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1"Mobile Number Portability" means the facility which allows a subscriber of a mobile telephone service to retain his mobile telephone number when he moves:

From one mobile telephone service provider to another, irrespective of the mobile technologyORFrom one mobile technology to another of the same mobile telephone service provider, within such limits as may be permitted by the licensorORFrom one location to another of the same service provider or different service provider

IntroductionTRC#Mobile Number PortabilityMNP

TRC#FEATURES OF MNPTRC#SOME FACTS REGARDING MNPTRC#Types of Number PortabilityTRC#6MOBILE NUMBER PORTABILITYBASIC TERMINOLOGYTRC#BASIC TERMINOLOGY CONTINUEDTRC#THE LOCATION ROUTING NUMBERTRC#The table below shows an example of the assignment of prospective Location Routing Numbers (LRN) across various service operators in BangladeshLOCATION ROUTING NUMBER ASSIGNMENTSl. No.Name of Licensing CompanyMobile NetworkLRN1Grameen PhoneGSM17172RobiGSM18183Bangla LinkGSM19194TeletalkGSM15155AirtelGSM18186CitycellCDMA1111TRC#Ways to implement MNPA customer wishing to port his/her number contacts the new network operator (recipient).Recipient then sends the number portability request (NPR) to the current network (donor) through clearing house.This is International and European Standard. Recipient-led PortingA customer wishing to port own number contacts the donor to obtain a Porting Authorization Code (PAC), which is then showed to the recipient network to proceed. Recipient then continues the port process by contacting the donor. Only UK and India are following this process.Donor-led PortingTRC#11

Steps involved in Recipient led Porting ProcessTRC#Steps involved in Donorled Porting Process

TRC#ELIGIBLITY CRITERIA FOR PORTING TRC#Porting Authorization Code (PAC)TRC#Subscribers ResponsibilityTRC#Recipient Operators ResponsibilityTRC#COUNTRIES INTRODUCED MNPSo far 70 countries have introduced MNP.Of which 36 countries are giving Free of charge to transfer.Different countries have different porting time. Starting from less than a minute in New Zealand to maximum of 30 days in Moldova.TRC#Countries Introduced MNPSERCOUNTRYIMPLIMENTATION DATETIME TO PORTPRICEProcess1UKJanuary 19991 DAYFREED2USA24-November-20032 HRSFREERR3TAIWAN13-November-20053 DAYSNTD 240R4PAKISTAN23-March-20074 DAYSFREER5SINGAPORE13-June-20081 DAYFREER6MALAYSIA01-October-20081 DAYFREER7TURKEY09-November-20086 DAYSFREER8THAILAND15-December-20103 DAYSTHB 29R9INDIA20-January-20117 DAYSINR 19D10NIGERIA22-April-20132 DAYSFREER- WikipediaDDonor-led R Recipient-ledBANGLADESH PERSPECTIVEForwardsBANGLADESH PERSPECTIVERECIPIENT NETWORK (B)Submit Customer Acquisition Form.Any other documents.Recipient will verify the documentsCLEARING HOUSEVerify the request in NPDB.Check with 45 days time periodVerify if previous porting request exits.

DONOR NETWORK (A)Verify if requests falls under grounds of rejection.


BForwardsRejection/ClearanceInformsTHE MOBILE CLEARING HOUSE ADMINISTRATOR (MCHA)TRC#Originating NetworkAll Call QueryDonor NetworkCentralized NPDBRecipient Network123Internal NPDBOld Recipient NetworkTRC#Originating NetworkQuery on ReleaseDonor NetworkCentralized NPDBRecipient Network12345Internal NPDBOld Recipient NetworkTRC#Originating NetworkCall DropbackDonor NetworkCentralized NPDBRecipient Network145Internal NPDBOld Recipient Network23TRC#Originating NetworkOnward RoutingDonor NetworkCentralized NPDBRecipient Network14Internal NPDBOld Recipient Network23TRC#Comparison of four schemesTRC#28Comparison of four schemes - ContinuedTRC#Technical implementation of MNPARCHITECTURE REQUIRED FOR MNP