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Universally Available Electrical Power and Water Delivery Purification Solutions

Joint Venture Prelim Document

Vijay Sampath and Thane Heins, AquaSphere Greentech Solutions Pvt. Ltd / Potential Difference Inc.

17 July 2011

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Objectives Overview

• To outline current limitations as they apply to;• Energy generation and delivery• Water purification and delivery• Water pollution reduction • To outline proposed solutions in both all these



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Challenges Overview

• Pollution and water protection• Water and conflict• Water purification and delivery infrastructure• Polluted water treatment infrastructure• Energy cost• Energy delivery infrastructure


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Pollution and water protection

• Water pollution is one of the main concerns of the world today.


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• The governments of numerous countries have strived to find solutions to reduce this problem. Many pollutants threaten water supplies, but the most widespread, especially in developing countries, is the discharge of raw sewage into natural waters; this method of sewage disposal is the most common method in underdeveloped countries, but also is prevalent in quasi-developed countries such as China, India and Iran. Sewage, sludge, garbage, and even toxic pollutants are all dumped into the water. Even if sewage is treated, problems still arise. Treated sewage forms sludge, which may be placed in landfills, spread out on land, incinerated or dumped at sea. In addition to sewage, nonpoint source pollution such as agricultural runoff is a significant source of pollution in some parts of the world, along with urban storm water runoff and chemical wastes dumped by industries and governments.


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Water and conflict• Over the past 25 years, politicians, academics and journalists have frequently

predicted that disputes over water would be a source of future wars. Commonly cited quotes include: that of former Egyptian Foreign Minister and former Secretary-General of the United Nations Boutrous Ghali, who forecast, "The next war in the Middle East will be fought over water, not politics"; his successor at the UN, Kofi Annan, who in 2001 said, "Fierce competition for fresh water may well become a source of conflict and wars in the future," and the former Vice President of the World Bank, Ismail Serageldin, who said the wars of the next century will be over water unless significant changes in governance occurred. The water wars hypothesis had its roots in earlier research carried out on a small number of transboundary rivers such as the Indus, Jordan and Nile. These particular rivers became the focus because they had experienced water-related disputes. Specific events cited as evidence include Israel's bombing of Syria's attempts to divert the Jordan's headwaters, and military threats by Egypt against any country building dams in the upstream waters of the Nile. However, while some links made between conflict and water were valid, they did not necessarily represent the norm.


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Solutions Overview• Regenerative Acceleration Generator Technology (RM)

• Potential Difference Inc. has developed a new generator technology which has been third party proven to produce over 200% more electrical output with 40% less input power required.

• This technology can be employed in concert with existing solar panel technology and in wind generators to increase output by as much as 300% or more, greatly reducing the initial investment payback time.

– For example, it takes 25 panels to generate 5 KWh of power. But when integrated with the RM technology it would take just 10 panels to produce the same amount of electricity thereby reducing costs substantially.

• RM technology can also be employed in conventional diesel gensets greatly increasing overall efficiency.


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Atmospheric Water Generator

• The Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) • The AWG harvests large volumes of water from air –

up to 40,000 liters per day.• The only AWG byproduct is cold air.• The AWG can be employed in rural and non-rural

areas not only to supply potable fresh clean drinking water but also as a refrigeration or air conditioning system.


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Chemical Water Refractor• The Chemical Water Refraction Purification System removes chemical

contamination from water and stores it in a separate vessel for reuse or disposal.

• Industrial processes which employ chemicals in their manufacturing processes can now reduce chemical pollution down to near zero levels.

• In addition industrial chemical purchasing costs can be reduced because internal chemical recycling is now possible.

• The CWR can also be employed as an individual household or point of use water purification system where water purification infrastructure does not exist.

• The CWR may be employed by municipalities and cities to remove harmful chemicals and bacteria before being discharged into lakes, rivers and oceans.


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1. To provide an affordable, de-centralized alternate energy solution to drive basic utilities in rural India.

2. To deliver fresh water delivery modes for rural and non-rural areas utilizing established water technologies where conventional energy sources are insufficient.

Background• Lot of investments are being made in alternate energy solutions like Solar, Wind, Waste

to Energy etc.

• Difficult to meet consumer level price points (especially in rural markets) through these– Bottleneck in efficiency, cost of setup, process of implementation and maintenance

• Most of the projects are being done as captive power plants selling power back to the grid– Being consumed by the ever growing consumers in Urban areas with little or no benefits coming to rural

markets – the rural India will never be able to catch-up with the demand supply imbalance.

• Many Innovative concepts and technology facing serious adoption issues due to non availability of power

• Challenge is to provide affordable power solution that is easy to manage, simple to deliver, less capital intensive and deployable in a decentralized approach so that it can be scaled over time based on need.


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Current Requirement

• The current requirement is to look for sustainable and affordable power requirement for a Water Solution – for immediate application in Rural India

• The Water solution is called Atmospheric Water Generator. The AWG harvests large volumes of Water from Air – 4000 to 40,000 Liters/day– Atmosphere contains close to 3.4 quadrillion gallons of water at any point in time– Gets recharged once in 9 days through the hydrological cycle.

• The AWG is an ideal drinking water solution since it does not deplete any natural resources – generates WHO certified drinking water– Yield is very high considering the climatic conditions in India (average humidity > 50% in many


• There is no carbon emission or counter effects of this solution. Conserves ground water which can be used more effectively for agriculture needs

• The cost per liter comes less than Indian Rupee 0.50 ($0.011) per liter of drinking water – providing a good opportunity for creating Social Entrepreneurial ventures

• It is easy to deploy and enable an entire village get water in less than 2 months time

• A 4000 LPD solution needs 48KwH of power and 40,000 LPD solution needs 300 Kwh of power – This is the main point for adoption.


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Live Case of Using AWG for Rural Drinking Water Solution

The Need

• Provide Drinking water to close to 600 families in village in AP.

• Ground water is very saline making it difficult to drink

• Young girls and mothers go long ways to fetch water daily


• Atmospheric water generator, extracts water from air @ 1000 liters per day

• Soft water Generation –Built in Purification unit

• Installed in 2009 through power grants given by local government

• Inconsistently working due to dependence on power.

• Has not taken off elsewhere due to high requirement of Power

Picture of Air-water solution at JalimudiThe World’s first Village Drinking Water Sustenance

Project using AWG started in 2009


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Issues with Alternate Energy Sources

Solar Energy

• Most feasible, but too expensive to drive the power requirement. Too many panels required, increasing costs and maintenance issues

Wind Energy

• Capital Intensive – no small configuration available making it difficult to provide decentralized solution

Waste to Energy

• Very promising, has good environment impact but again too expensive to deploy – no decentralized solution available that can be deployed in small scale (if any available – would like to know since this has huge potential)

Regenerative Acceleration Generator technology can bridge this gap.

• By substantially increasing energy output.

What is needed:

• 24/7/365 Power requirement

• Less / minimum maintenance

• Low Cost for Adoption

• Long Term Sustainability


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How the Regenerative Acceleration Generator system worksAquaSphere

• Regenerative Acceleration Generator Technology (RM) reverses the conventional generator resistive armature reaction and produces as assistive armature reaction in its place.

• When the RM is placed on load the generator acts like a motor and accelerates the system rather than decelerating it as per the conventional generator paradigm.

• This generator technology can be used in solar power collection where a flywheel energy storage system is employed.

• It can also be employed in wind generators to increase generator output (by over 200%) with less wind requirements ( more than 40% less).

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How the Regenerative Acceleration Generator system worksAquaSphere

• Diagram representing how RM module fits in.

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Possible Next Steps- (the way I see it)

1. Feasibility Check– Using a Solar option (because it will be easy to source locally and less costs to install)– Need to check and understand if this power requirement can be met– Can it work 24/7/365 days?– What maintenance issues perceived– What is the approximate cost of this system

• The BOM needed to build the system– The System has to be built locally to bring down price points and ensure maintainability

2. Finalize working relationship (paper work etc.)

3. Prototype Buildup– If a detailed Blue Print and Schematic is made available we could explore the possibility of assembling the system in

India and checking it out.– Consultation could be done over phone / Video Conferencing / Skype– Approximate costs for this needs to be assessed to determined how we can fund this

4. Integrating and testing with AWG– We need to create a Proof of Concept by integrating with the AWG and installing in a few pilot sites– We have the AWG, the solar panels can be procured locally– Initially we can custom build the generator till the trial run is completed

5. Commercialization Process– Setup process / investments for large scale production of equipment


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Funding requirements

1. Feasibility Check

2. Prototype Buildup

3. Commercialization Process


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Future Applications

1. Rural Electricity supply– A decentralized option is necessary to get quick adoption for this– The best examples of success in this area has been– Solution only considers 1 light source at a time – not meant for large scale usage of technology– Ideal requirement for Schools, Hospitals, Community centres etc.

2. Urban Solution– The Urban market is in desperate need for a good decentralized (localized) alternate energy option– The solar is the best choice – too expensive for wide spread adoption– Solution has to be cost competitive, easy to deploy and less maintenance– Ideal for individual housing for off grid power
