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This presentation is the combination of four different presentation that has been rearranged.


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• Introduction• Classification of food groups• Balanced diet• Exercise• Nutrition pyramid

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This is a presentation about nutrition's. In this the classification of food groups, balanced diet, exercise and nutrition pyramid will be included and each of these parts will be explained..

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Classification Of Food Groups


Carbohydrates are one of the main types of nutrition's. They are the most important source of energy for our body. Our digestive system changes carbohydrates into glucose. Our body uses this sugar for energy for cells tissues and organs.

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Simple carbohydrates: include sugars found naturally. Foods such as fruits, vegetables & diary products.

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Complex Carbohydrates: include whole grain breads and cereal, starchy vegetables and legumes

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Our body needs protein to repair and maintain itself. Every cell in our body contains proteins. Examples: meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese

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We can usually get all our vitamins from the foods we eat. Each vitamin has specific jobs in our body.

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Low levels certain vitamins, will make develop a deficiency disease. For example if we don’t get enough vitamin D we could develop rickets.

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Fats are energy source for the body (more than carbs and proteins)

Fats belong to a group of organic compounds called lipids which are substances that do not dissolve in water.

Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats.


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Diets with too much saturated fat have been known to cause heart disease.

Foods with a lot of saturated fat: beef fat, egg yolks, dairy products

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Our body uses minerals for many different jobs, including building bones, making hormones and regulating our heart beat. The best way to get Minerals is by eating a wide variety of foods. Some of the sources which we get minerals are cheese, milk, and green vegetables.

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The minerals and most of the vitamins your body needs must be obtained from the foods you eat since your body cannot make them.

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• Do you know the MOST IMPORTANT nutrient?

• It’s Water!

• 60%-80% of the human body is WATER!

• You need 1-2 litre a day!

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All foods contain water especially: vegetables, fruit and milk

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There are many health benefits of a high fiber diet. Such as reducing the chance of gastrointestinal problems such as constipation and diarrhea by increasing the size of stool and softening it. Fiber would be found in wheat, flour, nuts and vegetables etc…

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Balanced Diet Balance diet means getting the right types and amounts of foods &

Drinks to supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues

& organs, & for normal growth and development. Balanced diet provides

Natural disease prevention, weight control and proper sleep without any


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Balance Diet

Disease prevention

Eating a balance diet is the easiest way to protect yourself from many of the diseases associated with ageing, including diabetes and heart disease.

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Exercise IS important

And fun!

So go outside and play!!

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The nutrition pyramid

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Tips about NutritionIf you don't use a proper diet, little things might

happen like: Maybe you’re too tired to do your work at

school, or it takes longer to get over a cold, cuts and injuries might take longer to heal, you're cranky.

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Reference List

Maredeth Robinson, (2012),The New Pyramid - NutritionCareer Development Software.

Nutrition. Ahmed Ameeen: (2012).

Understanding Nutrition and Your Diet,Tbrame (2005). McGraw-Hill Higher education. All right reserved

The New Pyramid – Nutrition Career Development Software, Inc © 2005