Page 1: Now try and get the perfect D-day unique look

Now try and get the perfect D-day unique look

Don’t you agree with the fact that every year we don any of the tri-color outfit with tattoos on D-day

occasion and look somewhat same like others in the gathering? This Independence Day, when others

celebrate the day by appearing simply in traditional outfit like sarees or kurta-pajamas, you try to

flaunt a different and creative look by opting for Tri-color eye make-up. Celebrate the true spirit of

freedom by liberating yourself from stereotypes. Take out your makeup palette and display your

makeup skills by painting your eyes in the tricolor.

Match your eye-makeup with the mood of your D-day social programme. Use the tricolor of the

National Flag to make you look wonderful. Here are some eye makeup inspired by our national

symbols tips shared by Bharti Taneja, veteran Beauty Expert, Renowned Aesthetician &

Cosmetologist and Founder-Director of ALPS.


Play with eye shadow:

Eye makeup without eye shadow? A big no!

Decorate your eyes with tricolor eye shadows; use white as a base color and then create the magic

using saffron color in the upper portion. Finish it giving a fine line with green shade or can even use a

green liner.


Page 2: Now try and get the perfect D-day unique look

Experiment with eye liners:

A tri-colour eye liner will look far more happening than you could imagine. It’s something new to try

but, definitely worth it. Give a twist with winged colored liners.


Try colourful mascara:

You can also try colourful mascara it will not only give you the desired look but also add dose of



Paint your eyes:

If want to try something extremely different from the crowd then, let your eyes speak with painting.

There are number of beauty clinics where you can visit to decorate your eyes with beautiful

paintings like of a freedom fighters, politicians, flags, chakras etc.

You can avail special services at Bharti Taneja's ALPS on This Independence Day. Book Your

appointment today by contacting us at our helpline number +91-987144666 or visit our website
