r,o4o) m.p.h. at 4o,ooo (38,ooo) ft., 7I6 s.l.;m. range on internal fucl, r,55o (r,7oo) mls. at595 m.p.h. at 36,ooo-4o,ooo ft., with two 45o tanks, z,zoo mls.;in. cl., r7,ooo (r4,ooo) ft./min.;s. ceil., 5z,ooo ft.Waights: Nor. loaded, 3g,9oo (42,55o) lb.; max.,46,673 @8,72o) 1l>.

Armament: (F'-rorB) Tr.vo AIR-zA Genie and threeAIM-4E or -4F Super Falcon AAMs.Operators: (F-rorB) U.S.A.F., R.C.A.F.; (RF-rorC)U.S.A.F., C.N.A.F.Itirst tr'ligltts: (F-rorA) Sep. 29, r954; (YRF-rorA)May ro, r9-56; (F-rorB) Mar. 27, r957; (RF-rorC)luly rz, 1957.Production lTistory: F-rorA (79); RF-rorA (fS);F-rorC (47);IlF-rorC (r66); F-rorB* (478). Manu-factured 19-53-6r. *A number completed with dualcontrols as'f F-rorB Voodoos.V ariants : F-rorA-Single-seat tactical fi ghter-bombernow supplanted by F-4C Phantom. F-rorC-Somestructural strcngthcning introduced on Srst produc-tion aircraft rcsulted in change of designation fromF-rorA. Now supplanted in service, Some converted

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Eightcrs .t1 FightersMIKOYAN-GUREVICH N{IG-I5

I)intensions: Span, 33 ft. of in.; length (MiG-r5 and-r<UTI) rr ft. rl in', (MiG-rsbis) 16 ft' 5 in';lreieht, iz'f"t. rf in.; $ing area, z<5'r sq. ft. Photo'graph i };4.ic-r 5UTI of Finnish Air Force's lILeLv. 3 r .


Country of Origin: U.S.S.R.NATO Code Names: (MiG-r5 and -r5bis) Fagot and(MiG-r5UTI) Midget.Narzes: (MiG-r5 and -r5bis) Fagot and (MiG-r5UTI)Midget.Typi: Single-seat Duy Interceptor (MiG-t5SB)Fighter-Bomber, and (MiG-I5UTI) Tandem Two-seat Advanced Trainer.Power Plant: One Klimov RD-45FA or VK-r turbo-iet of <.o<z lb.s.t.Perfor"ioire: (Figures in parentheses relate to MiG-rsUTI) M. speed, 668 (63o) m.p.h. at s.1., 6zo lg,zio ft.; -r. range, 48o (4zz) mls. at 16,4oo ft., 65o(sqo) mls. at 3z,8ro ft., with trvo 66 Imp' gal. tanks,88c mls.; in. cl., ro,8z7 ft./rnin.; s' ceil.,47,98z ft.Wiights: Empty, 8,32o lb.; clean loaded, rr,o85(ro,6qz) lb.; max., r3,BB9 (rr,9o5) lb.Armiment: One 37-mm. N-37 and two z3-mrn. NR-23 cannon, plus two 55oJb. bombs'Operators:

- (MiG-r5bis) Alg- A.F., - -Cqmb.-&-F'Chin. A.F., iraqi A.F., Syr. A.F. (MiG-r5UTI)Afg. A.F., Alb. A.F., Bul. A.F., Chin. A.F., QrlbanA.F., Czech A.F., Fin. A.F., G.D.R. Luft', A.U.R.I.,IraqiA.F., I(.P.A.F.A.F., Mor.A.F., P.L.W., Rum.A.F., Syr. A.F., UAR A.F.First Flights: (Prototypc) Dec. 3o, r947.Production History: MiG-r5 rvas licence-built inCzechoslovakia, Poland and China.Variants: MiG-rs-Otiginal modcl had 5,ooo lb.RD-+SF. MiG-r5bis-VI(-r engine with enlargedcombustion chamber, turbine blades and jct pipe.


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MIKOYAN-GUREVICH MIG-I7Country of Origin: U.S.S.R.NAafO Code Name: Fresco.?y2e; Single-seat (Fresco-A & -B) Day Intercepto-r,(Fiesco-Ct Fighter-Bomber, and (Fresco-D & -E)Limited All-Weather and Night Fighter.Power Plant: One Klimov (Fresco-A, -B & -E) VK-rturbojet of 5,952 lb.s.t. or (MiG-r7F or Fresco-C& MiG-r7PF Fresco-D) VK-rA of 7,o55 lb. with re-heat or VK-rFA of 7,496 lb. with reheat'PerJormance: (Spec. relates specifically to MiG-r7F)M. speed, 692 m.p.h. at s.1., 635 m.p.h. at 39370 !t.;endurancc (with trvo 88 Imp. gal. tanks)' r hr. 5o min';approx. com. r'ad., 36o mls. at 48o m.p.h, at 32,8ro ft.;in. cl., 9,842 ft./min.Weighti: Loadod (clean), rr,464 lb.; max., r4,ooo lb.Ariament: (Frcsco-A & -B) Two 23-mm. and one37-mm. or (Fresco-C, -D & -E) three z3-mm. cannonind (Fresco-C) four pods of eight 55-mm. rockets, ortwo 55o-lb. bombs, or (Fresco-D) four beam-ridingA*\Ms (with which cannon are deleted).Operdtors: Sov. A.F., Sov. Narry, Alg. A.F., ,1fe. 4.f.'Aib. A.F., Camb. A.F., Chin. A.F., Cuban A.F.,Czech. A.F., G.D.R. Luft., Hun' A.F., A.U.R.I.'Iraqi A.F., I{.P.A.F.A.F., Mor. A.F., L.L.W., Rum.A.F., Syr. A.F., UAR A.F., N. Viet. A.F.Firsi F[ishts: (Prototype) 1949; (rst Production) r95r.Production History: Manufactured under licence inCzechoslovakia, Poland and China.Variants: LIM-5-Number modified for P.L.W. asclose-support fighters with extended, -deeper,inboardwing seCtions, twin-mainwheels and additional fuel'




I)imensions: Span, 3r ft. Sl in'; -length (Fresco-C),36 ft.9 in., (Fresco-D),38 ft.5 in'; herght. rr tt..5i ln';iuine irea, zzz'26+ sq. ft. Photograph: Al eariy pro-.lucfion MiG-17 (Fresco-A) of the V'-V.S.

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MII(OYAN MIG-I9Country of Origin: U.S.S.R.NA'IO Code Name: Farmer.?ype.' Single-seat Day and (Farmer-D) Limited All-weather Interceptor.Power Plants: Two Klimov VK-q (RD-q) turbojets of6,r7o lb.s.t. and 7,85o lb. with reheat.Performance: (Farmer-C) M. speed, 9oz m.p.h, at3z,8ro ft.; range with two 176 Imp. gal. tanks, r,365mls.; time to 32,8ro ft., r'r min.; s. ceil., 55,775 ft.'[tr/eights: Empty, rz,r3z lb.; loaded (clean) r8,63o lb.Armament: (Farmer-C) 'l'hrcc ao-mm. cannon andtwo Atoll AAMs or up to four pods each housing eight55-mm. rockcts, or two pods housing ninetcen 55-mm,rockets. (Irarmcr-D) Four Alkali AAMs.Operators: A.U.R.I., Chin. A.F., CubanA.F., CzechA.F., G.Il.D. Luft., IraqiA.F., K.P.A.F.A.F., Pak.A.F., P.L.W., Sov. A.F., UARA.F.First Flights: (rst Prototype) rg5:; (Production) r955.Production History: First deliveries 1955. Manu-factured 1954-6o. Built in China without licence.Variants: Farrner-A-Initial model of MiG-r9, firstSoviet supersonic fighter, with VK-5 (RD-S) enginesof 4,8oo lb.s.t. and 6,zoo lb. with reheat. Tailplanecarried convcntional elevators. Farmer-B-Firstlimitcd all-weathcr vcrsion with trvo radar antennaein nose, similar gun armament to -A (i.e., one 37-mm.and two 23-mm. weapons), and VK-g engines.Farrner-C Definitive day fighter model. Chinese-built copics supplied to Pakistan., missilc armament with cannon deleted.

.tS rightcrsMIKOYAN MIG-I9

I)imensions: Span, z9 ft.6 in.; length,4r ft.4f in.;Ireight, rz ft. 5] in.; wing area, 269'r sq. ft. Photo-traph: A Farmer-B, the first all-weather developmentof basic MiG-r9 design with extended fuselage.

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Irilthters 16

MIKOYAN MIG-ztCountly of Origin: U.S.S.R.NAT5 Code Names: Fishbed and (MiG-zrUTI)Mongol.?r,rel Sinele-seat (MiG-z r F or Fishbed-C) Day Inter-ceptor, (Flshbed-D) Limited All-weather Interceptor,and (MiG-zIUTI) Two-seat Advanccd Traincr.Pouir Plant: One axial-flow turbojet of 9,5oo lb.s.t'and rz,5oo lb. with rehcat, or (MiG-zrF) ro'ooolb.s.t. and r3,zoo lb. with rehcat.Pcrformanee: (Spccification applie,s t6 MiG-zrF)'"d, r,3zo m.p.h. at 36,ooo ft., r'vith two AtollAelti

"nd drop iank, 99o m.p.h.; tac. rad., lfJ mls.;

range with one r32 Imp. gal. tank, r,z6o mls.; in. cl.rvith two Atoll AAMs, 3o,ooo ft./min.Weigltts: Nor. loadcd, r7,ooo lb';max., r8, (MiG-zrF) One 3o-mm. cannon in star-board fusclage side, and two Atoll AAMs or two podseach containing nincteen -55-mm. rockets.Oberators: Als. A.F., A.U.R.I., Chin. A.F', CubanA.F., Czcch. A.F., F'in. A.F.' G.R.D. Luft., tlun.A.F.: I.A.F., Iraqi A.Ir., K.P.A.F.A.F., P.L.W., Rum.A.F.. Sov. A.F., Syr. A.F., UAR A.F., Yugo. A.F.First Flights: (Aerodynamic prototype) r955; (rstprototype) rg57; (rst production) r959.Produition History: Deliverics commenced r9.59,Manufacturcd in Czcchoslovakia from r963, and (Fish-bed-D version) in India from 1966. HAL at Nasik tobuild approx. 45o rvith deliveries commencing late

t? DightcrsMIKOYAN MIG-zr

r,167 after r-c-asscmbly of 48 Russian-built airframes.(loov manufactured in China without liccncc.Voiiartt, MiG-zrF-Suffix letter indicating " For-siroaanni ", or " Roosted ", and presumably referringto thc increased cngine powcr. Additional pair of airbrakcs fonvard, and updated avionics. Dubbed Fish-bcd-C by NATO. MiG-zrPF-The -D featuring en-largccl intakc rvith A.I. radome producing doubleshocl< for improved high-spccd thrust.Attbrox. Diiensions: (N[iG-zrF) Span, z5 ft. o in.;te"sth, +z ft. o in.; height, r4 ft. 6 in.; wing arca, z5osq. tt. Pltotograph: E;rly production MiG-zr of theCcskoslot'ensk6 letcctvo.

Page 28: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Iriglttcts triglficrsF-86F SABRE

ft. 6l in.;ft. Photo-" Blue Im-


ffiPower Plant: One General Electric J47-GD-27 twrbo-jet of 5,9ro lb.s.t.Performance: M. specd (at rS,53z lb.), 678 m.p.h. ats.l. (Mach o'89), 599 m.p.h. at 3.5,ooo ft. (Mach o'9),(at r4,zrz lb.), 687 m.p.h. at s.1., 6o4 m.p.h. at 35,oooft._; com. rad. (with trvo 166.5 Imp. gal. tanks), 463mls. at S29 m.p.h.;ferry range, r,525 mls.Weights: Empty, rr,rz-5 lb.;loadcd (clean), r5,r98 lb.;m. overload, zo,6rr lb.Armament: Six o.5-in. Colt-Brorvning M-3 machineguns and tlvo AIM-gB Sidewinder AANIs or two .5oo-lb., 75o-1b., or r,ooo-lb. bombs, or eight .5-in. HVARs.Operators: (F-86ElMl)'Iurk. A.F.. Yugo. A.F., (F-86F) C.N.A.F., Span. A.F., J.A.S.D.F., Erh. A.F.,R. Saud. A.F., R. No. A.F., Per. A.F., Arg. A.!-.,Venez. A.F., II.O.K.A.F., Thai A.F., Port. A.F., Pak.A.F., (RF-86F) J.A.S.D.F., C.N.A.F.First Flights: (XP-86) Oct. r, rs47; (F-86A) May zo,r9a8; (F-B6E) Sept. 23, r95o; (F-86F) March rg, rg5z.Production History : F-86A (55a) ; F-86E (116); F-86F(r,S:S). Manufactured r946-.56. In addition, Mitsu-bishi assenrbled 3oo F-86F Sabrcs r956-6r.Variants : F-86E(M)-Updated Canadair CL-r3 SabreMks. z and 4 rvith 5,zoo lb.s.t. J47-GE-r3. RF-86F-Recce conversion r.vith one I{-r7 and trvo l(-zzcameras. CA-27 Sabre-Australian-built versionwith 7,5oo lb.s.t. Avon z6 and 3o-mm. Aden c:rnnon.Sabre Mk. 6-Canadian version with 7,275 lb.s.t.Orenda r4 serving with Colombia and Iran.

NORTH AMDRICAN F-86F SABRECountry of Origin: U.S.A.?y2e: Single-seat Interceptor, Fighter-Bomber and(RF-86F) Rcconnaissancc Fighter.

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Figlfiers FiglfiersNORTH AMERICAN F-86D (K) SABRE

I)imensions: Span (F-86D & K), Zl ft. r+ in. (F+qK& L), :S ft. r+ in.; length (F-86D & L). 4o ft- :1 in.(F--B6K), 4o ft. rr in.; height, r5 f!.,o in.; wing area

f r'-SOO' & K), z8z q sq. ft. (F-86K & L)' 313'37sc1. ft. Photograph: F-86D Sabres of thc R.O.K.A.F.

NORTH AMERICAN F-86D, K & L SABRECountry of Origin: U.S.A.7y2e.' Single-scat All-weathcr Interceptor Fighter.Power Plant: One (F-86D-45) General Electric J47-GE-33 turbojet of 5,5oo lb.s.t. and 7,65o lb.s.t. withreheat, or (F-86K) J+7-GE-qB turbojet of 5,425lb.s.t. and 7,5oo lb.s.t. with reheat.Performance: (Specification relates to F-86D-45, fig-ures in parentheses relating to the F-86I() M. ipeed,693 m.p.h. at s.1. (Mach o.9), 616 (6rz) m.p.h. at4o,ooo ft.; com. rad., z7o mls. at 55o m.p.h.; ferryrange (with t\^/o roo Imp. gal. tanks), 769 (744) mls.;in. cl., rz,ooo ft./rnin.; s. ceil.,49,6oo ft.Weights: (F-86K in parentheses) Empty, r3,498(r:,S62) lb.; loaded for intercept, r8,r6o (r8,379) lb.,for area defence, rg,g5z (zo,r7r) lb.Armament: Tu'enty-four 2.75-in. rockcts or (F-86K)lggr 3o--mm. M-z4A-r cannon and trvo AIM-gBSidervindcr AAMs.Operators: (F-B6D) R. Dan. A.F., J.A.S.D.F.,R.H.A.F., Phil. A.F., C.N.A.F., R.O.K.A.F., Turk.A.F., Yugo. A.F., (F-86K) R. No. A.F., Ital. A.F.,Turk. A.F., Vcnez. A.F., (F-86L) R. Thai A.F.First Flights-: (YI'--86D) Dec. zz, r949; (yF-86K) Julyr5, r9-54;-(Eirst Fiat-assembled F-B6K) N{ay 23, r955;(First Ir-86L conversion) Oct. r9-56.Prothrction Ilistory: F-86D (2,5o4); F-86I{ (34r);F-86L conver{ons (98r). Manufactured (F-86D)r950-5-5, (F-86K) r954-58.Variants : F-86K-Total of zz r assembled bv Fiat. lastforty-fivc rvith cxtcnded rvingtips. F-86l--similarwing_ to F-B6I(. Convcrted from F-86D with up-datcd clcctronics,

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NORTH AMERICAN F-Too SUPER SABRECountry of Origin: U.S.A.Type: (F-tooA, C & D) Single-seat Tactical Fighter-Bomber and (F-rooF) Two-seat Trainer.Pouer Plant: One Pratt & Whitney J57-P-zrA turbo-jet of rr,7oo lb.s.t. and r6,95o lb. with reheat.Performance: (F-rooC, D & F) NlI. speed, 864 3.5,ooo ft. (Mach r'3);range cr. .565 m.p.h. at 36-45,ooo ft.; m. rangc, r,5oo mls.; climb to 3z,z8o ft.(F-rooC & D), z'.5 min.lVeights: Empty (F-rooD), zr,ooo lb., (F-rooF) zz,3oolb.; normal ioaded (Ir-rooD), zg,j6z lb., (F-rooF),3o,7oo lb.; max. (F-rooD), 34,832 lb.Annament: (F-rooF) Two or (F-rooC & D) four zo-mm. M-39E cannon and (F-rooF) 6,ooo lb. or (F-rooD) 7,5oo lb. of cxtcrnal ordnance.Operators: (F-rooA) C.N.A.F., A.N.G., (F-rooC)'I'urk. A.F., A.N.G., (F-rooD) U.S.A.F., Fr. A.F.,I{. Dan., (F-rooF) U.S.A.F., Fr. A.F., R. Dan.A.F., Turk. A.F.First Flights: (YF-rooA) Nllay 2.5, r953; (F-rooA)Oct. 29, r9-53; (F-rooC) Jan. r7, r955; (F-rooD)Jan. 24, 1956; (F-rooF) March 7, ry57.Prodttction History: F-rooA (zo3); Ir-rooC (476);F-rooD (r,.74; F-rooF (333). Manufactured r95z--5 9.Variants : F-rooA-First U.S.A.F. supersonic fighter.First r67 po*'ctccl by 9,7oo lb. J.57-P-7. Six cxtcrnaistores points. F-rooC-Trvo additional stores points.First roo rctaincd -39 cnginc installcd in last 36 As.F-rooD-Landing flaps ar-rd rcvised tail.


I)imensions: Span, 38 ft. 9]' in.; length (F-rooD), +9 ft.(r in., (F-rooF), Sz ft.6 in.; height, 16 ft' 7? in.;^wing

"r"n, 385'z sq. ft. Photograph: F-tooD Super Sabre(ss-:iti) of the U.S.A.F. Tactical Air Command.

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Itiglfiers 51 FightusNORTHROP F-s

CF-5A/R and CF-5D, for R.C.A--F.,- togcther. wijhu < si'nele-seatcrs and 3o two-seaters fortheNetherlands'fariaits: F-5A-r5-Company designation for im-rrroved model with J8-S-GE-r5s, louvred doors to in-crease airflorv for talie-bfi, and tr.vo-position nosewheelleg. Essentially similar version for Netherlands.Iiimensions: Span, z5 ft. 3 in.; length, 41 ft. z- in.;height, r3 tt.Z ii.; i,itg it"", 11j'8z,sq..f-t. Photo-srA;n! li F-5A of the U.S.A.F.'s roth Fighter Com-mando Squadron.

NORTHROP F-5Country of Origin: U.S.A.?ype.' Single-seat (F-sA & CF-SA/R) and Two-seat(F-5B & CF-5D) Strike and Reconnaissance Fighter.Pouer Plants: Two General Electric J85-GE-r3 turbo-jets ol z,7zo lb.s.t. and 4,o8o 1b. with reheat, or (CF-5)JS-S-GE-rS turbojets of 4,3oo ib. with reheat.Performance: (Specilication relates to basic F-5A,figurcs in parentheses applying to the F-5A-r5) M.speed, 924 (g:Z) -.p.h. at 36,86o ft., 745 (79o) s.1.; tac. rad. for supcrsonic intercept mission r,vithone r.5o U.S. gal. tanli, r67 mls.; in. cl., 3o,ooo (37,ooo)ft./min. (F-5B) M. spccd, 88,1 m.p.h. at 36,86o ft.;fcrry rangc, r,894 mls.IVeights: (F-58 in parentheses) Empty, 7,86o (B,zz7)lb.; loaded, 13337 Qz,g8z) lb.; max. zo,o5o lb.Armament: Up to 6,zoo lb. of ordnance on seven ex-tcrnal stations and (F-.5A) two 2o-mm. cannon.Operators: (F--SA & Il) C.N.A.F., R.H.A.F., Iran A.F.,R.O.K.A.Ii., Phil. A.F'., Turk. A.F., R. No. A.F.,Mor. A.F.; Viet. A.F.; Eth. A.F.; *R. Neth. A.F.;*Span. A.F., U.S.A.F.xis (CF-5A & -.SD) *R.C.A.F.*Delivcrics to Spain and to Ii.C.A.F. scheduled tocommence 1967,and to R. Neth. A.F. in 1969. **Pur-chased by U.S.A.F. for evaluation in Vietnam.First llights: (rst N-r56F) July 3o, 1959; (rst MAPF-5A) May ry, ry64; (F-58) Feb. 24, 1964.Production History: N-r56F (:); F-SA & B (7oo*).*Approx. quantity programmed for supply undcrU.S. Military Assistance Programme, 3oo having beendelivered by tg67 when production rate was io pcrn-ronth. In addition, 7o ordered by Spain as nationalpurchasc, rz5 to be licencc-built by Canadair as

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Oictlters Dighters

REPUBLIC F-TO5 THUNDERCHIEFbomber. F-ro5F-Two-seat equivalent of F-ro5Drvith similar avionics.Dimensions: Span, 34 ft. rrt in.; length (F-ro5D),6+ ft. z in., (F-roSF), 69 ft. 7l in.; height (F-ro.5D)r9 ft. 8 in. (F-ro-sF), zoft. zin.; wing area, 385 sq' ft.I'hotograph: An F-ro5D (Srl-t7z) of the T.A.C.

Country of Oriqifl: U.S.A.Typa.' Single-seat Tactical Strike and ReconnaissanceFighter and (F-ro5F) Mission Training Aircraft.Power Plant: One Pratt & Whitney (F-ro5B) JZS-P-Sturbojet of z3,5oo lb. with reheat, or (F-toSD & F)IZ.s-P-rqW of t7,zoo lb.s.t. and z4,5oo lb. with re-heat (z6,5oo lb. wet).Performance: (Specification applies to F-ro5D, per-formance of the F-ro5F being within 3o/o) M. speed,855 m.p.h. at s.1., r,39o m.p.h. at 36,ooo ft., rszzm.p.h. at 5o,ooo ft.; tac. rad. (two 45o and one 65oU.S. gal. tanks), 9zo mls.; m. ferry range, 2,39o mls.Weights: Empty, z7,5oo 1b.; nor. loaded, 38,o34 1b.,(!'-roSF), 4o,o73 lb.; nax., 92,546 lb., (F-ro5F),54,c27 lb.Armament: One zo-mm. M-6r rotary cannon and upto (F-ro5D) r3,ooo lb. or (F-ro5F) rz,ooo lb. of ord-nance internally and cxternaily.Operators: (F-ro5B) A.N.G.; (F-ro5D & F) U.S.A.F.First Flights: (YF-ro5A) Oct. zz, rg.S5; (F-ro5B) May26, ry56; (F-ro5D) Junc a, 1959; (F-ro5F) June rr,ry63.Production History: YF-ro5A (z); JF-roSB (:); F-roSB (7S); F-ro5D (6ro); F-ro5F (r43). Manu-factured t()Sj-64.Variants: YF-ro5A Prototypes pon'eled by J57-P-25enginc. F-ro5B-Withdrawn from U.S.A.F. inven-tory and assigned A.N.G. F-ro5C-Proposed trvo-scattraincr. F-ro5D-Equippcd zr U.S.A.F. squadronsGS6Z). Morc sophisticated systems than F-ro5B.F-ro5E-Proposed two-seat all-weather fighter-


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Dimensions: Span, 33 ft. 1f, in.; length (F-84F), +: ft.+? in., (RF-8+F),47 ft. 7f in.; height (F-84F), 14 ft.+1 in., (RF-S+F), 15 ft. o in.; wing area, 325 sq' ft.Photograph: An F-8aF Thundcrstreak (Sz-7r+Z) ofthe rire Dscadrille, zdme Wing, Belgian Air Forcc.


Country of Origin: U.S.A.?ype.'

-single-seat (F-84F) Tactical Fighter-Bomberand (RF-84F) Reconnaissance Fighter.Power Planti (RF-8aF in parentheses) One WrightJ6S-W-: (J6S-W-Z) turbojet of 7,zzo (7,8oo) lb.s,.t..PerJormance: (RF-8+F in parentheses) M. speed, 695(679) m.p.h. at s.1., 658 (6o7) m.p.h.

^t 2o,ooo (g5,ooo)

ft.; com. rad.,4.5o mls., with two 23o U.S. gal. droptanks, 8ro mls.; ferry r^nge, 2,r4o (z,zoo) mls.; in. cl',8,zoo (7,9oo) ft./min.; s.ccil. 46,ooo ft.Weighti: I-oaded (clean), r9,34o lb.; nor. loaded(RF-8aF), z6,8oo lb.; max., z8,ooo lb.Armament: (F-8+F) Six o'5-in. Colt-Brorvning M-3machine guns plus max. of 6,ooo lb. of external ord-nance. (IUr-SaF) Four o'5-in. Colt-Bror.vning M-3machine guns.Operatori: (F-SaF) A.N.G., Ital.A.F., T"t\.- .f.,N-eth.A.F., R.H.A.F., Bel. A.F.; (RF-SaF) AN.q,C.N.A.F., R. No. A.F., Bel. A.F., Turk. A.F.'R.H.A.F., Ital. A.Ir., R. Dan. A.F.First tr'lishts: (YF-8+F) June 3, r95o; (F-8+F) Nov. zz,r9-52; (YRtr-S4F; Fch. r9sz.piaiiio" Ilisioiy : YF-Sa-F (:) ; F-S+F (z'7rr); YRF-SaF (r); IIF-8+F (7r5). Manufactured (F-84F) r95r-<r and (RF-SaF) rosr-s8.ioriantit F-84F-fotal of r,3or built specificallyfor supply undir MDAP. RF-84F-Essentially simi-lar airframc apart from rving root intake duct location.Up to six camcr:ls in nose bay.


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SAAB 35 DRAKENCountry of Origin: Sweden.?ype.' Single-seat (35A, B, D & F) Interceptor (35E)Tactical Reconnaissance Aircraft and (35C) Two-seatOperational Trainer.Power Plant: One S.F.A. (aSA, B & C) RM 68 turbojetof rr,z5o lb.s.t. and r5,r9o lb. with reheat, or (35D,E & F) RM 6C turbojet of rz,7ro lb.s.t. and 17,z6olb. with reheat.Performance: (Specification relates to 35D but is alsogenerally applicable to the 35E and 35F) M. speed,r,3zo m.p.h. at 4o,ooo ft.; nor. cr., 59o m.p.h. at36,ooo ft.;in. cl., 39,5ro ft./min.;time to 5o,ooo ft.,4.5 min.; tac. rad. (internal fuel), 35o mls.Weights: Empty, r6,73o lb.; loaded (clean), 2z,S3oIb.;max. z7,o5o lb.Armannent: (:SB & D) Two 3o-mm. Aden M/55cannon and four Rb :z+ (Sider.vinder) AAMs, fourpods of nineteen 75-mm. rockets, or four 55o-lb.bombs. (35F) One 3o-mm. Aden M/5S cannon andup to four I{b 327 or 3zB (Falcon) AAMs.Operators: Sw. A.F.First Flights: (rst Prototype) Oct. 25, 1955; (rst pre-production) Feb. r5, rg-s8; (:SB) Nov. 29, r959;(:SC) Dec. 30, 1959; (35D) Dec. 27, 1960; (3SE)Jtnc 27, 1963.Production History: Prototypes (3); pre-production (3).Total of 5.5o Drakens of all versions ordered fot Sw.A.F. Most Saab 35As converted to 35Cs and Ds.Production deliverics commenced rg6o.Variants: Srv. A.F. dcsignations are J 35A, B, D andF for the intcrccptors, Sk 35C for the trainer, andS 35E for the tactical rcconnaissance tnodel.


67 Iilllttc,rsSAAB 35 DRAKEN

Dimensions: Span, 3o ft. rot in.; length (35D & F),46 ft. roal in., (35C) $ft.7 in.;hcight, rz ft. B{ in.;wing area, 529'8 sq. ft. Photogrrph: A Saab 35E(S SSE) of the Ir rr Wing.

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Figl.ters 62

SUI{HOI SU-7Country of Origin: U.S.S.R.NATO Code Name: Fitter.?ype.' Single-seat Ground Attack Fighter.Power Plant: One axial-flow turbojet of r4,5oo* lb.s.t.and zo,ooo* lb. rvith reheat. *Approximate.Perfonnance : (Estimated) M. spccd, r,o56 m.p.h. at36,ooo ft., with two rz-5 Imp. gal. tanks and trvo pods,79o m.p.h.; in. cl, 3o,ooo ft./min., with extcrnal stores'z3,ooo ft./min.I,Veights: (Dstirnatcd) Normal loaded, z7,ooo lb.;max., 3o,5oo lb.Arnament: Trvo 3o-mm. cannon and tr.vo r,roo-lb.bombs and two pods each rvith ninetccn 55-mm.rockcts or trvo ASMs.Operators: Sov. A.F., Czech. A.F., P.L.W.I"irst Flights: (Prototype) r955; (production) r958.Productiott History: Deliveries to Sov. A.F. opera-tional clements reportedly commenced 1959-6o. Ex-port deliverics (e.g., Czechoslovakia) commenced r964.Variatts: Su-r-Allegedly designation of aero-dynnmic prototype demonstratcd over Tushino inJunc r956. Su-7-Initial model with lower-porveredcnginc rvhich reportedly entered Sov. A.F. service inr959-60. Su-7M-Presumably the current Sov. A.F.version u'ith uprated engine, the " M " sufllx lettcrindicating Modifihatsiya. Su-7MB-This dcsignationis applied to thc vcrsion of the Su-7 serving with the

63 Iighters

SUKHOI SU-7Czech. A.F. Note: It should be noted that the desig-nation " Su-7 " was first applied to an experimentalpiston-engined fighter in rg44, Pavel Sukhoi's designbureau was disbanded in rg4g, and when re-estab-lished in 1953 began designating its new aircraftfrom " Su-r ", thus duplicating designations assigned1g3g / 49.Approximate Dimensions: Span, 3z ft. 3 in.; length,si ft. o in.; height, 16 ft. o in. Photograph: AnSu-7MB ground attack fighter of the Czech A.F., thefirst foreign recipient of this combat type.



A:-@::'.@ 6l

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SUI(HOI SU-9Country of Origin: U.S.S.R.NAT'O Code Name: Fishpot.?ype.' Single-seat All-weather Interceptor Fighter.Power Plant: One axial-flow turbojet of r5,5oo* lb.s.t.and zz,o5o* lb. r'vith reheat. *Approximate.Performance: (Estimated) M. spced, r,r9o m.p.h. at4o,ooo ft., rvith four Alkali AAN{s, 99o m.p.h.; in. cl.,z7,ooo ft./nin; timc to 4o,ooo ft., 4'5 min.; s. ceil.,5.5,ooo ft.TVcights: (Iistimatcd) Normal loaded, z5,5oo lb.; max.,z9,ooo lb.Artnanettt: Four Alhali AAMs or two Awl AAMs.Operators: Sov. A.F.Irirst l4igltts: (Prototypc*) r955; (production proto-type) r9-57; (production) 1959. *Refers aerodynamicprototype. See notc.Production History: Production deliveries to Sov. A.F.believed to have commenced r959.Vaiants : Su-g-Designcd on the principle of " limitedcommonality " in that major components (i.e., fuselageand tail assembly) are shared with the swept-rvingSu-7 ground attack fighter (see pages 6z-3), thesecomponents being married to wings best suited to theu'idcly-diffcring roles of the two aircraft types. Laterproduction Su-9 interceptors (as illustrated) feature aslightly cnlarged engine air intake suggesting the in-troduction of an uprated engine. A further develop-ment, demonstrated in r96r, had the nose centre-body

DiglftersSUKHOI SU-9

moved forward to produce a trvo-shock intake, andthis is likely to be the version of the Su-9 labelled" T-43l' " which, in the following year, established asustained altitude record of almost 7o,ooo ft,Nole.' Two aerodynamic prototypes of the Su-9demonstrated at Tushino in r956 were possibly desig-nated Su-3 and Su-5.Approximate Dimensions: Span, 3r ft. o in.; length,55 ft. o in.; height, 16 ft. o in.; wing area, 425 sq. ft.Photograph: An Su-g with Alkali AAMs beneath thewings and drop tanks of approximately t3z Imp. gal.capacity beneath the fuselage.

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TUPOLEV (FIDDLER)Countrjt of Origin: U.S.S.R.NATO Code Name: Fiddler.Type: Two-seat Long-range All-weather Interceptorand Reconnaissance-Strike Aircraft.Power Plants: Two turbojets of r8,ooo* lb.s.t. andzz,ooo* lb. with reheat. *Approximate.Performance: (The following figures are estimated forthe interceptor version) M. speed, r,o56 m.p.h. at4o,ooo ft.; m. cr.,63o m.p.h. at 36,ooo ft.; nor. cr.,56o m.p.h.; nor. tac. rad., 5oo mls.; m. range (internalfuel), z,ooo mls.; time to 4o,ooo ft.,5 min.; s. ceil.,6o,ooo ft.Weights: Nor. loaded, 8o,ooo lb.Armament: (Intercept) Two Ash AAMs, or (Strike)various free-falling weapons in internal bay and ASMson wing pylons.Operators: Sov. A.F.First Flights: (Prototype) *r958; (Production) *r96r.*Existence of this type was first reported in r9q9 butdevelopment time scale is not known with certainty.Production History: It is believed that deliveries of thismulti-purpose aircraft began in q6z-3, but its presentproduction status is uncertain,Variants: The Fiddler, the Russian designation forwhich was not known at the time of closing for press,is illustrated above and on the opposite page with alarge ventral bulge which may be presumed to househigh definition ground mapping radar for reconnais-

at/ FiglftersTUPOLEV (FIDDLER)

r,;rncc missions. For the strike mission the ventralraclar is rcplaced by an internal weapons bay, and asln intcrceptor this aircraft can opcrate lvell beyondlhc range of ground-based radar control. Equipmentis bc'lieved to include early warning radar to detoctIorv-flying intruders, passive homing devices, fre-tlucncy-switching A.I., and navigational aids of excep-tionally long range. The design has been biased to-rvards economical high altitude operation and is one ofthc largcst fighter aircraft yet evolved. Its normalcndurance in the patrol-interceptor role is likely to beof the order of 3'5 hours.Estimated Dimensions: Span, 56 ft.; length, 85 ft.;height, zo ft.; wing area, 8oo sq. ft. Photograph: AFiddler with an Ash AAM beneath each wing.



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Fighters nilllltersYAKOVLEV YAK-25 & YAK-28

rvcather and night fighter production version of theYak-25 which, now obsolescent, allegedly flew in r95zlnd still exists in some numbers in second-line service.Flashlight-B-A second-generation tactical strike andrcconnaissance derivative of the Yak-25 evolved intoYak-28. Flashlight-C-Experimental two-seat all-rveather and night fighter apparently abandoned.Flashlight-D-The definitive second-generationdevelopment of the Yak-25, the Yak-28.Dimensions*: Span, 38 ft. 6 in.; length, 53 ft.6 in.;hcight, rz ft. 6 in.; rving area, 342 sq. ft. *Approxi-mate. Photograph: A Yak-28 of the Sov. A.F.



YAKOVLEV YAK-25 & YAK-28Country of Origin: U.S.S.R.NATO Code Name: Flashlight.Type: (Yak-25) Two-seat All-rvcathcr Fightcr, and(Yak-28) Tacticrl Rcconnaissance Fighter. -Pozaer Plants:'fwo I(limov RD-g turbojcts of 5,5oo*lb.s.t. arrd (Y:rk-z8) 7,zoo* lb. rvith reheat. *Appiox.Estinated PerJornance: (Yak-z8) M. speed, s.1., 627 n.p.h. at 4o,ooo ft.; cr. speed, 57o m.p.h. atS,ooo-ro,ooo ft.; tac. rad., zoo mls. at r,ooo ft., 5oomls. at 36,ooo ft.; in. cl., r6,ooo-18,ooo ft./rnin.;s. ccil., 5o,ooo ft.Weights: Approx. loaded, z5,ooo lb.Armanrcnt: One 3o-mm. cannon in starboard side offoru'ard fusclage and two r,roo-lb. bombs or rocketpods on two underr,ving pylons.Operators: Sov. A.F.First F'lights: (Yah-z-5) r953; (Yak-28) r957.Production llistory: Deliveries to the Sov. A.F. of theYak-2.5 are bclicved to havc begun late r955 rvith thcYak-28 following early r959.Variants: Flashlight-A-The original trvo-seat all-

F lash I ight- D

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Digltters 70


Country of Origin: U.S.S.R.NAaIO Code Names: Firebar and Brewer.Type: Two-seat (Firebar) All-weather Interceptor and(Brewcr) I-ight Reconnaissance and Strike Aircraft.Power l>lants: Two axial-flow turbojets of 9,5oo*lb.s.t. and rz,.5oo* lb. rvith reheat. *Approximate.Estinated Perforiltailce: M. speed, 735 m.p.h. at 35,oooft., 7z-5 m.p.h. at s.l.; tac. rad., z3o mls. at 63o s.1.,57.5 mls. at 57o m.p.h. at 35,ooo ft.; m. range(n'ith underwing pinion tanks), r,75o mls.Weights: Approx. loaded, 35,ooo lb.Armament: (Firebar) Two AAMs or (Brewer) onetactical nuclc:rr store in internal bay and conventionalbombs or ASMs on trvo undcrwing pylons, and one3o-mm. cannon in forward fuselage.Operators: Sov. A.F.First Flights : (Prototypcs) r 959-6o ;(production) r 96 r-2.Production l:Iistory: l)eliveries of Brewer and Firebarbelieved to havc commenced 196r & 196z respectively.Variants: Firebar-Ilepresentative of the thirdgcneration of Yak-25 dcvclopmcnts, the Firebarcarrics its two crew members in tandem cockpits anddiffers from the second generation developments (see


DEVELOPMENTS)pages 68-9) primarily in having straight inboard wingtrailing edges, increased inboard leading-edge sweep,larger vertical tail surfaces, and a " zero-track tricycle "undercarriage in p'lace of the " bicycle " type arrange-rnent. Brewer-Similar to Firebar but havingslazed nose and internal weapons bay.Dimensions*: Span, 38 ft. 6 in.; length, 59 ft. o in.;height, r3 ft. o in.; rving area, 4oo sq. ft. *Approxi-nate. Photograph: A Brewer of the Sov. A.F.


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Bombers & Attacls Aircraft

BOEING B-52 STRATOFORTRESSCountry of Origin: U.S.A,Type: Long-P.ange Strategic Healry Bomber.Power Plants: Eight Pratt & Whitney (B-5zC & D)IS7-P-zgW turbojets of ro,9oo lb.s.t. (rz,5oo lb. wet),(B-SzE, F & G) JSZ-P-+:W turbojets of rr,zoolb.s.t. (r3,75o lb. wet), or TF33-P-3 turbofans ofr7,ooo lb.s.t.Performance: (Spec. relates to B-52H, figures in paren-theses relating specifically to the B-52E) M. speed,63o (6rz) m.p.h. at 4o,ooo ft.; average cr., 565 36,ooo ft. I m. range, 9,2oo (6,500) mls.; s. ceil.,.5-5,ooo (47,ooo) ft.Weights: Max., 488,ooo (45o,ooo) lb.Armament: Up to 85 5oo-lb. or +z 71o-1b. bombs inweapons bay plus o 75o-lb. bombs on each of twounder-wing pylons, or (B-5zG & H) conventional ornuclear free-falling stores internally and two AGM-z8A or -z8B Hound Dog stand-off missiles. Fouro'5-in. guns in MD-9 tail turret, or (B-5zH) one 20-mm, ASG-zr rotary cannon. Boeing short-rangeattack missile (SRAM) from r968*69.Operators: U.S.A.F. Strategic Air Command.First Flights: (XB-52) Oct. 2, tg52', (YB-52) April r5,rgsz; (B--szA) A.,g. 5, r954; (8, 5zB) Jan. 25, rgSSi(B-5zC) March 9, r956; (B-S2D) June 4, tgl6;(B-5zE) Oct.3, rs57; (B-.szF) May 6, r958; (B-5zG)Sept. 26, 1958; (B-5zlI) March 6, 196r.Production History: ll-SzA (:); B-5zB (5o); B-5zC(sS); S-SzD (r7o); B--5zE (roo); B-5zF (88); B-5zG(rg:) B-SzH (roz). Manufacturcd r9.52-62.Variants: B-5zB scrapped, B-5zC to F to bc rctircdnot later than r97o, and B-5zG and H by 1975.

7:] Ilotnbers & Attttck AircraftBOEING B-52 STRATOFORTRESS

Dimensions: Span, r85 ft. o in.; length (B-5zF), r-52 ft.<l in., (B-szH), tS7 ft.6t in.; height (B-SzF) +8 ft.3 in., (B-5zH),4o ft.8 in.; wing area,4,ooo sq. ft.Photograph: The fourth production B-5zG (57-647r).

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Bombers & Attaclt Aircraft

CONVAIR B-58A HUSTLERCountry of Origin: U.S.A.lfype: Three-seat Strategic Medium Bomber and(TB-58A) Dual-control Conversion Trainer.Power Plants: Four General Electric J79-GE-58 turbo-jets of ro,ooo lb.s.t. and r5,6oo lb. with reheat.Performance: M. speed, r,385 m.p.h. at 55,ooo ft.,7oo m.p.h. at s.l. I nor. cr., S95 m.p.h. at 4o,ooo-55,oooft.; approx. tac. rad., r,zoo mls.; typical high-altitudemission endurance, 2.7 ht,; s. ceil., 6o,ooo ft.Weights: Max. loaded, r63,ooe-r65,ooo lb.Armament: Single " mission pod " housing variouscombinations of nuclear store and fuel, or electroniccountermeasures or reconnaissance equipment. One2o-mm. M-6r tail cannon.Operators: Flights : (rst Test Acft.) Nov. rr, r956; (TB-58A)May ro, 196o.Production Hislary : Test & pre-production B-S8A*(:o) ;production B-58A (86); TB-58A* (8). Manufactured1956-62. *Ten pre-production Hustlers brought up tofull production standards, eight converted as TB-.sSAtraincrs, one as YRB-58A for testing reconnaissancesystems, and one as NB-58A for testing JS:-GE-:engrne.Variants: B-58A cquips two Bomber Wings ofU.S.A.F. Strategic Air Command, the 43rd and 3o5th,and is scheduled to bc phased out of service betwcentg67 and tg7r. Each crew member is housed in anindividual capsulated cockpit rvhich can be ejected forescape at high speeds. Thc aircraft is not intended forsustained supersonic speeds, normally cruising at

Bornbers & Attaclc AircraftCONVAIR B-58A HUSTLER

Mach o'g to within 6oo mls. of target and then acceler-ating to Mach z'o for the run-in and escape. TB-58A

-Similar to B-58A except for dcletion of bomb-n:rvigation system, electronic countermeasures equip-rnent and defence systems, and thc provision of ex-tended glazing to permit the aircraft to be flownvisually from either of the two forward cockpits, bothof which have dual controls.Dimensions: Span, 56 ft, ro in.; length,96 ft. I in.;hcight, 3r ft. 5 in.; wing area, r,542 sq. ft. Photo-graph: A B-58A Hustler (6r-zo69) of the U.S.A.F.

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Ilornbefs &

.MAttack Aira'aft

DASSAULT MIRAGE IVACountry of Origin: France.Type: Two-seat Light Bomber.Power Plants: Two SNECMA Atar 9K turbojets ofro,36o lb.s.t. and r5,435 lb. with reheat.Performance: M. speed, r,454 m.p.h. at 4o,ooo ft.;m. stabilised speed, r,zzz m.p.h. at 6o,ooo ft.; tac. rad.(to target at supersonic speed and return at 595 4o,ooo ft.) 77o mls.; m. range (with two 55o auxiliary tanks), 2,485 mls. at 595 m.p.h. at4o,ooo ft.; climb to 36,o9o ft.,4 min. r! sec.; ceil.,6.5,6oo ft.Weights: Empty, 3r,967 lb.; nor, loaded, 69,666 1b.;max. loaded, 73,8oo lb.Armament: (Strategic mission) One 5o-kiloton bombsemi-recessed in fuselage; (tactical strike mission) up tosixteen r,ooo-lb. bombs externally (four beneath fuse-lage and six bencath each wing), or four AS.37 Martelanti-radar missiles.Opcrators: Fr. A.F.Ftust Flights: (Mirage IV-or) June q, rgsg; (IVA-oz)Oct. rz, 196r; (IVA-o3) June t, tg6z; (IVA-oa)Jan.23, 1963; (lVA No. r) Dcc. 7, t963.Production History: Prototypes (r); pre-production(3); production (62). Manufactured r96r-7.Variants: Mirage IV-or-Prototype with Atar gBturbojets. Mirage lVA-oz-First pre-productionaircraft rvith slightly increased overall dimensions,redesigned forrvard fuselage, new tail surfaces andrepositioned undercarriagc. Mirage IVA-Produc-tion modcl rvhich cntcrcd service r,vith the 9rc Escadreof the Fr. A.Ir. in r965 in thc high-altitude strategicrole, opcrating with thc Fr. A.F.'s force of C-r3!F'tankers. All production Miragc IVAs stressed for lorv-

Ilombers & Attacl: AiruaftDASSAULT MIRAGE IVA

level tactical missions, and late production modelscarry additional low-level strike equipment and cx-ternal loads of conventional bombs or ASMs such asMATRA AS 37. A version of the basic design pro-posed for R.A.F. was to havc bccn powcred by twoRolls-Royce Spey turbofans with which a maximumspeed of Mach z'5 (r,65o m.p.h.) was anticipated.The Mirage IVA provides the air component ofFrance's Force Nucl6aire Stratcgique, carries exten-sive electronic countermeasures equipment, and pos-sesses a similar speed performance with or without thesemi-recessed nuclear weapon. This free-fallingweapon can be detonated by chronometric fuse at highaltitude or by radar at low altitude.Dimensions: Span, 38 ft. ro] in.; length, 76 ft. r r] in.;height, 17 ft. 8! in.; wing area, 8:9.6 sq. ft. Photo-graph: The first production Mirage IVA.

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Bombers & Attaclt Aircraft

DOUGLAS A-4 SKYHAWKCountry o.f Origin: U.S.A.?ype.' Single-seat Shipboard Attack Aircraft and(TA-aE) Two-seat Shipboard Operational Trainer.Power Plant: One (A-4B & A-aC) Wright J6S-W-I6Aturbojet of 7,7oo lb.s.t., one (A-4E) Pratt & WhitneyJSz-P-6A or 8,5oo lb.s.t., or (A-aF & TA-+F) JSz-P-8A turbojet of 9,3oo lb.s.t.Performances: (Specification relates to A-4E, figures inparcnthescs rclating to the TA-4F) M. speed, 685(66r) m.p.h. at s.1., .575 (56o) m.p.h. at 35,ooo ft.;m. cr., 5oo (+qS) -.p.h.; range, 9zo (828) mls., withtwo 3oo U.S. gal. tanks, r,7oo (r,555) mls.Weights: Dnrpty, 9,284 Qo,6oz) lb.; loaded, 14,647(tS,srS) lb.; max., z4,5oo lb.Armamcnt: (A-aB, -aC & -4E) Two 2o-mm. cannonand up to 8,zoo lb. of external ordnance.Operators: (A-aB) Arg.A.F., U.S.N. (Air Reserve);(A-aC, -ali & -aF) U.S.N., U.S.M.C. ;(TA-aF) U.S.N.First Flights: (YA-aA) June zz, r954; (A-4A) Aug. 14,rqS+; (A-+B) March 26, r956; (A-4C) Aug. zr, r959;(A-aE) July rz, t96r; (A-+F) Aug. 3r, r966; (TA-4F)June 3o, r96.5.Production History: YA-4A (z); A-4A (165); A-48G+z); A-+C (638); A-aE (5oo); A-4F (r.5o*). Manu-factured r953*68. TA-4F (r39 ordered by beginningof 1966). *Plus eigl-rt and two TA-4Fs for 1967delivery to R.A.N.Variants: A-4A-Initial model norv lclcgatcd to train-ing. A-4B-New powered rudder, new glrn sight andstrengthened rear fusclagc, Refurbished examples


79 ?ormbets & Attach AirctaltDOUGLAS A-4 SKYHAWK

supplied to Argentina. A-4C-Equipped for limitedall-'ieather opiration. [-4E-Re-engined model.A-4F-Current model with more powerful engine,steerable nosewheel, zero-zero escape system, updatedavionics and wing lift spoilers. TA-4F-Tandem two-seaf trainer eouivalent of the A-aF. first deliveriesseat trainer equivalent of the A-4F, first deliveriesbeinE made to VA-rz< in Mav rq66.being made to VA-rz5 in May rq66.DimZnsions: Span, z7"ft. 6 in.; iength (A-+E) +z ft.ro9 in. (TA-+F). +z ft. 6 in.; height, r5 ft' 3+ in.;ro| in. (TA-aF), 4z.ft.; hei,ght, rs-ft' 3+ in.;ro* in. ('IA-41),42 tt. O rn.; herght, 15 rt' 3i 1!I.,wing area, z6b'sq.' ft. Photograph: A-4E (Bu. No.r<ooro\ of U.S. Naw Squadron VA-16.r5oo3o) of U.S. Navy Squadron VA-56.

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DOUGLAS A-T SKYRAIDERCountry of Origin: U.S.A.Tybe: (A-rD. H & T) SiType: (A-rD, H & J) Single- and (A-rD) Two-seatShipboard or Shore-based Tactical Attack Bomber,Shipboard or Shore-based Tactical Attack Bomber.Power Plant: One Wright R-335o-z6W radial engineof 3,ozo h.p., or (A-rJ) -z6WB of 3,o5o h.p.Performance: (A-rJ with A-rE in parentheses) M.speed,3r8 (3rr) m.p.h. at r8,5oo (r8,ooo) ft.;, r88 (zoo) m.p.h.; nor. range, 9oo mls.; m. range,3,ooo (2,75o) mls.; in. cl., 2,38o (z,3oo) ft./min.Weights: Empty, tz,55o (rz,3t3) lb.; nor. loaded,rg,ooo (r8,799) lb.; max., z5,ooo lb.Armament: Four zo-mm. cannon and max, of 8,ooo lb.ordnance on underwing pylons.Operators: (A-rD) Camb.A.F., (A-rE) U.S.A.F.,U.S.N., Viet. A.F.; (A-rH) U.S.N., Viet. A.F.; (A-rJ)U.S.N.First Flights : (XBTzD- r ) July 6, 1944 ; (A- r E) Aug. r 7,r95r; (A-rJ) Aug. r956.Production History : XBTzD-r (25) ; AD- r (277) ; AD-z(r78); AD-3 (r94); AD-4* Q,qz); A-rE, EA-rF &A-rG (6Zo); A-rH (7r:); A-tI Oz). Manufacturedr945-56. *Subsequently redesignated A-rD.Variants: A-rD-Earliest serving version. Of 88 sup-plied French and declared surplus 1965, a numberdelivered Camb. A.F. A-rE-Multi-purpose versionadopted by U.S.A.F. for counter-insurgency role.A-rH-Special equipmcnt for low-level attack.A-rJ-Strengthcned structure for prolonged lowJevcloperations.

Ilombers & Attacls AircraflDOUGLAS A-T SKYRAIDER

Dimensions: Span, 5o ft. 9 in.; length (A-rE), 4o ft.r in., (A-rJ), 38 ft. ro in.; height (A-rE), r5 ft. ro in.;(A-rJ), 15 ft. 8| in.; wing area,4oo'33 sq. ft. Photo-graph: A-rE of U.S.A.F.'s rst Air Commando Group.


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Ilontbers & Attack Aircraft ,S,3 Itornbers & Attack AitcraflDOUGLAS A-3 SI{YWARRIOR

rccce and ECM equipment. RA-38-Carries up tot.rvelve vertical and oblique cameras.Dimensions: Span, Tz ft. 6 in.; lcngth, 76 ft. 4 in.;lreight, zz ft. 9] in., (EA-:B), 4 ft. 6 in.; rving area,8rz sq. ft. Photograph: A-3B of U.S.N.'s VAH-8.

DOUGLAS A-3 SKYWARRIORCountry of Origin: U.S.A,Type: Three-seat Shipboard Attack Bomber, (EA-38)Electronic and (RA-:B) Photo Reconnaissance Air-craft and (TA-:B) Bombardier Trainer.Power Plants: 'Iwo Pratt & Whitney J57-P-ro turbo-jets of ro,5oo lb.s.t. and rz,4oo lb. with water injection,Performance: (A-AB) M. speed, 6ro m.p.h. at ro,oooft.,56o m.p.h. at 36,000 ft.; tac. rad., r,o5o mls.;m,range,2,9oo mls.; s. ceil.,4r,ooo ft,Weights: (A-3B) Empty, 3g,4og lb.; loaded, 73,ooo lb.;max., 8z,ooo lb.Armament: Four z,ooo-Ib., twelve r,ooo-lb., ortwenty-four 5oo-lb. bombs. Defensive: Twin zo-mm.cannon in tail barbette (some aircraft only).Accommodation: (EA-38) Crew of seven including fourelectronics operators in pressurized fuselage; (RA-:B)crew of five including photo-navigator and photo-technician; (TA-:B) pilot, instructor and six pupils.Operators: U.S.N.First Flights: (XA3D-I) Oct. 28, r95z; (YA3D-I)Sept. 16, 1953; (YRA-3B) July zz, rg58; (EA-:B)Dec. ro, 1958; (TA-3B) Aug. 29, r959.Production History: A-3A* (5o); A-38 (r6a); EA-38(za); RA-38 (3o); TA-3R (rz). ManufactureC r954-6r. *A number of A-3As converted to TA-3Atrainers, and fivc to EA-3As.Variants: A-3A-Initial model with JSZ-P-6 engines.EA-3B-Equippcd with forward- and sideJookingradar, infra-red scanner and other non-photographic


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Itotnbcrs <b Attaclt Aircrafl S5 Ilotnbers &, Attach Airat"oftENGLISH EI.ECTRIC CANBDRRA

6r. *Plus 49 Mk. 2s built in Australia as Mk. zos.Dimensions: (P.R. Mk. 9 in parentheses) Span, 63 (67)ft. rr$ (ro) ir.r.; length,6S (66) ft. 6 (8) in.; height,rS ft. 7 in.; wing atea, 96o (r,o44) sq. ft. Pltotograph:I|.(I). Mk. e (N26rc7) of No. 14 Sqdn. R.N.Z.A.F.

ENGLISH ELECTRIC CANBERRACountry of Origin: United I{ingdom.Type: Two- (B.Mks.B,rz & .58; or Three-seat (B.Mks.2,6;q.,r6 & 3o) Light Bombcr, Trvo-seat (F.R.Mks.3,7, g,& Sl) Photo-reconnaissance, or Two/three seat(T.Mks. 4,r3 & zr) Operational and (T.Mks.rr & 17)ladar T_rainer, and (T.T.N{k.r8) Target Tug.Power Plants: Two Rolls-Royce Avon (Mks. i, 3, 4, r r& r3) ror turbojets of 6,5oo lb.s.t., (Mks. 6, j,-i<','ft,zo,-zr & 57) ro9 turbojets of 7,5oo lb.s.t., or (Mt . q)zo6 turbojets of rr,z-5o lb.s.t.Performa.nce: (ts. Mk. 6 rvith P.R. Mk. 9 in parentheses)\{. speed,5r8 m.p.h. at s.1.,.58o (SS:) m.p.h. at 3o,ooo(4o,ooo) lt.; m. range, 3,79o (3,79o) mls.Itrleights: Empty, zr,679 lb.; max. loaded, 55,ooo lb.Armantent: Six r,ooo-lb. bombs internallyind (Mks.8,-r,2, 15, 16 & 5ti) two r,ooo-lb. bombs or tu'o packsof thirty-seven z-in. rockets externally, or (Mks.-8, rz& 58) four 2o-mm. crnnon and three r,ooo-lb bombs.Operators:_ (Vt. ")

R.R.A.F., Venez. A.F.; (Mk. :)R.$.F.: (Mk. a) 11.A.F., I.A.F., R.R.A.F.,'Venez.4f i(Vtl 6) R.A.F., Ecua.A.F.; (Mhs. Z & tt)R.4 p.; (ryIk. 8) R.A.F., Peru. A.F., Venci. A.F.;(Ml<.. rr) R.A.F., Swed. A.F.; (Mk. rz) R.N.Z.A.F.;9_.4.A.F.;(Mk.r3) R.N.Z.A.F.; (Mks.r5 & r6) R.A.F.;(Mks. zo & zr) lL.A.A.F.; (Mks. 57 & !8) I.A.F.First tr'lisltts: (Mk. r) May 13, 1949; (Ml<. z) Apr. 4,I_gio; (Mk. 3).[Irrr. 19, r9-5o; (Mk. +) June 6,- rg5z;(Mft.6) Jan. 26. r9.54;(Mh.7) Oct.28, 1953; (Mk.8)July 23, r9.54; (Mk. q) July 8, rg.S5.I\'oduction Ilistory: Protot-vpcs (Z); ML. z* (.12.1); Mk: (:6); N{k. 4 (7s); Mk. o-1"s);'vtt<. z ti,il;'ut. s(9o); Mh. q (+S); Mk. S8 (66). Manufactured rs49-

P.R" Mk. 9

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Ilombers & Attaclt Airtrafl AZ &: Atto<:lt Aitctafl'GRUMMAN A-6A INTRUDER

Dimensions: Span, 53 ft. o in.; length, 55 ft. 6 in.;lreight, 15 ft. ro in. (EA-6A), t6 ft.7 in. Photograph:An A-6,\ (Bu. No. 149956) olYA-42, the U.S. Navy'sIntruder training squadron at Oceana N.A.S.

GRUMMAN A-6A INTRUDERCountry oJ Oriein: U.S.A.?ype.' Two-seat Shipboard Low-Level Strike and(EA-6A) Elcctronic Countermeasures Aircraft.Power Plants: Two Pratt & Whitney J5z-P-8A turbo-jets of 9,3oo lb.s.t.Performance: M. speed, 685 m.p.h. at s.l.;,575 m.p.h. at 28,ooo ft.; low-level range cr. (highdrag), 345 m.p.h.; low-level range, r,25o mls., (withfive 3oo U.S. gal. tanks), r,95o mls.;m. range,z,6oomls. at 28,ooo ft.Weights: Loaded (maximum intcrnal fuel), 43,ooo lb.;max. overload, .5.1,ooo lb.Armament: Max. load of r5,ooo lb. ordnance. Typicalloads include four Bullpup ASMs, five r,ooo-lb. orz,ooo-lb. bombs, or up to thirty 5oo-lb. bombs.Operators : U.S.N.,'irst tr'lights: (A-6A) April rg, r96o.Production History: Initial orders called for eightevaluation aircraft, 77 production A-6As and o EA-6As, and deliveries to U.S.N. began in r963.Varinnts: A-6A-Is equipped rvith preNn (DigitalIntegratcd Attack System) including terrain mapping,search and Doppler radar, air data and central digitalcomputers, and automatic flight control. A-68-Sim-plified version rvith oraNr system deleted. Cancelledin favour of A-7A. EA-6A-Bombing and navigationsystem replaced by countcrmeasures equipment toconfuse radar-controlled anti-aircraft weapons anddetecting deviccs. EA-6B-Countermeasures versionwith lengthened nose housing four crew members.Currently under development.

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Ilornbers & Attaclt Aircraft aa a0 llotnbcrs & Attaels AitcraftHANDLEY PAGE VICTOR

Dimensions: (8.K. Mk. rA in parentheses) Span, r2o(rro) ft.; iength, rr4 ft. rr in.; height, :o (28) ft. r*(r*) in.;wing area, 2,597 @,406) sq. ft. Photograph:Victor B. Mk. z (XL5r3) of No. r39 Sqdn. R.A.F.


--=@le@E-+::HANDLEY PAGE VICTORCountry of Origin: United Kingdom.'Iype: (B.I<. Mk. rA) Flight Refuelling Tanker and(8. Mk. z) Long-range Medium Strategic Bomber.Power Plants: Four (B.K. Mk. rA) Bristol SiddeleySapphire 2o2 turbojets of rr,ooo lb.s.t., or (8. Mk. z)Rolls-Royce Conway R.Co.r7 Mk. zor turbojets ofr9,75o lb.s.t.Estimated Performdnce: (Specification relates to B. Mk.z, figures in parentheses applying to B.K. Mk. rA).M. speed, 63o m.p.h. at 5o,ooo (4o,ooo) ft.; m. cr., 6ro(6oo) at 55,ooo (46,ooo) ft.; nor. cr., 56o m.p.h. at4o,ooo ft.; range with Blue Steel, z,3oo mls. at 5o,ooo-55,ooo ft., r,73o m.p.h. at 5,ooo-ro,ooo ft.;s. ccil.,5-5,ooo (5o,ooo) ft.Weights: Approx. max. loaded, 2oo,ooo (r5o,ooo) lb.Armament: (B. Mk. z) One Avro Blue Steel Mk. rstand-off missile or thirty-five r,ooo-lb bombs.Accommodation: (B.I{. Mk. rA) Max. 52,86o lb. trans-ferable fuel supplied to Mk. r7 hose drum unit in fuse-lage and Mk. zoB refuelling pod beneath each wing.Operators: R.A.F.First Flights: (rst Prototype) Dec. 21, tg5z; (znd. pro-totype) Sept. rr, r95+; (8. Mk. r) Feb. r, 1956;(Il. Mk. z) Feb. 20, rssg.Production History: Prototypes (z); B. Mk. r* (6o-7o);B. N{k. z (5o-6o). Manufactured 1954-6+. *8. converted to B. Mk. rA standards and subsequentlyto B.I{. Mk. rAs.Variants : B. Mk. z-I)iffers front B. Mk. rA in havingcnlarged lving, morc porverful cngines, etc. B.(S.R.)Mk. z-Reconnaissance conversion with weapons-baycamera packs.

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Ilombers & Attach Airaraft

HAWKER SIDDELEY BUCCANEERCountry of Origin: United Kingdom.Type: Two-seat Shipboard Low-level Strike Aircraft.Power Plants:'frvo (S. Mk. r) Bristol Siddeley GyronJunior ror turbojets of 7,roo lb.s.t., or (S. Mk. z &S. Mk. 5o) Rolls-Royce RB.r68-r Spey R.Sp.z Mk.ror turbofans of r r,o3o lb.s.t.PerJormance: (Estimated specification applicable toS. Mk. z) M. speed, 7oo m.p.h. at s.l.; m. cr. 665m.p.h. at 5,ooo ft.;rnnge cr.,575 m.p.h. at 33,ooo ft.;tac. rad. (at range cr. altitudc without auxiliary fuel),5oo-6oo mls.; ferry, z,ooo mls.Weights: Loaded (rvithout rveapons), 4z,ooo lb.; max.5,1,ooo lb.Armament: Typical load comprises four r,ooo-lb.bombs intcrnally and four r,ooo-Ib. bombs, MartinBullpup ASMs or z-in. or 3-in. rocket pods on wingpylons.Operators: (S. Mks. r & z) R.N.; (S. Mk. 5o) S.A.A.F.First Flights: (rst Pre-production) April 30, r95B;(S. Mk. r) Jan. 23, 196z; (rst Spey Buccaneer)May 17, 1963; (S. Mk. z), June 5, 1964.Prodttction History: Pre-production (zo); S. Mk. r(So); S. Mk. z (current production); S. Mk. 5o (16).S. Mk. r manufactured 196r-4. Deliveries of S.Mk. z commenced r965. S. Mk. 5o delivered tg65-6.Variants: S. Mk, r-Initial modcl became operationalaboard Ark Royal in February r963. S. Mk, z-Cur-rent model. Bccame opcrational aboard Hermes earlyin t966. Equips Nos. 8oo, 8or and 8o9 Squadrons.S. Mk. 5o-Shore-based version for S.A.A.F. with re-

97 llombers & Attaelc AiruaftHAWKER SIDDELEY BUCCANEER

tractable 85.6o5 twin-barrel rocket and provision forAS.zo ASMs.Dimensions: Span,4z ft.4 in.; length, 63 ft. -5 in.;height, 16 ft. 6 in.; wing area, 5o8'5 sq. ft. Photo-graph: A Buccaneer S. Mk. z (XN677) of the formcrTooB Flight.

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Bombers & Atlack Airerafl

HAWKER SIDDELEY VULCANCountry of Origin: United Kingdom.Type: Long-range Medium Strategic Bomber.Power Plants: Four Bristol Siddeley Olympus (B. Mk.1A') ro4 turbojets of r3,ooo lb.s.t., or -(n. ntt. z)Olympus 3or turbojets of zo,ooo lb.s.t.lgrformance: (Specification applies to the B. Mk. z)M. speed, 645 m.p.h. at 4o,ooo ft. (Mach o.98); m.9r., 627 m.p.h. at 55,ooo ft.; typical endurance, B hr.;low-level tactical radius, r,7oo mls.; high-altitude tac-tical radius, z,3oo mls.l approx. unrefuelled range,4,75o mls.; s. ceil., 6.5,ooo ft.Weights: (8. Mk. z) Approx. loaded, zoo,ooo lb,Armarnent: (8. Mk. z) One Avro Blue Steel Mk. rstand-offmissile or tr.venty-one r,ooo-lb. g.p. bombs.Accommodation.' Normal crew of five comprlsing pilot,co-pilot, navigator, air electronics officer and iadaroperator.Operators: Flights: (rst Prototype) Aug. 3o, r95z; (B. Mk. r)Feb.4, 195.5; (8. Mk. z) Aug. rg, rg.58.-

' .

Pro_drftion. Hiltory. Prototype (z); B. Mk. r* (+S);B. Mk. z (roo*). B. Mk. r manufactured rqs+-8 a-ndB. Mk. z manufactured 1957-64. *8. Mli.- is pto-gr_cssively up-dated to B. Mk. rA and subsequentlyMk. rB standards. B. Mk. z production figure is anapproximation.Variants: B. Mk. rA-Modification of B. Mk. r withup-dated internal equipment and ECM in extreme rearfuselage. Withdrawn from R.A.F. Bomber Commandand _placcd in leserve by 1966. B. Mk. z-OperatedbV N9s. g, 12,27,35, -5o, 83 and 6r7 Squadrons R.A.F'.Bomber Command.Dimensions: (B. Mk. z) Span, rrr fr. o in.; length,

93 Bombers 8: Atlach AircroftHAWKDR SIDDELEY VULCAN

99 ft. r r in.; height, 27 ft.2 in.; wing area, 3,964 sq. ft.Photograph: The fifty-third production Vulcan B.Mk. z (XM57z) operated by No. r Group R.A.F.llomber Command.

Page 51: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

ILYUSHIN IL-28Country of Origin: U.S.S.R.NATO Code Name: Beagle and (I1-z8U) Mascot.Type: Three-seat Tactical Bomber, (Il-z8R) Recon-naissance, (Il-z8T) Torpedo-Bomber and (Il-zsu)Trainer.Power Plants: Two Klimov VK-r turbojets of 5,952lb.s.t.Performanee: M. speed, 497 s.1., 559 m.p.h.

^t 14,760 ft., 523 m.p.h. at 36,o9o ft.; in. cl. (at 40,565

lb.), 2,953 ft./r,:,in.; ceil., 4o,355 ft. ; range with m. fuel(r,738 Imp. gal. and z,zoq-lb. bomb load, 7o5 mls. at472 n.p.h. at 3,28o ft., 88o rnls. at .5oz m.p.h. at 16,4ooft., r,355 mls. at 478 m.p.h. at 3z,8oo ft.Weights: Nor. loaded, 40,565 lb.; nax., 46,297 Lb.Armament: Up to 6,6oo lb. bombs internally plus twofixed forward-firing z3-mm NR-23 cannon and twosimilar weapons in tail barbette.Operators: Alg. A.F., Afg. A.F., A.U.R.I., Chin. A.F.,Czech. A.F., Fin. A.F., G.I).R. Luft., Hun. A.F.,K.P.A.F.A.F., P.L.W., Rum. A.F., Sov. A.F., Sov.Navy, UAR A.F., N. Viet. A.F., Pak. A.F.First Flights: (Prototype) r9,18; (Pre-series) r949;(Production) r95o.Production History : Manufacturcd ry49*6r.Variants: Il-28-Initial version entered service with5,oo-5 lb.s.t. I(limov RD-45F turbojets, prototype hav-ing flown with Rolls-Royce Nene (NIN-r) engines.Il-z8R-Tactical reconnaissance version with camerasin nose and weapons bay. Il-z8T-Torpedo-bombingversion serving with Soviet Naly and carrying twotorpedoes. Il-z8U-Conversion training variant ofthe standard Il-28. Ventral radome and nose glazing

Itombers & Attach AitcraftILYUSHIN IL-28

clcleted, and second cockpit installed ahead and belownormal cockpit.Dimensions: Span, To ft.4| in.; length' 57 ft.wing area, 654'445 sq. ft' Photograqh: AlNo. zr Squadron of the Indonesian A.U.R.I.

rof in.;Il-28 of

Page 52: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Ilombet's Attock Aircrofl'

Country of Origin: U.S.A.?i,pe; Single-seat Shipboard Light Attack Bomber and(A-rDl Shorc-based Strike and Close-support Fighter'Power'Plant: (A-7A) One Pratt & Whitney TF:o-P-6turbofan of rr,35o lb.s.t., or (A-ZD) Allison TF4r-A-r (Rolls-Royce Spcy zor) turbofan of r4,z5o lb's.t.Perfornance: (A-7A) M. speed (clean), 679 m.p.h. at5,ooo ft., with 3,6oo ib. of external stores, 578 s.1.; optimun' cr., 37+ m.p.h. at s.l'; tac.- rad. (3,6oolb. ordnince and no extcrnal fuel), Bro mls' (inc. 265mls. at s.l.), ferry range 3,o5o mls. at 542 m p.h'Weights: Empty, r5,037 lb.;loaded (clean), z6,4oolb.,(for catapult) .32,.5oo lb.; max. overload, 35,65o lb.Armatnent: (A-ZA) Two 2o-mm. Mk. rz cannon with2.5o r.p.g. nnd eight external stores stations (four 3,5oo-16. capaiitv outboxrd rving stations, two z,5oo-1b. capa-city inboai'd wing stations and trvo 5oo-1b. capacityfuselage stations). Typical limited rvarfate load com-prises iwelve 5oo-lb. and trrelve 3oo- or z5o-lb. bombs'Operators: (A-ZA) U.S.N., U.S.M.C.; (4-7D)U-.S.A.F. Corsair II enteling service 1967. Land-based U.S.A.F. version scheduled for r969 operation.First Flights: (rst Rescarch A-7A) Sept. 27, !965.Productiin History: Initial contracts placed by begin-ning of r967 callcd for rgo A-7A Corsair IIs, includingseven research and development airclaft, plus quantityof A-78s. Currcnt plans call for purchase of r,oooplus aircraft for U.S.N. and U.S.M.C. by r97o, andsome 6oo A-7Ds for U.S.A.F.Vaiants: A-7A-Initial production modcl for U.S.N.and U.S.M.C. A-78-U.S. Narry version with rz,ooo


97 llombers & Attaclt AitctaftLTV A-7 CORSAIR II

lb. TF3o-P-S with short afterburner. A-7C-Pro-posed two-seat version of A-7A. A-ZD Modifiedversion for U.S.A.F. use with TF4r engine, a 2o-mm.M-6r rotary cannon, additional armour, and multi-position leading and trailing edge flaps. A-7E-Pro-posed U.S. Navy version with rrees (Integrated LightAttack Avionics System).Dimensions: Span,'38 ft. 8$ in.;length, 46 ft. r] in.;height, r6 ft.234in.; wing area, 375 sq. ft. Photograph:A-7A Corsair II (Bu. No. 15z659) of VA-r74.

Page 53: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Ilombers & Attaek Aircraft l)0 Rombers & Attaclr AircraftMARTIN B-57

lb.s.t. J57-P-37A engines. Tirenty produced of whichtrvo supplied to C.N.A.F. Grounded in 1963 afterstructural failures, but nine returned to service r966aftcr manufacture of new wings. B-57E-Multi-l)urpose version of " 8 " equipped for target-towing.RB-57F-Capable of sustained flight at 9o-roo,ooo ft.:rnd ranges up to 4,ooo mls.Dimensions: Span (B), 6: ft. r r* in. (F), rzz ft.; length(B) 6S ft.6 in., (F),68 ft. ro in.; height (B), 15 ft.7 in., (F), r9 ft.; wing area (B), 96o sq. ft. Photograph:B-578 (53-3826) of U.S.A.F.'s 8th Bomb Sqdn.

R 8,57 F

MARTIN B-57Country of Origin: U.S.A.Type: Two-seat Light Tactical Reconnaissance-Bomber, (TB-57) .Transition Trainer, and (RB-57F)Strategic Reconnaissance Aircraft.Power Plants: Two Wright J6S-W-S turbojets of 7,zzolb.s.t., or (RB-SZF) Pratt & Whitney TF33-P-rr tur-bolans of r8,ooo lb.s.t. and (optional) i*o J6o-P-9turbojets of 3,3oo lb.s.t.Performance: (Specifications relates to 8-578 but isgenerally_ applicable to all versions excepl RB-57F)M. speed, 582 m.p.h. at 4o,ooo ft., 534 m-.p.h. at-s.l.;tac. rad., r,roo mls. at 48o m.p.h.; in. cl., 3,5ooft./min.; s. ceil., 48,ooo ft.\eights: (B-SZB) Loaded, 49,ooo lb.; max., 55,ooo lb.Alma,ment: Eight o'5-in. machine guns, 5,ooo lb. bombload internally and up to 3,ooo lb. externally.Operators: (RB--sZA) A.N.G.; (B-SZB) U.S.A.F.,4rN.G l C.N.A.F., Pak.A.F., Viet:A.F.; (B-sZC)II.S.{F., A.N.c., Pak. A.F.; (RB-57D) U.S.A.F.;(B-szE) U.S.A.F., A.N.c.; (RB-s:F) U.S.A.F.First Fligltts: (B-SZA) July zo, r953; (B-578) June 28,rgS+; (B-sZC) Dec. 3o, r954.Production History: B-57A (8); RB-57A (62);F:s7Bit (zoz);B-57C (:8); RB-szD (zo); B-57E (68).Manufactured rgsz-56. *A number of B-578s havebeen rebuilt and cxtensively modified by Generalpynamics' Fort Worth Division as RB-57Fs (tS6+-S).Varianx : B-57A-Americanised Canberra (see page 8f)retaining side-by-side seating. B-57B-Tandem seat-ing introduccd. Relegated to A.N.G. and modified forreconnaissance then restored to bomber configuration(tS6+-S) for PacAl.' use in Vietnam. B-57C-Pro-vision for dual controls. RB-57D-Electronlc recon-naissance model with long-span rving and rr,ooo

Page 54: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Bontbers & Attaclc Airuafl l0l Iktntbcrs & Attaclt AifcraftSAAB 3z LANSEN

l)inu:nsions: Span, 4z ft. 7l tn.; length (3zA), +8 ft. oi-irr., (:zB) 47 ft. 634 in.; height (3zA), r5 ft. 7 in., (3zB),r5 ft. 3 in.; wing area, 4c2'57 sq. ft. Photograph: An,\ 3zA Lansen of F r5 with Rb o4 air-to-sca missiles.

SAAB 3z LANSENCountry oJ Origin: Sweden.Type: Two-seat (3zA) All-weather Attack, (3zB) Inter-ceptor, and (3zC) Tactical Recce Aircraft.Power Plant: One (3zA & 3zC) S.F.A. RM -sA (Avonroo) turbojet of 7,94o lb.s.t. and g,g2o tb. with reheat,or (3zB) RM 6A (Avon zoo) of rr,oz5 lb.s.t. andr4,33o lb. with reheat.PerJormance: (Specilication relates to Saab 3zA, figuresin parentheses applying to the 3zB) M. speed, 685(7ro) m.p.h. at s.l.; nor. cr., 528 (53o) m.p.h. at36,000 ft.; range, 8oo-9oo mls., with rzr Imp. gal.ventral tank, 9oo-r,ooo mls.; in. cl., rr,Boo (r9,7oo)ft./min.; s. ceil., 49,zoo (5z,5oo) ft.Weigltts: Empty, r6,:98 (r6,-S:S) lb.; nor. loaded,zz,956 (24,679) lb.; max. 28,66o (z9,76o) Lb.Armament: (3zA) Four 2o-mm. Swedish Hispanocannon and two Rb o4 ASMs, twelve zzo-Ib., four55o-1b., or two r,roo-lb. bombs, or twelve r8-cm., ortwenty-four r5-cm. or r3.5-cm. HVARs. (:zB) Four3o-mm. Aden M/55 cannon and four Rb 324 AAMs.Operators: Srved. A.F.First Flights: (rst Prototype 3zA) Nov. 3, rg5z; (proto-type 3zB) Jan.7, rg57; (prototype 3zC) Mar. 26, 1957.Production History: All versions (45o). Manufacturcd(3zA) r953-58; (3zB) r958-6o; (3zC) r958-6o.Variants: Saab 3zA-f)esignated A 3zA in Swed. A.F.scrvice and operated by F 6, 7, 15 and 17. To bephased out during carly'scventies. Saab 3zB-J 3zBscrving u'ith F r and It rz. Proposals made in 196.5to convert for atttcl< r'olc. Saab 32C-S 3zC scrveswith F rr, carrying cameras and electronic recceequipment.

Page 55: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Ilotrtbt:t's <t rltlceft ,lirartft 702 t0:t Ilozrbcls .& Attecl: AircraftTUPOLDV TU-r6

rrnd provision for stand-off missile. Also scrvcs inclcctronic reconnaissance role.I)inensions: Sp:rn, rro ft.; lcngth, 126 ft.; hcight, 36ft.; rving area, r,Br5 sq. ft. Photograph: A 'I'u-r6(lladger-B) of thc A.U.R.I. rvith l{ennel missiles.

TUPOLEV'fU-r6C'ountry of Origin: U.S.S.R.NATO Code Name: Iladger.Type: Long-rrnge N{edium Bomber and Reconnais-srnce Aircrzrft.Pozuer Plants: Trvo N{ikulin AM-3NtI turbojets ofr9,r[3o lb.s.t.Estinmted Perfontnnce: N1l. spced, 6zo m.p.h. at ro,oooft.,6ro m.p.h. at zo,ooo ft.; cr. specd,495 m.p.h. at3fl,ooo ft.; rangc (7,ooo-lb. bombs), 3,8oo mls.,(zo,ooo lb. bornbs) z,5oo mls., (rvith I{ipper missile),z,8oo mls.trVeigltts: Applox. loaded, rTo,ooo lb..lfrnutnrcnt: A rnaximun'r internal bomb load of approx.z:,ooo lb., or (Iladger-B) trvo I(ennel anti-shippingr-nissilcs on undcrrving pylons, or (Badger-C) onc I{ip-pcr stand-off rnissile semi-rccessed in wcapons ba1..Dcfensive arr-namcnt c<lnpriscs two 23-mm. crlnnonin each of dolsal ventral irnd tail positions, and one23-mm. cannon ir-r fixed nose installation.Operators: Sov. A.F., Sov. Navy, A.U.R.I., UAR A.F.First Flights: (Prototl'pc) r95z; (production) r954-5.Productinrt History: Betr.vccn r,.5oo and z,ooo Tu-t6sarc bclicvcd to h:rvc bccn manufactured r953-62.Variants: Badger-A--Originally florvn as Tu-88 incompetition rvitl-r thc Ilyushin Il-46. Badger-B--Basic 'I'u-r6 modificd to carry trvo air-breathing anti-shipping missiles. Badger-C-I;lattcncd nose ridome

Page 56: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Ilornbers <b Attacls Aircr.aft t05 Bombers <t: Attaclt AircraJtTUPOLEV TU-zo

with multi-megaton warhead.Dimensions*: Span, 163 ft.; length, r5o ft.; hcight,40 ft. *Approximate. Photograph: A strategic rccot.r-naissance version of the Tu-zo (Bcar-A) of the Sov.A.F.

TUPOLEV TU-zoCotmtry of Origin: U.S.S.R.NATO Code Natne: Rear.Type: Long-range Strategic Heavy Bomber and Photo-graphic and Elcctronic Reconnaissance Aircraft.Power Plants: Four Kuznetsov NK-rzM turbopropsof r4,75o s.h.p.Estimated Performance: M. speed, 5oo m.p.h. at 4r,oooft., 54o m.p.h. at rr,ooo ft.; cr. speed, 47o m.p.h. at3z,ooo ft.; range (u'ith 25,ooo lb. bombs), 7,8oo mls.Weights: NIax. loaded, 37o,ooo lb.Armament: A maximum internal load of approx.2-5,ooo lb. of bombs, or (Bear-B) one l{angaroo stand-off missile. Twin z3-mm. cannon in dorsal, ventraland tail positions.Operators: Sov. A.F., Sov. Narry.First Flights: (Prototype) r954; (production) r956.Production llistory: Some 3oo aircraft manufacturedr 95 5-60.Variants: Beat-A-The initial service version of theTu-zo nolv largely relegated to the strategic reconnais-sance and flight refuelling tanker roles. Some ex-amples have dorsal remotely-controlled gun barbettedeleted. A high-speed transport conversion of thebasic bomber was designated Tu-rr4D, only a fewcxamples being produced. A commercial transportdevelopment, the Tu-rr4 (which see page 3o Ciz:ilvolume) employs similar wings, undercarriage andmuch of the tail assembly. Bear-B-Features ex-tensively modified nosc ernbodying a lnrge duck-billcd radome housing navigational search and guid-ance radar. Dxists in rccorrnaissance and missilc-carrying versions, the latter carrying a single weapon

Page 57: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Bontbers & Attaclt Aircraft 706

TUPOLEV'IIJ-zzCountry of Origin: U.S.S.R.NATO Code Name: Blinder.Type: Long-range Medium Bomber and (Tu-zzR)Strike-reconnaissance Aircraft.Power Plants: Trvo axial-flow turbojets rated atrg,zoo* lb.s.t. and z6,5oo* lb. rvith reheat. *Approx.Estimated Performance: M. speed, 925 m.p.h. at4o,ooo ft.; cr. speed, 63o m.p.h. at 4o,ooo ft.; tac. rad.,r,4oo mls.; s. ceil., 6o,ooo ft.Weights: Approx. loaded, r85,ooo lb.Armament: Various combinations of free-fallingweapons housed internally, or single semi-recessedASM. Onc rcmotely-controlled z3-mm. tail cannon.O1>erators: Sov. A.F.First Flights: (Prototype) rgST-8i (production) rg6o-r.Production History: Production delivelies to the Sov.A.F. are believed to have commenced in 196r.Variants: The Tu-zz is currently one of the most ad-vanced Russian military aircraft publicly revealed.Displayed publicly over Tushino in June 196r, bywhich time it is believed to have attained pre-servicestatus with the Sov. A.F., and a formation of nineexamples participated in its Tushino d6but, togetherwith a modified variant featuring a drooped andbroader nose radome, a prominent refuelling probeabove the nose radar, and a large air-to-surface missilemounted semi-recessed in the weapons bay. Theoperational status of this version is not known withcertainty. The standard model appears to be intendedfor both bombing and reconnaissance missions ofintcrmediate range, and carries four crew rnembers.The tail gun is presumably intendcd to dispense amixture of " chaff " and tracer to confuse the radar of

Rombeta & Atlaclt AircraftTUPOLEV TU-zz

interceptors and the guidance system of missilcs.Camera windows are situated in the nose and aft.Dhnensions*: Span, 9r ft.; length, r33 ft.; height,r7 ft.; wing area,2,o3o sq. ft. *Approxirnate. Photo-graph: The missile-carrying variant of the Tu-zz withbroad nose radome and prominent refuelling probe.-Atrole.' The designation " Tu-zz " rvas originally allo-cated to the Tu-82 (design bureau designation), theSoviet Union's first swept-wing bomber (1949) whichfailed to attain service status.

Page 58: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Patrol, ASI, & B,ecce Aircraft

AVRO SHACKLETONCountry of Origin: United Kingdom.Type : Long-range Maritime Reconnaissance Bomber.Power Plants: Four Rolls-Royce Griffon 57A liquid-cooled engines of 2,45o h.p. and (M.R. Mk. 3 Phase 3)two Bristol Siddeley Viper B.S.V.rr turbojets of2,5oo lb.s.t. for supplementary take-off power.Performance: (Specification applies to M.R. Mk. 3 butis generally applicable to M.R. Mk. zC) M. speed,3o2 m.p.h. at rz,ooo ft.; m. cr.,2S3 m.p.h, at ro,oco ft.;econ. cr., zoo m.p.h. ; m, range,4,2r 5 mls. at 2oo r,5oo ft.; in. cl. (at roo,ooo lb.), 85o ft./min,Weights: (M.R. Mk. zC in parentheses) Empty, 57,8oo(.S6,Soo) lb.; max. loaded, roo,ooo (qS,ooo) lb.Armament: Twin zo-mm. Hispano cannon in nose and(tactical operations) twelve or (M.R. Mk. zC) fifteenr,ooo-lb. bombs. Typical A.S.W. stores load com-prises three Mk. 3o acoustic torpedoes, nine Mk. r rdepth charges, tz Mk. z mlrine markers and rz sono-buoys.Accommodation.' Crew of ten and, for emergency trans-port role, tx'enty-nine troops and their equipment,the latter storved in r.veapons-bay panniers.Operators: (M.R. Mk. zC) R.A.F.; (M.R. Mk. :)R.A,F., S.A.A.F.Fbst Flights: (rst Prototype) March 9, 1949; (M.R.Mk. r) Oct. 2+, rg5oi (prototype M.R. Mk. z) June r7,r95z; (M.R. Mk. 3) Sept. 2, rgSS; (M.R. Mk. 3 withVipcrs) Jan.29, t965.Production History: Prototype (:); M.R. Mks. r & rA*(ZZ); M.R. Mk. z (69); M.R. Mk. 3** (42). *Smallnumber converted 1956-57 as 'f. Mk. 4 crew trainers.**Surviving examples undergoing Phase 3 modifica-

1/,9 Patrol, ASli Rcccc AircraftAVRO SHACKLETON

tions (Viper turbojets, increased fuel, etc.) r967.I/ariants: M.R. Mk. 2C-Al1 M.R. Mk. 2s werel:rought up to Mk. zC standards from r96r, DCM andASW equipment being brought up to M.R. Mk. 3standards. To be replaced by HS. 8or. T. Mk. l-Conversion of M.R. Mk. r with additional radarpositions for instructors and pupils, and specialisedASW training equipment.Dimensions: Span (Mk. zC), tzo ft. o in., (Mk. :)rrg ft. ro in.; length, gz ft. 6 in.; height (Mk. zC),16 ft. 9 in., (Mk. :), 4 ft. 4 in.;wing area (Mk. zC),r,+zt sq. ft., (Mk. 3), r,458 sq. ft. Photograph:A Shackleton M.R. Mk. 3 ffF7o7) of No. zor Squad-ron, R.A.F.

Page 59: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Patrol, ASW & Rccce Aircraft 770

BREGUET rcso ALIZE,Country oJ Origin: France.Type: Three-seat Shipboard Reconnaissance and Anti-Submarine Warfare Aircraft.Power Plant: One Rolls-Royce Dart R.Da.zr turbo-prop of r,95o s.h.p.Performance: M. speed, 285 m.p.h. at s.1., z9o 3,ooo ft., zgz m.p.h, at ro,ooo ft.; normal patrolspced, r44 m.p.h. at r,5oo ft.;cndurance (radome ex-tended), 5 hr. tz min. at r44 m.p.h. at r,5oo ft.; ferryrange, r,785 mls.; in. cl. (at r8,roo lb.), r,38o ft./min.;s. ceil. (at r7,65o lb.), zo,5oo ft.Weights: Empty equip., rz,566lb.; nor. loaded, r8,roolb.Armament: Three 353-1b. depth charges or one acoustictorpedo in weapons bay, plus two 353-1b. or 386-lb.depth charges and six 5-in, rockets or two SS.rrMwire-guided ASMs underwing.Operators : Adronavale, Indian Navy.First Flights: (Br. ro5o-or) Oct. 6, r956; (Br. ro5o-oz)Dec. zr, r956; (Br. ro5o-o3) April r9, rg57; (Br. ro5oNo. r) March 26, ry59.Production History: Pre-production (z) and production(87). Manufactrred 1957-62.Variants: Br. ro5o-The ^L1iz6. (Tradewind) servesaboard the carriers Climenceau and Foch, seventy-fivehaving been delivered to France's A6ronavale. Twelveaircraft rvere also delivered to the Indian Navy forservice aboard the carrier Vihrant. The Alizri canundertake anti-shipping strike tasks.

717 Patrol, ASIV & Ilecce AiruaftBREGUET rc1o ALTZE

Dimensions: Span,5r ft, z in.;length,45 ft.6 in.;height, 15 ft. 7 in.; wing area, 387'5 sq. ft. Photo-graph: A Breguet AIiz6 of France's Adronavale.

Page 60: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

!a."1, AS\V & Recce Airmaft 174 Patrol, ASW & Becce Air(ryaftBREGUET II5O ATLANTIC

Joint production programme by German,.Belgian,F.en"li and Dutch companies, Breguet retaining re-sponsibility for development and final assembly.t*Total orders placed at beginning of 1967 (4o for'Adronavale and zo for Kriegsmarine). Productionlcliveries commenced in December r96-5. Productiontate of two-three per month during 1966-7..:Dimensions: Spanf rr9 ft. r{ in.;length, ro4 ft. r} in.;height, 37 ft. if in.; wing area, r,zgt'67 sq. ft' Photo-griph: The Breguet r r5o-o3 Atlantic.

Power plants: Two Rolls-_Royce Tync R.Ty.zo Mk. zrturboprops of_6. ro5 s.h.p,

iii:l#::i""{,tj.*,f !1.Hi;lll?i,ff -3i.."..1

!?5-zoo m.p.h. at r,ooo_r,5oo ft.; tvpi"ui_i.".ioi"o.o_nte ( and from patr!br_ tz,hr. u, ,e, -'o.r,lof:,:.,i 1t j# il "",^?;,i#Tlo2o mls.; m. runge. -a.,

frurju:f".r:.1;,i*i;!:il,f r'u" -i' u'l

*lHu*1t-;*l'l* "1llJuiil.'tc con rm od a t i o n.. Twelve r"pp". a""t oi?,rril;:: ".":::::"--bers on pressurized


ffFf1*:",ll., ffi','.,','",,,,;Production History: prototypes (4); production (6o*).

Page 61: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Patrol, ASW & Recce Ai:reraft

Country of Origin: Canada.Type : Long-range Maritime Reconnaissance Bomber.Power Plants: Four Wright Turbo Compound R-335o(TCr8EAr) Type 98r radials of 3,4oo h.p. and 3,7ooh.p. with water injection.Performance: M. speed, 3r5 m.p.h. at zo,ooo ft.,288 m.p.h. at s.l.; m. ct.,23o m.p.h. at s.1.1 econ. cr.,zz3 rn.p.h. at 5,ooo ft.; typical patrol end at r9o m.p.h.below r,ooo ft. (at 83o-ml. range), rz hr., (at r,zro-ml.range), 8 hr., (at r,59o-ml. range), 4 hr.; cr. end.,z4 hr. ; m. range, 5,9oo mls. ; in. cl., r,7oo ft. /rnin.Weights: Empty, 8r,ooo lb.; nor. loaded, r48,ooo lb.Armament: Up to 8,ooo lb. of depth charges, bombsor torpedoes internally, and up to 7,6oo lb. of ordnanceon underwing pylons,Accommodation.' Crew of fifteen comprising threepilots, three navigators, two flight engineers and sevenelectronic equipment operators,Operators: R.C.A.F.First Flights (Mk. r) March 28, 1957.Production History: Argus Mk. r (r3); Argus Mk. a(zo). Manufactured r956-6o.Variants: Mk. r-The initial variant of the Argus,designated CP-ro7 by the R.C.A.F., featured a larger

radome than the definitive Mk. z, togetherwith diflering disposition of navigational and com-munications radio, and tactical electronic equipment.Mk. a-Definitive production version with improved

775 Patrol, ASIV & Ilecce AircraftCANADAIR CL-28 ARGUS

tactical electronic equipment and aerodynamic refine-rnents. The Argus is employed operationally byNos.4o4 and 4o5 Squadrons of the R.C.A.F. MaritimeAir Command, and is the heaviest western maritimereconnaissance aircraft.Dimensions: Span, r4z ft. 3] in.; length, rz8 ft. 3 in.;height, 36 ft. 8|.in.; wing area, 2,075 sq. ft. Photo-graph: TL.e third production Arg,-rs Mk. z (zo7z).


Page 62: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Patrol, ASI; & Recce Airct"aft


777 Patroa, ,4SIV & Rccce AircraftFAIREY GANNET A.E.W.3

the alternate component every hour. It serves withNo. 849 Squadron which provides A.E.W. flights forR.N. carriers.Dimensions: Span,54 ft.6 in.; length,44 ft. o in.;height, r6 ft. ro in.; rving area, 49o sq. ft. Photograph:A Gannet A.E.W. Mk. 3 of " A " Flight of the IloyalNavy's No. 849 Squadron.

FAIREY GANNET A.E.W.3Country of Origin: United Kingdom.Type: Shipbo^rd Early Warning Aircraft.Power Plant: One Bristol Siddeley Mamba roz doubleturboprop of 3,875 e.h.p.Estimated Performanee: M. speed, z5o m.p.h. at 5,oooft.; endurance, 5-6 hr. at r3o-r4o m.p.h.; s. ceil.,z.5,ooo ft.Weights: Approx. loaded, zr,ooo lb.Accommodation.' Crew of three comprising pilot andtwo radar observers. Antenna for high-resolutionradar housed by ventral radome.Operalors; R.N.First Fl.ights: (Aerodynamic prototype) Aug. zo, 1958;(rst production) Dec. z, r958.Production History: Gannett A.E.W. Mk. 3 (38).Manufactured 1958-6r.Variants: Retaining hardly more than the wing of theshipboard anti-submarine warfare Gannet, now with-drawn from operational service, the Gannet A.E.WMk. 3 features an cntirely redesigned fuselage, and isintcnded to loiter at maximum endurance speeds onthe defensive periphcry of the Fleet. The A.E.W.Mk. 3 normally cruises on only one of the two com-poncnts of its porver plant, each of these componentsbeing entircly independent, porver bcing changed to


Page 63: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Patrol, ASIV & Beece Aircraft

GRUMMAN E-zA HAWKEYECountry of Origin: U.S.A.?ype; Shipboard Early Waming Aircraft.Power Plants: Two Allison T56-A-8 turboprops of4,o5o e.s.h.p.PerJormance: M. spced, 397 m.p.h. at s.l.; averagecr., 3r5 m.p.h. at z7,ooo ft.; patrol speed, z5o-z8om.p.h. at 3o,ooo ft.; m. endurance on station, 7 hr.;in. cl., 4,zoo ft./min.Weights: Empty, :7,qSo lb.; loaded, 49,o79 Lb.Accomnodation.' Crew of fivc on flight deck and inATDS (Airborne Tactical I)ata System) compartment.E-zA is focal point of ATDS which is tied to the basicU.S. Navy NTDS (Navy Tactical Data System) byhigh frcquency codcd transmission and reception links.The z4-ft. rotodome of the initial service model housesthc AN/APA-r43 antenna and rotates at 6 r.p.m.scanning speed. This is tied to AN/APS-96 radar.Has bccn tcsted rvith larger AN/APA-I64 rotodomeantenna and AN/APS-r r r radar to reduce ground clut-ter and ease the distinguishing of approaching aircraft.Operators: U.S. Navy.First Flights: (Acrodynamic prototype) Oct. zr, 196o;(prototype with AN/APS-96) April zg, ry6t; (proto-type with AN/APS-rrr) Aug. r7, 1965.Production History : Manufactured tg6r-7. Deliveriescommenced January tg, ry64.Variants: E-zA-Currcnt model entered service in1964, Operates in teams circling naval task forces.

719 Patrol, ASIV & Recce AirealtGRUMMAN E-zA HAWKEYE

Was used from 1966 to monitor and control all U.S.Navy air strikes over North Vietnam, one E-zA beingcapable of controlling 5o-roo aircraft simultancously,vectoring the flight leaders to their assigned targets,and also monitoring enemy interceptor flights.Dimensions: Span, 8o ft. 7 in.; length, 56 ft. 4 in.;height, 16 ft. 5 in.; wing area, 7oo sq. ft. Photograph:An E-aA Hawkeye (Bu. No. r487r r) of the U.S. NavalAir Test Centre.

Page 64: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Patrol, /,SII7 c0. Recce Air"craft 727 Patrolr 4SIY & Recce Aira'aftGRUMMAN OV-r MOHAWI(

The r,r5o e.s.h.p. T53-L-r5 is availablc as an altcr-native to the -7 in all versions.Dimensions: Span,4z ft. o in.; length,4r ft. o in.;height, rz ft. 8 in.; wing area, 3to sq. ft. Photograph:An OV-rA (foreground) and an OV-rB N4lohawk of theU.S. Army. The OV-IA is illustrated below.

GRUMMAN OV-I MOHAWKCountry of Origin: U.S.A.Type.' Two-seat observation and reconnaissance air-craft.Power Plants: Two LycominS Tfi-L-7 turboprops ofr,5oo e.s.h.p.Performance: (OV-rA) M. speed, 3o8 m.p.h. at 5,oooft.; m. cruise, 3o4 m.p.h,; econ. cruise, z5r m.p.h.;m. range (with tr,vo r5o U.S. gal. auxiliary tanks),r,4ro mls.;in. cl.,2,95o ft./min.;s. ceil.,3o,ooo ft.WeiSlhts: (OV-IA) Empty, g,%7 1b.; loaded, n,672lb.;max., r5,o3r lb.Armament: The OV-r normally carries no armamentbut strong points are provided for a total of six storcsstations for up to 4,ooo lb. of ordnance.Opcrators: U.S. Army.First Flights: (YOV-rA) April r4, r959.Production flistory: Total production all vcrsionsFiscal yeats fu-66 (268), including YOV-IA (S), OV-rll (65), and OV-IC (z+). Additional orders forOV-IB and -rC for Fiscal 67 (3o), and production(of approx. 7o more) currently programmed throughr970.Variants: OV-rA-Basic version of Mohawk withKA-3o camera slrstem. OV-rB-Equipped withAPS-q+ SLAR (Side-looking radar) in under-fuse-lage container. OV-rC-Equipped rvith UAS-4 infra-red survcillancc equipment, Thc equipment areas ofall three vcrsions of this frontline observation andreconnaissancc aircraft arc so alrangcd that equipmentcommon to all models has a common Iocation, thuspcrmitting one version to be convcrted to another.

Page 65: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Potrol,.,l,Sltr d. R<'<:ce Airuafl

GRUMNIAN S-Z TRACKERCountry o/ Orrgir: U.S.A.?ype.' Four-seat Shipboard or Land-based Anti-submarinc Warfarc -\ircraft.Power Plants: T*'o Wright R-rSzo-SzWA radials ofr,525 h.p.Performance: (S-zD) NI. speed, z8o m.p.h. at s.l.; cr.speed, r66 m.p.h. at .5,ooo ft.; pirtrol specd, r5o r,5oo ft.; m. range, r,352 nrls.; cndurancc (ro')dreserves),9 hr.; s. ceil., zz,ooo ft.Weights: Iimpty, r8,3r-5 lb.; r-nax. loaded, z6;47 lb.Armamcnt: 'frr'o homing torpedoes, tu'o Mk. rordepth bombs, or four 38.5-1b. depth charges internally,and six -5-in. IIVAI{s, z5o-lb. bombs or Zuni rockets.Operators: (S-zA) U.S.N., IL.C.N., Ilraz.A.F., R.Neth. N.A.S., Arg. Navy, Ital. Navl', J.M.S.D.I,-.,R.A.N.; (T'S-zA, US-zC, S-zD & D) U.S.N.I"irst 7'lights: (XSzF-r) Dec.4, rgsz; (S-zD) May zr,r 9-5 9.Production Ilistory : S-zA (approx. 5oo); CSzF-r (roo);S-zC (6o). Production zrll versions exceeded 95o bybeginning of 1967, including roo manufzrcturcd undcrlicenco in Ctrnada as CSzIi-r, and was schcduled tocontinuc trt least through Fiscal r967.Variants: TS-zA-ASW training variant. S-zB-S-zA modihed to carrv Jezehcl acoustic scarch andJulie localisation cquipr-nent. S-zC-Sixty built.Mostly converted as LIS-zC utility aircraft. Asym-metric cxtcnsion on portsiclc. S-zD-Increased dimen-sions, fuel and updated cquipmcnt. S-zE-As -zD

7 2:t /Datrol,.,l,SII' di Recce AircroflGRUMMAN S-Z TRACKDR

but rvith Jezcbcl-Julie equipment. Has norv almostcompletely supplantcd earlier versions of the 'fraclierin the U.S. Navy's r8 shipboard anti-submirrine rv:rr-fare fixed-u'ing squadrons. CSzF-z-Canadian-builtS-zA (CSzF-r) with up-dated cquipmcnt. CSzF--rsupplied to Braz. A.F. and R. Neth. N.A.S.Dimensions: (S-zA with -zD in parenthcscs) Span. 69(Zz) ft. 8 (7) in.; length, 42 ($) ft. o (6) in.; height,ft Q7) ft. :l (6) in.; rving arca,48.5 (+99) sq. ft.Photograph: A CSzF-z (r598) of thc II.C.N.


Page 66: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Plltrolt asw & nrcc:_lit:tft

I,OCKHEED P-z NEPTUNECountry of Origin: U.S.A.Type: Maitirne Reconnaissance and Patrol Bomber.Power Plants: Two Wright R-335o-3zW radials of3,5oo h.p. and two Wcstinghouse J:+-WE-:6 turbojetsof 3,4oo lb.s.t.Performance: M. speed, 356 m.p.h. at ro,ooo ft.,(piston engines only), 3o5 m.p.h. at 8,5oo ft., z6zm.p.h. at s.l.; m. end. patrol speed, r73-zo7 m.p.h. atr,ooo ft.; nor, range, z,zoo mls.; m. range, 3,685 mls.Weights: Empty, 49,935 lb.; m. loadcd, 79,895 lb.Armament: (Internal) Two 2,r65-lb. torpedoes, twoz,ooo-lb. mines, eight r,ooo-lb. mines or bombs, ortwelve 325-lb. depth chargcs and two Nord AS.rzASMs.Accommodation.' Crew of seven comprising pilot, co-pilot, navigator-bombardier, radar/MAD-operator'radio-operator, sonobuoy-operator, and ordnanceman.The SP-zE and SP-zH have provision for Julie activeexplosive echo-sounding and complementary Jezcbelpassive detector system.Operators: (P-zE) R.A.A.F., Port.A.F., Arg. Navy,Biaz. A.F., U.S.N.; (P-zF) A6ronavale; (P-zH)R.C.A.F., R.A.A.F., Adronavale, R. Neth. N.A.S.'J.M.S.D.F., U.S.N.First Flights: (XPzV-r) May 17, 194-5; (XPzV-z)Jan.7, rgqT; GzV-S) Aug. 6, rq+S; (PzV-+) Nov. r4,rq+q; (P-zE) Dec. zg, r95o; (P-zF) Oct. t6, rg5z;(YP-zH) April 26, rqS+; (P-zJ) July zr, r966.Production llistory: XPzV-r (z); I'zY-t (r-5); PzV-z(8r); PzV-: (83); PzV-a Gz); P-zE (+z+); P-zF (8:);P-zH (359); Kawasaki-built P-zH (aB). Manufac-

725 Patrol' ASIV & Ilecce AircraftLOCKHEED P-Z NEPTUNE

tured 1945-62. Licence manufacture by Karvasakir 959-65.Variants : P-zF-Equipped for mine-laying. SP-zH-Definitive modified version of P-zH. P-zJ-Developedversion with T64 turboprops evolved by Karvasaki, andto be delivered to J.M.S.D.F. from August r969.I)imensions: Span (over tip tanks) ro3 ft. ro in.; length,gr ft. 8 in.; height, z9 ft. 4 in.; wing area, r,ooo sq. ft.Photograph: P-zH (Bu. No. 14643r) of A6ronavale.

Page 67: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Platral, rtSII/ & R,ecce. Ai ruaft



Country oJ Origin: U.S.A.Type : Long-tange Maritime Reconnaissancc Aircraft.P-ower Planls: (P-3A) Four Allison T56-A-roW turbo-props of 4,o5o c.s.h.p. (4,5oo e.s.h.p. rvet) or (P-3B)Ts6-4-r+ turboprops of 4,9ro e.s.h.p.Pirformance: (Figuies in parentheses relate to P-3B)M.-speed at roo,ooo (ro5,ooo) lb., 44o (476) m.p.h. atzo,ooo (r5,ooo) ft.; econ. cr., 4o3 (:97) m.p.h., atzo,ooo (zt,ooo) ft.; m. mission radius' (2,.533) mls';in. cl. at rzT,Soo lb., z,o8o ft./min.; s. ceil', z7,ooo(z8,3oo) ft.We;ghti: Empty, 6o,ooo 1b.; max. normal -loaded,rz7:Soo (rz7,zoo) lb.; max. overload, r34,ooo lb.


Aim-ament: Max. external stores comprise ten Mk. 44torpedoes or six z,ooo-lb. mines, eight r,ooo-lb. mi!es,or ien 5oo-lb. mincs. (Internal) Two Mk, ror nuclcardepth bombs and four Mk. ++ torpedoes or threer,ooo-lb. mines.Accommodation.' Crerv of ten comprising pilot, co-pilot, radio-operator, flight engineer, navigator, tac-iical- co-ordinator, sonobuoy operator, Julie/ECMoperator, radar /MAD /trail detector operator, andordnanceman.Operators: U.S.N.; (P-3B) R.N.Z'A.F.,*On order.First Flights: (YP-:A) Nov. 25, r959; (pre-productionP-3A) April i5, i96r; (rst P-3A with T56-A-r4s)Oct. zo, r965.Production liislory.' Orders at beginning of r967 totalledzz< and compriscd zro for U.S.N., ro for R'A.A.F.,uni fiu" for n.N.Z.A.F. Approx. r8o delivered by


727 Patrol, ASIV & Ileece AircraftLOCKHEED P-3A ORION

beginning of 1967.Variants:P3A-With the rroth P-3A a new standardof equipmcnt known as the Deltic installation wasintroduied. The r34th P-3A introduced an auxiliarygas turbine power unit. P-38-T56-A-14 turbopropas standard. P-3C-More advanced avionics. YP-3Cunder test in 1966.Dimensions: Span, 99 ft. 8 in.; length, 116 ft. ro in.;height, 33 ft. 8 in.; wing area, r'3oo sq. ft.

-Photo-graph: AP4A Orion (Bu. No. 15o6o8) of U.S. NarryPatrol Squadron 19 (VP-rg).



Page 68: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Recce AircroftPatrol, ASIV & I


729 l'att'o! , ' l,9ll/ rt' R<'<'ct' 'liraroftNORTII A\{IIRICAN A-5 VIGILANTE

extension of llap surfaccs, modillcd boundary la1'crcontrol, and increased internal fuel c:rpacity. Hurnpcdfuselage contolrrs. A1i convertcd to RA-.5C standarclsprior to dclivery. RA-5C-Emb<;dving similar rnodi-fications to those of A-5I3 but essentially a reconnais-sancc aircr:rft rvith sccondar-v attack capability. Side-looking aircraft radar housed in long ventral fairing.I)imensions: Span, -53 ft. o in.;length,73 ft.212 in.;height, 19 ft. 4:l in.; rving area (A-SA), 7oo sq. ft.Photograph: RA-5C of U.S. Navy Squadron I{VAH-5.

NORTH AMERICAN A-5 VIGILANTECountry of Origin: IJ.S.A.Type: T\\ro-se^t Shipboard Reconnaissance and AttackBomber,Powey Plants: Trvo General Electric J79-GE-8 turbo-jets of ro,9oo lb.s.t. and r7,ooo lb. with'reheat.Performane^e: (Specification applies to RA-5C) M.spee.d, r,385. m.p.h. at_ 4o,ooo ft., 685 m.p.h. ai s.l.;m. low-level cruisc,633 m.p.h.; range-cruise, s6om.p.h. at 4o,ooo_ft._; tac. rad., r,ooo mls.; m. ,nn-g.,2,995 mls.; s. ceil., 64,ooo ft.Weights.: Nor. loaded, 6r,73o lb.; max. overload,74,ooo lb.Armament: (A-5A) Nuctear or conventional store inlinear bay and two r,ooo-lb. or z,ooo-lb. bombs orBullpup ASMs on underwing pylons; (RA-SC) Upto four r,ooo-lb. or z,ooo-lb. bombs br ASMs onundervring pylons.Operators: U.S.N.First FLights: (Y$-sA) Aug._3r, r958; (A-58) April 29,r96z; (RA-.5C) Junc ao, r962.Produetion History: YA-5A (z); A-5A* (55). A-.sAmanufactured r959-63 and RA-5C manufactur-ed1963-6. *Initial batch of trventy-seven converted asRA.-5.Cs 1965-66. All remaining A-5As progressivelywithdras.n from service and biought "p t6 ne-5Cstandards.Variants: A-5A-Initial production model of Vicilanteintended primarily for attack role, stores being e'iectedrearward from a lincar \\'eapons bay, or tunnefrunninglengthwiqe in aft fuselage betrveen engines. Wasdeployed opcrationally in August rq6z. A--SB-In-tcnded primarily for attack role. Changcs includeci

Page 69: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

AOI? Airo,aft 7:t7 ,.11)l'.lin,xtllCESSNA O-r BIRI) DOC)

fuselage and tail surfaccs, self-se:rline fuel turrlis, llrrlicurtains and seat armour. TO-rD-Dual-corrtr.olversion lvith more comprehcnsive irlstrumcntiltir)l).O-rE-Essentially similar to O-rA r.vith r-ninor. irn-provements. O-rF-Modilication of O-r.\ ri,ithchanges dictated by operations in Vietnam. Corr-verslorl programme continuing r967.Dimensions: Span, 36 ft. o in.;length,25 ft. ro in.;height, 7 ft. 4 in.; wing arca, r7,+ sq. ft. Photogral>lt:L-rgE Bird Dog (L.rz) of Span. A.F. This t-vpe isoperated by Escuadrilla 4oz fror. Torrejon (Madrid).

CESSNA o-r BIRD DOGCountry of Origin: U.S.A.?ype-' Trvo-seat Air Observation Post, Liaison and(O-rD) Instrument Training Aircraft.Pozper Plant: One Continental O-47o-r or (O-rE & F)-rr " flat-six " engine of zr3 h.p.Performance: (Specification refers to O-rE) M. speed,r15 m.p.h.;nor. cr., ro4 mp.h. at 5,ooo ft.; range,5, , in. cl., r,r5o ft. /min., s. ceil., rtl,5oo ft. -

\eights: Empty, r,614 lb., loaded, z,q3o lb-.Operators: Aus. A.F.; Braz. A.F.; C:Lmb. A.F.; Can.4.fy, 9Ul. A.F.; Fr. Army ; It. Army; J.G.S.D.F.;B.O.KrAf.;_LaosA.F.; R. No. A.F.; Pak.A.F.;ppql.4,F.; ThaiA.F.; U.S. Army; U.S.A.F.; U.S.M.C.; Viet A.F.First FLights: (Model 3o5A) Jan. rgso; (O-rA) Nov.r_95o; (XL-r98) Nov. z, r95z; (XL-r9C) Sept. r', r9.53.Production History: O-rA* (z,Ss+); O-rB i6c); O-iC(zs) :'lo-rD (:oi) ; o-rE* (asii Mlnrf"ctur..'d r9-5o -59 and 196z-3. *One O-rA converted as XL-I9B'andtrvo as XL-rgC r95z-4. Later reconvertcd. Approx.roo additionrl O- r Es manufacture d in Jrrpan bv Fuii.Variants: O-rA-lnitial and principal production ver-sion. O-rB-Identical to O-rA for U.S.M.C.XL-r9B-O-rAfitted with zro h.p. Boeing XT5o-BO-r(5oz-8) turboprop. XL-rgC-Two O-rAi witi Turbo-mdca Artouste turboprops and increased fuel capacity.O-rC-Extensively redesigned version for U.S.M.C.with 265 h.p. Continental O-47o-z enginc, redesigned

(tI ,/'

Page 70: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

AOP zlircraft

DORNIER DO z7Country of Origin: Federai Germany.Type: Arr Observation Post and Light Utilitl' Aircraft.Power Plant: One Lycoming GO-48o-BrA6 "flat-six " engine of z7oh.p.Performance: M. speed, r4r m.p.h. at 3,28o ft.; cr"(75o/e power), r3o m.p.h.; econ. cr. (65o/o power), ro9m.p.h.; m. range, 685 mls.; in. cl., 65o ft./min.;s. ceil., ro,8z5 ft.Weights: Empty, 2365 lb.; loaded, 4,o7B lb.Accommodation.' Tlvo seats side-by-side in cochpitand provision for four to six seats aft.Operators : Belg. Army; Con. A.F. ; Luft. ; Kriegs-marine ; Fe d. G. Army; Nig. A.F. ; Port. A.F. ;S.A.A.F.; Span. A.F.; Srved. Army; Swiss A.F.;Turk- A.F.First Flil4hts: (Do z5 Pr) June 25, 1954; (Do z7 Pr)June 27, 1955; (Do 27A) Oct. q, 19561- (CASA C.rzZ)Dec. r, r959.Production History: Do z5 Q); Do z7 prototypes (3);Do z7A-r* (r95); Do 27A13* (ZS); Do 27A-4 Gz);Do 27ts-r (88); Do zZB-: (r8); Do z7H-r (r); Do2jH-2 (t2);Do z7Q-t (r.s); Do zTQt G); Do z7Q-4*(:+); Do 27Q-S Og); Do z7S (r). Manufactured1956-6-5. *Fifty additional Do z7A-rs by CASA inSpain as C.rz7s. Fifty Do z7A-3s modified to A-.1standards as Do z7A-5s. Trvo Do z7Q-4s modifiedas Do z7Q-6s.Variants: Do z5-Original model built in Spain with

7:jR A()I' AitcruftDORNIER DO z7

r<o h.p. Ticre G-IVB engine' Do z7A-r-LoadedrJcisht' of 3,a6r lb. Do z7A3-Loaded rveight in-creased tol,85tt lb. Do z7A-4-No ventritl doors'Loaded rv.ighr"of 4,o78 lb. Do z7B-r-D.ual controls'Do z7$-z 3.+o h.p. GSO--18o-BrRQ e1.ei1e. Do z7.Q

Commcrcial versions (see page t56 Ltrtl volume')Dimensions: Span, 39 ft. a] in.: length, 3r ft 6 in-';heisht, r) ft. z in.; winq arer, zo8'8 sq. ll. Plrclografh:C.tz7 (Do 27A-r) of Sprrnish Air Force.

Page 71: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

AOP Airat'oft 735 A()P AireaflIIAL I-IAOI,-27 KRISFIAK N,II{. z

LIAOP-27, rvere rnadc in 1965, the Auster A.O.p.N'Ik. 9 being withdrawn in the follorving ycar. Stresscclto a limiting load factor of 3.8 g, the HAOp-27 cr)rDlo\ san essentially similar structurc to thut of thrl tn.o-sertPushpak, u'ith fabr:ic-covcred metal rvings and a rvcldedstccl-tubc fuselage also covered b1' fabric. productionorclers^rcportedly placed in r966 irc expectcd to carrvnrrnufacrure into 1968.Dinensions-: Spq", :7 ft. 6 in.; Icnqth, 27 lt.. 7 in.;hcrqhl, rotl. gj rn.; rving area, 2oo sq. ft. Photoyroph:An _carh production HAOP-27 Krishak (llRa6ai otthe Indian Air' !-orce.

I{AL HAOP-27 KRISHAK Mk. zCountry oJ Origin: Indiall\e: Aft Observation Post and Light Utility Aircraft.Pozaer Pl.ant: One Continental O-47o-J .-,flat-six',enginc of 2zSh.p.Petfornnnce: M. speed, r3o m.p.h. at s.1., rr6 5,ooo.ft.;m. cruise (75o/s power) rro m.p.h.; (65!( powcr), roz m.p.h.;in. cl.9oo ft./min.;s. ceil., rg,5oo ft.;.m. r:rnge, zg3 mls.Weights: Empty, r,g7o lb.; loaded, z,8oo lb.Accornntodation: Two individual seats rvith optionalsu'ivclling seat for third crcw member. Dual cbntrolsare standard and cabin arrangeci to accommod:rte ac:rsualty stretcher for air ambulzrncc duties.Operators: l.A.F.First Flights: (rst prototype) Nov. r959; (prototypc ofA.O.P. version) r965.Production Ilistory: Prototypes (z); FIAOP-27 (3o*).*Initial production order placed tn 1964 aeainst whichdcliveries commenced r965. Additional order re-ported in r966, rvith deliveries into r967-8.Varinnts : Krishak was originally evoived as a four-seatrnulti-purposc developmcnt of the trvo-seat HIJL-26Pushpak, and intended primarily as a touring aircraft.Development of an air observation post, li;ison andambulance variant of the bzrsic design rvas initiated meet a joint Indian Air Force-Indian Armyrequirement for a successor to the Auster A.O.P. N{k.9, and initial deliveries of this model, designated

Page 72: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967



t!&". Sffr

AERMACCHI \tB.3z6Country of Origin: ltaly.Type: Tandern 'fwo-seat Basic Trainer and (MB.3z68,3z6F &:z6G) Light Attack AircraftPower Plant: One Bristol Siddeley Viper zz-r turbo-je,t of z,-5oo lb.s.t., or (MIl.3z6G) Viper zo Mk. 54oof 3,.1ro lb.s.t.Performance: (Spec. is applicable to all Viper zz-r vet-sions in clean condition) M. speed, 5or m.p.h. at 2o,ooott.; range,69o mls. at 3o,ooo ft. at 3r6 m.p.h.;in. cl.,4,5oo ft./min.; time to zo,ooo ft., 6 min.; s. ceil.,44,ooo ft. (MB.3z6B with four z6o-lb. bombs, twoo'5-in. gun pods and large wingtip tanks) M. speed,39r m.p.h.; r^nge, 967 mls.; in. cl., z,3oo ft./min.IVeighx : Empty, 4,g3o lb. ; loaded (MB. :26) 7 ,;'47 lb.,(N'IB.3z6B) 9,48o lb., (MB.3z6G) ro,ooo lb. - '

Armament: (NIB.3z6B & F) Trvo o'5-in. gun pods andfour MATRA rz5 launchers cach witti sir z'75-in.r_ockets, four z6o-lb. bombs or twelve 5-in. HVARs.O. ;;_eratoru (MB.3z6) Ital.A.F.; (MB.3i6B) Tun.A.F.;(MB.:z6F) Ghan. A.F.; (MB.3z6H) R.A.A.F.First Flights: (rst Prototypo) Dec. ro, r957; (rst pro-duction MB.3z6) Oct. 5, r96o.Pr,oduction History: Prototl'pes (z); MB.3z6 (roo);MB.3z68 (8); MB.3z6D (a); MB.3z6F(7).Licence manuthcture (MB.3z6H) being undertaken inAustralia with initial order for 75 aircraft of which 3othand subsequent of indigenous manufacture, and inSouth Africa where up to 3oo are to be built as theAtlas Impala.Variants: MB.3z6D-Alitalia version for pilot train-it-tg. MB.3z6G -More pox'erful light attack model.

7:)7 q't'.tinersAIIRN4ACCIII NII} 326

Protot,vp_e onll' at timc of closing for press. MB.3z6M-Atlas Impala.Dirnensions:- Spgn, 3z ft. roI in.; length, 3.5 ft. o inhcight, : r ft. 7.L in. ; rving area, zo4..5i.sq. Ti. pttrrto-graph: At NlB.3z6li of rhe Ghurra Air Force.






Page 73: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967


Countrv of Oripin: United Kingdom'7v4", Sid"-ttylsid. Two-seat Basic Trainer'bi'{r"rVt"7t '"o." nt;ttot Siddelev Vipcr (T' Nlks^' 3 &.,) ,oz turboiet of r,7.5o lb.s.t.,-(T. Mks' 4. 5 *. S'lVio",

"o, turboiet of z,5oo lb.s't., or (B'\C t67) vtpcr

zo-F.zo turboict of l,4ro lb.s.t 'i',r"r*",rr".,-isoecidcation relates to T' Mk' 4, figurcsi;'';;;;ii;;":-ielating to T. Mk. 5) M' speed, 3eo?;;;;.;.h. ;i ..t., ;i; (.14o) m'p'h' it zo'ooo (25'ooo)

i;.,?;;I; ;;; (qoo)'mI..'dt 3o,ooo (35'ooo) ft'; in' cl''3,4oo (3,5-so) ft. /min. ,-iiullcl,)ii"b"!i", .1,658 lb.r loaded., (7'6ze) lb';ma*.. ?.?oo (8,s2+) lh.; max' ovcrload' (9'2oo) lD'

)i,i),i,'"),.: , l{ii... s i & 5z) Two o'3ca-in' guns and

various undcrrving loads such as stx oo-lb or twclvezi-ib. ,o"L"t. trvo roo-lb. or- eight 2.5-lb' bombs'Iti,rc 16zl ]laximum of 3,roo lh of ordnan-ce'6;;;,';l;iT.-\ai*. a &"+) R.A.F.: (T. Mk. 5r.) R.

il.' ,q.F., 'Sua. A'F., Kuw. A.l"'; (T' Mk' 5z).lraqti:i'..' ;;;.A.i.' V*nez.A'F' I (BAC r67) R Saud.A'F''i;,''i l:iii',iitr. Mr.. r) Junc' 26, rs51;1'l' Mk z)h"or. t,'is-ssl'('l' Mk :) lune zz, 1958-,

^^,iriirri;ii'h'i'i'v, r."ivit. r (io);-T' -Mk' 2.(4);r.'nii..'.'rr..l, f. ut. 4 (zoo ); T,. Mk' 5t (zz);l. nif.. iz (lql. Manufrctured (T. ilIk' 3) I958-b2'rl.'Mil. il ;dti. -i' ir. Mk s & BAC 16z) from rq67''ior;i,','i'is{C t4; -T Mk."5 derivative.oF T' Mk' 4'ifiC';6;fT. Niii. + f,r."luec with underrving hard

i"i"',. "ia vip"l-irt. BAC 166-T' Mk' 4tirframei"i """r""ii."'*irn

Vip". 5oo series engine' BAC 167


t:t9 'l'ruinersBAC JET PROVOST

-Presslrrised and armed version for Saudi Arabia.

Dinensions: Span, 3-5 ft.,1 in. (over tip tanks), 36 ft.rr in.; length ('1. NIks. 3 & +) 32 ft. 5 in., (T. N{k. 5),n ft. 7L in.; height, to ft. z in.; rving area, 2r3'7 sq.ft. Photoerapft.' Jet provost T. N'Ik. 3 (XN'I378).




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BEECHCRAFT +s MENTORCountry of arigin: U.S.A.Type: Trnder,l T'wo-seat Primary Trainer.Power Plant: Onc Continental O-47o-r3A " flat-six "engine of zz5 h.p.Performance: M. speed, r89 m.p.h. at s.1., r85 7,5oo ft.; m. cr., r73 m.p.h. at ro,ooo fi.;, r7o m.p.h. at 7,\oo ft.; range (at 6o,/o powcr),74o mls. at 7,Soo ft.; in. cl., r,z3o ft./min.; s. ceil.,zo,ooo ft.: linrc to 5,ooo ft.. 4.g min.Weights: Empty, zSTo lb.lloadcd, z,goo lb.Op-erators: Ars. A.F'., Chil. A.l-., Col. A.F'., J.A.S.D.F.,J.G.S:D.F., NIex. Navy, Phil. A.F., Sal. A.F., Span.A.F., Turk. A.F., R. Saud. A.F., U.S.N., Venez. A.F.F'irst Flights: (Model 45) Dec. z, tg+8; (YT-34) Mayr 95c).Production History: Model 45 (:); YT-:+ (:); T-:+A(3o6*); T-34B (423); Models A45 & 845 (5ro*).*Total includes fifty-six T-34As manufaciured byCanadian Car & Foundry. Total for A45 and B45Mentors includcs twenty-four C.C.F.-built A45s,Iifty ts45s assembled and tz6 manufactured undlrlicence by Fuji in Japan, and ninety asscmbled inArgentina. Manufactured by parent company tgs3-7,by Fuji r954-60, and asscmbled in Argentina tgs6-62.Variants: Model 45-Primary trainer derivative of theIlonanzzr (see page 186 of Ciztil volumc), cmplof ingsimilar rvings and unclercarriage. T-34A-U.S..\.F. 'l'r'einer"sBEECHCRAFT 45 NIDN'IOR

vcrsion (Nlodcl A4-5) served r954-6o. Tl'cr.rt1-four'C.C.F.-built A4.5s supplied'lurke-v.T-348-U.S. Navy version of A4-5. Some disposcd ofrrs surplus, of rvhich approximately 2oo arc activc onthe U.S. Civil Rcgister. 845 Export modcl ibrArgcntin:r (9o), Chile (66), Columbia (4r), N{exico (4),Ill Salvador (3), and Venezucla (4r).Dimensions: Span, 3z ft. 9f in.;lcngth, 25 ft. rr1 in.;height, 9 ft. 7 in.; n'ing area, 177'6 sq. lt. Plrctograph:Nlentor of Spanish Academia General del Aire.

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a-ruincrs 112


CANADAIR CL-4r TU'I'ORCountry of Origin: Canada.?1,pe.' Side-bv-side Two-seat Basic Trainer and(CL-arG) Light Tactical Aircraft.Pouer Plant: One Orenda J8S-CAN-+o (CJ6ro-rB)turbojot of z,6y lb.s.t., or (CL-arG) General ElectricJ85-J4 turbojet of 2,95o ib.s.t.Performance: (Specilication relates to CL-4rA withfigures in parenthcscs applying to the CL-4rG) M.speed, 486 (47o) m.p.h. ^t 27,Soo (z8,5oo) ft.; nor.range, 944 mls., (rvith six 5o U.S. gal. tanks, r,34omls.); in. cl., 4,zzo ft./min.; s. ceil., 43,ooo (4z,zoo) ft.trVeights: Empty, a,87o (5,296) lb.; loaded, 7,397(2,288) lb.; max. loadcd, (rr,ooo) 1b.Armament: (CL-arG) Up to 3,5oo lb. of ordnance onsix external pylons, a typical load comprising twoo'3-in. six-barrcl Minigun pods, two 75o-1b. Napalmtanks and two z5o-lb. bombs.Operators: (CL-arA) R.C.A.F.; (CL-4IG) R. Mal.A.F.First Flights: (rst Prototype) Jan. r3, r96o; (CL-4IA)Oct. 1963; (CL-arG) June 1964; (CL-arR) July r3,t96z.Production History: Prototypes* (z); CI--4rA (r9o);CL-4rG (zo). Manufactured r963 67. *Second pro-totype completed as CL-4IR and r5th productionCL-4rA modified as CL-4rG prototype.Variants : CT-rr4-R.C.A.F. designation for standardCL-4IA basic trainer. Cl-4rG-Tactical versionrvith oversize tyres, crew protection and reflectorsight. Initial order placed by Malal'sia for zo aircraft

'1\r'aincrsCANADAIR CL-+r TU'-IOR

rvith dclivcries scheduled to commencc nrid-19(r7.\\'ili perlorm br,tlr 6r. " training and coultt.r-ilsur-!r( nc) _tasks in .NIalaysian serr icc. CL-4rR-Dxpcri-rrrcntal s-ystcms trainer rvith provision for,lnns1'stem in " needlc " nose. No production undertaken.l)inrcnsions: Spa,n, 36. ft. 5f in.; length, 3z ft. o in.;llgignf,q ft.4j in.;rving area, zzo sq. ft.' Thotograph:'t..t.rlr*rfr produc.tion C^L-4rA (CT-r ra) Tutor (z6ojo)ol' R.C..\. F'. Training Command.

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CESSNA T-37Country oJ Orilrin: IJ.S.A.?ype; Side-bv-Side 'fwo-scat Basic Traincr, (T_:ZC)Lisht Attack and (AT-37D) C.;;r.,.:i;;;;gl.l"viir_cratt-Power Plants: Two Continental J69_T_zs turboiets ofr,oz5 lb.s.t., or (A't'-.rzD) Geneiat Ati..tii" jSst"turbojets of z,+oo lb.s.i.'Perform.anrc:.(Spccification rclares to T_378 but isgenerally

-applicable to T-37C in clcan ".,ijiti."J'lt.speed, 4.26 m.p.h. at zo,oo6'ft.; nor.

"r., ,0" "t.35,ooo lt.; .range, U7o mls. at 36o m.p.h., qr) nrls.lj_1.33 l- | h:t,(T-37C ) wirh.two" 6.; U. S. s;,t.'i"insr ipTanKS,, r,3^2+ nrts. ar 3o7 m.p.h.lin. cl.,3,37o fr./min.;s. cerl., 38,7oo ft.L(rights: Enrprr., 4.o56 lb.; nor. 6.crr lb.Arnnmcnt : ( f-:ZC) provision for two " undcrwingarmament pods each contrining one o.5_in. or.. f_r,2.75-in..rockets and eight 3_lb. prlcticc-bo;f,=:

"', ir"n

\2iqo-lb. bontbs, or fou.r Sidcrvindcr AANIs. (AT_37D)

jyt")]-r^ of +,7oo lb. (two cre w. memb(.rsi ", i,'Ssst1. (one crew member) on cight rving pylons.

Uferators: (T-.lZB) U.S.A.F., R.H.A.F., Luft., pak.A.F., Peru. A.F.. Th,i A.F.; Tu;k. f ,,

viSr, A.F., port.A. ir ; iffi -;;'ni' vi;ai(i.rust t ttshts:_(X'l'_37) Oct.-rz, p54; (T:37A) Sept.27,le5s.; (T-378) re5e; (YAT-37diO.i.

"""'. ,Lorl"'-

'ii!!i''i,'\!;;3'{;}3,,'"!?_l#*.,!1'd, i,+l37As brought T_378 stnndards ,95g .6o. Munu_r{rc,tured iJ--:Z4l res4-e, (!_:ze2 ,e'ii Oz, ti_iicl196+-6..

**lnitial quantity of :b f_lie. r.,i i"'o -',-ja.-i_ned to A-3711 standards and produciion begun rcl67.

145 TraincrsCESSNA T-sZ

Variants: T-37A-Initial model with 9zo lb.s't. J69-'l-9 engines. T-37B-Uprated engines and new Otnniand UHF equipmcnt. Forty-six oldcrcd for Luft-rvaffe use in U.S.A. Other deliveries to Pakistan (r2),Greece (zo), Peru (r5), Thailand (B), and Turkey.T-37C-Similar to 'f-37B but possessing wcaponscapability. A-37D-Counter-insurgency model.


Dimensions: Spu.t, :: ft. rr] in.; length, zg ft. 3] in.;height, 9 ft. z] in. ; arca, r 83'9 sq. ft. Photograph:A T-378 of Pakistan Air Force College at Risalpur'

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CESSNA T-4rCountry of Origin: U.S.A.\rpe.' Side-by-side Two-seat Primary Trainer, and(T-arB) Four-seat A.O.P. Trainer.Power Plant: One Continental O-3oo-C " flat-six "engine of r45 h.p.Performance: (T-arB) M. speed, r53 m.p.h. ; m. cruise,r48 m.p.h.; in. cl., 9ro ft./min.; s. ceil., r7,5oo ft.;m. range, -5oo mls.Weights: Empty, r,35o lb.; loaded, z,5oo lb.Operators: (T-arA) U.S.A.F., Ecua. A.F., R. Saud.A.F.; (T-4rB) U.S. Army.Production History: T-4rA* (r7o); T-4rB (255).T-4rA delivered to U.S.A.F. from September r964 toJuly 1965, and T-4rB to U.S. Army from November1966 to March 1967. *T-4rA production quantitydoes not include eight for Ecuador and small (French-built) quantity for Saudi Arabia.Variants: T-4rA-Off-the-shelf trainer version ofcommercial Model rTzF (See page zoo of Cez'rTvolume)with simplified interior and military equipment.

I tl 'I'r'ttltttt'xCESSNA T-4I

t i. S.A.F. students receive 3o hours basic itts( I ttt:l iott ott'l'-4rA. T-4rB-Successor to 'fO-r llilcl l)og rtrslrrndard U.S. Army primary trainer. Flighcr pt'r'lirlrrr-rrrrcc than T-4rA and features constant-spcccl airsct t'tr',Ireirvicr noscwheel, more comprehensivc c<ltnnrtttticit-tions and navigation equipment and four inclivitlrrrrlscirts. Can also fulfil instailation support rolcs.I)inrcnsions: Span, 36 ft. z in.; length, z6 ft. rr in.;lrcight, 8 ft. 9l-in.; wing area, r74 sq. ft. Photogruplt:,\ Cessna T-4rB of the U.S. Army.

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COMMONWEALTH CA-25 WINJEELCoun!ry o-[ Origin: Australia.?ype; Side-by-side Two-seat Basic Trainer.Power Plan.t: Onc Pratt & Whitney R-985-AN-z Waspradial of 445 h.p.Performancc: M. speed, r86 m.p.h.; m. cr., r65 8,5oo ft.; nor. cr., r58 n-r.p.h. at 5,ooo ft.; cndur-:rncc,5 hr.3o min.; in. cl., r,.5oo ft./min.; s. ceil.,r.5,8oo ft.W'eights: Empty, 3,289 lb.; loadcd, 4,265 lb.Operators: R.A.A.F.I.'irst Fligltts: (CA-zz) r95o; (CA-2.5) Feb. 23, r955.Production History: CA-zz (z); CA-25 (62). N{anu-factured r955-8.Variants: CA-zz-This designation was applied to thcprototypcs of the Winjeel (an aboriginal rvord meaningEaglc), the second of which rvas powered by the in-digenous Commonwealth Cicada engine of 45o h.p.rvhich, at onc timc, was to have been installed in thethirty-first and subsequent production aircraft. Thisproposal was abandoned, all production examples re-ceiving the Wasp radial. CA-25-This designationwas applied to thc production version of the Winjeelrvhich succeeded the Wirraway as standard cquipment. Normally flown as a two-scater,although provision is made for a third scat, thc Winjeelis scheduled to bc replaced in the R.A.A.F. trainingsequencc by the Macchi MB.3z6H from r967, and isexpected to be retired in 1968-9. The R.A.A.F. cur-

I l$ 7't'rrittcr'.s

COMNIONWITAL'fH CA-z-; WINJIiDLrcntlv emplo,vs a Winjcel Vampit'c training sc(lucncc,thc Winjeel serving at l\rint Cooli u'hcrc all l;lsicllying training is undcrtaken.l)imtnsions: Span, 38 ft. 7j in.; length, zli ft. ol in.;hcight, 9 ft. r in.; rving area, 249 sc1. ft. Photograph:'L'hc trvcnty-second procluction CA-25 Winjeel (A85-

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FUJI TTCountry of Origin: Japan.Type: Tandern Two-seat Basic Trainer.Power Plant: One (TrA) Bristol Siddeley Orpheus8o5o6 turbojet of 3,99o lb.s.t., or (TrB) IshikawajimaJ3-IFII-3 turbojet of 2,645 lb.s.t., or (TrC) J3-IHI-aturbojet of 3,o86 lb.s.t.Performance: (The specification relates to the TrA,figures in parentheses referring to the TrB) M. speed,576 (5r8) m.p.h. at zr,98o (r9,685) ft.; m. cr., +o3(SS7) m.p.h.; range (clean), 652 mls.; in. c1., 6,66oG,7z+) ft./min ; s. ceil., 47,244 $937o) ft.Weights: Empty, 6,o78 (6,26r) lb.; loaded, 9,5o2(q,628) lb., rvith two roo Imp. gal. tanks, rr,oo7 lb.Arntament: (TrA) Provision for one o 5-in. gun, andunderrving ordnance loads may comprise trvo o.5-in.gun pods, trvo Sidewinder AAMs, four 5-in. HVARs,two M-3 packs of seven z'75-in. rockets, or twoz5o-1b., 5oo-1b., or 75o-lb. bombs.Operators: J.A.S.D.F.First Flights: (rst prototype) Jan. r9, r958; (rst proto-type with J3 engine) May 17, 196o.Production History: Prototypes (z); Prodn. prototypes(4); TrA (ao); TrB (zo). TrA manufactured r959-62,and TrB manufactured 196r-3.Variants : TrA-Formerly Tr Fz and initial productionmodel of basic design. TrB-Formerly TrFr andfirst variant with indigenous engine. TrC-One of thetwo prototypes re-engined with J3-IHI-4 and proposedfor production by Fuji in 1965-6.


l)imensiorts: Span, 3,1 ft. 51, in.; lengrh ('l'rA), 39 f't.q in., (TrB),39 ft. roft in.;height, r3 ft.4l in.; rvir.rg

irea, 238'95 si1. ft. Photograph: Thc thirty-six!! pro-duction TrA (zS--S8+z) of the J.A.S.D.F. r3th 'lrain-ing Wing, Ashiya.


153 'I'rein<'r's

Page 80: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

'/nr"rtht.ers 751

HAL HJT-r6 MK. II KIRANCountry oJ Origin: lndra.?ype j Side-by-side Two-seat Basic Trainer.Power Plant: One Bristol Siddeley Viper A.S.V.rrturbojet of z,-5oo lb.s.t., or (proposed productionmodel) HAL HJE-z5oo of z,5oo lb.s.t.Performance: (Viper A.S.V.r r) M. speed, +72 m.p.h. ats.1.,4S7 m.p.h. at 3o,ooo ft.; rangc cr., 23o m.p.h. atzo,ooo ft.;m. range, 6oo mls., with trvo 50 Imp. gal.tanks, 876 mls.; in. cl., 4,77+ ft./min.; time to 3o,oooft., ro min.; s. ceil., 4z,oco ft.Weights: Empty, 5,362 lb.; nor. loaded, 7,7e lb.;max., 8,66o lb.Operators: l.A.F.F'irst Flights: (rst Prototype) Sept. 4, 1964.Production History: Prototypes (z); pre-production(24*); production (r5o). *Pre-production batch ex-pected to be completed in ry67 with production ver-sion possibly powered by indigenous engine following.Variants: Prototypes and pre-production examples ofthe I{iran are powered by the licence-built Viper tur-bojet, but the principal model which is intended tosupplant the licence-built Vampire will have the HAL-developed HJE-z5oo turbojet. The Kiran has beendesigned by a tcam headed by Dr. V. M. Ghatage, isfully pressurised and is equipped with side-by-sidezero-altitude fully-automatic Martin-Baker Mk. 4eiection seats. It is anticipated that the productionI{iran will have provision for underwing ordnance

I :i:i 'I'reinersHAL HJ'l-r6 MK. II I{IRAN

loads to facilitate its use in the armament training andcounter-insurgency rolcs.I)imensions: Span,'35 ft. r] in.; lcngth, 34 ft. 9-r, in.;lrcight, rr ft. io! in.; wing area, 204'5 sq. ft. ._P-hoto-urnihiTh" first prototype Kiran basic trainer (U327).

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HAWKER SIDDELEY DOMINIECountry of Origin: United Kingdom.Type : Advanced Navigational Trainer.Power Plants: Two Bristol Siddeley Viper 3oo (5zo)turbojets of 3,rzo lb.s.t.Performance: M. cr. speed, 4g3 m.p.h. at 3o,ooo ft.;range cr.,433 38,ooo ft.;m. end. cr.,38om.p.h. at 38,ooo ft.;end.,3 hr.44 min.; nnge, gz7mls. at 472 rn.p.h. at 25,ooo ft., r,338 mls. at 433m.p.h. at 38,ooo ft.; climb to 25,ooo ft., r3 min.Weights : M. loaded, zt,2oo lb.Accommodation.' (Normai training flight) One pilot, asupernumary crew member, an instructor and twostudents are carried. An alternative interior layoutpermits an instructor and three students to be carried,and proposed alternative military roles for the basicaircraft include communications with two crew mem-bers and six passengers, or ambulance accommodatingfour stretchers, two sitting casualties and a medicalattendant.Operators : R.A.F, Training Command.First Flights: (First production) Dec. 30, 1964.Production History: T. Mk. r (zo). Manufacturedry65-6. Last delivered No. r Air Navigation SchoolAugust r966.Variants: Dorninie T. Mk. r-Military navigationaltraining derivative of basic HS. rz5 executive aircraft(see page n8 of Ciail volume) rvith extended wingcentre section fairing housing electronic equipment.


Dimensions: Span, 47 ft. o in.; length,47 ft. 5 in.;height, 16 ft.6 in.; wing area, 353 sq. ft. Photograplt:The fifth production Dominie T. Mk. r (XS7r3).

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HISPANO HA-zoo SAETACountry of Origin: Spain.Type: Tanden Two-seat Basic Trainer and (HA-zooB)Light Attack Aircraft.Power Plants: (FIA-zooA, B & D) Two Turbom6caMarbor6 II turbojets of 88o lb.s.t., or (HA-zooE)Marbor6 VI turbojets of r,o58 lb.s.t.Performance: (Specification applies to HA-zooD,figures in parentheses relating to HA-zooE) M. speed,+o+ (429) m.p.h. at s.1. (zz,966 ft.); cr. s., 324 Q4z)m.p.h. at s.l. (9,84o ft.); m. range,93o mls. at z9,5ooft.; in. cL.,2,755 (3,o5o) ft./min.; s.ceil., 39,36o(36,o9o) ft.Weights: Iimpty, +,43 (+,+fi) lb.; nor. loaded, 5,842lb.; max., 7,617 Q,q7) lb.Armament: Trvo 7'7-mm. machine guns or (HA-zooB)one 2o-mm. Hispano-Suiza cannon, and two MATRA38 rocket pods, four zz-lb. HVARs or four rro-lb.bombs.Operators: (HA-zooA, D & E) Span. A.F.; (HA-zooB)UAR A.F.First Flights: (rst Prototype) Aug. rz, rgSS ;(HA-zooA)Oct. rr, 196z; (HA-zooB) July zr, 196o; (HA-zooD)April r965.Productiott History: Prototypes (z); HA-zoo (ro*);HA-zooA (3o); HA-zooB (5*); HA-zooD (SS); HA-zooE (roo**) *Five pre-production HA-zoos werernodified as HA-zooBs and supplied to U.A.R. aspattern aircraft for licence-built version, a small quan-tity of which had been delivered to UAR A.F. bybeginning of 1966 as " Al Kahira ". **Current pro-duction order.

159 TruinersHISPANO I{A-zoo SAETA

l/ariants: HA-zooA-First production modcl forSpanish A.F. HA-zooB-Equipped with Ferrantigyroscopic gun-sight and Lear ADF. HA-zooD-Similar to " A " rvith modernised systems. HA-2ooE-More porvcrful version with more elaboratecommunications and navigation avionics, modifiedundercarriage and intake de-icing provision.Dimensions: Span, 34 ft. z in., (over tip tanks), 35] in.;length, zg ft. 3$ in.; height, q ft.4 in.; wingarea, r87'zg sq. ft. Photograph: An HA-zooA Saetaof the Grupo de Experimentacion en Vuelo at Torrejonde Ardoz.

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Trainers 760

L-29 DELFINCou ttlry ol Origin : Czechoslovakia.NATO Code Nanrc: Mava.?ype: Tandem Two-scai Basic Trainer.Power-Plant: One M-7or VC_r50;; S:5o turbojet ofr,96o lb.s.t.Pertormance: M. speed, 4o7 m.p.h. at 16,4oo ft., rgzm.p.h.,at.s.l.; nor. cf.,34o m.p.h. at r6,+oo ft.':"m.rangc (5"% reserves), 398 mls. at 16,4oo ft., (with'two13 tmp. gal. ra^nks), 553 mls.; in. cl. 2,76o'ft./min.;t_lT9 to zo,ooo ft., rz min.; s. ceil., 37,7ob ft.Weights: Empty, 5,o26 lb.; t;;i;a:';:;;;it.; *u*.,7,9r2lb.Armamcnt: (Altcrnative to drop tanks) Two zzo_lb."911.o^.,

two 7'o2-m_m. gun pods, or two Iaunchers eachwlill tour ungurded rockcts.Operatorc: Sov. A.F., G.D.R. Luft., Czcch. A.F., Bul.i.F., A.U.R.I., Hun. A.F., R"-. A.F.. S;;.'A:FI"'! !': ! . | li r !i:' ^(xl2s)

Ai'li ;;' i sie I i't- jjei' l"r vr9oo; (L-29) April rq6r.Production Histbry: Xl.]-zg (r); L_zzg (r). L_zo pro_oucrron rnrtlated ro6z with first deliveries mid_l'g6f , delivered by bcginning La;;66:.'" 'rru rvv

Variants.: Xl,-2g-First-protoiype *ith Bri.tol Sid_o9lf{ ltper turboJ€t. L-zzg-Production prototvpe\vrth lndrgenous turbojet of centrifugal compres.o, typ".L-29-Winner of tbe-r962 contest"to ."t"it u-.-turrii.aJe^r Daslc trarner tor Warsaw pact countries. Evaluationof,.pre-production models U"g"n irr^'iq6r.'-'i"lilfoerlverres ot production L_zg to Soviet lJnion com_menced May^1963. Now standard So". a.f,. iiul""..utmensrcns: span,33 ft.9$ in.; length,35 ft.5$ in.;

767 'ItuincrsI--zq DELFIN

height, ro ft. z in.; rving area 2r3'r25 sc1. ft.. Photo-griphi An L-29 Delfin tiaincr of the Czcch Air Forcc.

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Ttadners llt:t a't'ttinersLOCKHEED T-33

l)inrtnsiotts: Span, 38 ft. rol in.; length, 37 ft. 9 in.;lreight, rr ft. B in.; rving area,237 sq. ft. Photograph:'l'-33A of the Royal Netherlands Air Forcc.

LOCKHEED T-33Country of Origin: U.S,A.Type: Tandem Two-seat Advanccd Trainer.Power Plant: One Allison J:S-A-:S turbojet of 4,6oolb.s.t. (5,4oo lb. wet) or (T-33A-N) Rolls-Royce Nencro turbojet of 5,roo lb.s.t.Performance: (The following specification is generallyapplicable to all versions) M. speed, 6oo m.p.h. at s.1.,

543 m.p.h. at 25,ooo ft.; range, r,345 mls.; in. c1.,

5,525 ft./min.; s. ceil., 47,5oo ft.Weights: Empty, 8,o84 lb.; loaded, rr,965 lb.; max.,t4,4+2 lb.Armamcnt: Two o'5-in. M-3 machine guns.Operators: (T-g:A) Bel. A.F., Braz. A.F., Chil. A.F.'C.N.A.F., R. Dan. A.F., Ecua. A.F., Eth. A.F.' Fr'A.F., Luft., Iran. A.F., Ital. A.F., J.A.S.D.F.'R.O.K.A.F., Mex. A.F., R. Neth. A.F., Nor. A.F.,Pak. A.F., Phil. A.F., Port. A.F., R. Saud. A.F., Span.A.F., Thai A.F., U.S.A.F., Ur. A.F., Yugo' A.F.,A.N.G.; (T-::B) U.S.N., Nic.A.F., Yugo.A.F.;(T-:gA-N) R.C.A.F., R.C.N., R.H.A.F., Turk. A.F.First Flights: (Prototype) Marcli' zz, 1948.Production History: T-33A & B (S,6qr) plus licencemanufacture by Kawasaki (zro) and Canadair (656).Produced by parent company rg48-59.Variants: T-j3A-N-Canadian licence-built versiondesignated CL-3o by Canadair and Silver Star by theR.C:A.F. Mks. z and 3 were Nene-powered. T-33B

-U.S. Naly version essentially similar to T-:fA.RT-gA-Ninety-five T-3 gAs completed with cameranose ind rear cockpit occupied by instrumentation forsupply under MDAP for recce. No longer in service'

Page 85: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

1'rniners 161 t (i:t A'tuinersNIORANE-SAUI-NIER MS-76o PARIS

NIS-76oIJ* (63). Mnnufacturcd rg5T-6+. *Totalsincludc 48 MS-76oAs assembled in Argentina and 4llNIS-76oBs assembled in Brazil. A small numbcr olN,IS-76oAs have becn convcrtcd to MS-76oB standard.I)inrcnsions: Span (over tip tanks), 33 ft. 3 in.; length,32 ft. ro+ in.; height, 8 ft. 6 in.; wing area, 193.68 sq.ft. Photograph: The first Argentine-assernbledNIS-76oA.

MORANE-SAULNIER MS-76o PARISCountry of Origin: France.Type: Two-seat Advanced Traincr, Photo-Survey,and Four-seat Liaison and Communications Aircraft.Power Plants: Two Turbomdca Marbord (MS-76oA)IIC turbojets of B8o lb.s.t., or (MS-76oB) MarbordVI turbojcts of r,o58 lb.s.t.Performance: (Specification is applicable to MS-76oAwith figures in parentheses relating to the MS-76oB)M. speed, 345 G32) m.p.h. at zooo (z5,ooo) ft.;, 35o (:q:) -.p.h. at r6,4oo ft.; m. rangc, 93o (r,o8o)mls. at z3,ooo (z.5,ooo) ft.; in. c1., z,z6+ (2,+6o) ft./min. 1s. ceil.,3z,8oo (:9,:Zo) ft.Weights: Dmpty cquipped, 4,28o (4,557) lb.; max.loaded, 7,65o (8,6a2) lb.Armament: Optional armament may comprise (train-ing) two 7.5-mm. machine guns plus four 3.5-in.rockets or two rro-lb. bombs, or (light tactical rolcflown as a single-seater) one 3o-mm. cannon and two7.5-mm. machine guns, plus eight rrzJb. bombs ortwo rrz-lb. and two z6o-lb. bombs.Accommodation' For the training role rcar seats and(for aerobatic training) the tip tanks are removed, fulldual controls being provided, together with instru-mentation for night- and blind-flying training,Operators: (MS-Z6oA) Fr.A.F., A6ronavale, Arg.A.F., Braz. A.F.; (MS-76oB) Fr. A.F., Braz. A.F.First Flights: (MS-76o-or) July 29, r954; (MS-76oA)Feb. 27, r958; (MS-76oB) Dec. t2, t96o.Production History: Prototype (r); MS-76oA* (rSo);

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NORTH AMERICAN T-z BUCI(EYECountry of Origin: U.S.A.Type : Two-seat Shipboard General-purpose Trainer.Power Plants: (T-zA) One Westinghouse J3a-WE-36turbojet of 3,4oo lb.s.t., or (T-zB) two Pratt & WhitneyJ6o-P-3A turbojets of 3,ooo lb.s.t.Performance: (Specification applies to T-zA, figuresin parentheses being applicable to T-zB) M. speed,492 (538) m.p.h. at z5,ooo ft.; nor. cr. speed, 4zzm.p.h. at 3g,ooo-42,ooo ft.; nor. range, 550 mls., withtwo roo U.S. gal. wingtip tanks, 967 (95o) mls.; in. cl.,5,ooo (6,56o) ft./rnin.; s. ceil., 4z,5oo (44,ooo) ft.Weights: Empty, 6,8qS (Z,S+:) lb.; max. loaded,rt373 Qz3ft) lb.Armament: (Optional) Two o'5-in. gun packs, twoAero 6,4' packs containing z'71-in. rockets, two roo-lb.bombs or two NA 378-3 racks for practice bombs.Operators: U.S.N.First Flights: (T-zA) Jan. 3r, r958; (T-28 prototype)Aug.3o, 196z;(T-zB production) May zr, ry65.Production History : T-zA* (zt7); T-zB (6+**).Manufactured (T-zA) rgST-6r; (T-zB) r964-. *Twoconverted as prototypes of T-zB. **Productiondeliveries commenced mid- r 965.Variants: T-zA-Designed for use throughout U.S.N.pilot training syllabus, from ab zrzilio instruction tocarrier indoctrination. Now being succeeded by theT-zB. T-zB-An updated, twin-engined derivativeof the T-zA. Entered service in November 1965.Dimensions: Span, (over tip tanks) 37 ft. ro+ in.;


lcngth, 38 ft. 3] in.; height, r,+ ft. 9l in.; wing aroa,2-s.s sq. ft. Photograph: A T-zA Buckeye Q475tz) ofU..S.N. Training Sqdn. VT-7 which began to receivethc T-zB late in 196.5.

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lrroduction terminated on April 2, rg54, and 2,068wartime aircraft were re-manufactured r949-50 as'I-6G Texans.Dimensions: Span, 4z ft. o]'in.; length, 29 ft' 6 in.;height, rr ft. B| in.; wing area, 253'7 sq.ft. Photo-griph: A Harvard Mk. zA employed in the photo-g.aphic role by No. 3o6 Squadron, R. Neth' A'F'

NORTH AMERICAN T-6Country of Origin: U.S.A.Type: Tandern Two-seat Basic Trainer.Power Plant: One Pratt & Whitney R-r34o-AN-rradial of 55o h.p.Performance: (T-6G) M. speed, zrz rn.p.h. at 5,oooft.1 m. cr., r7o m.p.h.; econ. cr., 146 m.p.h.; nor range,87o mls.; in. cl., r,643 ft./min.; s. ceil., 24,75o ft.Weights: Empty, 4,271 tb.; loaded, 5,617 lb.Operators: Arg. Navy, Bo1. A.F., Braz. A.F., C.N.A.F.,Col. A.F., Dom. A.F., Ecua. A.F., Luft., R.H.A.F.,Hait. A.C., Hon. A.F., Iran. A.F., I.D.F./A.F., Ital.A.F., Jor. A.F., Leb. A.F., Ivlex. A.F., R. Neth. A.F.,R.N.Z.A.F., Nic. A.A.F., Pak. A.F., Para. A.F., Port.A.F., R. Saud. A.F., Sal. A.F., S.A.A.F., Span. A.F.,Swed. A.F., Thai A.F., Turk. A.F., Ur. A.F.First Flights: (NA-26*) r937.Production History: *NA-26 was progenitor of seriesof advanced trainers with retractable undercarriagesmanufactured in 1939 for U.S. Army as BC-r (r77)and BC-IA (82), and for U.S. Navy as SNI-I (36).In rg4o the designation AT-6 supplanted BC-rA, andsubsequent production in U.S.A. totalled 13,594,

^furthei r,5oo being built in Canada (as the Harvard),bringing r94o-5 production to r.5,o94 of which 3,o3rn'ere supplied to U.S. Navy as SNJ-4s, -5s and -6s,and 3,354 werc supplied to Allied nations under Lend-Leas!.--The 4'T-6 was redesignated T-6 in 1948, andproduction continued in Canada (as the Harvard Mk.J and T-6J), a further 555 having been built when

T-6G fexan


Harvard Mk. 24

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NORTH AMERICAN T-28Country oJ Origin: U.S.A.Type: Tandern Two-seat (T-z8A & B) Basic and (T-zSC) Shipboard Trainer, or (T-zSD) Light Tacticaland Counter-Insurgcncy Aircraft.Power Plant: One (T-z8A) Wright R-r3oo-rA radialof 8oo h.p., or (T-zBB & C) Wright R-r8zo-86 radialof r,425 h.p., or (T-z8D) R-r8zo-565 of r,3oo h.p.PerJormance: (Specification applies to T-28A, liguresin parentheses relating to T-z8B) M. speed, z8Z k+6)m.p.h. at 5,9oo (r8,ooo) ft.; nor. cr., r90 (zr9) m.p.h.;m. range) r,o55 (9o7) mls.; in. cl., r,87o (:,8:o) ft./min.; s. ceil., z-5,3oo (37,ooo) ft. (T-zSD) M. speed,3-52 m.p.h. at r8,ooo ft., 298 m.p.h. at s.l.; m. range,r,r84 mls. at zo3 m.p.h.Weights: (T-z8A) Empty, 5,rrr lb.; loaded, 7,4fu Ib.(T-z8B) Max., 8,584 lb. (T-z8D) Empty, 6,512 lb.;loaded, 8,rr8 lb.;max. (T-z8D-5), rr,5oo lb.Armament: (T-zSD) Up to 4,ooo lb. of ordnance inD-5 form, including two o's-in. gun pods.Opbrators: (T-z8A) Arg. A.F., Bol.A.F., Ecu.A.F.,Eth. A.F., Mex. A.F., Phil. A.F., R.O.K.A.F., U.S.N.'A.N.G.; (T-z8B) Con.A.F., Eth.A.F., U.S.M.C.,U.S.N.; (T-z8C) U.S.N., Braz. A.F.; (T-zSD) Bo1.A.F., Laos A.F., Thai A.F., Viet. A.F., U.S.A.F.First Flights: (XT-28) Sep. 26, 1949; (T-z8C) Sep.r9, rgst; (T-zBD) 196r; (T-z8D-5) r965; (YATzSE) Feb. r.5, 1963.Production History: XT-28 (z); T-z8A* (r,rgl);


NORTH AN{DRICAN T-28'l-z8B (+qz); T-z8C (:or). *Convcrsion of ?-16 to'I'-zSD (as of January r967). Thrcc to YA'l-z8lis.Variants: T-z8C-Identical to T-z8Il apart from ar-rcster hook. T-z8D-5-Differs from original 'l-z8D(of which r6o conversions) in having in-rving ammuni-iion capacity.YAT-z8E-Exp.CO I Nturboprop version'Dimeniionsispan (T-z8A), 4o ft. r in., (T-z8B)' 4o ft.rl in.: lcnsth (T-z8A), -tz fr. o in., (T-z8B),32 lr.r.; h"ieht, rz ft. 8 in.; wing area (T-z8A), 268 sq.ft., (T-z8B), z7r'r sq. ft. Photograph: A T-z8B ofthc Imperial Ethiopian Air Force.


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NORTH AMERICAN T-39Country of Origin: U.S.A.Type: (T1gA) Basic Utility, (T-:SB) Tactical Radar,and (T-39D) Maritime Radar Trainer.Power Plants: Two Pratt & Whitney J6o-P-3A turbo-jets of 3,ooo lb.s.t.Performance: (The specification applies specificallyto the T-39A but is generally applicable to the T-398and -39D versions) M. speed, 54o m.p.h. at 36,ooo ft.;m. cr., 5o2 m.p.h. at 43,5oo ft.;econ. cr.,4z6 35,ooo ft.;m. range, r,725 mls.Weiglts: Empty, ro,z5o lb.; m. loaded, rj,760tb,Aecomtnodation: (T-39A) Two crew members as com-bat readiness trainer, and four-eight passengers asutility transport. (T-39B) Tactical radar trainer withthe complete NASAITR navigation and fire controlsystem and Doppler of the F-ro5D for simultaneousschooling of up to three pupils, and (T-39D) maritimeradar indoctrination trainer wrth a Magnavox system.Operators: (T-39A & B) U.S.A.F.; (T-SSD) U.S. Narry.First Flights: (NAza6) Sept. 16, rqS8; (T-gqA) June3o, r96o.Production History :T lgA(t 43) ; T-:qB (6) ;T-ZgD(+z).Variants: T-3gA-Initial military derivate of privateventure NAz46. First 88 as NAz65 and remainder asNAz76. T-398-For F-ro5D training as NAz7o.T-39D-First ten as NAz77 and remainder as NAz85.NAzSz-First exclusively civil variant of basic Sabre-liner design. Powered by 2,75o lb. JTrzA-6As andaccommodating up to nine passengels, See pagesr4o/t of Ciail volume.

'tz3 ,IrainersNORTH AMERICAN T-3e

I)irnensions: Span,44 ft.4f; in.; length,43 ft' 9l in.;height, 16 ft. o in.; wing area, 342'5-i sq. ft. Pltoto-graph: A T-:qA-r-NA (6r-o666) of the U.S'A'F.

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NORTHROP T-38 TALONCountry of Origin: U.S.A.Type : Tanderr. Trvo-seat Advanced Trainer.Power Plants: Two General Electric J85-GE-5 turbo-jets of z,5oo lb.s.t. and 3,85o lb. with reheat.Performance: M. speed, 838 m.p.h. at 36,ooo ft.;,63o m.p.h. at 4o,ooo ft.; range cr. 594 m.p,h. at4o,ooo-47,ooo ft.; m. range (with zo min. hold-ofl atro,ooo ft.), r, rz7 mls. ; in. cl. (5oo/o fuel), 3z,5ooft./min.; s. ceil., 53,-5oo ft.Weights : Empty, 7,47o lb.; max. loaded, r r,8zo lb.Operat ors : U.S.A.F., Luft.First Flights: (YT-:8) April ro, 1959; (T-38A) Mayr96o.Production History: YT-:S (6); T-3SA (qSo*). Deli-veries of T-38A to U.S.A.F. Air Training Commandbcgan March 196r. The 5ooth T-38A delivered onNovember 3o, 1964, and approx, 8oo delivered bybeginning of 1967 when production rate was twelveper month. *Programmed procurement for U.S.A, Luftwaffe order for 46.Variants: N-r56T-Conceived as training version ofprivate-venture N-156 lightweight supersonic multi-purpose aircraft. Developed in parallel with N-r56Flight tactical fighter, progenitor of the F-5 (see page5a). YT-38-Supersonic basic trainer support systemrequirement issued by U.S.A.F. resulted in contractfor variant of N-r56T design in r956. Six prototypesproduced under YT-38 designation, the first andsecond being initially flown with non-afterburningYJS5-GE-r turbojets. T-38A-Production contractplaced in 1959, and first production T-38A Talon

t75 1'ruincrsNORTHROP T-38 TALON

I rriners became operational on March q, 196r.Close external similarity to F-5B lvhich featurcs majorchanges in wing structure, stores stations under eachl'ing, and sturdier undercarriage to take greater loads,plus up-rated engines, Talons purchased by Luft-*affe are operated at the service's U.S, training bases,:rnd J.A.S.D.F. proposes to acquire either the Talon orthe two-seat F-5 both as an F-86F Sabre replacementrund as a supersonic trainer pending availability of in-rligcnous T-X from tg74-5.Dirnensions: Span, 2.5 ft. 3 in.; length,46 ft. 4 in';lrcight, rz ft. r r in.; wing area, r7o sq. ft. Photograph:A 'f-38A Talon (6r-o825) of the U.S.A.F. Air Train-ing Command, the eighty-fifth production example.


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PIAGGIO P.r48Country of Origin: ltaly.?yp?.' Side-by-side Two-seat Primary Plant: -One Lycoming O-+iS-A ,,flat-six',engrne ot r90 h.p.Performance: M. speed, r45 m.p.h. at s.1., r43 3,28o ft.;nor. cr., t27 m.p.h. at z,g5o fi.; raige,573 mls. at rz7 m.p.h.; in. cl.,9oo ft./min.; time to3,_z8o ft.,3.6r min., to 6,56o ft.,8.r7 min.; s. ceil.,16,4oo ft.\eighx: Empty, r,93r lb.; loaded, 2,645 Lb.Operators: Ital A.F., Som. A.C., Cong. A.F.First_Flights: (Prototype) Feb. rz, r9!r.Production History: Total producfion: roo. Deli-veries comrnenqed lune 1952. Manufactured r95r-5.Variants.: The P.r48 designed by Ing. C. P. Caiiiag[iwas designed_to-meet an Italian Aii Force specifiEa-tion which called for a primary trainer with a cockpit!3voqq following the standard pattern adopted by theR.A.F. and U.S.A.F., and was selected aJone oi twostandard types for the ltal. A.F., the other being alicence-manufactured version of the Fokker SIrrwhich now has been disposed of by the service toclubs and schools. The initial contract for fiftymachines was subsequently augmented bv a furthercontract for a similar quantity, and a number of ex-Ital.A.F. P.r48 primary trainers have now beentransferred to the Somali Air Corps and the Congolese

777 'l'rainersPIAGGIO P.r48

Air Forcc as part of the Italian technical aid pro-ltralnmes to Somalia and thc Congolese Ilepublic.Although normally flolvn as a two-seatcr, the P.r48has been certificated as a threc-seater, the third seatbcing located centrally behind the side-by-side frontseats.Dimensions: Span, 36 ft. 5f in.; length, z7 ft. Ba! in.;height, 7 ft. rof in.; wing area, 202'5 sq. ft. Photo-graph: A P.r48 (MM 53733) of the Amendola FlyingSchool.

Page 92: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

t7t, Tt'ainersPIAGGIO P.r49

rrrorc comprehensive instrumentation, and stick- inplirce of spectacle-type control, Seventy-two weresrrpplicd to the Luftwaffe by the parent company,tlcliveries commencing in May 1957, sixteen morelrcing supplied as major components for assembly byl,ocke-Wulf, the German concern assembling or manu-lircturing completely a total of r9o, tr.venty-six beingtltnsferred to the Nigerian Air Force in r965.I)intensions: Span, 36 ft. 6 in.; length, z8 ft. 9] in.;lrcight, g ft.6 in.; wing area, zo3 sq. ft. Photograph:A Focke-Wulf manufactured P.r49-D of the Luft-rvaffe.

PIAGGIO P.r49Country of Origin: Italy.Tybe: Side-by-side Two-seat Basic Trainer and Four/five-seat Liaison and Communications Aircraft.Power Plant: One Piaggio-built Lycoming GO-48o-8rA6 " flat-six " engine of z7o h.p.Performance: M, speed, r92 m.p.h. at s.1., r77 6,56o ft.; cr. speed (671o power), 165 m.p.h. at7,5oo ft.; range cr., r45 m.p.h. at ro,8oo ft,; m, range(with 3o min. reserves), 68o mls.; in. cl., 98o ft./min.;s. ceil., rg,8oo ft.Weights: Empty, 2,557 lb.i loaded, 3,7o4tb.Accotnmodation' Full dual controls are provided forthe basic training role for which the aircraft is norm-ally flown as a side-by-side two-seater. Provision ismade for a bench-type seat aft which may accommo-date up to three persons.Operators: Luft., Nig. A.F.First Flights: (rst Prototype) June rg, r953.Proiluction History: Prototypes (z); P.r49-D (268*).Manufactured (parent company) ry55-7; (Focke-Wulf) r956-9. *Total production figure includes r9omanufactured under licence in Germany.Variants: P.r4g-Originally designed as a four-seattourer employing many of the structural componentsofthe P.r48 primary trainer (see pages 176-7). P.r49-D-A modified version of the basic desigrr selected bythe Luftwaffe in 1955, the P.r49-D differs from theprotot)?es in having a fully-glazed cockpit canopy,

Page 93: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

7801'rainers:-.;. .-. r . ..,i:u. -..

tst 1'roinersPOTEZ CM r7o N{AGISTER

cnsiltcs. CM r75--Ntvalizccl vctsion of CNII r7o-rlirr clcck operation. Knorvn as Z6phyr. P.S+A -l)rir-atc venture developmcnt of CN{ r7o-z rvith(jcctor seats, incroased fuel, etc., and prcviously desig-nrtcd CM r73. No production of this model has becntrrrde rtaken.l)intensions: Span ( tiptanks), 37 fr. oI in.; length,.13 ft. 5+ in.; hcight, g ft. z1+ in.; s,ing area, 186.z15s<1. ft. Photograph: CM r7o-r Magisters of the Bel.,\.1,'. from the Centre de PerJectionnement at Brustem.

r*, .=ffir^;*****d*i*go*

5 .i :

POTEZ CM I7o MAGISTERCountry of Origin: France.Type: Tandem Two-seat Basic Trainer.Power Plants: Two Turbom6ca (CM r7o-r & CMr75) Marbor6 IIA turbojets of 88o lb.s.t., or (CMr7o-z & P.94A) Marbor6 VIC turbojets of r,o58 lb.s.t.Performance: (CM qo-z in pareniheses) M. speed,4o3 (435) m.p.h. at s.1., 44,t (463) m.p.h. at 3o,oob ft.;range with tiptanks, 735 07) mls.; in. cl., 3,345(:,q:S) ft./min.; s. ceil.,36,ooo (44,3oo) ft.Weights: Empty, 4,74olb.; loaded, 6,835 (6,8ao) lb.Armament: Two 7.5-mm. or 7'62-mm. guns and bombs, AS.r r ASMs or rocket pods.Operators: (CM r7o-r) Aus.A.F.; Bel.A.F.; Cam.A.F.; Con. A.F.; Fin. A.F.; Fr. A.F.; Luft.; I{riess-marine; I.D.F./A.F.; Mor. A.F.; *Ug. A.F. (CMr7o-z) Fr. A.F., Leb.A.F.; (CM r75) A6ronavale.*Israeli-built.First Flights: (CM r7o-or) July zl, r95z; (CM r7o-rNo. r) Feb. zg, ry56; (CM r75-or) July 3r, 1956;tCM r75 No. r) May 30, 1959; (P.S+A) June 8, 1964.Production Llistory: Prototypes (6); pre-production(ro); CM-r7o-r (ZZZ*);CM qo-z (t3o**);CM r75kz). *Total includes rBB liccnce-manufactured inGermany, 57 in Finland, and 36 of thc roo* built inIsrael (r'r'here production continues). **CurrcntPotcz-built modcl. Deliveries until late r968.Variants: CM r7o-z-Super Magister with uprated

c.M.l70 I

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parent company tg46-66.Variants: Saab grA-InitialGipsy Major ro. Ten to Sw.aftctaft, sixteen to Eth. A.F.,examples, including eight for

SAAB qI SAFIRSaab grB-Scventy-five for Sw. A.F. as Sli 5oI) basictrainers, cighteen to Eth. A.F. (inc. six frorn SABENA),and twenty-five to R, No. A.Ir., plus seventeen civil.Saab grC-Fourteen for Sw. A.F. as Sk 5oC, four-tccn for Eth. A.F. and eleven civil. Saab grD-Forr\ustria (z+), Finland (35) and Tunisia (r5)' plusnventy-six civil.Dimensions: Span, 34 ft. 9 in.; length (9rB), z6 ft. o in.,(9rD), z6 ft. 4 in.; height, 7 ft. zt 1n.; wing area,146'3 sq. ft. Photograph: Saab 9rD of AustrianFlieger-Schulkompanie r.

ia3 Truiners

SAAB 9T SAFIRCountry of Origin: Sweden.Type: Two-seat Basic Trainer and (9rA, B & D)Three- or (9rC) Four-seat Liaison Aircraft.Power Plant: One (9rB & C) Lycoming O-435-A" flat-six " engine of r9o h.p., or (9rD) 0-36o-.4'14'" flat-four " engine of r8o h,p.Performance: (Specification applies to 9rB, figures inparentheses referring to the 9rD) M. speed, r7r (r68)m.p.h.; m. cr., r52 (146) m.p.h.;econ. cr.' 44Q36)m.p.h.; m. range, 67o (66o) mls.; in. c1., r,r4o (8oo)ft./min.; s. ceil., zo,5oo (r6,4oo) ft.Weights: Empty, r,59o (r,57o) lb.; max. loaded, 2,686(2,66o) lb.Accommodation.'As pilot trainer pupil and instructorseated side by side, and (9rA, B & D) one passengermay be accommodated aft and to starboard, or (9rC)two passengers aft and side by side.Opeiators: (9rB) Sw. A.F., R. No. A.F., Eth. A.F.;(qrC) Sw.A.F., Eth.A.F.; (9rD) Aus.A.F., Fin.A.F., Tun. A.F.First Flights: (Prototype) Nov. 2o, 1945; (9rB) Jan':'8, rg4g (9rC) Sept. r953; (9rD) r957.Prodiiiion Historyl Saab 9rA (49); 9rB (r35*); grC(rg*); grD (roo). *Including rro Saab 9rB and tengrC Safirs manufactured r95z-3 under sub-contractby De Schelde in the Netherlands. Manufactured by

model with r45 h.p.A.F. as Tp gr liaisonand twenty-three civilRijksluchtvaartschool.

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r85 1'rainersSAAB ro5

:rttack units undcr the designation A 6o. 'fhc Saab ro.5is intended for liaison, executive transport and atnbu-llnce roles, in addition to training and attack.Dimensions: Span, 3r ft, z in.; length, 34 ft. 5 in.;hcight,8 ft. ro in.; wing area, r75 sq. ft. Photograph:The first production Sk 6o for the Sw. A.F.

SAAB ro5Country of Origin: Srveden.?yper Side-by-side Two-seat Basic Trainer and LightAttack and Reconnaissance Aircraft.Power Plants: Two Turbom6ca Aubisque (RM S)turbo-fans of r,64o lb.s.t.Performance: M. speed, 475 m.p.h.

^t 2o,ooo ft., ++7

m.p.h. at s.l.; m. cr., 435 n-r.p.h. at zo,ooo ft.,426m.p.h. at 3o,ooo ft.; range, 87o mls. at zo,ooo ft.,r,106 mls. at 3o,ooo ft.; in. cl. (at 8,82o lb.),3,44oft./min.; s. ceil. (at 7,g4olb.),3937o ft.Weights: Empty, 6,ozo 1b.; nor. loaded, 8,87o lb.,(attack), 9,92o lb.Armament: (Attack) Up to r,543 lb. of ordnance onsix underwing attachment points, including two 3o-mm. gun pods, twelve r5'5-cm. rockets, six 275-lb.bombs, two 55oJb. bombs, two Robot o5A ASMs, ortwo pods each containing nineteen 3-in. rockets.Operators: Sw. A.F.First Flights: (rst Prototype) June 29, 1963; (zndPrototype) June 17, 1964; (rst Production) A:ug. 27,r965.Produchon History : Prototypes (z) ; production (r 5o*).Production deliveries commenced late r965, *Ordersplaced by beginning of ry66.Variants: Sk 6o-This designation is applied to thebasic training version of the Saab ro5 by the Sw. A.F.,and phased into the training syllabus during 1966.Sk 6o8 and Sk 6oC are designations applied to Sk 6otrainers that may be respectively converted for attackand reconnaissance. A 6o-All Saab ro5s for the Sw.A.F. are being delivered with pick-up points for ord-nance loads, and the type will equip reserve ground

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Truiners 786

SOKO Gz-A GALEBCountry o.f Origin: Yugoslavia.Type: Tanderr. Two-seat Basic Trainer.Power Plant: One Bristol Siddeley Viper rr Mk' zz-6turbojet of z,5oo lb.s.t.Performance: M. speed, 5o5 m.p.h.

^t 2o,34o ft., 47o

m.p.h. at s.l.; m. range (with tip tanks),77o mls. atzg,5zo ft.;m. endurance, z'5 hr,; in. cl., 4,5oo ft./nin.;time to 9,84o ft., z'4 rnin., to 19,68o ft., 5'5 min., tozg,5zo ft., ro'z min.Weights: Empty, 5,485 lb.; loaded, 7,438 lb.Annament: Provision for two o'5-in. Colt-Browningmachine guns in nose and underwing racks for tworoo-lb. bombs and four 5-in. HVARs.Operators: Yugo. A.F.First Flights: (rst Prototype) May 196r; (rst pre-production) Feb. 1963.Production History: Production of the Galeb wasinitiated by Preduzece SOKO in 1963, and deliveriesto training elements of the Yugo. A.F. commenced inr965.Vaiiants: The Gz-A Galeb (Gull), selected as thestandard ab initio and intermediate trainer of theYugoslav Air Force, is the first turbojet-driven aircraftof indigenous design to attain production status inYugoslavia. The Galeb is capable of operating fromsemi-prepared grass strips, and is suitable for arma-ment training and for use as a light counter-insurgencyaircraft. Folland lightweight ejector seats are installed,and the aircraft is of all-metal stressed-skin construc-tion. Accent is placed on structural simplicity and

787 TtainersSOKO Gz-A GALEB

casc of maintenance under relatively prirnitive con-ditions. Single-seat ground attack derivativc lvith3,r3o lb.s.t. Viper 53i turbojet is knorvn-as Jastrcb(Uawk). Built-in armament comprises thtec rz'7-mm. machine suns.Dimensions: :+"ft. ol in. ; length, 33 ft. r r I in. ; height,ro ft. ro in.; wing irea, zog't4 sq. ft. Photograph: Apre-production example of the Gz-A Galeb basictralner.

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Country of Origin: Poland.Type: Tandem Two-seat Basic ilrainer.Power Plant: One OKL SO-r turbojet of 2,337 lb.s.t.Performance: M. speed, 49r m.p.h.

^t 26,247 ft.; nor.ferlormance: .lvl. speed, 4gr m.p.h, at 2b,247 tt.; nor

cr., 342 m.p.h.; range, 56o mls. (with overload fuel)68r mls.: in. cl.. a.<28 ft./min.: s. ceil.. qo.e;o ft.

fuel),683 mls.; in. cl.,4,528 ft./min.; s. ceil.,

loaded, 7,937 lb.Armament: Provision made for underwing loads of

063 mrs.; rn. cl., 4,52d tt./mrn.; s. cell., 39,370 tt.Weights: Ernpty, S,zgr lb. ; loaded, 6,834 lb. ; maximumloaded. r.oer lb.

light bombs and rockets for armament training.Operators: P.W.S.First Flights: (rst Prototype) Feb. 5, 196o; (rst pre-production) Nov. 1962.Production History: Prototypes (4); pre-production(ro). Currently in production. Quantity productioninitiated r963, deliveries commencing April 1964.Variants: Prototypes-Four powered by r,7oo lb.s.t.HO-ro turbojet. Adjudged second to L-29 (see pager6o) in r96z contest to select standardjet basic trainerfor Warsaw Pact countries. Pre-production-Severalretained HO-ro turbojet but remainder fitted withmore powerful SO-r evolved for production version.Ten delivered by mid-r963. Production-Essenti-ally similar to pre-production TS-rr. Currentlymanufactured by the WSK (Transport EquipmentManufacturing Centre) at Mielec.


I U!) 'Iraincrs(WSK) TS-rr ISI(RA

I)inrcnsions: Span, 3z ft. 9l in.; lcngth, 36 ft.7 in.;lrcight, ro ft. ro in.; rving area, r88'368 sq. ft. Plnto-traph: The etghth pre-production TS- r r Iskra (Spark).


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Country of Origin: U.S.S.R. NATO Code Name: Cwb.?yper Medium-range Freighter and Troop Transport.Power Plants: Four Ivchenko AI-zo turboprops of4,or5 e.h.p.Performance: M. speed, 444m.p.h.; m. cr.,4zz 3z,8oo ft.; econ. cr., 39r m.p.h.; m. range (withzz,o+6-lb. payload and r hr. reserves), z,rr3 mls.;in. cl., r,96o ft./min.; s. ceil., 33,464 ft.Weights: Loaded, rr9,o5o lb.; max., r34,482 lb.Armament: Defensive afinament comprises two 20-mm. cannon in tail position.Accommodation.' Crerv comprises five members, andmaximum freight load is 44,o92 lb. Wheeled ortrackcd vehicles, or surface-to-air missiles and supportequipment may be loaded via rear ramp.Operators: Sov. A.F., Alg. A.F., UARA.F., IraqiA.l'., A.U.R.I., Ind. A.F.Productton History: The An-rz freighter derivative ofthe An-ro commercial transport (see page 3z of Ciailvolume) first appeared in 1959, and has since been incontinuous production.Variants: An-rz-Basic production model evolvedfrom the commercial An-roA Ukraina from which itdiffers primarily in having a redesigned rear fuselageembodying an integral loading ramp which may belowered in flight for air-drop operations, a defensivetail gun position and revised tail surfaces. An-rzV-Similar to basic model apart from having AI-zoMengines of 4,25o e.h.p. An-rzM-A version incorpor-ating modifications (the " M " suffix letter indicatingModifikatsiya), the precise nature of which have notbeen revealed. A substantial number of An-rz


197 TrarcportsANTONOV AN-rz

freighters are used for commercial purposes in theSoviet ljnion.Dimensions: Span, rz4 ft. 8] in.; length, r r r ft. :* in.;height, 3z ft. r{ in.; wing area, r,293 sq' ft, Photo-graph: An An-rz of the A.-V.D.V. (Aviation of tbeAirborne Troops), a major component of the Sov. A.F.

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BLACKBURN BEVERLEYCountry of Origin: United Kingdom.Type: Tactical Freight and Troop Transport.Power Plants: Four Bristol Centaurus r73 radial en-gines of 2,85o h.p.Performance: M. speed,238 m.p.h. at S,7oo ft.; m. cr,223 m.p.h. at 5,ooo ft.; nor. cr. (at r25,ooo lb.), r75m.p.h. at 8,ooo ft.; range (44,ooo-lb. payload), zoomls. at r45 m.p.h. at 8,ooo ft.; ferry range, 3,69o r88 m.p.h. at 8,ooo ft.; in. cl., 76o ft./min.; s. ceil.,r6,ooo ft.Weights: Empty equipped, 8z,roo lb.; loaded, r35,ooolb.; max., r43,ooo lb.Accommodation.' Crew of four and 94 fully-equippedtroops, 70 paratroops, 48 casualty stretchers and 34sitting casualties, or up to 45,ooo lb. of freight, includ-ing wheeled vehicles with axle loads up to rz,5oo lb.Heal,ry drop platform retaining and release gear is pro-vided for individual loads up to 25,ooo lb., the rearfairing doors being removed for dropping operations.Operators : R.A.F,First Fkghts: (rst Prototype) June zo, r95o; (2ndprototype) June 17, 1953; (Beverley C. Mk. t) lan. zg,r955.Production History: Prototypes (z); Beverley C. Mk. r(47). Manufactured r954-8.Variants: C. Mk. r-Sole production model of basic


design. Esscntially similar to sccond prototype whichrcpresented an eighty per cent redesign of thc firstprototype developed by Gcneral Aircraft and incom-plete when company merged with Blackburn.Dimensions: Span, 16z ft. o in.; length.99 ft. 5 in.;height, 37 ft. 6 in.; wing alea, 2,916 sq. ft. Photo-!!raph: Beverley C. Mk. r (XLr49) of Air ForcesMiddle East.

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BOEING C-r35Country of Origin: U.S.A.Type: (KC-45A & C-r35F) Dual-purpose Tanker-transport, (RC-r35A) Photo-mapping and Charting,(RC-r358, C, D & E) Electronic Reconnaissance,(lKC-r35A)Radiation Measuring,Apollo Communica-tions, (NKC-r35A) Nuclear Blast Detection, (WC-r35B) Weather Reconnaissance, and (EC-r35C, G, H,J & K) Aerial Command Post Aircraft.Power Plants: Four (A-series) Pratt & Whitney J57-P-3rW or -59W turbojets of rr,2oo lb.s.t. (r3,75o lb.wet), or (B-series) TF33-P-5 or -9 turbofans ofr8,ooo lb.s.t.Performance: (KC-r35A with C-r35B in parentheses)M. speed, 6z+ (618) m.p.h. at z5,ooo (36,ooo) ft.,m. cr., 592 (6o4) m.p.h. at 35,ooo (4o,ooo) ft.; rangecr., S3z (528) m.p.h.; fuel transfer radius, r,r5o mls.1in. cl., r,z9o ft./min.Weights: Empty, 98,466 (ro6,47o) lb.; loaded, z4s,ooo(z7s,ooo) lb.; max., z97,ooo (zqz,ooo) lb.Accotnmodation' Crew of four and (KC-I:5A) gr,3ooU.S. gal. oftransferable fuel, 5o,ooo lb. of cargo or 8opassengers, or (C-r35F) rz6 passengers, or 44 casualtystretchers and 54 sitting casualties.Operators: U.S.A.F. ; (C-r35F) Fr. A.F.First Flights: (KC-I35A) Aug. 3r, 1956; (C-r35A)May r9, rq6r; (C-rgSB) Feb. r5, 1962.Production History: (A-series) KC-r35Ar* (ZSz);C-r35A* (r5); RC-I35A (4); C-r35F (rz). Manu-factured r955-65. iiAll C-r3SAs and many KC-r35Asconverted as EC-I35A, G, H & K, RC-r35A (4) andD, JC-I35A, JKC-r35A, NC-r35A and NKC-r35Aversions. (B-series) C-r358* (3o); RC-r358 (ro);

lrri Transr|ortsBOEING C-r35

l'l(l-rrsC (r7). *C-r3.5Bs converted as IiC-r3-5J,It('-r3-5C & E and WC-r35B (ro) versions. Manu-lrrclurcd r95.5-65,l)inttnsiorts: Span, r3o ft. ro in.; length (KC-r35A),r.16 I't. 3 in., (C-r35B), t34ft.6 in.; height (I{C-r35.A),.1i"i It. 4 in., (C-r35B),4r ft. 8 in.;wing atea, z,+33sr1. lt. Photograph: NKC-r35A (6o-o37o) nuclearI rlrrst dctcction aircraft.

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Transports l!r7 Tra,,,sportsCANADAIR CC-ro6 YUI{ON

crrrplol,s a hinged rear fuselagc for frcight loading.'l'lrc first and second Yukons have becn modified forV.LP. use.l)imensions: Span, r4z ft. 3$ in.;length, r36 ft. rot in.;lre iglrt, 36 ft. 73E 1n.; wing area, 2,o75 scl. ft. Photo-gruph: A Yukon (r5924) of No. 437 Sqdn., R.C.A.F.

CANADAIR CC-ro6 YUKONCountry oJ Origin: Canada.Type : Long-range Strategic Transport.Power Plants: Four Rolls--Royce Tyne 5r5/ro turbo-props of 5,73o e.h.p.Performance: M. cr. speed, 392 m.p,h, at 2o,ooo ft.;long-range cr., 38o m.p.h. at 3o,ooo ft.; econ. cr., 366T.p.h.! range (max. payload-6o,48o lb.), 2,36o m1s.,(max. fuel), 4,49o mls.Weights: Empty, gr,7z8 lb.; max. loaded, zo5,ooo lb.Accommodation.' Crew of nine and r34 passengers or8o casualty stretchers, or (freighter) crew of six and6o,48o Ib. of cargo.Operators: R.C.A.F.F'irst Flights: (rst Production) Nov. r5, 1959.Production History: CC-ro6 (rz). Manufacturedr 958-6 r.Variants: CC-ro6-This designation is applied by theR.C.A.F. to the CL-44-6 which was derived originallyfrom the Bristol Britannia (see page 14 of Ciailvolume) from which it differs primarily in having alonger fuselage and more powerful engines. TheCC-ro6 was procured for use primarily as a long-rangecargo carrier, for which role it embodies a number ofspecial features. Freight loading doors ahead and aftof the wing provide the principal difference betweenthe CC-ro6 Yukon and its commercial equivalent, theCL-44D-4 (see page 6 of Cbil volume), which

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Country of Origin: Canada.Type: Ligtrt Utiiity Transport.Power Plant: One Pratt & Whitney R-985-AN-I, -2,-3, -4, etc., radial engine of 45o h.p.Performance: M. speed, r4o m.p.h. at s.1.; m. cr., r35m.p.h. at s.l.; econ. cr., tz1 m.p.h.; m. range (+5 min.reserves), 778 mls., (m. payload), 483 mls.; in. cl.,r,ozo ft.frnin.; s. ceil., r8,ooo ft.'lVeights: Empty, 2,85o lb.; max. loaded, 5,roo lb.Accommodation.' Pilot and seven passengers. Floorstressed for freight with lightweight collapsible bushseats interchangeable rvith cargo attachments.Operators: Arg. A.F.; Arg. Nar.ry; Aus. A.F.;R.A.A.F.; Brit. Army; Camb. A.F.; R.C.A.F.; Chil.A.F.; Col. A.F.; Cuban A.F.; Dom. A.F.; Fin. A.F.;GhanaA.F.; Ken.A.F.; LaosA.F.; R.O.K.A.F.;R.Neth.A.F. ; Peru.A.F. ; S.O.A.F. ; Tanz.A.F.; U.S.A.F.; U.S. Army; Ur. A.F.;Zarn. A.F.; Yugo. A.F.First Flights: Aug. 16, 1947.Production History: Deliveries commenced rg54 andapprox. r,6oo delivered by beginning of. ry67 of whichr,356 exported (including 968 to U.S. Armed Forces),the majority of these being supplied to the armedforces of twcnty-three countries.Variants: U-6A-The Beaver has been supplied to theU.S. Army in large numbers after evaluation as winnerof design contest held in r95r. Approximately aquarter of the Beavers delivered to U.S. entered


.clvice t'ith the U.S.A.F., fifty-eight of thcse bcingopelirted by Strategic Air Command for missilc sitcsupport. Beaver A.L. Mk. r-The Beaver wassclccted for service by British Army in r96o, thirty-six bcing delivered to this service. Beaver Mk. II-llxpcrimental model with 57o h.p. Alvis Leonidessoz/4 engine. Beaver Mk. III-DHC-z Mk. III'['urbo-Beaver is turbine-powered derivative currentlyin production with PT6A-6 turboprop.Dimensions: Span,48 ft. o in.; length, 3o ft. 3 in.;Ircight, 9 ft. o in.; wing area, z5o sq. ft. Photograph:A Beaver of No. 334 Sqdn. R. Neth. A.F.

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CV-zB-Equivalent to DHC-4A with gross rvcightlaiscd from z6,ooo lb. to z8,,5oo lb. CC-ro8-R.C.A.F.tlcsignation for DHC-4 and -4A. Nine delivered tothat scrvice. The DHC-4A is operated in commercialftrrm by Civil Air Transport of Taiwan and Ansett-NIAI..Dimensions: Span, 95 ft. 7l in.; length, 72 ft. 7 in.;lreight, 3r ft. 9 in.; wing area, 9rz sq. ft. Photograph:DHC-aA Caribou (A+-rSr) of No. 38 Sqdn. R.A.A.F.


Country of Origin: Canada.Type: Milit^ry Tactical Transport.Power Plants: Two Pratt & Whitney R-zooo-7Mzradials of r,45o h.p.Performance: M. speed, 2r6 m.p.h. at 6,5oo ft. ; m. cr.,r8z m.p.h. at 7,Soo ft.; long-range cr., r54 m.p.h. at7,5oo ft.; range (max. fuel and 5,r52-lb. payload),r,3o7 mls., (max. payload-8,74o lb.), z4z mls.; in. cl.,r,355 ft./min.; s. ceil., z4,8oo ft.Weights: Empty, 16,9zo lb.; nor. loaded, a8,5oo lb.;max. overload, 3r,3oo lb.Accommodation.' Two crew members and thirty-twotroops, twenty-six paratroops, or twenty-two casualtystretchers, four sitting casualties and four medicalattendants. Typical freight loads are three tons ofcargo or two fully-loaded jeeps.Operators :R. A.A.F. ;R.C.A.F. ;Ghan.A.F. ;I.A.F. ;I(en.A.F.;Kuw. A.F.;R. Mal. A.F.;Tan. A.F.;Zam. A.F.First Flights: (Proto.) July 3o,r958; (CV-zA) Mar.r959.Production History: Total orders to beginning of 1967(z+z*). Production deliveries commenced in 1959and were continuing into 1966. *Including 168 forIJ.S. government as CV-zA and -zB.Variants: CV-zA-Initial production model for theU.S. Army equivalent to the DHC-4. Five deliveredfor evaluation in 1959. All aircraft of this type, to-gether with CV-zBs, transferred to U.S.A.F. in rq66.

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Trareports 202


Country of Origin: Canada.Type : Military Tactical Transport.Power Plants: Two General Electric (CV-ZA) T6+-GE-ro turboprops of 2,850 e.s.h.p., or (CC-rr5)T6a/Pz turboprops of 3,o55 e.s.h.p.Performance: (Specification refers to CV-7A but isgenerally applicable to CC-rr5) M. speed, z7r rorooo ft.;econ. cr., zo8 m.p.h. at ro,ooo ft.; range(max. fuel and 4,ooo-lb. payload), z,r7o mls., (max.payload-r3,843 lb.), 5o7 mls.; in. cl., r,89o ft./min.;s. ceil., 3o,ooo ft.Weights: Empty, zz,SS7 lb.; max. loaded, 4r,ooo lb.Accommodation.' Crew of three plus forty-one troops,thirty-five paratroops, or twenty-four casualtystretchers and six sitting casualties. Eighty-eight percent of all airborne equipment normally required byan Air Assault Division may be accommodated, andloads may include an llonest John missile and trailer,a Nike-Ajax missile, or a ros-mm. howitzer.Operator s : R.C.A.F. ; U. S.A.F.First Flights: (rst Prototype) Apr. 9, r964.Production History: CV-7A (a); CC-rr5* (r5). Pro-duction began r966 with first deliveries to R.C.A.F.*in spring o[ 1967.Variants: CV-7A-The DHC-5 was designed pri-marily to meet a U.S, Army requirement, develop-ment costs being shared equally between the U.S.Army, the Canadian government and de HavillandCanada, and four prototypes were delivered to the

2O:l TransPortsI)E HAVILLAND CANADA DHC-5 BUFFALOtJ.S. Army under the designation CV-7A, thesc beingtransferred to the U.S.A.F. in 1966. CC-rr5-Thistlcsignation has been applied to the version of thcDHe-5 ordered for the R.C.A.F. and fcaturing slightincreases in power and overall length.Dimensions: Span, 96 ft. o in. ; length (CY-7A)' 77 ft.4 in., (CC-rr5), Z,S ft. o in.; height, z8 ft. 8 in.;rvingirrca, g45 sq. ft. Photograph: Th'e first CV-7A proto-type (63-13$$S) for the U.S. Army, this being trans-ferred to the U.S.A.F. during r966.

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,.irrns: C-47H & J, EC-a7FI & !, LC-+llI & J, SC-.17II & J, TC-a7H, J & K, VC-+ZJ. C-rr7D-'I'histlesignation appiied to roo U.S.N. C-47js re-en-rsincered with new wings, tail assembly, undercarriage,( tc.I)inensions: (C-r r7D in parentheses) Span, 95 (9o) ft.;lcngth, 64 (67) tt. 5! (8$) in.; height, 16 (r8) ft. r r (3)irr.; wing area, 987 (S6S) sq. ft. Photograph: C-47 of.It.C.A.F. Training Command.

Country of Origin: lJ.S.A.?ype: General-purpose Transport (see note).Power Plants: Two Pratt & Whitney R-r83o-9oD or-92 radials o-f r,zoo_h.p., or (C-rr7D) Wright Ii-rgzo-8o radials of r,535 h.p.lerforman_ce: (Applies C-47A rvith C-rr7D in paren-theses). M..speed,.zzg (z7o) m.p.h. at 7,5oo fu,goo)tt.; cr. speed, I85 (?38) m.p.h. at 7,5oo (ro,ooo) ft.;ll.rcngc, z,rz5(z,5oo) mls. ;, r, {oo(r,rooj ft./min.Weights.: -Fmpty, r6,s7o ('s,snj if .; 't6iae8,

iO,ooo(3r,ooo.) lb.; ma-x., ?r,ooo lb.Armamen!: (AC-+Z) Three fixed side-firins 7.62-mm.General Electric Miniguns for target satur;tion.Accommodatiou Crew-of rhree and z8 (35) troops.Note: ln U.S. service prefix letters indiiite mbdifi"dmission as follows: A (Attack); E (Special Electronics);H (Search & Rescue); L (Coid Weather): R (Recon-naiss3lfc); S (Anti-submarine); T (fiaini;g); V(Staff Transport).Operators-:..(See p^ge,272 for list of C-47 operators).Li-zf : Alb. A.F.; Bulg. A.F.; Chin. A.F.-: Czech.{,F.;_$un.A.F.; P.L.W.; Rum. A.F.; Sov. A.F.

Uperators-:,,(See p^ge 272 for list of C-47 operators).Li-zf : Alb. A.F.; Bulg. A.F.; Chin. A.F.-: Czech.A.F.; Hun.A.F.; P.L.W.; Rum. A.F.: Sov. A.F.First Flights: (DC-S*) Dec. r7, g35; (C-47) rs4r.19-+Z *u. militarized DC-s (wtrii6-jee p#6 z5'of

Rum. A.F.;

Cioil vol.meCrzl volume).Production History: Total of rofroductton History:'lotal of ro,368 C-+7s of all tvpesmanufactured rn U.S.A. of which +68 io U.S.N.-and


2,96o supplied under Lend-Lease to Allies.t Approx.z,ooo built under licence in Soviet Union as Li-j.Variants: Current IJ.S.A.F. versions: AC-+ZA, C-+JA,P^& E, E_C-.12D, HC-47A & D, RC-a7A',TC-i;D,YC-a7A, B & D; currenr U.S.N. &,l.C. '""r-

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DOUGLAS C-54 ANDCountry of Origin: U,S.A.pPe.' M,edium- and Long-range Transport.Power Plants: Four Pratt & Whitnev R-zooo-? or -rrradials of r,35o,h.p., or (C-54G, S * f; R-zooo-gradrals of r,45o h.p., or (C-rr8) R-z8oo-5zW radiallof z,5oo h.p.Performance: (ppecification applies C-54D, figures inparentheses relating to C-rr8). M. speed, zi+ bZz)m.p.h. at r4,ooo (r8,ooo) ft.; nor. cr., i3g (:oZ) r5,ooo (zz,4oo) fr.; m. range, r.qoo (a.oioj mts.Weights: Empty,_,38,2oo (ag,76o) lb. j'mrx. loaded,7j,ooo (ro7,ooo) lb.Accornmodation.. Crew of five and 3z,ooo (z7,ooo) lb.freight or up to .qo (76) fully-equipped troops.()peratols: (C-5a) A1S. {.F. ; Arg. Narry; Braz. A.F.;q"l.A.f.; Cong. A.F.; R. Dan. A.F.; Eir'. a.f.; f'r.A.F.; A6ronavale; Port. A.F. ; Span. A.F. ; R. ThaiA^,F.; tgr\. A.F.; U.S.A.F.; U.S.N.; Venez. A.F.(9-t'9) u.s.$.E.;urS.N. (DC-6)Belg.A.F. ;C.N.A.F. ;

I1.A.I,; f uft.j Ital.!.F.; Yugo.A.F. (f 'see note.j

Fir s t_ F lig ht s :,(C - 5 4)Mar. z 6, r9a1 ; (C- r r 8A)Sept. r g4e.Production History: C-S+ @+); C-S+A (zoZ);- C--S+il(zzo);.C-.54D (:Jo);,9-s+E (rz5*1. C-'4 ' 06zx*1.C-rr8A (ro_o); C-rr88 (65). Manufactured (C-54)l9f_t -,15_{nd (C-rr8) r95o-55. *Including So C--S+fi& U for U.S.N. **Including 86 C-5aS & T-for U.S-.N.Note: I QC-p is commercialequivalentto C-rr8 (seepage 38 Czozl volume) and serves with listed air arms.Variants : (U.S.A.F.)C--S4A,D,E & G ;EC-s+D (specialelerctronic installation):HC-54D(search and reicue);TC-54D(training),& VC-54D & G (staff). (U.S.N.) C:

Tr"dnsl,ortsDOUGLAS C-5,1 & C-r18

s+l',Q,R,S & T; EC-5aU; VC--s+N,P,Q & S. C-r18-Nlilitary DC-6A serving with U.S.A.F. as C-r rBA andVC-rr8-A, and with U.S. Narry as C-rr8B and VC-r r88.l)imensions: Span, r17 fr. 6 in.;length,93 ft. rr in.(ro5 ft.7-in.); height, 27 ft.6+ in. (28 ft. 5 in.); wingirrea, r,4-63 sq. ft. Photograph: C-tr8B of U.S. NavySqdn. VR-r.

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DOUGLAS C-Iz4 GLOBEMASTER IICountry of Origin: U.S.A.!!De : Long-range Strategic Transport.Power Planis : Four Pratt & Whitney R-4 36o- (C-n4A)zoWA radials of 3,5oo h.p., or (C-tzaC) 63A radialiof 3,8oo h.p.PerJormance: (C-rz4C but generally applicable toC-iz+A). M. ipeed, z7r m.pih, ut r.i., 3o4 m.p.h. atzo,8oo_ft.; m.,cr,,272 m,p.h.; econ. cr., z3o m.p.h.;range (56,ooo-lb. payload), t,z3z mls., (26 37 5-1b. pay -load),.4,o3o m_ls.; m. range, 6,82o mls.; in. cl., 76oft./min.; s. ceil., zr,8oo ft.Weights: ,Enqpty, ror,165 lb.; loaded, r85,ooo lb.;max, overload, r94,5oo lb.Accommodation.' Crew of five and up to 74,ooo lb. ofcargo, 3oo troops or rz7 casualty stretchcrs and z5medical attendants or sitting casualties,Operators: U.S.A.F.First Flights: (YC-wQ Nov. 27, rg4g; (C-rz4A) Mayr950.Production. .History: _YC-.r24 Q); C-tz4A (zo$;f_C-1 zaB l!-; C- t z+9. (243). Manufactured r 9i9-j 5.Variants : YC-rz4-Originally fifth C-74 GlobemasierI with new deep fuselage and clamshell-type noseloading doors. C-rz4A-Initial production modelwith _R-436o-zoWA engines. YC-rz4B-Experi-mental version with four 5,5oo e.h.p. Pratt & WhiineyYT34-P-6 turboproqs and first flown on February z,rg;4. C-rz4C-Definitive model of Globemastei Iirvith combustion heaters in wingtip fairings and


APS-42 rveather scarch radar in thc nose (both fcaturcslater added to the C-rz4A). The Globcmaster II canaccommodate ninety-four per ccnt of all U.S. ArmyField Force vehicles which may be transported fullyassembled. The Globemaster II serves with theU.S.A.F.'s Military Airlift Command, Strategic AirCommand, Air Force l,ogistics Command and Airliorce Reservc.Dimensions: Span, r74 ft. r; in.;length, r3o ft. 5 in.;lreight, 48 ft. 3! in.; wing area, 2,5o6 sq. ft. _Ph-oto-graph: C-rz4A. Globemaster II (5r-or77) of M'A'C.

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i irrrrilirr to final thrce C-r33As but 7,ooo e.s.h.p. (rvct)'l'

i.1 -t'-7A turboprops replaced by uprated T34-P19Ws.l)ttittrtsions: Span, r79 ft. 73a in.; length, r57 ft. 6l in.;lrliglrt, 48 ft. 13 in.; wing area, 2,673 sq. ft. Photo-lrrr1rlr.' Ninth C-r::A Cargomaster (54-or43) of theI I S.A.F. Military Airlift Command. The C-r33B( 'ru g()rnrster is illustrated below.

DOUGLAS C-r33 CARGOMASTERCountry of Origin: U.S.A.!!Fe : Long-range Strategic Freighter.Power Plants: Four Pratt & Whitney T.l+-P-qWturboprops of 7,5oo e.s.h.p. (with watcr in jeciion).'Performance: M. speed, 359 m.p.h. at B,7oo ft. ; m. cr.,_323_m.p.h. at 26,85o ft.; range (with go,ooo-lb. pay-load)-, z,z 5o mls., (with 44,ooo-lb. payload), 4,3oo mls. ;rn. cl., r,z8o ft./min.; s. ceil., zg,95o tt.\eights: P-pty, rzo,z63lb.; max. loaded, z86,ooo lb.Accommodation.' Crerv of five and more than ioo,ooolb. of freight. Typical loads include two prime moverseach weighing more than 4o,ooo lb., 16 loaded jeep-type vehicles, 20 turbojets, or up to zoo passengers.-Operators: U.S.A.F.First Flights: (C-r33A) Apr. 23, r956; (C-r338) Oct.

Production History: C-r33AManufactured tg54-6r,


Variants: C-r33A--The Cargomaster was ordered intoproduction in rg54, the contract calling for thirty-fiveaircraft_designated C-r33A, no protoiype being de-manded, initial production aircraft being used forflight testing. The final three production C-r33Asintroduced clamshell-type rear loading doors to -in-crease usable hold length and facilitate loading of AtlasICBMs and Thor and Jupiter IRBMs. e-r338-

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FAIRCHILD C-TIg FLYING BOXCARCountry of Origin: U.S.A.?ype.' Medium-range Freight and Troop Carrier.Powcr Plants: Two-WrighiR-335o-B5 or -89A radialsqf ?,5oo h.p. and (LA.F. C-rrgG) one 7or booster turbojet 'of'

4,7oo lb.s.t. orWestinghouse J34 boosrer turbojet of 3,4oo lb.s.t.Perlormance: (The spccification applie"s specificallv tothe C-rr9G but is generally applic;ble to the C-rioFand C-rr9J) M. speed, zg6 at r7,ooo ft.;,,zoo m.p.h. at r5,ooo ft.; range (ro,ooo-lb,'pav-load), z,ooo nrls.; in. cl., 75o ft./min.


Weights:.Empty,' 39,g8z i5.; not. loaded, 64,ooo lb.;n. loaded, 74,4oo lb.Accommodation. Crew of five and sixtv-two fullv-eguipped troops or up to 3o,ooo lb. cargo.Qy_eytors: _(Q-rrgF & G) U.S.A.F.*, Braz.A.F.,p,N.A..L, B9l,,A..F., R. No. A.F., I.A.F., Ital. A.F.,Y_oI.4.F,, _A.N.G. ; (C-rr9J) Ital. A.F.,'U.S.A.F.*;A.N.G. *A.F. Reserve units of Tactical Air Com.F i r s t.F I i ght s : (Proto. ) Nov. t g 47 ; (C- r ryG) Oct.z8, r 95z.P^roduction History: 9-ItSB (SS); C-rrgC (:ii);C-rrgF (zro); C-rrgG (+8o). Plls zo C-rroC"andC-rr9F transports for the U.S.M.C. A number ofC_-rr9Fs and.Gs subsequently convertcd as C-rr9Js.Manufactured r 948--5.5.Variants: C-lgG-Similar to C-rr9F apart from air-screw^s. Of 78 supplied to I.A.F., z7 relrofitted withJg4 for thrust augmentation and'remainder withOrpheus 7or,. C-rrgJ-Conversion of C-rr9F or Gwith beaver- instead of clamshell-type loading doors.


l)itrrttttsions: Span, rog ft.3 in.; length,86 ft.6 in.;lrtight, z6 ft. 3 in.; wing area, 3,r5o sq. ft. Photo-yral>h: A C-rr9J (5r-8r58) aeromedical evacuationrrircraft of the A.N.G. converted from a C-r rgF.

C-1 l9G (Orpheus)


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Country of Origin: U.S.A.lJPe: Medium Tactical Assault Transport.Power Plants: Two Pratt & Whitnev R-z8oo-ooWladials of z,5oo h.p. and (C-rz3J)'two Fairihildf++-n-q booster tu^rbojets of r,ooo lb.s.t., or (C-rz3K)General Electric J8-S-GE-rZ turboiets of z.8io lb.s-.t.Performance: (Speiification is ipplicabll-to bothC-rz3B & C-rz3H) M. speed, 245 m.p.h. at 6,ooo ft.;m, cr.,.zo5 m.p.h.; nor. cr,, r9o m.p.h. at 5,ooo ft.;range (zo,ooo--lb. payload), r,47o mls. at r!,ooo ft.;in. cl., r,r5o ft./min.; s. ceil., z3,ooo ft.\eights: Empty, 3 r ,3Bo lb. ; m. loaded, 6o,ooo lb.Accommodation. Two crew members'and 6o fully-equipped troops, 50 casualty litters and four medicalattendants or up to z4,ooo lb. cargo.O-perators._(C-Lz3B) U.S.A.F., Thai A.F., Viet. A.F.,f_e1e7.3!.F,. (SC_-rz3p) _U.S.C.G.; (C-iz:H & K)U.S.A.F. ; (C-rz:J) A.N.c.First Flights: (XC-r33) Oct. 14, 1949; (XC-rz3A)Apr. zr_,:95r; (rst Fairchila-luitt C-izeB) Septl r,rg54; (YC-rz3H) July 3o, 196z; (C-rzrK) Oct.


Production History: C-rz3B 13q5x). -Ten C-rjrBs

converted to C-rz3Js and othert to SC-rz3Bs indC-rz3Hs, and rzo being converted to C-rzrKs ro66-68. C-rz3B mfg. r9-53-8. *First five Chaje-buift.Variants: SC-rz3B-Coast Guard conversion of C-rz3B with APS-42 radar in extended nose. XC-rzlD-Experimental boundary layer control versi6n.!_C--rz3E_-" Pantobase " landing gear, YC-rz3H-Underwing J85 turbojets and-wrider-track uider-


! 15 Transpot'tsFAIRCHILD C-rz3 PROVIDER

culriage. C-rz3H-Similar to YC-rz3H but jct podsomitted. C-rz3J-Tip jets and wheel/ski under-carriage for Arctic use. Operated by Alaskan A.N.G ,has reverted to standard undercarriage. C-rz3K-Low-drag turbojet nacelles, new wheels, etc.I)imensions: Span, rro ft. o in.; length, 76 ft. 3 in.,(SC-rz3B) 78 ft. 6 in.; height, 34 ft. r in.; wing area,t,zz3 sq. ft. Photograph: A C-rzl| (54-647) of theI44th Air Transport Squadron, Alaska Air Guard.

c -1 2s8


Page 111: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Trarepot ts

GRUMMAN HU-T6 ALBATROSSCountry of Origin: U.S.A,.llqe: Amphibious Utility Transport and Air-SeaRescue Aircraft.Power Plants: Tu'o Wright R-r8ao-76A radials ofr,425 h.p. or (CSR-Iro) R-r8zo-82 radials of r,525h.p.Performance: (Specification relates to HU-r68, figuresin parentheses, relating to the HU-I6A). M. speed,46 (241;) m-p.h. at s.1., 259 (z7o) m.p.h. at r8,8ob ft.;m. cr., 224 (zzS) m.p.h.; m. range, 3,zBr (2,683) mls.;in. cl., r,45o (r,4oo) ft./min.; s. ceil, zr,5oo ft.-''Weights.: Empty- 22,883 (zo,roo) ib. j-nor. loaded,39,353 (27,5oo) lb.; max., 35,7oo lb.Accommodation.. Crew (rescue mission) of six andtwelve casualty stretchers, or (transport mission) crewof three^and-ro-22 passengers, or (A.S.W, mission)crew of four (see armament).Armament,: (A.S.W. version) Four Mk. 43 torpedoes,or trvo Mk._ 43 torpedoes and two Mk.

'ja-z br Mk.ror depth charges.Operators : Arg. Navy; Braz. A.F. ; R.C.A.F. ; Chil.A.F. ; C.N.A.F. ; Kriegsmarine; A.U.R.I.; Ital. A.F. ;J-M S_.D_jF ; -

R. No. A.F.; Pak. A.F.; Peru. A.F.;9_hil 4f i-_Qnan.AF.; Port.A.F.; Venez.A.F.;U.S.A.F. ; U.S.N. ; U.S.C.G. ; A.N.c.First Flights: (Prototype) Oct. 24, r947; (HU-r68)Jan. r6, r956.

2r Z ?'r'olrs1rof lsGRUMMAN HU-T6 AI,RATROSS

Itrotluclion History: Approx. 460 rnanufircturcdr 948-6 r .

[/ ar iants : HU-r6B-Improved - r 64' with enlargcd andrnodified rving. Most -r6As convertcd to -r6Ilstandards. HU-r6D-U.S.N. version of U.S.A.F.'sIIU-r68. HU-I6E-U.S.C.G. equivalent to HU-r6D. CSR-Iro-R.C.A.F. version with triphibianundercarriage. A.S.W.-Anti-submarine version ofI IU-r68 supplied to R. No. A.F. and Span. A.F.I)inensions: (HU-r6.\ in parentheses) Span,96 (8o)ti (o) in. ; length, 6z (6o) ft. ro (8) in. ; height , 25 @4)ft. ro (ro) in.; wing area, r,o35 (8::) .q. ft. Photo-graph: A CSR-Iro (93o7) of R.C.A.F. Maritirne AirCommand.

H U.1 6B

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GRUMMAN C-zA GREYHOUNDCountry of Origin: U.S,A.Type: Carrier Onboard Delivery Transport.Power Plants: Two Allison T56-4-8 turboprops of4,o5o s.h.p.Perfonnance: M. speed, 329 m.p.h. at rr,3oo ft.; aver-age cr., 3o6 m.p.h. at z7,3oo ft.; com. rad. (withro,ooo-lb. payload), r,5zo mls.; in. cl., z,ogo ft./min.Weights: Empty, 3r,6741b.; loaded, 54,812 lb.Accommodatiott.' Crew of two and thirty-nine troops,twenty casualty stretchers, or up to r5,ooo lb. of cargo.Cargo compartment may be adapted to accept MilitaryAirlift Command 463L material handling and supportsystem.Operators: U.S.N.First Flights: (rst Pre-production) Nov. r8, r964.Production History: Pre-production (3). Productiondeliveries commenced 1966. Plannine Gg6Z) calls forz4 aftctaft.Variants: The C-zA has been evolved specifically totransport freight and personnel between land basesand carriers at sea, and is compatible with the eleva-tors and hangar decks of the U.S. Naq"s CVS-ro,CVA-r9 and larger carriers. It can be launched fromH-8 and Crr-r catapuits, and offers tail-ramp loadingfrom deck level. Derived from the E-zA Hawkeyeairborne early warning aircraft (see pages rr8-r9), theC-zA employs virtually identical wing, main under-carriage members, cockpit, power plants and tail sur-faces, and offers similar all-weather capability. The


(l-zA has provision for flight refuelling, and trvo 3oo,rr' 45o IJ.S. gal. external fuel tanks or 'buddy' flightrrfuclling packs may be attached to the sides of theItrselage. First deliveries ofthe C-aA carrier onboardtlclivery (COD) transport to the IJ.S. Naqy wererrrirde in 1966 to succeed the smaller C-rA Trader in

'crvice with Fleet Logistics Support and TransportStluadrons.I)imensions: Span,8o ft. 7 in.;length, 56 ft. 6 in.;lrcight, 15 ft. rr in.; wing area, 7oo sq. ft. Photo-qraph: The first pre-production Grumman C-zA.

Page 113: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Transports '!! I 'I'ransportsIIANDI,DY PAGD HASTINGS

lolnr of dctachablc ultclcrwiltg tal)lis. l{cdcsignatccl(1. Nlk. rA. C. Mk. 2-Latgcr tailplane set loivcr onIrrsclage, FIercules 106 engines and increased winglrrnkagc. C. Mk. 3-Basically similar to C. Mk. z foilf.N.Z.A.F. with Hercules 717 cngines. C. Mk. +-\/.I.P. transport model. T. Mk. 5-Bomber radarlrriner conversion of Met. Mk. r which, in turn, was*cather reconnaissance conversion of C. Mk. r,I)itnensions: Span, rr3 ft. o in.; length, 8z ft. r in.;lreight, ?z ft. 6 in.; rving arca, r,4o8 sq. ft. Photo-graph: Hastings C. Mk. rA (TG5z7) and silhouettedepicts C. Mk. z.

HANDLEY PAGE HASTINGSCountry of Origin: United Kingdom.Type: Short- and Medium-range Multi-purpose Tac-tical Transport.Pouter Plants: Four Bristol Hercules ro6 radials ofr_:62-S h.p. or Hercules zr6 radials of r,8oo h.p.Performance: M. spccd, 348 m.p.h. at zz,zoo-ft.;nor.ct., 29] m.p.h. at r5,zoo ft.,3o3 m.p.h. at 23,6cr0 ft.;lgJlce- (max. payload), r,69o mls., (max. fuel), 4,25o mls.IV'eights: Empty, 48,427 lb.; max. loaded, 8o,ooo lb.Accommodation.' Crew of five and 5o fully equippedtroops, 32 casualty stretchers and 28 sitting casualtles,or 30 paratroops. Max. payload of zo,3rr lb.Operators: R.A.F. ; *R.N.Z.A.F. *Succeeded intransport role by C-r3oH late 1966 and relegated toparatroop training pencling retirement.First Flights: (rst Prototype) May 7, r946; (C. Mk. r){or. zs, rg47; (C.Mk. z) Nov. 14, r95o.Production History: Prototypes (z); C. Mk. r* (roo);C. Mk. z (42); C. Mk. s (+); C. Mk. a (a). Manu-factured 1946-52. *Fifteen converted as Met. Mk. rsand several of these later modified as T. Mk. 5s. Allsurviving C. Mk. rs brought up to C. Mk. rA standards(equivalent to C. Mk. z).Variants: C. Mk. r-Original production model withHercules ror engines. These later replaced by Her-cules ro6s or zr6s and increased tankagc provided in

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HAWKER SIDDELEY ANDOVERCountry of Origin: United Kingdom.'Iype : Mllitary Tactical Transport.P-ower Plants! Two Rolls-Royce Dart R.Da.rz Mk'zor turboprops of 3,245 e.s.h.p.Performaice: M. speed, 3oz m.p.h. at r5,ooo ft.; 4o,ooo lb.l, z7o m.p.h., (at 45,ooo lb.), 258

-.p.h. ut 2o,ooo ft.; range (max. payload-r4,75o lb.),rz+ mls.; m. range (wiih ro,ooo-lb. payload), r,186mls.; in. cl., r,r7o ft.,/min.;s. ceil, z4,ooo ft.Weights: Basic operational, z7,7og lb.; max. loaded,5o,ooo lb.Accommodation' Crew of three comprising pilot, co-pilot and navigator/radio-operator' Forty-fourtroops,ihirty paratroops, or eighteen casualty stretchers, fivesittine- casualties and three nursing attendants.Wheeled or tracked vehicles may be loaded over rear-loading ramp, typical military loads for air-droppingincluding three {-1en Land Rover, or a Land Roverand a Ferret scout car.Operators: R.A.F.First Flights: (Aerodynamic prototype) Dec. zr, 1963;(Andover C. Mk. r) July g' rg6s.Production History: C. Mk' r (3r); C'C. Mk. z (6).Production deliveries commenced late 1965.Variants: C. Mk. r-Derived from the commercialHS.Z+8 (see page 86 of Cittil volume) but featuringredeiigned rear-fuselage, " kneeling " -main under-carriafe, and freight floor. C.C. Mk. 2-R.A.F'designltion for HS.748 Srs. z. The HS.748 Srs' z

I'!2:| ?ron.sporls

HAWKER SIDDELEY ANDOVERlras bccn ordered by the Braz. A.F, (6) and R.A.A.F.(ro), and twenty-four are being assemblcd underlicence for the I.A.F. by Hindustan Aeronautics at[(anpur. Two Andover C.C. Mk. 2s serve with TheQueen's Flight,Dimensions: Span, 98 ft. o in.;length,77 ft. rr in.;Ireight, z9 ft. 3 in.; wing area, 83r sq. ft. Photograph:'fhe first production Andover C. Mk. r (XS594).

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HAWKER SIDDELEY ARGOSYCountry of Origin: United Kingdom.Type: Shofi- and Medium-range Tactical Transpor.t.Power Plants: Four Rolls-Rovce Dart R.Da.S Mk. rorturboprops of 2,47o s.h.p. (2,68o e.s.h.p. wet).Performance: Average cr. speed (at 8o,ooo 1b.), z69m.p.h. at zo,ooo ft.; range (max. payload-zg,ooo zoo/o reserves), 345 mls., (with zo,ooo 1b.) t,o7omls.,(with overload fuel and r3o/q reserves), 3,2-5o mls.'tVeights : Empty equipp ed, 57,4oo lb. ; normal loaded,97,ooo lb.; max. overload, ro5,ooo lb.Accommodation.' Crew of four and 69 troops, 54 plta-troops or 48 casualty stretchers. Loads may comprisepalletised freight, supply dropping platforms, a Saracenarmoured car, a ros-mrn, pack howitzer, or a Ferretscout car and Wombat anti-tank gun.OPerators: R.A.F.First Flights: (C. Mk. r) March 4, 196r.Production Hislory: C.Mk. r(56). Manufactured r96o-4.Variants: Argosy 66o-A specialised military trans-port derivative of the civil Argosy 65o manufacturedfor the R.A.F. as the Argosy C. Mk. r and equippingNos. ro5, rt+, 2rS and 267 Sqdns. R.A.F. TransportCommand. Argosy 65o-A commercial freighter ofwhich twenty examples have been built, the first ten


bcing Series roo ailcraft rvith r,9ro s.h.p. Drr.t .526turboprops and the others bcing Series zzo airci.aftwith z,o3o s.h.p. Dart 532/r engines and a boxsparrving with integral fuel tanks. The first Argosy 65o{_19y or January B, r959, and the commercial Argoiydiffers externally from thc Argosy C. Mk. r illustritelin having the nose doors deleted to acconmodaterveather radar and " beaver-tail " rear doors.Dimensions: Span, rr5 ft. o in.; length, 89 ft. z in.;height, z7 ft. o in.; wing area, r,458 sq. ft. Photo-graph: Argosy C. N{k. r (XP44z) of No. rr4 Sqdn.

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Country of Origin: Francery p,

" t "s;i-"iuf risht u;i[ty Transp ort and A. o. p.

Power Plant: One Pratt & Whitney R-985-AN-r Waspradial engine of 45o h.p.Performance: M. speed, 168 m.p.h. at 3,28o ft.; m. cr.r5z m.p.h.; econ. cr., r43 m.p.h.; m. range, 745 r3z m.p.h. at 3,28o ft.; s. ceil., r8,o45 ft.; in. cl.,r,o8z ft./min.; time to 4,92o ft., 5 min.Weights: Empty, 3,373 lb.; loaded, 5,5rr lb.; max.overload, 5,953 lb.Accommodation.' One pilot and five passengers. Rearfour seats removable for freight carrying or for theambulance role in which two casualty stretchers andtwo sitting casualties may be accommodated.Operators: Fr. A.F., Fr. Army, Adronavale, Camer.A.F., Iv.C.A.F., Maur.A.F., Madag.A.F., Mor.A.F.,Niger.A.F., Port.A.F., Sen.A.F.,Togo A.F.,Up.V.A.F.First Flights: (M.H.r5zrM) Nov, r7, r95z; (M.H.r5zz) Feb. rr, r958.Production History: All versions (363). Manufacturedr9-53-6 r.Variants: M.H.r5zrM-Basic military model ofBroussard (Bushman) of which r 9o originally deliveredto Armde de l'Air and 4o to French Army. A numberof surplus examples supplied air arms of formerFrench colonies. M.H.r5zrA-Civil agricultural


,?27 Transports

HOLSTE M.H.r5zrM BROUSSARDvcrsion. M.H.r5zrC-Commercial light utilitylicighter version. M.H.r5zz-Experimental variantrvith double-slotted flaps and full-span wing leading-cclge slots. M.H.r53-Experimental turboprop (Tur-lrorn6ca Astazou) conversion of M.H.r5z prototype.Dinensions: Span,45 ft. r in.; length, z8 ft. z! in.;lrcight, 9 ft. z in.; wing area, 273.4 sq. ft. Photograph:N{.H.r5zrM No. ro8 of the Arm6e de I'Air.

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Transports Tr(nsDortsLOCKHIIDD C-r3o IIIII{CULDS

/', r()SS; (C-r:oB) Nov. zo, r95ti; (C-r3oli) Ar-rg. z-;,r r-16r ;(HC-r3oH) Dec. 8, r964, (C-r3oI{) Oct. rs, r966.I'roduction History: YC-r3o (z); C-r3oA* (z3r);I{C-r3oA (r6); C-r3oB** (z3o); C-r:oli (r+9);(l-r3oH (:); HC-r:oH (63); C-r3oI( (66). *'l'otalincludes JC-r3oA (r r) and C-r3oD (rz) modilications.rF'fotal includes C-r3oF (7), I{C-r3oF (46), LC-r3oF(.t) and HC-r3oG (rz) versions.I)imensions: Span, r3z ft.7f in.;length,97 ft.9 in.,(lIC-r3oH),98 ft.9 in.; hcight,38 ft.3 in.; rving area,r,745 sq. ft. Photograph.'A C-r3oE of the Braz. A.F.

LOCKIIEED C-r3o HERCULESCountry of Origin: U.S.A.Type: Tactrcal, (KC-r3ol.) Assault and (C-r3oE, H &K) Strategic Tlansport, (RC-r3oA) Photo Mappingand Charting, and (HC-r3oG) Search, Rescue and(HC-r3oH) Itecovcry Aircraft.Power Plants: Four Allison (C-r3oA, D & RC-r3oA)T56-.4-1.4', -9 or -rr turboprops of 3,750 e.s.h.p.,(C-r3oB, E & F) 'f56-A-7A turboprops of 4,o5oe.s.h.p., or (C-r3oH & K) T56-A-15 turboprops of4,9ro e.s.h.p.Perforntance: (C-r:oD rvith figurcs in parentheses re-lating to HC-r3oH) M. speed, 3+S b77) m.p.h.;, 345 (36r) m.p.h.; econ. cr., 334 m.p.h.; m. range,4,joo (4,770) mls. rvith rg,+72 (19,+69) lb. payload;in. cl., r,6oo (r,9oo) ft./min.; s. ccil., z3,ooo (z6,ooo)ft.Weights: Empty, 72,892 (7z,6tt) lb.; nor. loaded,r55,ooo lb.; max., r75,ooo lb.Accommodation.' Crew of four and 92 troops, 64 para-troops, or 7o casualty strctchefs.Operators: (C-r3oA) U.S.A.F., R.A.A.F.; (C-r3oB)U.S.A.F., R.C.A.F., A.U.R.I., Pak. A.F., Iran. A.F.,S.A.A.F.; (C-r3oD) U.S.A.F.; (C-r3oE) U.S.A.F.,R.C.A.F., R.A.A.F., Braz. A.F., Turk. A.F.; (C-r3oF')U.S.N.; (KC-r3oF) U.S.M.C.; (HC-r:oG) U.S.C.G. ;(C-r3oH) R.N.Z.A.F.; (HC-r3oH) U.S.A.F.;(C-r3oK) R.A.F.First Flights: (YC-r3o) Aug. 23, 1954; (C-r3oA) Apr.

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Trans,,orts 2:lo



LOCKHEED C-r4rA STARLIFTERCountry of Origin: U.S.A,Type : Long-range Strategic Transport.Power Plants: Four Pratt & Whitney TF33-P-7turbofans of zr,ooo lb.s.t.Performance: M. speed, 57o m.p.h.; m. cr., 558 m.p.h.;range cr., 5o6 m.p.h.; range (with 68,48o-1b. payload),4,zrz mls., (max. fuel and 3r,84oJb. payload), 6,r64mls.; ferry tange, 6,822 mls.; in. cl. (at 316,roo lb.),3,3oo ft./min.; s. ccil. (at 25o,ooo lb.), 4o,ooo ft.Weights: Empty, r36,r4o lb.; max. loaded, 3r6,roo lb.Accommodation.' Normal flight crew of four. A maxi-mum of r54 troops, r23 paratroops or 8o casualtystretchers with eight medical attendants may beaccommodated. A complete Minuteman ICBM con-tainer weighing 88,ooo lb. may be lifted.Operators: U.S.A.F.First Flights: (rst Evaluation acft.) Dec. q, 1963.Production History: At beginning of ry67 firm ordershas been placed for 284 C-r4rAs. First delivery toM.A.C. effected Oct. 20, t964.Variants: C-r4rA-Entered service with 44th and75th Air Transport Squadrons of the U.S.A.F.'sMilitary Airlift Command in 1965, the first aircraftbeing delivered to the rsorst Air Transport Wing, onApril e3, 1965. At the time of closing for press it wasplanned that fourteen Military Airlift Command willoperate the C-r4rA by 1969. L-3ooB-Proposedcommercial model with lengthened fuselage and max.payload of rro,ooo lb.Dimensions: Span, 16o ft.

LOCKHEED C-r4rAll^ransports

STARI-IFTERsq. ft. Photo-of the r5orst

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NORD NORATLASCountry of Origin: France.Type: (N.z5or) Medium Tactical Transport and(N.z5o4) Naval A.S.W. Crclv Trainer.Power Plants: Two SNECMA-Bristol Hercules 738 or758 radials of z,ogo h.p. and (N.z5oz & z5o4) twoTurbomdca Marbord II turbojets of 882 lb.s.t.Performance: (N.z5or ^t 45,+23 1b.) N{. speed, z5rm.p.h. at 5-ro,ooo ft.; range cr., r94 m.p.h. at 5,oooft., zoo m.p.h. at ro,ooo ft.; range (with r4,gg4-lb.payload), r,7ro mls.; in. cl., r,rBo ft./nin.; s. ceil.,z33oo ft. (N.z5oz) M. spccd (all cngines), 268 5,ooo ft.; in. cl., r,z3o ft./n\ir'.; m. range, 2,485 mls.Weights: (N.zSor) Dmpty, 29s27 Ib., (N.z5oz), 3o,o8zlb.; loaded (N.zSor), 45,+4 lb.; max. (N.z5or),48,5oo lb., (N.z5oz), 5o,7o6 lb.Accommodation.' Crerv of five and forty-five equippedtroops, thirty-six paratroops or eighteen stretchersplus medical attendants.Operators: (N.zsor) Fr. A.F., Luft., Nig. A.F.;(N.z5oz) Port.A.F., I.D.F./A.F.; (N.z5o4) Adro-navaie,First Flights: (N.z5oo) Sept. ro, 1949; (N.z5or) Nov.30, r95o; (N.z5oz) June r, 1955; (N.z5o4) Nov. 17,1958; (N.z5o8) May zg, t957.Production History.' N.z5oo (r); N.z5or (4oo*); N.z5oz(zr);N.z5o3 (r); N.z5o4 (5);N.z5o6 (r);N.z5o8 (z).Manufactured r95r-64. *Includes r36 manufacturedunder licence in Germany as N.z5orD.Variants: N.z5oz-Originally evolved as civil modelwith reserve power provided by Marbor6s. N.z5o3-


Iixpcrimcntal rnodel rvith Pratt & Whitncy It-z8oo-CI3-r7 engines. N.z5o6-Refinemcnt of N.z5oz r.vithslotted flaps, air brakes, low-pressure tyres and" hneeling " main undercarriage legs. One prototypeIlown in r957. N.z5o8-Essentially similar to N.z5o3but Marbor6 wingtip jets added. Both prototypes toLuftwaffe as Transall C.r6o equipment test-beds.l)imensions: Span (N.z5or) rc6 ft. 7g in., (N.z5oz &N.z5o4), rro ft. zl in.; length, jz fr. o+ in.; height,19 ft. 8t in.; wing area, r,o89 sq. ft. Photograph: AnN.z5orD of Luftwaffe Transportgeschwader LTG 6r.


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vcrsions manufactured 1955-64, including 5o militarycxamples ( 6 for R.A.F. and 14 for R.M.A.F.).[/ariants: Series r-Initial production model of thebasic_ design with 54o h.p. Leonides rz8 engines ofrvhich 36 supplicd to R.A.F. as Twin Pioneer C.C.l,Il<. rs, all later being brought up to Srs. 3 standards.Series z-Commercial version with 6oo 6.p. Pratt &Whitney R-1:+o S3HI-G engines for Philippine Airl-ines. Series 3-Uprated Leonides engines. Alll{.A.F. and R.M.A.F. machines brought up to thisstandard as C.C. N{k. zs.Dimensions: Span,76 ft.6 in.; length,45 ft.3 in.;Ircight. rz ft. 3 in.; wing area, 67o sq. ft. Photograph:'l'win Pioneer C.C.Mk.z (XM96r) of No. zr Sqtn.

SCOTTISH AVIATION TWIN PIONEERCountry of Origin: United Kingdom.Type: Lighrt ifactical and General-purpose Transport.Power Plants: (C.C. Mk. z) Two Alvis Leonides r38radial engines of 6r5 h.p.Performance: M. speed, 165 m.p.h. ar. z,ooo ft.; m. cr'speed, r58 m.p.h. at z,5oo ft.; econ. cr., r34 m.p.h.;range (3,8ooJb. load), zro mls., (max. fuel), 733 mls.;in. cl., r,z5o ft./min.; s. ceil.,2o,ooo ft.'Weights: Empty, ro,o6z lb.; max. loaded, 14,600 lb.Accommodation' Two crew members and thirteentroops, eleven paratroops, or nine casualty stretchersand three sitting casualties. Maximum cargo load is3,4oo lb. A prone position for a bombardier is pro-vided for the counter-insurgency role.Armammt: (Counter-insurgency) A 2,ooo-lb. load ofbombs may be attached to sponsons,Operators : R.A.F. ; R.M.A.F.First Flights: (Prototype) June 25, r955; (rst produc-tion) Apr. 28, ry56; (C.C. Mk. r) Aug. 29, r9S7i(Srs. z) Apr. 16, 1959; (Srs. 3) July 7, t959.Production History: Total of 9r Twin Pioneers of all

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Transports TtansportsSHORT BDLFAST

xnd threc dclivcrcd by cnd of ycar'. I,'inal scvcn schcd-uled for delivery in 1967. At time of closing for prcssconsideration was being given to installation of 6,000c.h.p. Tynes to improve "hot-and-high" performancc.Dimensions: Span, r5B ft. 9] in.; length, 136 ft. .5 in.;height, 47 ft. o in.; wing area, 2,466 sq. ft. Photo-rraph: A Belfast C. Mk. r (XR364) of No. 53 Sqdn.R.A.F.


SHORT BELFAS'ICountry of Origin: United Kingdom.Type : ldllitary Strategic Transport.Power Plants: Four Rolls-Royce Tyne R.Ty.rz Mk.ror turboprops of 5,73o e.h.p.Performance: (Applicable to fully modified aircraft.See note*) M. cruise (at 2oo,ooo lb.), 352 m.p.h. atz8,ooo ft.; econ. cr., 336 m.p.h. at 24,ooo ft.; m. range(zoo/o reserves), S,:oo mls. at 328 m.p.h. at z7,ooo ft.,with max. payload-So,ooo lb. (and zo% reserves),r,ooo mls. at 3ro m.p.h. at 23,ooo ft.; in. cl., r,o6oft./min.; s. ceil., 3o,ooo ft. (*A major drag problemprevented initial five aircraft attaining these perform-ance figurcs, but it was anticipated that they would belargely attained by second five aircraft which under-went drag-reduction modifications prior to completion.)Weights: Empty equipped, r25,ooo lb.; max. loaded,225,ooo lb.Accommodation.' Crew of five including air quarter-master, and up to 25,ooo lb. freight in strategic roleor 8o,ooo lb. for short-range tactical operations.Typical military loads include three Alvis Saladinarmoured cars, tlvo Polaris-type missiles, three Wessexor four Whirlwind helicopters, or r5o troops. IJp to25o troops may be accommodated with provision ofcomplete upper deck,Operators: R.A.F.First Flights: (rst Production) Jan. 5, 1964.Prodaction History: Belfast C. Mk. r (ro). Manu-factured ry62-6. Tenth and last aircraft rolled outlate 1966.Variants: First Belfast C. Mk. r handed over to R,A.F.Transport Command (No. S: Sqdn.) on lrn. zo, 1966,

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'IRANSALL C.r6oCountry of Origin: France & Gcrmany.I'vDr.' Medium-rangc Tactical Transport.Power Plants : Trvo Rolls-Royce Tyne R.Ty.zo }jlk. zzturboprops of 6,roo e.s.h.P.Per;foimaice: M. cruisc (at 9o,39o lb.), 3:r-m.p.h';eco"n. cruise, 3o8 m.p.h.; rangc (with r7,64o-lb. pay-load), 3,oro m1s., (rviih 35,27o-lb. payload),. r,o7o mls-.;in. cl., r,378 ft./min.;s. ceil. (at 99,225 lb.), z7,9oo ft.Weigh^;-Enpty equippcd, 6r,8+: lb.; nor. loaded,97,lao lb.; max. overload, ro8,ooo lb'Accommodation.' Crerv of four comprising pllot, co-pilot, navigator and enginccr. Eighty-one troops- orii*tr-t*o das.altv iitters and four attendants. Max.r"ri.ud. a<.zro ib.. and tvpical vchicle loads includetrub tt,idsltt. Henschcl Hirr5 trucl<s, two r6,535-lb.self-propelled anti-tank guns, a r55-mm. field gun, ora .lz, EBRM 54 fighting vehicle.Oieiaiors*: (C.r6oD) Luft.; (C.r6oF) Fr. A.F.;(i.ftoZ\ S.A.A.F. *To enter service during ry67-8.First Ftights: (C.16o Vr) Feb. 25, rg6:; (C.16o- Vz)May 25,1963; (C.r6o V:) Feb. ry, 1964; (C.16oA-or)Mav zr, rq6;.Prohuction-

'Hittory: Prototypes (g); C.r6oA (6);C.r6oD* (rro); C.r6oF* (So);Ct6oZ* (9). *Currentproduction orders with deliveries to commence r967.-Being

manufactured by the TRANSpoT!- All-iance"o-[ Hamburger Flugzeugbau (HFB) andVereinigtJ Flugtechnische (VFW) in Germany andNord-Aviation in France.

:430 TransportsTRANSALL C.r6o

l/ariants: C.16oA -Pre-scrics aircraft u'ith zo-in.longer fusclage than prototypcs. 'fhrcc for Franccand three for Germany. C.r6oC-Proposed com-rnercial derivative, including Nord-Aviation proposalfor a " stretched " r5o-passengcr model. C.r6oD-Vcrsion for Luftwaffe. C.r6oF-Version for Fr. A.F.Dimensions: Span, 13r ft. zl in.; length, ro5 ft. 3] in.;lreight, 38 ft. z$ in.; wing area, t,7zz.7 sq. ft. Photo-graph : The first pre-series Transall C. r 6o4'.

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BELL OH-r3 SIOUXCountry oJ Origin: U.S.A.Role.'Three-seat Light Utility and (TH-r3) Two-seatInstrument Trainer.Power Plant: One (OH-I3G & TH-I3M) Franklin6Y4-zoo-C3z " flat-six " engine of zoo h.p., or(OH-r3H & UH-r3H) Lycoming VO-435-ArA, -ArBor -ArD " flat-six " cngine of z4o h.p., or (OH-r35 &TFI-r3T) Lycoming TVO-+:S-ArA " flat-six " cn-ginc of z6o h.p.Perfonnance: (Specification applics to OH-r35 but isalso applicable to the 'lFI-r3T and Sioux A.H. Mk. rexcept where indicated) M. spced, ro5 m.p.h. at s.l.;m. cr. speed, 86 m.p.h. at 5,ooo ft.; rangc, 324 mls.,(Sioux A.H. Mk. r), 273 mls.; in. cl., 8Bo ft./min.,(OH-r3S), r,r9o ft./min.; hov. ccil. (i.g.e.), OH-r3S,r8,ooo ft., TH-I3T, zo,ooo ft., Sioux A.H. Mk. r,r6,roo ft., (o.g.e.), OH-r3S, r8,ooo ft., TH-r3T,r8,6oo ft., Sioux A.H. Mk. r, ro,6oo ft.; s. ceil.OH-r35, r8,ooo ft., TH-r3T, zo,ooo ft., Sioux A.H.Mk. r, r7,zoo ft.Weights: Empty (OH-r:S), r,q:6 lb., (TH-I3T),z,o;l Ib., (Sioux A.H. Mk. r), r,7g4lb.i max. loadcd,(OH-r3S), 2,85o lb., (TH-r3T & Sioux A.H. Mk. r),2,950 lb.Photograph: An Agusta-built AB-47G of the ItalianArmy.Dimensions : Rotor diam., 37 ft. t+ in. ; fuselage length,3z ft.7 in., (Sioux A.H. Mk. r), 3r ft. 7 in.; overallheight, 9 ft. 3t in.


lllil-I- OII-r3 SIOUXOperators: (All Modcl 47 variants) Arg. Navy ;i^t,.+..{1-.; Aus- A.F. ; I}raz. A.F.; tsur.'A.F.; n.C.N. iChil. A.!'.; C.N.A.F.; Col. A.F,; R. Drn. A.F.; Fr..Arn-ry; Luft.; l-ed. G. Army; Ilrit. Arm,v; Ital. A.F.;Ital. Na_vy; Ital. Arm_v; J.G.S.D.F. ; Mad. A.F. ; MexA.Ir.; _Mor. 4.1t.; I{.N.Z.A.F.; R. No. A.F.;' pak.

$_.1. i &t",4,F._; Scn. 1A..I,'. ; Span. A.F. ; 'lur-k. A.F.;U.S.A.F. ; U.S. Army; U.S.N.I"irst Flights: (N!oa"t 47) Dcc. 8, rg+5; (['Iodel a7A)-r946;,(j\alodel 47D) 1947; (\{odelaTG) r953; (Aguita-b_u_ilt1\llodel 47G) May zz, r954; (Motiel a7G-z)\g5a;(Modcl .47G-3) r95s; (Model 47G1R-l ig6z.' '-Prodrrction History: Model 47 has been in continuousproduction for military and civil operators in pro-gressively refined veriions since rg45, the paientcompany having produced more than 3,5oo. Llcencemanufacture is undertaken in Italy by Agusta whichgoTplny has supplied fifty Model 47G-3Il-rs to theBritish- Ar-my_ and some components'forlhc produc-tion_ of a_ further r99 examples in the U.K. by West-lnd. Jfre Model 47 is also manufactured in Japan byKawasaki, Aircraft, this company having producedsome_z5o by the beginning of r966. Produciion quanti-tics . for Model 47 versions supplied to the are quotecl in parcntheses under " Variants',.Variants: Model 4fA-First military vcrsion of thebasic design supplied to thc (z) and U.S.Atnv itq as the YR-r3, and to the U.S.N. (ro) as theFITL-r. Powered by a r75 h.p. Irranklin O-33i-r andaccommodating two persons. Model 47D-Newcockpit enclosure and r78 h.p. Franklin 6Yj-r78-B3zengine. Supplied to U.S. Army as H-r.lB (6+) endYH-I3C (r), and to U.S.N. ns HTL-z (rz). 'FifteenI{-r3Bs later converted as H-r3Cs with'stiipped rearfuselage and external stretchers. Model- iZD-r-First three-seat model of basic design but supplied toU.S. Army both in tlvo-seat form as thc H-;3D (S7)and three-seat form as the OH-r3E i49o). U.5. Nar,yversion was designated TH-r3L. Model 47E-Intro-duced zoo h.p. Franklin 6Y4-zoo-C3z bngine andploduccd for U.S.N. at H'll,-3. Model 47G-


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IlelicoptersGenerally cleaned-up vcrsion produced for IJ.S. Armyas OH-r3G (265) and U.S.N. as TI.I-r3M. Model47c-2-Introduced Lycomins VO-435 ctrginc andproduced as OII-I3II 14oo*) for U.S. Army andUI-I-r3FI for U.S.A.F. Model 47G-3-Franklin6VS-::S-A cngine of 225 h.p. introduced by this vari-ant installed in trvo OH-r3Hs redesignatcd OH-r3Ks.Model 47G-3B-Standard production examplesordered by U.S. Army as OH-r:S (zB:). Model47G-3B.-r Operated by U.S. Army as 'I'H-r3T (zzo)instrument trainer and by British Army as SiouxA.H. Mk. r. Those for the latter service have beensupplied by the Agusta and Westland companies.

BELL UH-r IROQUOISCountry of Origin: U.S.A.Role.' (UH-IA & B) Casualty Evacuation, Utility,(UH-rD) Assault, (UH-rE) Assault Support, (UH-tF)Missile Sitc Support, and (AH-rG) Fire Support andEscort.Pozuer Plant: One (UI-I-rB & D) I-ycoming T53-L-rrturboshaft of r,roo s.h.p., (AFI-rG) T53-L-r3 turbo-shaft of r,4oo s.h.p., or (UH-IF) General ElcctricTSS-GE-: turboshaft of r,325 s.h.p.Perfonnance: (Applicable to all vcrsions except rvherespecified) M. spccd, r38 m.p.h., (AH-rG: zrB m.p.h.);m. cr. speed, r35 m.p.h.; econ. cr. speed, rz5 m.p.h.;range (UH-IB), zrz mls., (UH-ID), 315 mls., (UH-rF), 392 mls.; in. cl.,2,35o ft./min.; hov. ceil. (i.g.e.)UH-IB & E, 16,8oo ft., UFI-ID, r8,zoo ft., UH-rF,r8,7oo ft., (o.g.e.) UH-rl3 & E, rz,7oo ft., UII-rD,r4,ooo ft., UH-IF, r5,2oo ft.; s. ceil. UH-rB & E,16,7oo ft., UH-rD & F, zz,ooo ft.Weights: Empty (UlI-rB), +,Stq lb., (UI{-rD), 4,7r7lb., (UH-rD), 4,75oLb., (UH-rF),4,4o3 lb., (AH-rG),5,288 lb.; max. loaded (UH-rB & D), 8,5oo lb., (UH-rD), g,.soo lb., (UH-rF), 9,ooo lb., (AH-rG), 9,5oo lb.Dimensions: Rotor diam. (UH-IB, Ii & AH-IG), 44 ft.o in.; fuselage length (UH-IB & E), 4z ft. 7 in., (UH-rD & F), 44ft.j in.; overall height, r4 ft. 7 in.

Operators: (UH-IA) U.S. Army; (UII-rB & ModclTIPI R44F,; R.A.N.; Col.A.F.; J.G.S.D.F.;B.N.Z.A.,F. I U.S. Army; (AB-zo4B) Aus. A.F.; Ital.IF. ; Ital. Army; Ital. Navy; R. Neth. N.A.S.; Span.ljlyy;8. Nq A.F.; Sw. A.F.; Sw. Army; Swisi A.F.;(UH-r! & Model zo5) R.A.N.;Luft.jSpan.Army;Span. Nar.ry; U.S. Arml'; (UH-rE) U.S.M.C.r (UH:rF) U.S.A.F. I (AH-rG) U.S. Army.First Fl,ights: (XII-ao) Oct. zz, 1956; (UH-r) Sep.r958;(AP-zo,1B) May ro, r96r;(YUH-iD) Aug. r'6,r99r; (UH-rE) Feb. 1963; (UtI-rF) Feb. zo,1964;(AH-rG) Sep. 7, re6.5.Production Histrtry: XH-+o (:): YH-ao (6); UH-r (q);UH-rA (rro); YUH-rD (7): UH-rli (roo); UFI-;F(r46*). Approximately 3,5oo UH-rBs'and' -rDs, in-cluding military export versions of the Model zo4Bhad bcen dclivered by thc parent company by begin-ning-of_r967, and orders placcd during ryOl-|5'(tor44o UH-rIls, r,o9r UH-rDs, 146 UH-rFs and iooUH-rls) and, 1966 (7oB UH-rDs and 3zo AH-rGs)extcnded production into r968. Licence manufactureof the n4odcl zo-1B is undcrtahen in Japan by Fujillear.ry Ijrdustries, in Ital1. by Aqusta aJthe AB-zo+Il,and in Federal Germany thc Modei 2o5 (UH-rD) isb_e_ing produced, the main contractor b6ing Dornicr-Werke, zzo being scheduled for deliverv to the Gcrmanservices, 4z of these being supplied by Bcll. *Totalorders placed by beginning of 1967.Photograph: Bell zo4ts of No. 9 Sqdn., R.A.A.F.


*,".-*a*r".rrrr -!sFds'

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I/eaicoptera 2414

BELL UH-r IROQUOISVariants:XH-4o--Model 2o4 winncr of U.S. Armyutility helicoptcr design contest in Junc 1955 wasordered in prototype form undcr this designation rvith7oo s.h.p. YT53 turboshaft. YH-4o-Service testmodel rvrth lengthened cabin and 77o s.h.p. YT53.UH-rA-Initial production model rvith 'f53-L-rA of86o s.h.p. UItr-rB-Improved vcrsion (\llodel zo4B)initially rvith 96o s.h.p. T53-L-5 and later rvith r,roos.h.p. T53-L-rr. Accommodation for cretv of tr,voand seven troops, or three litters and two sittingcasualties. Ten-seat commercial version has z ft.longer tail boom and 48 ft. diam. rotor. AB-zo4B-Italian licence-built version normally fitted with r,o5os.h.p. Bristol Siddeley Gnome H.rooo or r,z5o s.h.p.(de-rated to r,roo s.h.p.) Gnome H.rzoo turboshaft.ASW version delivered to Italian and Spanish Navies.UH-rD-Model zo5 featuring relocated fuel tankageto allow up to twelve troops to be accomrnodatcd.Alternatively six litters and a medical attendant, or4,ooo lb. freight may be carried. UH-rE-Assaultversion rvith personnel hoist, rotor brake and spccialU.S.N,t.C. electronics. Ilasically similar to UH-rll.UH-rF-Re-engined derivative of UH-rD equippedto handle up to 4,ooo lb. of cargo at missile site silos.AH-rG-(Model zo9 HueyCobra) Redesigned lorn'-drag fuselage, stub rvings and armament. Interimaerial fire support system helicoptel for service pendingavailability of Lockheed AH-56A. Total of 3zoscheduled for delivery by June r968.Photograph : (Below) Prototype AH-rG FlueyCobra.

BOEING-VERTOL CH-47A CHINOOKCountry of Origin: lJ.S.A.Role.' Medium Tactical Transport.Power Plants: Tu'o LycominSTss-L-Z turboshafts of165_o s.h.p., or (CH-47B) T55-L-7Cs of z, s.h.p.ferJormance: (At 33,ooo lb.) M. spced, r67 m.p.h.-ats.l.; av. cr. speed, r5o m.p.h.; range, zlo mls.; in. cl.,r,75o ft./min.; hov. ceil. (o.g.e.), 7,71o ft.; s. ceil.;r4,2oo fL.I!/eights: Empty, r7,878 lb.; loaded, 33,ooo lb.Dimensions:-Rotor diam. (each), 59 ii.-ii in.; fuselagelength, 5r lt o in.; overall heiahi; r8 ft.-6! in.Operators: U.S. Armv.First Flights: (YCH-a7A) Sept. 2r, r96r; (CH-47B)Uct. r966.Production History: YCII-47A (5); CH-a7A (Approx.z3o delivered by Jan. r967.!/ari-afts: CH-47A-Standard U.S. Army mediumbattlefield mobility vehicle. Can accommod,ate 44troops, 27 paratroops, or z4 casualty stretchers. Anarmed and armoured version of the CH-47A intendedfor fire-suppression and escort roles was flown inNovember 1965, this carrying z,ooo lb. of bolt-onarmour, a 4o-mm. M-5 grenade launcher under thenose, five swivelling 7,62-mm. guns, and fixed zo-mm.cannon. CH-47B-Uprated engines, new rotor bladesand, 4zo/o payload increase, Deliveries commencedMay r.967._CH;4ZC-For Spring 1968 delivery with3,75o h.p. T55-L-r r.Photograph: A CH-47A (6o-345o) of the U.S. Army.

2*t't Ilelicoytters

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BOEING-VERTOL CH-46A SEA KNIGHTCountry of Origin: U.S.A.Role: Assault Transport and Casualty Evacuation,Power Plants: Two General Electric T58-GE-8 turbo-shafts of r,z5o s.h.p.Performance: (At 19,43r lb.) M. specd, r54 m.p.h. ats.1.; nor. cr. spced, r5o m.p.h.; range (4,ooo-lb. pay-load),265 mls.,(6,33o-lb. payload),25o mls. ;, r,4oof.t./rnin.; hov.ceil. (o.g.e.), 6,525 ft.; s.ceil., t4,7go ft.Weights: Empty, tz,57t lb.; max. loaded, zr,4ooIb.Dhnensions: Rotor diam. (oach), 5o ft. o in.; fuselagelength, 44 ft. ro in.; overall height, 16 ft. r r! in.Operators: (CH-a6A) U.S.M.C. ; (UH-+6A) U.S.N. ;(CH-rr3) R.C.A.F.; (CI{-rr3A) Can. Army; (HKP +)Sw. A.F.; Sw. Navy.First Flights: (CH-a6C) Lttg. 27, 1959; (CH-46A)Oct. 16, 196z; (HKP +) Apr. tg, 1963.Production History: C}J-46C* (:); CH-rrl (6);CH-rr34' (rz); HKP + (r:); CH-+6A (Approx. 3oodelivered by Jan. tg67 to meet U.S.M.C. requirementfor 36o plus small U.S.N. requitement for UH-a6A).*One converted as Model ro7-II-r.Variants : CH-46A-Accomrnodating crerv of three andr7-25 troops (Model roZM). UH-46A-U.S.N.logistic support version. UH-46D-Version ofUH-46A delivered from July r966 with r,4oos.h.p. T58-GE-ro turboshafts. CH-r13 Labrador-R.C.A.F. search and rescue version (Model ro7-II-9).CH-rr3A Voyageur-Cargo version for Can. Army.Photograplt: UH-a6A (BU.No.r5o968) of U.S. Nar'1'.

HILLER OH-4 RAVENCountry oJ Origin: IJ.S.A.4a1e.' Three-seat Light Utility and Observation.Powe r Pl a n t : One (OH-z3D)- Lycomins VO-+r s-Ar C" flat-six " cngine of z5o h.p., or (OH-zlG) V6-s+o-ArB " flat-six " engine of 3o5 h.p.Performance: (OH-z3G) M. speed, 96 m.p.h., cr.speed, 9o- m.p.h.; m. mnge, z5o mls. at s.1., in. cl,(at z,8oo Ib.), r,z9o ft./min.; hov. ceil. (i.g.e.), 9,5ooIt., (o.s.e.), 5,8oo ft.; s. ceil., r5,zoo ft.\gights: Empty, r,755 lb.; loadcd, z,Boo lb.Dinens,io.ns: Rotordiam., 35 ft. 4l in.; fuselage length,18 ft. 6 in.; overall height, 9 ft. 3l in.Upcyatoys,: Arg. A.F.; R.C.A.F.; Can.Army; Chil.A.!.; lol._A.F.i R.N.; Guat. A.F.; Mex. A.F.'; Mor.4 f ; R Neth. A.F.; Peru. A.F.; R. Thai. A.F.'; Uru.A.F.; U.S. Army.First Flights: (UH-r zA) r95o;(-rzB) r95r ; (-rzC) r955;(-rzD) rqS6; (-rzE) rqSS; (-rzE-g ry6o.'Production History: UH-rzA (rsi);'UH-rzB (+<s);Jlll-'rQ (zoo): -UH-rzn (+s+ji'U*t-'"s* (riii);UH-rzE-4* (87). *Production to .Tanuarv'ro66.Figures include z:S to N. American cottim"t"inl op-eru-tors and 335 for export (both military and commercial).Variants: OH-z3A-U.S. Army version of rzA (82).OH-z3B -U.S. Army version of rzB (289). OH-+:C

-U.S. Army vcrsion of lzc (rl::). Ofilz:O-fj."S.Arm.y velsion o! 1zD (+B+). OH-z3F-UiS. Armyvrrsion of E4. OH-z3G-U.S. Army version of ::.F,.(Production quantities in parentheses.)Photograph: Can. Army CH-rrz Nomad (OHz3G).


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Ilelieopt<:rs 248

HUGHDS OH-6ACountry of Origin: U.S.A.Role.' Four-seat Light Observation and Utility.Power Plant: One Allison T63-A-5A turboshaft ofz5o s.h.p.Performance: M. speed, r5o m.p.h. at s.1,, econ. cruise,r4r m.p.h. at 5,ooo ft.; range, 345 mls. ; in. cl., z,tzoft./min.; hov. ceil. (i.g.e.), 9,8oo ft., (o.g.e.), 5,ooo ft.;s. ceil., r8,7oo ft.Weights: Empty, r,163 Ib.; loaded, z363 lb.; max.'2,6r3 lb.Dinrcnsions: Rotor diam., 26 ft. 3 in. ; fuselage length,zr ft. 3 in.; overall height, 8 ft. 8i in.Operators: U.S. Army; Col. A.F.; Bra.z. A.\-.; Btaz.Narry.First Flights: (rst Prototype) Fcb. 27, ry63.Production History: Prototypes (5). Production deli-veries to U.S. Army began September 1966 againstinitial purchase of r,o7r machines. Eventual U.S.Army orders expected to attain 3,5oo-4,ooo machincs.I(ar.vasaki to build 6o for J.G.S.D.F.Variants: OH-6A-Designed to meet requirements ofthe U.S. Army's TS-r53 specification and selected aswinning entry in contest in May r965. Model 5oo-A commercial five-seat derivative of the basic militarydesign with 3r7 s.h.p. Allison z5o-Cr8 turboshaft de-rated twenty per cent. Model 5ooU-A strippcdutility version of the basic dcsign capable of carryingseven persons or equivalent freight.Photograph: One of five Hughes OH-6A prototypes.

KAMAN HH-+: HUSKIECountry o.f Origin: U.S.A.Role.' Eight-seat Crash Rescue and Utility Transport.Power Plant: One Lycoming (HH-a3B) T53-L-rBturboshaft of 86o s.h.p. or (HH-43F) T53-L-rrA ofr,roo s.h.p.Performance: (HH-a3B at normal take-off weight withfigurcs in parentheses relating to HH-43F perform-ance differences) M. speed, rzo m.p.h. at s.1.; nor. cr.speed, rro m.p.h.; r^nge, 277 mls.; in. cl., z,ooo(r,8oo) ft./min.; hov. ceil. (i.g.e.), zr,ooo (zo,ooo) ft.,(o.g...), r8,ooo (r6,ooo) ft.; s. ceil., z5,ooo (z3,ooo) ft.Weigltts: Empty, 4,469 (4,62o) lb.; nor. loaded, 5,969(6,5oo) lb.; max., 9,r5o lb.Dimensions: Rotor diam. (each),47 ft. o in.; fuselagelcngth, z5 ft. z in., overall height, rz ft. 7 in.Operators: U.S.A.F. ; Col. A.F. ; Thai A.F.; Bur. A.F. ;Iran. A.F.; Mor. A.F.; Pak. A.F.Fbst Flights: (Prototype) Sept. 27, r956; (HH-a3B)Dec. 13, rgSS; (HH-+:F) Aug. rq64.Production History: HH-438 (r93); HH-43F (+o).Nllanufactured r958-65.V ariants : HH-43B-Turbine-powered development ofpiston-engincd (6oo h.p. P. & W.R.-r34o-43) HH-43Afour-scat crash rescue helicopter ofwhich r8 delivercd.Equipped with hoist, litter racks and fire rescue kit.HH-43F-Upratcd engine for use rvhere altitude per-formance under hot day conditions required.Photograph:HH-43B Huskie (62-4538) of the U.S.A.F.



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KAMAN UH-z SEASPRITECountry of Origin: U.S.A.Roler Six-seat Utility, Search and Rescue.Power Plants: One or (UH-zC) Two General ElectricT58-GE-88 turboshafts oI r,z5o s.h.p.Performance-: (UH-zA) M. speed, 16z m.p.h. at s.l.;m. cr. specd, r5z_m.p.h.; econ. cr. speed, iz7 m.p.h.;ll. ralg^e, 67o-mls.;in. cl., t,7qo fi./min.; hov.-ceil.(l.g.e.), U,7oo ft., (o.g.e.), .5,roo ft.; s. ceil., ro.qoo ft.Ilgishts: (UH-zA) Enlpry, 6,roo lb.; nor.'ioaded,8,637 lb.; mnx., ro,gzo lb.Dimensio.ns: Ilotor,diam., 44 ft. o in. ; fuselage length,37 ft. o in.; overall height, r3 ft. 6 in.Operatols.' U.S.N.First Flighrs: (UH-zA) July z, r959.Production History: UH-zA* '(881:

UH-zB (o6t.UH-zC* (3). Manufactured rq6)-2.' .UA-;t";;j

MIL MI-rCountry ol Origin: U.S.S.R.NATO Code Natne: Harc.*o/e ; Th.ree/fo^ur-seet Util it y an d Trainin g.Power Plant: One Ivchenko AI-z6V radia'l engine of57s h.p.

vcrted from UH-zAs.Variants: UH-zA-Sea search and rescue model withcxtensive,navigational equipment (ASA-r3.A com-puter and APN-r3o doppler). UH-zB--Built forshore base operations and lacking the extensive navi-gatio-nal equipment of the -zA oiprovision for auxili-ary. fuel. UH-zC-Twin-engined conversion of thebasic single-engined SeaSpiite first tested Marchr965. Three additional conversions intended asdefinitive configuration ordered under further IJ.S.Na\y contract.Photograph: UH-zA SeaSprite (Bu. No. r49o3r).

Pedormance: M. speed,. ro6 m.p.h.; m. cr. spced, g7m.p.h.; m. range, zro mls.; hov. c-cil. 1i.g.e.), 9,g4zft.,(9,g.."..), 6,56o fr.; s. ceil., 14,765 ft.(gights.: Empty, 3,994 Ib.; ioad"ed, 5,o62 Ib.Dimensions: Rotor djam., 46 ft._r r id.': fuselage length,39 lt. 9 rn.; overall hcight, ro ft. ro in.()perators: Alb. A.F.; Afr.{. A.F.; Czech. A.F.: Fin.*.1'.;. Iruq.,4f..; *P.L.W.; Sov. A.F.; Sov. Navy;Syr. A.F.; UAR A.F.First. Flights: (rst Prototypc) Scpt. rg4gi (prc_Dro_ductlon) I)ec. r95o; (production) Nov.'ro<r. -

I'roduclion Hislory.. Manulactured r9.5o-6i and underIrcence in Poland (as SM-r) r955-63."Variants: GM-r-Designoiiotr""nppii"a to the threePlgto-tyjrgs. Mi-rU-Dual-cont;ol trainer version.Mi-rNKh-All-weather multi-purpose

""-..r"r"iotSM-r-Initial Polish-built model. ^ Slvt-rW-pofirimodel with capacity increased from threc to fo.r, ."r_sons. SM-IWZ - Polish lersion. SM_rWSZ-Polish-built dual-control trainer. f."rit",development of basic design is turbine-power"d Mi_;(see page 264 Ciail volume) also built'in poland.Photograph: A Polish-built Mi- r of tlre p.L.W.


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MIL MI-4Country of Origin: U.S.S.R.NATO Code Name: Hound.Role: Tactical Assault and Utility Transport.Power Plant: One Shvetsov ASh-8zV radial engine ofr,7oo h.p.Performance: M. speed, r15 m.p.h. at 4,gzo ft.; speed, 99 m.p.h.; range (max. payload), rr5 mls.,(max. fuel), 255 mls.; hov. ceil. (i.g.e.), 6,56o ft.;s. ceil., r6,ooo ft.Weights: Empty, ro,Bo3 lb. ; nor. loaded, r53zz lb.Dimensions : Rotor diam., 68 ft. rof in. ; fuselage length,55 ft. r in.; overall height, 17 ft. o in.Operators: Afg. A.F.; Bul. A.F.; Chin. A.F.; CubanA.F.; Czech. A.F.; Fin. A.F.; G.D.R. Luft.; Ghan.A.F.; Hun. A.F.; I.A.F.; A.U.R.I.; Iraq. A.F.;P.L.W.; A.F.; Sov. A.F.; Sov. Narry; Syr. A.F.;UAR. A.F.; Yemen A.F.; Yugo. A.F.First Flights: (rst Prototype) Aug. r95z; (prod.) 1953.Production History: Approximately 3,ooo manufac-tured 1952-64. Also manufactured under licence inChina.Variants: Produced primarily for military purposes,the N{i-4 has also been manufactured for civil roles,variants including the ro-passenger Mi-4P and theagricultural Mi-4S. The standard Mi-4 carries acrcw of three and up to fourteen troops, 3,525 lb. offreight, a GAZ-69 jeep-type vehicle or a 76-mm. anti-tank gun.Photograph: One of two Mi-4s of the Finnish A.F.


MtrL MI-roCountry of Origin: U.S.S.R.NATO Code Name: Harke-\ole: He,avy Flying Crane and Freight Transport.Power Plants: Two Soloviev Dz5 turboshafts of 5,5oos.h.p.Performance:. C1. gneed (with empty cargo platform),rz4 m.p.h,, (rvith high-density platform loadweighing26,455.1b.), 112 m.p.h.; range(with 26,a55-lb. load)]r5-5.mIs.,_(with_max. fuel), 39r mls.; s. ceil., 9,842 fi.Weights: Max. loaded, g+,7gglb.Dime,nsions: Rotol diam., rr4 ft. ro in.; approx. fuse-lqge length,_ rzo ft. ; approx. overall height, 4o ft.Operators: Sov. A.F,First- Flights : (Prototype) r96o; (production) r963-_1.Production History: Production deliveries to t[e-Sov.armed forces are believed to have commenced in 1963,and roo* were reportedly in service by 1967,Variants: The Mi-ro is a crane-type heli-coi2ter usedby the Soviet armed forces for the transpoitation ofmissiles, artillery, tracked vehicles, etc., which arestraddled by the quadruped undercarriage. Up to z8passengers may be accommodated by the cabin. TheMi-ro was evolved from the Mi-6 (see page 265 CiDitvolume) which, primarily a commercial tra-nsporthelicopter, has been supplied to the armed forces ofthe Soviet Union, Egypt and Indonesia.Photograph: A modified version of the Mi-ro with anorthodox undercarriage in place of the quadruped gear.

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Country of Origin: U.S.A.Role.' Ten-seat General-purpose and Utility Transport.Power Plant: One (UH-r98, D & F, & CH-r9E)Wright R-r3oo-3 radial of 8oo h.p.PerJormance: (Specification generally applicable to allR-r3oo-powered versions) M.speed,rrz m.p.h. ; speed,gr m.p.h. ; nor.range,36o mls. ; in,cl.,r,ozzft./min.; hov. ceil. (i.g.e.), 5,8oo ft., (o.g.e.), z3oo ft.Weights: Empty, 5,25o ib.; max. loaded, 7,9oc lb.Dimensions: Rotor diam., 53 ft. o in.; fuselage length,42 ft. 3 in., overall height, 13 ft. 4 in.Operators: (All velsions of S-55) Arg.A.F.; Arg.Narry; Braz. A.F.; R.C.N.; Chil. A.F.; C.N.A.F.;R. Dan. A.F.; Fr. A.F.; R.H.A.F.; LA.F.; I.D.F./A.F. ; Itai. A.F. ; J.A.S.D.F. ; J.M.S.D.F. ; J.G.S.D.F. ;R.O.K.A.F.; Laos A.F.; R. No. A.F.; Pak. A.F.;Para. A.F.; Phil. A.F.; Port. A.F.; S.A.A.F.; Span.A.F.; S.A.A.F.; Thai. A.F.; U.S.A.F.; U.S.N.; U.S.Army; U.S.M.C.; Vcncz. A.F.; Viet. A.F.First Flights: (YH-rq) Nov. ro, 1949.Production History: Total of r,z9o S-55 manufacturedby parent company r9-50-.59 and 196r-62, a number ofthese being assemblcd in France and Japan.Variants: S-55A-Initial model rvith 6oo h.p. R-r34o-57 engine (UH-I9C & HIJ-I9G). S-558-As des-cribcd above. S-55C-As S-5-5A rvith inclined tail-boom (HH-r98). See page 267 for anglicised versions.Photograph: A UH-r9 of Japan Ground Self-DefenceForce,

Country oJ Origin: rJ.S.A.Ro le.: (CH 4 a)_ _General-purp ose Transp ort, (UH-: +)Utility, and (SH-r+) Anti-submarine Plant: One Wright R-r8zo-84B or D radialengine of r,52.5 h.p.Perfonnance: (Specification applics to CH-r+A but isgenerally applicable to all veisions of the-S-5g) M.speed, rzz m.p.h._ at s.l.; nor. cr. speed, SZ -.'p.h.;nor. rangc, 247 n:,ls,; in. cl., r,roo ft./min,; hov.'ceil.Ll.F..e:), 4,9oo tt., (o.c.e.), z,4oo ft.; s. ceil., 9,5oo ft.Weights: Empty .(CH-3+A), 7,750 lb.,' (tjH-:+D)7.9oo.1b., (9H-:+D, 8,275 ib.; nor. loaded, i3,ooJ ib.;max. loaded, r-1,ooo lb.Dimensio.ns: Rotor_diam., 56 ft. o in.; fuselage length,46 ft. 9 iu.; overall height. r5 ft. r r jn.Operators: (All versioni of tlie S-58) Arg. Nal,ry; Belg.{.F.; Narry; Cam. e.f'.; If.C.a.F.; fi. e.f.;Adronavale_;_Fl. 4r-y ; Luft. ; Kriegsmarine ; Fed. G.{rp;' ;.A._Il. $ l. ; I. D. F.,zA. F. ; Ital.Nar,y ; J. M. S.o. E. ;

R.I"..t'. N.4.-S.;_ _Thai A.F. ; U.S.A.F. ; U.S.N.;U.S. Army; U.S.M.C.; Viet A.F.First Flights: (YSH_-3aG) March B, r954; (SH-3aG)Qgnt. zo, l9s4; (SH-34II) Jan. ro, tssi." ' ''Photograph: An SH-3aJ of thc R. Neth. N.A.S.Productiort History: Total of r,9or S-58 helicopters ofall types manuflttured bv parcnt comDanv ro<a-6rthis ttmpiisin c sl i", u. s.I. F-.,'4;;' ;;;'fi . s:i'di;14r _for the U.S. Narry, 54o for U.S.-Marine Corps, sixfor U.S. Coast Guard, and 523 supplied against com-



Page 131: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967


SIIiORSI(y S_5Smcrcial and [oleiun nrililxl.y ordcrs,

.r 35 of these bcingasscmbled in Francc lrv-g11j-[yjx1lon', rhis comprnysr!_bs.cOucn tly-t i." n-"" -" n u r""tu rr n g a I urt h er I 66.yortatrts: CH-34A Choctaw _Initi,,t il'i'";',trrnspo^rr anJ gincral ,iiri,y i=,.t,,.'i]l ,r.,i S_.fJriiilcrew of trv,r rrnd rccommojiltio,, irr"iO'_rS;;;;": ".c'ight crsuurr y .tr"r.h"... - ihi.' i.i-a"r"ii,ir' "j'l'

";r_::i,:;',T' 31,:U U - V;:i;U "+ i} l*n,. l":mot the CH-34C. UH_:,

uorps a^ssault and utility transport ^"a*i *iti_,i-_

:j'11 f.. twelve passens"...-' wiih"i"niitij.uio,cmergency operation frorn 1y11sr -tt

i. _iJ"ir:J'al".;g_

i1ii1"#"llrB.:?t'*;;:',':$$i#Ift nif :marrnc warfarc version .f !;qg "q"ipp"J.,i1q,;;;;;.gsonar which may be replaceo by-wcapons. With auto_m.atic stabil i sati-on equ ipmen r,, ny"ri o.pp i;."'"'# " "3:J8313rH1""1"!lio'lin'"!ii,"f t::_*",i;_:.L-.,,,-,

versio n wit h two en tra n cc- ;;;; .ri':;;ii:;ii::;i ?,?cabrn and accommodarion for twelve ;;.;;;;.:'th"S-58B and S-58D arc essentlllty straightforward com_3lf ill:":':"ns of the mitita;y _.i"i."*i,"ir"U'!d(r .rur 5_./ prssengcrs and provision for carrvingstretchers. or cargo. In

"om-"rcial _"J"1.,ii," n'lidr"cnsrnc rs dcsisnated Cyclone 98;Caii;:;'"r'.998C9HE-2, and is ratcd q! r,5.25 h.p. for five minutcs.'Ihe first commerciat d"livciici ;i ,h" i::rit,,;.;r"mrde in t.9j6-S7r and the S_5gD was "" *pl"ir""."r

l:j:,'1ll.ii_! y ejcctor r.ype fuel transfer sy;i";l''i;._i:^:. "i:,_,::l{ : :?i:::flT: j i,":: ** r''* -#J llJanuary,3o, r957,_and an example U"itt nv SrJ_n"ir-tron w rth trvo Turbom6ca Bastan, v rr rl.initl *iriir,ffew on.Ocober 5, t96z, but thc ""fylrifri""'iiamodel to attain_ produclion is the 'ungf

i"i."a-u",known as the Wessex (see page 266) '-"-'"'" '""'"

SIKORSKY 5-618-r (SH-3 SDA KING)Country of Oriltin: IJ.S.A.Role ; Anti-subm:rrine Warfare.Power Plants: 1'rvo Gcneral Elcctric (SH-rA) T<g_GE-SII turboshafts of -r,z5o s.h.p., or "iSif_jO;!SS--GE-ro turboshafts of r,4oo s.h.p.PerJormance: (SH-3A) M. specd, r-iq m.p.h.: m. cr.specd, r+5 m.p;h..; range, (uirh mex. fuef, 54o mls.;rn. c1.,, r,5oo It./mrn..; hov. ceil. (i.g.e.), 7,5oo ft.,(o.g.e.r, 5,ooo tt.; s. ccrl., re,ljoo ft.Weights: Empty, r r,4rg Ib.; nor. loaded. rS.oea lb.I)imensions: I{otor.diam-, 6z ft. o in. ; fuseltge ie ngrh,S^4 lt. 9 in.; overall hcight, r5 ft. 4 in.Uferators: (SH-3A) R.C. Navly; l.M.S.D.F.: U.S.N .(SH-:D) Ital. Nivl:; Sp,rrr. Navy; U-S.N.


First.Flights_: (rst Prototypc) Mir. r r, r959.Productiott llistory : SH-lA manufrcturediq6r-s andsuccceded by Sl{-3D, deliveries of which comm6ncedI966. SH-3A lssembled undcr licence in lapan forJ.M.S.D.F., and in Canada (as CHSS-z) fo. jf.C.X.Liccnce manufircture of SH-3D being undertaken inItaly .!r_y Agustt, and to be inder.tak6n by Westlandin U.I(.Variants: SItr-3A-Crcw of four, Bendix AeS_r3s_o_nar, Ilyurr AI,\-rro Dopplcr and 84o lb. ordn-ance.CH-38- nrissilt. .itt.

"rrppoit and drone rccoverv ver_sroq. Eiglrt sirrril:rr. rrir.i'rrft for air-sea ,"r.ud *ithR. Dan. A.l;. RII-3A .l\line countermeasures ver-sion. VH-3A Spct.irrllv t.tluippcd e xecurive transport.Photograph: Cl ISS-z (SIt-3A)bf R.C. Navy HS_io.



Page 132: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Eeliaopters 25S !3!)flcliaoplers

SIKORSI(Y 5-6rR (CH-3C)Country of Origin: Il.S.A,.Ro1e.' General-purpose Medium Support Transport.Power Plants: Two General Elcciric T5g-GE_gBturboshafts of r,z5o s.h.p., or 1-3n; T5S_'GE-5s ofr,4oo s.h.p.Performance,: (CH-3C) M. speed, 165 m.p.h. at s.l.;m. cr..speed, rs5 m.p.h i econ. cr. speed, r4z m.p.h.;range.(max. luel), 466 mls. ; in. cl., r,93o ft./min. :-hov.ce-ll. (l.g.e-), 6,zoo ft.; s. ceil. rr,7oo fi.Weigltts.; Empty, rr,o7z 1b.; load'ed, r9,5oo lb.; max.,zz,ooo lb.Dimensions: Rotor diam., 6z ft. o in.; fusele,re lensthb_o lt. 9 in.; overrrll height, 18 ft. r in.Operators: U.S.A.F.Fir,st Flights: (S-6rR) June 17, 1963; (CH_3C) Julyr 963.Production History: Production of the CII-IC versionof th,e 5-6rR for the U.S.A.F. b"s;i; F;Lilr;';;43,the first delivery bcing made in t.-he followinsij*16-_bcr., ln.rtlal orders calling for 74 examples of whichdellverles were continuing in 1966.Variants: CH-3C-Crew"of t6ree and z5-3o fully-cquippcd_troops,_r5 casualty strctchers .i i,"oo iU.cargo_._ CH-3!-Rc-engincd versjon of CU-:C. ffU-3.u-Versron ior U.S.A.F. Rescue Scrvice with cx_ternal rescue_hoist, armour protection and self-sealingtuel tanks. H.H-3F-Version of HH_3E for U.S.C.GIIor search and rescue_Photograph: CH-3C of Military Airlift Command.

SIKORSKY 5-644 SKyCRANE (CH_5aA)C-ountry ol Origin: U.S.A. \ -^- J',1{o1e..Hear.y Fiying Crane and Freight Transport.Pou,er Planls: Two p"t"'u*r'"iiJ'l'r o,;;:";:t

& \vhitnel' JFTD reA- rrett.ormance : M. spced. ir7 rn.p.h. at s.l. with extcrnal fr. ""1.,'ilii;


n',; '""s"-i;;;l?'ii,',e,11;:..!3 g ";1, 4,7oo rt. ;;. .f"l: ;,111;."i11

(i'e'"' )' s'7oo

Ketgttts.: t.p,t, tg,zr7 lb.; to"aea, 3g,ooo lb.t) t tnenst on s : Rotor diam. -

7o rt 3 i.,.; i'"","ori;:ililr:;J,ir:ril',i r'."tue" r"''sth,Uperators: U.S. Armv.-First Fligltts:(S_6aAiMav n,^A_. /v^rr, r\p'

o a u' r foi'' " u ) it o'";.:6 ?';{ e':

-l? 6'" t ( YC H - s-+A ) r q 6+'

(6): T*"--s:;;i; -e-'+A prototvpcs (3); YCH-<4A

le9*s,"1_a-.i*-i"r;,iJi#'iir:i,.l;d""T'"3"lillr964-5. Follow-on ordedelrvery. rs tor six and r8 for ii67(::jr::'' YC$-S+A cvaluated in Vietnam re6.5_6 asparr _ot rnvestigation of hphasis on it;;.-;;;;;;,1.'ea\'v lrtt concept with em-in

sr u d es "," ;;;;ti"";; : ;.A"lt T:Rii y;, i:l: f f ::lft ,,_Tg,^lir:?"*"'?:l%:":it-#f ,lJ$ j...:;imrne--tayrng, cargo and mtamburance and anti-submi:l: i;?L:o"taton,

and forrhotograph: YCH_54A (64_r4zo5) with detachable van.

'*-& :


Page 133: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967


SUD-AVIATION SE-3r3o ALOUETTE IICountry of Origin: France.Role.' Five-seat General-purpose and Utilitv.Pouer Plant: One Turbom6ca Artouste IIC.6 turbo-shaft of 36o s.h.p., or (SA-3r8o) Astazou IIA turbo-shaft of 55o s.h.p.Performance: (SA-3r8o in parcntheses) M. speed, rog(rzr) m.p.h. at s.l.; m. cr. speed, ro6 m.p.h.; rangervith Bz7 (96o) lb., 186 m1s.; in. c1., r,ooo ft./min.;hov. ceil. (i.g.e.), 6,56o (5,6oo) ft., (o.g.e.), 4,265(:,Soo) ft.; s. ceil., ro,5oo (9,85o) ft.Weights : Empty, r,973( r,954)lb. ;loaded,3,5z7(3,3oo)lb.Dimensions: Rotor diam., 33 ft. 6 in.; fusel:rge length,3r ft. ro in.; overall height, 9 ft. o in.Operators: Aus. A.F. ; Belg. Army; Cam. A.F. ; Con.A.F. ; Fr. A.F. ; A6ronavale ; Fr. Army; Luft. ; Fed.G. Army; Brit. Army; In. Nar.ry; I.D.F./A.F.; I(en.A.F.; Laos. A.F.; Leb. A.F.; Mor. A.F.; R. Neth.A.F.; Port. A.F.; S.A.A.F.; Sw. A.F.; Sw. Army;Sw. Nar.ry; Swiss A.F.; Tun. A.F.First Flights: (SE-3r3o-or) Mar. rz, r955; (SA-3r8o)Jan.3r, r96r.Production llistory: Prototypes (z); pre-production(3); production* (SS:). *Total orders at January r967.Variants: SE-3r3o-Basic model can accommodatetwo casualty stretchers and be fitted with armamentfor counter-insurgency tasks, SA-3r8o-Astazou-powered variant for Fr. Army and Police.photograph: Alouette II of Belgian Army's r8th Sqdn,

SUD-AVIATION SE-3r6o ALOUETTE IIICounlry o[ Origin: France.Role.' Seven-seat General-purpose and Utility.Pouer Plant: One Turbomdca Artouste IIIB turbo-shaft of 55o s.h.p.Performance: M, speed, r3r m.p.h. at s.l.; m. cr.sp,eed, r.r8 m.p.h.; range (rvith r,8ooJb. payload), 6zmls., (with r,4oo-lb. payload), 186 mls.; m. range, 3romls._; in. cl., r,o8z ft./min.; hov. ceil. (i.g.e.), 6,56oft., (o.g.e.). r,8oo ft., s. ceil., r4,ooo ft.\eights: Empty, z,+26 lb.; max. loadcd, 4,63o lb.Dim_ens-ions: Rotor diam., z6 ft. r in.; fuselage length,Zz ft.81 in.; overall height, ro fr. r+ in.Operators: R.A.A.F.; Braz. Navy; Bur. A.F.; R. Dan.\ar.ry; Fr. A.F. ; A6ronavale; Fr. Army; I.A.F. ;

1.4.C.; Jor. A.F. ; Leb. A.F. ; Mex. A.F. ; Mex. Nar,ry;B.M.A.L; I{. Neth. A.F.; Peru. A.F.; R. Saud. A.F.;Srviss A.F.First Flights: (SE-316o-or) Feb. 28, 1959; (SE-316oNo. r) July 196r.Production History: Prototypes (z); production* (+r8).Licence manufacture of the SE-3r6o is to be under-taken in India. *Total orders at January r967.Variant-s: SE-3r6o-Derivative of SE-3r3o (see pagez6o). Can accon'lrnodate two stretchers and two siitin."usriulti"s,

,"J;t b; fitted with SS.rr and AS.rlmissiles. SA-3r64-Redesigned for*'ard fuselagemountrng a 2o-tnrn. cannon.Photograph: Armed SE-3r6o Alouette III of Fr, A.F.

Page 134: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Ilelicopters 262

SUD-AVIATION SA-3zr SUPER FRELONCountry of Origin: Francc.Role.' Anti-submarine Warfare and Mcdium Trans_port.P,ou-er Plants: Three Turbomica Turmo IIIC.3 turbo-shafts of r,5oo s.h.p.Performance: M. sp-eed, r46 m.p_.h. at s.l. ; m. cr. speed,:30 m.p h ; range (rvith 5,925Jb. payload). 234 mls.;rcrry range,7Zo mls.;rn. cl., z,5oo ft./min.; s. ccil.,r 5,75o tt.Weights: P-qry,-13,558 lb.; nor. loaded, z4,21o lb.;max. overload.< lb.limensions: Rotordlim., 6z fr..o in.; fuselage length,b2 tt. 3 in.; overalI height, zz ft. o in.() pera! : Adronavalc ; I. D. F. /A. F. ; S.A.A. F.First Flights: (S.{-3zr-or) D"g._2, r96z; (SA-3zr_oz)1\lay 28, r963; (SA-3zr No. r) Nov. So, iq6.S.'Production History: Prorotypc,s (z);" prejpioductio,(4); production* A.S.W. (27); transpori(r r j. *Orde.splaced by beginning of 1967. production deliveriescommenced late ro66-Variant^s : SA-3zr-'or-First prototype completed inform,of proposed Fr. A.F. vcrsion ,i.itf, u""ir--nao_tion for 27-30 troops, r8 casualty stretchers o;65;"_9,9oo Ib. of internal or extern_al ir€ight. Six basicaiysjmil3r examples ordered by I.D.F.7A.F. u"a fi"e-lo.CrPl. S{-3zr-oz-second prototyp" r"p.".".rtotirr"of SA-32 r G version u,'ith crerv-of four, stabitizing floatsand all-weather A.S.W. capability. OrderEd

- by

A6ronaval_e (12) and S.A.A.F. lr5).P hot ogr aph : SA- 3 z r -o6, 4th p re--production example,

C^ountry of Origin: United Kingdom.Role; Gcneral-purpose, Rescue"and Transoort.Pozuer Plants: Two Napier Gazelle ror turboshafts ofr,6.5o s.h.p.Performa,nce: M. speed, r38 _m.p.h.; econ. cr. speed,,t

t5 -.p;h; i nor. range, 4--15 mls. ; in. cl., r,ooo ft./min. ;rr_o-v., 8.5oo fr., (o.g.".), 6,ooo ft.Weigltts: Emp.ty, rr,63-1 lb.;.ror.'loid"d, rg,ooo lb.;max., zo,ooo lb.Dimensions: Rotor diam. (cach),48 ft. rr in.;fuselageIcngth, 54 tl. 4 rn.; overall height, r7 ft. 3 in.()perators: R.A.F.First.Flights: (Prototypc) July 5, r958.!'roductrcn Htstorv: Prototypes (r); production (25).Manufactured ry6o-2.Variants: Belvedere H.C. Mk. r-Orieinallv devel-opcd_by the Helicopter Division of Bristll Aiicraft asthc 'l'ype r92, the Belvedere was preceded bv thecxperimental Type r73 Mks. r, z and 3, two exa#rplesof the last-mentioned mark of this-piston-enginedhelicopter serving as test rigs for the Belve?ele.Equipping Nos. 26, 66 and TiSqnds. of the R.A.F.,the Belvedere can accommodaie nineteen fully_equip.ped troo-ps, twelve casualty stretchers, tw.o seatedcasualties and a medical attendant, or 6,ooo lb. ofcargo rvhich_may be carried internally or'extemally.Electrically-driven winch providcd for-rescue role,An electrically-driven winih is provided for the rescuerole.PhotograDh: An earlv production Belvedere HC. Mk. r.


Page 135: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967


WESTLAND SCOUTCountry of Origin: United Kingdom.Role.' Five-seat Rcconnaissance, Liaison and Gcneral-purpose.Pozaer Plant: One Bristol Siddeley Nimbus ror or ro2turboshaft of 685 s.h.p.Performance: M. speed, r3r m.p.h. at s.l.; m. cr.qpe€d., r22 m.p.h.; m. range, 315 mls.; in. c1., r,67oft./mir'.; hov. ceil. (i.g.e.), r5,6oo ft., (o.g.e.), ro,zoo ft.Weights: Empty, 3,o84 lb., max. loaded, 5,3oo lb.Dimensions: Rotor diam., 32 ft. 3 in.; fuselage length,3o ft.1f, in.; overall hcight, 8 ft. rr in.Operators : Brit. Army; Jor. Army; R.A.N. ; Ug. A.F.First Flights: (P.53r) July 20, r958; (P.53r-z) Arg. s,-r959;

(rst pre-production) Aug. 4, r96o; (Scout A.H.Mk. r) March 6, tg6r.Production History: Pre-production (ro); Scout A.H.Mk. r* (rzo*). Deliveries began 196z and were con-Ltl"i"g in 1967. *Basic version for British Army.Variants: P.53r-Original model designed as piivateventure by Saunders-Roe. P.53r-z-Re-engined andmodified development evolved by Westland to meetBritish Army requirements. First pre-productionScout florvn as P.53r-z Mk. r. Scout Mk. r Srs. 4=-Version supplied to Bahrain State Police for com-munications, patrol and rescue. Generally similar tothree- -supplied for_ Jor. Army. 'Iwo opcrated byR.A.N. for survey ships.Photograph: Scout A.H. Mk. r (XP884).




WESTI,AND WASPCountry of Origin: United Kingdom.Roie; Single-seat Anti-submarine Warfare and Five-seat Gcneral-purpose and Training.Pozper Plant: One llristol Siddcley Nimbus 5o3 turbo-shaft of 7ro s.h.p.PerJormance: M. speed, rzo m.p.h.; m. cr. specd, rrom.p.h.; m. rangc, 3o3 mls.; in. cl., r,435 ft./nin.;hov. ceil. (i.g.e.), rz,5oo ft., (o.g.e.), 8,9oo ft.Weights: Empty, 3,+52 1b.; max. loaded, 5,5oo lb.Dimensions: Rotor diam., 32 ft. 3 in.; fuselage length,3o ft. 5f-in.; overall height, 8 ft. 8 in.Operators: R.N.; Braz. Narry; S.A. Nalry, R.N.Z.Nar.ry; R. Neth. N.A.S.First Flights: (rst Prototype) July zo, 1958; (WaspA.S. Mk. t) Oct. 28, 196z.Production lfistory: Production deliveries to RoyalNavy began 1963 and continuing 1967.Variants: Wasp A.S. Mk. r-Royal Narry derivativeof the Scout (see opposite page) intended primarilyfor operation from small platforms on frigates anddestroyers in the anti-submarine weapon-carryingrole, the normal load being two Mk. ++ torpedoes.For A.S.W. role the Wasp is normally crewed by asingle pilot, but dual controls may be installed for in-structional purposes, and up to four passengers maybe carried. Diffcrences from Scout are a folding tailand special undercarriage for deck operations.photosraph: A Royal Nar,y Wasp A.S. Mk. r (XS463).

Page 136: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967



Qorlntfy o;f Origin: United Kingdom.loie ;A.!.W.,Gencral-purpose ind Assault'fransporr.Power Plunt: (Mk.3) One Rolls-Royce Gazelle r6itu._b99l_raft of r,6oo s.h.p., or (Nlk..5) irvo coupled Blisiollirddelcy Gnome r rol r I r turboshafts of i,35o s.h.p.PerJormance: (Applies specifically to Mk. 3 *i,';in Vt. 5rn parcnthcses).M. specd, r27 032) m.-p.h.; m. cr.speed, .rzr m.p.h.; nor. range, 3oo (z7o) mls.; in. cl.,,r.54o.(r,65o) .ft./min.; hov. ciil. (i.g.6.y, 5,!"o ft.,to.g.e..l, 3,roo (+,ooo) fr.trleigltts:..F;npty, 8,9oo (8,657) lb.; loaded, r4,ooo(rr,.soo) lb.Di,nensions: Rotor diam., 56 ft. o in. ; fuselage length,+8 ft. +l in.; ovcrall height, r6 ft. z in.Operators: (Mks.r, 3 & 5) R.N.; (Mk.z) R.A.F.: (Mk.ll) IL4 \r.;(NIk.5z) Iraq A.F.;(Mk.-s3) Ghan.'A.F.First Ftigltts: (Protorype) May r7, i9571iMk.,)J,rr," zo,r958; (proto. Mk.z) Jan.i8,rs62i (Mk.2) Oct.c.ro6z.(proto. Mk. 5) Mny_3-r, tqO:; (Mk. 5) N.r.-;;';6Z;'Production History: Manufactured from rosg u'"a "."-duction continuing r967. No figures avaiiible.Variants: H.A.S. Mk. r-Gazelle r6r-powered deriva-tivc of Sikorsl{y S--58 (see page zSS) for A.S.W. role,Y\.-s_t b.:tlg. o Gazelle r65-powered equivalent forR.A.N. H.C. Mk. z-Coupled Gnome-poweredtransport for R.A.F. Mks. 5icnd .5r similai exportmodels. H.A.S. Mk. r-Dcveloped"Mk. r. fi.U.Mk. 5 -Assault version"of Mk. z.'Photograph: Wessex H.A.S. Mk. 3 A.S.W. helicopter.

Country of Origin: United Kingdom.Role: Ten-seat General-purpose Transport andRcscue.Power Plant: (Srs. z) One Alvis Leonides Major r55or 75.5 radial of 75o h.p., or (Srs. 3) Rristol SiaaettvGnome H.rooo (ror) turboshaft of r,o5o s.h.p.Performance: (Refgrs Srs. 3 u'ith Srs. z in parentheses)M-.speed, ro6 (ro6) m.p.h. at s.l.; econ. ci. speed, ro4(86)_m.p.h.; m. range, 3oo (325) mls.; in. il., i,zoo(r,o6o) ft./min.; hov.-ceil. (i.g.e.), r5,8oo i7,o6oj ft.,(o.g.e.), 6,9oo (4,ooo) ft.Weights: Empty, 4,g;z (SB79lb. ; loaded, 8,ooo lb.Dimensio.ns:.Rot-or diam., 53 ft. o in.;fuselage length,4+ ft. z in. (+r ft. 8 j in.); ovcrall hcight, r3 ft. zl in.O_perators: (Srs,. z) Aus. A.F. ; R.A.F. ; n.N. f1or. A.n. ;t!uw. A,F.; Yugo A.F.; Span. A.F.; R. Saud. A.F.(Srs. :) R.A.F.; R.N.; Ghan. A.F.Fir st Flights : (Srs. z) Aug. 28, r 95 5 ; (Srs. 3) Feb. 28, r 959.Production History: Srs. r & z* (4ooi); Srs. 3 (rzo**).Srs. r & z manufactured r95o-6.j. *Some 6o-zolicence-manufacturedin Yugoslavia. **New produc-tion and Whirlwinds Srs. i & z converted to^similarstandards by tg67 when conversion work continued.Var.iants,: Srs. r-Anglicised version of S-55 (see page253) with R-r34o or R-r3oo engine. Srs.-z-similarto Srs. r apart from British engine. Srs. 3-Turbo-shaft adaptation. Mostly conv-rsions of Sis. r & z.Plntosraph: A Whirlwind H.A.R. Mk. ro (Srs. r).


Page 137: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

INDEX OF AIRCRAFT TYPESA-r Skyraider, Douslas. 8oA-3 Skywarrior, Douclus. E:A-4 Skyhawk, Douclas. 73A-5 Vigilante, North American.

r 2llA-6 Intruder. Grumman. 86A-7 Corsair II, Lins-'i'cnco-

Voucht. 06A 3zA Lanscn, Saab. rooA-37D, Cessna, r.+4A 6o, Saab, r84AC-47A, Douslas. zoaAermacchi MB. rz6- r 16AH-rG, Bell, ziz ' "Albatross, Grumman HU-r6.

zr6Alizd, Brezuet roqo. r roAlouette II. SudlAviation- z6oIII, Sud-Aviation. z6rAndover. Hawker Siddelev- zzzAntonov An-rz, rooArgosv. Hawker Siddelev- zzaArgus, Canadair CL-28.'itt 'Atlmtic, Bresuet rrso. rr2Atlas MB.3z6M r16Avro Shackleton, ro8 -

B-52 Stratofortress. Boeinq. lzB--s7, Martin. o8B--58 Hustler. Convair- laBAC r6Z, rr8

Jet Provost. rr8Lishtnins. 8 -

Badger (Tu-r6). rozBeagle (Il-28). d+Bear (Tu-zo). rb+Beaver. de Havilland Canada

r98Beech +s Mentor. r40Belfast. Shon. z16Bell OH-r3 Siorix. z+o

UH-r Iroouois- zalBelvedere. Westland. z6eBeverley, Blackburn. roiBird Doe. Cessna O-r.-rroBlackburn Beverlev- roz -Blinder (Tu-zz). ro6 -

Boejng B-52 Stratofortress, 7?u-I3\-. rO4-Vertol CH-46, 246

. -Vertol CH-47,245ljreguet ro5o AlizC, rro

r rso Atlmtic. r rzBrewer (Yakovlev). 7oBroussatd, Holste M.H. r 5zrM,


Rucctnecr, Hawker Siddelev. ooIluckeye, North American.

-r fiir

ljufialo, de Havilland Canada,200

C-zA Greyhound, Grumman.2rll

C-47 Skytrain, Douslas. zoaC-54, l)ouslas. :o6 -C-rr7D, Douglas, zo4C-rr8, Douclas. :o6C-r r9, Fairchild, zrzC-r z3 Provider, Fairchild. zr +C-rz4 Globemaster lI. Douc-

las. zo8C-r3o Hercules, Lockheed. zz8C-r33 Cargomaster, Doriglas,

2ioC-r35, Boeing, r94C-r4rA Starlifter, Lockheed.

230C.r6o. Transall. ze8CA-25 Winjeiel,- Comon-

wealth. raSCA-27 Sabre.' Comonwealth-

+8Canadair CF-s, s+

CL-r3 Sabre. +8CL-28 Arzus. i raCL-4r Tutor. razCT-rt4, r+z'CC-ro6 Yukon- ro6

Canberra, Englis[ Eiectric, 8,1Uargomaster, Douglas C-r33,

2\OCaribou, de Havillmd Canada,

20aCC-ro6 Yukon. Canadair. ro6CC-ro8, de Hivillmd Cinida.

200CC-rr5, de Havilland Canada,

Cesna O-r Bird Dog, r3o'l-37, r14T-+t, r+6

CF-ror. McDonnell. r8CF-s, Canadair. <a '-CH-:, Sikorskv, ii8CH-ro. Sikorskv. z<aCH-:+, Sikorski'. ziiCH-+6, Boeinq-Veri6l. za6CH-+7, Boeine-Vertol. zi<CH-54, Sikorsky, 2ssChinook, Boeins-Vertol. 24<Choctaw. Sikorskv- z<6' -CL-r3 Sibre, Canidiir, a8

269CL-28 Argus, Canadair, r14CL-4r'futor, Canadair, r.1zCI.-44 Yukon, Canadair, r96CM r7o Magister, Potez, r8oCommonwealth CA-25 Wiqieel,

r+8CA-27 Sabre, 48

Convair B-53 lJustler, 7.1F- roz Delta Dagger, roF-ro6 Delta Dart, rz

Corsair II, Ling-Temco-Vought A-7, 96

Crusader, Ling-Tcmco-VoughtF_8, :,

CSzt^-2, rzzCSI{-r ro, Grumman, zr6C'I'-rr4 Tutor, Canadair, r.4zCub (An-rz), rsoCV-7, de Havilland, zoz

Dakota, Douglas C-+7, zo+Dassault Etendard, r4

Mirage III, 16Mirage IV, 76

De Havilland Vampire, r5oCanada Beaver. ro8Canada Buffalo, zbzCanada Caribou, zoo

Delfin, L-zq, r6oDelta Dagger, Convair F-toz,

IOl)elta Darr. Convair F-ro6, r2Dominie, Hawker Siddeley, rs6Dornicr Do 27, r 3zDouglas A-r Skyraider, 8o

A-3 Skywarrior,8zA-+ Skyhawk, r8C-47 Skytrain, 2o4C-54, zo6C-rr8, zo6C-rz4 Globemaster II, zo8C-r33 Cargomaster, zro

Draken, Saab 3 5, 6o

E-zA Hawkeye, Grumman, r r8EA-38 Skywarrior, Douslas, 8zEA-6I} Intruder, Grumman, 86EQ-47D, Douglas, zo4IIC-r3s, Boeing, ro+Inclish Electric Canberra. 8a

Lishtnine. 8Dtendard IVM, Dassault, 14

F-+ Phantom II. McDonnell- 16Iij Northrop, .i+F-8 Crusader, Ling-Temo-

Vought, 3z

IOF-ro4 Starfighter, Lockheed, 3-1F-ro5 Thunderchief, Republic,

56F-ro6 Delta Dart, Convair, r2F-r t r, General Dvnamics. zoFagot (MiG-r.s), ioFairchild C-rrg, ztz

C-rz3 Provider, zr+Fairey Gannet A.E.W. Mk. :,rr6Farmer (MiG-rq), 44FB-rrr. General Dvnamics. zoFiat G.!r, r8Fiddler (Tupolev), 66Fishbed (MiG-zr), +6Fishpot (Su-q), 64Fitter (Su-7), 6zF irebar (Yakovlev), 7oFlashlight-A (Yak-z-q), 68Flashlight-D (Yak-28), 68I.lying Boxcar, Fairchild C-r rg,

Folland Gnat, z6Fresco (MiG-r7), +zFuji Tr, lsz, Fiat, r8Galeb, SOKO Gz-A, r86Gannet A.E.W.3, Fairev. r r6General Dynamics F-rrr, zo

FB-rr r, zoGlobemaster II, Douglas, zo8Gnat, Hawker Siddeley, z6Greyhound, Gman C-zA,

2tl9Grmman A-6A Intruder, 86

C-zA Greyhound, z18E-zA Hawkeve. r r8HU-r6 Albatross, z16OV-r Mohawk, rzoS-z Tracker, rzz

HAL HAOP-27 Krishak, r:+HF-24 N{arut, 22HJT-r6 Kiran, r54


Page 138: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

Macchi MB.rz(r, r 36Mxsister, Potez CM r70, r80

B-s7, s8IAL HF-24. 22N{artin. B-s7, 98N{anrt HAL HFNlarut. HAl, tstl'-2+,22Mascoi (ll-2EU),94Mava (L-zq), r6oMci)onnell F-+ Phantom II, 36

F-ror Voodoo,38Mentor. Beech 45, r4oMidget.(MiG-r 5UTl), +oMiG-r5,4oIidiG-t7,42MiG-rq, ++MiG-2r,46Mil Mi-r, z5rMil Mi-+, z5zMil Mi-to, 253Mirase III. Dassault, r6MiraEe IV. Dassaulr, ?6Mohiwh. Grumman OV-r, rzoNloncol (MiG-z rUTI). +6-Morme-Saulnier MS-76o Parts'



P-z Neptune, Lockheed, rz4P-r Orion, l,ockhcerl, tz6I'. i r 27, Has ker Sidelelcy, z8I'aris, Morane-Saulnier, r6-5l)hantom Il, N{cDonnell F-4, 36Piaggio P.r48, r76

P.r+9, r78I'otez CM r7o Magister, r8oProvider, Irairchild C-t23, zrlIl.A-3Il Shyrvarrior, Douglas, 8zl{r\-5C Vigilantc, North r\meri-

can. rz8Ilaven, Ililler Off-4, 2+7IiB-s7, Martin, q81{epublic F-84F'l'hunderstreak,

s8F-ro5 Thunderchief,56RF-84F'fhunderflash, 58

RF-8 Crusader, Ling-'-femco-Vought,3z

RF-8+F'fhunderflash, Rcpub-lic,58

RF-ror \/oodoo, McDonnell, 38Il.F-rrr, General Dynamics, zol{'f-33, Lockheed, r6z

S-z Traclicr, Grumman, r22S 3zC Lansen, Saab, rooS 35E Drakcn, Saab,6oS-5-5, Sikorsky, 25.1S-58, Sikorshy, 2555-6r8, Sikorshy, 2575-6rR, Sikorsky, 2585-64A, Sikorsky, 259Saab 3z I-ansen, roo

35 Dral(en,60gr Safir, r8zro-5, r8,+

Sabre, Canadair CL-r3, ,48Commonwealth CA.27, 48North American F-86D, 50North American F-86F, +8

Saeta, Hispano Hr\-zoo, r58SaFr, Saab qr, r8:Scottish r\r'irtion l'rvin Pioneer,

s"or?,3tv""ttu..t, rc4Scabat, Sikorsky SII-:+, zS6Seahorse, Sikorsky UH-34, 256Sea King, Sil<orsky SH-3, 257Sea Knight, Boeing-Vertol, 246SeaSprite, Kaman UH-2, z5oSca Vixen, Hawker Siddeley, 3oSII-3 Sea King, Sikorsky, 257SII-34, Sikoreky,254Shackleton, Avro. ro8

270IndenHandley Page Hastings, :zo r l iphtnine' BAC' 8

\ icror, 8E I Lil$-Tlmi9-Y:ught A-7

Harc (Mi-l), 251 I ( orsalr I tt rluiiuit,. fnti-'b), ,s: I l;-8 Crusadcr' 3zHarrier. Hawher Siddclcy.2E-

I L;khc;d C-I3o.Hercules' zz8

ijili,'"'"i,'rijiin,tmeiican. rr,8 I ( -ratA start-ifter' 230

I lervl<er Hunter. :,1 I I- t t;-+ Starfighter' 34

i i;;il;; bl;;;l;;luccanccr, oo I P-u Neptune'-tz4.\nJovcr, z:z H-l urlon' l2lArgosy, 22+ 1'13' t6zGnat,26FIarricr. z8I{estrel, z8P.rrz1, z8Sea Vixcn, 3oVrrlcan. q 1

IJarvkeve. Grumman D-2,A, r rE

IIC-13;H Hercules, Lockheed'zz8

Ijercules. Lockheed C-r30, 228HH- r Sihorsl<Y, 258HH-i.r Huskie. Kaman, z-19

Hillei-OH-z3 Raven, 247 ^Hisoano HA-zoo Saeta, r5EHIf-r6 l{iran, HAL, I5+Hirlste M.H.l5zrM Broussard,

zz6Hound (Mi-+), z5zHU-r6 Albatross, Grumman,

zt6HrrevCobra. Betl AH-rG' z4zHuehes OH-6A, z+8Hunter. Hawlrer, z+Huntinc Jet Provost, r38Huskie. Kaman HH-+:' z+qHustlei. Convair B-58, 74

Ilurshin Il-28. q+ii.nala. Atlas M8.326M. r36Intruder, Grumman A-64' 86Iroquois, Bell UH-t' z4zIskra, 'I'S-rr, rEb

I ezB Lansen, Saab, rooi i< Draken. Saab, 6oicY-"r rs. Boeing, r94iet Piovost, BAC, r38

Kaman HH-43 Huskie, 249UH-z SeaSPrite, z5o

I(C-r r<. Boeing, r94Kestril. Hawker SiddeleY' zEKiran. HAL HJT-I6' t54Krish;k, HAL HAoP-zz, r:+

L-zo Delfin, r6oLanien, Saab 32, roo

Neptune, I.ockheed P-2, rz4NKC-r:5, Boeing. r94Noratlas. Nord, z3zNorth American A-5A

Vicilante. rz8F-'86D,K&LSabre,5oF-86F Sabre, 48F-too SuPer Sabre,52RA-sC Vigilante, rz8T-zBuckeYe, r66T-6 Texan, 168T-28, r1oT49, t7z

Northrop F-5, 54T-38 Talon, r74

o-r Bird Dog, Cessna, r3ooH-6A. Huehes, z+8OH-rr Sioux, Bell, z4oOH-zi Raven, FIi'ller' 247Orion. Lockheed P-3, rzbOV-r

'Mohawk, Grumman' tzo

InileeShort Belfast,236Sil<orshy S-55,25.1

S-58,2555-6rI1,2575-6rIl,258S-644, 259

Sioux, Bell OH-r3,2,1oSh 35C Dral<en, Saab,6oSl< so, Saab, r8zSk 6o, Saab, r8+Skyharvk, Douglas A-4, 78Skyraider, Doug)as A-r, tioSkytrain, Douglas C-47, zo.1Skyu-arrior, Douglas A-3, 8zSOI{O Gz-A Galeb, 186SP-z Neptune, Lockheed, rz-1Starfighter, Loclheed F-1o.1,

Starlifter, Lochheed C-r4rA,230

Stratofortress, Boeing B-S2, 72Su.l--\r'ietion Alouettc I[, 260

i\louette III, 26rSuper lirclon, z6z

Sulihoi Su-7,62Su-9, 6,1

Super lirclon, Sud-Aviation,z6z

Super Nlagister, Potez, r8oSuper Sabre, North American


T-z Buckeye, North American,t66

T-6 Texan, North American,r68

T-28, North American, r7o'I--33, Lockheed, r6z'l-34, Ileech, r4oT-37, Cessna, r44'l'-38 Talon, Northrop, r74'l--39, North American, r7z'I'-4r, Cessna, 146'fA-4F Skyhawk, Douglas, 78'I'alon, Northrop T-38, r74'I'B-58 Hustler, Convair, 74'I'exan, North American 'I'-6,

r68TF-roz Delta Dagger, Convair,

IOTF-ro4 Starfighter, Lockheed,

3+TH-r:, Bell, z+oThunderchief, Republic F-ro5

s6Thunderflash, Republic RF-

SaF. s8

Page 139: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967

IndeaThunderstreali, Republic F-84F,

5E-fracker, Grumman S-2. rzzTransall C,r 6o. zr8TS-rr Iskra, r88"Tupolev Tu-r6. roz'fu-zo, ro.4

Tu-22. t06Fiddler,66

Twin Pioneer. Scotrish Avia-tton,234

U-6, de Havilland, ro8UH-r lroquois. Bell-- ztzUH-z SeaSprite. Kahan. z<oUH-ro. Sikorskv. z<aUH-:i. Sikorsl<ii ziiVampire, de Havilland, r5o


Victor, Handley Paee. 88Vigilante, North American

R-\-5C, rz8Voodoo, McDonnell F-ror. r8Vulcan, Hawker Siddcley, qjWestland Beivedere. z6 r

Scout,264Wasp,265Wessex,266Whirlwind, z6z

\\'injeel, CommonwealthCA-25, r48

)Yakovlev Brewer, ?o

Firebar, ToYak-z\-.68Yak-28. 68

Yukon, Cinadair CC-ro6, rq6

A i r Forc e Abbr ea iat ions (C ontinued)SpaingudanSw€denSFitzerlandSyriaTanzania'IhailandTogoTunisisl'urkeyUgandau.s.s.R.-<lo-U.A.R.U.K.-do-

u.s.a.-dr-do--drUpper VoltaUruguay

Vietnm (N)Vietnam (8)YemenYugoslayiaZarnbia

Eiercito del Airo Spatr. A.F.gudan Air I'orco gid. A.F,l'lygvapnet gfed. A.F.gchweizerische Flugvaflo Swiss A.F,

Sydao Air Force Aw. t.F.Tarzrni^n Ar Force Tin. A.F.Iloyal llhai Air Force R. Thai A.F.

Force Apdenne Toqotnise Togo A.F,Am6e de I Ar TurJdiemc Tuir. A.F.

Tilrk I{ava Kuwetleri Turk. A.F.U,ganda Amy Air Forco Ug. A.A.F.Vue0no-Vuz,llsbny Sily Sov. A.],.

Nurdkrya Avialuiyr sov. NaryAir Force oi tbo UnileLl Ar:rb Reprrllic UAR A.F",

nuyil Ar Forco n.A.t'.Irleet Air Arrn n.N.Arrny Aviation Brit. Amv

Uniled Sktec Air Force U.S.A.F, 'UoilFd Suks NrW U.S.N.

UDitcdSIates.MarineComs U.S.M.C.Air NatioDal cuard A.N.G,

Force Adrientre de flaut€-Volia Up, V,A.F.Fuerzc Aerea Uruguaya Uiu. A.ts.

Iuerzas A6reas Venerolauas Venez. A.F.Vietnrmese People's Air Forco N. Viet. A.I'.

Vieinam$e Air Forc€ Viet. A_F-,{ir Force of th€ Yemen I'em. A.F.

JugoslovenskollatnoYazduhoploestyo yugo.A.F.Zambia Air lorce Zam. A.F.

- A-o,uTi-p!g of iistilg cume_Dt opemtors of an iDatividual mititary aircraft tne tspro\ided. by the follovilg shich is applicabl€ to rhe Dougls C-n? B[ytrain or Liakot.rtrampoft (see paged 204-205):_ op?:a!on: Ars. A. E. Ars. -Narry, R.A.A.F., R.A.N., Bels. A.F.. Boliy. A.F., Bru. A.F.,aur. A. ts.. ( amen A.F., Camb. A.F., R.C.A.F., Chil. A.F., -.N.A.F., Col, A.F., Cong. A,t.;(u-b_an A.t., x. Dau. 4.F., UAR, A.l'.. Et!.4.q:, FiD. A.F., Fr. A.F.. Aeron;vatei t_utt.ix.H.A.F.. cuat. A.r'.. Hair. A.c., Eou. A.F., r.A.F., A.u:n.l.;1;;.;.i;ii. b.l.r.,I.D.l'lA.F., ltat. A,I,., R.O.K.A.F., Laos A.F., Lib. i.F.. trad.'A.F; Uiuil e.e., Uer.A.F., R.-Nettr. A.F., Nis.r A.F., R.N.z.A.F.,lic. e.e., n. No e.i"- F#"lili., i;"-.,1.r.,Phil. A.P. P^od. A.F. R. R. A. F., R. S,,rd. A. F., gat. A.F., SeD. A.i; a;; A.i- S.ea.r.,tspe. Aud. A-F.. Swed. A.F.. aq._A.F., R. Thai A.F., Tut, A.F., Ua. f.A.f:;Uro. 1.F., u.s.A.F., u.s.x., u.e.M.c. veoii e.r.-vi"t. jlii., v-d"le.ii.,-i*. .r.r.

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Prhtecl it Great Btitait

Page 142: Observer's Book of Basic Aircraft Military 1967













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il,,., Rtu,t l F"{;&an



1966 1967


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