Page 1: NUTRITION INFORMATION PACK · build & repair your muscles. You need a sufficient amount of protein (0.68-1g per lb bodyweight) to ensure you are maintaining your muscle mass optimally


Page 2: NUTRITION INFORMATION PACK · build & repair your muscles. You need a sufficient amount of protein (0.68-1g per lb bodyweight) to ensure you are maintaining your muscle mass optimally

The basics behind nutrition is 'calories in vs. calories out' which basically mean; if you eat MORE calories than you burn daily you will GAIN weight, and if you eat LESS calories than you

burn daily you will LOSE weight! It's as simple as that!

If you are willing to count calories, using My Fitness Pal, then we are able

to do this and I will give you your calorie number to adhere to for your specific goals.

If you do not want to count your calories, then this guide will give you some good guidelines to follow to help you make

better choices regarding nutrition!

With regards to food, there are 3 main macronutrients; PROTEIN, CARBOHYDRATES and FATS.

These will be the focus point of the nutritional guide! As well as tracking calories; we can also track macronutrients! This is

basically logging all of the food we eat, and setting a number of grams of Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats to eat daily.

(This is totally optional, this is a very extreme dieting approach, and isn't necessary for most people).


Page 3: NUTRITION INFORMATION PACK · build & repair your muscles. You need a sufficient amount of protein (0.68-1g per lb bodyweight) to ensure you are maintaining your muscle mass optimally

PROTEINThere are 4Kcal in 1 gram of protein.

Protein is super important; it is what your body uses tobuild & repair your muscles. You need a sufficient amount of

protein (0.68-1g per lb bodyweight) to ensure you are maintaining your muscle mass optimally.

Some good guidelines to follow when it comes to protein are:

> Make sure you have a protein component to every meal; and make sure its enough! Protein is the most satiating (filling)

macronutrient, so will keep you fuller for longer!> If you are unable to eat/afford/stomach food sources of

protein, use whey protein powder instead!> Vary your protein sources so you don't get bored!

Page 4: NUTRITION INFORMATION PACK · build & repair your muscles. You need a sufficient amount of protein (0.68-1g per lb bodyweight) to ensure you are maintaining your muscle mass optimally

CARBOHYDRATESThere are 4Kcal in 1 gram of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates

are so important as they are your bodies primary source of energy!

They are good to be spread out throughout the days meals;however the most optimal time to eat them in bigger quantities

is pre (before) and post (after) workout.

There are 2 types of carbohydrate; fast absorbing and slow release:

> Fast absorbing carbs are normally high in sugars, and will not fill you up as much. However they are used well as energy pre

(before) and post (after) workout!> Slow release carbs are normally higher in fibre, fill you up

more and provide energy for longer periods of time. They are good to eat throughout the day in pretty much all meals. You are

ok to have a nice portion of carbohydrates with each meal, however be mindful of eating them in moderation. Do not pile carbohydrates on your plate just because they are 'healthy';

they still contain calories. PRO TIP .. If you prefer to eat bigger portions of carbohydrates in one go, then only have them with 1/2 of your meals; but have

bigger portions. But again be mindful of the overall amount throughout the day!

Page 5: NUTRITION INFORMATION PACK · build & repair your muscles. You need a sufficient amount of protein (0.68-1g per lb bodyweight) to ensure you are maintaining your muscle mass optimally

FATSThere are 9kcal per 1 gram of fat. As you can tell here fats are double the calories of proteins and carbohydrates. Fats are very

important when it comes to regulating hormone levels, andmanaging stress levels. However it is very easy to eat more than

necessary, and the calories then start to rack up!

There are 2 types of fats; unsaturated and saturated: > Unsaturated are classed as the good fats, they are found in

natural food sources and have many health benefits; they increase your HDL and benefit your cholesterol levels.> Saturated are class as the bad fats, they are found in

processed foods and have some health implications, they increase your LDL and detriment your cholesterol levels.

At the End of The Day .. Fats are fats; they all contain the same calories, and our end goal is calories in vs. calories out. Yes be mindful of the fats

you're taking in and from what sources, but don't focus on it. Just make sure you're eating them in moderation, whatever makes your diet easier to adhere to. With regards to portion

sizes; just watch that you aren't having too much. There is norecommendation to how much to have per meal, it is just to be

mindful that you aren't having too much.

Page 6: NUTRITION INFORMATION PACK · build & repair your muscles. You need a sufficient amount of protein (0.68-1g per lb bodyweight) to ensure you are maintaining your muscle mass optimally

ALCOHOLThere are 7Kcal per 1 gram of alcohol. Alcohol is something

that we should be very mindful of the amounts we are drinking. It is far too easy to disregard the calories we intake in alcohol.

Alcohol is mainly made up of carbohydrates. If you are planning to go out drinking in the evening of the day, I recommend auto regulating your calories for the day, so cut back on your carbs

for the day if you know you are going out drinking, to make room for the alcohol consumed and minimise the damage.

If you Are Counting Calories .. Put the alcohol you are going to be drinking in that day into My Fitness Pal at the beginning of the day, so you know how many calories you have left in food to eat for the day to still stay within

your calorie number.

Page 7: NUTRITION INFORMATION PACK · build & repair your muscles. You need a sufficient amount of protein (0.68-1g per lb bodyweight) to ensure you are maintaining your muscle mass optimally

OFF PLAN MEALSWe all enjoy a meal out, a takeaway or just a night in with

friends/family. I totally understand that; and I understand that we al have our favourite foods and need some down time!

Off plan meals are totally acceptable and I encourage you to have them! But in MODERATION!

I am going to give you some good tips to go off when you know you're having an off plan meal that day..

> Manage your calories well; if you know you're having a cheat meal that evening, through the day, pull your calories back

slightly. Same as when you know you're going to be consuming alcohol, take some of the fats and carbs out of your meals to

make room for the cheat meal.> If counting calories, try to input the cheat meal into My Fitness Pal at the start of the day, then make sure you're food intake for the rest of the day is within your calories. (Only if you want to, if

you want to have a day off counting calories, follow tip 1)> Most importantly; ENJOY YOURSELF! Enjoy the food and don't worry about it, then get back to the plan the next day!

Page 8: NUTRITION INFORMATION PACK · build & repair your muscles. You need a sufficient amount of protein (0.68-1g per lb bodyweight) to ensure you are maintaining your muscle mass optimally

OVERVIEWI am now going to run through some overview points, and

the main take aways from this document ..

1. Have a good portion of protein with every meal.

2. Eat your carbohydrates in moderation, place the majority of them before or after your workout if possible, or if you want to; save them for later in the day when you will enjoy them more!

3. Be mindful of your fats, yes make sure you're eating them; but just watch the amounts you are taking in.

4. When it comes to Alcohol and Off Plan Meals, regulate your calories through the day to make room for these occasions, and

minimise the damage!

5. Snack on the low calorie options I have recommended to you, they will keep you ticking over in between meals and wont have

a massive impact in your calorie intake for the day (still be mindful of moderation!).

6. Count calories if you can, this will give you the best results as it is very accurate and controlled.

7. Make sure you ENJOY IT! If you aren't enjoying it, you won’t stick to it. Eat foods you enjoy, experiment with cooking, and

have fun!