  • 7/31/2019 Notes on Releasing the Ability of God Charles Capp


    Releasing the Ability of God Through Prayer Charles Capps

    The Ability of God

    Every born-again believer has the ability of God abiding in him through the person of

    Jesus Christ.

    God is in you to the degree that His Word is alive in you.

    Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words(Logos expressed desire/will): and my ather will love him, and we will !ome unto him, and

    make our a"ode with him#

    1) God and His Word are One.$ In the "eginning was the %ord, and the %ord was with &od, and the %ord was &od#'

    he Word !as God in the beginning" The Word is God TODAY" he Word !ill ever beGod. Gods Word is !ord o"er all things and e"ery #ir#u$stan#e .#

    %& Gods Word is a Person' God Hi$self

    Jn 1$1%

    1% &nd the Word !as made flesh" and d!elt among us" 'and !e beheld his glory" the

    glory as of the only begotten of the (ather") full of grae and truth.

    *) Gods Word' the Person of (esus Christ' is the Creator of all things seen andunseen.

    Gods Word is the Creator of things seen and unseen)

    Jn :

    All things were made by him* and without him was not any thing made that was made#

    +olossians : -.

    %ho is the image of the invisi"le &od, the first"orn of every !reature:

    or "y him were all things !reated, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visi"le

    and invisi"le, whether 0they "e1 thrones, or dominions, or prin!ipalities, or powers: all

    things were created by him, and for him:

    2 3nd he is "efore all things, and "y him all things !onsist#

    4 3nd he is the head of the "ody, the !hur!h: who is the "eginning, the first"orn from

    the dead* that in all [things] he might have the preeminence.

    . or it pleased 0the ather1 that in him should all fulness dwell*

    Heb 1$1-*$# &od, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers "y

    the prophets,

    5 6ath in these last days spoken unto us "y 0his1 7on,whom he hath appointed heir of

    all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

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    %ho "eing the "rightness of 0his1 glory, and the express image of his person, and

    upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had "y himself purged our sins,

    sat down on the right hand of the Maesty on high;

    +ol 5: .,8

    . or in him dwelleth all the fulness of the &odhead "odily#8 3nd ye are !omplete in him, whi!h is the head of all principality and power:

    %) God is *aithful and True

    Word of God is *aithful and True.

    +ev 1,$11-1*

    # 3nd I saw heaven opened, and "ehold a white horse* and he that sat upon him 0was1

    !alled !aithful and "rue, and in righteousness he doth 9udge and make war#

    5 6is eyes 0were1 as a flame of fire, and on his head 0were1 many !rowns* and he had

    a name written, that no man knew, "ut he himself# 3nd he 0was1 !lothed with a vesture dipped in "lood: and his name is called "he

    #ord of $od.

    ings 1/$1/a

    8 now now that there shall fall unto the earth nothing of the word of the L;

    10amuel *$1,.3nd 7amuel grew, and the L;

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    +& The $aterial ,orld ,as spa,ned by the -pirit ,orld by the Word of God'

    spo/en by God in *aith.

    All things in the %niverse was first conceived in the womb of the &pirit before being

    'delivered( into matter and form.

    )ebrews **:*. +ow faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things

    not seen.

    *aith is the 0stuff that all things #reated are $ade up of..

    he spirit !orld is the real !orld and is eternal. hat7s !here all things are oneivedbefore appearing in the material !orld.

    II +or @:4

    4 %hile we look not at the things whi!h are seen, "ut at the things whi!h are not seen:for the things whi!h are seen 0are1 temporal* "ut the things whi!h are not seen 0are1


    II +or :2

    2 (or we walk "y faith, not "y sight:)

    "he #ord of $od is spirit, and abideth forever:

    Aeter :5

    5 Being "orn again, not of !orrupti"le seed, "ut of in!orrupti"le, by the word of $od,which liveth and abideth for ever.

    "he #ord of $od created the material world:

    6e spake and $it was so' >&enesis

    As# :@-.

    @ or the%ord of the L;

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    1& The entire uni"erse stands and $o"es in obedien#e to Gods Word.

    Gods Word #reates and upholds the $aterial ,orld

    Hebre!s 11$* hrough faith !e understand that the ,orlds ,ere fra$ed by the ,ord

    of God' so that things ,hi#h are seen ,ere not $ade of things ,hi#h do appear .

    )ebrews **:*. +ow faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things

    not seen.

    !aith is the 'stuff( that all things created are made up of..

    2& Gods Word is Ali"e and Po,erful and O$nipresent

    Hebre!s %$1 *or the ,ord 3!ogos& of God 4is5 6ui#/' and po,erful' and sharper than

    any t!o edged s!ord" piering even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit" and of the8oints and marro!" and 9is: a diserner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    Jer *$ *"%",

    5 03m1 I a &od at hand, saith the L;

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    Jeremiah %$6b ># "e!ause I have spoken 0it1, I have purposed 0it1, and will not repent,

    neither will I turn "a!k from it#

    Eum"ers 5:. &od 0is1 not a man, that he should lie* neither the son of man, that he

    should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do 0it1C or hath he spoken, and shall he notmake it goodC

    Datthew 5@: 6eaven and earth shall pass away, "ut my words shall not pass away#

    Dark : 6eaven and earth shall pass away: "ut my words shall not pass away#

    Luke :2 3nd it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail#

    ;& Gods Word abideth fore"er and is eternal)

    < Pet

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    5 3nd I have de!lared unto them thy name, and will de!lare 0it1: that the love

    wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and 4 in them.

    1%) ?n union ,ith God' You ,ill as/ ,hat God as/s' and it shall be doneJn 14$2

    If ye a"ide in me, and my words(

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    When you belie"e' it is first #on#ei"ed in the ,o$b of your spirit and shall be

    $anifest in ti$e.

    The po,er of the Bost High shall o"ershado, you' and you ,ill #on#ei"e in faith)

    Luke : 3nd the angel answered and said unto her, ?he 6oly &host shall !ome uponthee, and the power of the 6ighest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing

    whi!h shall "e "orn of thee shall "e !alled the 7on of &od#

    Luke :@ 3nd "lessed 0is1 she that "elieved: for there shall "e a performan!e of those

    things whi!h were told her from the Lord#

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    *aith ,ill ,or/ ,ithout Prayer' but prayer ,ill not ,or/ ,ithout faith

    ?ar= 11$*" %

    *aith a#tion)* (or verily 3 say unto you" hat !hosoever shall say unto this mountain" Ae

    thou removed" and be thou ast into the sea> and shall not doubt in his heart'but shall belie"e that those things ,hi#h he saith shall #o$e to pass he shall

    ha"e ,hatsoe"er he saith.

    Prayer *aith Re#ei"ing in *aith)

    % herefore 3 say unto you" What things soe"er ye desire" !hen ye pray"

    belie"e that ye re#ei"e 4the$5' and ye shall ha"e 4the$5.

    %>& Confession brings possession)

    -pea/ in faith in line ,ith Gods ,ill ,hat you spea/ $ust refle#t your faith.

    (esus did not say ,hat you pray ,ill #o$e to pass' nor ,hat your belie"e ,ill #o$e

    to pass' but ,hat you -P@AI ,ill #o$e to pass.

    -ay ,hat you belie"e' re#ei"e ,hat you say.

    Anything you spea/ in faith shall #o$e to pass 3basis for blessing J #ursing&

    ?ar= 11$*" %

    5 or verily I say unto you, ?hat whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be

    thou removed, and "e thou !ast into the sea* and shall not dou"t in his heart,

    "ut shall "elieve that those things whi!h he saith shall !ome to pass* he shallhave whatsoever he saith#

    5@ ?herefore I say unto you, %hat things soever ye desire, when ye pray, "elieve

    that ye re!eive 0them1, and ye shall have 0them1

    +omans 1/$1/

    or with the heart man "elieveth unto righteousness* and with the mouth !onfession ismade unto salvation#

    Heb 1/$*5 Let us hold fast the profession of 0our1 faith without wavering* (for he 0is1 faithful

    that promised*)

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    The pro$ised land is our rest in rede$ption.

    *ear not the e"il reports fro$ the ene$y of your faith.

    um 1*$*/8 3nd +ale" stilled the people "efore Doses, and said, Let us go up at on!e, and

    possess it* for we are well a"le to over!ome it#

    (Be!ause +ale" "elieved &odHs %ord against the odds, he made it into the promised land)

    God told 3srael that He had given them the promised land" but they had to go in to

    possess it.

    Josh 16$*

    3nd Joshua said unto the !hildren of Israel, 6ow long 0are1 ye sla!k to go to

    possess the land, whi!h the L;

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    ?r= 11$*

    (or verily 3 say unto you" hat !hosoever shall say unto this mountain" Ae thou removed"and be thou ast into the sea> and shall not doubt in his heart" but shall belie"e that thosethings ,hi#h he saith shall #o$e to pass he shall ha"e ,hatsoe"er he saith.

    Gods Word says a $an -HA!! HA@ WHAT-O@@R H@ -A?TH' if he belie"es

    and doubts not in his heart and also that anything he desires' ,hen he prays and

    belie"es that he re#ei"es the$' he -HA!! ha"e the$. This is Gods Word ?t is


    Cor %$1*

    1* We having the same spirit of faith" aording as it is !ritten" ? belie"ed' and

    therefore ha"e ? spo/en ,e also belie"e' and therefore spea/

    Bu=e ;$%4 & good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that !hih is

    good> and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that !hih isevil$ for of the abundan#e of the heart his $outh spea/eth.

    +om 1/$1/" 12

    1/ (or !ith the heart man believeth unto righteousness> and ,ith the $outh #onfessionis $ade unto sal"ation.


    Heb 11$11"1

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    ?hrough faith also 7ara herself re!eived strength to !on!eive seed, and was delivered

    of a !hild when she was past age, "e!ause she 9udged him faithful who had promised#

    5 "herefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, [so many] as thestars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.

    They are not $anifest yet' but you ha"e re#ei"ed Gods Word' and therefore you

    ha"e re#ei"ed the$ in your spirit.

    6e"rews @:@ 7eeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the

    heavens, Jesus the 7on of &od, let us hold fast 0our1 profession#

    6e"rews 8:5 Let us hold fast the profession of 0our1 faith without wavering* (for he0is1 faithful that promised*)

    %hen you hold fast the !onfession of your faith, asking a!!ording to &odHs %ord, Jesus

    stands "efore the ather saying $6e is holding fast to Gour %ord, saying the same thingGou said heHs returning your %ord to you# Eow lets perform 9ust the way he said it#'

    We should tame the tongue @ !hih rules the body$

    What !e spea= onsumes the body @ assimilates through the body$

    Jas *$

    (or in many things !e offend all. 3f any man offend not in !ord" the same 9is: a perfet

    man" 9and: able also to bridle the !hole body

    Dou an even nullify !hat you pray by tal=ing ontrari!ise @ be areful @ espeially to

    tal= your issues !ith Christians !ho as= to share you problems @ they !ill only aggravate

    the situation.


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    ?r= 1;$12"16

    2 3nd these signs shall follow them that "elieve*4n my nameshall they !ast out devils*

    they shall speak with new tongues*4 ?hey shall take up serpents* and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them*

    they shall lay hands on the si!k, and they shall re!over#

    3s 4%$12

    Eo weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper* and every tongue 0that1

    shall rise against thee in 9udgment thou shalt !ondemn# ?his 0is1 the heritage ofthe servants of the L;

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    Gods /ingdo$ is ,ithin us' and that /ingdo$ rules o"er all ,hen Gods /ingdo$

    is established ,ithin you' all things bo, to that /ingdo$.

    All hear/en the "oi#e of His Word.

    &enesis :5# 3nd &od said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let

    them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the!attle, and over all the earth, and over every !reeping thing that !reepeth upon the earth#

    &enesis :54 3nd &od "lessed them, and &od said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,and replenish the earth, and su"due it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and

    over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth#

    As :2 ?he heaven, 0even1 the heavens, 0are1 the L;

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    Bamentations *$1-;

    5# ?his I re!all to my mind, therefore have I hope#55 0It is of1 the L;

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    %8& -tart Than/ing and praising Hi$ in faith for that ,hi#h you belie"e this ,ill

    open the #hannels to re#ei"e freely you are also spea/ing in faith.

    5hilippians %$; -6

    Be !areful for nothing* "ut in every thing by prayer and supplication with

    thanksgiving let your reuests be made known unto $od#Ahil @:-4

    2 3nd thepeace of $od, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and

    minds through hrist

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    =>& *aith ,ill be tested

    Jas 1$-%5# Dy "rethren, !ount it all 9oy when ye fall into divers temptations*

    nowing 0this1, that the trying of your faith worketh patien!e#

    @ But let patien!e have 0her1 perfe!t work, that ye may "e perfe!t and entire, wantingnothing#

    Heb 1$ 1-*# %herefore seeing we also are !ompassed a"out with so great a !loud of witnesses, let

    us lay aside every weight, and the sin whi!h doth so easily "eset 0us1, and let us run with

    patien!e the ra!e that is set "efore us,

    5 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of 0our1 faith* who for the 9oy that was set"efore him endured the !ross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of

    the throne of &od#

    or !onsider him that endured su!h !ontradi!tion of sinners against himself, lest ye "e

    wearied and faint in your minds#

    God allo!s the enemy to test our faith. God7s Word must abide in us through the trial$


    Jesus said Bet us go over to the other side# @ B= 6$ 'his means they !ill surely go

    over to the other side)

    Luke 4:55# Eow it !ame to pass on a !ertain day, that he went into a ship with hisdis!iples: and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake# 3nd they

    laun!hed forth#

    Det !hen they sa! the storms and the !inds" they doubted His !ord. His 0po=en Worddid not abide in them.

    &nd they ried out$ !e perish7

    5@ 3nd they !ame to him, and awoke him, saying, Daster, master, we perish# ?hen he

    arose, and re"uked the wind and the raging of the water: and they !eased, and there was

    a !alm#

    5 3nd he said unto them, %here is your faithC 3nd they "eing afraid wondered, sayingone to another, %hat manner of man is this for he !ommandeth even the winds and

    water, and they o"ey him#

    5 3nd they arrived at the !ountry of the &adarenes, whi!h is over against &alilee#

    he strething of the (aith !or=eth patiene" but there is another temptation7 from theenemy" !hih !or=s to undermine our faith and to steal" =ill and destroy.

    his is !hat Jesus meant o not lead us into temptation" but deliver us from all evil7.

    Evil of !hat he seond =ind of temptation @ from the enemy.

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    emptations @ mean you are liable to fall @ means you aren7t ready for it" but the enemy

    is trying to destroy you.

    When God on the other hand allo!s testsItrials @ it is to streth and strengthen your faith.

    3nd lead us*- E;? where temptation lurks to destroy us, "ut away from where evil lurks>H


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    If ye then, "eing evil, know how to give good gifts unto your !hildren: how mu!h

    more shall 0your1 heavenly ather give the 6oly 7pirit to them that ask himC

    ?att 2$ 11

    If ye then, "eing evil, know how to give good gifts unto your !hildren, how mu!h more

    shall your ather whi!h is in heaven give good things to them that ask him

    +omans 4$12

    2 or if "y one mans offen!e death reigned "y one* mu!h more they whi!h re!eivea"undan!e of gra!e and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life "y one,

    Jesus +hrist#)

    Jn 14$ 2If ye a"ide in me, and my words a"ide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall "e

    done unto you#

    Jn 14$1; Ge have not !hosen me, "ut I have !hosen you, and ordained you, that ye should

    go and "ring forth fruit, and 0that1 your fruit should remain: that whatsoever yeshall ask of the ather in my name, he may give it you#

    =%& The Wido, and the (udge

    Bu=e 16$ 1

    3nd he spake a para"le unto them 0to this end1, that men ought always to pray, and not

    to faint*

    3n the parable" the !ido! spo=e in faith" and !ith a tone that said if you don7t do it" 37ll

    be ba=# @ and she said it boldly and not begging.

    0he didn7t have to ome ba= to the 8udge @ !hen he heard her tone" her faith tone

    troubled him enough to say lest by her ontinual oming#.

    he un8ust 8udge !as the devil" and she spo=e in the authority of a hristian that said 3

    =no! my rights#

    hat !as faith.

    (aith !ords dominate.

    God !ill avenge His elet s!iftly.

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    ==& Do not pray for so$ething that you are not ready to belie"e God for

    ?essage from God to Charles Capps$

    MDO9T @@R PRAY *OR -OB@TH?9G YOE CA99OT N@!?@@' ?T W?!!O9!Y D@-TROY YOER *A?TH

    Bany ha"e o"erloaded their faith and destroyed it' praying $any years to see it.

    1. (irst find out God7s !ill onerning the petition

    . (orm your prayer based on God7s Word

    *. Ksing the faith given by the Word of God%. ?a=e petition aording to your faith" believing that you reeive aording to

    your faith.

    =+& We ha"e been redee$ed -pea/ it' A#t it.

    he 5romised land is our omplete redemption.

    We have been redeemed from si=ness" poverty and sin.

    +edeemed from the urse of the Ba!

    0in should have F dominion over us.

    Gal *$1*"1%

    +hrist hath redeemed us from the !urse of the law, "eing made a !urse for us: for it is

    written, +ursed 0is1 every one that hangeth on a tree:@ ?hat the "lessing of 3"raham might !ome on the &entiles through Jesus +hrist* that

    we might re!eive the promise of the 7pirit through faith#

    Ps 7)%

    5 Let the redeemed of the L;

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    We ha"e to go and possess that land.

    Joshua 4: 3nd Joshua said unto the !hildren of Israel, 6ow long 0are1 ye sla!k to go

    to possess the land, whi!h the L;

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    The body is only a "ehi#le' a taberna#le

    Ro$ans 8)

    # 0?here is1 therefore now no !ondemnation to them whi!h are in +hrist Jesus, who walk

    not after the flesh, "ut after the 7pirit#

    3 !or the law of the &pirit of life in hrist

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    3ts alright to repeat prayers of ediation" but not prayers of 5etition. eg. he Bord7s


    Arayer is to align ourselves &odHs %ord and %ill and to position ourselves to give &od

    a"solute li"erty to move on our "ehalf#

    =8& Why do ,e pray ,hen God /no,s our needF

    ain Repetitions do not #hange God.

    14 years !ere added to HeLe=iah7s life beause he repented and hanged" he prayed the

    prayer of repentane @ not that God had hanged.

    ?att ;$6

    4 Be not ye therefore like unto them:for your !ather knoweth what things ye have need

    of, before ye ask him.

    1) Aeause he (ather yearns to hear His !ill spo=en through our lips" that7s !hy) Epression in prayer M faith enables us to reeive

    *) 5rayer onditions us" aligning us to God7s !ill as !e epress the good things that !e

    as= for.

    (or eample" this verse !ere follo!ed by$ ?att ;$ ,-1*

    After this $anner therefore pray ye)

    ;ur ather whi!h art in heaven, 6allowed "e thy name#

    ?hy kingdom !ome# ?hy will "e done in earth, as 0it is1 in heaven#

    &ive us this day our daily "read#3nd forgive us our de"ts, as we forgive our de"tors#

    3nd lead us not into temptation, "ut deliver us from evil: or thine is the kingdom, and

    the power, and the glory, for ever# 3men#

    =;& Ar$ory of the gods

    1 5eter 4$6",

    4# Be so"er, "e vigilant* "e!ause your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh

    a"out, seeking whom he may devour:. %hom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same affli!tions are a!!omplished in

    your "rethren that are in the world#

    8# But the &od of all gra!e, who hath !alled us unto his eternal glory "y +hrist Jesus,after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfe!t, sta"lish, strengthen, settle 0you1#

    Jas %$2

    2 7u"mit yourselves therefore to &od#

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    Eph ;$1/8# inally, my "rethren, "e strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might#

    Eote: It says the power of 6is might 6is might is in 6is mantle 6is armour, whi!h 6eis giving us to wear#

    3t is His o!n personal lothing" before !hih the enemy trembles.When !e put on God7s lothes" 0atan doesn7t see you @ he sees God7s lothes @ the


    We are to put on His righteousness.

    Eph ;$11-16

    Aut on the whole armour of &od, that ye may "e a"le to stand against the wiles of the

    devil#5 or we wrestle not against flesh and "lood, "ut against prin!ipalities, against

    powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wi!kedness inhigh 0pla!es1#

    %herefore take unto you the whole armour of &od, that ye may "e a"le to withstand

    in the evil day, and having done all, to stand#

    @-4:7tand therefore, having your

    loins girt about with truth,

    and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

    3ndyour feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace*

    3"ove all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall "e a"le to uench all thefiery darts of the wicked#

    3nd take the helmet of salvation,

    and the sword of the &pirit, which is the word of $od:

    >raying always with all prayer and suppli!ation in the 7pirit, and wat!hing

    thereunto with all perseveran!e and suppli!ation for all saints*

    We are to be#o$e righteous #ons#ious not sin #ons#ious.

    he 0po=en Word of God is the s!ord of the spirit @ unless spo=en in faith" it annot be

    alive. (aith breathes life into the !ords spo=en.

    Helmet of 0alvation - 0alvation inludes all deliverane" preservation" healing and


    0alvation belongs to us$- Jesus paid for it

    Is :@,

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    @# 7urely he hath "orne our griefs, and !arried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him

    stri!ken, smitten of &od, and affli!ted#

    But he 0was1 wounded for our transgressions, 0he was1 "ruised for our iniKuities: the!hastisement of our pea!e 0was1 upon him* and with his stripes we are healed#

    We are the righteousness of God in Christ)

    Cor 4$1

    5 or he hath made him 0to "e1 sin for us, who knew no sin* that we might "e made therighteousness of &od in him#

    Gods righteousness is neither inferior or un,orthy.

    !oins gird ,ith Truth the belt of truth holds e"erything together the entire

    ar$ory is held together ,ith the belt of truth.

    DO 9OT betray yourself ,ith untruth

    5rayer is our legal right to ome to God7s throne boldly" !earing His armory$

    loins girt about ,ith truth"

    and having on the breastplate of righteousness

    &nd your feet shod ,ith the preparation of the gospel of pea#e>

    ta=ing the shield of faith" !here!ith ye shall be able to 6uen#h all the fiery

    darts of the ,i#/ed.

    &nd the hel$et of sal"ation"

    and the s,ord of the -pirit' ,hi#h is the ,ord of God$ - in our mouths

    5raying al!ays @ net verse @ 5ray the Word of God.

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    But when they learn to !ontrol that system "y the 7poken %ord, then my power will !ome

    forth in them#

    ?hey will "e a"le not only to !ontrol their "odies, "ut they will !ontrol their minds in

    !asting down imaginations# ?hey will "e a"le to rise to a new level of life#

    ?he world will stand in awe as they see these people !ome forth# ?hey will say $%ho are

    these people that have !ome in this hour that are a"le to speak even as though they hadthe power to do what they speak and seems to !ome to pass even "efore our eyesC %e

    donHt understand these things#'

    But it is my wisdom, saith the Lord and it is hidden in my %ord# I didnHt hide it from you# Ihid it there for you, so you !ould find it and a!t upon it#

    Eow, turn not a deaf ear to that whi!h I have spoken, for Dy %ord shall rise within you

    with great revelation# or I am doing in this hour, things that men have not understood,9ust as was prophesied in the days of old# I said it "y my prophets that you would not

    "elieve the reports of the things that I would do#7ome will not "elieve, "ut the hour is !oming that men shall pro!laim my %ord "oldly

    over their own "odies and it will !ause si!kness and disease to depart# ?heir words will

    !ause the enemies to flee in terror#

    ?he power of the Lord shall rise within men, until there will "e a ra!e of people on this

    earth when I !ome that will stand against satan and see him flee from them#

    ?hey will stand without si!kness or disease on their "odies#?hey will stand even "efore whole !ities and pro!laim, $In the name of Jesus, I "reak the

    power of sin over this !ity#' ?hen the walls will !rum"le and the power of &od shall "e

    loosed in that !ity#

    ?he wisdom of &od shall flow unhindered and Dy power shall rule in the midst# Fven as

    the darkness grows darker, the light shall grow lighter#Dy wisdom shall "e released in greater measure and greater revelation as men take Dy

    %ord at fa!e value, even as I have spoken it#

    ?he tongue !annot "e !ontrolled "y natural a"ility# It is an unruly evil in theunregenerate state# But the wisdom of &od, that has !ome "y the re"irth of the human

    spirit, imparted "y the 6oly 7pirit to the hearts of men, will !ause the tongue to !ome

    into su"9e!tion to the spirit of man, whi!h is ordained of &od to rule#It shall !ause the "ody to !onform to the %ord of the Living &od#

    ?he power of the 6ighest shall "e manifest in the 7poken %ord# ?hen men will speak my%ord "oldly and "elieve what they say shall !ome to pass# It will "e even as though I

    said it# or when you mix faith with words, it is as though I have spoken it, for you

    "reathe spirit life into the words that you speak# Gour words shall flow forth, even as the

    words of Jesus when 6e spoke, for 6e said, $?he words that I have speak unto you, they

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    are spirit and they are life# ?he flesh profiteth nothing, "ut the words that I speak, they

    are spirit and they are life#'

    ?hese words have !ome "efore, "ut men turned a deaf ear to them# But these are the days

    that I am raising up a new generation of people# In Dy %ord I have said that you do not

    put new wine into old "ottles lest it "reak the "ottles# Gou put new wine into new "ottlesthat they will "oth "e preserved#

    %hen the human spirit I re"orn, the 7pirit of &od releases !reative a"ility within and it"e!omes the new "ottle that will preserve the new wine# ?he re"irth shall !ome to the

    front in this generation and ye shall o"serve the mighty works of &od in it# I have !hosen

    a people, and I shall "ring them to a land, and they shall dominate it# ?hey shall have


    or I am !oming for a !hur!h that is without spot or wrinkle# I and !oming for a !hur!h

    that is not weak# I am !oming for a !hur!h that is vi!torious# I am !oming, and ye shall

    see the manifestation of my power, for I have !hosen the !hur!h to reveal the wisdom of&od to the generations and to the prin!ipalities and powers#

    %hen men shall !onform to the %ord of the Living &od, then the power of the 6ighest

    shall flow unhindered out of their voi!es#

    ;ut of their mouths shall flow spirit words that shall !ontrols the for!es that have

    !ontrolled them in days past# ?hey will pro!laim $?he enemy is defeated' and he shall "edefeated# or I say that the "attle is the LordHs and the vi!tory is yours#

    Learn to walk in vi!tory, saith the Lord#

    %) Word $

    ?here is !oming a day when the people of &od will even take authority over the

    pestilen!e that we know in this hour#

    ?he world will say $%ho are these that the pestilen!e never tou!hC'

    Arayer :

    ather, in the Eame of Jesus, I am the "ody of +hrist# I over!ome evil with good#7atan has no power over me for the &reater ;ne dwells within me# &reater is 6e who is

    within me than he who is in the world# Eo evil shall !ome near me neither shall any

    plague !ome nigh my dwelling, for 6e has given 6is angels !harge over me# ?hey keepme in all my ways and my pathway is life#

    I thank thee ather, that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, "ut whatsoever I do

    shall prosper#I am like a tree planted "y the rivers of water#

    Dy &od supplies all my needs a!!ording to 6is ri!hes in glory "y +hrist Jesus# I have all

    suffi!ien!y in all things#

    I do a"ound to all good works for my &od has made all gra!e a"ound towards me#

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    Arayer 5- inan!ial:

    ather, in the name of Jesus, your %ord says that you will supply all my needs a!!ording

    to Gour ri!hes in glory "y +hrist Jesus#

    Gour %ord says whatsoever things I desire, when I pray, to "elieve that I re!eive them#

    ?herefore I "elieve that my needs are supplied a!!ording to Gour ri!hes in glory "y +hrist


    I have given* therefore it is given to me, good measure, pressed down, shaken together

    and running over# I have a"undan!e and there is no la!k# I sow "ountifully, therefore I

    reap "ountifully#

    ather, you make all gra!e a"ound toward me, and I, having all suffi!ien!y in all things,

    do a"ound to every good work#

    or the Lord is my 7hepherd, I do not want#

    Arayer %isdom:

    ?he 7pirit of ?ruth a"ides in me, and guides me and leadeth me into all truths# ?hereforeI !onfess that I have perfe!t knowledge of every !ir!umstan!e and situation in life#

    ?he wisdom of &od is formed within me and I trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean

    not unto mine own understanding#I let the %ord of +hrist dwell in me ri!hly in all wisdom#

    I do follow the &ood 7hepherd* I know 6is voi!e, and the voi!e of a stranger, I will not


    0evelation about angels by the ord:

    6e" :@

    3re they not all ministering spiritsN, sent forth to minister for them who shall "e heirs of


    N(in greek - angeli! apostles)

    ?he %ord says the angels are ministering spirits# ?hese ministering spirits stand "eside

    you daily and listen to the words you speak# ?hey !ause or allow to !ome to pass the

    things you say# But you furnish the words of the assignment#

    &odHs %ord is 6is will for man# Dan is !reated on the image of &od, and sin!e &od

    !reated man in 6is own image, then manHs word should "e his will toward &od#

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    ?he angels were designed as !reated "eings to minister to you and they know that# ?hey

    listen to the words you speak# Fvery word that you speak, the angels hear, for they are

    always "eside you, waiting to hear what you !hoose to "ind or loose# ?hen they are "usyto perform, or !ause to !ome to pass the things that you speak if they are in agreement

    with the %ord of &od# By the authority of your spoken word, they will maneuver you into

    a position where these things will !ome to pass#

    But if you speak si!kness and disease, or if you speak !ontrary to the %ord of &od, they

    will not perform it or !ause it to !ome to pass# ?hey will "a!k off, fold their hands and"ow their heads for you have "ound them with the words of your mouth# Gour words will

    either "ind them or loose them# If your words "ind the angels, you have "ound &odHs

    messengers, and in so doing "ound &od (figuratively)#

    Jesus said I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven# %hatsoever you shall "ind

    on earth shall "e "ound in heaven and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall "e

    loosed in heaven#

    3ll heaven will stand "ehind your right to "e healed#

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    The Power of Faith

    by Andrew Murray

    By faith even Sarah herself received power since she counted Him faithful whohad promised. " Heb. 11: 11.

    SEE here again one of the examples, so simple and intelligible of what faith is:

    "She counted Him faithful who had promised." There was a time when Sarahdoubted, for she looked to nature, and it said to her that she should no longerbear. Through the repeated promises of the Lord she was neertheless led tolook to Him who had gien the promises, and keeping in mind His diinefaithfulness she found there was no alternatie for her but to beliee! and theonl account which she could gie of the supernatural expectation of faith wasthis: "He is faithful that promised." #Heb. $%: &'(.

    The same wa must still be followed b those )hristians who desire to beliberated from their doubts and to reach the blessed experiences of the life offaith. *e must learn to hae done with reasonings of the understanding! with

    the +uestions which nature would hae first answered, such as, "How can thesethings be", "*hereb shall - know it", with calculations as to whether our ownwisdom and power are perchance sufficient to bring us where we must know!and we must hold ourseles content with the iew expressed in this sentence:"he is faithful that promised." The onl thing which one has to ask is this, "-sthere a promise also for me" -f the word of od gies us the answer: "This s afaithful saing and worth of all acceptation, that /esus )hrist came into theworld to sae sinners of whom - am the chief," then that is sufficient to bring usdown before the Lord and to make us expect that He will perform the promise tous: "He is faithful that promised."

    %, if souls would onl keep themseles occupied with the consideration of od0sfaithfulness, how would unbelief be ashamed. *heneer anxious feelingsmultipl in ou, and ou fear for ourself and our work, go, 1 soul, bow down insilent meditation and adoration before our od as the faithful 1ne, until ourwhole spirit becomes filled with the thoughts and the peace that spring from thisattribute. o oer all the assurances in the Scriptures, so glorious and clear, thatthe unchangeable 1ne Himself shall fulfill His counsel, and that He simpldesires of souls the stillness which obseres and expects the performance. Take

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    counsel with the belieers of the old and new coenants, reflect on their wasand their leadings, and the will tell ou with one accord that their strength andtheir peace hae been 22 the faithfulness of od. %, pra, accustom ourself,eer da, with eer promise of od that ou read, with eer praer that oumake for the attainment of what od has spoken to ou of, with eer fear that

    arises in ou as to whether ou shall be indeed partaker of the offered salation,-- pray, accustom yourself to fasten your eye undividedly on that word, tolet your whole heart be filled with it: "He is faithful that promised." 3nd,aboe all, een when ou are not et able to appropriate eerthing toourseles, forget not to praise and thank od for His faithfulness! praise andadore Him as the 4aithful 1ne! adoration will confirm ou in faith in Him. 5ormust ou set our hope on the diine faithfulness onl when ou are taking thefirst steps on the wa of conersion, seeking for forgieness and acceptance,but, especiall in the midst of the struggle, to be confirmed unto the end and tobe unreproable in the da of our Lord/esus. -t is with his ee fixed on this hopethat 6aul sas "od is faithful, through whom e were called into the fellowship of

    His Son /esus )hrist." #$ )or. $: 7, 8(! 9ust as in that glorious work aboutsanctification that finds so little belief, "The od of peace sanctif ou wholl," healso immediatel adds: "4aithful is He that calleth ou, who will also do it." #$Thess. : &', &;(.

    -t was b this faith, this loal esteem of the faithfulness of her od and relianceupon it, that Sarah receied power to bear. So far is this faith also from leading tosluggishness and indifference that it will increase actiit. -t teaches the soul towait upon od spirituall and earnestl, that He ma point out to it what it mustdo, and that it ma learn b experience to understand the deep significance ofthat word: "*ork, for od worketh in ou."

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    2 $od [is] faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his &on rooted and built up inHim" and established in the faith" abounding therein !ith than=sgiving.#Col. $;-2

    -n these words the apostle teaches us the weight lesson that it is not onl b faith that we firstcome to )hrist and are united to Him, but that it is b faith that we are to be rooted andestablished in our union with )hrist. 5o less essential than it is for the commencement is faith for

    the progress of the spiritual life. 3biding in /esus can onl be b faith.

    There are earnest )hristians who do not understand this! or, if the admit it in theor, the fail toreali=e its application in practice. The are er =ealous for a free gospel with our firstacceptance of )hrist, and 9ustification b faith alone. The sinner shall be 9ustifiedb faith,? the hae hardl found a place in their scheme for the larger truth >The 9ust shall livebfaith.? The hae neer understood what a perfect Saior /esus is, and how He will each daydofor the sinner 9ust as much as He did the first da when he or she came to Him. The do notknow that the life of grace is alwas and onl a life of faith and that in the relationship to /esus theone dail and unceasing dut of the disciple is to believe, because belieing is the one channelthrough which diine grace and strength flow out into the heart of man. The old nature of thebelieer remains eil and sinful to the last! it is onl as he dail comes, all empt and helpless, to

    his Saior to receie of His life and strength that he can bring forth the fruits of righteousness tothe glor of od. Therefore, it is >Ase hae receied )hrist /esus the Lord, sowalk e in Him!rooted and built up in Him, and established in the faith, abounding therein.? Asou came to/esus, soabide in Him, b faith.

    3nd if ou would know how faith is to be exercised in thus abiding in /esus, to be rooted moredeepl and firml in Him, ou hae onl to look back to the time when first ou receied Him. @ouremember well what obstacles at that time there appeared to be in the wa of our belieing.There was first our ileness and guilt: it appeared impossible that the promise of pardon andloe could be for such a sinner. Then there was the sense of weakness and death: ou felt notthe power for the surrender and the trust to which ou were called. 3nd then there was thefuture: ou dared not undertake to be a disciple of /esus while ou felt so sure that ou could notremain standing, but would speedil again be unfaithful and fall. These difficulties were like

    mountains in our wa. 3nd how were the remoed Simpl b the promise of od. That word,as it were, compelled ou to beliee that, notwithstanding guilt in the past and weakness in thepresent and unfaithfulness in the future, the promise was sure that /esus would accept and saeou. 1n that word, ou entured to come, and were not deceied: ou found that /esus didindeed accept and sae.

    3ppl this, our experience in coming to /esus, to the abiding in Him. 5ow as then, thetemptations to keep ou from belieing are man. *hen ou think of our sins since ou becamea disciple, our heart is cast down with shame and it looks as if it were too much to expect that

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    /esus should indeed receie ou into perfect intimac and the full en9oment of His hol loe.*hen ou think how utterl, in times past, ou hae failed in keeping the most sacred ows, theconsciousness of present weakness makes ou tremble at the er idea of answering theSaiorAs command with the promise, >Lord, from henceforth - will abide in Thee.? 3nd when ouset before ourself the life of loe and 9o, of holiness and fruitfulness, which in the future are toflow from abiding in Him, it is as if it onl seres to make ou still more hopeless! ou, at least,can neer attain to it. @ou know ourself too well. -t is no use expecting it, onl to bedisappointed! a life full and wholl abiding in /esus is not for ou.

    1h that ou would learn a lesson from the time of our first coming to the SaiorB Cemember,dear soul, how ou then were led, contrar to all that our experience and our feelings and eenour sober 9udgment said, to take /esus at His word, and how ou were not disappointed. He didreceie ou and pardon ou! He did loe ou and sae ou D ou know it. 3nd if He did this forou when ou were an enem and a stranger, wh do ou think, now that ou are His own, Hewill not much more fulfill His promise 1h that ou would come and begin simpl to listen to Hisword, and to ask onl the one +uestion: oes He reall mean that Ishould abide in Him Theanswer His word gies so simple and so sure: - am in Him? D it makes the abiding sosimple. -f, as - meditate, - reali=e clearl ow ! am in Him, - see at once that there is nothingwanting but 9ust m consentto be what He has made me D to remain where He has placed me. -am in )hrist: this simple thought, carefull, praerfull, belieingl uttered, remoes all difficultas if there were some great attainment to be reached. 5o, - am in )hrist, m blessed Saior. Hisloe has prepared a home for me with Himself, when He sas, >3bide in m loe? and His powerhas undertaken to watch the door and to keep me in, if - will but consent. - am in )hrist: - haenow but to sa, >Saior, - bless Thee for this wondrous grace. - consent! - ield mself to Thgracious keeping! - do abide in Thee.?

    -t is astonishing how such a faith will work out all that is further implied in abiding in )hrist. Thereis in the )hristian life great need of watchfulness and of praer, of self2denial and of striing, ofobedience and of diligence. all things are possible to him that belieeth.? >This is the ictorthat oercometh D een our faith.? -t is the faith that continuall closes its ees to the weaknessof the creature and finds its 9o in the sufficienc of an 3lmight Saior that makes the soul strongand glad. -t gies itself up to be led b the Hol Spirit into an eer2deeper appreciation of whatwonderful Saior whom od has gien us D the -nfinite Emmanuel. -t follows the leading of theSpirit from page to page of the blessed *ord, with the one desire to take each reelation of what/esus is and what He promises as its nourishment and its life. -n accordance with the promise >-f

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    that which e hae heard from the beginning abide in ou, e also shall abide in the Son and inthe 4ather,? it lies b eer word that proceeds out of the mouth of od. 3nd so it makes thesoul strong with the strength of od, to be and do all that is needed for abiding in )hrist.

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    +ol :-@, 5-2, 5,5@

    # If ye then "e risen with +hrist, seek those things whi!h are a"ove, where +hrist sitteth

    on the right hand of &od#

    5 7et your affe!tion on things a"ove, not on things on the earth# or ye are dead, and your life is hid with +hrist in &od#

    @ %hen +hrist, 0who is1 our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in

    glory## Dortify therefore your mem"ers whi!h are upon the earth* forni!ation, un!leanness,

    inordinate affe!tion, evil !on!upis!en!e, and !ovetousness, whi!h is idolatry:

    5# Aut on therefore, as the ele!t of &od, holy and "eloved, "owels of mer!ies, kindness,hum"leness of mind, meekness, longsuffering*

    or"earing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a Kuarrel against

    any: even as +hrist forgave you, so also 0do1 ye#

    @ 3nd a"ove all these things 0put on1 !harity, whi!h is the "ond of perfe!tness# 3nd let the pea!e of &od rule in your hearts, to the whi!h also ye are !alled in one

    "ody* and "e ye thankful# Let the word of +hrist dwell in you ri!hly in all wisdom* tea!hing and admonishing

    one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with gra!e in your hearts

    to the Lord#

    2 3nd whatsoever ye do in word or deed, 0do1 all in the name of the Lord Jesus, givingthanks to &od and the ather "y him#

    4# %ives, su"mit yourselves unto your own hus"ands, as it is fit in the Lord#. 6us"ands, love 0your1 wives, and "e not "itter against them#

    58 +hildren, o"ey 0your1 parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord#

    5 athers, provoke not your !hildren 0to anger1, lest they "e dis!ouraged#55 7ervants, o"ey in all things 0your1 masters a!!ording to the flesh* not with

    eyeservi!e, as menpleasers* "ut in singleness of heart, fearing &od:

    5 3nd whatsoever ye do, do 0it1 heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men*5@ nowing that of the Lord ye shall re!eive the reward of the inheritan!e: for ye serve

    the Lord +hrist#

    +ol @:55# +ontinue in prayer, and wat!h in the same with thanksgiving*

    II +or @:4

    4 %hile we look not at the things whi!h are seen, "ut at the things whi!h are not seen:

    for the things whi!h are seen 0are1 temporal* "ut the things whi!h are not seen 0are1eternal#

    II +or :2

    2 (or we walk "y faith, not "y sight:)

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    I +or 8:

    ?here hath no temptation taken you "ut su!h as is !ommon to man: "ut &od 0is1

    faithful, who will not suffer you to "e tempted a"ove that ye are a"le* "ut will with the

    temptation also make a way to es!ape, that ye may "e a"le to "ear 0it1#

    I +or 5:?hat your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, "ut in the power of &od#
