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NutriRice™ hot extrusion technology –a breakthrough in rice fortification



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Rice fortification is an effectiveway to improve public health inpopulations whose staple dietconsists mainly of rice.


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Nutritional deficitsspan the globe














Milling losses of some vitamins and minerals in 200g rice






Folic Acid


Vitamin B1






Raw Rice

Milled Rice

Unfortunately, despite great progress

in understanding and applying basic

nutritional principles, deficiencies of

essential micronutrients can still be

found in every corner of the world.

And we not only find them where they

might be expected, in low-income

countries where food is scarce and

hunger persists. Dietary imbalances

mean that micronutrient deficiencies

are even found where food is plentiful.

Take rice, for example. It is the major

staple food for millions of individuals,

providing more than a fifth of the world’s

food calories. In Asia people eat about

150 kg of rice annually. But this rice has

been milled, and milling causes most

of the valuable micronutrients in rice

kernels to be lost.

When the food we eat lacks essential

micronutrients it gives rise to a

condition known as hidden hunger.

Food fortification – the addition of

vitamins and minerals to a staple

food – is a safe and efficient way to

improve nutritional status and health

and prevent hidden hunger, without

trying to make people change their

dietary habits. The technology is well

developed and economical: it costs

only a few cents annually to add the

required amounts of micronutrients

to an individual’s diet. Food fortification

is probably the most cost-effective

way to eliminate micronutrient mal-

nutrition and reduce the associated

burden on health-care systems and

increase productivity.

At DSM’s Nutrition ImprovementProgram we have extensiveexperience in fortifying staplefoods, especially rice. As well asoffering scientific and technicalsupport, our global team canassist you with the regulatoryexpertise you need to kick-startyour rice fortification project.


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Improving nutritionthrough rice fortification

Fortifying rice is not a straightforward

process. Adding micronutrients is not

the problem – the difficulty is making

them stay where they are needed, even

when the rice is soaked and rinsed

prior to cooking. An important advance

was made with the development of

reconstituted, fortified rice kernels

which could be added to regular rice.

Unfortunately, these kernels looked

slightly different so that consumers

often saw them as impurities, and

removed them.

To overcome such difficulties, DSM

and our process-engineering partner

Buhler have developed a new

reconstituted kernel production

method with encapsulated micro-

nutrients using an innovative hot

extrusion process. The fortified kernels

look, taste and behave exactly like

normal rice, and the nutrients

embedded in the kernels are efficiently

protected from external influences

during washing and cooking. The

process uses low-cost broken rice as

raw material, and the appearance and

texture, as well as the nutrient content

of the kernels, can be adapted to

the specific requirements of target

consumer groups.

The resulting product offers excellent

physical stability, with minimal loss

of added nutrients during storage,

washing and cooking. To guarantee

the right intake of vitamins and minerals

for good health, NutriRice fortified

kernels are mixed with regular rice in

a ratio of 0.5–2%. NutriRice is therefore

a better source of essential micro-

nutrients than rice fortified by any

other method.

NutriRice™ production


Rice mill

Rice flouris mixed withmicronutrients

Rice kernelis formed viahot extrusion

Rice processing Regular rice Regular ricemixed withNutriRicein a ratio of0.5–2%.

NutriRice™ looks, tastes andcooks exactly like ordinary rice.The fortified kernels deliverthe added micronutrients tothe consumer as intended.The kernels can be customizedin shape, color and micro-nutrient composition.


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Better performance at theDandelion Middle School,Beijing

The children of 600 migrant workers

attend the Dandelion Middle School

in Beijing, some of them as resident

pupils. In 2008, as part of a pilot project,

all pupils at the school were given

NutriRice for a period of eight months.

Their food was also supplemented

with soy sauce enriched with iron

and oil enriched with vitamin A. The

Chinese Center for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC), which is investigating

the potential for enriched staple foods

to improve the critical nutritional status

of certain disadvantaged population

segments, provided start-up help for

the project.


Before the trial, all pupils were given

a physical examination. The Chinese

CDC diagnosed general malnutrition:

especially prominent were anemia,

vitamin A deficiency and vitamin

B-complex deficiency. The children

were also found to be severely deficient

in zinc, an important trace element

without which growth is impeded.

The intervention achieved a

marked reduction in vitamin B1

and vitamin B2 deficiency.

Further, we were able to significantly

increase the amount of iron-containing

proteins in the red blood cells. This

manifested itself in the children’s

increased capacity to memorize and

their ability to concentrate. In sports,

During the eight-month trialperiod at the Dandelion MiddleSchool the effects of malnutri-tion were reduced by 50 percent,thus raising the pupils’ generalnutritional status to the averageurban level.

too, teachers noticed a marked impro-

vement. The children’s physical strength

and stamina increased substantially, as

did performance levels in general.

Efficacy trial inBangalore, India

In a poor urban setting in Bangalore,

India, DSM collaborated with the

St. John’s Research Institute to conduct

a trial to study the effects of NutriRice

on school children aged 6-12 years.

After six months the positive impact

of NutriRice was clearly evident.

Specifically, the children’s B-vitamin

status had improved significantly and

there was an improvement in physical

performance, particularly physical

endurance, among the children who

consumed NutriRice.


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In recent years, quality assurance,

traceability and sustainability have

gained further importance in the food

and feed industry. Historically, DSM

has adhered to the highest standards

in this area, and is recognized as

an industry leader by customers

and regulatory authorities. Quality

assurance, traceability and sustainability

come at a cost. They are embedded

in operating procedures, facilities,

environmental and microbiological

control, calibration and validation.

Quality is more than systems, human

resources and investment. It is a

commitment and a mindset created

throughout many generations of


With all this in mind, DSM created

Quality for Life™.

Joint forces

DSM Nutritional Products is the

world’s leading supplier of vitamins,

carotenoids and other fine chemicals

to the feed, food, pharmaceutical and

personal care industries. The business

has a long tradition as a pioneer

in the discovery of new products,

new formulations and attractive

applications for all industry


DSM Nutritional Products has

52 offices and 11 premix plants


DSM is the only integrated premix,

vitamin and nutraceutical manufacturer

capable of creating and delivering

tailor-made formulations to you

anywhere. Add in our extensive

scientific expertise, technical know-

how, global presence and product

safety and quality assurance for

your total peace-of-mind.

Buhler is a global leader for the supply

of process engineering solutions,

especially production technologies for

making foods and engineering materials.

Buhler is a leader in the field of

mechanical and thermal process

engineering such as grinding, blending

and mixing, thermal treatment and

shaping for processing cereal grains

and foods, producing and upgrading

engineering materials, and for die

casting. Buhler collaborates closely

with its customers throughout the life

cycles of their production plants by

generating new added value for their

products in order to improve their

performance in terms of productivity

and competitiveness.

Buhler is specialized in the supply of

industrial rice processing systems.

Buhler’s competence is applied to

every stage of processing involved in

the production of fortified rice: from

grinding, blending, conditioning,

extrusion and drying through to

sifting, storage and packing.

Buhler is present in over 140 countries

and employs some 6,600 people.

NutriRice™ is a joint innovation of two global leaders based in Switzerland.


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DSM’s Nutrition Improvement Program

(NIP) aspires to be your partner of

choice in the global fight against hidden

hunger. We offer nutritious, safe and

affordable solutions tailored to the

needs of local communities in the

developing world, with a special focus

on women and children.

NIP responds to the challenges of

improving nutrition in three ways:

We develop products for specifictarget groups and needs

Micronutrients to improve the

quality of nutrition are needed across

a broad spectrum of situations, from

emergency relief following natural

disasters to long-term health and

welfare improvement strategies

such as school-feeding programs.

In collaboration with organizations

and industry partners we support and

develop sustainable solutions that

meet the specific micronutrient

requirements of diverse target


We support staple foodfortification programs

Staple food fortification provides

important micronutrients without

necessitating a change in the dietary

habits of a population. A well designed

Unlockinghuman potential

and properly managed food fortification

program is one of the most cost-effective

strategies available for improving

public health in a sustainable way.

NIP has not only the scientific and

technical know-how, but also the

necessary experience of establishing

regulatory systems and bringing

products to market to support all

forms of fortification programs.

We develop new sustainableand inclusive business models

Strengthening the food supply chain

is a very effective way to raise living

and nutrition standards in developing

countries. We work intensively with

local companies and other organizations

on local solutions to bring top-quality,

nutritious and tasty products to market.

With the support and advice of our

local partners we can ensure these

products are aspirational, affordable

and accessible to low income groups

at the so-called Base of the Pyramid.

DSM’s Nutrition ImprovementProgram offers a wide spectrumof solutions to the challenges ofhidden hunger. Our productsare designed to meet the verydiverse needs of communitiesall over the world.


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DSM Nutritional Products LtdNutrition Improvement Program

For further information, please see:

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Postal address:

P.O. Box 2676

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Phone: +41 61 815 88 88

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[email protected]

©DSM 2012

The information in this publication is based on our current knowledge and experience, and may be used at your discretion and risk. It does not relieveyou from carrying out your own precautions and tests. We do not assume any liability in connection with your product or its use. You must comply withall applicable laws and regulations, and observe all third-party rights.Notice: The use of any DSM Nutrition Improvement Program, or registered trademark is subject to a prior written licence agreement with DSM.Please contact your DSM account manager for further information.

Brochure H0099/01.2012

EuropeDSM Nutritional Products

Europe Ltd

P.O. Box 2676

CH-4002 Basel


Phone: +41 61 815 77 77

Fax: +41 61 815 78 60

North AmericaDSM Nutritional Products, Inc.

45 Waterview Boulevard

Parsippany, NJ 07054

United States of America

Phone: +1 800 526 01 89

Fax: +1 973 257 84 20

Asia PacificDSM Nutritional Products

Asia Pacific Pte Ltd

2 Havelock Road #04-01

Singapore 059763

Phone: +65 6632 6500

Fax: +65 6632 66 00

Latin AmericaDSM Produtos Nutricionais

do Brasil Ltda.

Av. Eng° Billings, 1729, Prédio 31

Jaguaré – São Paulo – SP

Brasil, 05321-010

Phone: +55 11 3760 63 00

Fax: +55 11 3760 64 92

BühlerBühler AG

CH-9420 Uzwil


Phone: +41 71 955 11 11

Fax: +41 71 955 27 27

[email protected]
