
The Compassionate Friends, Pasco County Chapter



HARBORS CIVIC CENTER as we join those

lighting candles around the world at 7 pm in each

time zone to remember children gone too soon.

We sponsor and hold our candle lighting ceremo-

ny as part of these worldwide remembrance

services More information can be found inside

this newsletter on page 5

**** On Nov 3rd we are starting a second meet-

ing per month. Check out the Chapter News on

page 2 for details.











The Holidays Are Coming!

"The Holidays are coming! The Holidays are coming!” Most bereaved

parents make that observation with the same sense of fear and dread that

Chicken Little had when he announced, "The sky is falling! The sky is fall-

ing!" We view Christmas or Hanukkah differently than the rest of the

world. In our minds they become great trials to be endured. In my opinion,

this trail is tougher than birthdays or death anniversaries. This is the time

when love abounds. The family (and extended family) all gather together,

coming from near and far, to share in this love. The only trouble with this

happy scene is that our child is missing. He or she has traveled too far from

us to come for the holidays! We can't buy gifts for a photograph or hug and

kiss a memory. The emptiness that this creates in us cannot be filled, no

matter how many relatives gather by our hearth. To add to the pain, most

well-meaning friends and relatives feel that the best way to handle the

problem is to pretend that it doesn't exist. They never mention the one per-

son that is on the minds and in the hearts of everyone. We found out, early

on, that it is not possible to keep the “presence" of our child out of a family

gathering. Trying to do so makes everyone uncomfortable and causes us as

parents to feel disloyal.

The first Christmas after don't hesitate to recall memories of him as

often as we recall those of other children in the family. Because we talk of

him in an easy and natural manner, the rest of the family has taken our cue.

They now bring up his name naturally. It is all so much more comfortable

than the way we tried to handle it that first year.

Another couple in our chapter had a wonderful idea for the first holi-

day after their daughter died. Their greatest fear was that no one would

mention her, so they compiled an album of her pictures and casually left it

out on the coffee table. It wasn't long before people were looking through

it, recalling favorite memories of her, and the ice was broken.

There must be so many other ways that you can make your child a

part of your holiday—ways that seem right and comfortable for you. You

may choose to keep your thoughts private rather than share them with oth-

ers. But the most important thing to remember is that the choice is yours.

Do what makes you comfortable, not what others think should make you

comfortable. If you follow the dictates of your heart and that gives you

comfort, those around you will see that it is so and follow your lead.

Marge Frankenberg - TCF Arlington Heights, IL,

In loving memory of my son, Blake

The Compassionate Friends, Pasco County Chapter 2

Several TCF members have stepped up and

joined the Candle Lighting planning group. We

are returning to Gulf Harbors Civic Center this

Year (see pg 5) and this creative enthusiastic

group are working hard to make this a

memorable occasion.

We again joined Pinellas’ TCF

in a Butterfly Release on Oct

8th. After a brief ceremony we

released our individual

butterflies and made a wish

for them to take heaven-ward.

We hope to make this a yearly

event for Pinellas County and

Pasco County TCF chapters

We will hold a yard sale at Cathy Tull’s house

on October 22nd and 23rd for benefit of our


NOPE (Narcotics Overdose Prevention and

Education) will hold it’s Candle Lighting on

October 27th. At the Next Level Church, 5015

Darlington in Holiday. Vender fair at 5:30pm,

program begins at 6:30 pm.

Beginning November 3rd: In response to many

saying they wished there was more than one

meeting a month, Cathy has Secured a meeting

room at the SmileFaith Foundation at 8125 US

HWY 19 Suite "A" , Port Richey, FL 34668.

Meetings will be held every first Thursday of

the month. (the first one will be on Nov 3rd.)

Doors will open at 7pm. Meetings will begin

promptly at 7:15pm.

Directions: From US 19 & Trouble Creek : North

on US 19 over the bridge north of Grand, you

will have to make a U-Turn once you pass the

building and make a right into the parking lot,

Parking spaces are on both sides of the


Our regular third Wednesday meetings will

continue at Life Care Center. Feel free to attend

either meeting or both. See the last page in this

newsletter for meeting schedules.

We look forward to seeing you at these events,

our meetings and, yes, at our annual Candle


Holidays are difficult times for all of us. Trying

to balance what we feel up to doing, with what

we want to do and what others expect drain

energy and tend to highlight the absence of our

dear children. Attending the Candle Lighting,

for many of us, focuses on celebrating the too

short lives of and our love for these precious

ones. We wish you gentle holidays and

memories that sustain.



Visit The Compassionate Friends

National Office’s website on Sunday

December 11th to post a message in

the 2016 Candle Lighting Remembrance Book.


TCF Pasco County Online

Visit our website for more information about the

chapter, announcements, and helpful links and

resources for bereaved families.

TCF Pasco’s quarterly newsletters are posted on

the chapter website. Please help us keep expenses

down by getting your copy online. Newsletters

can be printed from the website, or downloaded to

your computer in PDF format. Thank you.

TCF Pasco on Facebook To find us on Facebook, look for our page

listing: The Compassionate Friends of Pasco County

The Compassionate Friends, Pasco County Chapter 3

Some Days Are Like This

Some days are like this:

Loss shows up and takes over.

It snares and envelopes my soul

A leaden net draping over me, heavy and relentless

Every part of my body pulled down, every limb,

every digit, every organ


Slow to move


With heavy arms, and still body I feel the pull of loss

Quietly I sit, not sure if I own it, or if it owns me

My racing pace of circling thoughts winds down

Gradually spinning slower and slower

Time stretches out, almost to a stop.

Why is loss such an oppressor, squeezing breath and

life away?

Why does this oppressor possess me when I know

only too well how precious life’s spark is

And how limited my time is to have it?

Of course there are other days, too, when loss has

melted away

And the leaden net has lifted just magically,

or so it seems

On those days my feet walk lightly

And laughter comes easily.

Today is Christmas So we

gather with our loved ones, embracing each other

Maybe warmly, maybe tentatively

Yet each embrace is shadowed by who is missing

And what has been lost

And all that we miss.

The shadows never leave us

Such loss cannot be outrun or outwitted

It only can be held and felt, merged and submerged

in a deep pool of wisdom

And so we gather, we hold, we wonder, we ache.

Some days are like this.

Charles Eadie

TCF, Santa Cruz, CA

In Memory of my son, Austin

~ ~ ~


At this season of life, we remember the light you

brought into our lives:

The light of your laughter

The light of your wit and intelligence

The light of your love

May the time not be distant when the memory of

these lights will illumine our hearts and minds and

eradicate the darkness therein.

Stephanie Hesse

TCF Rockland County, NY

TCF North Palm Beach County, FL

~ ~ ~

First Thanksgiving The thought of being thankful

fills my heart with dread.

They’ll all be feigning gladness,

not a word about her said.

These heavy shrouds of blackness

enveloping my soul,

pervasive, throat-catching,

writhe in me, and coil.

I must, I must acknowledge,

just express her name,

so all sitting at the table,

know I’m thankful that she came.

Though she’s gone from us forever

and we mourn to see her face,

not one minute of her living,

would her death ever replace.

So I stop the cheerful gathering,

though my voice quivers, quakes,

make a toast to all her living.

That small tribute’s all it takes.

Genesse Bourdeau Gentry

from Stars in the Deepest – After the Death of a


The Compassionate Friends, Pasco County Chapter 4

If heaven had an email, I would send one.

[email protected] ?

Dear God,

I'm writing to ask if you could find my daughter Sarah-

Beth. You'll know who she is because she's the one stand-

ing outside the crowd with shiny brown hair, piercing

brown eyes, and a smile so big her bright teeth will gleam.

She'll be singing with a voice that will bring tears of joy to

all the angels. You know who I’m talking about. She'll be

on your list of children taken way too soon. I’m sure you

wouldn’t have taken her this soon if you didn’t have a

very special task for her in heaven. I would really appreci-

ate it if you could take a few minutes to find her and give

her this message and a big hug from me.

Dear Sarah-Beth,

God is with you now and he offered to give you this message. I

know you must have a very special task in heaven or you would

still be here with me. I want you to remember to always obey

God and all his Angels, be a good girl and show them how awe-

some you are.

I want to tell you that I miss you every moment of every mi-

nute, I miss your voice, the silly little things you used to do, the

words and songs you would sing nonstop, I miss your caring

heart, the everyday things we did together and the passion you

had for everything you loved. Most of all I want you to know I

wasn’t done with you yet. I've learned a lot since you've been

gone. You taught me to love more, have more passion and never

give up on anything worth having passion for.

Soon it will be 5 years since you left me, and your 23rd birth-

day. I hope you've been getting all your balloons and messages,

I send them every year for your birthday; keep an eye out for 23

of them on January 3rd. I hope I'm making you proud of me by

honoring you in all I do by helping others deal with the pain of

losing their child, grief support and spreading the word about

Suicide. I love you so much.

If you get your own email address in heaven please forward it

to me so we can have these chats more often. Last but not least,

please thank God for giving you this email. I really appreciate

him taking time out of his busy schedule to get this message to


Love you forever …. Mom

Cathy Tull TCF Pasco County, FL

In Loving Memory ANTHONY “DUKE” 1962 –2003

You visit me in memory

So clear, and near - yet far

Beyond physical reach

Or returned speech

You let me know you are:

“Forever in my heart”

Happy Birthday Son of Mine

I love you...

Your Mama Jean

Jean Limongello TCF Pasco County, FL

The Compassionate Friends, Pasco County Chapter 5

YOUR NAME: ……..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. ADDRESS: ………...…………………………………………………………………………………………………… CITY/STATE/ZIP: ………...……………………………………………........TELEPHONE:....................................... EMAIL ADDRESS: ………..…………………………………Dessert/snack donation………………………………… CHILD’S FULL NAME: …………………………………………….. INCLUDE IN PROGRAM: YES… NO…. NUMBER OF ADULTS ATTENDING: …..………… NUMBER OF CHILDREN ATTENDING: ……....…









Doors open 6:30 pm. our special

candle lighting ceremony will begin

at 7 pm with the lighting of the first of

three candles. The ceremony will include music, poetry readings, a speaker, and a DVD presentation

of the children’s pictures, and the lighting of individual candles (candles will be provided.)

Fellowship, finger food, beverages and desserts hosted by TCF members. Donations of refreshments

or to help with the event expense are welcome, but not required.

Please let us know your plans to attend by filling out the form at the bottom of this page

and mailing it to: [email protected]

If you want your child’s picture to be included in the DVD send their photograph with the form.

You can also send your details and a digital Photo to: [email protected] Or bring it in to the November TCF meeting.

Gulf Harbors Civic Center is handicapped accessible, however if you use a larger than standard wheel

chair please contact us so we can make rest room arrangements . Also indicate if you want your child’s

picture in the DVD, but not their name in the program or visa versa.

The Compassionate Friends, Pasco County Chapter 6

Self Help

For many of us, the monthly meeting of our Com-

passionate Friends Group is the only real healing

time we give to ourselves. Helping ourselves on a

daily basis is critical to our journey in the grieving


Many of us find solace in books. Others find it in

movies, music, time with friends, meditation or

intense spiritual conviction. Each day we should

take some time to center ourselves, to find a place

of peace.

If you haven’t already done so, start with a quiet

time of reflection and search your soul for the key

to your own solace. There will still be bad, even

terrible, days. The effort to help ourselves begins

with knowing ourselves and finding the unique

activity that soothes our broken hearts for just a

little while.

Annette Mennen Baldwin

In memory of my son, Todd Mennen

TCF, Katy, TX



-Pierre Corneille (circa 1640)

“…a bear wedged in great tightness.”

“In a tape called, ‘To Touch a Grieving Heart’ there is a wonderful little reminder of the Winnie the Pooh story by A. A. Milne. You may recall that Winnie goes to visit Rabbit and eats too much honey. Coming out of Rabbit’s hole, he gets stuck tight – so tight he can’t even sigh. He asks his friends to

stay with him, read him a story, and offer words of comfort…and thus to help ‘a bear wedged in great tightness.’

Notice that Pooh does not ask to be pulled out of the hole, he asks only for company so he is not alone. I think Grief is like being ‘a bear wedged in great tightness.’ And, while we cannot make the grief go away for each other, The Compassionate Friends starts and stops with the core idea that we will be

there for each other; that ‘we need not walk alone.’ ”

Opening remarks of the late Richard Edler’s keynote speech at the

1996 TCF National Conference

The Compassionate Friends, Pasco County Chapter 7



Out of our love you came,

Planned, wanted, welcomed.

Your announcement created

excitement, joy.

Friends and family inquired,

Do you want a girl or boy?

Will you take Lamaze?

What colors for the nursery?

Then suddenly you're gone —

and silence.

No one talks about a baby that

won't be.

Were you real or a dream?

I feel alone and empty.

Where can I put my love that

was for you?

Now what does it mean?

Betty Ruder

TCF North Shore Chapter, IL

What I Need

A lot of time!

A little space,

A kind of quiet

Resting place,

Are what I need

At times like these

A special spot

Where I can grieve.

Beth Pinion

TCF Andalusia, AL


Let me be sad today,

Give me this day to mourn.

It’s the date my little son died,

And also the date he was


Let me think back to his birth

The fear of viewing him, dead.

Memories of holding him


And cradling his little head.

Allow me to visit his grave,

To let a few balloons go,

To place flowers lovingly,

And trim the grass that does


Allow me tears to cry,

Love fills my heart to the brim

Spilling it on those close by.

While always longing for him

Elizabeth Dent

TCF McMinnville, OR

You can’t prevent birds of sorrow flying over

your head – but you can prevent them from

building nests in your hair.


~ ~

When you are sorrowful look again in your

heart, and you shall see that in truth you are

weeping for that which has been your delight.

~Kahlil Gibran

~ ~

Birthday and Anniversary Table

When you attend a meeting that takes

place during the month of your child’s

birthday or anniversary you are invited

to bring a picture of your child to the

meeting to display and/or pass around

to the group.

The Compassionate Friends, Pasco County Chapter 8

Our Children... Remembered


NOVEMBER Adam Brewer

Michael James Corcoran

Jeremy Chaffin

Robert Cummines

Brandyn Dawson

Gabriel Aaron Hall

Amaya Leigh Hardy


Brittany Johnson

Kimberly Klopp

Paul Matheus

Frank Joseph Pepe

Jay Porter

Taylor John Singer

Allie Tomasko

DECEMBER Randy Johnson

Shane Grahm

Diana Vanderbilt

Anthony (Duke) Limongello

Bryan Lohr

Mark Matta

Nathanial James Gary Flynn

Nathan Layton

Anthony Milano

Darci Lou Myrice

Kimberly Lynn Osborne

Jennifer Petty

Kiana Sablan

Kristin Marie Schyver

Stephn Michael Skinner

Matt Stock

JANUARY Robert “Robbie” Allen

Nicholas Gerard Azzuc

Roy David Barber

Miichael Braden

Sarah Beth

Trista Cresap

Tristen J. Daniels

Darren Derby

Joel Delgado

Robert Gerrior Sr.

Cody Gilbertson

Robert James Hay

Shane Leggett

Kevin Michael

Michael Miller

Jennifer Lee Otto

Melissa Richardson


NOVEMBER: Eric Brooks

Lillianna Pearl Boyer

Gabriel Aaron Hall

Robert “Tito” Hill

Chris Huck

Clair Lynn Kessler

Zoran Curic-Krulj

Louise A, Mathews

Michaela Marie Packard

Richare Robinson

Delany Rossman

Matt Stock

Matt Stock

DECEMBER: Lisa Abearnethy

Nicholas Alcaro

Richard Beaulier

Logan Brock

David Flint Comini

Austin Duink

Ronald “Chip” Farchione

Christopher Helbing

Jennifer Lee (Jenn) Otto Hicks

Tammy Johnston

Nathan Layton

Jason E Leevet

George Viet Majorana Jr.

Christine (Tammy) Rubright

Stephn Michael Skinner

Michael Villani

Matthew Voorhees

Jessica Woltcheck

JANUARY Christopher Michael Birchfield

Justin Blackwell

Sarah Beth

Joshua Vernon Cooney

Michael James Corcoran

Darren Derby

Jeremy Chaffin

Joel Delgado

Nathanial James Gary Flynn

Amaya Leigh Hardy

Brittany Johnson

Paul Matheus

Kevin Michael

Teddy Niziol

Thomas Nutter

Samantha Ann Miller Oldaker

Frank Joseph Pepe

Vance Sanders

The Garden Of Angels at North Meadowlawn Cemetery in New Port Richey was established as a living memorial to our children. Brass plaques, showing your child’s name and dates,

can be purchased for display on the cenotaph from our chapter. For more details, please ask at one of our meetings, call our help line, or email Cathy Tull

at: [email protected]

Our Garden of Angels

The Compassionate Friends, Pasco County Chapter 9



2-24-82 - 11-12-11

As we sit here and whisper "We Miss You"

We believe somehow you can still hear us

Always in our hearts

Silvana, Tamara

Goran & David

The Compassionate Friends, Pasco County Chapter 10

Call our chapter helpline: (813) 273-8721

Leave a message and your phone number. A Compassionate Friend will return your call


Having a bad day?


Your Full Name: ___________________________________________________________

Your Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________


Child’s Name: ________________________________ Relationship To You: _____________________________

Donation amount: _____________________________

MAIL TO: The Compassionate Friends, Pasco County Chapter, P.O. Box 1376, Elfers, FL 34680 Thank you for your support

Love Gifts

Linda Hoobler IMO

Adam Spencer

Mark and Cathy Tull IMO

Sarah Beth

Silvana and Goran Krulj IMO

Zoran Krulj

Jean Limongello IMO

Anthony “Duke” Limongello

Our Corporate Sponsors

We acknowledge and thank the following companies for their sponsorship and continued support:

Life Care Center of New Port Richey

SmileFaith Foundation


The Compassionate Friends of Pasco County thanks you for your support!

We are a non-profit, self-help organization, staffed entirely by volunteers who are themselves also bereaved parents. We receive no form of funding and rely on your generous donations to keep our chapter running.

We are always looking for volunteers who can spare a little time to help us with some of the many tasks involved in the day to day running of the chapter. For more information, please ask at one of our monthly meetings, or contact us by telephone or e-mail (details below in the newsletter memorials section.)

For a donation of $50, you can place a full page memorial, devoted to your loved one, in the issue of your choice (you may include items such as a special poem, photographs, or a personal message for your child.) For a $25 donation, you can place a half page in the newsletter. Both are on an availability basis. If you are interested in having a full or half page memorial, or have any questions, please call the chapter phone line (813) 273-8721, or contact us via e-mail at [email protected] Love Gifts are living memorials to our children, usually given on anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, etc. When making a gift, please include your name, address, the name of the child the donation is in memory of, and your relationship to them. Love Gifts can be brought to any meeting, or mailed to: The Compassionate Friends, Pasco County Chapter, P.O. Box 1376, Elfers, FL 34680. A tear-off slip is included below for your convenience. We want to make sure that the content of our newsletter is accurate and up to date. Please let us know if you change your address or if our records are in any way incorrect.




The Compassionate Friends, Pasco County Chapter 11

When Words Become


On Thanksgiving Day,

1994, two of my three young

adult sons, Erik and David,

were killed in a freak car

accdent. Years after the accident, my husband and I were at

David’s college alma mater for a holiday event. I was in the

dessert line when a woman came up to me and said, “I saw your

name tag—are you David Aasen’s mom?” After doing a double

take (it had been some time since I had been asked what used to

be a rather common question), I replied with much apprecia-

tion, “Yes, I am!” With those three, almost magical, words this

person gave me five gifts.

Her first gift was saying David’s name. Instead of just think-

ing to herself, Hmmm, I bet that’s David Aasen’s mom but I

better not say anything, she said something.

Her second gift was sharing a story with me about how her

daughter, a classmate of David’s, still treasures the friendship

she and David shared.

Acknowledging that I’m still a mom was her all-important

third gift. While my sons’ deaths have resulted in my becoming

a bereaved mother, death cannot take away the fact that I am,

and always will be, Erik and David’s mom.

The fourth gift was permission to share a bit of my grief

journey with her. Since their deaths, I explained, there haven’t

been any truly easy, carefree, feeling-on-top-of-the-world days,

but taking each day as it comes has been the most “doable”

way for me to go on.

Her questions and manner did not make me feel obligated to

cover up my grief and was the fifth gift. I felt valued for my

honesty and my integrity remained intact.

The warmth of those five gifts has lingered on in my heart

and has comforted me. As I reflect on the experience, I marvel at

how just a few simple words had such an impact. I have come

to the conclusion that most bereaved parents want nothing

more than the opportunity to talk comfortably with others

about their children. Just being able to share stories about our

sons and daughters in a safe place, along with the permission to

mourn in our own way and for as long as we need to, even for a

lifetime, is what matters most to us.

The real treasure comes when others introduce our children’s

names and stories into an everyday conversation. Knowing our

sons and daughters are remembered and live on in the hearts

and lives of others is a measure of the meaningful legacy that

our sons and daughters have left to us and to the world.

Nita Aasen

In memory of my sons, Erik and David Aasen

St. Peter, Minnesota

Reprinted with permission from We Need Not

Walk Alone, the national magazine of The Com-

passionate Friends. .

The Compassionate Friends

Pasco County Chapter

P.O. Box 1376

Elfers, FL 34680

Telephone: (813) 273-8721

Chapter Leader

Cathy Tull

Newsletter Editor

Jean Limongello


Cathy Feeley


Mark Tull


Jane Matta

Barbara Lohr

Donna Bryan

TCF Florida

Regional Coordinators

Bob and Mary Lane

Telephone: (407) 892-7417

Email: [email protected]

TCF National Office

The Compassionate Friends

P. O. Box 3696,

Oak Brook IL 60522-3696

Tel. (toll-free): (877) 969-0010

The Compassionate Friends, Pasco County Chapter 12

PASCO COUNTY CHAPTER P.O. Box 1376, Elfers, FL 34680

REGULAR MEETING: When: Third Wednesday of the month

Where: Life Care Center,

7400 Trouble Creek Rd., New Port Richey,

(SW corner of Rowan and Trouble Creek)

Upcoming Meetings: November 16th, Jan 18th 2017

(No meeting in December)

Meeting start at 7.30 PM— Doors open at 7.15 PM


SECOND MEETING: When: First Thursday of the month

Where Smile Faith Foundation

8125 US HWY 19 Suite "A"

Port Richey, Fl (West side of US 19 north of Grand)

Upcoming meetings, November 3rd, December 1st,

Jan 5th 2017

Meeting starts at 7:15 pm—Doors open at 7pm



Will be held at:


4610 Floramar Terrace,

New Port Richey, FL

At 7 PM


(Doors open at 6:30 PM)

Full details inside this newsletter


TCF Pasco County MEETING INFORMATION—For more details call (813) 273-8721
