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Trend book.Fashion and Marketing consultancy.

Trend prediction 2013/14

Page 2: Number 4 Trendbook


•Introduction to Lifestyle as a Trend

•The Team

•Our Trends -shoptech-vivenda-experientialism-adentrum

•The Future



number 4.

We are a modern, new and fun mar-

keting consultancy who will work to-

gether with your company having in

mind their values and ideas to create

a successful result and new opportu-

nities for the companies future. Your

company will always be guided in the

most professional way thanks to our in-

dividual knowledge of cultures and a

broader set of mind. The road to suc-

cess is always under construction, but

we have the perfect tools to make it


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Our trends together sum up as a life-

style concept, as our trends show a

type of everyday life. How these affect

our routine from health to moods and

place. All in all affect the way we live

and our future. Our lifestyle trends

show the emotions and physicality in

our surroundings.

the team.

Research analyst Advertising/PR

Journalist Layout and graphic design

Page 4: Number 4 Trendbook

Our trends.






Interactive Mirrors

Click & Collect Service

Self - Checkout

Mobile Apps

3D & Augmented Reality

Shoptech is a megatrend which explains how the

shopping experience is changing due to technol-

ogy. People have less time to go shopping and now

shop online. Due to Mintel statistics 35% of Brits

are shopping online and by 2015 sales are expected

to increase 45% to reach a staggering £6.9 billion.

Due to this, retail stores are trying to make the

shopping experience easier and more exciting to

bring consumers back to stores. The following ex-

amples show how technology has already changed

the shopping experience and what will become the

future of shopping.

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interactive mirrors. Click & Collect service.

Interactive Mirrors are a new way of how the shopping experi-

ence is changing. These mirrors allow customers to capture im-

ages of different outfits, glasses or other fashion items onto a

digital touch screen with an inbuilt camera that doubles as a mir-

ror. Customers can try on the products and then share the images

with family and friends using facebook, email or twitter. Some

examples of the new interactive mirrors are the ‘MiMirror’, de-

veloped by technology firm, Toshiba Tec. This mirror is seen in

Republic in the new Westfield shopping Centre in Stratford and

provides the customers with a more versatile experience. These

interactive mirrors make it a more fun and interactive shopping

experience for the customers and bring them back to the stores

instead of shopping online.

The Click & Collect service is an easier method of buying

online and collecting in the store making it more efficient

for the customer. This makes it faster for the customer to

get their delivery if they do not want to wait and can just

buy the item and collect it the next day. An example of

the click and collect service is in New Look. Goods can be

released using a hand-held device so there is no need for

staff to use the tills. Delivery to stores is free for custom-

ers, who will be kept informed of the progress of their

orders such as when they have been dispatched and when

they are ready for collection. Click & Collect has become

a powerful weapon in the armoury of multichannel retail-

ers and will continue to do so.

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SELF - CHECKOUT. mobile apps.

Mobile apps are a big advance in technology and tak-

ing over the way we shop today. Applications give more

information on the stores and clothing. These apps are

becoming even more common with all retail stores pro-

viding an easier way of shopping for the busy working

customer and making it more efficient. You can browse

and pay for an item on your phone without even step-

ping into the shop, find the closest shop to you if you

need to go in and try or pay for something and track

your orders to see where they are and when they will

be delivered. Many shops also provide users with fash-

ion content and style advice such as New Look that have

recently launched their own app.

Another way the shopping experience is changing is

using mobiles. Aurora, the fashion group that owns

Oasis, Warehouse and Coast has started trialing mo-

bile payment. In a move towards offering self-check-

out this will allow customers to serve themselves.

Already staff are able to scan products anywhere

in the store using a scanner and then complete the

payment with an ipad. This is the first step towards

customers serving themselves where they would just

use their phone to scan an item and then pay for it on

an ipad in the store. This is designed to axe queues

as they will be able to directly pay once the product

has been scanned. For staff, the devices for scanning

can also be used to check stock availability and

check the website if customers are looking for spe-

cific products. Self-Checkout has not yet started in

store, but this will be a definite trend and change

the shopping experience in the future.

They also have a barcode scanner that can be used to

access more information on the products and shop-

pers can scan items and check whether they are avail-

able in a specific size or colour. These apps are used

to enhance customer experience not only in the store

but also online.

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3D & Augmented reality.

3D and augmented reality gives the customers

real time interaction with brands and makes it a

fun and interesting experience. 3D & Augmented

reality promotes your brand and attracts and en-

gages the audience making it a modern and fun

way of shopping. An example of this is Hugo Boss

in the new Westfield Centre, which is said to be

the largest sharp manufactured single video wall

in Europe. You are able to dress mannequins in dif-

ferent outfits and take part in games. This shows a

whole new meaning to window-shopping and the

way customers shop.


• More advanced interactive mirrors, one

in each fitting room.

• Self-checkout. Customers serving them-


• More click & Collect services being seen

in all brands.

• Mobile apps becoming more advanced.

• More interaction with the customers.

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Japanese & Thai

Animal Rights & Fair Trade

Helping money


Garden State

This trend finds inspirations from the

current food trend to develop into the


japanese & thai.

Japanese products launched more than

230% from 2010 till now. Ethnic food lov-

ers say they were introduced to the cuisines

by tv programming, newspapers and maga-

zines. More and more consumers are hun-

gry for exotic flavours on their plates. Due

to the economic downturn and the growing

popularity of cooking, more consumers are

having fun with home cooking and saving

money experimenting with new foods and

flavours. (Statistics by Mintel) (Good food Magazine)

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Animal rights & fair trade

The food industry is now finding ways to

support animals and traders around the

world. As consumers respond to the ‘lo-

cal trend’ they are understanding that local

means not only supporting farmer and pro-

ducers in their own area, but also choosing

organic and fair trade products and supports

local economies all over the world. As well

respect given to the environment. In Janu-

ary whole food markets will require that all

meat sold to it will be under the new animal

welfare standards.

helping money.

We know due to travel and cooking shows

as well as the increase of ethnic foods, have

helped the food market grow in 2010 till

present. Home cooking is benefiting from

cooking sauces and ingredients as consum-

ers are becoming more familiar with differ-

ent cuisines. Consumers are becoming more

comfortable with a wider variety of ethnic

flavours. The market is now worth 180 mil-

lion and will be increasing 44%.

(Statistics by Mintel)

(Market Research)


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Mintel’s stats explain: In UK almost a quarter

of women wear clothes in sizes 18 and over.

Meanwhile in the USA adults age 20 and over

are obese. The majority of consumers which are

23 million believe they know what to do to keep

healthy and are commited to leading a healthier

lifestyle and change eating habits to more organ-

ic foods and meals made from home rather than

eating out. Therefore the future may see a wider

array of healthy fare and products. 8million con-

sumers consider organic to be an important is-

sue when deciding what to buy.

garden state.

Consumers are starting to find their own

ways in bringing healthy to the home with-

out spending so much on organic food. As

organic produce is still economically out of

reach for many. Whilst food prices raise, we

may see a boost for seed sales as this trend

develops. Organic food is expected to grow

by 12% in 2014. 1/5 of consumers will start

to grow their own produce at home.

(Statistics by Mintel)

(Good food Magazine) (Organic Trade)

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• Organic and healthy food become the life

saver for not only obese people, but also

children start to eat healthy.

• The homeowner will start to grow their

own produce and save money.

• Consumers will start eating and buying re-

sponsibly to change the environment for the

better, to waste less food and give respect to

animals and producers around the world.

• Asian cuisine will rocket high with its mar-

ket and consumers will see this as a new ex-

perience and how these new ingredients are


Fashion Hosts


Culture Dipping

Fast Luggage

Interactive Holiday

The new consumer is not only look-

ing for efficiency in everyday life, but

is also looking for unique experiences.

The consumers time has been consid-

ered more and more precious and free

time is now used wisely.

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fashion hosts.

Fashion hotels are a way for fashion designers to en-

large the brands image to a larger audience. The fashion

houses partner with a hospitality company to co-brand

a new property or signed on to redesign the interiors of

an existing hotel. They are a new way to advertise their

company by recreating themselves as lifestyles brands.

Well-designed hotels can act as a live-in portfolio for the

brand. The guests are immersed from floor to ceiling in

the brands lifestyle—linens, rugs, cutlery and toiletries

are not only part of the experience but of course also

available for purchase at the on-premise. Credibility in

fashion has a profound fragility and one misjudged


Because of travelling, the environment, the

culture and the economy are threatened.

Sustainable travelling protects our natural

and cultural heritage. A company that com-

mits to sustainability makes itself more at-

tractive to responsible travellers, one of the

fastest growing segments in the travel indus-

try. Travelling responsibly means conserving

natural resources, supporting local cultures,

and making a positive impact on the places

we visit.

diffusion line or franchise can kill a label like it did with

Christian Lacroix that went bankrupt in late 2009, but

his stylish hotel still lives on. Rooms range from $1,100

to $11,000 a night. An expensive hotel though is nothing

new and competition is fierce.



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culture dipping.

The holiday experience has been now tak-

en to another level with the cultural expe-

rience. Travellers don’t want to sit and do

nothing anymore but want to learn about

the country that they are visiting. In order

to do that they will go and spend their time

in cooking classes or culture tours organized

especially for their personal experience of

that culture they will dip into.

fast luggage.

Consumers are nowadays more and more into the fastest way of doing

things because of the lack of time and are looking for efficient products

that make life easier for them everyday. The fast luggage trend is the new

way of travelling for the new consumer. New concepts of luggage have

been created.

Eg:* Designed by Joey Roth : Instead of unpacking your clothes once

you reach your destination, the carry-on suitcase functions as a wardrobe

while you’re on the go.

*TITAN Highroller: This travel suitcase is also a scooter. It includes a spe-

cial external compartment for a laptop that also turns into a laptop table.

*JIBO is a suitcase which focuses on Storages and Mobility. It has a di-

vider in the suitcase or double protector of your expensive articles. It can

also be taken out to expand the space.



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interactive holiday.

The consumer will be able to reach or shop in a

place on the other side of the world only using their

computers. While being busy with work and life,

the person will be able to interact in another part

of earth. As we can already see with Google Earth

and other websites, you can visit a town without

being there physically and you can shop on a street

without using your legs. Google maps has now in-

troduced the ‘helicopter view’, which is a virtual

flight along the consumer planned path, whether

travelling by foot, car or via public transport.


• The consumer will want to interact more

with the labels lifestyle.

• Tourists taking more care of the environ-

ment they are in.

• Making travelling easier and more com-

fortable for the customer.

• Travelling will become more about learn-

ing the culture the consumer is visiting.You can pause the flight and check out the surround-

ing area in 3D - by selecting links to photos, YouTube

videos or Wikipedia pages related to locations and at-

tractions in the area.

(Google Earth)

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Modular kitchen


Wave walls

Natural shower


‘Adentro’ Spanish for ‘inside’. A trend

based on interiors which happen inside

therefore, ‘-trum- was added to create

the name. A whole variety of colours

put together to create an extravagant

rainbow of future concepts designed by

designers all over the world.

modular kitchen.

A very clean and practical idea of a

kitchen . Designed by Fevzi Karaman,

combining a sink and furniture, in the

smartest way.

This concept was awarded with the

first prize at ‘Silverline Kitchen design


It is a modular design made to save

space and time.

(Tuvie – Design of the future)

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The whole new era of technology has

also been reflected in simple things

like glass. Smart-glass, as the word al-

ready explains, is an intelligent glass

that may vary or change its transpar-

ency depending on the light outside or

electronically. It will eventually be used

around the world to make life more ef-

ficient, quick and easy.

wave walls.

These futuristic concept of walls were

created and designed in shape of waves.

The modern art of the three dimentions

is clearly being reflected in these col-

ourful pieces of interiors. At this point,

colours become important since each

of them represent a different mood.

“Feel the peace and tranquility created

by the rolled and formed panels that

define rolling waves”

(Moz Designs Inc.) (Smart-glass International)


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Natural shower.

Simulate living life in the wilds of na-

ture and inspiring the future. A natural

filtering principle called ‘Phyto puri-

fication’. The water is being regener-

ated and reclycled by this ‘mini-eco-

system’ bathroom in only a few steps.

This product is already being used in

ecological purification systems.


Sunshowers, a revolutionary product

that brings all the benefits of the sun

into your bathroom. Tanning showers

are a much healthier option. They will

be time and space saving.

(Inhabitad - Design will save the world)


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In the future these concepts will be-

come more popular. Techonology will

continue to expand and interfere with

interiors creating more concepts eve-



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moodboards. moodboards.

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moodboards. bibliography.

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number 4.Roksana Divsalar

Anjali Soneji Ambra Hooper

Tatjana Hené