
Objective Identify and define the subatomic particles found in atoms on IaN pg. 18 by using a writing Post-Card and labeled diagram. Main Ideas 1. PARTICLES OF AN ATOM 2. ISOTOPES 3. CHEMICAL BONDS The Nature of Matter IAN pg. 19 Don't find fault, find a remedy. - Henry Ford A. Democritus ( B.C.) all matter was made up of tiny pieces called " atomos "-- which is Greek for " that which cannot be broken down or further cut " 460 B.C. 400 B.C. I. Theories about the Atom 3 II. Atom: the smallest basic units of matter that make up all objects and substances. A. Over 111 different kinds of atoms (H- Hydrogen, O-Oxygen, C-Carbon, S-Sulfur, P-Phosphorous, N-Nitrogen, etc) B. Atoms are too small to see. 1 Teaspoon full of Water = 5 X 1023 Atoms = 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Atoms! 4 C. Atoms are made up of 2 regions and 3 basic subatomic particles Regions a. Nucleus = Center of the atom b. Electron Cloud = Region outside of the nucleuswhich contains orbiting electrons. Basic Subatomic Particles a. Protons 1. Positive charge (+) 2. Found in the Nucleus. 3. Mass = 1 amu (atomic mass unit) 4. Number of Protons = ATOMIC NUMBER of an Element. 6 b. Neutrons 1. Neutral charge (0) 2. Found in the Nucleus 3. Mass = 1 amu (atomic mass unit) 4. Number of Protons + Neutrons = ATOMIC MASS NUMBER of an element. 7 c. Electrons 1. Negative charge (-) 2. Found orbiting the nucleus 3. Mass = 0 amu (atomic mass unit) 4. Number of electrons = number of protons. (Usually but there are EXCEPTIONS) 5. Valence Electrons are the electrons found in the outermost shell of an atom. 8 III.Molecules A. 2 or more atoms (Same or different) bonded B. Smallest unit of a compound O Oxygen atoms = Oxygen Gas produced by plants that we depend on to breath H 2 O 2 Hydrogen atoms & 1 Oxygen atom = Water IV. Atoms and molecules are always in motion (Solids, Liquids, & Gases) depends on their KE = Kinetic Energy. Youll get yours tomorrow for your IaN! TACO IAN pg 11 THE STRUCTURE OF AN ATOM IAN pg. 18 TOP 1/2! Electron Cloud REGIONSPARTICLES Neutron Nucleus Proton Electron 12 IAN pg. 18 Activity Bottom of page. Pretend you are writing a post card to a friend. Use the bottom of page 30 to Design and Write about what you learned on page 31. Highlight and Underline the following vocabulary in the correct context: Atom, Molecule, Nucleus, Electron Cloud, Proton, Electron, Neutron 13 Mr. Dalpiaz BMHS Prescott Valley, AZ Billy Bob 4210 Flat World St. Madrid, Spain Dear Billy-Bob, Highlight and underline the following vocabulary in the correct context in your postcard to a friend; Molecule, Atom, Electron Cloud, Nucleus, Electron, Proton, Neutron. Sincerely, MR. D P.S. Dont fall off the edge! P.P.S. GO BEARS! HOMEWORK IaN pg. 20 VOCABULAR 2-1 & 2-2, 22 Terms! NUMBERED & HIGHLIGHTED 1. Atom = 14
