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APR/MAY 2012 VOL. 4 ISSUE #3

NUG Magazine Staff:

Publisher: Ben G. Rowin Associate Publisher: M.J. Smith

Editor: Dion Markgraaff Associate Editor: George Alberts

Copy Editor: Marco Alvarez

Photographers: Eric Fowler, SCR Photos, Aaron Evans

Videographer: Chris Gabriel

Contributors: “SD OG Grower”, Dion Markgraaff, Canna Chef Kim, Marc Emmelmann, Pamela Jayne, Tiffany Janay, George Alberts, R.J. Villa, SD Liz, Esther Rubio-Sheffrey, Aaron Evans, Marco Alvarez, Medicinal Michael Boris, Joe Klare.

Comics: Joshua Boulet, Georgia Peschel

Advertising Sales Reps: Ben G. Rowin, Dion Markgraaff, Kirk L.

Art Director: Ian Rie Finance Manager: M.J. Smith

Marketing Manager: Marc Emmelmann Distribution/Subscriptions: Print Media [email protected]

NUG Magazine Staff Contact Information:2260 El Cajon Blvd. #204

San Diego, CA 92104(619) 616-4961

For general information or to reach our Publisher: [email protected] all art/design information: [email protected] all editorial related information: [email protected] submissions: [email protected]

NUG Magazine is published and distributed by NUG Magazine LLC. All contents are for entertainment and educational purposes only and are intended for mature

audiences. We are not responsible for any actions taken by our readers nor do we condone any illegal activity.

Advertisers are responsible for their own ads and content. Only patients with legally recognized medical cannabis ID cards may obtain cannabis from medical cannabis collec-tives/dispensaries. In strict compliance with Prop215 and

SB420 HS11362.5 & HS11362.7” All opinions expressed are those of the writers and not necessarily of the magazine. All submissions become our property and may be used for pub-lication. At times we may use materials placed in the public domain. If you own it let us know and we will acknowledge you. Reproduction of any content is encouraged if you get

permission from our Publisher. All contents copyright. 2012

Welcome to the April/May 420 issue of NUG Magazine!

Most of you have probably already noticed that we took the month of March off from our print schedule, but what you may not have known is that we moved our offi ces, circled the wagons and regrouped, and now are back to work! We have also been posting new content on our website, so make sure to log on often to catch up and keep up-to-date. We have been having some incredible ticket give-aways and other exciting contests on the site also, so keep an eye out for those because we love to send readers to shows!

The federal crack down that began in October has continued to shake our industry, most recently with the raids on Oaksterdam and Richard Lee. Richard has been a champion for medical as well as a proponent for complete legalization for many years. We will have an in-depth article, written by Dion Markgraaff, coming soon.

We are happy to be able to bring you this issue of NUG and want you all to know that it is our advertisers who make it possible, so please get out there and see them and support the businesses that support our collective goal of getting infor-mation out to you, our readers.

In this issue, as always, Canna Chef Kim is giving you some amazing recipes and the Chronisseur is reviewing local strains. Aaron Evans hits you with yet another Perpetual Motion glass article, and we interviewed the band Ballyhoo! But also make sure to log on to the website for exclusive web-only content

We just got word that our friends at Cannabis Planet TV will be returning to the San Diego airwaves in May, so make sure to check your local listings for the start of the new season. I also want to take a moment to thank all of our current, previ-ous and future advertisers for their support, and thank YOU the NUG Magazine readers and fans for all the emails and phone calls letting us know how much you missed us last month.

-Ben G. Rowin




THIS MONTH ONLINE: 10,000 Flushes by Eddy Lepp, MMJ & DUI, book reviews, events, and more! | Cover Photo by: Chris Martin

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An Orange County nutraceutical fi rm, C3 PATIENTS ASSOCIATION, has several U.S. patents pending on a dietary supplement comprised of whole-extracted cannabis, in a pill. Being touted as “Quality of Life, In a Pill”, IDRASIL is currently available in California with a valid doctor’s rec-ommendation. Manufactured in a laboratory with a 1:1:1 ratio of all natu-ral CBD, CBN and THC, IDRASIL is a discreet, odorless pill for patients seeking a non-smoking option for cannabinoid therapy, which is good for a variety of ailments, such as pain management, cancer symptoms, MS, Parkinson’s, hospice and palliative care, sleep disorders, anxiety and depression, and as an aid in easing dependency and withdrawal symp-toms. For pain patients who have not yet been introduced to opiates, IDRASIL is an excellent “fi rst step” to pain abatement, because alterna-tive cannabinoid use diminishes the possibility of an opioid overdose, which is an important concern for all caregivers and their liable parties. With the constant possibility of overdosing on opioids, caregivers will be able to supplement cannabinoids in their patients’ daily regimen and gradually reduce opioid use by up to 50%. This is great for new patients who are not opioid dependent because they now have the choice to live addiction-free with zero opioid dependency and enjoy effective pain management with a cannabinoid-based regimen. IDRASIL provides all of the medicinal benefi ts of cannabis without the risks of smoking or the unpredictable dosages of edible confections, and it improves the patient and their family’s quality of life by not causing depression, lack of appe-tite, incoherence or constipation. IDRASIL eliminates the negative social stigmas and replaces them with an all-natural nutraceutical that looks like any other pill.

With over 2 million doctors’ recommendations currently in California for medical cannabis, there are at least double that number of patients who would consider a cannabinoid regimen if it was available in a consistent, standardized, sterile form that is easy to use with a recommended mil-ligram dose. But because Marinol and Dronabinol are the only drugs available to the medical community, and patients report their ineffi cien-cies, patients who want cannabis are forced to the only existing option, the California dispensary marketplace. IDRASIL is an excellent option for patients who want to bill their insurance for their medication, do not want the calories or smoke, and those who just do not want to venture into a dispensary. IDRASIL is less expensive than Marinol yet still commands a premium because it is laboratory produced and done under an incon-gruous legal climate. For more information about IDRASIL, please visit, ask for Patient Service.

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4/20 and The Importance of DatesBy: Joe KlareEver since humans began keeping track of time in calendar form, every race, creed and religion on earth has attached special signifi cance to certain dates.

We have more than a dozen “offi cial” holidays in the United States alone every year. But, in fact, just about every day is some kind of National ____ Day. If not a day, then it’s an awareness week or month.

This is because these days and weeks and months falling at the same time every year plays into our need to be organized and prodded to action. Sure, everyone knows African Americans had it very rough the last few hundred years, and that breast cancer is an awful scourge, but we have February and October respectively to teach our children lessons of the past and hope for the future.

So it is with cannabis users and April 20th. Many of you know the story of San Rafael High School, The Waldos, and the origins of 4:20, but the importance of the number goes way beyond how it got started.

Those of us who see website traffi c for major cannabis sites on 4/20 know how much more expo-sure we get on the “High Holiday”. The mainstream media is engaged with the movement, even if many only use the event to parrot stoner stereotypes and record footage of massive clouds of smoke hanging over college campuses.

4/20 is also a day when everyone who uses cannabis feels as if they are part of one group, instead of just a lonely outcast. On 4/20, many who hide in the shadows the rest of the year emerge to voice their support of the movement, fi nding strength in numbers.

And those large numbers generate a lot of media attention.

“4/20 has undoubtedly become the cannabis consumer’s an-nual holiday in the last 15 years,” Allen St. Pierre – Executive Director of NORML – told me. “While the day is largely one of celebrating cannabis, it is not a particularly busy political activism day. However, again this year, for example, a num-ber of major TV networks like G4, Spike and Comedy Central have carved out large blocks of pro-cannabis programming throughout the day consisting of cannabis-centric movies, video and animations, along with comedy and music spe-cials. This year Showtime will mark 4/20 by broadcasting the movie ‘Square Grouper’, a documentary about one of Ameri-ca’s most notable cannabis smugglers who served almost 30 years in U.S. prisons.”

“In this respect, having so many mainstream TV networks broadcast pro-cannabis culture because of 4/20 can only help increase and enhance the ever-growing public support for ending cannabis prohibition.”

In other words, cannabis awareness is at its zenith for the year on April 20th. But is all the media attention a good thing or a bad thing?

“The traditional 4/20 marijuana celebration is a double-edged sword,” said Morgan Fox, Communications Manager for The Marijuana Policy Project. “It provides a rallying point for mari-juana users and people who are fans of marijuana culture. If used correctly, it could be a way to unite supporters of mari-juana reform, users or not, to join together and demand that the laws be changed. It can show our lawmakers that we are much more numerous than they suspect and that we have the ability to work together.”

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“The other side is that it often creates a spectacle for the media that over-shadows the need for reform (at best), or even actively hurts reform efforts (at worst). There is certainly a massive increase in public exposure on 4/20, but it normally comes in the form of reporters using clichéd puns and pictures of thousands of tie-dyed youths crowded beneath an impenetrable cloud of smoke. This usually just reinforces negative stereotypes. My impression is that in the three years since I’ve been monitoring marijuana news on a daily basis, 4/20 is the day when we see the least amount of positive media coverage. We can all help change that by getting involved with more politically-focused events on 4/20, instead of sitting around in a park all day getting ripped out of our gourds.”

So if you’re going to be proactive in the movement for at least one day, 4/20 is that day. It can be a chance to use the mainstream media to our advantage and bring our message to a larger audience.

Steve Elliot, editor of, concurred. “I think the most im-portant thing about 4/20 is the media attention casting a light on the subject of our flawed marijuana laws and the fact that they are widely ignored and vastly unpopular. I sometimes think of it as sort of an ‘amateur hour’ or ‘amateur day’ if you will, when a much bigger crowd enters the world in which some of us live every day.”

And those of us who live in that world every day see online traffic increases. Allen St. Pierre at NORML says their website has even seen a 4x increase on previous 4/20s, an increase roughly comparable to websites I run and am in-volved with. Steve Elliot from Toke of The Town indicates that the increases he sees are more modest, saying, “Past years have seen a rise of 10-20%.”

For cannabis users, 4/20 is a holiday like no other. NORML even uses the event to slash membership prices to bring more people into the movement. “For the past eight years, NORML offers a one day ‘money bomb’ on 4/20 to join the organization for.....$4.20 (the regular annual membership rate is $35),” said Allen St. Pierre. “Thousands of cannabis consumers take advantage of not only the super low membership fee but also to regale in joining NORML on 4/20.”

Others, like Steve from Toke of The Town, use the day to relax with cannabis-related music, an increasingly popular pastime, especially with the increase in the catalogue of such tunes.

The fact is that important dates in someone’s life have the ability to alter their daily routine. Those who support cannabis law reform but have never really done anything to help the movement have the opportunity to alter their routine. Get on your social networks and share stories about the truth of cannabis or go to a local rally if you have one, not just to be defiant and smoke in public, but also to advance awareness and prod others into action.

Every group has their own holiday or awareness event and the cannabis com-munity is no different. The routine of an annual holiday calls to us instinctively as human beings. We relish the build-up to a special day, week or month and the events that go with them. We give everything to our favorite day, knowing we will have time to rest and plan before it comes around again.

4/20 puts the eyes of the world on the cannabis community, but, more impor-tantly, it puts our eyes on each other. It’s the one day we know we are not alone, and for many it is the one day they allow themselves to believe that marijuana legalization is a possibility and might actually happen in their lifetime.

In the end, 4/20 is – like most holidays – about hope. There is always an ele-ment of history and past celebrations, but we each use special days as sign-posts and an opportunity to look down the road ahead.

We hope Black History Month will teach our children about tolerance and em-pathy and that no human being should be another’s property. We hope Breast Cancer Awareness Month will teach our girls to be responsible about preventa-tive health care and to teach us all to give a little more effort in combating a disease that takes our mothers, grandmothers, daughters, wives, girlfriends and sisters.

The cannabis community must use each 4/20 as an opportunity to highlight the failure of marijuana prohibition and the danger it poses to society by foment-ing violence and destroying families. By all means, have fun, but also try to do something for those who can’t help themselves.

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Written by Canna Chef Kim, the REAL Mother Earth Co-op ♥ Serving San Diego MMJ patients since 2005 ♥

Historically, cannabis afi cionados have focused on developing strains with prevalent as possible concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — the active ingredient in cannabis that produces the “high”. Recently, medical cannabis growers have been focused on increas-ing concentrations of a lesser known, but therapeutically more benefi -cial chemical compound called Cannabidiol (CBD), which has been proven medically to help reduce infl ammation, convulsions, nausea, as well as inhibit cancer cell growth.

There is signifi cantly more CBD than THC in marijuana. However, be-cause of the way in which the two compounds interact when heated, the effects of the THC generally becomes the more noticeable of the two. For over a decade, medical cannabis co-ops and dispensaries have been independently rising to meet the needs of the sick and vulnerable in our communities. Medical cannabis patients have the option of either a cerebral experience appropriate for daytime activity (sativa), or a sedating occurrence best suited for bedtime (indica). This distinction is embedded in each plant’s diverse chemistry—its cannabinoid profi le. Sativa plants are commonly high in THC and CBN (formed by degenerating THC) and low in CBD; Indica plants can be high in THC but with a higher concentration of CBD. THC is the most commonly found cannabinoid that produces a psychoactive “high” as well as being an analgesic, anti-spasmodic, anti-infl amma-tory, anti-tremor, appetite stimulant, anti-emetic, and a supplementary of other ailments. Cannabidiol (CBD) is the cannabinoid that provides the calming effects, sedative, anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), anti-infl amma-tory, anti-convulsant, anti-oxidant, anti-psychotic, neuroprotective, and immunomodulatory. We continue to do diligent experiments and tracking of strains and effects of THC, CBD and CBN for patients with the assistance of Phar Labs accurate testing, done locally here in San Diego. Our strategic goal is to assist patients in fi nding the correct al-ternative, the best strains that will assist in relief from their ailments.

This month we introduce the benefi ts of juicing medicinal cannabis. By eating or juicing raw cannabis in its natural state, roots included, this chemical balance is typically reversed. Meaning that the benefi -cial properties of CBD completely outshine those of THC, and there is no resultant “high” to speak of. Drinking fresh squeezed cannabis juice (similar to wheat grass juice) or eating raw cannabis as a leafy green vegetable is fast becoming the preferred means of consump-tion for individuals in search of the plant’s health benefi ts without feel-ing high. Although we recommend using caution when eating the leaves raw, as the razor sharp edges irritate most digestive systems, we usually do not recommend eating raw leaves for most patients and prefer juicing the raw plant.


2 apples 5 or 6 medium carrots2 tbsp. hulled hemp seed 1 small fresh cannabis plant 1 cup blueberries 5 leafs of kale 5 stalks of celery 2-inch piece of fresh ginger

Combine all ingredients in a juicer. This is an awesome way to add (wild edible greens) to your raw food diet. A smoothie full of important minerals, vitamins, healthy omega three fats, fi ber, protein, enzymes, that is hydrating and easy to digest with healing properties!


4 tbsp. cannabutter* 8 slices bread (sliced thick)2 medium shallots (chopped) 2/3 cup cream2 lbs. mushrooms (sliced thin) 1/8 tsp. salt4 tbsp. fresh herbs (chives, rosemary +) 1/8 tsp. pepper

In a large skillet, melt 1 tablespoon of cannabutter*(see recipe), over medium-low heat. Add half of the shallots and cook until lightly browned. Add half of the mushrooms, sauté over medium heat until softened and their liquid has evapo-rated, about 5 minutes. Transfer the mushrooms to a plate, and then repeat with the remaining 3 tablespoons of cannabutter, shallots, and mushrooms. Return reserved mushrooms to the skillet. Stir in chopped mixed herbs and sauté for another minute or two. Meanwhile, toast the bread. Stir cream into the mush-room mixture. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Butter the toast if you like. Divide the mushroom mixture evenly over each slice and serve immediately. Makes 8 tasty servings.

Cannabis Cooking

with Kim

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6 cups baby spinach 2 tbsp. chopped toasted pecans1 cup quartered cooked beets 2 ounces crumbled blue cheese1/2 cup Maple Medicinal Vinaigrette 1 small avocado (peeled & sliced)

Toss spinach, beets, and Maple Medicinal Vinaigrette in a large salad bowl. Top with pecans, avocado and blue cheese.


1/2 cup cannaoil* 2 tbsp. soy sauce1/4 cup maple syrup 1/2 tsp. pepper1/4 cup cider vinegar 1/4 tsp. sea salt2 tbsp. coarse-grained mustard 1/4 tsp. turmeric

Whisk all of the ingredients together in a small bowl. Pour over salad & enjoy!


1/4 cup cannabutter (melted) 4 tsp. chopped fresh parsley3 tbsp. Dijon mustard 4 (4 oz.) salmon fi llets1 1/2 tbsp. honey 1 clove garlic (chopped)1/4 cup dry breadcrumbs salt and pepper to taste1/4 cup fi nely chopped pecans 1 lemon (for garnish)

Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). In a small bowl, stir together cannabutter, mustard, and honey; set aside. In another bowl, mix together breadcrumbs, pecans, and parsley. Brush each salmon fi llet lightly with honey mustard mixture and sprinkle the tops of the fi llets with the breadcrumb mixture. Turn oven down to 350°F (185°C) and bake salmon for 12 to 15 minutes in the preheated oven or until it fl akes easily with a fork. Season with salt and pepper and garnish with a lemon wedge.


1 20 oz. can crushed pineapple 3/4 cup nonfat buttermilk2 cups whole-wheat pastry fl our 1/2 cup cannaoil*2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. vanilla extract1/4 tsp. teaspoon salt 6 medium carrots (grated)2 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/2 cup walnuts (chopped) 3 large eggs 1/4 cup fl aked coconut1 1/2 cups sugar 1/4 cup almonds (sliced)

Preheat oven to 350°F. Coat a 9x13-inch baking pan with cooking spray. Drain pineapple in a sieve set over a bowl, pressing on the solids. Reserve the drained pineapple and 1/4 cup of the juice. Whisk fl our, baking soda, salt and cinnamon in a medium bowl. Whisk eggs, sugar, buttermilk, oil, vanilla and the 1/4 cup pine-apple juice in a large bowl until blended. Stir in pineapple, carrots, and 1/4 cup coconut. Add the dry ingredients and mix with a rubber spatula just until blended. Stir in the nuts. Scrape the batter into the prepared pan, spreading evenly. Bake the cake until the top springs back when touched lightly and a skewer inserted in the center comes out clean; 40-45 minutes. Let it cool completely on a wire rack before frosting.

MOTHER’S ELECTRIC FROSTING12 oz. cream cheese (softened) 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract1/2 cup confectioner’s sugar (sifted) 2 tbsp. fl aked coconut (toasted)

Beat cream cheese, confectioner’s sugar and vanilla in a mixing bowl with an elec-tric mixer until smooth and creamy. Spread the frosting over cooled cake. Sprinkle with toasted coconut and enjoy!!!

“KIEF” is an age-old way of extracting trichomes from plant mate-rial. Kief is the product derived from the kiefi ng process. Kiefi ng is a method in which you rub dry trim, buds and small leaves with crystals on them over a silk screen. The THC glands will form a powder that comes through the screen, which is then used in cooking or for smoking. It is usually a pale green to light brown dependant on the strain of cannabis. Kief powder that is pressed together is called hash.

Note: Kief boxes are sold at some smoke shops and are easier to work with than silk screens. In a kief box, the screen is above the collection drawer allowing the THC glands to pass through the screen and into the drawer. This makes it easy and compact for the average user to collect the kief and use for smoking or cooking.

*Cannaoil is any high quality food grade oil such as coconut oil, hempseed oil, olive oil, or canola oil that has been infused with high-grade medical cannabis.

*Cannabutter is dairy butter that has been infused with high-grade medical cannabis.

The recipes for cannaoil and cannabutter can be found in the fi rst copy of NUG Magazine or online at

Wishing you a hempy journey to a healthier you!

Peace, Love & Gratitude, Kim

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By: Pamela JaynePhotos: Phil Calvin for SCR Photos

Back by popular demand, The Chronisseur is making up for lost time by reviewing seven of San Diego’s fi n-est medical grade cannabis strains this month. As al-ways, he was ready and more than willing to share his opinions with the NUG family. Spoiler Alert: All seven received the Hopper seal of approval. Enjoy…

Blackberry Bubba Kush: (by Little Birdy)“This Blackberry Bubba Kush is picture perfect, especially in the natural sunlight. It has just the right amount of purpling along with a few

red hairs peeking through. It is so covered in trichomes it almost looks like it was dropped in a bowl of sugar. The structure is also incredible, very tight and dense. As far as the aroma, it actually smells exactly like what it is – a Blackberry/Bubba Kush cross. Two great tastes that taste great together! It was defi nitely a pleasure to sample this one. The hit provided a good expansion with only a slight cough. While it is potent, it is not too strong. I would recommend this strain for a wide variety of ailments, as its effects are both body and mind. Ku-dos to the grower!”

GDP: (by Little Birdy)“Wow, this is an incred-ibly dense little nugget. It’s hard as a rock! It’s beau-tiful, too. Very rich, deep purple coloring accented by a few orange hairs. The aroma is very true to the strain. Very fl oral and only slightly sweet. This GDP gave a big hit to the lungs. The inhale tasted amazing, and the exhale was even better. The ‘high’ settled in quickly and lasted for quite awhile. This is a great nighttime strain that would work well for pain relief, insomnia, and muscle tension. This sample absolutely lives up to the GDP name. The grower really knocked it out of the park.”

DeadHead OG: (by Little Birdy)“This piece is nicely trichomed and red hairs cover the lighter shade of green. It is also super dense and was perfectly manicured. The aroma is not like an overwhelm-ing OG, but more lemon-like with a hint of OG. It was a nice, full-fl avored hit. I could taste the citrus right away, but it also had an earthy fl avor. Perfect balance of fl a-vors. I got a signifi cant amount of expansion, but it was still really smooth, another perfect balance. Clearly, this crop was fl ushed well and we all know how crucial that is

to the entire process. The grower did a fantastic job. I felt immediate relaxation in my shoulders and neck. This strain would also work well for anxiety and stress relief, and we could all use that these days!”

Ghost OG: (by Patient X)“Although it is on the fl uffi er side, this is a beauty of a bud and it has solid structure with bright shining trichomes. The avocado green coloring and patches of purpling towards the bottom defi nitely make this one a looker. I know this one is going to be good; it looks like a true Ghost OG. I’d describe the aroma as a skunky pepper with just a hint of ChemDawg. Nice and spicy, a welcome contrast to all of the sweet strains. I took a really deep hit and it was very smooth. That spicy, peppery fl avor lingered on my tongue for a good while. It was an enjoyable hit, not at all hard on the lungs. I think this Ghost OG would be a good fi t for a new patient. It has a very mellow and uplifting effect on the mind and is a versatile pain reliever for the body. Overall, the grower did an excellent job.”

Ghost OG: (by Little Birdy)“This lime green little nug is draped in trichomes. It is super shiny with a perfect balance of orange hairs. It is super dense as well. Its aroma is a bit dif-ferent than the Ghost OG I am used to, this is much sweeter and fruity smelling. It almost tastes like mel-on, which explains the fruity aroma. Very different than the other Ghost OG sample, but I am a fan of variety! It was interesting to compare the two back to back. The hit was smooth and easy, very pleas-ant, and the effect was uplifting and active, which makes it a good choice for daytime medicating.”

“Although it is on the fl uffi er side, this is a beauty of

trichomes. The avocado green coloring and patches of

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Purple Kush: (by Little Birdy)“Although I don’t see any purple on this sample, it does have perfect structure and is very dense with tons of trichomes. It also has a nice ratio of green leaves to or-ange hairs. The smell is very fl oral, like a sweet perfume.

Okay, I didn’t really expect this…it has a nutty, woodsy, earthy fl avor. Not at all what most purples or kushes taste like. That was a nice little surprise! The effects crept up slowly, but were long lasting. That is ex-actly what many patients need for overnight pain management. This strain would really help them get a good night’s sleep.”

SD OG:(by Little Birdy)“This piece has a pretty light green color with tons of red hairs that poke through the trichome colored leaves. By the looks of it, I’d say that it was grown by experienced hands. Gave it a little sniff and all I can say is that’s my kind of aromatherapy! I love that sour smell. It is even sort of greasy smelling, but in a good way. I am really stoked to try this one. Wow. Mouthwatering fl avor. It is

every bit as good as it smells. It gave me major expansion and a hearty cough followed immediately by what I call a ‘dome run’. The effects went straight to my head and then throughout my entire body to my fi ngertips. This gets two green thumbs up. Congrats to the grower on a job very well done.”

Of course, Hopper is still bummed about the forced closure of The Green Door and all of the other collectives that served San Diegans who choose to use cannabis as medicine. He is, however, very confi dent that the road to restoration of reasonable access is just beginning, saying that, “We just have to roll with the punches and wait out the inevitability that patients’ rights will be restored. This is defi nitely a dark time for the movement, but it’s like they say, ‘It’s always darkest before the dawn.’ I believe that we have seen the darkest days and the hard work of local activists will soon pay off.” In the mean time, you can catch Hopper every Wednesday night 8pm-2am at Club Kadan in North Park* for “The ‘70s Show”, where he is bringing the best classic and psychedelic rock for your listening enjoyment. After a very long conversation about the assault on patients and caregiv-ers and the negative impact it has had on our community, Hopper insisted that we end on a fun note, so we’ll wrap this up in his words: “From my lungs to yours, Happy 4/20 everyone!”

*Club Kadan is located at 4696 30th Street in North Park. (Corner of 30th and Adams) 21+, no

color with tons of

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This month I’ve danced in Dante’s inferno barefoot and begged the disk jockey for an encore. I’ve dined on forbidden fruits and drank moonshine for dessert. I’ve sent a crow into the lonely night with a message for my mind’s hidden minions. I’ve embraced darkness. This may seem a bit extreme, but I’ve had to get in touch with my inner Anton LaVey in an attempt to understand this month’s featured artist, Dwreck. Not to be repetitive, but I’ve landed another glass master and this time our themes are Darth Vader, demonic images, and zombie punk rock strippers that leave little room for the imagination. Dwreck isn’t saying fuck it; he’s screaming it from the top of his lungs.

From the sound of things, that’s how it all started. Yelling. Hard, fast, aggressive yelling. With loud, disruptive, heavy metal riffs rousing Dwreck’s personal revolution. Yet, all rebellions have a catalyst and I was curious to hear just what initially caused him to embrace the dark side. He shared stories about his childhood, which painted a picture of a boy who encountered one too many religious fanatics whose intolerant hypocritical ide-ologies placed judgment on him and his family. On one occasion a zealot even had the nerve to tell him and his mother they were both going to hell because she wasn’t married. If that’s not enough to turn someone against organized religion and explore the other side of the spiritual fence, then I don’t know what is.

Though it was his childhood experiences that birthed his angst toward society, it was his teen years that lead him to find his identity through the heavy metal, thrash metal, and puck rock subcultures. When I asked him about his greatest influences names like Slayer, Ozzy and “any other rock and roller who ate shit, got high as fuck, and still found success” was his response. Then he added, it was “all outlaw artists around the world, tat-tooers like Paul Booth and, as cliché as it may be now a days, street artists like Bansky.” During this time, he played in several DIY bands and had dreams of being on the cutting edge of anti-pop music, but never reached the level of success his heart sought. Though it would have been, in his words, “rad” to be part of that move-ment, it was obvious that being a rock star in a band wasn’t in his cards. The universe had other plans for this tumbling boulder of space dust. Now I don’t find too many commonalities between Dwreck and his glass peers’ artwork except for the answer to why he started blowing glass to begin with. The first time he saw a glass pipe he was hooked. Sound familiar? The solid/liquid nature of glass, its timelessness, its financial independence, its asset to peoples’ lives as an aid and tool in finding inner peace all drew him into the glass culture’s tractor beam. Although he may not have been able to be an O.G. rock star in music, the new, ever-evolving pipe culture had its door wide open for in-novative individuals like Dwreck to bum rush the scene and become legends. And that’s exactly what he did.

Coming up with Slinger, Bearclaw, Dizzle, Pakoh and JD put him on the fast track to success. Throw on top the fact that his creations flipped the hippy ascetic of pipe making on its head and helped push the boundar-ies of the glass community into un-charted territory with uncouth artistic creations and you have the recipe for catching wreck. Dwreck. I talked about the process of glass etching last month and told you that Slinger was one of the best in the business. If anyone should be mentioned in the same sentence, it’s Dwreck. After all, he originally learned the technique from his friend and then made it his own, and now these two behemoths of glass pass the torch of ingenu-ity back and forth. It almost comes across as a playful sibling rivalry where each one is constantly trying to outdo the other. The final result has led to each and every pipe being just a touch nastier than the last. Undeni-ably, these silicate sparing mates are blazing new trails, kicking ass, and taking names along the way.

Perusing through pipes with penta-grams and devil horns, one particu-lar piece of Dwreck’s art stuck in my head; an image of a grave stone with the words “Live Fast and Die” around the border with the artist’s own name engraved on the tombstone. I think we all have an ingrained fascina-tion with our own mortality, but this pipe catapults that concept into a whole new stratosphere. You have to have brass balls to look God in the eye and declare your acceptance of death. Only a spirit that truly lives in the moment can make such a dec-laration. The etching is a remix of a tattoo originally found on the chest of GG Allin, the fallen cult rock idle who let his flame burn bright and fast.

Upon further research of Allin, I could really see the correlation between Dwreck’s work and GG’s life with pristine clarity. GG was famous for his onstage antics where he was constantly resetting the bar of shock value and acceptable stage antics. Self-mutilation and playing with ex-crement are just two examples of a live show that makes Metallica look like Mister Rogers. GG made it very well-known that he wanted to make rock and roll dangerous again and that’s exactly what Dwreck does for the glass culture. He makes it dan-gerous; a departure from our comfort zone and perhaps a reminder of each of our inevitable ends.

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Next, let’s look at his bubblers with images of busty burlesque vixens barring the mark of the beast. Though his life’s adventures have led him all over the world from Guate-mala, Argentina and Panama in his younger years, to Ithica, Seattle and now Orange County as an adult, these sultry sexpots seem as if they would be most at home in Sin City. These pieces evoke visions of sexual freedom, moral deviation, and slot machines racing towards unreachable dreams. Dwreck told me he hopes to spark conversations surrounding sexuality and religion, and if these don’t get people talking after your next dinner party, nothing will. Also, much like Vegas, he told me he wouldn’t mind it one bit at all if these pipes got peoples’ libidos flowing and inspired people to hook up and fuck. I never thought I would use the “F” word three times in an article, but hey, this cat’s art is just that raw.

Dwreck’s pipes “confront the bullshit institutions that surround us”, and as the glass culture grows in popularity, his message reaches a broader audience daily. I asked him his feelings about the current glass boom and he had this to say, “There are only advan-tages to gaining exposure. Educating the public to not only the artwork, but the people and culture behind it. I believe this will not only accelerate the growth of the industry, but it will also help dispel the notion that all potheads are unproductive and stupid.” I couldn’t agree more.

It hasn’t been easy for me to write about Dwreck. I, like most of us, don’t like to look at my dark side often. But that’s exactly why the world needs artists like him, to challenge us to constantly re-examine our perspectives. I’m a steadfast believer in learning from everything in our world, even things that may make you unsettled, uncomfortable, and disjointed. Dwreck’s imagery shook me to my core. I may not live to the extreme that GG Allin does, but I’ve spent a good portion of my life being self-destructive. I don’t know if his final goal was to better my life, but that’s just what he’s done. I’ve had to confront my demons. Some I thought I had slain long ago, but his art inspired me to tackle my big-gest demon of all, cigarettes. I’m all for living outside the box, testing limits, and generally being a rebel, but the story of GG made me see that I want to stick around for a while. I want to make sure the world gets to experience my genius and the geniuses like Dwreck I meet in my everyday life.

As far as I am concerned, Dwreck can check off his bucket that teenage dream of being a rock star. Shit, he’s the first piper I’ve come across who keeps a guitar and amp next to his torch so that he can jam out during breaks. That’s just cer-tified badass! Amongst our world’s abundance of darkness, I asked him if there was anything in the world he saw as a light. He resounded by saying, “The fire in the bowl is the light in the darkness.” And you know what? I can’t think of any better way to end this article, so with that I’m out.

To keep up with Dwreck, check him out at, or just keep an eye open at any major glass show, his work is sure to grab your attention.

Till next time, keep the fire burning. You know I will.

For more information about the author, please visit

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By: The SD OG Grower

In past issues you have heard me men-tion this product called Full On by Grow Switch, LLC. Well, this product is quickly turning heads! It just had its product launch, so to speak, meaning stores will be receiving samples and more informa-tion about it as all of the registration pro-cesses have been completed. Full On by Grow Switch is now available for sale! To order retail, go to and order through PayPal right now. It soon will be available everywhere!

The reason I am writing about this again is because it is defi nitely a product I think deserves full recognition. Everyone should know about it! My good friend Lexx in Canada, who has written for Skunk Magazine and Treating Yourself, has been testing this product for a while now and we share the same successful results. One amazing characteristic I’m noticing is with the fl avors of my fruits, which are much cleaner and smoother. There are no harsh chemicals or chemical tastes in vegetables or fruits grown with Full On. It’s simple, by increasing the up-take of nutrients through biodiversity and bioavailable ingredients, the plant will use a lot less nutrients to actually increase its harvest by 30%–40% on average. As a result, you will have a much cleaner tasting product without adding more nu-trients. Full On actually cuts down N-P-K base nutrients by about 50%!

By using a product like this, we are allow-ing the plant’s nutrient uptake to become bioavailable, which allows the plant to do what it naturally wants and needs. It also helps cut back on the pollution in our at-mosphere and ground water, improving the soils and produce.

Before World War II, everything was grown organically, bioavailable, and not with chemical fertilizers. But after WWII, the government had to do something with all of those chemicals left over from the war…so they developed chemical fertiliz-ers, which have only destroyed our planet 16 | NUGMAG.COM

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and make us sicker by the day. Bioavailable nutrients are what a plant needs to be nutri-tional and healthy, and Full On by Grow Switch does just that! Increasing the nutrient uptake like this simply changes by a large 30%-40% the nutrient uptake and allows the plant to do a lot more for a lot less!

Full On is a tool and does not need to be used in every single feeding; it is very concen-trated! Lexx says that in a 24-plant garden, in 15-gal pots, a single 1-liter bottle can feed your garden for the whole run, start to fi nish! That’s $135 for a 1-liter bottle that saves you over half the amount of N-P-K nutrients with a 30%-40% increase in yields and cellular production, and better tasting products! All Organic! WOW!!!

This is how my buddy Lexx sums it up in a nut shell:

“The Game Changer! I could ask, ‘How would you like to make more with less?’ I already know what the answer will be, so let me tell you about the real game changer, GROW SWITCH. This is not some chemical trickery, or hormonal accelerant, or even a booster, or blaster; what it is, is a 100% organic and natural way to, putting it simple, ‘Get more while using less!’ As a 100% organic farmer for the past 47 years, every way to boost my yield while using benefi cial methods to enrich my soil has had my undivided attention. My editor sent me a tip about this product that I immediately looked into. His guidance has now given me an advantage over every other grower, until they fi nd this real game changer too! This product, Grow Switch, enables the plant to utilize every drop of nutrient and fertilizer, lessening the amounts needed while increasing the yield signifi cantly; and 35-40% more is truly a signifi cant amount! Having been consulted on this product during its development, it was necessary for me to learn how to use this new tool to gain its full potential. It is contrary to my ways to start with less of my amendments in the soil, as well as using my ‘Teas’ at half strength. However, this really, really works! The evidence of its working is the vitality, the vigor, the overall healthy growth and deep rich color in the leaves demonstrating how well it is working immediately! For gardeners who regularly use exotic formulas, costly amendments and fertilizers, the immediate payback by using half as much is why to make it the fi rst product you buy for your garden! The reasonable cost of Grow Switch, its effectiveness while saving on nutrients and fertilizers, makes this a No Brainer Game Changer! Try it, you’ll love it!”

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NUG Life Radio is back! An interview with Medicinal

MikeBy: Ben G. Rowin

Over time, many people have used humor while dis-cussing cannabis or the cannabis movement. It is actually pretty diffi cult to look at the ridiculousness of our drug laws, especially those that address cannabis without a sense of humor. So for a long time many in the cannabis movement have also been in comedy, like Cheech and Chong who burned up the silver screen in their movies that not only made us laugh but also made us see the complete ass-backwards approach our gov-ernment uses to try and ban a plant. If it were corn we were talking about, NO one would even believe that it was possible. There have been many more comics who have set their sites on cannabis reform…like Doug Benson, Jeffery Peterson The 420 Comic, and so many more. Therefore, when a local comic who was looking for sponsorship for their NUG Life comedy variety ra-dio show approached us, there was no question that it would do well.

NUG Life Radio is hosted by San Diego transplant Me-dicinal Michael and his crew of other comics/co-hosts – Erik “The Joint” Martin, Tommy “The Roach” Lucero, and Matt Cook. The show is live and weekly, and the previous shows are all available for download on their website, iTunes, and as a Droid app. Many guests have appeared on the show, including Redman, members of WuTang, C-Money from Slightly Stoopid, and national comics like MTV’s Spanky Hayes, Comedy Central’s Tommy Chunn, local bands, and more.

We had a chance to catch up with Medicinal Mike and asked him a few questions about the show and the recent changes, as well as their plans for the future growth of the NUG Life radio show….

Thanks for taking the time to answer some ques-tions about the show! We get a lot of emails from NUG Magazine readers looking for more infor-mation on the show and wanted to give them the bird’s-eye view into your world.First off, I’d like to thank everyone for their support. I am blown away at the public response that we get from this show. We work so hard to make it happen and I ap-preciate all the love. I’m also a standup comic. I never intended becoming ‘Medicinal Mike’. My life has just al-ways revolved around marijuana and I’m not very good at sports jokes.

Can you tell us a little bit about the history of the show and how you linked up with your three co-hosts? Also, tell our readers what they can expect when they log on to catch an episode.

Fun! Good ol’ fashion, non-educational fun, Ben. One day I was smoking in a circle of friends, like we all do, and watched the smoke swirl into the air. When I stepped outside the conversa-tion, I realized that I was hearing some of the funniest, most intelligent, or outright stupidest lines ever spoken. I realized this is entertainment not seen since the ‘70s. We in California are so over saturated with weed that we forget John Smith in Wisconsin wants to be part of the party too. I like to say, ‘I’m smoking out the world one blunt at a time.’

Who are some of your favorite guests to have on? Tell us a little about the dynamics that occur when someone comes on the show for the fi rst time.All of the guests are so much fun and original in their contributions to the show. It’s really hard to pick. C-Money is the funniest horn player on the planet, and interviewing Chris Reid of ‘Kid N’ Play’ was pretty awesome. I can honestly say I am one of the worst interviewers on the planet. I called Young Dro Young Joe repeatedly on stage and announced Redman of Def Squad as a member of WuTang, but the one thing I am awesome at is getting you high and making you laugh. What you can expect from appearing on NUG Life is to get really, really high. We are the Willy Wonka of pot. The food is medicated; the drinks are medicated. Bring your 215 card and be down to play our games.

Tell us about the future of NUG Life Radio and what you guys have cooking on the horizon? I am looking into expanding the content of our show and bringing in more talented smokers from all over the U.S. We are trying to always come up with a high variety of fun and keep our river of weed constantly fl owing. We will try our hardest to help legalize marijuana for all to enjoy openly. NUG Life products hit the market next month as we expand our site to be more interactive. We are also converting our old iTunes audio-only episodes into animated stoner cartoons. Erik “the Joint” Martin is developing a one-on-one style podcast interviewing local SD comics called NUG Life Therapy. Soon we will be working with a local amateur profes-sional wrestling company to start some very stoner-friendly NUG Life wrestling.

Mike, again I want to thank you for taking the time to chat and giving the readers of NUG Magazine a glimpse into the NUG Life! Any shout-outs or anything you would like to throw out there?First, thank you Ben and everyone at NUG Magazine. Thanks to the off camera people, especially comedian Ben Garcia Reyes for countless hours editing footage. Thanks to my father and mother who thought it would be funny to build a crib out of weed bricks. Thank you to everyone who watches our show and comes to our weed comedy shows. Remember to support your local MMJ freedom fi ghters and not to focus on the small hurdles life has thrown at us to overcome. They are there to evolve our spirits and make us stronger as a whole. Grab a joint and take a look at the world around you. I hope it makes you laugh.

You can check out the NUG Life radio show weekly at


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Now I lay me down to sleep…on my bad ass “Mr. Nice Kush” pillowcase! A beautiful NUG that I don’t feel bad about drooling on! The Personal Stash is a large collective of artists, musicians and pioneers of the 420 culture created in New York City by artists Are and Dia. They sent us a pretty dope little package with some of their “I BUD YOU” stickers, my new pillowcase and some canna-bis shoelaces. Their products are popping up everywhere, spreading the love of bud through high quality merchandise. The “I BUD YOU” logo has found itself on the pages of High Times, as art on the walls of Am-sterdam, and all over the U.S. They, like us, strive to spread love and knowledge of a plant that has been forbidden by our society for unjust reasons. Portions of their proceeds go to NORML and MPP to support the reform of marijuana laws, and all products are produced in the U.S. Make sure to check them out at:

Ed from Ed’s Tote’n Tokes sent over some amazing pieces to review! He makes all of his products here in the U.S. himself. He takes an incredible amount of pride in the pieces he cre-ates and each one is one of a kind, using rare and exotic woods and pure love to create them. We received an “Asian Curly Crape Myrtle” dugout, an “Asian Big Eye Afzelia Burl” dug-out w/turquoise inlay, and a super sweet, two-tone “Asian Amboyna Burl” pipe. Amboyna Burl is said to be the most expensive and rarest wood on this earth, its highly fi gured and super sweet! He also makes his own wood oil, a 100% organic Hawai-ian bee’s wax with natural mineral oil and pure essence oil for fragrance. It adds the luster back into a worn piece, just wipe it on and wipe it off to leave a beautiful shine. I love the craftsmanship and quality of them! Very cool work! It is amazing how the smell of the wood actually brings me back to the old days when I would en-ter a smoke shop. I have been using glass now for so many years that a solid wooden pipe like these brings back memories. Also, when used, the aromas that fi ll the room are different, heavier and mixed with the smell of the wood. I think that the pieces will be a new favorite of mine for sure. I really love the fact that they are made from natural materials. I think they bring a depth to the smoking experi-ence that is lost with other mediums. I have to be honest and tell you that when we fi rst talked about it, I was thinking that I would not enjoy them as much as my beloved glass pieces that I have been accustomed to over the last 10 years, but I was wrong! So put that in your pipe and smoke it, ha-ha! Get you some at:

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Photo By: Chris MartinOur favorite time of year is coming, con-cert season, and this year is shaping up to be a doozy! It is no secret that we at NUG love our reggae, and are always on top of what our favorite bands are up to as well as looking for more bands to add to our playlists. So when we were offered the chance to interview Ballyhoo!, the newest band signed to Pepper’s label Law Records, of course we jumped at the chance!

“Acclaimed by fans to be ‘America’s-Favorite-Feel-Good-Party-Band.’, lead singer and guitarist, Howi Spangler, has a reputation for mixing slick lyrics with his smooth but powerful voice. Drummer Donald ‘Big D’ Spangler lays out the hard-hitting beats, which are underlined by JR Gregory’s funky and witty bass lines and Scott Vandrey (aka DJ Blaze) rounds it out on the turntables and keys.”

Can you describe your music for those who may not have heard you? Blaze: I would probably say rock with undertones of reggae, alternative, and even a little punk.

Who writes the songs?Blaze: Howi has done most of the song-writing in the past. There was more collaboration on this last record where someone would come in with a riff or an idea and everyone would build on it together. One of my favorite songs, ‘The Getaway’, was written in the studio right before we started recording ‘Day-dreams’.

Do you have any pre-show/post-show rituals?Blaze: Nothing too crazy… A few cold beers, a warm whiskey shot, 8 orange skittles, 8 red M&Ms, 8 green sour patch kids, and a raw, aged ostrich egg. And of course a little stretching.

Any epic band moments come to mind?Blaze: We had a great time snowboard-ing in Red River, New Mexico on our Daydreams Tour that we just fi nished up. We got hooked up with rentals and passes and had all day to shred some fresh powder. One of the locals we met the night before acted as a mountain guide for us, showing us all the best trails and even getting footage on his two Hero Cams he had mounted to his hel-met. Good times!

Any crazy fan experiences?Blaze: We’ve actually been pretty lucky so far [knocks on wood]. Nothing too crazy. Well there was one incident, but the crazy fan promised if we ever men-tioned it in an interview or called her out, she’d cut off another toe. I’m happy to still have 9 right now.

Is there anything we would be sur-prised to know about you?

Blaze: I have a degree in chemical en-gineering. So of course all of my friends from high school gave me the same speech when they found out that’s what I was heading to college for: ‘Dude! You gotta fi gure out how to make <insert drug name here: synthetic THC, ecstasy, acid, etc...>!! You make it and I’ll sell it! We’ll split the profi ts!’ Looking back now, it wouldn’t have been such a terrible idea to help supplement the musician’s in-come. Ha!

Do you have any fears, phobias, or conspiracy theories?Blaze: I have dreams at least once a month where we’re playing some huge show and everything that could possibly go wrong does, in front of thousands of people. For instance, the lights will drop and we’ll walk out on stage and none of my gear is set up, it’s still in cases off to the side of the stage. And then I’ll look over and JR is playing Mary Had A Little Lamb on bass in the middle of our song ‘Grooverock’. Oh wait…was that a dream?20 | NUGMAG.COM

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Name three things on your bucket list (or in case the world ends in 2012)?Blaze: 1) Hang out and drink with May-nard from Tool or Mike Patton from Mr. Bungle/FNM/Fantomas/etc…Such crazy and amazing music, I would think they’d be pretty fun and interesting to chill with. 2) Fly a fi ghter jet; maybe even blow something up with said fi ghter jet. 3) Smoke a bowl with Bill Clinton, making sure he inhales.

What are your thoughts on San Di-ego? Blaze: Beautiful beaches, beautiful women, great nugs, and great weather. I love it!

What’s the cannabis scene like where you are from?Blaze: Not as cool as where you are from! It’s still very much illegal in MD. We have some good connections, but we also have people at the bar trying to sell you $30 quarters of ‘Jamaican Red Hair’. Complete with seeds and branches.

What’s your favorite way to partake? Blaze: With some good friends and a Sil-ver Surfer Vaporizer! (Thanks Matt!) Ed-ibles are also pretty awesome. A friend in CO hooked us up with THC containing ice cream, mac & cheese, and soda in addition to the normal brownies, cook-ies, etc. It’s amazing what you can get a buzz off of these days!

Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid? Any favorite strains?Blaze: I prefer Sativa or Sativa-heavy hybrids, but again, we don’t live in CO or CA, so we pretty much take what we can get when we’re not on the road. I did get some ‘Cinderella-99’ recently that was pretty incredible. Never built a tolerance and one hit would put me on my ass ev-ery time.

Any regular cannabis related rituals?Blaze: Not really. When I’m home from tour, there are usually a lot of cartoons involved. Mostly ATHF and South Park.

Any thoughts on legalization?Blaze: I would love to see it at the very least decriminalized everywhere. The thought of going to jail over a joint is completely absurd to me. As for legal-ization, I’d also love to be able to walk to the corner store and buy a gram of my favorite strain as easily as a 6-pack of my favorite IPA and not have to worry about shit. I could list some of the 420 arguments for legalization, but I bet any pothead reading NUG Magazine is well aware of them all.

What other songs/bands are on your playlist right now?Blaze: Opeth is in very heavy rotation, Mutemath, RX Bandits, Mastodon, Foo Fighters, Mr. Bungle, A Tribe Called Quest, and of course Slayer. I really dig the new Gotye song that’s huge right now. I guess it’s a hit for a reason.

What is your ultimate venue to play and/or band to play with?Blaze: We would LOVE to play Red Rocks in Colorado. And it would be double awesome to share that stage with Incubus. As long as they played at least 3 or 4 songs off S.C.I.E.N.C.E.

What is your favorite show played so far?Blaze: I’m gonna go with the Pow Wow Festival. It was a great venue (Spirit of Suwannee Music Park in Florida), with great bands (311, Sublime with Rome, Dirty Heads, G-Love, Deftones, etc.), and great vibes. We played one of our best sets ever and the crowd was su-per charged up and responsive. We had such a good time on stage. I feel like my on-stage performance and just the amount of fun I have at a show has stepped up since that show.

Any sponsors? Shout-outs?Blaze: If any whiskey distilleries or dis-pensaries want to see your name here in future interviews, hit us up! The people at Silver Surfer Vaporizers have been super supportive of the band and always take care of us when we swing through Colorado. Love using all their gear! Very smooth.

Where can someone fi nd out more about the band?Blaze: Great source of info on the third moon of Jupiter. Or you can Google us. Ballyhoo! That’s B as in bong rips, A as in….

Thanks for the time and the laughs, Blaze! We are defi nitely looking forward to checking out Ballyhoo! Live at this year’s Warped Tour, at Cricket Wireless on June 27th. Make sure to keep an eye out for more music news, reviews and interviews, as well as coverage of our summer concert shenanigans, at

Ballyhoo!’s upcoming sched-ule is packed with high-profi le events to look forward to:

· 311 Caribbean Cruise: 5/10 - 5/14

· Bamboozle Festival w/ Foo Fighters & Blink 182: 5/19

· Vans Warped Tour 2012: 6/16 – 8/4

And for more information on Ballyhoo!:

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