Page 1: NOTICE OF MEETING · NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 87(4) of the Local Government Act, 1999, that the next meeting of the Town of Gawler Infrastructure

NOTICE OF MEETING TO: Chairperson: Cr Kevin Fischer Deputy Cr Adrian Shackley Council Members: Mayor Karen Redman

Deputy Mayor Ian Tooley Cr David Hughes Cr Paul Koch Cr Merilyn Nicolson Cr Robin Symes

NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 87(4) of the Local Government Act, 1999, that the next meeting of the Town of Gawler Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee for the will be held in the Conference Room, Town of Gawler Administration Centre, 43 High Street, Gawler East, Tuesday 12 June 2018 at 7.00pm. A copy of the Agenda for the above meeting is supplied as prescribed by Section 87(8) of the said Act.

..................................... Henry Inat Chief Executive Officer 8 June 2018

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Page 2: NOTICE OF MEETING · NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 87(4) of the Local Government Act, 1999, that the next meeting of the Town of Gawler Infrastructure

Meeting of the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee to be held on Tuesday 12 June 2018 at 7.00pm in the Conference Room, Town of Gawler Administration Centre, 43 High Street, Gawler East.

A G E N D A 1. Statement of Acknowledgement Chair – “We would like to acknowledge this land that we meet on today is the traditional lands for the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country. We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the greater Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.” 2. Attendance Record

2.1 Roll Call 2.2 Apologies 2.3 Motions to grant Leave of Absence 2.4 Leave of Absence 2.5 Non-attendance

3. Deputations / Public Open Forum 4. Petitions

5. Confirmation of Minutes - Committee Meeting held on 10 April 2018 6. Business Arising from Minutes 7. Officer Reports Page No.

7.1 Dalkeith Road / Main North Road Signalisation Project 16 7.2 Walking and Cycling Plan 2018-2028 26 7.3 Willaston Oval Nature Playspace 34 7.4 Open Space Assessment Update – Aspire Estate Reserves 38 7.5 Male Incontinence Units in Public Toilets 47 7.6 Community Welcomes Recreational Vehicles Program 52 7.7 Mobile Food Vendors 64 7.8 Cats By-Law 72

8. Council Members Reports 9. Items Listed for Discussion



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10. Items for Discussion at Future Meetings 11. Questions on Notice 12. Questions Without Notice 13. Motions on Notice 14. Motions Without Notice 15. Correspondence

16. Confidential Reports 17. Close 18. Next Ordinary Meeting

Tuesday 14 August 2018 commencing at 7.00pm.



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Item Number 6.1 Title BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES Date 12 June 2018 Author(s) Chris Haynes, Governance Support Officer Action Status / Update Town Character Development Plan Guidelines for Character Areas Study(CC13/610) Motion No. 2014:02:032 That the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee recommend to Council that: 1. The Town Character Development Plan

Guidelines and Character Areas Study report be received.

2. The Town Character Development Plan Guidelines and Character Areas Study Brief, as attached, be endorsed. (Attachment 1)

3. That the CEO proceed to release the brief to market and appoint a preferred consultant. An updated report is to then be presented to this Committee early in the investigations and prior to the commencement of any broad community engagement.

Staff will endeavour to implement policy change through the transition to the Planning and Design Code.

Gawler East Concept Plan Project (CC13/609) Motion No. 2014:02:035 / IES:2014:02:008 That the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee recommend to Council that: 1. The Gawler East Concept Plan Project Brief

Report be received. 2. The Gawler East Concept Plan Project Brief

be endorsed, with changes identified at the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee meeting.

3. That the CEO proceed to release the brief to market and appoint a preferred consultant. An update report is to then be presented to this Committee early in the investigations and prior to the commencement of any broad community engagement.

In is anticipated that The Gawler East Structure Plan DPA will be presented to Council for consideration in either April or May 2018.



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Page 5: NOTICE OF MEETING · NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 87(4) of the Local Government Act, 1999, that the next meeting of the Town of Gawler Infrastructure

Gawler Transport and Traffic Management Plan (CC13/284) Motion No. 2014:04:097/ IES:2014:04:19 Council resolves in the terms of the recommendation from the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee made at item 9.1 Gawler Transport and Traffic Management Plan of the meeting of that Committee meeting held on 8 April 2014 (Motion No. IES:2014:04:19), being: That Council:- 1. Receive the Gawler Transport and Traffic

Management Plan report. 2. Authorise modifications to the submitted

Gawler Transport and Traffic Management Plan report as per the information presented in the amended extended table shown as Attachment to this report and other relevant matters discussed.

3. Permit the release of the appropriately modified Gawler Transport and Traffic Management Plan report as described in item 2 above for the purpose of community consultation.

4. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to formulate a community consultation program in collaboration with the Mayor and Chair of the IES Committee. The nature and scope of the community consultation program shall be reflective of the strong community interest that will exist in respect to this study.

Report will be provided to August 2018 IES

Steep Creeklines Management (CC14/23690) Motion No: 2014:08:296 IES:2014:08:46 The Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends to Council that Council’s administration proceed to update Councils’ “Standards and Requirements for Land Development/Land Division Guideline” document to further reflect the requirements to rehabilitate water course environments prior to the vesting of such land in and under the care, control and management of Council.

An Addendum to the Standards and Guidelines has been Completed.

A tour of land development sites was held on 28/11/2016. A workshop with Elected Members was included as part of the December 2016 IES Committee meeting to discuss Council’s Land Division Standards, which addressed Steep Creek Management. This matter is also being considered as part of the Gawler Biodiversity Management Plan, which is progressing



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Willaston Cemetery Conservation and Management Plan (CC10/2457) Motion No: 2016:02:40 IES:2016:02:04 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends to Council that:- 1. The draft Willaston Cemetery

Management Plan Community Consultation Summary as detailed in this report be noted.

2. That the Willaston Cemetery Management Plan be updated having regard of the Community Consultation received and presented to the April Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee meeting.

3. Council adopt the infrastructure works outlined in the Willaston Cemetery management Plan for 2015/16 implementation.

4. Council further consider the recommended increase in associated fees be considered in the context of preparing Council’s 216/17 Budget.

5. It seek further input into the proposed management and restoration of individual gravesites.

1. Completed

2. Report yet to be updated due to

allocation of resources to other priorities & pending outcome of point 5.

3. Completed

4. Completed

5. Further investigations in this regard are continuing including input being sought from the Friends of Willaston Cemetery at present.

Willaston Local Area Traffic Management Study (CC15/472) Motion No: 2016:06:271 IES:2016:06:30 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommend to Council that:- 1. The matter be deferred pending further

refinements to the document. A Council Member Workshop to be held on this matter within the next 3 months.

2. Issues identified by Council Members be submitted to Manager Infrastructure and Engineering Services.

Completed. Report presented to February 2018 Council Meeting. Funding allocated in 2018/19 Draft Budget for finalisation

SA Power Networks Line Clearance Presentation Motion No: IES:2016:12:63 That:- 1. The SA Power Networks Line Clearance

presentation report be noted. 2. Council staff work with SA Power

Networks to prepare a partnership agreement for Tree Maintenance. A draft of which is to be presented to this committee for consideration.

Council staff have met with SA Power Networks to discuss this matter. A report will be presented to a future IES meeting on this matter.



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Council Standards and Requirements for Land Development/Land Division – Update Report Motion No: 2017:01:15 IES:2016:12:68 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommend to Council that:- 1. Feedback received from Elected Members

be noted and considered by staff when updating the Standards and Requirements for Land Development/Land Division Guidelines document.

2. The draft updated Standards and Requirements for Land Development/Land Division Guidelines be presented to the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee in the near future.

The draft updated Land Development/Land Division Guidelines document will be presented to the IES Committee once the relevant Biodiversity Management Plan inclusions have been finalised.

Concordia Urban Framework (CC16/1342) Motion No: 2017:02:53 IES:2017:02:02 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends to Council that it:- 1. Notes the progress report regarding the

Concordia Urban Framework. 2. Provides in principle support for

Concordia Land Management to participate as a potential pilot study for the Basic and General Infrastructure Schemes under the new Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. Council seeks to be a formal partner to investigations undertaken in this regard.

3. Notes that a further update report including amongst other matters resource commitments will be presented to this Committee to appropriately monitor progress.

Council administration will provide an update report when more information is made available.

Cat By-Law (CC10/3044) Motion No: 2017:04:110 IES:2017:04:11 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends to Council that Staff proceed to prepare a draft Cat By-Law and present to a future Committee meeting for consideration.

Refer Item 7.8 in this Agenda



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Little Corellas (CC10/15) Motion No: 2017:06:235 IES:2017:06:29 That the:- 1. Infrastructure and Environmental Services

Committee note the Information Report – Little Corellas

2. Administration continues to liaise with the Local Government Association and Department of Environment and Natural Resources with respect to developing a management strategy.

1. Completed

2. Ongoing

Springwood Master Plan Motion No: 2017:06:235 IES:2017:06:30 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee:- 1. Note the Springwood Master Plan

undertaken by Springwood Communities. 2. Thank Warwick Mittiga from Springwood

Communities for his presentation. 3. Seek a further report from staff on its

analysis of the Master Plan.


New Land Division Maintenance Management – Update Report (CC17/830) Motion No: 2017:08:285 IES:2017:08:41 That Council:- 1. Notes the New Land Division Maintenance

Management Update Report. 2. Notes the draft Open Space Guideline

Project Brief as detailed in this report be presented back to the committee for further consideration.

3. Revokes part of Motion No: 23017:08:236 (Item 4 only) of the Council meeting held on 27 June 2017, being:

4. Council will receive the proposed open space plans for the following developments over the coming months to review the internal design of these spaces and ensure they are to the satisfaction of Council prior to Land Division Consent for Stages in:

a. Orleana Waters b. Woodvale Estate c. Aspire d. Springwood e. 490/D032/2015 – One Tree Hill

Road, Evanston Park f. 490/D004/2017 – Eckerman Ave,

Gawler South g. 490/D008/2017 – Lot 2 Ryde Street,


1. Complete as noted.

2. Complete as noted.

3. Complete as revoked.



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5. Will consider the proposed open space plans for the following developments over the coming months to review the internal design of these spaces and assessment of the maintenance consequences and ensure they are to the satisfaction of Council prior to Section 51 Clearance for the relevant land division: a. All land division applications within

Orleana Waters b. All land division applications within

Woodvale Estate c. All land division applications within

Aspire d. All land division applications within

Springwood e. 490/D032/2015 – One Tree Hill Road,

Evanston Park f. 490/D008/2017 – Lot 2 Ryde Street,

Evanston g. 490/D004/2017 – Eckerman Ave, Gawler

South 6. Notes that a Special Infrastructure and

Environmental Services Committee is proposed to be held in early September 2017 where staff will present a further report on the detailed analysis undertaken on the scale and scope of changes required in newly created open space area to then

5. On-going. Detailed landscape plans will be presented to future Council Meeting when such plans are received from developers and assessed by Council administration.

6. Completed.

Sturt Highway Exit Signage (CC17/872) Motion No: 2017:08:287 IES:2017:08:43 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services recommends to Council:- 1. Note the engagement undertaken between

the Barossa Regional Development Australia, the Southern Barossa Alliance, the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure and Council staff.

2. Support the proposed Gawler directional signage as shown in Attachment 1 and 3.

3. Support the proposed improved Gawler historic (brown) attractions signage on the Sturt Highway as shown in Attachment 2 and 3 based on the following attractions: a. Historic Town b. Cultural Heritage Centre c. Scenic River Paths d. Natural Play Areas

4. The Gawler signage project cost of $26,000 be considered in the preparation of the first quarter budget review for 2017/2018.

5. That staff investigate two additional Heritage (H) signs located on the Southern Entrance Main North Road and Lyndoch

4. Completed.

5. Completed.



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Disability Infrastructure in Gawler Motion No: 2017:10:370 IES:2017:10:53 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee:- 1. Notes the existing pedestrian crossing

points on Murray Street conform to the relevant standards and are considered to be performing effectively in facilitating safe pedestrian movement.

2. Notes the existing provision of disabled car parking spaces in the Town Centre and that as part of future development of public and or private land new disabled parking spaces and facilities be provided as and where possible.

3. Seeks the installation of appropriate advisory signage to be installed on Murray Street at relevant locations to better promote existing public disabled parking facilities in the Town Centre area.

4. Notes that staff will proceed to prepare a budget bid for Civil design review to be undertaken in the preparation of the financial year 2018/19 budget for: a) Improvements to disabled accessibility

requirements on footpaths and on street car parking on Tod Street, Whitelaw Terrace and Julian Terrace.

b) Identify further opportunities in the Town Centre for additional public disabled car parking.

c) Review existing public disabled car parking spaces to identify if any improvements are needed.

5. Notes that the placement of a zebra crossing on Murray Street would not conform to the current standards in South Australia as detailed in this report and requests Council staff to prepare a 2018/19 Budget Bid for a Murray Street Zebra Crossing including as a replacement for the pedestrian traffic lights.

6. Notes that zebra crossings in other areas of Gawler be considered as part of future Local Area Traffic Management Plans as they are progressively undertaken across the Council.

Staff have completed scoping the required works to inform the necessary budget bids in the 2018/19 Annual Budget process. A Budget Bid for this operating initiative has been included as part of the 2018/19 budget bids for consideration by the Council



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New Land Division Maintenance Management Update Report (CC17/404) Motion No: 2017:12:491 IES:2017:12:75 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee:- 1. Notes the New Land Division Maintenance

Management Update Report. 2. Thank the develop representatives for

their submissions to the Committee at this meeting. Their comments will be considered by the Council as it finalises its position on these matters.

3. Notes the quantum of infrastructure estimated by developer representatives to be vested to the Town of Gawler over the next 10 years, and potential projected operational costs associated with maintenance of these assets in line with current specific service levels, as a result of the delivery of new housing estates.

4. That a report be presented to a future infrastructure and Environmental Services committee summarising feedback received from key developers and potential outcomes of the consultation process for subsequent implementation.

An Update report is presented in this Agenda.

1. Completed

2. Completed

3. Completed

4. Considerations of Developer feedback has occurred and a report is presented in this IES Meeting Agenda on this matter.

Springwood Master Plan (CC10/2746) Motion No: 2017:12:492 IES:2017:12:76 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommend to Council that Council:- 1. Notes the Springwood Master Plan Report. 2. Acknowledges the Springwood Master

Plan is a high level guiding document prepared by Springwood Communities that has no legislative status under the Development Act 1993, with all development applications to be assessed against the provisions of Council’s Development Plan.

3. Seek that Springwood Communities prepare and deliver an internal traffic study.

4. Seek Staff work with Springwood Communities to rationalise the number of urban parks/township squares within the master plan, particularly those directly adjacent/abutting large areas of passive open space.

5. Seek Staff further investigate the appropriate use of major infrastructure easements such as Electranet, SA Water and SEA Gas easements in the provision of public open space.

1. Complete 2. Complete

3. Letter Sent

4. Letter Sent

5. Ongoing



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Walking and Cycling Plan Update (CC17/344) Motion No: 2017:12:493 IES:2017:12:80 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends to Council that:- 1. The draft Walking and Cycling Plan report

be received. 2. Council note the stakeholder engagement

undertaken to date in preparation of the Issues Paper and draft Walking and Cycling Plan.

3. Council support the release of the draft Walking and Cycling Plan for the purpose of community consultation as detailed in this report.

4. Women and other caregivers of young children be included in the consultation process.

5. Following community consultation an update report be presented to a future Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee meeting summarising the outcomes of the consultation process and any subsequent updates proposed to the updated draft Walking and Cycling Plan.

Consultation on the Draft Plan is occurring and closes on 13 April 2018. Refer Item 7.2 of this Agenda

7.1 Mobile Food Vendors (CC12/463) Motion No: IES:2018:02:02 That The Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee notes:- 1. The Mobile Food Vendors Report. 2. Releases the draft Mobile Food Vendors

Policy and proposed Designated Locations (including additional locations and comments as discussed at the meeting) for the purpose of consultation with the Gawler Business Development Group, local businesses and the general community.

3. That a further report be brought back to Council following the consultation process to be undertken.

Refer Agenda Item 7.7 of this Agenda.



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Item 8.2 – Building Upgrade Finance (CC10/259) Motion No: 2018:02:42 That Council:- 1. Supports participation in the Building

Finance Mechanism in principle, subject to further investigations.

2. Notes that a further report will be presented to the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee at a future meeting, detailing the outcomes and procedures to enter into the Building Upgrade Agreement scheme.

A further report will be presented back to the IES Committee for consideration in August 2018.

Item 7.1 – On and Off Leash Areas (CC17/1225) RESOLUTION 2018:04:131 That the Infrastructure & Environmental Services Committee recommends that Council that: 1. Note the On and Off Leash Areas Report. 2. Acknowledge community feedback

received in relation to the proposed “On and Off Leash” areas.

3. Support in principle one of the following options to be further investigated: a. Status Quo – no change to the current

off-leash arrangement throughout all parks and reserves in the Town of Gawler.

b. Shared-Use – Maintain all parks and reserves as dedicated off leash areas, but introduce “time share” arrangements along “high use” and “mixed use” liner trails to avoid conflict with other uses such cycling, walking, running etc.

c. On and off Leash Areas – designate all park and reserves as either on or off leash areas, similar to those proposed via community consultation

4. Request a further report be presented back to the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee detailing the specifics associated with implementing the above option, including a community education/promotion program in order to provide a smooth transition.

5. Give consideration to an appropriate budget allocation with in the 2018/19 budget to ensure implementation.

6. Correspondence on dog park safety concerns be incorporated into a future report back to this Committee

7. Consideration be given to signage around playgrounds, as it relates to dog activities.



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Item 7.2 – Stormwater Management Plans – Smith Creek and Gawler and Surrounds (CC13/512) Motion No: IES:2018:04:07 Resolution: 2018:04:133

That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends that Council:- 1. Notes the Smith Creek Floodplain and Flood

Hazard Study Report by Australian Water Environments Pty Ltd.

2. Endorse the community engagement strategy prepared by Australian Water Environments Pty Ltd and establish two focus groups for the Smith Creek Stormwater Management Plan as detailed in this report.

3. Support the release of floodplain mapping for community engagement as detailed in this report.

4. Consider an allocation of $22,000 be considered in the 2018/19 Annual Budget as a contribution from the Town of Gawler to the City of Playford to complete the Smith Creek Stormwater Management Plan.

5. Consider an allocation of $31,000 be considered in the 2018/19 Annual Budget preparation to complete the Gawler and Surrounds Stormwater Management Plan.

6. Notes a further report providing an update on the Smith Creek Stormwater Management Plan will be presented to a future Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee meeting.

Item 7.9 – Policy and Code of Practice Manual Review (CC13/241) Motion No: IES:2018:04:13 That the matter be deferred to the next Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee meeting and Council Members be requested to provide further feedback on both policies prior to that meeting. (Refer to Policy – Compliance Development Act – Planning and Policy – Landscaping Verge Areas (Footways) by Residents)



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Motions on Notice Motion No: IES:2018:04:15 That: 1. The Infrastructure and Environmental

Services Committee meeting thank Julie Tucker for her presentation to the Committee on opportunities to improve social equity, health and well being for men in Gawler who experience continence issues.

2. A report be presented to the next IES meeting on this matter with information provided on costs, applications / types of bins, and options for potential inclusion of sanitary bins in all toilets under the control of Council.

Refer Agenda Item 7.5 of this Agenda

Petition - Request Gawler One Tree Hill Road Speed Reduction RESOLUTION 2018:04:112 That Council: 1. Notes the Petition requesting Gawler One Tree Hill Road speed reduction. 2. Requests staff to prepare a report to a future Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee for consideration of this matter




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PROJECT Date 12 June 2018 Author(s) Ben DeGilio, Team Leader Asset Planning

Wahid Yousafzai, Traffic Engineer

Reference CC18/320, CR18/26336, CR18/31827, CR18/28313, CR18/26297, CR18/30860, CR18/26304, CR18/26306

Previous Motion NIL

Attachment/s Under Separate Cover

1. Draft Concept Plan of Signalised Intersection 2. Design justification for changes to Campania Road South 3. Communication Plan 4. Indicative land acquisition area 5. Fact Sheet Minor Projects Legal and Valuation Services and Fees 6. Fact Sheet Minor Works Land Acquisition

Representatives from the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure will provide a presentation on the Dalkeith Road / Main North Road Signalisation Project. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION Item 7.1 – Dalkeith Road / Main North Road Signalisation Project (CC18/320) That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends that Council: 1. Receive the Dalkeith Road / Main North Road Signalisation Project report 2. Support the Concept Plan that has been prepared by the State Government,

Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) for the intersection of Main North Road, Dalkeith Road and Smith Road.

3. Note the Communications Plan prepared by DPTI, to be actioned. 4. Supports the alteration to residential access arrangements on Campania Road

South as detailed in this report and the financial contribution proposed by DPTI of $125,000 to assist local residents in obtaining a suitable level of service to access properties on Campania Road South. Other associated roadworks include the resheeting of MacAlister Road from Dalkeith Road to Campania Road South at a cost estimate of $75,000 to be funded by the Council as part of the annual resheet rural roads program and as provided for in the 2018/19 draft budget.

5. Note that a Notice of Intent to Acquire Land is expected to be issued in due course by DPTI to the Town of Gawler as a property owner directly affected by the scope of the project.



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6. Note that the State Government is not offering to compensate the Council for its land given the overall community benefits of their project.

7. Authorise the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to sign and apply the common seal of Council to all relevant documents in order to execute the documents pertaining to the land acquisition.

BACKGROUND Main North Road is a key arterial road and is identified as a major route for cycling, traffic and freight, which is gazetted for B-double heavy vehicle access. Dalkeith Road and Smith Road are general local access roads. This four-way intersection is currently controlled by a stop sign on the western side (Dalkeith Road) and a give way sign on the eastern side (Smith Road). Main North Road has a posted speed limit of 90 km/h whilst Dalkeith Road has a posted speed limit of 80 km/h at this location. Smith Road has a default rural speed limit of 100 km/h. The traffic volumes on Main North Road at this intersection as at May 2016 are approximately 32,000 Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) with the traffic volumes on Dalkeith Road and Smith Road approximately 4,300 AADT and 300 AADT respectively. The Smith Road leg of the intersection is a low volume road providing local farm access, connectivity to the Smithfield Memorial Park Cemetery and the Munno Para Equestrian Centre. Based on crash history at this location, between 2012 and 2016, there was a total of 48 crashes, including 27 casualty crashes and 21 resulting in property damage only. The predominant casualty crash type is “right angle”, followed by “rear end” and “right turn” type crashes. Refer to crash history in Table 1 below.

Table 1 - Main North Road / Dalkeith Road / Smith Road Intersection, Evanston South Crash History 2012-2016

Crash Type Crash Severity Total Casualty Crashes

Total Crashes

PDO* Minor Injury

Serious Injury


Hit Fixed Object 2 2 2

Rear End 5 2 2 7

Right Angle 15 17 17 32

Right Turn 6 6 6

Side Swipe 1 0 1

Totals 21 27 0 0 27 48

*PDO: Property Damage only not included in Total Casualty Crashes total



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Based on the above statistics, this T-junction currently has a casualty crash history ranking of fourth out of more than 10,000 ranked unsignalised intersections across the state. It is also ranked fifth in the RAA’s 2017 Risky Roads Campaign list. The Dalkeith Country Fire Service, located on Dalkeith Road at Munno Para, has cited near misses at the intersection and previously requested emergency traffic signals for safer access onto Main North Road. Council has also responded to several requests from the community to improve road safety at the intersection over many years. DPTI advised project funds of $3.9 million have been approved for the project under the 2017/18 and 2018/19 Metro Safety Upgrade Program. A contract with civil contractor Bardavcol and engineering consultants KBR and MFY was signed on 23 March 2018 for the design and construction of the signalisation of the intersection. This was part of DPTI Metropolitan Design and Construct Contract for 21 Metropolitan Sites. Signalisation of the intersection is scheduled to be completed by the end of December 2018. The purpose of this report is to seek Council’s support for the concept plan including associated land acquisition of Council land and alteration to Campania Road South. COMMENTS/DISCUSSION The upgrade of the intersection of Main North Road, Dalkeith Road and Smith Road at Evanston includes the installation of traffic signals to improve the safety and operation of the intersection. This is a safety driven project aimed at reducing the likelihood, and wherever possible, the severity of crashes, improving the overall operation of the intersection and providing safer emergency access for vehicles from the Dalkeith CFS. The Main North Road / Dalkeith Road / Smith Road Signalisation aims to create a safer and more efficient intersection by:

a) Installation of traffic signals to fully control all through movements and right turn movements. This will minimise the risk of traffic queuing and driver frustration on the minor roads in particular, Dalkeith Road. Vehicles can be observed queuing on Dalkeith Road intending to turn left onto Main North Road during the morning peak and afternoon peak. Few vehicles attempt to turn right onto Main North Road from Dalkeith Road during the morning and afternoon peaks, potentially due to safety concerns.

b) Construction of left turn slip lanes will improve safety and traffic flows especially during peak periods, taking into account the role and function of the roads.

c) Provision of new bike lanes and pedestrian facilities at the intersection to encourage and improve cycling opportunities by providing space specifically for cyclists and reducing the conflict with vehicles.

d) Road widening and new road pavement to achieve the best use of existing infrastructure.

e) Improved line marking and signage to appropriate standards. f) Upgraded road lighting. g) New median kerbs, improved drainage, vegetation removal and service

relocations; and h) Changes to existing vehicle access arrangements from Dalkeith Road to

Campania Road South to remove a conflict with safe operation of signalised intersection.

A Concept Plan prepared by DPTI is provided as Attachment 1.



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Expected Outcomes The following outcomes are expected from the intersection upgrade:

a) Improve safety and traffic efficiency at the intersection. b) Adopt a safe systems principles approach to minimise the potential for fatal and

serious injury crashes by reducing the points of conflict and minimising the risk of collisions.

c) Contributes to Towards Zero Together, South Australia’s Road Safety Strategy 2020, to greatly reduce road trauma through safer roads.

d) The investment provides ongoing safety benefits to the community. Campania Road South at Dalkeith Road intersection It is noted that on the concept plan provided by DPTI that there is a proposed alteration and closure to Campania Road South (refer Attachment 1). Council staff have previously provided comments to DPTI on this concept plan relating to the design elements including, but not limited to, civil earthworks, road design, traffic, stormwater drainage, landscaping and services infrastructure. Council staff also provided DPTI with the original concept landscape design for Main North Road to assist in idea generation for landscape design at the new intersection relative to delivery of the recently completed Southern Gateway Entrance Statement artwork further to the north. 1. The area adjacent Dalkeith Road/ Main North Road intersection was identified as

part of an overall entry statement proposal in 2009 for Town of Gawler. This proposal discussed ‘celebrating the open plains and views’ as the defining feature of the entry to Gawler. This was a narrative topic shared by the Northern Expressway landscaping. a. Site specific comments;

i. Existing canopy and understorey buffer planting to be removed and replaced with native dryland grasses# –aiding vistas to hills face to the east.

ii. Weed management strategy to be implemented to reduce presence. 2. Six (6) Regulated Trees and twelve (12) further trees are identified for removal;

a. Following development approval these will require a total of twenty four (24) tree replacements suitably located adjacent – suggest ‘frame views to hills’.

Landscaping Bardavcol is required to investigate landscape design options for the new signalised intersection. Bardavcol and KBR will liaise with Council staff regarding the intersections landscaping design for review comments. Potential Road Closure to Campania Road South at the intersection with Dalkeith Road DPTI acknowledges that Council is the local authority for authorising a potential road closure to Campania Road South via a formal road closure process. Council has advised DPTI the road closure process under the Roads Opening and Closing Act 1991 typically takes between 6 and 12 months to complete and to assist in the interim, Council could support authorising an alteration to the road under Section 221 of the Local Government Act 1999. Council requested justification be provided to support the proposed changes to Campania Road South and DPTI has provided this information and reasoning. To assist DPTI to undertake the traffic analysis for the intersection, Council staff provided traffic count data for various local roads in the area.



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Standards The existing intersection of Campania Road South and Dalkeith Road will not meet current standards once the signalised intersection is constructed. DPTI has analysed the intersection and advised that a road closure would be desirable to prevent current vehicle access arrangements continuing into the future. A breakdown of the DPTI engineering review is provided as Attachment 2 that provides support behind the request for road closure to Campania Road South at the intersection with Dalkeith Road. Change in Service Level proposed for vehicle access to residential properties Residential properties on Campania Road South currently have direct access to Dalkeith Road via a spray sealed road surface. Council advised DPTI there would be a service level change to the residents on Campania Road South and that a similar level of service should be maintained to these properties. Council advised DPTI of concerns regarding the potential closure of Campania Road South as residents on Campania Road South would be required to use the unsealed roads of McAllister Road and Scholar Road to access their properties. This scenario would represent a reduction in the level of service for residents on Campania Road South who are currently using a sealed road to access Dalkeith Road directly. Council requested the level of service for residents on Campania Road South be maintained as a result of the signalisation project. To assist DPTI in their traffic review, Council staff deployed traffic counters on Campania Road South just prior to the intersection with Dalkeith Road, on Scholar Road just prior to the intersection with Dalkeith Road and on MacAlister Road just prior to the intersection with Dalkeith Road. The traffic count data in Table 2 was provided to DPTI to assist in their traffic review and support level of service considerations. It is noted as a result of the proposed alteration to Campania Road South that an additional 54 vehicles per day would be diverted between Scholar Road and MacAlister Road to access local properties on Campania Road South from Dalkeith Road. Table 2 - Traffic Count Data

Traffic Count Date Location Traffic Volume (vehicles per day)

24/04/18-7/5/18 Campania Road South

immediately prior to intersection with Dalkeith Road


24/04/18-7/5/18 Scholar Road immediately prior to intersection with

Dalkeith Road 21

24/04/18-7/5/18 MacAlister Road immediately

prior to intersection with Dalkeith Road




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DPTI Financial Contribution In order to maintain the level of service for residents of Campania Road South, DPTI together with Council have considered a scope of work for resheeting McAllister Road and Scholar Road, and construction of three asphalt aprons to the intersections of Dalkeith Road / MacAlister Road, Dalkeith Road / Scholar Road and MacAlister Road / Campania Road South. DPTI has committed to funding $125,000 Exc. GST toward the resheeting of Scholar Road and construction of the asphalt aprons to the intersections above. Council will carry out the works as part of the 2018/19 Annual Road Resheeting Program and Asphalt Apron Program estimated to be a total of $216,000 and as provided for in the 2018/19 draft budget. Project Communications Bardavcol will be drafting the specific communications plan for this project guided by the DPTI “Comms at a Glance” document (refer Attachment 3). Communication and Timing Late January / early February 2018 Consultation with directly affected property

owners 12 June 2018 Briefing to Council elected members Mid 2018 to end 2018 Consultation about closure with residents on

Campania Road South. Land Acquisition Process Land acquisition is anticipated on all four corners of the intersection to accommodate the proposed improvements (refer Attachment 4). Ownership includes the Town of Gawler, Adelaide Cemeteries Authority, The Munno Para Equestrian Association Incorporated and a private landowner. The below steps detail the land acquisition process (if no objections are received following the Notice of Intention to Acquire):

a) Announcement of Project b) DPTI obtains Minister’s approval to Acquire c) Acquisition Officers attempt field contact with all affected parties d) Initial letter to owner to confirm “equitable interests” e) Owner responds f) DPTI issues Notice of Intention to Acquire Land to all interest holders g) Negotiate Possession h) Deed Granting Possession of the Land to allow works to proceed i) Independent Valuations undertaken j) DPTI issues Notice of Acquisition to all interest holders (at least 3 months and 1

day following service of the Notice of Intention) k) If possession not granted DPTI applies to Court for Possession l) Settlement Agreement can be reached pre or post Notice of Acquisition.

If the affected party objects to the Notice of Intention then the following steps could occur flowing serving the Notice of Intention:

a) Interest holder has the option to request “reasons and details” b) DPTI provides explanation c) Interest holder has the option to lodge an objection d) The Chief Operating Officer considers and responds



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e) Interest holder not satisfied with response and they may apply for a Ministerial review

f) Review conducted and Minister responds Attached are the Land Acquisition and Legal and Valuation Fees Fact Sheets (refer Attachment 5 and Attachment 6). In regards to an update, at this stage DPTI have completed the first 5 steps of the Land Acquisition process. The Ministers approval to acquire was obtained on 11 January 2018 and initial contact with the affected property owners was made in late January/early February 2018 and all were supportive of the project. Generally Council land acquired by the Commissioner of Highways is by the compulsory acquisition process. It will be proposed that this land is acquired for $nil consideration and the road will vest as Public Road owned by council on completion of the project. The improved intersection treatment is considered to add value to Council’s adjoining land and provide a significant community benefit with improved road safety at the intersection. The final area of Council land acquisition is subject to development of the intersection design works, however expected to be approximately 800 to 900 square metres in area based on previous advice provided by DPTI (refer Attachment 4). Accessibility Construction works may impact on accessibility in the local area. Bardavcol are obligated to minimise disturbance to local residents and businesses. Bardavcol will not close any road or detour traffic without approval from the relevant road authority. Bardavcol will at all times maintain access:

a) for pedestrians b) for local and through traffic, including cyclists and public transport c) for emergency vehicles; and d) to businesses and private properties.

Appropriate signposting will be provided to assist safe movements. Bardavcol will not detour traffic along Council roads without the written approval of the relevant Councils (i.e. Town of Gawler or City of Playford). Environmental Impact The upgrades will be assessed and managed in accordance with DPTI’s Environmental Impact Assessment processes and recognised Environmental Approval Procedures.

The construction of existing roads has resulted in modification to the original topography and drainage patterns of the area. The following key environmental issues will be addressed through the planning and procurement stages:

a) vegetation impacts; b) water quality impacts during construction; and c) noise and vibration.

Detail regarding the impact and management strategies for each of the listed items is included in a Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) prepared by DPTI.



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Ecologically Sustainable Development Strategies The Ecologically Sustainable Development objectives, principles and provision of example actions and opportunities for the upgrades are outlined in the SMP.

The key sustainability issues assessed in the SMP include preventing loss of vegetation, minimise risk to aboriginal and non-aboriginal heritage, reducing impacts of construction including noise, water quality, air quality and accessibility, waste minimisation and improvements to public safety.

The contractor(s) will be required to develop its own Environmental Management Plan to maximise the incorporation of sustainability principles during construction.

Consultation with the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) has been undertaken with the necessary acquittal obtained. Heritage Status There are no sites of local, state or national heritage significance nearby or within the project footprints for the intersection of Main North Road, Dalkeith Road and Smith Road. Aboriginal Land And Heritage Status A search of the central archive, which includes the Register of Aboriginal Sites and Objects, administered by the Department of State Development, Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division, has returned no entries for Aboriginal sites within the project area. The majority of works associated with the upgrade will occur within the current roads and existing road reserves. A cultural heritage risk assessment was undertaken of the project site and identified that there is a low risk of finding Aboriginal sites, objects or remains. Although no sites have been recorded, measures will be undertaken to minimise impacts to Aboriginal heritage, should they be identified during the works, in accordance with DPTI Cultural Heritage Guidelines and the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988. Native Title is likely to have been extinguished on freehold land and road reserves. If it is identified that Native Title has not been extinguished on some parcels of land, then DPTI will consult with the Native Title Claim Representatives as required by the Native Title Act 1993. Summary Council staff support the proposed intersection design and work completed to date by DPTI including the proposed road closure alterations to Campania Road South on the basis that there is considered to be minimal impact to the surrounding local road network other than a level of service change to residents on Campania Road South. The alterations to Campania Road South and closure of access to Dalkeith Road are also considered the most practical outcome as a new access further west would nearly coincide with Scholar Road. It is important to note Campania Road South is not proposed as a ‘formal’ road closure under the Roads Opening and Closing Act 1991 however is proposed to be closed via altering the existing road infrastructure through the project works.



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Council staff consider the financial contribution offered by DPTI to be adequate in addressing the level of service change to local residents on Campania Road South given these residents will access their properties via MacAlister Road as a result of the proposed DPTI works. The land acquisition process will continue following Council support of the proposed alterations to Campania Road South. COMMUNICATION (INTERNAL TO COUNCIL) Manager Infrastructure and Engineering Services Manager Finance and Corporate Services Manager Development, Environment and Regulatory Services Team Leader Development Services Team Leader Property and Procurement Team Leader Town Services CONSULTATION (EXTERNAL TO COUNCIL) Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Bardavcol (Civil contractor) KBR (Design consultant) Local impacted community Broader community as part of construction focussed activities POLICY IMPLICATIONS Management of Unsealed Rural Roads Policy Footpath and Cycleways Policy Tree Management Policy STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Highways Act 1926 Local Government Act 1999 Land Acquisition Act 1969 Roads Opening and Closing Act 1991 Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 Native Title Act 1993 FINANCIAL/BUDGET IMPLICATIONS Generally Council land acquired by the Commissioner of Highways is by the compulsory acquisition process. It will be proposed that this land is acquired for $nil consideration and the road will vest as Public Road owned by council on completion of the project.



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DPTI Financial Contribution In order to maintain the level of service for residents of Campania Road South, DPTI together with Council have considered a scope of work for resheeting McAllister Road and Scholar Road, and construction of three asphalt aprons to the intersections of Dalkeith Road / MacAlister Road, Dalkeith Road / Scholar Road and MacAlister Road / Campania Road South. DPTI has committed to funding $125,000 (excl. GST) toward the resheeting of Scholar Road and construction of the asphalt aprons to the intersections above. This supplementary work will be undertaken by Council in conjunction with the 2018/19 Annual Road Resheeting Program and Asphalt Apron Program. Once the $125k funding is received from DPTI, the cost-neutral budget variations (i.e. $125k capital works expense offset by matching DPTI contribution) will be incorporated within the subsequent 2018/19 quarterly budget review. Given the updated 2018/19 draft budget currently includes the $125k capital contribution from DPTI, but not the associated capital expenditure, this will be removed from the draft budget pending actual receipt of same. As capital revenue is not included in the recurrent operating budget result, this budget adjustment will have no impact on the recurrent budget estimate for 2018/19. COMMUNITY PLAN Objective 1.2: Build a local community that is proud of Gawler Objective 2.1: Physical and social infrastructure to service our growing population and

economy Objective 2.3: The local environment to be respected Objective 2.4: Manage growth through the real connection of people and places Objective 5.2: Be recognised as a ‘best practice’ Local Government organisation Objective 5.3: Deliver ongoing effective and efficient services, including support for

regional collaboration Objective 5.4: Create a safe community environment



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Item Number 7.2 Title WALKING AND CYCLING PLAN 2018-28 Date 12 June 2018 Author(s) Wahid Yousafzai, Traffic Engineer

Ben DeGilio, Team Leader Asset Planning

Reference CC17/344, CR18/26187, CR18/19111, CR18/30035, CR18/22679

Previous Motion Council, 12/12/2017, Motion No. 2017:12:493

Attachment/s Under Separate Cover

1. Consultation poster template 2. Community consultation responses received 3. Walking and Cycling Plan 2018 to 2028

OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION Item 7.2 – Walking and Cycling Plan 2018-2028 (CC17/344) That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends that Council:- 1. Adopts the Walking and Cycling Plan 2018 to 2028. 2. Notes the action plan in The Walking and Cycling Plan 2018 to 2028 for future

inclusion and consideration within Council’s Long Term Infrastructure and Asset Management Plan and Long Term Financial Plan for strategic infrastructure planning purposes.

BACKGROUND The Walking and Cycling Plan 2018 to 2028 (Plan) was last presented to the IES Committee 5 December 2017. The Plan was subsequently presented to the ordinary Council meeting on 12 December 2017 where the following motion was moved.

Moved by Cr P Koch Seconded by Cr Hughes Motion No: 2017:12:493 That Council adopts the recommendation from the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee made at item 7.6 of the meeting of that Committee meeting held on 5 December 2017, being: Motion No: IES: 2017:12:80 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends to Council that:- 1. The draft Walking and Cycling Plan report be received. 2. Council note the stakeholder engagement undertaken to date in preparation

of the Issues Paper and draft Walking and Cycling Plan.



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3. Council support the release of the draft Walking and Cycling Plan for the

purpose of community consultation as detailed in this report. 4. Women and other caregivers of young children be included in the consultation

process. 5. Following community consultation an update report be presented to a future

Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee meeting summarising the outcomes of the consultation process and any subsequent updates proposed to the updated draft Walking and Cycling Plan.

In early 2018, Council staff undertook community consultation with stakeholders, residents, a local women’s group, and local school students within the Town of Gawler. Valuable feedback was received as part of the consultation process and has subsequently been considered in updating the draft Plan. The purpose of this report is to note the community consultation process undertaken by Council staff and to present the updated draft Plan for the purpose of adopting it for future implementation. The Plan provides direction to Council via an indicative 10 year action plan that prioritises capital works and initiatives that will benefit future generations as the Town of Gawler continues to grow. COMMENTS/DISCUSSION Urban planning and engineering consultant InfraPlan together with sub consultant Civil & Environmental Solutions were commissioned to deliver the Walking and Cycling Plan update report. The report builds upon Councils’ existing 2008 Walking and Cycling Plan to ensure the future walking and cycling network provides readily accessible and safe connections to new growth areas, the town centre, river corridors and connections to other regional areas. Community / Stakeholder Engagement Engagement and consultation was undertaken with the broader community and neighbouring Councils. As part of the community consultation process, Council staff specifically sought feedback and engaged with a diverse range of cycling enthusiasts including a local women’s group and school students. Prior to commencing the drafting of future Plan, Council staff, Elected Members and key stakeholders were engaged to assist in guiding the vision of walking and cycling in the Town of Gawler. The Plan was available online via Councils ‘Your Voice’ website, and hard copies were made available at the Gawler Administration Centre, Gawler Sport and Community Centre and Evanston Gardens Community Centre. This consultation process and request for feedback was advertised via Councils Facebook and Twitter pages and the Gawler Bunyip local newspaper. Initially, consultation was undertaken with the following groups and councils:

• Gawler Wheelers • Heart Foundation Walking Group • Gawler Bushwalkers • Bicycle Institute of South Australia • Barossa Regional Development Agency • City of Playford • Light Regional Council, and • Barossa Council.



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In addition to the consultation undertaken above, focus in early 2018 was on school children, young people, female cyclists and non-cyclists. Broad community consultation was undertaken on the draft Plan from 21 March 2018 to 13 April 2018 utilising the following media sources:

• Council Website • Council Facebook • Council Twitter • Your Voice Gawler • Bunyip, and • Hard copies of the draft Plan made available at Gawler Administration Centre

(GAC) During the community consultation period, Council staff specifically targeted children and young people attending schools within the Town of Gawler to seek feedback that may otherwise have not been obtained via the media sources. These members of the community were consulted relative to their use of the existing / proposed walking and cycling infrastructure. A poster was developed with six (6) key questions focusing on walking and cycling infrastructure (refer Attachment 1). The schools involved in providing feedback on the Plan included:

1. Trinity College – South Campus 2. Trinity College – North Campus 3. Gawler & District College B-12 4. St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School 5. Gawler Primary School 6. Immanuel Lutheran School Gawler 7. Xavier College and, 8. Hewett Primary School

The consultation was conducted over a period of 3 days and involved 764 students from years 6 to 12. Students were informed about the content of the poster, the importance of their feedback and how the future of the Town of Gawler will be shaped based on their feedback. Students were asked 5 questions regarding their current walking and cycling behaviours. These included:

• What are the main attractions you walk or ride to? • What paths do you walk or ride on? • How do you use the footpath? • How often do you walk or ride per week? • If footpaths were improved, would you walk/ride more often?

In general the community consultation highlighted the following key themes:

• Half of the respondents walk and the other half use wheels (bicycle or scooter) • Over 89% of school students walk or ride one or more days per week • The majority of school students either cycle or use scooters on footpaths as

opposed to walk on them. • School students mostly like to walk and/or ride to the Gawler CBD • School students walk and/or ride on footpaths and shared paths



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• Some schools have been in contact directly with the state government Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure on the ‘Way 2 Go’ program aimed at promoting safer, greener and more active travel for primary school students and the communities.

• Willaston area has limited footpath provision • The school students used the Stuart O’Grady and Jack Bobridge track only with

adult supervision and mostly on weekends • The school students use the shared paths in Dead Man’s Pass and other riverine

environments with adult supervision • A need for a shared path connection linking Aspire housing estate to the Gawler

Green Shopping Centre for residents to access local shops nearby. It is noted that there was limited feedback received from the broader community on the draft Plan during the subsequent community consultation period (refer Attachment 2), however the opportunities for improvement across the walking and cycling network and key themes were identified through the overall engagement across key stakeholders, Elected Members, Council internal reviews, school children and the broader community. Previously identified themes highlighted as part of the stakeholder and Elected Member workshops in 2017 are summarised in the Plan and include:

• There is a lack of wayfinding throughout the township. • The Jack Bobridge trail terminates near the eastern Council boundary –

connections are required into the Town Centre and the future Bike Hub. • The Stuart O’Grady bikeway is difficult to access and needs to be linked to

existing shared path network. • There is a lack of cycling facilities to, from and around schools. • There is lack of footpath connectivity and various unsafe intersections around

Gawler Green and Gawler District School Precinct (Tulloch & Barnett Roads). • Access to Trinity College is difficult and hazardous – particularly across Main

North Road/Gawler Bypass. • Lack of permeability across rail corridor between Reid and Willaston; Preparation

is underway for increase in cycling tourism – including future cycling hub and end of trip facilities.

• Gawler Greenway development - should be completed in conjunction with rail electrification, and

• Access to train stations is confusing and difficult. The above key themes directed the during the community consultation and overall engagement process have influenced development of the draft final Plan in terms of providing feedback on the draft Plan, sharing experiences, identifying issues in the current network, offering suggestions for improvement and contributing to the priority actions identified. Final Draft Plan A walking and cycling friendly town is one with less noise, cleaner air, healthier citizens and a stronger economy. It’s a town that is a nicer place to be in, where individuals have a higher quality of life, accessibility is high and there is a simple route from thought to action to participate in social, cultural, work and leisure activities. Active transport (a form of transport that involves physical activity) is therefore not a singular goal but is an effective tool to create a vibrant city with space for diversity and development. It supports our liveability status by taking pressure off the road network, reducing noise and pollution and increasing the health of the community.



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The Plan seeks innovative and practical actions to build on the existing networks and vision outlined in the 2008 Walking and Cycling Plan. The Plan builds upon previous works and reflects new legislation, standards and guidelines, council priorities, future growth areas and key Council Town Centre Masterplan initiatives. The overarching vision for walking and cycling in the Town of Gawler was updated from the 2008 Walking and Cycling Plan to be: ‘Gawler residents choose to walk and cycle more often for transport, local errands, health and enjoyment. Tourism in the region is enhanced by the provision of local and regional walking and cycling routes.’ This vision assist to guide the following walking and cycling Plan objectives:

• There is a safe, convenient and connected network of on-road cycling, and off-road walking and cycling routes that cater for all ages and categories of pedestrians and cyclists.

• Quality of life of Gawler residents is enhanced by the many social, environmental, health and economic benefits of walking and cycling.

• River and Rail shared path corridors act as the backbone of the walking and cycling network. They are both recreational and direct routes that provide access around and through the township, and are connected to the on-road network.

• There is a supportive culture of walking and cycling in the community. • Gawler is well-known for Cycling Tourism, and • More people use dual-mode transport (e.g. walk or cycle to the train).

Recommendations within the draft plan apply to both Council-owned and State-owned assets, meaning that some works will require partnering with the State Government to complete. One of the key outcomes of the Plan is the prioritisation of future works, which were determined based on analysing the existing walking and cycling network across the Town of Gawler and identifying opportunities for improvements. These priorities have been presented as maps in the Plan and include the following:

1. Connecting the Jack Bobridge Bikeway to Gawler Bike Hub, 2. Connecting the Stuart O’Grady Bikeway to Gawler Bike Hub, 3. Connecting the Bike Hub to the River Shared Path Network, 4. Improving access and safety to and from Schools, and 5. Undertaking a Wayfinding Strategy to install directional signage to key

destinations - i.e. Bike Hub/Visitor Information Centre, Train Stations, Shops/cafes, and the River Shared Path network.

Additional Priorities for walking and cycling in Gawler include:

1. The ongoing upgrade and widening of footpaths and footbridges, 2. Improving safety at busy road crossings, squeeze points and roundabouts, 3. Connecting the suburbs of Reid, Willaston and Hewitt, 4. Connecting the new growth areas, 5. Completing the Gawler Greenway, and 6. Fill in missing links in the network.



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The Plan does consider there are two categories of cyclists based on their level of confidence and experience. There are commuter cyclists, who are confident to use on road bike lanes, and those that are recreational cyclists that typically feel more confident in cycling via the off road cycling routes / shared path network. To implement the Plan it is envisaged the recommended prioritised infrastructure will be integrated with Council’s 10-year Infrastructure and Asset Management Plan and subsequently Council’s Long Term Financial Plan. It is envisaged the Plan will also assist Council in applying for, and successfully obtaining, future external grant funding as the action plan provides strategic guidance and coordination for the implementation of specific infrastructure upgrades and improvements. To assist in the implementation of specific walking and cycling infrastructure in the future, Council staff will continue to seek grant funding from State and Federal Government to design, implement and construct infrastructure that will be beneficial for the Town of Gawler community and facilitate connections for the northern region in general. Some of the funding opportunities Council can pursue include the Black Spot Program, State Bicycle Fund, Office for Recreation and Sport, Open Spaces and Places for People Fund, Bikes for Better Business and other Grants as they come to fruition. Through the community consultation completed and feedback obtained, the draft Walking and Cycling Plan 2018 to 2028 has been updated and provided as Attachment 3. Council staff advise the Plan is ready for adopting by Council. Town of Gawler hasrecently completed the Bicycle Hub at the Visitor Information Centre, Pioneer Park. The Hub provides maps, information, bicycle hire, repair stations and showers. This will further position Gawler as an ideal stopover or resting point for Bikeway users seeking shopping, meals, accommodation and other activities. In addition, the bike hire facility will encourage day trips around the Town of Gawler for both residents and visitors. COMMUNICATION (INTERNAL TO COUNCIL) Manager Infrastructure and Engineering Services Manager Business Enterprise and Communications Manager Library and Community Services Team Leader Asset Planning Team Leader Development Services Team Leader Recreation and Community Team Leader Environment and Regulatory Services Team Leader Property and Procurement Team Leader Town Services Community Development Officer Youth Development Officer Council Members CONSULTATION (EXTERNAL TO COUNCIL) As presented in this report, community consultation was completed on the draft Plan from 21 March 2018 to 13 April 2018 and during this period of consultation, the following specific clubs and schools were consulted with directly by Council staff:



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• Zonta Club of Gawler • Trinity College – South Campus • Trinity College – North Campus • Gawler & District College B-12 • St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School • Gawler Primary School • Immanuel Lutheran School Gawler • Xavier College, • Hewett Primary School, and • Broader community

It is noted that there was limited feedback received from the broader community on the draft Plan during the community consultation period, however the opportunities for improvement across the walking and cycling network and key themes were identified through the overall engagement process across key stakeholders, Elected Members, Council internal reviews, school children and the broader community.

POLICY IMPLICATIONS The updated Plan will be a strategic document to reflect direction and updates to existing walking and cycling infrastructure, improve connectivity and construct new footpaths and pedestrian facilities. The existing Council Footpath and Cycleways Policy may need to be updated in the future relative to the outcomes of the Walking and Cycling Plan 2018 to 2028. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS New and improved footpath and cycling infrastructure will need to comply with:

• Australian Standards AS 1428.1 Design for access and Mobility • Austroads Guide to Road Design Part 6A: Pedestrian and Cyclist Paths • Local Government Act 1999 • Development Act 1993

FINANCIAL/BUDGET IMPLICATIONS Implementation of the 10-year action plan priorities within the Walking and Cycling Plan 2018 to 2028 will be considered in the 2018/19 update of the Infrastructure and Asset Management Plan and, subsequently, the Long Term Financial Plan. Allocation of future funding will be subject to the annual budget bid process with external funding sourced where possible to assist in delivery of the prioritised works. A number of walking and cycling infrastructure projects are included in the 2018/19 budget, which is subject to Council approval. These projects include:

• Improve Accessibility to Community Infrastructure Program • Jack Bobridge Linkage to Stuart O’Grady Bike Track Project • New Footpaths Program • Renew Footpaths Program • Pedestrian Crossing Gawler High School



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Other projects that consider improvements to walking and cycling infrastructure or improvements to pedestrian facilities include:

• Murray Street Stage 6 & Traffic Signals • Rehabilitate the Historic Mill Inn Bridge (Stage 2 of 2) • Walker Place Redevelopment • Implement Road Safety Improvements

At present the Council is awaiting the outcome of a Building Better Regions grant application to facilitate the construction of shared path infrastructure connecting the Jack Bobridge Bikeway to the Stuart O’Grady Bike Track through the Town of Gawler. In addition, Council is also awaiting the outcome of bike funding through the State Bicycle fund which proposed to install two additional pedestrian crossings at the Redbanks Road Roundabout as this was one of the actions identified in the Plan. Council’s Long Term Infrastructure and Asset Management Plan considers the allocation of funds toward walking and cycling infrastructure within the Town of Gawler relative to the annual programs, projects and grant funding opportunities presented, however it will need to be updated to reflect additional actions identified in the Plan. In summary, Council is currently planning to fund approximately $7.533m on improvements to cycling and walking infrastructure in the Town of Gawler over the next 10-year period. The majority of these funds are attributed to the Jack Bobridge to Stuart O’Grady bikeway connection project, the New Footpaths Program and the Renew Footpaths Program. COMMUNITY PLAN Objective 1.4: Foster a vibrant and active filled Council area. Objective 2.1: Physical and social infrastructure to service our growing population and

economy. Objective 2.3: The local Environmental to be respected. Objective 2.4: Manage growth through the real connection of people and places. Objective 3.3: Provide facilities for a range of different recreational activities. Objective 3.4: Gawler to be an inclusive and welcoming community. Objective 5.2: Be recognised as a ‘best practice’ Local Government organisation. Objective 5.3: Deliver ongoing effective and efficient services, including support for

regional collaboration. Objective 5.4: Create a safe community environment.



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Item Number 7.3 Title WILLASTON OVAL PLAYSPACE Date 12 June 2018 Author(s) Ben DeGilio, Team Leader Asset Planning

Peter Young, Landscapes Coordinator

Reference CC18/296, CR18/30958, CR18/27716, CR18/28204

Previous Motion Council Meeting, 17/10/2017, Motion No: 2017:10:351

Attachment/s Under Separate Cover

1. Willaston Oval Nature Playspace Consultation Report 2. Willaston Oval Nature Playspace Location Option Plans

OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION Item 7.3 – Willaston Oval Nature Playspace (CR18/30958) The Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee: 1. Notes the Willaston Oval Nature Playspace Consultation Report. 2. Supports Option 5 as the preferred location of the Willaston Oval Nature

Playspace as detailed in this report be released for community consultation. 3. Notes the Willaston Oval Nature Playspace is included in Council’s 2018/19

draft budget with a total budget of $137,290. BACKGROUND The Gawler Open Space, Sport and Recreation Plan identified a gap in service provision of play spaces in the Willaston area. The Elliot Goodger Memorial Park (Willaston Oval Precinct) was identified as a location for development of a new community playspace. Council resolved to apply for $80k from the Open Space Grant Program towards a total playground cost of $160k. At the 17 October 2017 Special Council Meeting, the following motion was resolved:

Moved by Cr R Symes Seconded by Deputy Mayor I Tooley Motion No: 2017:10:351 That Council:- 1. Notes the Open Space Grant Report. 2. Applies to the State Government’s Open Space Grant Program for the

amount of $80,000 to assist with funding a new playground at the Willaston Oval.

In accordance with the above resolution, the Town of Gawler submitted a grant application for the amount of $77,290 towards a nature play space within the Elliott Goodger Memorial Park.



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The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) has advised the Town of Gawler was successful in obtaining the grant funding for the Willaston Playground. COMMENTS/DISCUSSION Willaston Oval Playspace Update

Council staff are currently developing the detailed design of the Willaston Oval Playspace and commissioned landscape architect consulting firm, Wax Design Pty Ltd, to deliver the design documentation. A number of design options and locations of the playspace were developed as concepts for discussion and community engagement purposes. A community engagement session was held on 17 May 2018 at the Willaston Football Club with community groups and sporting clubs from the Elliot Goodger Memorial Park / Willaston Oval precinct group being invited to attend. The Town of Gawler and WAX Design facilitated a 2 hour targeted consultation session on site with the local precinct users. The session was aimed at collating information to build upon knowledge of the oval through an interactive process, encouraging the community to thoughtfully consider their aspirations and ideas. The session also allowed the project team the chance to discuss and test design possibilities with those who participated. 25 people were in attendance on the night. The session comprised of:

• Idea Generation - Posters asking community members, children and parents to place sticky dots on images of preferred items/opportunities/experiences they would like to see incorporated, within the capital works budget.

• Cognitive Mapping - Aerial imagery of the site allowing the community to make suggestions on the preferred location of the playspace and generally to discuss what is important to them.

The outcomes from the engagement session provided the following:

Key Considerations and Design Directions Information provided by the precinct group through the Idea Generation & Cognitive Mapping has been collated and analysed to form the following key considerations and design directions for the Willaston Oval Playspace.

Location considerations: • Preferred location for the play space is Option 5 (Amendment to Option 4) due to

proximity of club house, oval, Obedience Dog Club, services and general surveillance.

• Adjacent carpark provides access and whilst the embankment creates some challenge for accessible play, it also provides opportunities for the more challenging play, highlighted in the ideas generation exercise.

• The site lacks natural shade except for existing trees to the Western boundary; hence a long term shade strategy will need to be considered.

Playspace considerations: • Challenging and active play preferences indicate swinging, rope climbing and

spinning along with elevated play. • Imaginative and creative opportunities include nature based play, water play and

all abilities access.



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• Investigate opportunities for connections as they featured strongly with provision for accessibility for all.

Further details of comments and suggestions provided by the community precinct groups is provided in the Willaston Oval Playspace Consultation Summary (refer Attachment 1). Recommended Direction for Playspace location Reported comments within the summary identifies support from the community precinct group for the preferred location of the playspace to be as per Option 5. The locations of each option are provided in Attachment 2. Second Round of Consultation Council staff now seek support of the Council to proceed to consultation with the local surrounding community on the preferred location of the playspace. The intent of this local community consultation is to seek feedback from the wider community on the location and type of play activities of the Willaston Oval Nature Playspace as proposed in the design. The method of consultation is to have a focus on youth involvement via community newspaper publication and promotion through Council’s ‘Your Voice Gawler’ and social media websites. Council staff will also undertake a letter drop within a 400 metre radius of the Willaston Oval as likely users of the future playspace, specifically seeking input from young people. On 25 June 2018, the Commissioner for Children and Young People, Helen Connolly is meeting with Town of Gawler staff to discuss a number of Council projects that will specifically benefit children and young people once these project are delivered. The Willaston Nature Play Space has been identified as one of the projects. Although the project will not have been delivered, the intent is to present the preferred location, the recommended site and discuss the consultation process undertaken to date with precinct users and the local community including children / young people. COMMUNICATION (INTERNAL TO COUNCIL) Manager, Infrastructure and Engineering Services Manager, Finance and Corporate Services Manager, Development, Environment and Regulatory Services Team Leader, Asset Planning Team Leader, Development Services CONSULTATION (EXTERNAL TO COUNCIL) Willaston Oval Playspace A community engagement session was held on 17 May 2018 at the Willaston Football Club with community groups and sporting clubs from the Elliot Goodger Memorial Park / Willaston Oval precinct group invited to attend. Council staff now seek support of the Council to proceed to consultation with the local surrounding community on the preferred location of the playspace.



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The intent of this local community consultation is to seek feedback from the wider community on the location and type of play activities of the Willaston Oval Nature Playspace as proposed in the design. The method of consultation is to have a focus on youth involvement via community newspaper publication and promotion through Council’s ‘Your Voice Gawler’ and social media websites. Council staff will also undertake a letter drop within a 400 metre radius of the Willaston Oval as likely users of the future playspace, targeting feedback from young people. POLICY IMPLICATIONS Tree Management Policy Street Tree Removal Policy Footpath and Cycleways Policy Procurement Policy STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Local Government Act 1999 Development Act 1993 Australian Standards FINANCIAL/BUDGET IMPLICATIONS The Willaston Oval Playspace is included in the capital works program of Council’s 2018/19 draft budget with a total budget of $137,290 (excl. GST). Upon completion of the construction works, Council will incur new recurrent maintenance and depreciation costs associated with maintaining the facility. COMMUNITY PLAN Objective 1.2: Build a local community that is proud of Gawler Objective 2.1: Physical and social infrastructure to service our growing population and

economy Objective 2.3: The local environment to be respected Objective 3.1: Health and social wellbeing services in Gawler to meet growing regional

community needs Objective 3.2: Sporting facilities to meet local and regional community needs Objective 3.3: Provide facilities for a range of different recreational activities. Objective 4.5 Support provision of useable open space that preserves natural habitat

and biodiversity Objective 5.1: Support and encourage community teamwork Objective 5.4: Create a safe community environment



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RESERVES Date 12 June 2018 Author(s) Ben DeGilio, Team Leader Asset Planning

Peter Young, Landscapes Coordinator

Reference CC17/404; CR18/27095; CR18/26853; CR18/26856; CR18/23105; CR18/23106

Previous Motion Council Meeting, 24/04/2018, Motion No: 2018:04:134 Council Meeting, 10/04/2018, Motion No: 2018:04:134

Attachment/s Under Separate Cover

1. Aspire Link Reserve Concept Drawings 2. Aspire Link Reserve Rev C Detail drawings 3. Open Space Assessment Comments Spreadsheet 4. Aspire Recreational Reserve Concept plan

OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION Item 7.4 – Open Space Assessment Update – Aspire Estate Reserves (CC17/404) That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends that Council:- 1. Notes the Open Space Assessment Update report. 2. Notes the open space assessment undertaken for the Link Reserves at

Aspire housing estate and the associated maintenance cost saving for the Class E reserves of $1,650 per hectare per year achieved through the assessment of detailed landscape design documentation by Council staff.

3. Having regard to the processes detailed in this report, approve the final landscape plans for the Link Reserves in the Aspire housing estate for construction.

4. Notes the assessment currently being undertaken for the Aspire housing estate recreational “Sweat Track” reserve and the intended design direction proposed in this report.

5. Notes the progress undertaken to date by Council administration in progressing the draft Open Space Guidelines and draft Biodiversity Management Plan.

BACKGROUND Reports detailing new land divisions maintenance management have been presented to the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee at the following times:

• 11 April 2017 • 13 June 2017 • 08 August 2017 • 19 September 2017



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• 12 December 2017 • 13 February 2018 • 10 April 2018

The most recent report was presented to the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee on 10 April 2018 outlining the open space assessment undertaken by Council staff on the concept landscape plans submitted by the developer of Woodvale housing estate. The report outlined the landscape design would be suitable for meeting the on-going operational service level costs for the reserve classification. At that meeting the following Motion was adopted.

Moved by Cr A Shackley Seconded by Cr P Koch Motion No: IES:2018:04:08 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee:- 1. Notes the Open Space Assessment Update Report. 2. Notes the Open Space Assessment undertaken for the reserve in Stage 5 at

Woodvale housing estate and the associated maintenance cost savings for Class B reserve of $14,854 per hectare per year achieved through the assessment of detailed landscape design documentation by Council staff.

3. Having regard to the processes detailed in this report, approve the final landscape plans for the Stage 5 reserve in the Woodvale housing estate for construction, except request staff to negotiate to improve the diversity of ground layer / grassy species for long term sustainability.

At the Council meeting held on 24 April 2018, the following motions was adopted:

Moved: Cr A Shackley Seconded: Cr D Hughes Motion No: 2018:04:134 That Council adopts the recommendation from the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee made at item 7.5 of the meeting of that Committee meeting held on 10 April 2018, being: Motion No: IES:2018:04:09 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends that Council: 1. Notes the New Land Division Maintenance Management Update Report. 2. Notes the developer feedback received and outcome of consultation with

developers on the proposed changes to existing reserves in the new housing estates of Springwood, Orleana Waters, Aspire and Acacia Green.

3. Does not support the proposed changes to existing reserves proposed under Scenario 2 as outlined in this report and seek to achieve operational maintenance cost savings where possible in the future through transitioning relevant reserves and road verge treatments to standard operational service over time. The focus of which will be to retain functionality and community experience.

4. Notes that Council administration continues its approach for private land owners to take on maintenance responsibilities on adjacent verge areas here such verges are established to a higher standard (i.e. irrigated and / or lawned) than Council’s endorsed standard (i.e. not irrigated and / or lawned). Authority to access and maintain such public verge areas is facilitated by Council issuing 221 Permits to land owners as is currently the practice.



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The purpose of this report is to:

(1) Present the open space assessment of landscape design plans undertaken by Council staff in consultation with the developer for the Link Reserves in the Aspire housing estate for consideration;

(2) Note the open space assessment currently being undertaken for the Aspire sweat track reserve;

(3) Present the outcome of the community engagement session with reference to the Willaston Oval Playspace;

(4) Seek Council support for the recommended location of the Willaston Oval Nature Playspace to be located as per Option 5 (amendment to Option 4) as detailed in this report; and

(5) Notes the progress undertaken to date by Council administration in delivering the draft Open Space Guidelines and draft Biodiversity Management Plan.

COMMENTS/DISCUSSION Open Space Assessment– Link Reserves at Aspire housing estate The reserves assessed by Council staff at Aspire housing estate provide pedestrian linkage between Leonard Avenue and O’Brien Way and Gatley Circuit to Leonard Avenue. Section 51 clearance has previously been granted for the creation of these pedestrian link reserves. The reserves provide a mid-block landscaped pedestrian link north to south between the central reserve and the Trinity Campus. Council staff provided initial comments on the concept design drawings to minimise ongoing maintenance costs, balanced with a landscape amenity for the local community. The following key points were provided to guide the development of the concept design to detailed design:

• Location of plants to be offset from pathways to allow for mature growth, thus removing future need for hedging activities of plants to maintain clear accessible pathways.

• Tree locations to be suitably offset from neighbouring property lines to reduce customer requests for trimming of trees from fence lines.

• All paths to the Council’s standard.

The concept drawing (refer Attachment 1) provided by the developer of Aspire Estate, Lanser Communities, required further development as part of the detailed design. Council staff provide the following summary of the open space assessment undertaken to achieve the final detailed design plans (refer Attachment 2). Trees

1. Provision of trees to provide shade and shelter to pedestrians using the link reserves:

a. Improve amenity for residents b. Consistent tree spacing within streetscape

i. It is anticipated that the canopies will, at maturity, provide a continuous canopy of shade



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c. High number of trees has been proposed, comparatively for size of space

i. In consideration of mature size of trees, this not deemed excessive due to species proposed are only small to medium sized trees (22x Lagerstroemia indica Crepe Myrtle 6m and 4x Ulmus parvifolia Chinese Elm 13m)

ii. Increase in shade and shelter provision within streetscape iii. If individual trees are lost in the future, the decision to replace

can be considered at that time.

Planted areas Substitution of original proposed plant species to more appropriate native / endemic species was requested. The draft Town of Gawler Biodiversity Management Plan informed this substitution to maximise outcomes. Some of the comments provided are listed below:

Kniphofia 'Little maid' Dwarf Red Hot - this is more of a formal garden plant, not suitable to local soil conditions Carpobrotus glaucescens Pigface - east coast Australia species, not suitable to local soil conditions Viburnum tinus Laurustinus - this is more of a formal garden plant, suggest subsitute to Dodonaea viscosa ssp.

Spatulata Sticky Hop-bush, Goodenia albiflora White Goodenia, Rhagodia parabolica Mealy Saltbush

Nandina domestica Dwarf Sacred Bamboo - this is more of a formal garden plant, suggest subsitute to Dodonaea viscosa ssp.

Spatulata Sticky Hop-bush, Goodenia albiflora White Goodenia, Rhagodia parabolica Mealy Saltbush

Dianella tasmanica Tasman Flax Lily - south east Australia species, suggest subsitute to Dianella longifolia var. grandis

Yellow-anther Flax-lily, Dianella revolute var. revoluta Black-anther Flax-lily, Dichanthium sericeum Silky Blue-grass, Lepidosperma viscidum Sticky Sword-sedge

Dietes grandiflora Wild Iris - South African species, suggest subsitute to Lomandra densiflora Soft Tussock Mat-

rush, Lomandra effusa Scented Mat-rush, Lomandra micrantha ssp. micrantha Small-flower Mat-rush, Lomandra multiflora ssp. dura Hard Mat-rush, Lomandra nana Small Mat-rush

Table 2: Aspire Link Reserve Plant Numbers Rev

A* Ratio Rev

B* Ratio Rev

C* Ratio Difference

Reserve Trees

26 26 26 no change

Understorey plants

1051 1276 1446 +395 Non-native

675 64%

421 33% 273 19% -402

Native 376 36% 855 67% 1173 81% +797 Note: *Rev refers to the drawing revision number of the detailed design plans



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Key outcomes of the Council staff’s assessment; deliberations with the developer are as follows;

1. An improved ratio of Native plants provision representing a notable increase in native plants, with a focus on endemic species (locally native.

2. Planting offset from pathway edges to prevent the requirement for ongoing hedging / pruning maintenance practices along pathways to provide clear access for pedestrians.

3. Pathways are designed to Council standard and are consistent with the existing area.

4. Bollards are included at ends of link reserves to prevent illegal vehicle access. 5. Removable bollards are located central to paths to facilitate Council maintenance

vehicle access when required. 6. No turf is proposed within link reserves. 7. An irrigation system is not proposed to be installed in accordance with Council’s

Standard Operational Service Level E. The developer will be hand watering during the first 12 months establishment period only. Following this time, all plants selected are expected to become self sufficient

Reserve Area Pedestrian links between housing are beneficial to facilitate pedestrian movement around neighbourhoods. Historically, poorly maintained and undesirable pedestrian links have been points of antisocial behaviour. Evidence suggests well-presented and well-maintained pedestrian links reduce the likelihood of anti-social behaviour.

Dense planting of large grasses / shrubs along fence lines offsets pedestrian movement from the edges and reduces antisocial activity such as vandalism and loitering. Council staff have considered best practice crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) principles relative to the detailed landscape design plant selection / location and weaved pathway creating a clear line of sight through a central corridor. The dense planting of native plants assist to reduce maintenance of weed spraying activities. A complete list of Council comments are included in Attachment 3.

Maintenance Cost Estimate

Table 1: Calculated Maintenance Costs – Aspire Link Reserve Landscape Design Reserves Parcel size:

0.36 ha

Class E area: 0.36 ha Trees 26 Aspire

Maintenance Cost ($ Per Hectare Per Year)

Standard Council Operational Service Level

($ Per Hectare Per Year)

Maintenance Cost Saving

($ per hectare per year) Concept Landscape Plan Trees


$ 858

$10,000/ ha

$33/ tree



Final Landscape Plan Tree


$ 858

$10,000/ ha

$33/ tree





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It should be noted that the type of reserve is to function as a walkway and is considered to be more like a streetscape than that of a park where deciduous trees are complimentary to the overall character of the walkway, providing shade for the summer months and allowing for sun in the cooler winter months. Australian Standards have also been referred to for guidance on the provision of shade to pathways in open spaces and all access / DDA principles. The selected tree species will also provide amenity benefits with colour for the community through seasonal displays of foliage and flowers. Council staff note there is a marginal maintenance cost saving relative to Council’s standard operational service level for a Class E reserve. The design of the reserve is considered to achieve its functional intent to facilitate pedestrian movement, utilise CPTED design principles, achieve amenity for the local community and low maintenance high biodiversity outcomes. Council staff now seek the support of Council to approve the Aspire Link reserves for construction. Open Space Assessment Aspire Recreational “Sweat Track” Reserve Council staff are currently undertaking the assessment of concept landscape design plans for the Aspire Recreational Reserve located immediately south of Trinity College, Evanston South (refer Attachment 4). The below update is provided for information purposes only as the design is not yet considered a final detailed design. A number of considerations have been discussed by the Council administration. Points of discussion to date have included the following:

• Whether the location is suitable for a specialised running track. o GOSSRP identifies a need for an athletics facility within the region,

however the proposed site is constrained in size to properly facilitate o development at this location of a formal running track with a rubberised

running surface is deemed excessive relative to community demands and ongoing maintenance

• 'Informal Secondary Exercise Path' surface material is noted as compacted rubble path.

o Being that Fitness nodes are placed adjacent this path, it is assumed that this may prove to be of higher use than the proposed 'Running track' thus the rendering the ‘Running track’ superfluous to needs

• How the reserve affects reading of the ‘Land Lines’ Southern Entry Gateway artwork and how this reserve performs as a backdrop to it

• Placement of informal soccer goals deemed excessive to community demands o this activity is more appropriate at the larger Greenslade Blvd Reserve

260m south o prevention of errant balls and children moving between the reserve and

Main North Road • The provision of another irrigated turf reserve within the Evanston South area is

deemed excessive o two Class B reserves are within close proximity (only 260m & 350m

walking distance) o at these locations approximately 0.54 ha of turf is already irrigated

• The reserve is disconnected from southern Greenslade Boulevard Reserve due to swale separating the two areas

• Consideration of the reserve category and level of service for extent of park furniture.

• Consideration of the draft Open Space Guideline relative to provision of open space infrastructure for the given reserve category.



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The Town of Gawler Development Plan Open Space Zone refers to the area of this reserve as: “A country experience south of Gawler will be provided by creating expansive views over the landscape to cropped and open paddocks and the Adelaide hills face through the removal of existing boundary tree plantations and restrictions on buildings and structures close to Main North Road. Occasional groups of new feature tree plantings will frame views to the hills and farmland towards Gawler River and the Adelaide Plains. All other plantings, earthworks, buildings and structures will use minimal vertical elements so to promote both an alternative distinctive urban character and reinforce the surrounding landscape and distant views. Fencing will be low and open in style. The zone will provide for recreation activities within a specific and structured landscape framework. The eastern side of Main North Road provides a more structured recreational landscape. Active open space facilities are proposed to strengthen the existing recreational hub around Trinity College. A detention basin and wetland will provide contrasting landscape elements. Opportunities exist for smaller pocket parks for playspace, picnicking opportunities and shared paths for walking and cycling. A mixture of both native and exotic tree plantings will create a more formal, ordered landscape. Artwork will complement the landscape concept either as a stand-alone signature piece or to influence and modify either the entry statements or proposed structural planting of feature trees.” The Town of Gawler Open Space, Sport and Recreation Plan 2025 (GOSSRP) Direction report identifies Planning for a New Sportsground under Strategy 2.2 pg24 “Plan for a future regional or district sportsground that is around 10-15 hectares in size to cater for future population needs in the east and south. Potential sites are located in the rural zone south or southern urban area near the urban boundary east or west of Main North Road and adjacent Karbeethan Reserve near Hillier Road.” Contextually, an Aspire Open Space Information Update report was presented to the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee on 23 September 2014 and included the following:

“As sought by the Open Space Zone, the desired character for the eastern side of Main North Road, seeks more structured recreational landscaping, unlike that which is sought on the western side of Main North Road. The proposed design accommodates both active and passive recreation opportunities, with irrigated and non-irrigated grassed areas, where the community can actively play sport or relax within tree lined parks.” Intended design direction for the recreational reserve

1. A barrier between the recreation reserve and Main North Road is provided via ‘open’ rural fencing and appropriately placed low shrubs (to north-western edge of reserve)

2. Planting of trees to ‘frame views to the hills’ a. Greater separation of the current placement of trees allowing for

diagonal sightlines from Main North Road to the hills 3. Relocate the reserve shelter to nearer the ‘entry plaza area’

a. shelter to have picnic table, seating and drink fountain b. concrete paving to surround

4. Remove informal goals



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5. Remove Running Track, focusing activity to 'Informal Secondary Exercise

Path' with Fitness nodes adjacent 6. Remove irrigated turf from the central area and replace with dryland native

grasses 7. Consideration of the concept landscape design / key elements completed by

Hemisphere Consulting for the Main North Road corridor as an entrance into Gawler for northbound vehicles.

Open Space Guideline and Biodiversity Management Plan Update Open Space Guideline Landscape Architecture Consultant, Oxigen Pty Ltd, were engaged by Council in January 2018 to develop the Open Space Guidelines. To date, the consultants have visited sites across the Town of Gawler to familiarise themselves with the urban, sub-urban, semi-rural and parkland characters present within Gawler and its contextual relationships to the Township’s neighbours. An in-depth review of standard, industry guidelines, reports, plans, policies and publications have informed production of the document to date. Internal workshops have been held with Council staff and the draft Open Space Guideline is in development and will be presented to a future Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee meeting. Biodiversity Management Plan Environmental Consultants, Greening Australia Pty Ltd, were engaged by Council in June 2017 to develop the Town of Gawler Biodiversity Management Plan. To date, the consultants have undertaken detailed site surveys across the local government area, including private land, to study the flora and fauna present within Gawler. In depth review of the survey findings and reference to State Government / regional integration, current legislation, existing data, Council / external plans, policies and publications have all informed production of the document to date. An Action Plan is expected as a key deliverable of the document, which will assist in planning and implementing future biodiversity improvement works throughout the Town of Gawler. Workshops have been held, including with members of the Gawler Urban Rivers Biodiversity Working Group. Associated feedback has assisted the production of the document which will also be presented to a future Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee meeting. The development of these two strategic documents has been occurring simultaneously which has aided to inform each other on matters that cross over between the two, such as development and redevelopment of open spaces in Gawler. Special IES 17 July 2018 At this future meeting both the draft Open Space Guideline and the draft Biodiversity Management Plan will be presented for discussion. COMMUNICATION (INTERNAL TO COUNCIL) Manager Infrastructure and Engineering Services Manager Finance and Corporate Services Manager Development, Environment and Regulatory Services Team Leader Development Services



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CONSULTATION (EXTERNAL TO COUNCIL) Aspire Link Reserves The developer, Lanser Communities, and their landscape architect consultant Outerspace Landscape Architects Pty Ltd, were consulted as part of the assessment of landscape plans received for the Aspire Link Reserves. They have also been invited to attend the IES meeting to hear discussions concerning the proposed reserves. Biodiversity Management Plan Consultation has been undertaken with the Gawler Urban Rivers Biodiversity Working Group in the development of the draft Biodiversity Management Plan. It is anticipated broader community consultation will occur on consideration of this draft report at a special IES meeting to be held on 12 July 2018’ POLICY IMPLICATIONS The growth in residential housing estates and associated open space areas will inform future policies that will need to be considered to manage operational service levels and community expectations in addition to policy direction provided from future strategic plans for the Town of Gawler. The Open Space Guideline and Biodiversity Management Plan will inform Council Policy in this regard. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS New housing estates will be subject to development approvals considered currently under the Development Act 1993 and Development Regulations 2008. FINANCIAL/BUDGET IMPLICATIONS Aspire Link Reserve The future annual operational costs of $3,006 excl. GST (i.e. $8,350 per ha per year x 0.36 ha = $3,006 per year), associated with the construction of the Aspire Link Reserves has been included in the 10 year forecasting analysis to inform the Council’s Long Term Financial Plan. The vesting of these reserves to Council can be expected to come into effect as of 2019/ 2020. COMMUNITY PLAN Objective 2.1: Physical and social infrastructure to service our growing population and

economy Objective 2.3: The local environment to be respected Objective 3.2: Sporting facilities to meet local and regional community needs Objective 3.3: Provide facilities for a range of different recreational activities. Objective 4.5 Support provision of useable open space that preserves natural habitat

and biodiversity



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Item Number 7.5 Title MALE INCONTINENCE UNITS IN PUBLIC TOILETS Date 12 June 2018 Author(s) Marie Bickley, Property Support Officer

Reference CC18/801; CR18/27737; CR18/18315; CR18/18314

Previous Motion IES 10/04/2018 IES:2018:04:15

Attachment/s Under Separate Cover

1. Presentation from Ms Julie Tucker – April IES Meeting 2. Proposal provided by Ms Julie Tucker

OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION Item 7.5 – Male Incontinence Units in Public Toilets (CC18/801) That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends to that Council: 1. Install sanitary disposal units capable of accommodating incontinence

products in at least one cubicle of all Council owned public toilets, including male, female and disability (unisex toilets).

2. The draft 2018/19 recurrent budget be increased by $1,800 to accommodate the servicing costs of an incontinence unit in all of Council’s public toilets.

BACKGROUND At the April 2018 Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee Meeting, Ms Julie Tucker Nurse/Midwife Consultant Continence, provided a presentation on the benefits of providing continence facilities for all members of the public through the provision of suitably sized sanitary disposal units in public toilets. The following motion was carried at this meeting.

Moved by Mayor K Redman Seconded by Cr D Hughes Motion No: IES:2018:04:15 That: 1. The Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee meeting thank Julie

Tucker for her presentation to the Committee on opportunities to improve social equity, health and well being for men in Gawler who experience continence issues.

2. A report be presented to the next IES meeting on this matter with information provided on costs, applications / types of bins, and options for potential inclusion of sanitary bins in all toilets under the control of Council.

The purpose of this report is to seek Council’s approval to install incontinence units within all public toilets in Gawler.



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COMMENTS/DISCUSSION Ms Tucker provided considerable information regarding incontinence statistics, physical and psychological impacts of incontinence and the social stigma associated with incontinence. A copy of Ms Tuckers presentation is provided as Attachment 1. Ms Tucker is seeking that Council consider the installation of sanitary bins in male toilets for the purpose of incontinence product disposal (refer Attachment 2). The Council currently provides a variety of sanitary disposal, incontinence product and nappy disposal units at various sites throughout the town. All public female and disabled toilets (at least one cubicle in each location) is provided a sanitary disposal unit. Incontinence units are provided in the disabled toilet at the Elderly Centre, and nappy disposal units provided at the Aquatic Centre during the swimming season. Contract Arrangements and Costs LaDonna Hygiene Services currently provides this service to Council at the following price per unit: Unit Type Frequency of Service Annual Cost (per unit) Sanitary Unit Every 4 weeks (13 per year) $60 Incontinence Unit Fortnightly (26 per year) $120 Nappy Bin Weekly (52 per year) $240

The sanitary disposal units are slimline and use a foot pedal to open and close the unit. These units work well in the smaller public toilet cubicles. The incontinence units and nappy bins are larger and manually operated (by hand or movement sensor) to open. A photograph of the two units (sanitary on the left and centre, incontinence on the right) is provided below:

LaDonna Hygiene Services have advised concerns that their design of sanitary disposal unit may not be large enough to accommodate incontinence products and they consequently recommend use of the larger incontinence unit.



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However, Ms Tucker has indicated she believes that sanitary disposal units will be sufficient to accommodate incontinence product disposal. The following table (Table 1) provides the current hygiene unit locations and service frequencies in the Town of Gawler. Table 2 provides the additional units required to ensure that all Council managed toilet facilities provide a sanitary or nappy/incontinence unit for public or staff use. Table 1 – Existing Hygiene Unit Locations and Service Frequencies















Y /




















Gawler Council Depot Public Unisex Disabled Toliet 1 4 WKLY 60Gawler Visitor Information Centre Female Toilet 2 4 WKLY 120

Public Showers 2 4 WKLY 120Unisex Disability Toilet 1 WKLY 240

Dead Man's Pass Public Toilets Female Toilet 2 4 WKLY 120Julian Terrace Public Toilets Female Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60

Unisex Disability Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60Sport & Recreation Centre Unisex Disability Toilet (Main Corridor) 1 4 WKLY 60

Unisex Disability Toilet (Youth Shak Corridor) 1 4 WKLY 60Female Toilet (Main Corridor) 2 2 WKLY 1 WKLY 480Female Toilet (Pavilion) 1 4 WKLY 60

Elderly Centre Unisex Disability Toilet 2 WKLY 480Female Toilet 2 4 WKLY 1 WKLY 360

Evanston Gardens Library Female Toilet 3 4 WKLY 180Unisex Staff Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60Unisex Disability Toilet 1 WKLY 240

Clonlea Park Public Toilets Female Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60Unisex Disability Toilet 1 60

Gawler Aquatic Centre Female Toilet 3 4 WKLY 180Unisex Disability Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60Family Change Room 2 WKLY 480

Gawler Oval Female Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60Gawler Administration Centre Unisex Disability Toilet 2 4 WKLY 120

Female Toilet 4 4 WKLY 240Female Staff Toilet 4 4 WKLY 240

37 8 4260TOTALS




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Table 2 – Additional Services required to meet the proposal

The additional cost, based on the standard frequencies of servicing sanitary bins every four weeks and the weekly servicing of nappy/incontinence bins, provides an additional cost to Council of $1,800 per annum. An alternate approach, although less inclusive, is to ensure that all unisex disability access toilets are supplied with a nappy/incontinence bin. All council sites, with the exception of Dead Man’s Pass Toilets and Gawler Oval toilets provide a unisex disability access toilet. Consequently, under this alternate approach a sanitary bin would need to be provided in the male toilets at both Dead Man’s Pass and Gawler Oval. The cost to provide nappy/incontinence bins at all public and staff unisex disability toilets in lieu of the installations outlined in Table 2 is the same, at $1800 per annum (7 nappy/incontinence bins and 2 sanitary bins). Other considerations In addition to cost, there are a number of other issues to be considered when installing sanitary bins in male public toilets. This includes the size of the units to fit within the cubicles, potential vandalism or theft, appropriate signage or stickers on the units to promote use as incontinence disposal units and frequency of servicing in highly trafficked public toilets. Sanitary bins located within public buildings, such as the Elderly Centre, Gawler Administration Centre or Evanston Gardens Community Centre will be unlikely to be affected by unsocial behaviour, theft or vandalism given the location and use of the buildings. However, given the increasing level of vandalism at Clonlea Reserve and to a lesser extent Dead Man’s Pass and Julian Terrace public toilets, there is a risk that the units will be vandalised. Vandalism within the Clonlea Reserve and Julian Terrace toilets has generally been isolated to the male toilets. The Finniss St car park toilet is currently closed due to on-going vandalism which included vandalism of the sanitary unit (which was already caged).















Y /



















Gawler Council Depot Male Staff Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60Gawler Visitor Information Centre Male Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60Dead Man's Pass Public Toilets Male Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60Julian Terrace Public Toilets Male Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60

Unisex Disability Toilet 1 WKLY 240Sport & Recreation Centre Male Toilet (Main Corridor) 1 4 WKLY 60

Male Toilet (Pavilion) 1 4 WKLY 60Unisex Disability Toilet (Youth Shak) 1 WKLY 240

Elderly Centre Male Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60Evanston Gardens Library Male Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60Clonlea Park Public Toilets Male Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60

Unisex Disability Toilet 1 WKLY 240Gawler Aquatic Centre Male Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60Gawler Oval Male Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60Gawler Administration Centre Male Toilet 2 4 WKLY 120

Unisex Disability Toilet 1 WKLY 240Male Staff Toilet 1 4 WKLY 60

14 4 1800





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Use of the smaller sanitary bin in the public toilets will allow the units to be installed within the existing cubicles. A number of the cubicles would not accommodate the larger nappy/incontinence disposal unit. Ms Tucker has indicated in her correspondence that the Continence Foundation of Australia would support development of a poster to help de myth the presence of an incontinence disposal unit within the male toilets. This may help to reduce the social stigma associated with incontinence and encourage men to seek medical assistance for the condition. COMMUNICATION (INTERNAL TO COUNCIL) Manager Infrastructure and Engineering Services CONSULTATION (EXTERNAL TO COUNCIL) Ms Julie Tucker, Nurse/Midwife Continence Consultant LaDonna Hygiene Services POLICY IMPLICATIONS Barossa Light and Lower North Regional Disability Access and Inclusion Plan STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Disability Discrimination Act 1992 FINANCIAL/BUDGET IMPLICATIONS The proposed 2018/2019 budget allocation for hygiene services (inclusive of sanitary bin provision) does not currently include the provision of sanitary disposal units or nappy/incontinence disposal units in excess of the current quantity. The additional cost, if all male and disability toilets are included, is $1,800 (GST exclusive) per annum. Consequently, should Council agree to this proposal, an increase of $1,800 would be required to the 2018/19 recurrent budget. COMMUNITY PLAN Objective 3.1: Health and social wellbeing services in Gawler to meet growing regional

community needs Objective 3.4: Gawler to be an inclusive and welcoming community



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PROGRAM Date 12 June 2018 Author(s) Tara Shillabeer, Special Projects Officer

Wahid Yousafzi, Traffic Engineer Ben DeGilio, Team Leader Asset Planning

Reference CC17/370; CR18/15234; CR18/16019; CR18/16020; CR18/30079

Previous Motion Council, 22/08/2017, Motion No.2017:08:268

Attachment/s Under Separate Cover

1. ‘Community Welcomes Recreation Vehicles’ Signage Application Form and Agreement.

2. Example Community Welcomes RV Sign 3. Correspondence with Gawler Caravan Park

OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION Item 7.6 – Community Welcomes Recreational Vehicles Program (CC17/370) That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends that Council:- 1. Notes the outcomes of the traffic analysis regarding opportunities for

additional short term dedicated or allowed Recreational Vehicle parking. 2. Notes that the preferred location for dedicated Recreational Vehicle parking

is the 80 metre stretch of Main North Road, adjacent to the Gawler Caravan Park, which can accommodate up to six (6) Recreational Vehicles.

3. Notes that Union Street is not considered suitable for dedicated Recreational Vehicle Parking, however, it can continue to be utilised for Recreational Vehicle parking and standard on-street parking with minor linemarking adjustments at an estimated cost of $3,500 to be funded from Council’s existing linemarking budget.

4. Notes that the Gawler Visitor Information Centre’s current car parking configuration will need minor adjustments at an estimated cost of $6,450 to make suitable dedicated Recreational Vehicle parking and to be funded from Council’s existing Road Safety Improvements Program.

5. Notes that the Gawler Caravan Park has requested that Council consider establishing approximately 20 metres of 30 minute timed on-street parking, between the hours of 8am and 5pm on Main North Road immediately adjacent to the Gawler Caravan Park’s entrance, to allow for queuing of non-recreational vehicles wanting to enter the Gawler Caravan Park at an estimated cost of $750 to be funded from Council’s existing street signage budget.

6. Notes that accommodating the Gawler Caravan Park’s request concurrently with the implementation of dedicated Recreational Vehicle parking provides efficiencies and cost benefits.



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7. The dedicated Recreational Vehicle parking, 2-hour timed on-street parking

and 30-minute timed on-street between the hours of 8am and 5pm adjacent to the Gawler Caravan Park’s entrance be implemented as outlined in this report.

8. Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to sign the ‘Community Welcomes Recreation Vehicles’ Signage Application Form and Agreement.

9. Note that other Recreational Vehicle signage will be provided by SA Parks with the erection and maintenance of signage being the responsibility of Council.

10. That Council staff proceed to promote Gawler as a preferred location / destination for Recreational Vehicles via relevant marketing and promotion platforms including Council’s website, social media and signage.

BACKGROUND At the 22 August 2017 Council meeting, Council resolved the following:

Moved by Cr A Shackley Seconded by Cr K Fischer Motion No: 2017:08:268 That Council:

1 Thanks the presenters who spoke during deputations on this matter. 2 Advises the Campervan & Motorhome Club of Australia Limited that the

Town of Gawler will not be pursuing an application under their program for becoming a Recreational Friendly Town™.

3 Further investigates the Community Welcomes Recreational Vehicles program with SA Parks subject to the following further investigations:

a. A traffic analysis regarding opportunities for additional short term dedicated or allowed RV parking along Union Street and on Main North Road adjacent Gawler Caravan Park.

b. A traffic impact study to assess the existing directional signs to the Visitor Information Centre.

4 Notes the following key elements of the SA Parks program: a. Council provides an accessible short term long vehicle parking space

within the town centre. b. Council have directional signage to the local Information / Visitor

Centre c. If there is a commercial Caravan Park in the Community, the Council

does not provide free overnight parking or camping within the Town Centre or Town boundary.

5 Receives a further report regarding the potential involvement in the SA Parks Community Welcomes Recreational Vehicles program or other similar.

The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an update on investigations undertaken with the intent to assist in facilitating the Community Welcomes Recreational Vehicles Program within the Town of Gawler.



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COMMENTS/DISCUSSION The SA Parks Community Welcomes Recreational Vehicles (RV) Program is a national signage program that aims to promote RV tourism. Councils can sign up to the program for free and must meet the following criteria:

• Provide at least one accessible long vehicle parking space within the town centre; • Have directional signage to the local Information / Visitor Centre (if there is one);

and • If there is a commercial Caravan Park in the community, Council does not provide

free overnight parking / camping within the town centre or town boundary. The marketing exposure provided by the free membership includes:

• National Community Welcomes RV Website which features all participating towns.

• Regular Town Features in ‘Let’s Go’ E-Newsletter - 350,000 members nationally. • Branding in SA Caravan & Camping Guide Publication 80,000 copies distributed

annually. • Branding in other state Caravan and Camping Guides. • Branding and links from SA Parks website.

In addition, SA Parks are offering to supply the program signage free of charge to Councils (refer example sign provided in this report). The ‘Community Welcomes Recreation Vehicles’ Signage Application Form and Agreement is provided at Attachment 1 for reference. In accordance with the above resolutions, a traffic analysis regarding the possibility of dedicated and / or allowed RV parking on Union Street and / or Main North Road adjacent to Gawler Caravan Park was conducted, with a summary of findings outlined below. Union Street The traffic analysis identified that the Union Street carriageway is 9.6 metres wide with existing parallel parking on both sides of the road. This includes sign posted dedicated disabled parking on the eastern side of Union Street. The width of the parking bays is currently 1.9 metres (including the disabled parking bay). There is a continuous barrier white centre line which provides traffic lanes 2.9 metres in width to each side of the road. Australian Standard 2890.5 Parking Facilities On-street Parking stipulates the following:

• On-street parking bay – Car width - 2.1 metres. • On-street parking bay - Disabled park width – 3.2 metres. • On-street parking bay – RV/truck/bus width – 2.6 metres. • Carriageway width requirement for local roads with on-street parking - 3 metres.

Based on the above standards, the current on-street parking arrangements for Union Street are technically non-compliant. Therefore the following modifications to current parking arrangements are required to meet Australian Standards (refer Diagram 1):

• Widen the on-street car parking bays to 2.1 metres • Widen the on-street disabled parking to 3.2 metres • Remove the continuous barrier white centre line for approximately 100 metres in

length along Union Street.



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If the continuous barrier white centre line remained, the carriageway lanes would need to be a minimum width of 3m each, requiring the entire central carriageway between the on-street parking bays to be 6m. This is not possible given the existing width of the carriageway on Union Street, therefore the solid white centre line would need to be removed so that vehicles can drive safely through the centre of the carriageway without crossing a centre line and breaking Australian Road Rules.

Diagram 1 – Union Street modification – current parking arrangements.

The traffic analysis identified that a possible location for RV parking on Union Street is the already established parking bays on the west of Union Street. However, this would require the following modifications:

• Widen the on-street western side parking bays to 2.6 metres • Widen the on-street disabled parking to 3.2 metres • Widen the on-street car parking bays on eastern side to 2.1 metres. • Remove the solid white centre line providing a 3.8 metre carriageway at a

minimum. The costs associated with undertaking the above modifications to meet current Australian Standards is approximately $3,500 Excl. GST, which would be funded from Council’s existing budget for line marking.



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Council has undertaken a review of existing traffic controls including linemarking on Union Street, and advise the following:

• RVs (with a trailer) exiting Union Street onto Murray Street would need to cross over both lanes of Murray Street to make the left turn, which is primarily due to constraints associated with the existing carriageway width on Union Street.

• RVs exiting the Visitor Information Centre onto Union Street to travel in a northerly direction would find it difficult to manoeuvre due to the restricted central carriageway and reduced sight distances to oncoming vehicles due to widened parking spaces on the western side.

• If all on street spaces were full, and these were widened further from the existing widths to facilitate RVs, the remaining width of carriageway in the centre of the road is narrowed making it less ideal for vehicle movement.

• The provision of six (6) RV parking spaces along Union Street would reduce the number of standard on-street car parks by twelve (12).

Due to the above considerations and difficulties to achieve safe and convenient movement of vehicles, Council staff advise it is not ideal or preferred to have dedicated RV parking on Union Street. However, propose to undertake upgrades in accordance with Diagram 2. This will maintain two-way traffic movements in a safe manner.

Diagram 2 – Union Street modifications – Widened parking bay inclusions



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Visitor Information Centre The Visitor Information Centre (VIC) car park has signed parallel parking bays which are used by visitors to the VIC and Pioneer Park, during events, and provide parking for up to three (3) hours. This car park is also a collection point for a number of private bus services and there is a dedicated two (2) parking bay for caravans, trailers and or limousines. VIC staff have advised that caravans and small RVs utilise the VIC car park on a daily basis, primarily caravans. However if dedicated RV parking is provided, the demand for RV parking may increase. To facilitate the availability of the existing car parking spaces at the VIC for all users, parking restrictions to RVs on weekends may need to be considered to ensure parking facilities remain available for trailers, caravans and limousines. RV turning movements were a key consideration reviewed for the potential of RV parking at the VIC. There are a number of factors that influence RV turning movements, including RV length, whether the RV is towing a trailer and whether the RV is a smaller Sport Utility Vehicle with a trailer. It was found that RV turning movements would be restricted when the parking area is fully occupied due to location of the electric car charging point and the median dividing the parking area and carriageway. The arc of a vehicle turning movement is primarily based on the size of the vehicle, and for the purposes of Council’s traffic review was assumed to be a 12.5 metre long medium rigid vehicle, which is the maximum size of RVs not including a trailer. Of note, trailers are commonly attached to RV’s for carrying goods and equipment. An example of a medium rigid vehicle is a garbage truck. The turning arc movement of an RV with trailer requires a larger area to perform a turn than just an RV alone. In order to establish dedicated RV parking at the VIC, the following modifications to the carpark are required (and outlined in Diagram 4 below):

1. Removal of half of the median strip; 2. Removal of the tree; and 3. Loss of one car park.



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Diagram 3 – VIC current car park configuration

The VIC car park is suitable for dedicated RV parking, however requires the above minor modifications and provides convenient access to the VIC for tourist information and services. Council staff estimate that the minor modifications would cost approximately $6,450 Excl. GST, comprising $5,500 for civil works associated with the removal of the median refuge and $950 for removal and planting a new tree at a different location. The costs for these minor modifications would be funded by Councils existing Road Safety Improvements Program.

Diagram 4 – VIC modification requirements for dedicated RV parking

Dedicated caravan, Trailer and limousine parking 8am – 4pm daily

Dedicated Bus zone

Electric charging station (1 park)

Removal of tree, medium strip and car park

Removal of car park



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Main North Road - Adjacent to Gawler Caravan Park Currently, there is approximately 140 metres of 2 hour timed parking between 8am and 5pm daily, which provides up to 23 car parks. The on-street parking has been established 60 metres away from the Willaston Bridge to ensure appropriate line of sight for motorists when leaving the on-street parking area. It should also be noted that this parking bay is also utilised by trucks as a rest bay. The traffic analysis identified that the parking area adjacent to the Gawler Caravan Park on Main North Road is the preferred location for dedicated RV parking, for the following reasons:

• The width of the road and road reserve provides appropriate space for RV parking.

• There is approximately 140 metres of on street parking available (as described above).

• It is in close proximity to Gawler’s town centre, VIC and other facilities within Gawler.

• It is within close proximity of the dump point located within Gawler Caravan Park. This dump point can be accessed by RVs for a minimum fee (currently $5).

Diagram 5 – Main North Road – proposed dedicated RV parking bay

In order to implement this option, signage would be installed, with an approximate cost of $750 which would be funded from Council’s existing street signage budget.

2p 8am to 5pm sign posted



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To facilitate dedicated RV parking, 2 hour parking and 30 minute timed parking at adjacent the Gawler Caravan Park the following minor modifications would be required:

• Approximately 80 metres of sign posted on-street dedicated RV parking with a 4 hour time limit from 8am to 5pm, which would provide up to 5 dedicated RV parks;

• Approximately 40 meters of 2 hour limit sign posted parking between 8am and 5pm daily;

• Approximately 20 metres of sign posted on-street parking with a 30 minute limit from 8am to 5pm (providing 3 car parks).

Refer Diagram 6 for the proposed parking modifications.

Diagram 6 – Main North Road – dedicated RV parking and sign posted on-street parking

Consultation It should be noted that at the 22 August 2017 Council Meeting, representatives of both the Gawler Gateway Tourist Park and Gawler Caravan Park provided deputations to Council in support of SA Parks’ Community Welcomes RV Program. Council staff met with the Gawler Caravan Park as part of the traffic analysis undertaken to inform this report. At this meeting, the Gawler Caravan Park was in support of the preferred location for dedicated RV parking as outlined in this report (namely on Main North Road adjacent to the Gawler Caravan Park). The Gawler Caravan Park has further requested Council to consider establishing approximately 20 metres of 30 minute timed on-street parking between the hours of 8am and 5pm immediately adjacent to the Caravan Park’s entrance on Main North Road to allow for queuing into the Caravan Park. Accommodating this request from the Gawler Caravan Park could occur concurrently with the implementation of dedicated RV parking and 2 hour parking area at the location as shown in Diagram 5.

30 minute 8am to 5pm sign posted

2p 8am to 5pm sign posted



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The Gawler Caravan Tourist Park was not included in the consultation as is located further away from the Town Centre than the locations presented in this report. Refer to Attachment 3 for correspondence with Gawler Caravan Park management. Economic Development/Tourism A key rationale for participating in the ‘Community Welcomes RV Program’ is the potential for increased tourism and economic development activity for Gawler. In general, a walking tour in Gawler is up to 2 hours in duration and combined with some shopping, it is considered that visitors may stay in the order of 4 hours for day trips and this should be a consideration in determining any time limits. SA Parks have confirmed that there is no specific time limit required for the dedicated RV parking space, however the intention is that the RV visitors can access parking to allow them to do shopping in town. Signage In order to meet the requirements of the Community Welcomes RV Program, additional directional signs to the VIC will be required. As outlined above, SA Parks will provide program signage free of charge, however it will be Council’s responsibility to erect and maintain the signs. Each sign will be 800mm x 600mm in size and will include the words “Gawler Welcomes Recreational Vehicles”. An example of the sign that will be erected is provided in Attachment 2. It is proposed that signage will be placed at the following town entrances:

1. Lyndoch Road / Gawler East 2. Ryde Street, Evanston 3. Adelaide Road, Gawler South 4. Redbanks Road, Willaston

These signs will be erected by Council staff and funded as part of the annual street sign renewal program. Conclusion It is recommended that Council:

• Proceed with becoming a member of the Community Welcomes RV Program.

• Council implements the following changes to parking on Main North Road, adjacent to the Caravan Park (and as outlined in diagram 6 below):

o Approximately 80 metres of sign posted on-street dedicated RV parking with a 4 hour time limit from 8am to 5pm, which would provide up to 5 dedicated RV parks;

o Approximately 40 meters of 2 hour limit sign posted parking between 8am and 5pm daily;

o Approximately 20 metres of sign posted on-street parking with a 30 minute limit from 8am to 5pm (providing 3 car parks).



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• Council implements the following changes to parking at the VIC:

o Civil works associated with the removal of the median refuge with removal

and planting of a new tree at a different location.

• Council implements the following changes to Union Street:

o Widen the on-street western side parking bays to 2.6 metres

o Widen the on-street disabled parking to 3.2 metres

o Widen the on-street car parking bays on eastern side to 2.1 metres.

o Remove the solid white centre line providing a 3.8 metre carriageway at a minimum.

COMMUNICATION (INTERNAL TO COUNCIL) Manager Infrastructure and Engineering Services Manager Business Enterprises and Communications Team Leader Asset Planning Team Leader Environment and Regulatory Services CONSULTATION (EXTERNAL TO COUNCIL) Gawler Caravan Park SA Parks POLICY IMPLICATIONS Public Consultation Policy Expiations Policy Tree Management Policy Street Trees Removal Policy Procurement Policy STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Road Traffic Act 1961 Local Government Act 1991 Australian Standards AS2890 FINANCIAL/BUDGET IMPLICATIONS Recommended outcomes to facilitate RV improvements to the Town of Gawler require consideration of the following costs: Modifications to Union Street to meet Australian Standards have been estimated at $3,500 Excl. GST and can be funded from Council’s existing line marking budget. Modifications to the VIC carpark would cost in the order of $6,450 Excl. GST, comprising $5,500 for civil works associated with the removal of the median refuge and $950 for removal and planting a new tree at a different location. These costs will be funded from Council’s existing Road Safety Improvements Program.



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Main North Road parking modifications are estimated to cost $750 Excl. GST and can be funded as part of Council’s existing signage budget. Modifications to Main North Road sign posts have been estimated at $750 and can be funded from within Council’s existing linemarking budget. COMMUNITY PLAN Objective 1.1: Maintain a clearly defined township, one which is distinct from

neighbouring areas Objective 2.5: Local economic activity to create local job opportunities and generate

increased local wealth Objective 5.2: Be recognised as a ‘best practice’ Local Government organisation



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Item Number 7.7 Title MOBILE FOOD VENDORS Date 12 June 2018 Author(s) Jack Darzanos, Team Leader Environment and Regulatory


Reference CC12/463; CR18/28474; CR18/27567; CR18/14358; CR18/27552

Previous Motion Council, 24/10/2017, Motion No: 2017:10:370; IES, 10/10/2017; Motion No: IES:2017:10:60

Attachment/s Under Separate Cover

1. DRAFT Mobile Food Vendor Policy 2. DRAFT Map – Mobile Food Vendor Locations 3. Consultation Feedback

OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION Item 7.7 – Mobile Food Vendors (CC12/463) That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee:- 1. Notes the Mobile Food Vendors report. 2. Adopts the Mobile Food Vendor Locations Map and the Mobile Food Vendor

Policy. BACKGROUND At the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee (IES) meeting held on 10 October 2017, the Committee considered a report detailing the Local Government (Mobile Food Vendors) Amendment Act 2017 and resolved the following:

Moved by Deputy Mayor I Tooley Seconded by Mayor K Redman Motion No: IES:2017:10:60 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee notes:- 1. The Local Government (Mobile Food Vendors) Amendment Act 2017 Report. 2. A further report be presented back to the Infrastructure and Environmental

Services Committee prior to February 2018 identifying proposed locations for mobile food vendors.

3. That Council staff will liaise with the Gawler Business Development Group in respect to this matter and in the formulation of the food van location rules.

At the IES meeting held on 13 February 2018, the Committee resolved the following:

Moved by Cr D Hughes Seconded by Deputy Mayor I Tooley

Motion No: IES:2018:02:02



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That The Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee notes:- 1. The Mobile Food Vendors Report. 2. Releases the draft Mobile Food Vendors Policy and proposed Designated

Locations (including additional locations and comments as discussed at the meeting) for the purpose of consultation with the Gawler Business Development Group, local businesses and the general community.

3. That a further report be brought back to Council following the consultation process to be undertaken.

In May 2016 the State Government’s Position Paper on mobile food trucks and their intention to amend Sections 222 and 224 of the Local Government Act 1999 (the LG Act) in relation to the operation of mobile food vendors was released for consultation. The position paper proposed numerous reforms generally aimed at expanding and standardising the food truck sector. Notably, from a regulatory perspective, these proposals include:

a. A consistent permit system across the State; and b. Amending food safety inspection requirements through a new inspection

‘passport’. The Local Government (Mobile Food Vendors) Amendment Bill 2016 (the Bill) was first introduced into the House of Assembly on 4 August 2016. On 8 August 2017, a number of amendments to the Bill were proposed by the Legislative Council and agreed to by the House of Assembly. The effect of the Bill is that Councils will no longer retain any discretion to issue or not issue permits for mobile food vendors on roads. In general terms, upon application and payment of the relevant fee, a council must issue a permit. The Bill introduced new amendments to the LG Act. Currently, Council regulates mobile food truck trading through granting authorisations via permits to use roads for business purposes under Section 222 of the Local Government Act 1999. Such authorisations are subject to appropriate conditions imposed under Section 224 of the LG Act. To date permits are only issued by Council when mobile food vehicles are being utilised in conjunction with an event or a function. Council currently utilises Section 222 of the LG Act and Council By-Laws to regulate permits for business purposes. Section 222(1) of the LG Act currently states that a person must not use a public road for business purposes unless authorised to do so by a permit. Implementation timeframe Council has utilised the Local Government Association draft model policy, mobile food vendor location rules to assist in the development and implementation of the new requirements. A draft policy was prepared and is attached (Attachment 1- Draft Policy, Mobile Food Vendors). The legislative changes have now been implemented and Council must adopt a policy that takes into account the legislative changes in relation to mobile food vendors trading in the Town of Gawler.



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The policy has taken into consideration fixed premises food traders by identifying locations suitable for mobile food vendors that are away from traditionally established businesses. Staff have reviewed locations in the Town of Gawler following the consideration of Council on 27 February 2018 and have identified potential locations suitable for mobile food vending opportunities (Attachment 2 - Map - Mobile Food Vendor Locations). There are approximately 170 permanent food business within the Town of Gawler. Under the Act mobile food vendors must be at a reasonable distance to fixed food businesses. The administration has determined that a distance of 200 metres is considered reasonable. The draft amendments state that Council's location rules must show through the use of maps, the locations within the council area in which mobile food vending businesses are permitted to operate. Council must ensure that a copy of its location rules are published on its website. If an event is happening at the same location as indicated on the mobile food vendors map. The mobile food vendor will be required to move from this location for the duration of the event unless the vendor is a part of the event proceedings and has received approval from the event coordinator. Under the Act, Council must ensure that its location rules provide for a reasonable distance between mobile food vending businesses and fixed food businesses during the operating hours of fixed food businesses, taking into account the location, number and operating hours of fixed food businesses in the council area. It must take into account the effect of the operation of mobile food vending businesses on vehicle and pedestrian traffic, footpaths, driveways, access points to buildings and parking areas for people with disabilities. Furthermore, it must take into consideration requirements relating to availability of parking spaces at the locations in which mobile food vending businesses may operate. Engagement The proposed locations map and draft policy were provided to the Gawler Business Development Group (GBDG), fixed food premises via a direct mail out, local business and residents via public notice for information and for comment. Feedback was sought over a three week period as part of community engagement. Information was also placed on Council’s online community engagement portal “Your Voice” including social and print media. The comments received as part of the community engagement process are attached (Attachment 3) The GBDG, advised that they met with the State Government’s representative on 13 February 2018 to discuss the introduction of the new mobile food vendor legislation. The GDBG reviewed the Draft Mobile Food Vendor Policy and consider that the introduction of Mobile Food Vendors to the region, under the guidelines and conditions presented. They advised that the mobile food vendors would provide a boost to the local economy and provide consumers with alternative options for dining. Whilst there may be some disapproval from bricks and mortar food retailers who feel they may lose business, the restriction on hours and location of operation for mobile food vendors will hopefully allay those concerns. The GDBG have shared the information provided by Council and the Office of The Small Business Commissioner with their members and no negative feedback has been received to date (Attachment 3).



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COMMENTS/DISCUSSION Council is required to adopt a policy setting out locations within the Town of Gawler in which mobile food vending businesses may operate (Attachment 1 - DRAFT Mobile Food Vendor Policy, Attachment 2 - DRAFT Map – Mobile Food Vendor Locations). It will be a requirement under the Local Government Act 1999 that a copy of the location rules is published on our website. Council’s location rules will show the locations through the use of maps in which mobile food vending businesses are permitted to operate within the Town of Gawler. On the commencement mobile food vendors will be able to apply using the current permit application process to Council for a permit. Council will not be able to refuse permits but the location rules will allow Council to regulate where they can trade and how many mobile food vendors can fit into any given area. The Draft Policy includes hours of operation that may be managed through the application of conditions on to the permit. Council’s administration have identified the following locations as being possibly suitable for mobile food vendors. These locations will also be provided to the Gawler Business Development Group, local business and residents for information and for comment. Location Operating Hours 1. Clonlea Park – Car Park During Park operating hours 2. Pioneer Park – Car Park 10:00am – 10:00pm – except during events unless

part of the event 3 Julian Terrace 10:00am – 10:00pm – except during events unless

part of the event 4. Dead Man’s Pass 5:00pm - 10:00pm 5. Gawler Aquatic Centre –

Car Park After Hours of operation of Aquatic Centre

6. Sport and Community Centre – Car Park

After Hours of operation of Sport and Community Centre.

7. Murray Street After Hours – outside 9am-5pm 8. Gum Tree Plaza After Hours – outside 9am-5pm 9. Gawler Central After Hours – outside 9am-5pm 10. Walker Place After Hours – outside 9am-5pm

Refer to Attachment 2 – Draft Location Map for more information Permits and Fees and Legislative Requirements It is proposed that Permits will be issued in line with Councils current permit process. It should be noted that if any events or functions are planned to occur the mobile food vendor permit will stipulate that the location is not to be used for the duration of the event/function unless that vendor is part of the event or function. Section 224 of the LG Act regulates the conditions of authorisation of a permit. This amendment states that conditions imposed on permits for mobile food vending businesses must be compliant with the location rules and provides for the regulations to impose specific restrictions and requirements in normal or prescribed circumstances. In accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulations 2013.



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Section 25A—Permits for business purposes—mobile food vendors (1) In accordance with section 224(2) of the Act, the following requirements relating to

conditions of a permit for the purposes of a mobile food vending business are prescribed:

(a) a council is prohibited from imposing a condition restricting the kind of food that may be sold by the mobile food vending business;

(b) a condition imposed by a council requiring the payment of a fee in relation to the permit—

(i) must allow the permit holder to elect to pay either an annual or monthly fee; and

(ii) must not require the payment of a fee exceeding —

(A) in the case of an annual fee—$2 000 per year (excluding GST); or

(B) In the case of a monthly fee—$200 per month (excluding GST);

(c) a council must ensure that the permit is subject to—

(i) a condition requiring the permit holder to have insurance of a kind specified by the council (such as public liability insurance); and

(ii) conditions requiring that the operation of the mobile food vending business not unduly interfere with—

(A) vehicles driven on roads; or

(C) a parking area for people with disabilities (within the meaning of rule 203(2) of the Australian Road Rules); or

(D) public transport or cycling infrastructure (such as bus zones, taxi zones and bike lanes); or

(E) other road related infrastructure; or

(F) infrastructure designed to give access to roads, footpaths and buildings; and

(iii) conditions requiring compliance with requirements under—

(A) the Food Act 2001; and

(B) the South Australian Public Health Act 2011; and

(C) the Environment Protection Act 1993; and

(D) the Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016; and

(E) the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 and Road Traffic Act 1961; and

(F) any law or legislative provision relating to electrical or gas installations or appliances; and

(G) any other relevant law or legislative provision relating to health, safety or the environment.

The process for the issuing of a permit is as per the Local Government Act 1999, S.224 (2).



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224—Conditions of authorisation or permit (1) A council may grant an authorisation or permit under this Division on conditions

the council considers appropriate.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), a condition made in relation to a permit for the purposes of a mobile food vending business under section 222 must be consistent with—

(a) the location rules adopted by the council under section 225A; and

(b) any requirement prescribed by the regulations.

(3) Without limiting subsection (2), the regulations may—

(a) r equire that certain conditions be imposed in prescribed cases; and

(b) prohibit the imposition of certain conditions in prescribed cases; and

(c) prescribe requirements in relation to conditions relating to the payment of fees.

(4) Subsection (2)(a) does not apply in relation to a permit for the purposes of a mobile food vending business primarily engaged in the sale of ice cream.

Council does have the option to permit mobile food vending businesses to determine their own sites and operate anywhere in the council area. The draft policy however will with the aid of the location map stipulate where these trading areas will be. If a vendor is not satisfied with these rules, they can ask the Small Business Commissioner to direct the council to change our rules. Council will need to consider any recommendation made by the Small Business Commissioner. If a food business is aggrieved by the location rules, they will be able to ask the Small Business Commissioner to review them. The Small Business Commissioner will be able to accept the location rules as they are or can recommend that Council change them. If Councils decide against changing the location rules, under these amendments, they will be required to provide their reasons for doing so. Should the original applicant not be satisfied with the outcome, they will be permitted to ask the Small Business Commissioner to direct the council to change their location rules. If the Small Business Commissioner directs the council to change their location rules and the council refuses, a penalty of $5,000 will apply. The Small Business Commissioner has the ultimate power to decide what areas of council will be appropriate for mobile food vendors to conduct their business. Exemptions Ice cream vans will be exempt from these provisions because of the nature of their business operations which involve moving from location to location.

Community, church and not-for-profit organisations will be exempt from any fees associated with the granting of a permit.



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Outcomes of Public Consultation Council received five (5) submissions via “Your Voice Gawler”. There were no questions in the responses. One (1) email was received separately via Councils email address. All responses were positive and some included suggestions which included flexible trading hours at different times throughout the year e.g. summer, winter and holidays (Attachment 3).

The GBDG has reviewed the Draft Mobile Food Vendor Policy and consider that the introduction of Mobile Food Vendors to the region, under the guidelines and conditions presented, would provide a boost to the local economy and provide consumers with alternative options for dining. They provided the following comment: “Whilst there may be some disapproval from bricks and mortar food retailers who feel they may lose business, the restriction on hours and location of operation for mobile food vendors will hopefully allay those concerns. We have shared the information provided by Council and the Office of The Small Business Commissioner with our members and no negative feedback has been received to date".

COMMUNICATION (INTERNAL TO COUNCIL) Communication between Council’s Development, Environment and Regulatory Services and Infrastructure, Engineering Services, Recreation and Community Services has occurred. CONSULTATION (EXTERNAL TO COUNCIL) External consultation has occurred with the Local Government Association and Councils Solicitors. Further consultation will be undertaken with the Gawler Business Development Group, permanent food premises, local businesses and residents. POLICY IMPLICATIONS A draft Council policy has been prepared to assist with the new location rules. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS The Local Government Act 1993, Local Government (General) (Mobile Food Vendors) Variation Regulations 2017, Food Act 2011, and; Development Act 1993 are the primary legislation related to this issue. FINANCIAL/BUDGET IMPLICATIONS Additional costs may be associated with the installation of any prescriptive signage and or line or road markings identifying and delineating mobile food vendor locations. Street signs may cost up to $150 each (sign, post and spear). At a minimum two signs would be required at each site delineating the area. Some sites may only require information signs attached to existing poles. An audit would be conducted post Council endorsement of the location plan. Expenditure of approx. ($1,500-$2,000) and revenue implications associated with the planning and implementation of location rules and permit application processing have been provided for within the 2018/19 draft budget.



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COMMUNITY PLAN Objective 1.4: Create a vibrant and active, event filled council area Objective 2.1: Physical and social infrastructure to match population growth Objective 2.4: The local environment to be respected Objective 2.5: Manage growth through the real connection of people and places Objective 3.1: Health and social wellbeing services in Gawler to meet growing regional

community needs



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Item Number 7.8 Title DRAFT CATS BY-LAW Date 12 June 2018 Author(s) Jack Darzanos, Team Leader Environment and

Regulatory Services

Reference CC10/3044; CR18/28337; CR17/33424; CR17/12968

Previous Motion Council 26/4/2017, Motion No: 2017:04:110 Attachment/s Under Separate Cover

1. DRAFT Cat By-Law 2. A Guide to Preparing a Cat By-Law

OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION Item 7.8 – Draft Cats By-Law (CC10/3044) That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends to Council that it: 1. Notes the Draft Cats By-Law report. 2. Endorses the Draft Cats By-law 2017 as attached for consultation in

accordance with the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 and the Local Government Act 1999, as follows: a. Council endorse draft By-law No 6 – Cats, as attached to the report for the

purposes of public consultation in accordance with Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1999.

b. Commence formal statutory consultation with the Dog and Cat Management Board with respect to the Draft Cats By-law 2017 under Sections 90(5)(a) and (b) of the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995; and;

c. Twenty one (21) days after providing the Draft Cats By-law 2017 to the Dog and Cat Management Board, provided the Dog and Cat Management Board does not require any changes to the Draft Cats By-law 2017, commence the public consultation process under Section 249(1) of the Local Government Act 1999 by:

i. Authorising the Chief Executive Officer to make copies of the draft By-law available for public inspection without charge at the principal office of the Council during ordinary office hours.

ii. Authorising the Chief Executive Office to publish a notice informing the public of the availability of the draft By-law and its general terms and effect in The Bunyip.

3. Staff prepare a report to a future Council meeting on the outcomes of the community consultation.



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BACKGROUND At its 26 April 2017 meeting Council adopted the following motion:

Moved by Cr M Nicolson Seconded by Cr D Hughes Motion No: 2017:04:110

That Council adopts the recommendation from the Infrastructure and Environmental Committee made at item 7.4 of the meeting of that Committee meeting held on 11 April 2017, being:

Motion No: IES:2017:04:11 That the Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee recommends to Council that Staff proceed to prepare a draft Cat By-Law and present to a future Committee meeting for consideration.

Following the Council meeting a draft “Cats By-Law” was prepared by the administration and forwarded to Council’s external legal services provider to review in accordance with the Local Government Act 1999. The Town of Gawler Animal Management Plan 2014-2017 (the plan) was developed by a reference group that comprised Council staff and Council Members. Stakeholder and Community input was sought through a consultation process undertaken in early 2014 which guided the development of the Plan and ensured it addressed priority animal management issues identified by community. The plan identifies Cat Management as one of the key areas to be addressed. Strategy 5.1 provides for the investigation and implementation of a Cats By-law including potential cat exclusion zones adjoining wildlife areas. The draft By-Law was (Attachment 1) mirrored on the Dog and Cat Management Board guide to preparing a Cats By-law (Attachment 2). The objects of the Dog and Cat Management Act, 1995 in this regard are:

a) to encourage responsible dog and cat ownership; b) to reduce public and environmental nuisance caused by dogs and cats; c) to promote the effective management of dogs and cats (including through

encouragement of the de-sexing of dogs and cats). COMMENTS/DISCUSSION A key strategic priority of the Dog and Cat Management Board is to improve the management and care of owned and unowned cats. By-Laws are proven to reduce cat management issues, improve cat welfare and help address community concerns. The Board welcomes an increase in both the number of Councils using By-Laws and the extent of matters addressed in them. The Board also strongly supports provisions for micro-chipping and de-sexing of cats.



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The Dog and Cat Management Board have advised that of the sixty eight (68) Council’s in South Australia approximately twenty (20) Councils currently have some form of Cat By-Law. Many simply set a limit on the number of cats a person may own, and include provisions for nuisance. Few Councils require mandatory identification or the registration of cats. However, for effective enforcement of a cat by-law, it is recommended that cats need to be identified with an owner. Cat By-Laws can address:

a) Registration of cats b) Limit the number of cats c) Identification by micro-chip or collar and tag d) De-sexing e) Curfews f) Confinement and/or control g) Nuisance and wandering at large.

The draft Cats By-Law (as provided as Attachment 1) prepared by Norman’s Lawyers is based on the draft By-Law provided by Council administration. Norman’s have reviewed and amended the By-Law to provide clarity and certainty regarding its operation as follows:

a) Certain provisions regarding the cat registration scheme have been specifically designed to mirror the provisions contained within the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 (as amended from 1 July 2017) with respect to the registration of dogs;

b) The draft by-law includes for the regulation of cats wandering at large. The scheme, as drafted, provides the Council with the ability to set a commencement date for the prohibition (to allow a longer lead in time for educational purposes), to set designated areas where wandering is allowed or not, and to set certain time spans during a day when the prohibition is not in force (i.e. to allow wandering during the day but not at night). These draft provisions can be removed or varied at Council’s direction;

c) The microchipping provisions mirror the provisions in the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 (as amended from 1 July 2017).

The document is a draft and it is anticipated that the consultation period will provide an opportunity for feedback and comments from Council on the draft By-Law. The Process The procedure for making by-laws is set out in Chapter 12 Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1999. To assist Council in its consideration and passing of the by-law, the process below outlines what is required. 1. Council drafts the proposed by-law.

2. Council must, at least 42 days before resolving to make the Cat By-law (and 21 days before resolving to commence public consultation), refer the draft by-law to the Dog and Cat Management Board, together with a report:

a) outlining the objects of the proposed by-law, and;

b) setting out how it is proposed to implement or enforce the proposed by-law; and



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c) explaining the reasons for any difference in the proposed by-law from other by-laws about a similar subject matter applying or proposed to apply in other council areas.

Council must consider any recommendations of the Dog and Cat Management Board relating to the by-law. 3. Council must, at least 21 days before resolving to make the by-law, by notice in a

newspaper circulating in the area, inform the public of the availability of the proposed by-law and set out the terms of the by-law, or describe in general terms the by-law’s nature and effect.

At the conclusion of the public consultation period, the Council must give reasonable consideration to any submissions made in respect of the by-law. 4. The by-law (and any code, standard or other document proposed to be applied or

incorporated by the by-law) must be made available for public inspection at the Council’s office at least 21 days before the meeting at which it is proposed to make the by-law.

5. Council must, pursuant to Section 247(c) of the Act, consider the by-law in light of the Competition Principles Agreement, i.e. the National Competition Policy, to determine if any parts of the by-law have the potential to restrict competition.

Section 247(c) of the Act provides that a by-law must:

‘avoid restricting competition to any significant degree unless the Council is satisfied that there is evidence that the benefits of the restriction to the community outweigh the costs of the restriction, and that the objectives of the by-law can only be reasonably achieved by the restriction.’

Council must therefore consider a report which clarifies the objectives of the draft by-law, identifies the nature of any potential restrictions on competition, analyses the likely effect of such restrictions and considers any alternative means of achieving the same controls including non-legislative approaches. If Council wishes to continue to make the by-law it must be ‘satisfied’ that the benefits outweigh any detriment that may be caused by its adoption in that form. 6. Council must obtain a Solicitors Certificate for the by-law pursuant to Section

249(4) of the Act. This document should certify that in the opinion of the legal practitioner the Council has the power to make the by-law by virtue of a statutory power specified in the certificate and the by-law is not in conflict with the Act. The certificate will be sought following endorsement of the draft by-law.

7. A report to the Legislative Review Committee must be prepared outlining the reasons and objectives of the by-law, the effect of each clause, administrative and policing strategies, the Council’s consideration of its obligations under the National Competition Policy and the consultation undertaken, including who was consulted, when and their response.

8. Council must consider the by-law at a full meeting, and if any changes are required, the by-law must be sent back to the Council’s solicitors for a fresh Solicitors Certificate. Council must re-advertise the by-law in accordance with paragraphs 4 and 5 above. Changes to the report to the Legislative Review Committee may also be required.



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9. If the by-law is adopted by Council, the resolution making the by-law must be passed at a meeting of Council where at least two-thirds of the members of the Council are present and the resolution is supported by an absolute majority of the members of the Council.

10. The Chief Executive Officer must sign two copies of the by-law, and insert the date of the meeting at which it was made and forward one copy to the Government Printer immediately so that it can be published in the Gazette. The Subordinate Legislation Act 1978 provides that a by-law must be published forthwith.

11. The by-law must be laid before Parliament and provided to the Legislative Review Committee within 6 sitting days.

The Legislative Review Committee considers the by-law and if it forms the opinion that the by-law should be disallowed it must report the opinion and the grounds for it to both Houses of Parliament within fourteen sitting days, and, if Parliament is not in Session, it may, before reporting to Parliament, report its opinion and the grounds for it to the Council.

The by-law will take effect four months from the date of Gazettal, but may be disallowed by Parliament - a notice of notion for disallowance may be moved within fourteen sitting days. When a motion for disallowance is passed it is published in the Gazette.

12. Pursuant to Section 249(7) of the Act, Council must publish a notice of the making

of a by-law in a newspaper circulating in the area of the Council.

13. Council is required pursuant to Section 252 of the Act to cause a separate register to be kept of all by-laws made or adopted by the Council.

14. Council will set by resolution expiation fees for breaches of the by-law unless the

expiation fees are set by by-law.

As part of the process to implement a Cats By-Law, Council will continue to liaise with its external legal service provider to prepare the necessary reports and to provide the Council with the Solicitors Certificate. This will also include preparing the necessary documentation to the Gazette and to the Legislative Review Committee. It is estimated the cost will be approximately $10,000. Prior to commencing this process a community engagement program will be conducted by the administration in accordance with Councils Community Engagement Policy. Introduction and Cat Registration Council does not currently have the resources to manage a Cat By-Law. Council has received over the last three years approximately 264 cat complaints including the hire of cat traps. If Council were to introduce a Cat By-law with provisions covering registration and limiting the number of cats subject to conditions it would be recommended that a first year amnesty be introduced to register cats with fees introduced at the end of the prescribed 12 month period. A registration fee would then apply with incentives to cat owners to de-sex and microchip their cats as per the requirements of the Dog and Cat Management Act 1995. This would reduce the burden of the initial cost of registration to cat owners.



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Year 1 Ordinary Concession

Registration Free Non- microchipped or de-sexed N/A $45.00 Standard - Micro-chipped and de-sexed

N/A $30.00

Pensioner concession - micro-chipped and de-sexed

N/A $15.00

Late registration fee N/A $10.00 $10.00 Financial Model (example only) At this stage it is unknown just how many cats are within the Town of Gawler. Some estimates suggest cat ownership equates to 30% of residential properties (Animal Medicines Australia 2016). On the figure of 30% we could estimate that of the 9742 rateable residential properties up to 2922 properties could have cats. At $30 per cat on average this could equate to approximately $87,660in registration fees. The fees would assist with education campaigns and community initiatives in cat management along with an increase to resources to provide these programs. COMMUNICATION (INTERNAL TO COUNCIL) Communication and consultation has occurred between Council’s Environment and Regulatory Services area and the Town of Gawler’s staff including the Community Development Officer, Leadership Group and Executive. CONSULTATION (EXTERNAL TO COUNCIL) Consultation has occurred with State and Local Government agencies such as Natural Resource Management Board, Dog and Cat Management Board, Department Environment and Water, Animal Welfare League and the RSPCA. Community / stakeholder engagement will also be undertaken utilising a public notice, social media, Council’s website and online portal “Your Voice”. Additionally, hard copies of the information will be provided at numerous Council sites and local vets. It is proposed to seek further information and conduct research following endorsement from Council by creating partnerships with the University of South Australia’s, Discovery Circle, Cat tracker Program and the University of Adelaide’s School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at Roseworthy who have conducted recent projects into cats for other Councils. The University of Adelaide can assist by providing a Veterinary Student between July and November 2018 to undertake a Cat Management Project examining cat habits and behaviours. The discovery circle project can assist with examining cat tracking data to determine cat activity. Any partnering opportunities will require further investigation and endorsement. Council has also discussed the draft Cat By-Law with its legal services provider.



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POLICY IMPLICATIONS Council policy and/or procedures may need to be created to support the application of the Cat By-Law if adopted by Council. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS By-Laws, when operative, have the force of legislation creating criminal offences for breach of the By-Law provisions. The Statutory procedures for making By-Laws are set out in Part 1 of Chapter 12 of the Local Government Act 1999, but reference will also be required to the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978 and Regulations. Dog & Cat Management Act 1995 Section 90 By-laws (5) The Local Government Act 1999 applies to by-laws made under this section

subject to the following modifications: (a) a council must, at least 42 days before resolving to make the by-law (and

consequently at least 21 days before public notice of the proposed by-law is given) refer the proposed by-law to the Board; and

(b) at the same time the council must provide a report to the Board— (i) outlining the objects of the proposed by-law; and (ii) setting out how it is proposed to implement or enforce the proposed

by-law; and (iii) explaining the reasons for any difference in the proposed by-law

from other by-laws about a similar subject matter applying or proposed to apply in other council areas; and

(c) the council must consider any recommendations of the Board relating to the by-law.

Local Government Act 1999 Section 246 Power to make by-laws Section 249—Passing by-laws (1) If it is proposed that a council make a by-law, the council must, at least 21 days

before resolving to make the by-law— (a) make copies of the proposed by-law (and any code, standard or other

document proposed to be applied or incorporated by the by-law) available for public inspection, without charge and during ordinary office hours, at the principal office of the council, and so far as is reasonably practicable on the Internet; and

(b) by notice in a newspaper circulating in the area of the council— (i) inform the public of the availability of the proposed by-law; and (ii) set out the terms of the by-law, or describe in general terms the by-

law's nature and effect. (2) A council must give reasonable consideration to a written or other acceptable

submission made to the council on a proposed by-law. (3) A by-law cannot be made unless—

(a) the by-law is made at a meeting of the council where at least two-thirds of the members of the council are present; and

(b) the relevant resolution is supported by an absolute majority of members of the council.



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(4) A council must not make a by-law unless or until the council has obtained a

certificate, in the prescribed form, signed by a legal practitioner certifying that, in the opinion of the legal practitioner—

(a) the council has power to make the by-law by virtue of a statutory power specified in the certificate; and

(b) the by-law is not in conflict with this Act. (5) Subject to subsection (6), a by-law comes into operation four months after the day

on which it is published in the Gazette or from a later day or days fixed in the by-law.

(6) A by-law may take effect from an earlier day specified in the by-law if— (a) it revokes a by-law without making provision in substitution for that by-law;

or (b) it corrects an error or inaccuracy in a by-law; or (c) it is required for the purposes of an Act that will come into operation on

assent or less than four months after assent; or (d) it confers a benefit on a person (other than the council or an authority of the

council) and does not operate so as— (i) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to a person (other than the council

or an authority of the council), the rights of that person existing before the date of commencement of the by-law; or

(ii) to impose a liability on a person (other than the council or an authority of the council) in respect of anything done or omitted to be done before the date of commencement of the by-law; or

(e) the council has been formed by the amalgamation of two or more councils and the by-law (or a by-law in substantially the same terms) was previously in force in the area of a council that has been amalgamated.

(7) A council must publish a notice of the making of a by-law under this section in a newspaper circulating in the area of the council.

(8) Section 10AA of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978 does not apply to a by-law of a council.

FINANCIAL/BUDGET IMPLICATIONS A ‘below the line’ (i.e. unfunded) budget bid of $15,000 is currently referenced in the 2018/19 draft budget, to undertake and commence processes associated with a Cats by-law. Council does not currently have the resources to manage a Cat By-Law. There will also be operating costs associated with the implementation of the Cat By-Law such as:

a) Community education; b) Producing printable information; c) Printing and mailing out cat registration forms; d) Processing registrations at customer services; e) Staff costs i.e.

a. Undertaking enforcement and compliance activities; b. Action on default of the By-Law by issuing an expiation notice and or

commencing legal proceedings; f) Resource (0.4 - 0.5 FTE Cat Management Officer) increase due to extra

workloads. Will be determined by the number of registrations received and cat door knock to identify unregistered cats.



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Page 80: NOTICE OF MEETING · NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of Section 87(4) of the Local Government Act, 1999, that the next meeting of the Town of Gawler Infrastructure

Some estimates suggest cat ownership equates to 30% of residential properties (Animal Medicines Australia 2016). On these figures we could estimate that of the 9742 rateable residential properties in the Town of Gawler up to 2922 properties could have cats. At $30 per cat on average this could equate to approximately $87,660in registration fees. The fees would assist with education campaigns and community initiatives in cat management along with an increase to resources. COMMUNITY PLAN Objective 1.3: Protect and promote Gawler’s unique heritage Objective 2.4: The local environment to be respected Objective 3.1: Health and social wellbeing services in Gawler to meet growing regional

community needs Objective 4.1: Create and maintain a riverine environment that reflects the social,

cultural and landscape values of the river corridor Objective 4.5: Support provision of useable open space that preserves habitat and

biodiversity Objective 5.2: Be recognised as a ‘best practice’ Local Government organisation



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