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Page 1: Obedient children

Obedient children

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Page 2: Obedient children

And then Frustrated by not having control over her son, who has taken you from the often serious? Your child has misbehaved

at family gatherings, lunch with friends,

as scandals in supermarkets?

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Do not shout, hit, make promisesto get his attention, much less that he'll

obey by force or violence. It will be necessary to develop a character in the

work, building a path of excellence in his personality since

childhood, that will apply to all life.

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Before I would draw your attention to themeaning that our children have in our lives thus recognize our authority over

them with wisdom and developing understanding the behavior

appropriate for each.

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Although we have difficulties in dealing with children, they were already part of God's plan from the beginning: "Have

many, many children ..." (Genesis 1:27-28)

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The Bible also says: "Inheritance of the Lord

are the children, the fruit of the womb is his reward. "(Psalm 127:3). We

understand from this word that our children come from the

Lord and entrusted to our care as a precious treasure, for zeal and dedication.

We know that one day God will ask, "Where is the

flock entrusted to you, your beautiful flock?“ (Jeremiah 13:20).

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Our role as parents is not the only place our children in the world, but spend time

in training, protection and education, setting standards of character and

behavior according to God's heart, making them known to them from each child to follow them fully in compliance. "These words which I command you today shall be in thine heart, and you shall teach them your children, and shalt speak of

them sit in your house, walk by the way, and when you lie down and stand up.“

(Deuteronomy 6:6)

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God gave each of us the authority we need to educate our children, we must

take care to be obedient and God-fearing, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord,

for this is right." (Ephesians 6:1)

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"Obey, according to" dictionaries, means:

From the Latin "oboediscere"; subject to the will of, being under authority,

subject, do not resist, give in, be or become

subject to a force or influence.

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It is extremely important that our children

live under obedience, we can not wait until

they are old can understand that then "Teach the child in the way he should go:

and when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)

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We must raise our children with good habits

of submission and obedience to parents to

not grow up with character traits that will curse them for allowing this trait

spreading to others.

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Do not act with your child in anger or rage

ask the Lord understanding, and look for good literature and instructions on

parenting:"Fathers, provoke not your children to

wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and

admonition of the Lord." (Ephesians 6:4). Let's be lenient.

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If you father is desperate to know what to do with your child or how to act with education of the baby that is yet to be

born, believe me, the greatest desire of God is

Our victory in Christ, who will deliver our children for eternity.

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God in his infinitelove will show you

the way !

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Crédits:Formatting: Wesley Simões (Brazil)

Text: Obedient children music: Corciolli – White (Peace)

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