Page 1: Notes On Koine Greek, Pt. 28

Notes On Koine Greek: Part 28

1. Koine Greek Prepositions: The general rule of thumb regarding prepositions

is this: A preposition “joins” with the noun to reveal movement, time or location.

In Greek, as Dave Black points out, the preposition ALWAYS comes before the

noun (hence the term: pre – position). Prepositions are words that verbs are often

just waiting on, so the sentence can be smoothed out and finished.

2. Prepositions Table #1: Here, I will offer a number of prepositions tables,

each different in its own right, though, still containing the same materials. Use

whatever is easiest for you to recall:

Prepositions Table #1 (By Movement, Time & Location)

Movement Time Location

avna, = Up; each; apiece dia, = During; throughout;

through; by; because of; on

account of; for the sake of

avnti, = In the place of; instead of;

for; as

avpo, = Away from; from;

because of; of; by

peri, = On behalf of; for;

concerning; around; with

reference to

evn = Within; among; in; with; by;

while; when; because of

eij = Into; toward; in;

throughout; so that

evpi, = On; near; at; during; on the

basis of; against; over a period

evk = Out of; away from;

from; of; because of; by

meta = After; among; with

kata, = Down from;

throughout; against;

according to; for the purpose

of; with reference to

pro, = In front of; before

para = By; near; alongside;

from; beside; in the sight of;

in comparison to; against

su,n = With; in association with

pro,j = Toward; for; with uvpe,r = In place of; on behalf of; for

the sake of; more than; over above;

beyond; over

uvpo, = through; by; under;


*Note that no “cases” are mentioned in this table!

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3. Prepositions Table #2: In this table, I have arranged the prepositions

according to how they function in relation to the noun cases. Do take note of the

fact that no prepositions are in the Nominative or Vocative cases!

Prepositions Table #2 (By Case)

Genitive Dative Accusative

avnti, = In the place of;

instead of; for; as

evn = Within; among; in;

with; by; while; when;

because of

avna, = Up; each; apiece

avpo, = Away from; from;

because of; of; by

evpi, = On; near; at; during;

on the basis of; against;

over a period

dia, = because of; on

account of; for the sake of

dia, = During; throughout;

through; by

para = Near; beside; in the

sight of

eij = Into; toward; in;

throughout; so that

evk = Out of; away from;

from; of; because of; by

su,n = With; in association


evpi, = On; to; near; during;

against; over a period of

evpi, = On; near; at; during;

on the basis of

kata, = in accordance with;

according to; during; for the

purpose of; with reference


kata, = Down from;

throughout; against

meta = After

meta = Among; with para = Near; alongside of;

from; in comparison to;


para = By; from peri, = Around; with

reference to

peri, = On behalf of; for;


pro,j = Toward; for; with

pro, = In front of; before uvpe,r = More than; over

above; beyond; over

uvpe,r = In place of; on

behalf of; for the sake of

uvpo, = Under; below

uvpo, = Through; by

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4. Prepositions Tube: This illustration is akin to what you would find in many

modern Koine Greek grammars. Here’s my take:

5. A Lame Mnemonic Device: If prepositions denote movement, time and

location, this mnemonic, using the first letter of each preposition to form an

acronym, may help you remember the 16 prepositions: Pam’s pee keep u up

adam? (It has movement: the pee; time: the night; and location: Adam’s place.)

avpo, = Away from;

from; because of;

of; by

dia, = During; through-

out; through; by

eij = Into; toward; in;

throughout; so that

evk = Out of; away from;

from; of; because of; by

evn = Within; among; in;

with; by; while; when;

because of

kata, = Down from;

throughout; against

evpi, = On; near; at;

during; on the basis of

meta = Among; with;


para = Near; along-

side of; from; in com-

parison to; against

peri, = Around; with

reference to

pro, = In front of;


pro,j = Toward; for;


Also: uvpo, = Through;


uvpo, = Under; below

su,n = With; in associ-

ation with

uvpe,r = More than; over

above; beyond; over avna, = Up; each; apiece

*Note: The only one I had trouble adding to this chart was: avnti, = In the place of;

instead of; for; as.
