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Template for the Curriculum and Instruction Activity

EDUC 2020

Dr. Harrison Means

As announced and read in class, there are InTASC standards for curriculum and instruction as well as assessment. So, this curriculum and instruction activity builds on those standards. (See the textbook page nine and go to the InTASC website to review the standards.)

My basic objective for the Curriculum/Instruction activity is as follows:

Each student in Dr. Means EDUC 2020 class will demonstrate cognitive proficiencies for selecting a standard, explaining the meaning of the standard, plus turning the meaning into five well sequenced behavioral objectives with appropriate activities and assessment included in the Unit Plan, and in one fully developed lesson plan. The achievement expectation level is a grade of A or B based on the criteria shown below. (This means creating a unit plan which is standards based and one fully developed lesson plan per person done in such a way that an intelligent, resourceful substitute teacher could successfully use it).

The procedure:

1.Each student or group should go to the state standards or to subject area standards to select a standard to use for the curriculum development. (Also, for example, some standards for teaching Spanish are at --search the web for other subject areas if they are not on the Nebraska Standards or the Common Core Standards which have been adopted by many states, but not Nebraska nor about four other states.)

2.Copy the standard and prepare a one or two paragraph explanation of what the standard is asking students to learn and teachers to teach. Copy and paste the standard and explanatory information into the text box below. The box should expand to hold all your information. If it does not simply insert your words here and properly label them. In front of the standard and explanation should be a cover page which lists the group members and the team leader.

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Nebraska FA 8.4.3.d Connect music to historical and cultural contexts, the arts (glossary), and other disciplines through responding.

This standard is asking teachers to connect music to historical and cultural events. Not only is it asking teachers to connect music to historical and cultural, but all of the arts so the visual arts, media arts, dance, and theater. This standard is also asking for teachers to examine and evaluate elements of music and how the portray moods, feelings and how they are being used in the piece. This Standard is asking a lot with a very little, So with that there can be a lot of grey area, a lot of wiggle room to really form your own curriculum and way to teach a this standard.

3.Name the unit plan and write a rationale for it. (A rationale is a reason for doing something. In this case, it is an explanation of the importance for doing the learning.) Insert the name of the plan and the rationale in the textbox below.Bizarre Music: I would use this lesson around the time of Holloween In my music theory class. It would be about music inspired by the spooky and bizarre. Students will learn about orchestra program music by exploring the works of Hector Berlioz, Camille Saint-Sans and Sergei Rachmaninoff. Students will learn about Symphonie Fantastique, Danse Macabre and the Isle of the dead. The students will be able to identify and analyze the musical terms and concepts in each piece, write a short story and based on the analysis from days previous, and also know when a piece being played is was composed by one of the three composers.

4.Then develop and write five behavioral objectives using Audience, Behavior (cognitive proficiency), Conditions or activity(ies) for learning, and Degree of learning with an assessment product, plus a performance level for the product (ABCD). (See the example objective near the top of this document.) More than one sentence for all this content is acceptable. List each of the objectives in full here and use bullets to separate them.

1. Students in my Music Theory class will be able to identify the following elements in music including, theme, tempo, and dynamics, and detect their use in music excerpts by listening to the following pieces, Symphonie Fantastique, Danse Macabre and the Isle of the dead. Within listening to these in class we will have an in class participation on what makes up these things in the pieces. I expect everyone in my class to participate, and do the worksheet handed out in class.

A. Audience for this, are the students.Page 3B. The students will be able to identify several elements in music.

C. When listening to music the students will be able to identify some of the many elements in music.D. I expect all the students in my theory class to participate in the discussion, we will also complete a worksheet

2. Each student in my music theory class will demonstrate musical proficiency by being able to describe the literary inspirations for program music such as that by Hector Berlioz, Camille Saint-Saens, and Sergei Rachmaninoff. By the end of the week the students will have a multiple choice test as well as a one page story and on that test will be some questions on the literary inspirations of the composers.

A. The audience for this objective is the students in my music theory class.B. The students will be able to identify literary inspirations for music written by Hector Berlioz, Camille Saint-Saens, and Sergei Rachmaninoff.C. The students will become proficient both in listening and looking at the following pieces Isle of the Dead, Symphonie Fantastique, or Danse Macabre. Through further analysis they will have an idea of what inspired the composers to write these pieces.D. At the end of the week students will have a multiple choice test as well as a one page story on what they thought of the music and what they really liked and what they didn't like, on the test I expect 22 out of 25 correct.

3. All students in my Music theory class will show proficiencies by being able to identify and label the correct chords in excepts of the following pieces pieces Symphonie Fantastique, Danse Macabre and the Isle of the dead. At the end of the week along with the multiple choice test they will be given an excerpt of one of the three pieces and will be asked to do a chordal analysis of the pieces. I expect the students to get 90% of the chords correct.

A. This is directed towards everyone the students in my theory class.B. The students will become proficient in chordal analysis of pieces.C. Students will be able to analyze a piece of music and determine what chords are used and for what purposes they are being used.D. I at the end of the week there will be a short excerpt along with there multiple choice test in which they will have to analyze. I expect the students to get 90% of the chords correct.

4 Every student in my theory class will be instructed to write there own short piece of music roughly 12 or more bars with the literary elements discussed in class from days previous. Included in there piece must be some form of the elements that they liked from the music that we had listened to. While they are writing there piece they must include theme, tempo, and dynamics. These will be due in two weeks after we have started talking about other composers.

A. Audience again are the students in my theory class.B. The students will have to write a short composition imitating the works of Camille Saint-Saens, Hector Berlioz, and Sergei Rachmaninoff. C. Students will be become proficient in being able to compose a short piece of music.D. I expect students to have pretty decent composition, not expecting a work of mozart given this is probably there first time composing a piece of music. I do expect proper chordal progressions, use of tempos, some dynamics, and an overall theme. These will be due in two weeks.

5. All students in my Music theory class will show proficiencies by being able to identify other works by Sergei Rachmaninoff, Hector Berlioz, and Camille Saint-Saens. On the multiple choice test there will be a listening portion where I will play 6 examples each played 3 times, 4 will be from one of the previous composers and the other 2 will be of composers we will talk about in the next lesson.

A. This also is directed towards the students in my theory class.B. The students will be able to identify composers through different compositions, using previous techniques in other piecesC. The students will become very proficient in being able identify other pieces by listening for key techniques used.D. At the end of the week there will be a multiple choice test as listed before, and on that test there will be 6 listening examples each played 3 times. out of those 6. I expect the students to get 4 correct.

5.Then each student in each curriculum group is to use one of the objectives to develop, fully, one lesson plan for the unit plan which has enough detail for an intelligent substitute teacher to follow. If there is only one person in the group then there will be one plan fully developed and the others will be simply described. If there are six persons in the group then there must be six objectives and six lesson plans. As shown in class, each lesson plan needs: A) an objective, B) a description of the students, C) materials and where the substitute teacher can find them, D) procedures for using the materials and explanations of the activities in the lesson (with estimated time allocations for each procedure or activity), E) an explanation of the assessment and the data that must be collected, F) Closure and a place for notes for the next class session. (Note: Please see chapters 14 and 15 in your textbook for conceptual assistance.)

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6.Each individual, or group, must turn in to me the complete packet of the unit. This template, when completed, should meet the requirements. To review--there must be a cover page which gives the name of the unit and the name of each participant in the group. The group leader should be marked. If there was no leader, then do not name one. Underneath the cover page should be all of the material named/listed above. Turn the entire collection in as a single packet on the due date when the call for papers is made in class. Attach the lesson plans here or at the end of the Unit. (You can upload this entire digital packet to your wiki.)

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Monday 5/4/15

Good Afternoon, Sorry I could not be there I am at a music educators conference in Lincoln, Should you have questions John (the choir director) or Patti (the orchestra director could help you) as they do not have class at this time.

Music Theory 4th Period Duration:1hr 30min

Some students to be aware of:Billie - He will try to draw your attention away from his friend chris who likes to cause some troubleChris - The trouble maker in the class his buddy billie will try to draw your attention away from him

Some students to help you out:Cathy - Really good girl, she can help pass out papers or if need be get Patti, or John to help youLevi - Really likes theory and can help answer some of the more complex questions if the students have any

Objective: Todays objective is to get the students in the music theory class familiar with the following pieces Danse Macabre by Camille Saint-Saens, Isle of the Dead by Sergei Rachmaninoff, and Symphonie Fantastique by Hector Berlioz.

1. Before the class comes in get the CDs that are already on the desk ready.2. When the class comes in hand everyone the green worksheet that was under the stack of CDs. this worksheet will be done in class. If you need help handing them out have Cathy (front row third from the right) hand them out. 3. Once they are handed out instruct the students not to write on them yet but simply look over the questions.4. Then start the Danse Macabre CD (this is the CD with the yellow cover) Listen to the whole thing this is a short piece.5. Once listened through have the students start the worksheet, while they are doing it asked the students questions about what they felt in the piece if they heard an overall theme. 6. Beware Billie will try his hardest to get as much attention as possible answering every chance he gets trying to draw attention away from Chris. Maybe call on other students whether they raised there hand or not.7. Once they have completed the portion on Danse Macabre, then start the Symphonie Fantastique CD (This is the CD With the Half Black & Half White cover)8. Play the beginning of the First Movement 0:00-2:30, Page 79. Ask students:

What did they feel as the theme of the piece? What did they feel the piece was trying to portray? If they know of any other compositions by Rachmaninoff? What were the dynamics in the piece like? Where they static just one overall dynamic level? or where they rapidly changing?10. Once you feel that the conversation is complete have them fill out the first part of the Symphonie Fantastique on the work sheet.11. Then play the fourth movement (fourth track) this one you can play the whole movement. This is an important movement in the whole piece. 12. Like before ask what the same questions, also ask them if they had any idea what the movement is entitled (march to the scaffold) and why its called what it is (Hector Berlioz was on drugs and was having a bad trip and imagined that he got his head cut off). 13. Then from there move on to the Isle of the Dead by Sergei Rachmaninoff (this is the CD with Grey upper and really decorative lower). Play roughly the first 5 minutes of the piece.14. Ask students: What did they feel as the theme of the piece? What did they feel the piece was trying to portray? If they know of any other compositions by Rachmaninoff? What were the dynamics in the piece like? Where they static just one overall dynamic level? or where they rapidly changing?15. Once done with that have students fill out the final questions on the work sheet at this time it should be about time to leave.16. At this time call role as some students might have come in late.17. Instruct the students before they leave to keep the work sheet for they will need it again tomorrow. Tell them NOT TO LOSE THE WORKSHEET.

Thank you so much for doing this I will be back on Tuesday,



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NAME ____________________Date ________

LESSON 11: Music of the Bizarre

Danse Macabre:

What was this piece written about?

In Danse Macabre what instrument starts the whole piece with the theme of the piece:

What where the dynamics like? Did they really use the whole spectrum or where they static?

What did you feel when this music was being played? What came across your mind as you were hearing Danse Macabre?

How was the tempo? Was it fast, slow or moderate?

What did you like about this piece?

What didnt you like about the piece?

Symphonie Fantastic:

What was this piece written about?

In Symphonic Fantastic what instrument starts the overall theme of the piece:Page 9

What where the dynamics like? Did they really use the whole spectrum or where they static?

What did you feel when this music was being played? What came across your mind as you were hearing Symphonic Fantastic?

How was the tempo? Was it fast, slow or moderate?

What did you like about this piece?

What didnt you like about the piece?

Isle of the Dead:

What was this piece written about?

In Isle of the Dead what instrument starts the whole piece with the theme of the piece:

What where the dynamics like? Did they really use the whole spectrum or where they static?

What did you feel when this music was being played? What came across your mind as you were hearing Isle of the Dead?

How was the tempo? Was it fast, slow or moderate?Page 10

What did you like about this piece?

What didnt you like about the piece?

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Lesson for Objective 2:

This lesson will entail me, the teacher talking about the history around the time when these pieces where being written, and what really pushed the composers to write them. We will not only talk out the Sergei Rachmaninoff, Hector Berlioz, and Camille Saint-Saens but also others in the time period, the ones who taught the three. We will go over a study guide for them as well as at the end of the week there will be a multiple choice test over many things including the literary inspirations of the pieces.

Lesson for Objective 3:

This lesson will have me teaching basic Schenkerian analysis, looking at how a chord acts in the big picture of a piece. We will look at The three big pieces of Symphonie Fantastic, Danse Macabre, and Isle of the Dead. During this time we will go over what makes a chord, how to write basic chords, and how to look for special chords that makes the piece unique. We will go over excerpts of the pieces and analyse them. As stated previous at the end of the week when we have the week

Lesson for Objective 4:

In the 4th lesson we will go over how to construct a short piece of music using examples from the other pieces. Given the day before we looked at basic Schenkerian analysis, and how the chords are used. We will use that prior knowledge as a sort of spring board to talk about who to compose a piece of music. In there pieces they will have to include examples of a theme, changing dynamics, and changes in tempo. I will tell them that these are going to be due in two weeks so that gives them plenty of time, but its best not to procrastinate and ask questions.

Lessons for Objective 5:

This lesson will use that prior knowledge learned in the previous days, on this day we will start looking at other things that these composers have created, and how they play a role in musical history. We will listen to other pieces that were composed by those three. At the end of the week on there multiple choice test there will be a listening portion where I will play 6 examples 4 of them will be by the three and the other two might be by there teachers (maybe Franz Liszt and Gioachino Rossini). On there test I expect the students to get 4 out of the 6 write.

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Name of the Unit: Bizarre MusicParticipants: Zac Lindquist
