
Nutritional Remedies for Anxiety

Excessive levels of anxiety can impair one’s outlook and quality of life.

Herbal Supplements for Anxiety

A combination of valerian and passionflower taken thrice a day is a great help in reducing anxiety.

Lemon combined with other herbal supplements can calm the body and induce sleep.

American skullcap is an anti-spasmodic herb that is helpful in lessening tension.

Linden flowers help treat flu or cough, or to relieve nervous tension and digestive problems.

Bacopa is a native Indian herb that has been proven to have an effect on brain activity.

Kava kava is effective in lessening anxiety and mood swings.

Hops is available as powder or tea, it is used by patients to calm down.

Holy basil is great for reducing anxiety levels, regulating blood sugar to minimize the stress-inducing hormone.

Gotu kola induces mental clarity and lessens the tendency of a startle response.

Lavender tea or essential oil has aromatic properties that can greatly help in minimizing anxiety.

Maca root has high levels of phytonutrients, iron and magnesium which are essential in anxiety control.

Nutritional Supplements for Anxiety

Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil are effective in combating anxiety and depression.

Amino acid supplements like Gamma amino butyric acid induce calmness.

L-theanine activates alpha brain waves to prompt both alertness and relaxation.

L-glutamine regulates blood sugar so it does not drop to extremely low anxiety-inducing levels.

L-tryptophan raises serotonin production to induce a feel-good effect and fight depression and anxiety.

5-HTP (5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan) stimulates serotonin production to boost mood and reduce anxiety and depression.

L-glycine calms the nervous system and is an effective treatment for manic-depressive behavior.

L-taurine produces calming sensations by controlling the brain’s adrenaline levels.

Anxiety Mineral Supplements

Magnesium relaxes muscles and decreases insomnia, restlessness, and the startle reflex.

Calcium reduces anxiety symptoms such as insomnia, agitation, and palpitations.

Vitamins for Stress and Anxiety

B Vitamins take cares of the nervous system and regulate neurotransmitter activities to improve mood.

Vitamin C is great for regulating the immune system and the body’s levels of cortisol.

Foods that Cure Anxiety

Whole grain foods and seaweeds are rich in magnesium and tryptophan which fight anxiety.

Blueberries and peaches are rich in vitamins and phytonutrients that produce a sedating effect.

Acai berries have phytonutrients and antioxidants that ward off anxiety.

Almonds have zinc (which improves mood), iron and healthy fats (which prevent brain fatigue).

Pure dark chocolate lessens anxiety brought about by the stress hormone cortisol.

General Nutritional Advice

Drink more water

Stick to fresh fruits and vegetables

Stay away from alcohol and the following:

Refined carbohydrates



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