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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

News Release: Legal Proof That pResident Obama’s Certificate Of Live Birth Is A Forgery.





Re: Legal proof that President Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth is a forgery.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have irrefutably proven that the Certificate of Live Birth that President Obama presented to the world on April 27, 2011 is a

fraudulently created document put together using the Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator programs and the creation of this forgery of a

public document constitutes a class B felony in Hawaii and multiple violations under U.S. Code section Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47,

Sec.1028, and therefore an impeachable offense. When this comes to the public’s attention, it will be the greatest scandal in the

country’s history—nothing comes even close. This will surpass the all previous scandals including the Watergate scandal of the

Nixon administration.

My Credentials

I have a unique background for analyzing this document. I owned a typesetting company for 11 years so I know type and form

design very well. I currently own Archive Index Systems since 1993, which sells al l types of document scanners worldwide and also

developed document imaging software (TheRepository). I know how the scanners work. I have also sold other document imaging

programs, such as Laser. Fiche, Liberty and Alchemy. I have sold and installed document imaging systems in city and county

governments, so I know their procedures with imaging systems and everything about the design of such programs. This will be

important in understanding what has happened with Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth.

What President Obama Presented to the Public is an alleged Certificate of Live Birth.

What President Obama presented is not the hospital birth certificate. The birth certificate would have the imprint of the baby’s

footprint, weight, length and other information such as the rel igion. The Birth Certificate would be the source of the same

information that would be typed onto the Certificate of Live Birth (the Long Form). What President Obama released is supposedlythe Long Form that the County gets from the hospital, which is typed on a blank form given to the hospitals by the county. That copy

is then mailed to the county Board of Health and kept as a legal government document. On Obama’s form (Figure 1) the County

Clerk supposedly hand stamped the form on the upper right hand corner with a bates stamp. The number is a sequential number 

that reflects the sequence of Certificates that come into the County Health Department. The reason I know it was stamped by hand

is because the number is crooked. The County Clerk also hand stamps the date of acceptance (box 20 and box 22). Obama’s Long

Form was supposedly received on August 8, 1961, four days after his birth.

Continued in SCRIBD document below...

News Release: Legal proof that President Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth is a forgery.


The Obama records which havenot been released include;

Passport records, Obamakindergarten records, PunahouSchool records, Occidenta l College

records, Columbia Universityrecords, Columbia thesis, Harvard

Law School records, Harvard LawReview articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois

State Bar Association records,Illinois State Senate

records/schedules(said to be lost),Medical records, Obama/Dunham

marriage license , Obama/Dunhamdivorce documents,Soetoro/Dunham marriage license ,

Adoption records and of coursethe long-form Certificate of Live


Write, Call, VISIT! Demand tha t

Obama's records be released. Therecords he's now using tax dollars

to keep concealed. Over 40lawsuits fought and more being

fought to keep all his recordssealed.

Below is a link where you can getALL contact info for every elected

official in the United States.

Find Any Elected Official; 


Enough is Enough! Demand 

Obama release his bona fides!  

THEY WORK FOR US!!! Get Busy!  .

Search Here- Click Ente


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P.O.  BOX 40135


(425) 643.1131; FAX (240) 384-7297For response to this letter: [email protected] 







www.archivein .

www.wholesalechec .

Copy courtesy of: -- www.BirtherRe



Photoshop Expert & Author Mara Zebest Declares Obama's Latest Hawaiian Birth Certificate A Complete Phony -Details here.

Irrefutable Proof Obama's New Birth Certificate Forged Using Nordyke Birth Certificates -Details here.

Comparative Analysis By Pro Graphics & Special Effects: Trump Vs. Obama; Birth Certificate Fraud -Details here.

Busted: White House Now Claims They Ordered Short-Form COLB From Hawaii Department Of Health In 2008 Yet COLB Is Date

Stamped 2007 -Details here. 

Confirmed: Democratic Party of Hawaii would not certify in 2008 that Obama was constitutionally and legally eligible for the

Office of President -Details here.

Notre Dame Professor Charles Rice: Obama's eligibility could be biggest political fraud in the history of the world; time for a

new approach -Details here.

Attorney Mario Apuzzo: All presidents born after 1787, except for Chester Arthur and Barack Obama, met the “natural born

Citizen” criteria. -Details here.

Commander Charles Kerchner: List of U.S. Presidents - Eligibility under Article II Grandfather Clause (GFC) or Natural Born

Citizen (NBC) Clause or Seated due to Election Fraud -Details here.

Jack Cashill Discusses Obama's Fraudulent Social Security Number Reserved for Connecticut Applicants -Video here.

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| More Share Options

Detailed reports on Obama's SS# can be foundhere, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here,

here andhere. Visit the Birther Vault for the long list of evidence against Hawaii officials and all of the people questioning

Obama's eligibility; [].

Yes Virginia-There is a Usurper in the White House-Obama Long Form BC Forged! Wash Times NW 20110516 pg5



ObamaLongFormBi rthCerti ficatePDFForged!DraftRegi strati onForged&BackDatedto1980!

Obamai  sUsi ngSomeone El   se’ sCTSSN! orged



Aaron said...[Reply]

Every day computer expe rts point out that this certificate is a forgery.Media's response? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

There has got to be graphic designers in the mainstream media who have looked at this thing.



May 17, 2011 11:30 AM

ObamaRelease Y ourRecords said...[Reply]


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Via Jerome Corsi's Facebook page:

At the last minute HANNITY CANCELLED -- I gues s joining Bill O'Reilly to dismiss the "Birthers" -- we had keepthe first radio for Hannity for 3 months. He cancelled to day. STEVE MALZBERG gets the first interview late r thisafternoon. Call Hannity and let him know what you think.

May 17, 2011 11:41 AM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

For some time no w, we ha ve see n a complete and total takeover of the media, on all levels. Thank goodnes sfor sites like ORYR and others. But still, it does seem unbelievable what we're witnessing at this time.

May 17, 2011 11:43 AM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Great information, now if we can only get our useless congress to read and act on it.

May 17, 2011 11:49 AM

Aaron said...[Reply]

Hannity cancelled? W hat the hell is going on in this country? There has to be a committed cover-up takingplace in the media.

May 17, 2011 12:06 PM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

I think Obama, the CIA, the KGB and their Chicago-style thugs go t involved RE: Trump & Hannity!! Unless theyare BOTH liberal plants to get us chase our tails, again! Read The Conservative Monster dot Com for this type

of information!! We all need to start connecting the dots. EVIL is here and now! It didn't die with the Nazisand it didn't die with the Commies! Both of these groups are in cahoots with the Muslims!!

May 17, 2011 12:11 PM

AM said...[Reply]

Trump getting out of the race w as strange. He gave every indication in the w eeks be fore that he w as

running . Hmmmm

May 17, 2011 12:21 PM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Yep, as is constantly be ing said, the information and e vidence of fraud of a ll kinds from Obama and his

enablers is overwhelming.....yet there is apparently nothing we can do to bring justice to these people.

May 17, 2011 12:24 PM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

I hate to bring it up, but I have been refusing to contribute to Republican candidates and groups, citing theircowardly refusal to address the single most compelling issue of the last 300 years. I realize that we have to

be cautious about possibly injuring our only candidates and current representatives, but I am less and lesscomfortable w ith giving them a pas s.

Sorry, Congresscritters and Other Hangers-on, but you swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, and I can't

ignore the fact that not a single one of you has been willing to even admit that there is a Constitutional issueto be defended.

May 17, 2011 1:07 PM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Trump quitting is not strange, given this scenario and the fact that a pattern has been developed.

May 17, 2011 2:44 PM

Hotlanta Mike said...[Reply]

Sean Hannity is certainly NOT a grea t American!!!

May 17, 2011 2:50 PM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Has Corsi's book e ven been mentioned in the press ?

May 17, 2011 2:54 PM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

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Just listen to Jerome Corsi with Steve Malzberg,the reason Hannity didn't want Jerome Corsi on his show isbecause Hannity would have had to ask Corsi about his book and what he wrote a nd i don't think FOXNEWS

would like to have Hannity asking any kind of questions that would bring out the real truth about Obama.....


May 17, 2011 3:03 PM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Ya think?

May 17, 2011 3:19 PM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

I need to say this: It does not matte r which Party is in office, our gove rnment is a sham. It is be ing controlled

by the e lite. Sure Obama is a liar and a scound rel but so a re the rest of them for not calling him on it! Don'tyou think that all the politicians know abou t him? Let's no t be na ive. No matter w hich Party is in office thecountry heads in the same direction and to ward the same goals. The agenda is to te ar down the USA by

removing its monetary system. We are not a Democracy, we are a free market system, where those whohave the most, rule. I don't blame Trump for not running ...if he became Presiden t he w ould have to be under

somebody's thumb.

May 17, 2011 3:21 PM

California birther/dualer/doubter said...[Reply]

Brings to mind Cdr. Kerchner's ad "The 3 Enablers":

Well, we've been down this road before. We'll just keep chipping away at this rotten edifice until it, too,comes crashing down, right? So let's begin by heeding the words of WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah in his latest

commenta ry, "Help me blow the w histle on Obama":

May 17, 2011 3:27 PM

California birther/dualer/doubter said...[Reply]

Just fired this s alvo at the guy:

What's this I hear about you chickening out of interviewing Jerome Corsi now that his book "Where's the

Birth Certificate?" has been released today?

Certainly you didn't fall for the fraudu lent piece of crap that the White House recently released , did you? If you think that's the real thing, try telling it to an e xpert on do cument making:

The American citizens who care about the constitutional qualifications to be president (no, just being born

here doesn't make one a natural-born citizen, as Corsi would have gladly explained to you) expect betterfrom my fellow wa tchdogs in the media.

May 17, 2011 3:37 PM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

We are definitely in se rious, serious trouble. If history is any indication, this is going to come to an end and itwon't be pretty. Good or bad, to me, unfortunately, not else much matters other then seeing this resolved. Ialso know what it's going to take. We're not there yet, but I'd like to think we're working on it.

May 17, 2011 4:04 PM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

The best thing Hannity should have done , if he had do ubts, was to keep the interview and add some expertfrom The Administration to counte r the as sertions. The let the ir audience decide as they at Fox claim to do.

May 17, 2011 4:50 PM

Pro Graphics said...[Reply]


WND has a new article a bout the numbering system that made it improbable that Oba ma would have been

out of sequence w ith the Nordyke twins. However, WND managed to miss the most important new s in theirown story:


"The article published in the November-December 1955 issue o f the Haw aii Medical Journal, titled "VitalRecords in Hawaii," makes clear tha t the territory was s treamlining and s tructuring an undisciplined vital

records system to comply with U.S. Bureau of Census practices in preparation for statehood in 1959.


In 1955 Haw aii was res tructuring to fully comply with the census practices. From the 1930's - the ea rly 1960's

there was only one census designation term allowed for a person of color: "Negro". Not "African" as is onObama's birth certificate, a term which did not come into census practice until 2000, or when Obama was 37 -

38 years o ld.

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Besides that, census re cords from that time make it quite clear that black/white mix was called e ither negroor othe r. Since Oba ma's mommy's nud ies pics show she had porcelain-white thighs, it is unlikely the doctors

who attended the birth mistook his mother for "Negro".


You know , Obama is such an obnoxious as s it really is jaw-dropping. He shou ldn't be sitting in the White

House and he absolutely knows it.

May 17, 2011 5:10 PM

Pro Graphics said...[Reply]

"It does not matter w hich Party is in office"

What the hell is wrong w ith that gray matter in your skull that s hould be triggering electrical impulses? Itabsolutely matters which party is in office. When Bush was president we didn't have Obamacare, a failed

stimulus, 10% unemployment, a cabinet filled w ith radicals. That's why eve ryone disagre es w ith your geniusand voted the democrats out o f the house by record numbers.


Sheesh. Unbelievable.

May 17, 2011 5:13 PM

Retired Intelligence Officer said...[Reply]

Hannity once before cancelled on Corsi. Corsi was s cheduled to go on his show a fter he wa s detained in

Kenya by government officials. When Corsi was set to go on, Hannity cancelled at the last minute.

May 17, 2011 5:16 PM

Hotlanta Mike said...[Reply]

The Steve Malzberg Show- May 17, 2011- Hour 3In another first interview, Jerome Corsi, author of "Where's The Birth Certificate? ," discusse s, via extensive

research, the Obama birth certificate.

May 17, 2011 6:22 PM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

Pro Graphics,

Bush w as an ep ic failure. Seriously.. I follow this site da ily and like what you say, but holy crap you neo -consare DENSE.

George W. Bush = New World Order

Just like Barack. Holy crap, what a clown.

May 17, 2011 7:32 PM

Pro Graphics said...[Reply]

I did not say Bush was good , I said he w as be tter. If you can't wrap your head a round tha t very simple fact,

then you're hopeless.

May 17, 2011 7:59 PM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

No, he wa sn't bette r. He was just PRIOR.

Frankly, I'm beginning to think this is a mana ged opposition website. A safety valve, just like He rman "I us edto w ork for the Federal Reserve" Cain or Allen "Defense Spending should be 20% of GDP forever and ever

amen" West.

The idea tha t someone within the New World Order, who's only job is to work tirelessly to advance a onewo rld imperial socialist gove rnment, would be 'less evil' than the guy w ho came later is a farce. Bush's Rxdrugs bill was a nice jump off point for Soebarkah when he was selling Obamacare.

I guess those WMDs got "moved to Syria lulz". Authorization to use force is not a Congressional declaration

of wa r. Oh, and 9-11 was an inside job . Yeah , that's kind of the big one .

Nah, Bush and Barry, the closet homosexua l 11th cousins, are pretty much both Satan incarnate .

But I guess your personal tax rate was a little better when you hop in the way back machine so it's all gravy,


Liberty. Or. Death.

May 17, 2011 8:15 PM

ObamaRelease Y ourRecords said...[Reply]


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"Frankly, I'm beginning to think this is a managed o ppos ition w ebs ite"


Nope, you'd be wrong. I'm just one private citizen that started my online battle against Obama right after hewas sworn in. Starting at the White House facebook page then moving to this blog after 30+ ORYR facebook

profiles were wiped out by FB for my countless hours of activism trying to make people aware of Obama'aineligibility.

Think what you wish...

May 17, 2011 8:22 PM

JJ said...[Reply]

That one "R" in Obama's first name on the LFBC (wh ich is in grayscale instead of binary and is in a different

layer) may have been left over from the "R" in ViRginia Sunahara (the dead infant they may have s tolen theBC number from).

May 17, 2011 8:52 PM

Pro Graphics said...[Reply]

I wish some of these left-wing anonymous poste rs would at least take the trouble to establish an identityhere, so we could keep a score card on the idiots. Hit-and-run morons are the worst kind.

May 17, 2011 9:04 PM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

I'm not a left w inger, you fucking tool.

Ask OBYR just how left wing I am. You remember my shit from this morning OBYR? I'm ready to FUCK SHIT UP.

You a ren't.

May 17, 2011 9:17 PM

ObamaRelease Y ourRecords said...[Reply]


Nope, I'm just not ready to be shut down and locked up...

May 17, 2011 9:25 PM

Retired Intelligence Officer said...[Reply]

Could you or anyone else please check on a death certificate for a Herbert Harrison O’Brien from the samehospital, dated August 5, 1961. The date of birth on that death certificate is given as August 4, same day asBarack Hussein Obama’s birth.

It might lead to something!!

May 17, 2011 9:31 PM

Anonymous said...[Reply]

I agree, parties mean nothing. Each term has so meone to advance a stage in the agenda. Bush? Hello,homeland se curity. Gitmo. Iraq war. That isn't enough to show w here his head was at o r who his controllersare? The only reason I have more concern about Obama is that he is more suave, so people think they can

trust h im. Same nw o s hyte, different s kin color, nicer suit.

May 17, 2011 10:50 PM

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 “As long a s I am an American citizen and American b lood runs inthese veins I sha ll hold myself at liberty to spea k, to write, and to

publish wha tever I please on any subject.” - Elijah ParishLovejoy(1802-1837)

I am forced to moderate the comments at this site due to theObama defenders constant porn spam a nd threatening comments.

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