  • 7/27/2019 Notes- Announcements August 11, 2013


    Room #213

    eting Room #213eting 1704 Park Avenue

    Vanguard Roometing Room #213


    ChapelRoom #212

    Social RoomVarious ClassroomsSanctuarySocial Room


    ky Reeves; Hannah Siboles mother, Melanie;

    Bob Brooks; Ann Pais daughter-in-law,Jane Pais,h-Oh), and her father,Jim, facing health issues, andharles Sutton; Carol Wood; Bonnie Pritchard;

    Child, serving in our nations Armed Forces.

    wing, amending, and guiding our church communi-h Gods Kingdom.

    of the Fellowship Committee, Joy Nevin andee under the leadership of Dottie-Ray Koch.

    nced through intercessory prayers and care for

    of Leslie Hartman in her meeting the neighbor-y activity.

    adership of Svetlana & Valentin of Moldova Cam-mmodated the sharing of the gospel and the teach-o boys and one girl) who are thriving like many chil-


    To miss out on joy is to miss out on

    - Lewis Smedes

    Anxiety does not empty tomorrow ostrength.

    - Charles Spurgeon

    There is no fear in love. But perfect lpunishment. The one who fears is no

    - 1 John 4:18 (NIV)

    Vision Statement

    Through our faithful actions, we praying to the city where He has placed itawakening a love for Christ in the he

    Hearing Aids are availa

    Our worship service is broadcast l

    site, For podcasts, gon Sermons. Both the sermon and the en

  • 7/27/2019 Notes- Announcements August 11, 2013


    NOTESerformer, respected professor, publisheddemand across the country as a classicalr, he has given jazz and classical recitalsrance, the Netherlands, Spain, South Af-

    ert in Cuban music, he performs andond and worldwide.


    day, August 11, following our worshipA light lunch will be served.

    a member of Grace Covenant? Join on Sunday, September 15 and 22.

    mornings in Room #213. If you want toesire to attend the next class, pleasecard with your name, and place it in thedetails.

    AS again! We are hosting 40 womeneing a friend are some of the ways younteer one evening during CARITAS?the women to the Richmond YMCA

    e contact Susan Farrell at7 for additional information and ways to

    nistry Schedule

    cert and Opera Irish Soprano)


    (piano and organ duet)

    August Musicales, Grace Covenantsconcerts are at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctua

    August 14 Anne OByrne, soprDavid Fisk, piano

    August 28 Richard Spece, clarinBryan Young, bassoDavid Fisk, piano

    CHRISTIAN EDUCASunday School classes begin at 9:45 at 9:30 a.m. For more information, ple

    or email Nelson Reveleynmr2uf@virgDiscipleship Ministry.

    Adult Summer Sunday S

    The Adult Sunday School classes will of the Faith. Classes will meet in th

    Please contact Nelson Reveley([email protected]) if you ha

    8/18/2013 Julian of 8/25/2013 Pearl S

    THIS WEEKASunday, August 119:15 a.m. Prayer

    9:45 a.m. Sunday Scho10:55 a.m. Worship Ser12:15 p.m. Fellowship H12:30 p.m. Fellowship CMonday, August 1212:00 noon Mens Lunch6:10 p.m. CDC Staff M7:00 p.m. Property Co7:30 p.m. City Church

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]