Page 1: "Nurturing Intangibles in Education" by Prof Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak

© DAR2013

LeapEd Sdn Bhd Conference 2013 23 November 2013

Page 2: "Nurturing Intangibles in Education" by Prof Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak

© DAR2013

…schools are like factories…

Page 3: "Nurturing Intangibles in Education" by Prof Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak

© DAR2013

‘Assembly-line’ education

Modified from Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopedia 2004

Customer Content

Tests/Quality Control


Product Value-add


‘Assembly-line ecosystem’

A (human) factory-market ecosystem


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© DAR2013 RSA Animate – Ken Robinson (modified)

What now?

…in the 21st Century

and beyond…

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Great Western Garment Company

Alberta, Canada (1959)

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Hong Kong (present)

X S Garment Factory Co. Ltd

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The Product

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1890s school classroom

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Source: Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office

1950 school classroom

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Harvard Business School 2007 classroom

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A classroom in rural “India”

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Humanity is rapidly becoming less the

outcome of natural process of development,

and more and more the product of an

organised educational plan [the “factory”?].

He (“the educated man”) is simply

a manufactured article bearing the stamp

of the maker.

Harold E Gorst (1901)

The Curse of Education, Chap I: Flourishing Mediocrity

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The Product

…a manufactured article bearing the stamp of the maker.

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A classroom in 1920s University of Alberta Archives

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Steve Job (1955- 2011)

“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your

own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow

your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to

become. Everything else is secondary.”

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human being


+ x _

_ . .


% $

human capital

tangibles ABC


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Ethical Ecological



10 %

90 % - Intangibles


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What we know

What we really should know

What we will never know (unknown)

What we might know

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$ $ $

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Ultimate Aim: Up the Value Chain

…the materialist “me-first” ethos…

We are Human Capital

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) …the end justifies the means…

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World Toilet Day, Nov 19

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human life-cycle of work - spend - consume - die

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EDUCATION An act of achieving

individual (personalised) well-being

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Yes, I am Human Capital


Down the Values Chain


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human being


+ x _

_ . .


% $

human capital









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Up the value chain (as human capital)

Down the values chain (as human being)

…the disconnect of ecosystem with education today...

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“we” approaches (inclusiveness)

“me” approaches (exclusiveness)

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Page 34: "Nurturing Intangibles in Education" by Prof Tan Sri Dato’ Dzulkifli Abdul Razak

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EDUCATION An act of learning for

the well-being of humanity

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The 8 UN Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015)

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These are our “new” 3Rs: > Rifles > Repeaters > Revolvers

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Trust intangibles


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Envisioning the post-2015 future Global Impact by 2030

A world where extreme poverty has been eradicated and where the building blocks for sustained prosperity are in place. A world

where no one has been left behind, where economies are transformed, and where transparent and representative

governments are in charge. A world of peace where sustainable development is the overarching goal. A world with

a new spirit of cooperation and partnership. This is not wishful thinking.

- The Report of the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons

on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, p. 30

Why are “intangibles”


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© DAR2013 Aug 2010

ASEAN Vision 2020 (1997)

A concert of Southeast Asian nations, outward looking, living in peace, stability and prosperity, bonded together in partnership in dynamic

development and in a community of caring societies.”

One Vision, One Identity, One Community

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1. Wealth without work

2. Pleasure without conscience

3. Knowledge without character

4. Business without ethics

5. Science without humanity

6. Religion without sacrifice

7. Politics without principle

8. Education without heart (soul)

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not necessarily a guide to the present and future. The information and analysis

contained in this publication have been compiled or arrived at from sources believed to

be reliable, and are duly acknowledged. The author does not make any representation

as to their accuracy or completeness and does not accept liability for any loss arising

from the use hereof.

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This document may not be reproduced either in whole,

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The views and opinions presented may not necessarily reflect that of LeapEd Sdn Bhd.

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