Download pdf - NS2 Lab Manual NS-2






    Prepared By:

    Ritesh Patel

    [email protected]

    Faculty of Technology & Engineering

    Charotar University of Science and Technology, Changa

  • Sr. No. Practical Title Page No.

    1 Introduction and installation of NS-2 Introduction of NS-2

    Feature of NS-2

    Networks supported by NS-2?

    Installation steps of NS-2 in Ubuntu and CentOS

    2 Introduction to TCL script. (i) Introduction to TCL Syntax, looping, conditional check,

    functions, execution of Mathematical Operations and

    Execution of Unix Command

    (ii) Write a Program in TCL which takes number N from user and prints factorialuse function call

    (iii) Implement Basic Calculator operation in TCL-use function call

    3 Simulation of Wired topology of 4 Node

    4 Creating Output files for Xgraph

    Analyzing and plotting received traffic from 3 nodes.

    -data rate


    -speed of link

    -size of data

    5 Creating Wireless Simulation on NS to analyze the effects error on one link v/s behavior of Sliding Window Size

  • Practical-I

    AIM: Introduction and installation of NS-2


    Introduction of NS-2

    Feature of NS-2

    Networks supported by NS-2?

    Installation steps of NS-2 in Ubuntu and CentOS

    III.1. Downloading/Installing ns&nam

    You can build ns either from the the various packages (Tcl/Tk, otcl, etc.), or you can

    download an 'all-in-one' package. I would recommend that you start with the all-in-one


    especially if you're not entirely sure which packages are installed on your system, and where

    exactly they are installed. The disadvantage of the all-in-one distribution is the size, since it

    contains some components that you don't need anymore after you compiled ns and nam. It's

    still good for first tests, and you can always switch to the single-package distribution later.

    Note: The all-in-one package only works on Unix systems.

    You can download the package from the ns download page at UCB. If you have any

    problems with your installation, take a look at the installation problems page on their server.

    If that

    also doesn't solve your problem, you might want to ask the ns-users mailing list.

    After the installation is complete, you should make sure that your path points to the 'ns-

    allinone/bin' directory (if you installed the ns-allinone package) where links to the ns and nam

    executables in the 'ns-2' and 'nam-1' directories can be found or (if you built ns and nam from

    the pieces) let your path point directly to the directories with the ns and nam executables.

    On some systems you will also have to make sure that ns can find the library ''. If

    you installed the ns-allinone package, it should be in 'ns-allinone/otcl/'. On Solaris systems


    would have to add this path to the 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment variable. For help

    with other systems, consult the installation problem page, the ns-users mailing list or your


    Unix gurus.

    A note concerning the ns-allinone version 2.1b3: There is a bug in it which causes some

    problems on Solaris systems when nam trace generation is turned on. You can either


    ns-allinone version 2.1b2 instead or go to the ns web page to download a current snapshot of

    ns. If you do that, you have to unzip and untar the file in your allinone directory. Then you

  • change into the new directory and run './configure', then 'make'.

    III.2. Starting ns

    You start ns with the command 'ns ' (assuming that you are in the directory with

    the ns executable, or that your path points to that directory), where '' is the name of

    a Tcl script file which defines the simulation scenario (i.e. the topology and the events). You

    could also just start ns without any arguments and enter the Tcl commands in the Tcl shell,

    but that is definitely less comfortable. For information on how to write your own Tcl scripts

    for ns, see section IV.

    Everything else depends on the Tcl script. The script might create some output on stdout, it

    might write a trace file or it might start nam to visualize the simulation. Or all of the above.

    These possibilities will all be discussed in later sections.

    III.3. Starting nam

    You can either start nam with the command 'nam ' where '' is the name

    of a nam trace file that was generated by ns, or you can execute it directly out of the Tcl

    simulation script for the simulation which you want to visualize. The latter possibility will be

    described in Section IV. For additional parameters to nam, see the nam manual page. Below

    you can see a screenshot of a nam window where the most important functions are being


  • Practical-II

    AIM: Introduction to TCL script.


    Introduction to TCL Syntax, looping, conditional check, functions, execution

    of Mathematical Operations and Execution of Unix Command

    Write a Program in TCL which takes number N from user and prints

    factorialuse function call

    Implement Basic Calculator operation in TCL-use function call

    Tcl (originally from Tool Command Language, but conventionally spelled "Tcl" rather than

    "TCL"; pronounced as "tickle" or "tee-see-ell"[3]) is a scripting language created by John

    Ousterhout.[4] Originally "born out of frustration",[5] according to the author, with

    programmers devising their own languages intended to be embedded into applications, Tcl

    gained acceptance on its own. It is commonly used for rapid prototyping, scripted

    applications, GUIs and testing. Tcl is used on embedded systems platforms, both in its full

    form and in several other small-footprint versions.

    When you have installed Tcl, the program you will then call to utilize it is tclsh. For

    instance, if you write some code to a file "hello.tcl", and you want to execute it, you would do

    it like so: tclsh hello.tcl. Depending on the version of Tcl installed, and the operating

    system distribution you use, the tclsh program may be a link to the real executable, which

    may be named tclsh8.6 or tclsh86.exe on Microsoft Windows.

    The tclsh is a simple command-line interactive interpreter. You can either start it with a

    script on the command line, in which case it runs the script to completion and then exits, or

    you can start it without any arguments, in which case you will be presented with an

    interactive prompt, usually using a % symbol to prompt for input. In interactive mode, you can

    type in commands, which Tcl will then execute and display the result, or any error messages

    that result. To exit the interpreter, type exit and press Return.

    In Tcl, everything may be represented as a string, although internally it may be represented as

    a list, integer, double, or other type, in order to make the language fast.

    The assignment command in Tcl is set.

    When set is called with two arguments, as in:

    set fruit Cauliflower

    it places the second argument (Cauliflower) in the memory space referenced by the first

    argument (fruit). Set always returns the contents of the variable named in the first

    argument. Thus, when set is called with two arguments, it places the second argument in the

  • memory space referenced by the first argument and then returns the second argument. In the

    above example, for instance, it would return "Cauliflower", without the quotes.

    The first argument to a set command can be either a single word, like fruit or pi , or it can

    be a member of an array. Arrays will be discussed in greater detail later, for the time being

    just remember that many data can be collected under a single variable name, and an

    individual datum can be accessed by its index within that array. Indexing into an array in Tcl

    is handled by putting the index within parentheses after the name of the variable.

    Set can also be invoked with only one argument. When called with just one argument, it will

    return the contents of that argument.

    Here's a summary of the set command.

    set varName ?value?

    If value is specified, then the contents of the variable varName are set equal to value


    If varName consists only of alphanumeric characters, and no parentheses, it is a scalar


    If varName has the form varName(index) , it is a member of an associative array.

    If you look at the example code, you'll notice that in the set command the first argument is

    typed with only its name, but in the puts statement the argument is preceded with a $.

    The dollar sign tells Tcl to use the value of the variable - in this case X or Y.

    Tcl passes data to subroutines either by name or by value. Commands that don't change the

    contents of a variable usually have their arguments passed by value. Commands that do

    change the value of the data must have the data passed by name.

    set X "This is a string"

    set Y 1.24

    puts $X

    puts $Y

    puts "..............................."

    set label "The value in Y is: "

    puts "$label $Y"

    In Tcl, the evaluation of a command is done in 2 phases. The first phase is a single pass of

    substitutions. The second phase is the evaluation of the resulting command. Note that only

    one pass of substitutions is made. Thus in the command

    puts $varName

    the contents of the proper variable are substituted for $varName, and then the command is

    executed. Assuming we have set varName to "Hello World", the sequence would look like

    this: puts $varName puts "Hello World", which is then executed and prints out Hello World.

    During the substitution phase, several types of substitutions occur.

  • A command within square brackets ([]) is replaced with the result of the execution of that


    Words within double quotes or braces are grouped into a single argument. However, double

    quotes and braces cause different behavior during the substitution phase. In this lesson, we

    will concentrate on the behavior of double quotes during the substitution phase.

    Grouping words within double quotes allows substitutions to occur within the quotations - or,

    in fancier terms, "interpolation". The substituted group is then evaluated as a single argument.

    Thus, in the command:

    puts "The current stock value is $varName"

    In general, the backslash (\) disables substitution for the single character immediately

    following the backslash. Any character immediately following the backslash will stand

    without substitution.

    However, there are specific "Backslash Sequence" strings which are replaced by specific

    values during the substitution phase. The following backslash strings will be substituted as

    shown below.

    String Output Hex Value

    \a Audible Bell 0x07

    \b Backspace 0x08

    \f Form Feed (clear

    screen) 0x0c

    \n New Line 0x0a

    \r Carriage Return 0x0d

    \t Tab 0x09

    \v Vertical Tab 0x0b

    \0dd Octal Value d is a digit from 0-7


    H is a hex digit 0-9,A-

    F,a-f. This represents

    a 16-bit Unicode


    \xHH.... Hex Value

    H is a hex digit 0-9,A-F,a-f. Note that the \x substitution

    "keeps going" as long as it has hex digits, and only uses the

    last two, meaning that \xaa and \xaaaa are equal, and that

    \xaaAnd anyway will "eat" the A of "And". Using the \u

    notation is probably a better idea.

    You obtain the results of a command by placing the command in square brackets ([]). This is

    the functional equivalent of the back single quote (`) in sh programming, or using the return

    value of a function in C.

    As the Tcl interpreter reads in a line it replaces all the $variables with their values. If a

    portion of the string is grouped with square brackets, then the string within the square

    brackets is evaluated as a command by the interpreter, and the result of the command replaces

    the square bracketed string.

    Let's take the following code segment, for example:

  • puts [readsensor [selectsensor]]

    The parser scans the entire command, and sees that there is a command substitution to

    perform: readsensor [selectsensor] , which is sent to the interpreter for


    The parser once again finds a command to be evaluated and substituted, selectsensor

    The fictitious selectsensor command is evaluated, and it presumably returns a

    sensor to read.

    At this point, readsensor has a sensor to read, and the readsensor command is


    Finally, the value of readsensor is passed on back to the puts command, which prints

    the output to the screen.

    The exceptions to this rule are as follows:

    A square bracket that is escaped with a \ is considered as a literal square bracket.

    A square bracket within braces is not modified during the substitution phase.

    For Example

    set x abc

    puts "A simple substitution: $x\n"

    set y [set x "def"]

    puts "Remember that set returns the new value of the variable: X: $x Y: $y\n"

    set z {[set x "This is a string within quotes within braces"]}

    puts "Note the curly braces: $z\n"

    set a "[set x {This is a string within braces within quotes}]"

    puts "See how the set is executed: $a"

    puts "\$x is: $x\n"

    set b "\[set y {This is a string within braces within quotes}]"

    # Note the \ escapes the bracket, and must be doubled to be a

    # literal character in double quotes

    puts "Note the \\ escapes the bracket:\n \$b is: $b"

    puts "\$y is: $y"

    The Tcl command for doing math type operations is expr. The following discussion of the

    expr command is extracted and adapted from the expr man page. Many commands use expr

    behind the scenes in order to evaluate test expressions, such as if, while and for loops,

    discussed in later sections. All of the advice given here for expr also holds for these other


    expr takes all of its arguments ("2 + 2" for example) and evaluates the result as a Tcl

    "expression" (rather than a normal command), and returns the value. The operators permitted

    in Tcl expressions include all the standard math functions, logical operators, bitwise

    operators, as well as math functions like rand(), sqrt(), cosh() and so on. Expressions

    almost always yield numeric results (integer or floating-point values).

    Performance tip: enclosing the arguments to expr in curly braces will result in faster code.

    So do expr {$i * 10} instead of simply expr $i * 10


    A Tcl expression consists of a combination of operands, operators, and parentheses. White

    space may be used between operands, operators and parentheses; it is ignored by the

    expression processor. Where possible, operands are interpreted as integer values. Integer

    values may be specified in decimal (the normal case), in octal (if the first character of the

    operand is 0), or in hexadecimal (if the first two characters of the operand are 0x).

    Note that the octal and hexadecimal conversion takes place differently in the expr command

    than in the Tcl substitution phase. In the substitution phase, a \x32 would be converted to an

    ascii "2", while expr would convert 0x32 to a decimal 50.

    If an operand does not have one of the integer formats given above, then it is treated as a

    floating-point number, if that is possible. Floating-point numbers may be specified in any of

    the ways accepted by an ANSI-compliant C compiler. For example, all of the following are

    valid floating-point numbers:






    If no numeric interpretation is possible, then an operand is left as a string (and only a limited

    set of operators may be applied to it).

    Note however, that it does not support numbers of the following forms:

    2,1 - a decimal comma, instead of a decimal point

    2,100 - a thousands separator

    It is possible to deal with numbers in that form, but you will have to convert these "strings" to

    numbers in the standard form first.

    Beware of leading zeros: 0700 is not interpreted as the decimal number 700 (seven hundred),

    but as the octal number 700 = 7*8*8 = 448 (decimal).

    Worse, if the number contains a digit 8 or 9 an error results:

    % expr {0900+1}

    expected integer but got "0900" (looks like invalid octal number)

    Octal numbers are in fact a relic of the past, when such number formats were much more


    Operands may be specified in any of the following ways:

    As an numeric value, either integer or floating-point.

    As a Tcl variable, using standard $ notation. The variable's value will be used as the



    The valid operators are listed below, grouped in decreasing order of precedence:

    - + ~ !

  • Unary minus, unary plus, bit-wise NOT, logical NOT. None of these operators may

    be applied to string operands, and bit-wise NOT may be applied only to integers.


    Exponentiation (works on both floating-point numbers and integers)

    * / %

    Multiply, divide, remainder. None of these operators may be applied to string

    operands, and remainder may be applied only to integers. The remainder will always

    have the same sign as the divisor and an absolute value smaller than the divisor.

    + -

    Add and subtract. Valid for any numeric operands.


    Left and right (bit) shift. Valid for integer operands only.

    < > =

    Relational operators: less, greater, less than or equal, and greater than or equal. Each

    operator produces 1 if the condition is true, 0 otherwise. These operators may be

    applied to numeric operands as well as strings, in which case string comparison is


    eq ne in ni

    compare two strings for equality (eq) or inequality (ne). and two operators for

    checking if a string is contained in a list (in) or not (ni). These operators all return 1

    (true) or 0 (false). Using these operators ensures that the operands are regarded

    exclusively as strings (and lists), not as possible numbers: % expr { "9" == "9.0"}


    % expr { "9" eq "9.0"}



    Bit-wise AND. Valid for integer operands only.


    Bit-wise exclusive OR. Valid for integer operands only.


    Bit-wise OR. Valid for integer operands only.


    Logical AND. Produces a 1 result if both operands are non-zero, 0 otherwise. Valid

    for numeric operands only (integers or floating-point).


    Logical OR. Produces a 0 result if both operands are zero, 1 otherwise. Valid for

    numeric operands only (integers or floating-point).


    If-then-else. If x evaluates to non-zero, then the result is the value of y. Otherwise the

    result is the value of z. The x operand must have a numeric value. % set x 1

    % expr { $x>0? ($x+1) : ($x-1) }



    Tcl supports the following mathematical functions in expressions:

    abs acos asin atan

    atan2 bool ceil cos

    cosh double entier exp

    floor fmod hypot int

    isqrt log log10 max

    min pow rand round

    sin sinh sqrt srand

    tan tanh wide

  • Besides these functions, you can also apply commands within an expression. For instance:

    % set x 1

    % set w "Abcdef"

    % expr { [string length $w]-2*$x }



    Tcl supports the following functions to convert from one representation of a number to


    double int wide entier

    double() converts a number to a floating-point number.

    int() converts a number to an ordinary integer number (by truncating the decimal


    wide() converts a number to a so-called wide integer number (these numbers have a

    larger range).

    entier() coerces a number to an integer of appropriate size to hold it without

    truncation. This might return the same as int() or wide() or an integer of arbitrary size

    (in Tcl 8.5 and above).

    IF Condition

    Like most languages, Tcl supports an if command. The syntax is:

    if expr1 ?then? body1 elseif expr2 ?then? body2 elseif ... ?else? ?bodyN?

    The words then and else are optional, although generally then is left out and else is used.

    The test expression following if should return a value that can be interpreted as representing

    "true" or "false":

    False True

    a numeric value 0 all others

    yes/no no yes

    true/false false true

    If the test expression returns a string "yes"/"no" or "true"/"false", the case of the return is not

    checked. True/FALSE or YeS/nO are legitimate returns.

    If the test expression evaluates to True, then body1 will be executed.

    If the test expression evaluates to False, then the word after body1 will be examined. If the

    next word is elseif, then the next test expression will be tested as a condition. If the next

    word is else then the final body will be evaluated as a command.

    The test expression following the word if is evaluated in the same manner as in the expr


  • The test expression following if may be enclosed within quotes, or braces. If it is enclosed

    within braces, it will be evaluated within the if command, and if enclosed within quotes it

    will be evaluated during the substitution phase, and then another round of substitutions will

    be done within the if command.


    set x 1

    if {$x == 2} {puts "$x is 2"} else {puts "$x is not 2"}

    if {$x != 1} {

    puts "$x is != 1"

    } else {

    puts "$x is 1"


    if $x==1 {puts "GOT 1"}


    # Be careful, this is just an example

    # Usually you should avoid such constructs,

    # it is less than clear what is going on and it can be dangerous


    set y x

    if "$$y != 1" {

    puts "$$y is != 1"

    } else {

    puts "$$y is 1"



    # A dangerous example: due to the extra round of substitution,

    # the script stops


    set y {[exit]}

    if "$$y != 1" {

    puts "$$y is != 1"

    } else {

    puts "$$y is 1"


    Switch Case

    he switch command allows you to choose one of several options in your code. It is similar to

    switch in C, except that it is more flexible, because you can switch on strings, instead of just

    integers. The string will be compared to a set of patterns, and when a pattern matches the

    string, the code associated with that pattern will be evaluated.

    It's a good idea to use the switch command when you want to match a variable against

    several possible values, and don't want to do a long series of if... elseif ... elseif


    The syntax of the command is:

    switch string pattern1 body1 ?pattern2 body2? ... ?patternN bodyN?

    - or -

    switch string { pattern1 body1 ?pattern2 body2?...?patternN bodyN? }

  • String is the string that you wish to test, and pattern1, pattern2, etc are the patterns

    that the string will be compared to. If string matches a pattern, then the code within the

    body associated with that pattern will be executed. The return value of the body will be

    returned as the return value of the switch statement. Only one pattern will be matched.

    If the last pattern argument is the string default, that pattern will match any string. This

    guarantees that some set of code will be executed no matter what the contents of string are.

    If there is no default argument, and none of the patterns match string, then the switch

    command will return an empty string.

    If you use the brace version of this command, there will be no substitutions done on the

    patterns. The body of the command, however, will be parsed and evaluated just like any other

    command, so there will be a pass of substitutions done on that, just as will be done in the first

    syntax. The advantage of the second form is that you can write multiple line commands more

    readably with the brackets.

    Tcl includes two commands for looping, the while and for commands. Like the if

    statement, they evaluate their test the same way that the expr does. In this lesson we discuss

    the while command, and in the next lesson, the for command. In most circumstances where

    one of these commands can be used, the other can be used as well.

    while test body

    The while command evaluates test as an expression. If test is true, the code in body is

    executed. After the code in body has been executed, testis evaluated again.

    A continue statement within body will stop the execution of the code and the test will be re-

    evaluated. A break within body will break out of the while loop, and execution will continue

    with the next line of code after body

    In Tcl everything is a command, and everything goes through the same substitution phase.

    For this reason, the test must be placed within braces. If test is placed within quotes, the

    substitution phase will replace any variables with their current value, and will pass that test to

    the while command to evaluate, and since the test has only numbers, it will always evaluate

    the same, quite probably leading to an endless loop!

    Look at the two loops in the example. If it weren't for the break command in the second loop,

    it would loop forever.

    set x 1

    # This is a normal way to write a Tcl while loop.

    while {$x < 5} {

    puts "x is $x"

    set x [expr {$x + 1}]


    puts "exited first loop with X equal to $x\n"

    # The next example shows the difference between ".." and {...}

    # How many times does the following loop run? Why does it not

    # print on each pass?

    set x 0

    while "$x < 5" {

  • set x [expr {$x + 1}]

    if {$x > 7} break

    if "$x > 3" continue

    puts "x is $x"


    puts "exited second loop with X equal to $x"

    Tcl supports an iterated loop construct similar to the for loop in C. The for command in Tcl

    takes four arguments; an initialization, a test, an increment, and the body of code to evaluate

    on each pass through the loop. The syntax for the for command is:

    for start test next body

    During evaluation of the for command, the start code is evaluated once, before any other

    arguments are evaluated. After the start code has been evaluated, the test is evaluated. If the

    test evaluates to true, then the body is evaluated, and finally, the next argument is

    evaluated. After evaluating the next argument, the interpreter loops back to the test, and

    repeats the process. If the test evaluates as false, then the loop will exit immediately.

    Start is the initialization portion of the command. It is usually used to initialize the iteration

    variable, but can contain any code that you wish to execute before the loop starts.

    The test argument is evaluated as an expression, just as with the expr while and if


    Next is commonly an incrementing command, but may contain any command which the Tcl

    interpreter can evaluate.

    Body is the body of code to execute.

    Since you commonly do not want the Tcl interpreter's substitution phase to change variables

    to their current values before passing control to the for command, it is common to group the

    arguments with curly braces. When braces are used for grouping, the newline is not treated as

    the end of a Tcl command. This makes it simpler to write multiple line commands. However,

    the opening brace must be on the line with the for command, or the Tcl interpreter will treat

    the close of the next brace as the end of the command, and you will get an error. This is

    different than other languages like C or Perl, where it doesn't matter where you place your


    Within the body code, the commands break and continue may be used just as they are used

    with the while command. When a break is encountered, the loop exits immediately. When a

    continue is encountered, evaluation of the body ceases, and the test is re-evaluated.

    Because incrementing the iteration variable is so common, Tcl has a special command for


    incr varName ?increment?

    This command adds the value in the second argument to the variable named in the first

    argument. If no value is given for the second argument, it defaults to 1.

  • For Example:

    for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {

    puts "I inside first loop: $i"


    for {set i 3} {$i < 2} {incr i} {

    puts "I inside second loop: $i"


    puts "Start"

    set i 0

    while {$i < 10} {

    puts "I inside third loop: $i"

    incr i

    puts "I after incr: $i"


    set i 0

    incr i

    # This is equivalent to:

    set i [expr {$i + 1}]

    Procedure in TCL

    In Tcl there is actually no distinction between commands (often known as 'functions' in other

    languages) and "syntax". There are no reserved words (like if and while) as exist in C, Java,

    Python, Perl, etc... When the Tcl interpreter starts up there is a list of known commands that

    the interpreter uses to parse a line. These commands include while, for, set, puts, and

    so on. They are, however, still just regular Tcl commands that obey the same syntax rules as

    all Tcl commands, both built-in, and those that you create yourself with the proc command.

    The proc command creates a new command. The syntax for the proc command is:

    proc name args body

    When proc is evaluated, it creates a new command with name name that takes arguments

    args. When the procedure name is called, it then runs the code contained in body.

    Args is a list of arguments which will be passed to name. When name is invoked, local

    variables with these names will be created, and the values to be passed to name will be copied

    to the local variables.

    The value that the body of a proc returns can be defined with the return command. The

    return command will return its argument to the calling program. If there is no return, then

    body will return to the caller when the last of its commands has been executed. The return

    value of the last command becomes the return value of the procedure.

    proc sum {arg1 arg2} {

    set x [expr {$arg1 + $arg2}];

    return $x


    puts " The sum of 2 + 3 is: [sum 2 3]\n\n"

    proc for {a b c} {

    puts "The for command has been replaced by a puts";

    puts "The arguments were: $a\n$b\n$c\n"


  • for {set i 1} {$i < 10} {incr i}

    Return values of Procedure

    A proc can be defined with a set number of required arguments (as was done with sum in the

    previous lesson, or it can have a variable number of arguments. An argument can also be

    defined to have a default value.

    Variables can be defined with a default value by placing the variable name and the default

    within braces within args. For example:

    proc justdoit {a {b 1} {c -1}} {


    Since there are default arguments for the b and c variables, you could call the procedure one

    of three ways: justdoit 10, which would set a to 10, and leave b set to its default 1, and c at

    -1. justdoit 10 20 would likewise set b to 20, and leave C to its default. Or call it with all

    three parameters set to avoid any defaults.

    A proc will accept a variable number of arguments if the last declared argument is the word

    args. If the last argument to a proc argument list is args, then any arguments that aren't

    already assigned to previous variables will be assigned to args.

    The example procedure below is defined with three arguments. At least one argument *must*

    be present when example is called. The second argument can be left out, and in that case it

    will default to an empty string. By declaring args as the last argument, example can take a

    variable number of arguments.

    Note that if there is a variable other than args after a variable with a default, then the default

    will never be used. For example, if you declare a proc such as:

    proc function { a {b 1} c} {...}, you will always have to call it with 3 arguments.

    Tcl assigns values to a proc's variables in the order that they are listed in the command. If you

    provide 2 arguments when you call function they will be assigned to a and b, and Tcl will

    generate an error because c is undefined.

    You can, however, declare other arguments that may not have values as coming after an

    argument with a default value. For example, this is valid:

    proc example {required {default1 a} {default2 b} args} {...}

    In this case, example requires one argument, which will be assigned to the variable

    required. If there are two arguments, the second arg will be assigned to default1. If there

    are 3 arguments, the first will be assigned to required, the second to default1, and the third

    to default2. If example is called with more than 3 arguments, all the arguments after the

    third will be assigned to args.

    For Example

    proc example {first {second ""} args} {

    if {$second eq ""} {

    puts "There is only one argument and it is: $first"

    return 1

    } else {

    if {$args eq ""} {

  • puts "There are two arguments - $first and $second"

    return 2

    } else {

    puts "There are many arguments - $first and $second and $args"

    return "many"




    set count1 [example ONE]

    set count2 [example ONE TWO]

    set count3 [example ONE TWO THREE ]

    set count4 [example ONE TWO THREE FOUR]

    puts "The example was called with $count1, $count2, $count3, and $count4


    Variable Scope (Global)

    Tcl evaluates variables within a scope delineated by procs, namespaces (see Building

    reusable libraries - packages and namespaces), and at the topmost level, the global scope.

    The scope in which a variable will be evaluated can be changed with the global and upvar


    The global command will cause a variable in a local scope (inside a procedure) to refer to

    the global variable of that name.

    The upvar command is similar. It "ties" the name of a variable in the current scope to a

    variable in a different scope. This is commonly used to simulate pass-by-reference to procs.

    You might also encounter the variable command in others' Tcl code. It is part of the

    namespace system and is discussed in detail in that chapter.

    Normally, Tcl uses a type of "garbage collection" called reference counting in order to

    automatically clean up variables when they are not used anymore, such as when they go "out

    of scope" at the end of a procedure, so that you don't have to keep track of them yourself. It is

    also possible to explicitly unset them with the aptly named unset command.

    The syntax for upvar is:

    upvar ?level? otherVar1 myVar1 ?otherVar2 myVar2? ... ?otherVarN myVarN?

    The upvar command causes myVar1 to become a reference to otherVar1, and myVar2 to

    become a reference to otherVar2, etc. The otherVar variable is declared to be at level

    relative to the current procedure. By default level is 1, the next level up.

    If a number is used for the level, then level references that many levels up the stack from the

    current level.

    If the level number is preceded by a # symbol, then it references that many levels down

    from the global scope. If level is #0, then the reference is to a variable at the global level.

    If you are using upvar with anything except #0 or 1, you are most likely asking for trouble,

    unless you really know what you're doing.

    You should avoid using global variables if possible. If you have a lot of globals, you should

    reconsider the design of your program.

  • Note that since there is only one global space it is surprisingly easy to have name conflicts if

    you are importing other peoples code and aren't careful. It is recommended that you start

    global variables with an identifiable prefix to help avoid unexpected conflicts.

    For Example

    proc SetPositive {variable value } {

    upvar $variable myvar

    if {$value < 0} {

    set myvar [expr {-$value}]

    } else {

    set myvar $value


    return $myvar


    SetPositive x 5

    SetPositive y -5

    puts "X : $x Y: $y\n"

    proc two {y} {

    upvar 1 $y z ;# tie the calling value to variable z

    upvar 2 x a ;# Tie variable x two levels up to a

    puts "two: Z: $z A: $a" ;# Output the values, just to confirm

    set z 1 ;# Set z, the passed variable to 1;

    set a 2 ;# Set x, two layers up to 2;


    proc one {y} {

    upvar $y z ;# This ties the calling value to

    variable z

    puts "one: Z: $z" ;# Output that value, to check it is 5

    two z ;# call proc two, which will change the



    one y ;# Call one, and output X and Y after

    the call.

    puts "\nX: $x Y: $y"

    proc existence {variable} {

    upvar $variable testVar

    if { [info exists testVar] } {

    puts "$variable Exists"

    } else {

    puts "$variable Does Not Exist"



    set x 1

    set y 2

    for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {

    set a($i) $i;


    puts "\ntesting unsetting a simple variable"

    # Confirm that x exists.

    existence x

    # Unset x

    unset x

    puts "x has been unset"

    # Confirm that x no longer exists.

    existence x

  • Example: Find out the Factorial of given number







    1) Write down basic Constructs of TCL language.

    2) What is Full form of TCL?

    3) Write a TCL script to find whether entered number is prime OR not

    4) Write a Program in TCL which simulates behavior of normal CALCULATOR with

    basic operation(+,-,*,/)

    5) By taking suitable example, explain importance of global keyword in TCL example

  • Practical-III

    AIM: Simulation of Wired topology of 4 Node


    Introduction to TCL Syntax, looping, conditional check, functions, execution

    of Mathematical Operations and Execution of Unix Command

    Write a Program in TCL which takes number N from user and prints

    factorialuse function call

    Implement Basic Calculator operation in TCL-use function call

    The topology As always, the first step is to define the topology. You should create a file 'example2.tcl',

    using the code from section IV.1 as a template. As I said before, this code will always be

    similar. You will always have to create a simulator object, you will always have to start the

    simulation with the same command, and if you want to run nam automatically, you will

    always have to open a trace file, initialize it, and define a procedure which closes it and starts


    Now insert the following lines into the code to create four nodes.

    set n0 [$ns node]

    set n1 [$ns node]

    set n2 [$ns node]

    set n3 [$ns node]

    The following piece of Tcl code creates three duplex links between the nodes.

    $ns duplex-link $n0 $n2 1Mb 10ms DropTail

    $ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 1Mb 10ms DropTail

    $ns duplex-link $n3 $n2 1Mb 10ms DropTail

    You can save and start the script now. You might notice that the topology looks a bit

    awkward in nam. You can hit the 're-layout' button to make it look better, but it would be nice

    to have some more control over the layout. Add the next three lines to your Tcl script and

    start it again.

  • $ns duplex-link-op $n0 $n2 orient right-down

    $ns duplex-link-op $n1 $n2 orient right-up

    $ns duplex-link-op $n2 $n3 orient right

    You will probably understand what this code does when you look at the topology in the nam

    window now. It should look like the picture below.

    Note that the autolayout related parts of nam

    are gone, since now you have taken the

    layout into your own hands. The options for

    the orientation of a link are right, left, up,

    down and combinations of these

    orientations. You can experiment with these

    settings later, but for now please leave the

    topology the way it is.

    V.2. The events Now we create two UDP agents with CBR traffic sources and attach them to the nodes n0

    and n1. Then we create a Null agent and attach it to node n3.

    #Create a UDP agent and attach it to node n0

    set udp0 [new Agent/UDP]

    $ns attach-agent $n0 $udp0

    # Create a CBR traffic source and attach it to udp0

    set cbr0 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

    $cbr0 set packetSize_ 500

    $cbr0 set interval_ 0.005

    $cbr0 attach-agent $udp0

    #Create a UDP agent and attach it to node n1

    set udp1 [new Agent/UDP]

    $ns attach-agent $n1 $udp1

    # Create a CBR traffic source and attach it to udp1

    set cbr1 [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

    $cbr1 set packetSize_ 500

    $cbr1 set interval_ 0.005

    $cbr1 attach-agent $udp1

    set null0 [new Agent/Null]

    $ns attach-agent $n3 $null0

    The two CBR agents have to be connected to the Null agent.

    $ns connect $udp0 $null0

    $ns connect $udp1 $null0

  • We want the first CBR agent to start sending at 0.5 seconds and to stop at 4.5 seconds while

    the second CBR agent starts at 1.0 seconds and stops at 4.0 seconds.

    $ns at 0.5 "$cbr0 start"

    $ns at 1.0 "$cbr1 start"

    $ns at 4.0 "$cbr1 stop"

    $ns at 4.5 "$cbr0 stop"

    When you start the script now with 'ns example2.tcl', you will notice that there is more traffic

    on the links from n0 to n2 and n1 to n2 than the link from n2 to n3 can carry. A simple

    calculation confirms this: We are sending 200 packets per second on each of the first two

    links and the packet size is 500 bytes. This results in a bandwidth of 0.8 megabits per second

    for the links from n0 to n2 and from n1 to n2. That's a total bandwidth of 1.6Mb/s, but the

    link between n2 and n3 only has a capacity of 1Mb/s, so obviously some packets are being

    discarded. But which ones? Both flows are black, so the only way to find out what is

    happening to the packets is to monitor them in nam by clicking on them. In the next two

    sections I'm going to show you how to distinguish between different flows and how to see

    what is actually going on in the queue at the link from n2 to n3.

    V.3. Marking flows Add the following two lines to your CBR agent definitions.

    $udp0 set class_ 1

    $udp1 set class_ 2

    The parameter 'fid_' stands for 'flow id'.

    Now add the following piece of code to your Tcl script, preferably at the beginning after the

    simulator object has been created, since this is a part of the simulator setup.

    $ns color 1 Blue

    $ns color 2 Red

    This code allows you to set different colors

    for each flow id.

    Now you can start the script again and one

    flow should be blue, while the other one is

    red. Watch the link from node n2 to n3 for a

    while, and you will notice that after some

    time the distribution between blue and red

    packets isn't too fair anymore (at least that's

    the way it is on my system). In the next

    section I'll show you how you can look

  • inside this link's queue to find out what is going on there.

    V.4. Monitoring a queue You only have to add the following line to your code to monitor the queue for the link from

    n2 to n3.

    $ns duplex-link-op $n2 $n3 queuePos 0.5

    Start ns again and you will see a picture

    similar to the one below after a few


    You can see the packets in the queue now,

    and after a while you can even see how the

    packets are being dropped, though (at least

    on my system, I guess it might be different

    in later or earlier releases) only blue packets

    are being dropped. But you can't really

    expect too much 'fairness' from a simple

    DropTail queue. So let's try to improve the queueing by using a SFQ (stochastic fair

    queueing) queue for the link from n2 to n3. Change the link definition for the link between n2

    and n3 to the following line.

    $ns duplex-link $n3 $n2 1Mb 10ms SFQ

    The queueing should be 'fair' now. The same amount of blue and red packets should be


    The full example

  • Practical-IV

    AIM: Creating Output files for Xgraph


    Analyzing and plotting received traffic from 3 nodes.

    -data rate


    -speed of link

    -size of data

    One part of the ns-allinone package is 'xgraph', a plotting program which can be used to

    create graphic representations of simulation results. In this section, I will show you a simple

    way how you can create output files in your Tcl scripts which can be used as data sets for

    xgraph. On the way there, I will also show you how to use traffic generators.

    A note: The technique I present here is one of many possible ways to create output files

    suitable for xgraph. If you think there is a technique which is superior in terms of

    understandablity (which is what I aim for in this tutorial), please let me know.

    VIII.1. Topology and Traffic Sources First of all, we create the following topology:

  • The following piece of code should look familiar to you by now if you read the first sections

    of this tutorial.

    set n0 [$ns node]

    set n1 [$ns node]

    set n2 [$ns node]

    set n3 [$ns node]

    set n4 [$ns node]

    $ns duplex-link $n0 $n3 1Mb 100ms DropTail

    $ns duplex-link $n1 $n3 1Mb 100ms DropTail

    $ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 1Mb 100ms DropTail

    $ns duplex-link $n3 $n4 1Mb 100ms DropTail

    We are going to attach traffic sources to the nodes n0, n1 and n2, but first we write a

    procedure that will make it easier for us to add the traffic sources and generators to the nodes:

    proc attach-expoo-traffic { node sink size burst idle rate } {

    #Get an instance of the simulator

    set ns [Simulator instance]

    #Create a UDP agent and attach it to the node

    set source [new Agent/UDP]

    $ns attach-agent $node $source

    #Create an Expoo traffic agent and set its configuration parameters

    set traffic [new Application/Traffic/Exponential]

    $traffic set packetSize_ $size

    $traffic set burst_time_ $burst

    $traffic set idle_time_ $idle

    $traffic set rate_ $rate

    # Attach traffic source to the traffic generator

    $traffic attach-agent $source

    #Connect the source and the sink

    $ns connect $source $sink

    return $traffic


    This procedure looks more complicated than it really is. It takes six arguments: A node, a

    previously created traffic sink, the packet size for the traffic source, the burst and idle times

    (for the exponential distribution) and the peak rate. For details about the Expoo traffic

    sources, please refer to the documentation for ns.

    First, the procedure creates a traffic source and attaches it to the node, then it creates a

    Traffic/Expoo object, sets its configuration parameters and attaches it to the traffic source,

    before eventually the source and the sink are connected. Finally, the procedure returns a

    handle for the traffic source. This procedure is a good example how reoccuring tasks like

    attaching a traffic source to several nodes can be handled. Now we use the procedure to

    attach traffic sources with different peak rates to n0, n1 and n2 and to connect them to three

    traffic sinks on n4 which have to be created first:

    set sink0 [new Agent/LossMonitor]

    set sink1 [new Agent/LossMonitor]

    set sink2 [new Agent/LossMonitor]

    $ns attach-agent $n4 $sink0

    $ns attach-agent $n4 $sink1

  • $ns attach-agent $n4 $sink2

    set source0 [attach-expoo-traffic $n0 $sink0 200 2s 1s 100k]

    set source1 [attach-expoo-traffic $n1 $sink1 200 2s 1s 200k]

    set source2 [attach-expoo-traffic $n2 $sink2 200 2s 1s 300k]

    In this example we use Agent/LossMonitor objects as traffic sinks, since they store the

    amount of bytes received, which can be used to calculate the bandwidth.

    VIII.2. Recording Data in Output Files

    Now we have to open three output files. The following lines have to appear 'early' in the Tcl


    set f0 [open w]

    set f1 [open w]

    set f2 [open w]

    These files have to be closed at some point. We use a modified 'finish' procedure to do that.

    proc finish {} {

    global f0 f1 f2

    #Close the output files

    close $f0

    close $f1

    close $f2

    #Call xgraph to display the results

    exec xgraph -geometry 800x400 &

    exit 0


    It not only closes the output files, but also calls xgraph to display the results. You may want

    to adapt the window size (800x400) to your screen size.

    Now we can write the procedure which actually writes the data to the output files.

    proc record {} {

    global sink0 sink1 sink2 f0 f1 f2

    #Get an instance of the simulator

    set ns [Simulator instance]

    #Set the time after which the procedure should be called again

    set time 0.5

    #How many bytes have been received by the traffic sinks?

    set bw0 [$sink0 set bytes_]

    set bw1 [$sink1 set bytes_]

    set bw2 [$sink2 set bytes_]

    #Get the current time

    set now [$ns now]

    #Calculate the bandwidth (in MBit/s) and write it to the files

    puts $f0 "$now [expr $bw0/$time*8/1000000]"

    puts $f1 "$now [expr $bw1/$time*8/1000000]"

    puts $f2 "$now [expr $bw2/$time*8/1000000]"

    #Reset the bytes_ values on the traffic sinks

    $sink0 set bytes_ 0

    $sink1 set bytes_ 0

  • $sink2 set bytes_ 0

    #Re-schedule the procedure

    $ns at [expr $now+$time] "record"


    This procedure reads the number of bytes received from the three traffic sinks. Then it

    calculates the bandwidth (in MBit/s) and writes it to the three output files together with the

    current time before it resets the bytes_ values on the traffic sinks. Then it re-schedules itself.

    VIII.3. Running the Simulation

    We can now schedule the following events:

    $ns at 0.0 "record"

    $ns at 10.0 "$source0 start"

    $ns at 10.0 "$source1 start"

    $ns at 10.0 "$source2 start"

    $ns at 50.0 "$source0 stop"

    $ns at 50.0 "$source1 stop"

    $ns at 50.0 "$source2 stop"

    $ns at 60.0 "finish"

    $ns run

    First, the 'record' procedure is called, and afterwards it will re-schedule itself periodically

    every 0.5 seconds. Then the three traffic sources are started at 10 seconds and stopped at 50

    seconds. At 60 seconds, the 'finish' procedure is called. You can find the full example script


    When you run the simulation, an xgraph window should open after some time which should

    look similar to this one:

    As you can see, the bursts of the first flow peak at 0.1Mbit/s, the second at 0.2Mbit/s and the

    third at 0.3Mbit/s. Now you can try to modify the 'time' value in the 'record' procedure. Set it

    to '0.1' and see what happens, and then try '1.0'. It is very important to find a good 'time' value

    for each simulation scenario.

  • Note that the output files created by the 'record' procedure can also be used with gnuplot.

    The Full Program:

  • Practical-V

    AIM: Creating wired Simulation on NS to analyze the effects of error on one link v/s behavior of

    Sliding Window Size


    Create the topology as mentioned below

    Create the Agents and Set the parameters as mentioned below

    Introduce the random error rate of 0.2 on link between n2 and n3

    Observer the traffic and plot the behavior of

    o Window size with respect to time

    o Window size with random error rate = 0.5


    Error Model of NS-2

  • Full Program:

  • Output
