Page 1: Observations on student difficulties with mathematics in ... · diagnostic, a conceptual survey of electrostatics (and some magnetostatics) designed to test learning goals that our

Observations on student difficulties with mathematics in upper-divisionelectricity and magnetism

Rachel E. Pepper, Stephanie V. Chasteen, Steven J. Pollock, and Katherine K. Perkins

Science Education Initiative and Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA(Received 28 July 2011; published 27 March 2012)

We discuss common difficulties in upper-division electricity and magnetism (E&M) in the areas of

Gauss’s law, vector calculus, and electric potential using both quantitative and qualitative evidence.

We also show that many of these topical difficulties may be tied to student difficulties with mathematics.

At the junior level, some students struggle to combine mathematical calculations and physics ideas, to

account for the underlying spatial situation when doing a mathematical calculation, and to access

appropriate mathematical tools. We discuss the implications of our findings for E&M instruction at the

junior level.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevSTPER.8.010111 PACS numbers: 01.40.Fk,,


There is a wealth of detailed knowledge about specificstudent difficulties in physics at the introductory level (seeMcDermott and Redish [1] for a good summary). However,research into student difficulties at the upper division is justbeginning [2–11]. At the University of Colorado (CU) weare engaged in a multiyear project to transform some of ourupper-division courses through action research [12–14],including identification of student difficulties, creation oflearning goals for the courses, and integration of student-centered instruction [9,10,15–22]. As part of this broadergoal, we have been documenting student difficulties in thefirst semester of our junior-level electricity and magnetism(E&M) course sequence for the past six semesters [9].

In upper-division physics courses, including E&M, itbecomes increasingly important for students to use sophis-ticated mathematical calculations and concepts and inte-grate them with physical understanding. We have observedthat achieving this math-physics integration consistently isa difficult and slow process for many students. Thus, weaim to document an initial list of common studentdifficulties with the goal of providing resources for im-provement of instruction and for future research. Whenidentifying such difficulties we define mathematics in abroad sense as encompassing not just calculations (algebra,performing integrals, taking derivatives) but also includingthinking about geometry, symmetry, vector calculus, andintegrals (both vector and scalar) and the interpretation ofcalculations.

In the present investigation, we focus on student reason-ing and ideas closer to the scale of concepts rather than themore fine-grained ideas of resources [23–25]. Concepts are

typically described as stable well-articulated ideas studentshave about how the world works, such as that current getsused up in a circuit. Resources, on the other hand, are moregeneral and finer grained, such as ‘‘more cause leads tomore effect.’’ Resources can be put together in differentcombinations by a student depending on context; for in-stance, more push means more motion. In this paper ourfocus is most closely aligned with ‘‘concepts,’’ since webelieve that by looking at the ways students talk about andemploy mathematical ideas in the context of our upper-division E&M course, we may identify some persistentbehaviors and common difficulties which will prove valu-able in ongoing development of instructional strategies andcurricular materials. We seek to identify student responsesand the corresponding student difficulties that appear acrosscommon classroom, homework, and exam problem-solvingcontexts, and which are stable across time. Rather thanattempting to provide an exhaustive survey of conceptualdifficulties in junior E&M, this work focuses on the mathe-matical difficulties that were most prevalent across studentsand contexts within our observations.Other research studies have investigated student diffi-

culties with mathematics in other upper-division courses.In an upper-level thermodynamics context, Meltzer hasobserved that students have difficulty connecting P-Vdiagrams of different processes to the work done by thesystem during the process [5]. Pollock et al. further showedthat most students who answer these P-V diagram ques-tions incorrectly are having trouble connecting an integralto the spatial idea of the area under a curve [4]. In an upper-level thermodynamics course, Loverude discusses studentdifficulties with probability concepts, which are related tostudent difficulties accessing an appropriate tool for solv-ing the problem [6]. In an intermediate mechanics course,Hayes and Wittmann observed students having difficultycombining physics ideas with mathematical calculationswhen choosing plus and minus signs to set up F ¼ macalculations [8]. There is also evidence that students have

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trouble interpreting equations in an upper-division chem-istry course [26].

Bing and Redish suggest that some of these mathemati-cal difficulties may arise from issues of epistemologicalframing, which cause students to selectively attend toparticular elements of their math knowledge while ignor-ing other (potentially more useful) elements [27]. Dray andManogue point out that some student struggles could betied to a gap between how mathematicians, who teach themath prerequisites for physics classes, and physicists thinkabout math [28,29]. Redish also observes that even inphysics classes we often focus students’ attention on theprocess of solving mathematics and do not emphasizemodel making and interpreting results [30].

With this prior work in mind, we focus here on an inves-tigation of underlying mathematical issues demonstrated bystudents in a variety of contexts within six semesters of oneupper-division electromagnetism course. In this paper weaddress three research questions, motivated by our interestin providing resources for improvement of instruction, andas a base for future research: (1) Do we find evidence of thesame kinds of challenges in mathematics and math-physicsconnections as has been observed in lower-division (e.g.,McDermott and Redish [1], Sec. IV.D, and others [31–34])and other upper-division physics contexts? (2) What aresome common, recurring ideas and difficulties rooted inmathematics underpinning the canonical topical areas of atypical first upper-division electromagnetism course?(3) Given this preliminary catalog of student difficulties,can we categorize these difficulties?

In these studies, we concentrate on three topical areas:Gauss’s law, vector calculus, and electric potential. Theseareas span a significant portion of a canonical upper-division E&M course and form a rich starting point forobserving student use of, and issues with, math and math-physics connections in this junior-level course. We presentevidence in each of these areas that there are indeedcommon math-physics difficulties which can be identifiedand categorized. These data then suggest several categoriesof common difficulties with mathematics from students atthe junior level:

� Students have difficulty combining mathematical cal-culations and physics ideas. This can be seen instudent difficulty setting up an appropriate calcula-tion and also in interpreting the results of the calcu-lation in the context of a physics problem. (However,students can generally perform the requiredcalculation.)

� Students do not account for the underlying spatialsituation when doing a mathematical calculation.

� Students do not access an appropriate mathematicaltool. Students may instead choose a mathematicaltool that will not solve the relevant problem, or maychoose a tool that makes the problem too complex forthe student to solve.


For this study we documented student difficulties in thefirst semester of a two-semester E&M sequence at CU.This course is offered every semester, uses Griffiths’ E&Mtextbook [35], and typically enrolls between 35 and 60students. The material covered in the first semester in-cludes electrostatics and magnetostatics (the first six chap-ters of Griffiths’ textbook). We have recently transformedthis course so that it includes many techniques based onphysics education research, such as peer instruction [36],and weekly tutorials [37]. Of the six semesters we havebeen collecting data on this course at CU, five semestersare of the transformed implementation [15].For the six total semesters at CU, the course has been

composed of, on average [38], 47%� 5% physics majors,31%� 4% engineering physics majors, and has been22%� 3% female. Students typically come into thiscourse with an average overall grade-point average of3:12� 0:02. The small standard errors show that the dem-ographics of this course are consistent across all six semes-ters. There is, however, a small difference in demographicsbetween the fall and spring semesters of this course: springsemesters tend to be larger and to be composed of morephysics majors and fewer engineering physics majors.We employed a mixed methods approach in our re-

search, combining quantitative and qualitative [39] dataas described below. Mixed methodology is appropriatebecause we seek student ideas that arise in multiple contentareas and across multiple data sources. It is also practical,since we are performing action research integrated withcourse transformation, and have access to student work, thechance to observe students in course-related settings, butlimited resources to perform in-depth ethnographic studiesof students. We used emergent coding schemes [39] toanalyze student interviews as well as student written ex-planations on exams and diagnostics. The specific studentdifficulties that we focus on in this paper emerged from asynthesis of the full set of data and observations. We chosethose difficulties that were prevalent, central to the courselearning goals, related to mathematics, and which hadsufficient evidence to warrant deeper analysis.For each semester, we administered and analyzed results

from the Colorado Upper-Division Electrostatics (CUE)diagnostic, a conceptual survey of electrostatics (and somemagnetostatics) designed to test learning goals that ourfaculty value [17]. The questions are open ended andgraded with a detailed rubric for both correctness andexplanation. We also have CUE results for several E&Mcourses at other institutions. We have, additionally, col-lected midterm and final exam solutions and weekly con-ceptually focused tutorial pre- and posttests. Midterm andfinal exam scores listed in this paper come from grading bya single grader using a detailed rubric created by us.We have also taken extensive field notes during inter-

active lectures, homework help sessions, and tutorials.

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Both the homework help sessions and the weekly tutorialsare focused on students working in small groups, so areideal to observe student conversations and externalizationof student thinking.

Additionally, we conducted several sets of video-taped,individual student interviews where students were asked tosolve E&M problems in a think-aloud protocol [40].Interviews used a semistructured protocol which includedfollow-up and clarification questions. Interviews includethree interviews in which students enrolled in a trans-formed E&M 1 course were asked a series of questionsabout Ampere’s law and Gauss’s law, four interviews inwhich students who had completed a transformed E&M 1course in the previous semester were asked a series ofquestions about Gauss’s law followed by one questionabout electric potential, and 11 interviews in which stu-dents who were either currently enrolled in a transformedE&M 1 course or had taken one recently took the CUEdiagnostic while thinking aloud with no interviewer inter-vention. Think-aloud protocols were chosen because theyhave the advantage of providing an opportunity to observestudent behavior similar to that in a relevant context (e.g.,doing homework) and are able to target student responsesto an area of interest to us as researchers.


Gauss’s law,HE � dA ¼ Qenc=�0, is commonly taught

in both introductory and upper-level physics courses. It hasbeen shown through student interviews and a diagnosticexam that, in introductory physics courses, studentsstruggle with Gauss’s law [41]. Anecdotally, we findmost instructors do not expect that juniors taking an ad-vanced course in electricity and magnetism will also havesignificant difficulties with Gauss’s law. However, Singhuses the same diagnostic exam to show that traditionallytaught upper-level students do have difficulties withGauss’s law similar to the introductory-level difficulties[41]. Here, we follow up on these results and probe theupper-division student difficulties further using interviews.Using evidence from the CUE diagnostic [17], exam ques-tions, and student interviews, we observe that in bothtransformed and traditionally taught courses at CU eventhe best juniors still struggle with aspects of Gauss’s lawand that many of these struggles appear to be connected tothe difficulties with mathematics mentioned earlier.

For reference when considering student difficulties, wereview the correct logic for using Gauss’s law. For Gauss’slaw to be directly useful one must (1) be able to determinefrom the symmetry of the charge distribution what direc-tion E points and on what variables E depends so that onecan (2) create a Gaussian surface on which E � dA isknown to be either constant or zero. Once such aGaussian surface has been created, one can then (3) solvefor E by pulling it out of the integral.

A. Quantitative evidence that students struggle

Singh presents evidence that both introductory andupper-level students do poorly on a Gauss’s law diagnosticwhich tests understanding of concepts important forapplying Gauss’s law: both score 49% postinstruction(Nlower ¼ 541,Nupper ¼ 28). In contrast, graduate students,

who can be considered more expert, exhibit better mastery,scoring 75% (N ¼ 33) [41].We also see evidence of some students struggling with

Gauss’s law after junior-level E&M 1 in the results of theCUE diagnostic. Of the 324 total students who took theCUE after an E&M 1 course, 33% did not recognize aradially symmetric problem as most easily solved withGauss’s law [see Fig. 1(a) for the full problem]. Of the67% who correctly identified Gauss’s law as the easiestsolution technique, the average score for explanation ofwhy and how Gauss’s law was used was 59%. The expla-nation score included points for specifying the correctGaussian surface as well as for explaining why usingGauss’s law was appropriate, for instance, discussingwhat symmetries are present in the problem.In a second CUE question, involving a problem without

sufficient symmetry for Gauss’s law to be directly useful,students make the opposite mistake, and misidentify directapplication of Gauss’s law as an appropriate technique [seeFig. 1(b) for the full problem]. Of 324 students, 24%incorrectly chose Gauss’s law as the easiest technique forthis problem, despite the fact that a Gaussian surface whereE � dA is constant or zero cannot be created. Overall, 46%of the 324 students who took the exam made at least one ofthese two mistakes related to Gauss’s law.Students also revealed difficulties with Gauss’s law on a

midterm exam question asked in three different semestersof E&M 1 at CU. This question was as follows:

Suppose I evenly fill a cube (length L on a side) withelectric charges. Then imagine a larger, closed cub-ical surface neatly surrounding this cube (length 2Lon a side). A) Is Gauss’s law TRUE in this situation?(Briefly, why or why not?) B) Can one use Gauss’slaw to simply compute the value of the E field at

FIG. 1. Illustrations from CUE diagnostic questions. Studentsare asked not to solve the question, but to give ‘‘the easiestmethod you would use to solve the problem’’ (half credit) and‘‘why you chose that method’’ (half credit). (a) ‘‘A solid non-conducting sphere, centered on the origin, with a non-uniformcharge density that depends on the distance from the origin,�ðrÞ ¼ �0e

�r2=a2 . Find E (or V) at point P.’’ (b) ‘‘A chargedinsulating solid sphere of radius R with a uniform volume charge�0, with an off-center spherical cavity carved out of it. Find E (orV) at point P, at a distance 4R from the sphere.’’



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arbitrary points outside this charged cube? (Don’t try,just tell me if you could, and why or why not?)

In a recent semester of a transformed course, moststudents correctly answered ‘‘yes’’ to the first part of thequestion, with an average score for that part of 89%including points for both answer and explanation(N ¼ 59). However, on the second part of the questionstudents scored, on average, only 46%, including points forboth answer and explanation. Nearly a third of studentsreceived no points at all for their answer to part (B) of thisquestion. Some common student responses will bediscussed below in Sec. III B 1.

B. Insight from interviews

In order to understand why upper-level students strugglewith Gauss’s law we conducted think-aloud interviews inwhich four students who had completed an E&M 1 coursein the previous semester were asked a series of questionsabout Gauss’s law.

Below we discuss several difficulties observed during thecourse of these interviews and connect them to possiblestudent difficulties with mathematics. Because of the smallsample size of students interviewed (who all got A’s and B’sin E&M 1), we do not attempt to generalize to the largerpopulation of upper-division E&M students. However, thissmall-scale qualitative approach is complementary to thelarger-scale quantitative results provided by course examsand the CUE and allows us to describe in detail some of thepossible difficulties of upper-division students.

1. Incorrect inferences about E basedon the flux and an inverse problem

Gauss’s law is more subtle mathematically than manyequations that students have encountered up to this point intheir education in the sense that it is an inverse problem.Students are accustomed to problems in which it is possibleto use algebra to get the quantity of interest by itself on oneside of the equals sign. For Gauss’s law, the quantity ofinterest, the electric field, is embedded inside an integraland several steps of reasoning are necessary before theintegral can (sometimes) be replaced with an algebraicexpression. The similarly difficult nature of Ampere’slaw as an inverse problem is discussed by Manogue et al.[42]. The inverse nature of Gauss’s law seems to causesome student difficulties.

Two of the four students interviewed had the samedifficulty when addressing the problem of an unevenlyshaped insulator of uniform charge density, �. These stu-dents incorrectly inferred from Gauss’s law that the electricfield at any point on a Gaussian surface inside the insulatorwas determined only by the charge enclosed, ignoring thedistribution of the charge. Both students also did notclearly distinguish between the electric field at a singlepoint on the surface and the flux through the entire surfacein their explanations. This failure to distinguish the two in

words may indicate that these students also do not clearlydifferentiate the ideas of flux and electric field, which maybe partially leading to their struggle to correctly applyGauss’s law.The first student claimed that

. . . the only thing that determines the flux out of it[the Gaussian surface] is the total enclosed charge.And so, if we took a sphere, and filled it completelywith a completely uniform charge density in aspherical shape [draws an isolated solid circle witharrow’s pointing outwards and spaced uniformly—see (B) on the left side of Fig. 2], say, then we couldget a flux coming out of that area . . . ’cause then itwould be uniform.

When asked if the electric field would be the same forthe spherical Gaussian surface drawn inside the blob ofinsulator as for the isolated sphere she had drawn duringher explanation, this student claimed ‘‘Yes. BecauseGauss’s law shows us that only the enclosed charge, um,matters.’’ She proceeded to explain that this was the casebecause ‘‘E field lines only start and end on charges’’ so thelines from a point charge external to the Gaussian surfacewill pass through ‘‘so the only contributions that matter arethe enclosed . . . charge contributions.’’ It seems that shehas inappropriately inferred that, because the flux dependsonly on the enclosed charge, the electric field will beuniform and radial on any spherical surface inside anyinsulator with uniform charge density �. Here she is alsonot specific about whether these contributions are to theflux through the Gaussian surface or to the electric field atan arbitrary point on the Gaussian surface.Another student brought up the situation of an uneven

shape of constant � on his own when asked to give ex-amples of situations where Gauss’s law is and is not usefulfor finding E. He used the uneven shape as an examplewhere you could use Gauss’s law to find the electric field.

FIG. 2 (color online). Student drawing from Gauss’s law inter-view. After drawing axes and the nonuniform blob of charge, thestudent drew the left-hand Gaussian surface, (A), and explainedas detailed in the text. The student next drew the isolated sphereof charge, (B), to help explain her point, followed by the right-hand Gaussian surface, (C).

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He explained that ‘‘the E field . . . that passes through aGaussian surface is only dependent on theQ enclosed.’’ Hethen uses this statement to justify that one can find E usingGauss’s law for a Gaussian surface inside the shape:

On the inside, once again if it’s [� is] constant, thenthat’s fine, because there’s . . . because it doesn’tmatter what the shape is looking like ‘cause we’renot looking on the outside. We’re only looking . . .it’s only dependent on the Q enclosed.

Here the student is not clear on what the ‘‘it’’ is that isonly dependent on the Q enclosed—he could be thinking(correctly) about the flux, or (incorrectly) about the electricfield. This student later states that he thinks that E is thesame throughout a Gaussian surface inside this object, butexpresses some discomfort with his understanding, saying‘‘’Cause if there’s Q on the outside, the charge, you know,is making an E field as well . . . and therefore it must affectthe E field at that point [points to a point on the Gaussiansurface] as well. So I’m still . . . I’m still not really happywith Gauss’s law.’’

That these students do not clearly articulate (or seem toacknowledge) the difference between flux through a sur-face and electric field at a point on the surface may indicatethat these students are not accounting for the underlyingspatial situation when using the mathematical formula forthe flux. Were these students thinking about the flux as thesum of dot products of area vectors with the electric fieldacross some geometrical surface, it is unlikely that theywould confuse E and a surface integral involving E. Asimilar student difficulty has been seen in the context ofAmpere’s law, where students do not interpret a line inte-gral as a sum [9].

The incorrect inferences that these students make aboutthe electric field from Gauss’s law’s statement about fluxthrough a surface further indicate that they are not con-necting the idea of the integral to a physical situation. Thedifficulties are also similar to difficulties discussed bySingh [41], and by Wallace and Chasteen in regards toAmpere’s law [9]. In both cases, the authors describestudents incorrectly inferring that because the integral iszero, the field in the integrand is zero as well. The studentswe observe may also be using reasoning in which studentsconsider the right-hand side of an equation the cause andthe left hand side its effect [43]—in this case thinking thatQenc is the only cause of the electric field on the Gaussiansurface, without thinking about the fact that the left-handside of the equation is an equation for flux rather thanelectric field alone.

Our observations of these students discussing Gauss’slaw show that even students who earn A and B grades in thecourse may exhibit these difficulties after an E&M course.It is notable that the two students discussed above were topstudents in their E&M course; both received above 95% fortheir overall course score. The problem of confusing theelectric field and flux, or making incorrect inferences in the

context of an inverse problem where E cannot be solvedfor algebraically, persists even among the best upper-levelstudents.We also occasionally observe a more basic problem with

the inverse nature of Gauss’s law. As is common forintroductory students [41,44], a few upper-level studentsuse Gauss’s law in a rote way by just solving EA ¼Qenc=�0 without considering symmetry or visualizing theelectric field. This type of solution was seen in one inter-view (out of four that were focused on Gauss’s law), and inwork for solutions to the exam problem involving a cube,described in Sec. III A. In 13 out of 59 exams students sayGauss’s law can be used to find E simply, though in nonedo any students write specifically EA ¼ Qenc=�0; whenthis exact question was repeated on a second midterm(given to the same students), 5 out of 51 students saidGauss’s law can be simply used, and two of these clearlyuse logic equivalent to EA ¼ Qenc=�0.These students are not using an appropriate tool to think

about this integral. In a purely mathematical context, it islikely that these students are aware of how to treatfunctions inside integrals since they have successfullycompleted a course in multivariable calculus. However,for some reason, in the context of Gauss’s law, they donot apply this knowledge. It may be that students areapplying an algorithm they have used successfully in thepast, rather than first visualizing the problem physically orgeometrically. This would be consistent with the idea thatthe difficulty these students are experiencing is one ofepistemological framing [27] where these students areframing the problem as a calculation, when to correctlysolve it, they must first frame it as a physical mapping. Asimilar difficulty has been seen for students calculating themagnetic field using Ampere’s law: some students try tosolve problems without first visualizing the magnetic fieldor drawing an Amperian loop [9].

2. Difficulty with symmetry arguments

In order to create a proper Gaussian surface, one mustuse the symmetry of the problem to determine what direc-tion the electric field points and on which variables itdepends. Many of the students interviewed could makethese predictions in highly symmetric situations, but couldnot justify one or both of the direction or the dependence ofthe electric field.In general there are two categories of symmetry argu-

ments that experts use to justify the direction and the de-pendence of the electric field: geometrical symmetryarguments and superposition symmetry arguments. Ingeometrical symmetry arguments, the logic relies only onthe geometry of the charge distribution. One student in theset of interviews about Ampere’s law and Gauss’s lawmakessuch an argument when describing the electric field around along charged cylinder with � ¼ Ks, where s is the radial



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cylindrical coordinate: ‘‘If you rotate the cylinder, theE fieldshould be the same. So there can’t be any � dependence,’’and ‘‘if you go up and down it looks the same’’ so therecannot be any z dependence. This argument can be extendedto include the direction of the electric field by arguing that aninfinite cylinder looks the same looking in the þz directionas in the�z direction, so that an electric field pointing in thez direction would be contradictory. An analogous argument

can be made to eliminate a � component.The second type of symmetry argument, based on su-

perposition and Coulomb’s law, can be employed to de-duce the direction of the electric field. For instance, whenconsidering the electric field at an arbitrary point above aninfinite line charge, one can imagine that, for every smallpiece of the line to the right of the point of interest, there isanother small piece of the line at the same distance fromthe point on the left, and that when the electric field fromthese two pieces are added at the point of interest, thehorizontal components cancel, leaving only a radial com-ponent. In Griffiths’ E&M textbook [35], this type ofsuperposition symmetry argument is fairly common; it ismade directly in a worked example for an infinite linecharge, and several problems are included where this tech-nique greatly simplifies the solution—for instance, theelectric field on the symmetry axis of rings, squares, anddisks of charge ([35], pp. 62–64). On the other hand,Griffiths models a geometry-based symmetry argumentonly once ([35], p. 70) in the context of Gauss’s law (andthis in a footnote) and the other Gauss’s law examplessimply state the direction with statements like ‘‘bysymmetry’’ or ‘‘symmetry dictates’’ ([35], p. 73).

Perhaps it should not be surprising, then, that the stu-dents we observe almost exclusively make superpositionsymmetry arguments, even when these arguments are un-productive. All four students who were asked about aninfinite line of charge discussed only the lack of a zcomponent and made superposition symmetry arguments.When asked directly about why there was no z dependenceof the electric field in this situation, three of the studentsused a superposition symmetry argument that horizontalcomponents ofE cancel and leave only radial components,despite the fact that they had been asked about dependence,not direction. One of these students also tried to use asimilar superposition argument to explain why the electricfield points radially outward from a sphere. While thisargument is possible, the student did not succeed, andfrom an expert’s perspective, it may be easier to makethis argument based on geometry rather than superpositionof electric fields. Superposition symmetry arguments arethe predominant type of symmetry arguments studentsused in our interviews.

Students also used superposition arguments when notapplicable. For instance, one student discussed the use ofGauss’s law near an unevenly shaped insulator withuniform �. He drew a Gaussian surface close to the surface

of the object with the same shape as the object, and wastrying to decide whether it was possible to use Gauss’s lawon that surface. He explains that he is trying to think whatthe electric field looks like by mentally adding up thecontributions from the different parts of the shape. Thisis a difficult task, and the student ended up incorrectlydeciding that the electric field was perpendicular to theGaussian surface and uniform on the Gaussian surface. It ispossible that, as in the case just described, students’ misuseof superposition arguments when geometrical symmetryarguments are appropriate is leading to student difficultiesfiguring out when to apply Gauss’s law in novel situations.Intriguingly, none of the students interviewed made a

complete argument for both the dependence and the direc-tion of the electric field—perhaps because completelydetermining both is difficult without employing somegeometry-based symmetry arguments.Manogue et al. point out in the context of Ampere’s law

that even immediately after explicit instruction in expert-like geometrical symmetry arguments, students struggle torecreate them when solving a new problem [42]. This mayindicate that these geometrical symmetry arguments aredifficult and nonintuitive even for upper-division students.The reliance of these students on superposition argu-

ments to the near exclusion of geometry arguments whenthinking about symmetry is an example of students notusing appropriate mathematical tools and not being able toset up a problem given a physical situation. To properly setup and justify the approach to many Gauss’s law problems,using both types of symmetry arguments is essential; there-fore, neglecting one type of symmetry argument precludesusing the appropriate tools for the solution.


In junior-level E&M using vector calculus to understandand work with the electric and magnetic fields is critical.Students must regularly use vector derivatives and vectorintegrals, including line, surface, and volume integrals.Perhaps, even more importantly, one of our main goalsfor this course is for students to understand these opera-tions as physical expressions about vector fields in space,rather than as abstract mathematical calculations. We dis-cuss below student difficulties we have observed withvector calculus. We first discuss students struggling withthe basic idea of a vector field, then discuss student diffi-culties with vector derivatives, and finally address studentdifficulties with vector integration. Many of these difficul-ties are examples of students not accounting for the under-lying spatial situation when performing calculations andnot using appropriate mathematical tools.

A. Vector fields

We observe that several students at the upper divisionhave trouble with the vector nature of a vector field. Wefind that some students do not simultaneously attend to

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both the magnitude and direction of the vector, but ratherconcentrate on one aspect at a time, sometimes switchingwhich aspect they attend to midproblem, or midinterview.We see these difficulties, in particular, when students arepredicting the results of a sum of several vectors, or theresult of a line, surface, or volume integral in a vector field.For instance, a student who received an A in E&M 1, andwas interviewed in one 60 min block, attended only to themagnitude of the electric field when answering one inter-view question, and attended to only the direction in a laterquestion. When answering the midterm question about acube described in Sec. III A, he thought only about themagnitude of the electric field. In the context of this ques-tion he explained that ‘‘In order for us to use this [Gauss’slaw], we need to find a surface that E is constant over thisentire surface.’’ He neglected to explain that the directionof E compared to dA also needed to be the same every-where on the surface, even when the interviewer probedfurther by asking if there were any other criteria for theusefulness of Gauss’s law. On the other hand, when asked asuperposition question from Singh’s Gauss’s law diagnos-tic [41] later in the interview, he thought only about thedirection of the E field. The question asked was as follows:

Three identical point charges þQ are arranged in aline as shown above. Points A, B, and C are along aparallel line. You do not know the lengths L and d.The three charges produce an electric field. Withoutknowledge of L and d, what can you infer about theelectric field at points A, B, and C?[41]

In answering this question, the student only discussed(and drew, as shown in Fig. 3) which direction the electricfield would point and neglected the fact that the electricfield would have different magnitude depending on thedistance from each charge. Later in this same question hebegan thinking again about magnitude, when adding thevectors from the three charges to get a total electric field(far right of the figure).

This difficulty in simultaneously attending to both thedirection and magnitude of a vector field may again be anexample of students not connecting the math to the physi-cal geometry—for these students, the concept of a vectorfield as a vector with direction and magnitude at everypoint in space is still somewhat tenuous and these studentsstruggle to consistently apply this concept.

B. Vector derivatives

In junior-level electricity and magnetism, students mustconnect the vector derivatives (gradient, divergence, andcurl) to their physical meaning in order to better understandMaxwell’s equations. All students entering junior-levelE&M 1 have some previous experience with vector deriva-tives from Calculus 3, a required prerequisite taken in themath or applied math departments. Students enteringE&M 1 can successfully calculate these derivatives inCartesian coordinates: When asked to compute the

gradient of ex cosðyÞ and cosðx2 þ y2 þ z2Þ as a pretest inthe first homework of the semester, students in two differ-ent semesters of E&M 1 (N ¼ 90) scored on average 90�3%. When asked to compute the divergence and curl of

iðx2 þ yzÞ þ jðy2 þ zxÞ þ kðz2 þ xyÞ on the same home-work, the same students scored on average 90%� 2%.While students demonstrate calculational success, theycome into the course with less understanding of the physi-cal meaning of these calculations: on the same pretesthomework the same students averaged 77%� 3% whenasked to identify which out of four drawn vector fields‘‘have nonzero divergence somewhere’’ and which ‘‘havenonzero curl somewhere.’’The interpretation of these vector operations provides an

example of students not accounting for the underlyingspatial situation when performing calculations, and notusing appropriate mathematical tools. We will focus inthis section mainly on student thinking about divergence,but have made similar observations about student thinkingabout the gradient and curl vector operations.The divergence has to do with the ‘‘sourceness’’ or

‘‘sinkness’’ of the vector field: it tells you if there is asource or sink at the point where the divergence is calcu-lated. In electrostatics, sources and sinks come fromelectric charges, and the divergence of the electric field is

FIG. 3 (color online). Student drawing from interview.Portions of the picture in red are from the question statementwhich is reprinted with permission from Singh [41]. Dark gray isthe student’s drawing, and explanation of the student’s drawingare black. After drawing electric field lines radiating outwardsfrom each charge, the student drew three vectors of equalmagnitude at each measurement point—one for the contributionto the electric field from each charge. At this point he does notattend to the magnitude of the vectors. To the right of that thestudent then drew the sum of those vectors as the total electricfield. In this stage he attends to the magnitude of the vectors.



Page 8: Observations on student difficulties with mathematics in ... · diagnostic, a conceptual survey of electrostatics (and some magnetostatics) designed to test learning goals that our

therefore related to the charge density, �: r �E ¼ ��0. A

more visual way to assess whether a particular point on anelectric field line drawing has nonzero divergence is todraw a small closed surface in the field and determine ifall the electric field lines that enter the circle also leave thecircle. If this is true, the area inside is divergence free, ifnot, there is divergence at some point inside the circle.

While an expert connects the math of divergence to thespatial situation and to the physics of electric fields usingeither the visual method described above orr �E ¼ �

�0, we

find that students struggle with this idea in the context ofelectrostatics. For instance, 51 students in a transformedE&M 1 class at CU were asked the following question on amidterm exam:

You have a thin, non-conductive spherical shell withradius R centered at the origin. The shell carries atotal charge�Q, which is uniformly distributed overthe surface of the shell. There are no other chargesanywhere. Where in space (if anywhere) does thedivergence of E vanish?

Only 18% of students gave a full correct and explicitanswer such as ‘‘The divergence of E is proportional to thecharge density at any given point in space. In this systemthere is no charge anywhere except on the boundary of thesphere so the divergence of E vanishes everywhere exceptat r ¼ R.’’ Eight percent of students gave the correct, butless specific answer of ‘‘where there are no charges.’’ Theother 74% of the students did not get this question correct,and their answers are broken down in Fig. 4. The mostcommon incorrect answer, given by 31% of the students,was that the divergence was zero only inside the sphere.While this is partially correct, these students did not realizethat the divergence is also zero outside the sphere. We seesimilar results for the same question asked on a tutorialposttest in a different semester of this course (N ¼ 18) andin our field observations.

Though we did not perform student interviews related todivergence, students were prompted on their exams with‘‘Explain in words as well as mathematically!’’ A commonexplanation for why the divergence was zero inside thesphere, or at the center of the sphere (a total of 38% ofstudents), was similar to ‘‘in the interior b=c r � 0 ¼ 0.Outside the shell r � E � 0.’’ An analogous argument wasmade by some students who wrote that the divergence‘‘would vanish at infinity since as r gets really big graddotEwould get really small and effectively vanish.’’ All ofthese students were not using appropriate math tools: hadthey been using either the appropriate Maxwell’s equation,or a visual method based on flux, they would not havemade these mistakes, and certainly not given the aboveexplanations. By not taking advantage of the visual methodto determine divergence, these students are also not ac-counting for the spatial situation when thinking about themathematical calculation of divergence. The 14% of stu-dents who chose the origin or infinity, where the value ofelectric field is zero, may be exhibiting a commonintroductory-level difficulty of confusing the derivative ofa function with its value [45,46].Unlike the previous section, where students do not make

geometry-based symmetry arguments when expected be-cause they likely do not have the relevant tool, studentshere are not using a tool that they do have: r �E ¼ �


This is a tool that most experts turn to immediately whenasked about the divergence of an electrostatic field. It islikely that many students know this equation, but for somereason are not choosing it as a solution method for thisproblem. Several students with incorrect answers wrote theabove equation as part of their work or explanation (4 outof 38 wrong answers and 51 total student answer), makingit clear that this is an equation they do know, though theyare not using it appropriately. For instance, one student’sanswer readsr � E � 0, r � E ¼ �

�0, Ein ¼ 0

Div E inside is zero as E ¼ 0Outside Div E � 0 as E is not zero or uniform

E ¼ �kqr2


It seems that the equation relating the divergence of theelectric field with � is not consistent with this student’sidea that divergence is only zero for ‘‘zero or uniform’’fields. This particular student does not appear to notice thecontradiction, and goes with the idea rather than the equa-tion when deciding on an answer. He may be exhibiting adifficulty we have seen consistently when observing stu-dents where they think about the common English meaningof the word ‘‘divergence’’ and decide if a field looksdiverging rather than applying a rigorous procedure tomake a determination. For instance, in response to a clickerquestion in class about the divergence of a point charge atthe origin, one student explained, ‘‘I think there is diver-gence everywhere because the lines are spreading out, but

FIG. 4. Student response to a midterm question about a thinshell of uniform charge. N ¼ 51.

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I’m not sure what happens at the origin.’’ Students whofocus on the English definition of divergence are bothfailing to access an appropriate mathematical tool andfailing to account for the physical geometry when perform-ing a calculation.

In this particular E&M context 74% of junior-levelstudents have difficulty applying the concept of diver-gence. Many of these difficulties seem to be, in part, tiedto difficulty accessing all their mathematical tools andtrouble accounting for the physical situation when doinga calculation.

C. Line, surface, and volume integrals

Many students also have difficulty setting up and cor-rectly computing line, surface, and volume integrals, adifficulty we believe is tied to students failing to visualizethe spatial or physical situation when doing an integral.Similar difficulties have been observed for introductoryphysics students doing 1D integrals [34,47]. As pointedout by Dray and Manogue, in mathematics classes, inte-grals are viewed very differently than in physics classes[48,49]. In the mathematics classes students take in prepa-ration for physics, 1D integrals are nearly always consid-ered to be the area under a curve, and in 3D, surfaces andvolumes are always considered in terms of the Cartesianbasis vectors and parametrized. On the other hand, inphysics, integrals (in any number of dimensions) are con-sidered to be sums of little bits of stuff (mass, charge,E � dA, etc.), and the coordinate system for basis vectorsis chosen based on the symmetry of the problem. Wehypothesize that at the junior level, students are strugglingto transition their thinking from the mathematics class-rooms’ view of integration to the physicists’ view.

We have observed while watching students solve prob-lems in homework help sessions and tutorials that studentsoften have difficulty appropriately defining the infinitesi-mal volume and surface elements, dV and dA. Rather thanthinking through the specific geometry of the problem, andvisualizing a physical small element of volume or surface,students often remember or copy from a text somethinginappropriate to the particular problem.

For example, when using direct integration to calculatethe electric field from a spherical shell of charge, a group ofstudents at a homework help session used dA ¼ d�d�rather than the correct dA ¼ r2 sin�d�d�. It was not im-mediately obvious to them (by units, for instance) that theirexpression was wrong, and they were not familiar with howto correct it, or how to test if their dA was correct (i.e.,integrate for a whole sphere and see if the result is A ¼4�r2). After an instructor explained the correct expressionto one student in the group, she had trouble explaining tothe rest of the group, which may indicate that this conceptis particularly difficult.

Similarly, we find that, when taking a line integral,students often do not visualize a particular path for the

line integral, but rather try to solve the problem formulai-cally. For instance, in one semester students were given a

homework question involving the electric field E ¼cð2xiþ zjþ ykÞ and were asked to ‘‘find the potentialVðrÞ, using the origin as your reference point (i.e., settingVð0Þ ¼ 0).’’ During homework help sessions, we observedstudents integrate in one direction only (for instance inte-grate only in dx). One student recognized that the integra-tion needed to be done in all directions, but wrote oneintegral with dxdydz as a product, instead of the sum ofthree different integrals, and was then confused becausewhat he had written looked like a volume integral. Weobserved additional confusion among students about whatlimits to use in this integration. We observed very few ofthese struggling students drawing a specific path for thisline integral, even though the question included the hint‘‘you must select a specific path to integrate along. Itdoesn’t matter which path you choose, since the answeris path independent, but you can’t compute a line integralwithout having a particular path in mind, so be explicitabout that in your solution.’’ Wallace and Chasteen simi-larly observe that some students do not view the integral inAmpere’s law as representing a sum [9]. These studentdifficulties with line surface and volume integrals likelystem from students failing to visualize the problem andaccount for the spatial situation when calculating theintegral.


The concept and calculation of the scalar potential Vunderlies a significant portion of an upper-division E&Mcourse, yet is an issue that students continue to strugglewith. Potential is defined as

VðrÞ � �Z r

originE � dl; (1)

but there are many other equations evolving V that areimportant in an E&M course at this level:

r2V ¼ �=�0; (2)

E ¼ �rV; (3)


VðrÞ ¼ 1


Z �ðr0Þjr� r0j d�; (4)

for example. One can imagine that this wealth of possiblyrelevant equations for V may be difficult for students tonavigate, and we find that the topic of potential is one inwhich students have particular difficulty.

A. Evidence that students struggle

Midterm results.—The same students discussed inSec. IVB were asked the following on a midterm:



Page 10: Observations on student difficulties with mathematics in ... · diagnostic, a conceptual survey of electrostatics (and some magnetostatics) designed to test learning goals that our

You have a thin, non-conductive spherical shell withradius R centered at the origin. The shell carries atotal charge�Q, which is uniformly distributed overthe surface of the shell. There are no other chargesanywhere. What is the sign of ðVðRÞ � Vð0ÞÞ?

The correct answer was given by 57% of these students(N ¼ 51). The following student explanation was one ofthe most clear and correct received:

The electric field is 0 everywhere inside the sphere.Since V is the integral of E, V will be a constanteverywhere inside the sphere. That constant is de-termined by the boundary condition VðRÞ therefore:VðRÞ ¼ Vð0Þ, VðRÞ � Vð0Þ ¼ 0.

However, 43% of upper-division students answer thisquestion incorrectly. A breakdown of student responses isshown in Fig. 5. Of students who answered incorrectly, theanswers are nearly evenly spit between students who an-swer ‘‘positive’’ and those who answer ‘‘negative.’’ Thisquestion was also given during student interviews (duringinterviews, students were asked the identical question asabove but with a shell of positive charge), and on tutorialpre- and posttests, all with similar results.

CUE results.—Students both at CU and at other institu-tions were asked a similar question related to potential onthe CUE diagnostic exam:

You are given a problem involving a non-conductingsphere, centered at the origin. The sphere has a non-uniform, positive and finite volume charge density�ðrÞ. You notice that another student has set thereference point for V such that V ¼ 0 at the centerof the sphere: Vðr ¼ 0Þ ¼ 0.What would V ¼ 0 at r ¼ 0 imply about the sign ofthe potential at r ! 1?(a) Vðr ! 1Þ is positive (þ)(b) Vðr ! 1Þ is negative (�)

(c) Vðr ! 1Þ is zero(d) It dependsBriefly explain your reasoning.

Students were graded out of 10 points, 1 of which wasfor choosing the correct answer, (b). Out of 324 studentswho answered this question after taking a first semesterE&M course, 55% chose the correct answer. A breakdownof student responses is shown in Fig. 5. The rest of thepoints for the above question were given for correctlyexplaining the physics of positive charges, the definitionof potential difference, and connecting these to the answerwith reasonable logic. The average overall score onthis question was 40%� 2%.In student written explanations on the CUE, exams, and

tutorial posttests as well as student explanations duringinterviews, we saw two predominant reasons for incorrectstudent responses: not accessing appropriate tools for thesolution and difficulty setting up or interpreting theproblem.

B. Not accessing appropriate tools for the solution

Several students did not access an appropriate toolto answer the midterm exam question described in theprevious section. Rather than choosing an effective tool,e.g., Eq. (1), these students chose one of the many otherequations involving V. For example, one interview studentapproached the problem starting with Laplace’s equationand then writing down the separation-of-variables solutionin spherical coordinates. He then used the usual separation-of-variables logic to set the constants for the 1=r‘þ1

term equal to zero, and from the remaining equationdecided, incorrectly, that this would lead to the differenceVðRÞ � Vð0Þ ¼ 0 being positive. He later justified thisby saying that V ¼ kq=r gives a positive value for apositive point charge. Several students began their solutionon the midterm with some version of Eq. (4) (6 out of 22incorrect answers and 51 total answers), and two othersbegan with the equation for the potential of a point charge,V ¼ kq=r.Several students in written explanations on the tutorial

posttest seemed also not to access an appropriate mathe-matical tool, but rather equated the potential to the charge.For instance, one student wrote ‘‘The potential at R isnegative because there is a negative charge on the surface.At r ¼ 0, the potential is zero.’’ Another student wrote on amidterm exam ‘‘VðRÞ ¼ �Q;Vð0Þ ¼ 0.’’ A student inthe CUE validation interviews also simply identified posi-tive charge with positive potential: ‘‘as I recall it’s apositive relationship, so if the charge is positive V wouldbe positive at infinity’’ or ‘‘since the sphere is positive, V ispositive at infinity.’’ This may be similar to the commonintroductory E&M student difficulty of associating electricfield magnitude at a point directly with the electric poten-tial at that point (rather than with how it is changing) [50].Another student simply recalled that the potential goes to

FIG. 5. Left: Student responses to a midterm question about athin shell of uniform charge. Not included in this graph is onestudent whose answer was unclear. N ¼ 51. Right: Studentresponses to the CUE question about potential described in thetext. N ¼ 324.

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zero at infinity, and applied this even though the givenreference point for zero was at the origin.

Other students recalled that there is something arbitraryabout potential, but applied this information incorrectly.On the tutorial posttest one student wrote, ‘‘It depends onwhat point you define as zero. If you could define the originas your zero point or you could define infinity each willgive you a different sign,’’ and another explains, ‘‘BecauseVðr ¼ RÞ is negative, and Vðr ¼ 0Þ can be arbitrarily set tozero, the sign of this equation must be negative.’’ In one ofthe individual interviews, a student explained that the signof VðRÞ � Vð0Þ is ‘‘a convention thing.’’

Student written justifications of incorrect answers onthe CUE are similar to the student difficulties discussedabove. For instance, two students who thought‘‘(c) Vðr ! 1Þ is zero’’ justified their answers with thefollowing explanations:

‘‘The potential is dependent on the E field and as wemove towards infinity, the E field drops off and approaches0. So this implies the potential does as well.’’


‘‘Voltage at r ¼ 1 is 0 because kqqr ¼ 0 as r ! 1

Integrate from 1 ! r, then r ! 0 to find the potentialeverywhere.’’

In the first student explanation, the student may beconfusing the value of the function with its derivative,and in the second explanation, the student is starting withthe equation for the potential of two point charges—certainly not an appropriate tool to solve this problem.

C. Difficulty setting up or interpretingthe problem

Other students chose the most effective tool, VðrÞ ��R

rorigin E � dl, but did not set the equation up correctly

(out of 51 total students, 3 out of the 22 incorrect responsesincluded this mistake). For instance, in written explanationon a tutorial posttest, one student wrote ‘‘when you inte-grate the negative E field from infinity to R the sign of theresult is positive,’’ when the correct setup gives an integralfrom 0 to R, not infinity to R. A couple of students on theexam integrated from infinity to zero. All of these studentsrealized that they need to do a line integral, but incorrectlydetermined the limits of this integral.

Another interview student accessed the most effectivetool, set up the problem correctly, but had difficulty inter-preting the result, possibly because she had difficulty con-necting the math to the physical situation. An excerpt ofher written work during the interviews is shown in Fig. 6.She started by drawing a correct picture of a shell with noelectric field lines in the middle, and electric field linespointing radially outward outside the shell and then wrote acorrect equation with the correct limits. She then began toexhibit difficulties. While she had drawn no electric fieldinside the sphere, and as part of a later explanation

explicitly said the field inside the shell was zero, sheexplains (and writes) that E and dl are pointing in thesame direction, and thatE is proportional to 1=r2. She maynot be connecting the upper limit of R in her integral to thephysical meaning that the integral is entirely inside theshell, or she may not be thinking about the physical situ-ation at all.Student written work on the midterm exam shows that

other students have a similar difficulty. For instance, one

student wrote ‘‘ðVðr ¼ RÞ � Vðr ¼ 0ÞÞ ¼ �RR0~E � ~dl !

opposite the sign of the E field since the surface chargeis negative, V > 0.’’ Again, this student is setting up theproblem well, but not interpreting the equation correctly,possibly because he or she is not connecting the equation tothe physical situation. Overall, seven students on the mid-term exam (32% of the incorrect responses) set up thecorrect integral, but failed to interpret it correctly andcame to an incorrect conclusion. During CUE validationinterviews, some students also exhibited the mistakes listedabove (for instance, setting up the line integral correctly,but misinterpreting the results, or not integratingcorrectly).Overall, in several different contexts, juniors in E&M

still struggle with the concept and calculation of the elec-tric potential and many of these struggles can be tied todifficulties accessing an appropriate tool out of the manyavailable, and difficulty setting up and interpreting calcu-lations based on physics ideas.


We show that some upper-level E&M students stillstruggle with fundamental concepts, including Gauss’slaw, vector calculus, and electric potential. We furthershow evidence that some of these struggles may be tied

FIG. 6 (color online). Student drawing from interview ques-tion about potential. The student’s sketch is to the left and hercalculations to the right. She originally drew the charged shell ashollow, and explicitly mentioned that E ¼ 0 there. The scribblesvisible in the shell are part of a later explanation.



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to student difficulties with mathematics: students havedifficulty combining physics ideas with mathematical cal-culations leading to difficulties setting up and interpretingcalculations, students do not account for the underlyingspatial situation when performing a calculation, andstudents do not access an appropriate mathematical tool.

The student difficulties that we observe may hamper

student progress on problem solving in multiple areas.Following a framework of the use of mathematics in sci-

ence developed by Redish[30], we consider that in order tosuccessfully solve a physics problem students must(1) map the physical problem to a mathematical problem,

then (2) process and solve the mathematical equationsresulting from that mapping, and then (3) interpret themathematical solution in physical terms. Finally, students

must (4) evaluate the final solution to determine if theinitial model was accurate. The student difficulties weobserve with combining physics ideas with mathematical

calculations relate to steps (1) and (3) of Redish’s model.The student difficulties accounting for the underlying spa-

tial situation when performing a calculation occur instep (2) of Redish’s model, while the difficulty of notaccessing an appropriate mathematical tool could occur

either in (1) choosing a model or in (2) processing themathematics. Thus, these difficulties can impede studentproblem solving at a variety of points. These student

difficulties are demonstrated in the three specific contextsof Gauss’s law, vector calculus and electric potential.

In the context of Gauss’s law we observe the followingupper-division difficulties for some students:

� Students make incorrect inferences about the electricfield based on Gauss’s law. Some students inferredthat the electric field at any point on a Gaussiansurface is determined only by the charge enclosed,even in nonsymmetric situations.

� Students are unclear in distinguishing flux and elec-tric field.

� Students struggle to articulate complete symmetryarguments. They have particular difficulty with thegeometrical symmetry arguments that expert physi-cists use.

� Students apply Gauss’s law when not appropriate.In the context of vector calculus we observe the follow-

ing upper-division difficulties for some students:� Students’ understanding of a vector field as a vector

with direction and magnitude at every point in spaceis still somewhat tenuous and students struggle toconsistently apply this concept.

� Students struggle with the concept of divergence.They do not consistently connect divergenceto a spatial situation, or to the physics of electricfields using a rigorous procedure, but instead mayconfuse the derivative of a function with its value, orrely on a common English definition of the worddivergence.

� Students have difficulty setting up and correctly com-puting line, surface, and volume integrals; in particu-lar, they do not relate the integral to the physical ideaof adding up small pieces.

Regarding the topic of electric potential we observe thefollowing upper-division difficulties for some students:� Students struggle to choose an appropriate tool for the

task out of the many equations related to potential.� Once they have chosen an appropriate tool, some

students struggle to set up or interpret the resultingline integral calculation.


We have shown that many students have difficulty withmathematics in a junior-level E&M course, and that thesedifficulties can be seen in struggles with Gauss’s law,vector calculus, and scalar potential. Now that we knowsome of the difficulties that students have at the juniorlevel, how can we improve instruction to help themsucceed?While we do not know the complete answer to this

question, we have evidence that use of our transformedcourse materials significantly improves student learning inE&M compared with traditionally taught courses as mea-sured by CUE scores across several semesters of coursesboth at the University of Colorado and elsewhere [22]. Thistrend also holds true when many of the specific difficultiesbrought up in this paper are examined.For instance, in the CUE question discussed in

Sec. III A, 73% of students in transformed courses recog-nize a radially symmetric problem as easiest solved usingGauss’s law versus only 59% of students in traditionallytaught courses.Similarly, for the CUE question related to potential

discussed in Sec. V, students in traditional courses scoredon average 30%� 3% and students in transformed coursesscored on average 48%� 3%.Clearly, using transformed course materials and peda-

gogy can improve student learning in E&M. This impliesthat the use of interactive student-centered materials in-volving peer-peer interactions, increased opportunities forinstructor feedback, and targeted at documented studentdifficulties is beneficial for upper-division students. Ourtransformed courses used learning goals developed by afaculty working group, used interactive engagement inclasses (in the form of clicker questions with peer instruc-tion and occasional small-group activities), replaced officehours with help rooms centered on students helping eachother, added sense-making components to homework, andadded an optional weekly tutorial in which small groupsworked together on conceptually focused worksheets. Formore information on this transformation, see Chasteenet al. [22], and for access to all of our materials, see theCU SEI physics website [51].

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While transforming our courses to make them moreinteractive and student centered is clearly a step in theright direction, we still find our students are not completelymeeting our goals for them. For instance, 25% of studentsin transformed and 24% of students in traditional classesincorrectly claim that the electric field around the chargedistribution in Fig. 1(b) can be computed using Gauss’slaw. Even though CUE scores on many questions areimproved in the transformed courses, student response onmany questions is still disappointing. For instance, we arestill not satisfied by the score of 48%� 3% on the CUEquestion related to potential. Perhaps even more importantthan the raw scores is that, when reading through studentanswers on the CUE, we feel that our students should beable to do better.

This opens the question of why our students are not ableto do what we think they should. We consider below boththe students and our pedagogy.

Regarding the students themselves, we hypothesize theconcepts and mathematical habits of mind discussed in thispaper are difficult and take years to develop and thatinstructors may not remember how difficult these skillsare and expect more rapid progress than is reasonable.Also, many of these concepts in E&M 1 require a combi-nation of challenging skills: using an appropriate mathe-matical tool, envisioning the spatial situation andconnecting it to the mathematics, and translating betweenphysics knowledge and math tools. Each of these is indi-vidually difficult, so when combined may become over-whelming even for very good students.

We consider that our pedagogical model may also bene-fit from some redesign. It is possible that some of thedisappointing outcomes are due to a mismatch betweenthe model of instruction and the course at hand. We based

our transformations on a successful model from introduc-tory physics classes, and it is possible that, while thismodel shows improved learning, it is not the most appro-priate for upper-division courses populated by physicsmajors. Perhaps it is more appropriate, at the upper divi-sion, to provide interactivity that allows students to engagewith more open-ended questions than are afforded byclicker questions and prewritten tutorials. Rather thanpunctuating lecture with short clicker questions, and long(separate) tutorial activities, lecture could integrate shortbut focused open-ended group work activities aimed athelping students identify the key skills and ideas on theirown. Some examples of this are the paradigms curriculumat Oregon State University (OSU) [52–54] and the OSUVector Calculus Bridge Project [49,55].Another potential pedagogical reason that the trans-

formed courses are not as successful as we had hoped foris that, while the transformed course materials are based onobserved student difficulties, we had not completed ourinvestigations of student difficulties before creating them.We have learned more about junior-level student difficul-ties with E&M material through the process of coursetransformation. These new insights, including the observa-tions in this paper, have not yet been fed back to furthertarget the course materials at student difficulties, thoughthis is a process that is now beginning.


This work is funded by CU’s Science EducationInitiative and by NSF-CCLI Grant No. 0737118. R. E. currently supported by the Miller Institute for BasicResearch in Science. We would like to thank NoahFinkelstein for valuable comments on the paper.

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