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29th November 2011 • Volume 18, Issue 35 • Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. • ISDN 8139966 • Tel: 8•400•200




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Vegetable GrowersSlam CouncilT he continuing resistance

to the proposed newSuper Sewage Plant

being located in the heart ofIreland’s Market Garden isspreading like wildfirethroughout the North Countyarea. The Irish Farmers Associationhas now entered the ring andis throwing its considerableweight and muscle behindlocal vegetable and protectedcrop growers. They believethat locating the SuperSewage Plant in this regionpresents a real threat to futurehorticultural production in thearea. The County Leader metup with some very anxious andangry vegetable growers inRush last week, who were veryforthright in their views aboutthe sewage plant. One of thenine proposed sites, Rathartan,which encompasses a total of41 hectares is visible less thana mile away.Matt Foley, National Chairmanof the IFA Field Vegetable andProtected Crops, who is a Rushresident, specialising ingrowing tomatoes, was in nodoubt whatsoever about theimmense damage the presenceof a Super Sewage Plant will have on theprecious vegetable growing business.He told this reporter, “This area supplies 50per cent of the total field vegetable cropproduced in Ireland and 60 per cent of theprotected crops, such as tomatoes, lettuce,strawberries etc. It also supplies 16 per centof the potatoes consumed in this country.Central government and the local authorityare anxious to increase these productionnumbers and any release of harmful bacteriainto the groundwater would be catastophic tofood production.” He was also mystifiedabout the Council’s decision to locate the

plant in such a highlysensitive area. “Withthe growth of globalpopulation, the siting ofthis plant withoutconsidering food secu-rity would constitutegross negligence.” He then delivered a starkwarning to those respon-sible for this sewageplant when he declared:“Due to the scale of foodproduction in the North

County, any mishap would lead to food short-ages in the rest of the country.” The worriedgrowers have really genuine fears about anymishaps thatcould lead themto disaster. Theyalso expressedtheir concernsthat the manykilometres ofpipe layingwould bring massive disruption and possibleenvironmental damage, which, they claim,would need due consideration. A vital element in the production of vegeta-bles is the access to clean, non polluted

water, which is paramount forhorticulture production.Everything here is irrigatedand in summertime, all cropsrequire irrigation. Growers areaudited by an Bórd Bia andthey must ensure that thewater is of the highest quality.If there is any trace of e-coli orcontamination of water, youcannot use the Bórd Bia certifi-cation. “Without this certifica-tion, supermarkets will nottake your products and yourbusiness is finished ; it is forconsumer safety. The presenceof a Super Sewage Plant is areal threat to this water

safety,” saidMark McCann,National ViceChairman of IFAField Vegetablesand ProtectedCrops. Both Foley andMcCann havereassured localgrowers that theIFA will demanda full and inde-pendent risk andimpact assess-ment for all agri-culture, to bepaid for by the

County Council. They have also said they willsupport the wishes of their members in anyway they possibly can. Foley ended by

saying: “This isthe MarketGarden ofIreland, with thelowest rainfalland most fertilesoil. Why onearth build such

a super plant here? It makes no sense at all,”he concluded.

By Patrick Finnegan

Support the residents of North CountyDublin in their efforts in stopping the'Super Sewage Plant', go like & share this page with your friends

IFA Supports Local Growers Against Super Sewage Plant Rush man Matt Foley, NationalChairman of the IFA FieldVegetable and Protected Crops

Pictured are vegetable and protected crops growers from Rush who are all opposed to thebuilding of the proposed new Super Sewage Plant. L-R: Stephen Kelly, Tom Collins, MarkMcCann and Alan Kelly.

“This is the Market Garden of Ireland, with the lowest rainfall and most fertile

soil. Why on earth build such a super plant here? It makes no sense at all”

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Exciting Festive EventIn DonabateOn Saturday, December 10th at 4.30pm, Donabatevillage will resound to the sound of music and enter-tainment, when local choir the Lambay Singers willjoin celebrity guests and local residents to turn on theChristmas lights in Donabate village.This event, now in its fourth year, has been a hugecommunity success in past years, with seasonal enter-tainment and refreshments for everyone. Last year ahuge crowd of local residents braved the sub-zerotemperatures to join local celebrity Stephen Rea whoflicked the switch and got the festive season inDonabate off to a flying start. The organisers areremaining tight-lipped this year about who thecelebrity guest will be, but they promise a real treat forjunior book-worms. There will be seasonal refresh-ments for everyone so why not come along onSaturday December 10th to help kick-start the festiveseason in Donabate!

A new community voluntaryservice set up by various localagencies in response to theincreasing demand forsupport for individualsand families bereavedby suicide waslaunched in Swordsrecently. The Fingal Bereavedby Suicide SupportService (FBSS) wasofficially launched inthe BASE ResourceCentre on theBrackenstown Road inSwords recently byMayor of Fingal, CllrGerry McGuire. Anumber of speakersattended the launch including amother who lost her child through

suicide, Paul Kelly from Console,GP Dr Niall Moore and Roisin

Lowry, HSE Mental HealthPromotion and Suicide Prevention

Officer. Swords and thesurrounding areas are experi-encing a continuous increase in thenumbers bereaved by suicide. Inresponse to this growing need forsupport, Fingal Leader Partnership,

H.S.E Mental HealthPromotion andSuicide PreventionOfficer, FingalC o u n s e l l i n gService, CYC YouthService and localGardai cametogether recentlyand held a numberof meetingsresulting in thesetting up of thisnew supportservice. If you havebeen bereaved by

suicide contact 086 7347353 forfurther information and support.

Suicide Support Group Launched In Swords

Pictured here at the recent launch of the Fingal Bereaved by SuicideSupport Service in the B.A.S.E. Centre, Brackenstown Swords are L-R: Nuala Casey, Ellen O'Brien, County Mayor Cllr Gerry McGuire,Roísin Lowry, Dr Niall Moore G.P.,Jamie Hagan.

By Derry-Ann Morgan

Tractor Run MakesBig DifferenceThe Chernobyl Children’sFund received a chequefor a hugely impressive€3,756 from BarneyGreene. The money wasraised by the recentTractor Run, raffles anddonations in the Man O’War and Lusk areas. The money, which was

raised at the local eventwas presented by Barneyto Albert Nugent andChristie Corr from theChernobyl Children’sFund, will be brought toChernobyl next March tobe spent on children in

need. This includes chil-dren who need hearingaids, operations and otherchildren missing limbsand body parts. In the past the moneyhelped an 18 year old girlwith minimal use of herlegs. She lives on the 9thfloor of her apartmentblock and there is no func-tioning lift. This meant shehad no opportunity toexercise her legs. Thanksto the Fund, whichprovided her with an exer-cise machine, she is nowable to get that exerciseand she is making greatprogress. It also helped ayoung boy’s sight improvefrom 20 per cent to 40 percent vision and is allowinganother young man, bornwith no fingers on his lefthand, to get the operationhe needs. Albert becameinvolved with ChernobylChildren when two girlsfrom Chernobyl spend thesummer with his family 20years ago. The girlsreturned for a further twoyears. Since that time,one has become a doctorand the other has gotmarried. It is because ofthe kindness and effort oflocal people that the livesof so many children haveimproved.

Pictured is Tractor Run organiser, Barney Greene handingover a cheque for €3,756 to Christie Corr and AlbertNugent from the Chernobyl Children's Fund.

By Peter Kearney

Christmas Trees For SaleBeside Quickfit at Tesco,Clarehall Shopping Centre

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03North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper29.11.2011

Mother and daughter Anne and AoifeMulhair from Malahide proudly presentedJoanne Brennan Services Manager of theAlzheimer's Society of Ireland with acheque for over €5000 in Malahiderecently.

Charity FundraiserIn Malahide

Thursday 17th November last was amomentous day for the BalbrigganChamber of Commerce, as they officiallyopened their new office at No 1 QuayStreet. Approximately 40 Chambermembers attended the opening ceremony.

Opening Of NewBalbriggan Chamber Office

Read more on page 7 >

CASA, the Caring and Sharing Association,recently celebrated it's 30th anniversary andis hopeful that they can continue to providemuch needed services for many years tocome.

CASA Celebrates 30 Years

See details on page 12 >

Swords resident,Enda Wright hasmade history bybeing crowned MrWorld. He is the firstIrishman to hold thecoveted crown.

Swords Man CrownedMr. World

See story on page 11 >

Inside the issue


Full report on page 10 >

Sleeping BeautyLIVE from the Royal Opera HouseDecember 15th, 2011 @ 8pm

King Florestan the XXIVth declares a grand christening ceremony to be held in honor of the birth of his daughter, Princess Aurora named after the dawn. An entourage of six fairies are invited to the Christening to be godmothers to the child. As the fairies are happily granting gifts of honesty, grace, prosperity, song and generosity, they are suddenly interrupted by the arrival of the wicked fairy Carabosse, who is furious at the King's failure to invite her to the ceremony.

Alfie BoeLIVE from Royal Festival Hall LondonDecember 7th, 2011@7:30pm..

Alfie - the star of Les Miserables and hugely popular tenor will astound with a diverse collection of classics including "When I Fall In Love", Leonard Bernstein's impassioned "Maria" from West Side Story, Ewan MacColl's heartfelt "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" and of course "Bring Him Home" from Les Miserables.

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King's Singers & Paisley ChoirPRE-RECORDED IN ST LUKES & ROSSLYN CHAPEL, EDINBURGHDecember 17th, 2011

The King’s Singers are a Grammy award-winning, world-renowned ensemble known for their captivating live performances, impeccable vocal blend, and utter perfection in every aspect of their music. Once performers at the Winter Olympics, their arrangements are now sung by amateur and professional ensembles all over the world. Paisley Abbey, parish church to the Church of Scotland, has a long and internationally recognized choral tradition. King’s Singers St. Luke Concert & Christmas in Rosslyn Chapel give audiences the chance to experience these brilliant vocalists spin their seasonal magic in two Christmas concerts in one night!

Rush CricketClub Celebrates80 Years

Members of the Rush Cricket Clubgathered recently to celebrate theclub’s 80th Anniversary. Speaking tothe County Leader, club memberSiobhan McBennett said, “The firstmention of cricket in the NorthCounty is from the diaries ofMargaret Taylor in 1830, when theTaylors of Ardgillan played thePalmers of Rush. The roots of cricketin the area stem from the matchesbetween the big estates - the Talbotsin Malahide, Taylors in Ardgillan,Cobbs in Newbridge and Palmers in

Rush. Teams were made up from thefamilies, staff and tenant farmers,”she said.

According to history records, RushCricket Club is attributed as beingformally founded and registered with

the Leinster Cricket Union in 1931 andwas the first Fingal club so regis-tered. They very quickly won theirfirst trophy, the Junior Cup in 1933under the captaincy of Simon Hoare.Rush were the first local team to wina Leinster Trophy and went on to winthe cup in 1937, 38 and 39. The Leinster Women’s cricket Unionwas founded in 1938 and Rush wasone of the founder members. Actress,Marie Keane and Mildred Carrickwere players at the time. The clubreached many milestones during its80 years in existence; one is theopening of the new pavilion inSeptember 1980. The club ran on thegood nature of a volunteer force thatcommitted to its success. There is nodoubt that the success and survivalof the Rush Cricket Club is a credit toeveryone involved down through theyears and up to the present day.

The Rush Cricket Club celebrated 80 years recently. Pictured at the celebration in theRush Cricket Club are Back Row: L-R Eoghan Conway (Ist Team Captain), John Forde,Alan Butterly, Eoin Sheehan (Hon Secretary), Niall Mullen,Matt Sheridan (PastPresident). Front Row: Anne Forde, Ann Harford (President), Siobhan McBennett andJimmy Carthy. Pic: DM

By Derry-Ann Morgan

Hall Of FameAward ForSwords ManWell known Swords resident, Ed Lee was recentlyenrolled in the GAA Handball Hall of Fame at their AllStars Award night at Croke Park on 19th November last.Ed is a familiar face around Swords and is best knownas the ‘Pest Control Man’ from Fingal Pest Control. Hespoke to the County Leader about his lifelong passionfor the sport. “I was born in the shadow of Hill 16 andhave been playing handball since I was four years ofage. I was always playing in the handball alley in CrokePark and would spend hours there. I attendedO’Connell School and played for Dublin from under 10,right up to senior. In that time, I won an All IrelandColleges title and went on to win four Dublin Senior

titles, the first at 19 years of age,” he said. He has beenliving in Swords for the past 30 years.He is still playing top class handball at 52 years of age.“Five years ago, I bought a lovely home in Leitrim anddecided to join the local handball club, Fenagh, wherehe imparts his love andknowledge of the game tothe local youngsters. Ihave just won two SeniorSingles titles and twoDoubles titles and I amdue to play in anotherSenior Singles final in twoweeks time against one ofmy protégés. I think I mayhave trained him too well,but I’m still confident,”said Ed.The GAA got wind of thefact that Ed was stillcompeting competitively at52 and doing a great jobtraining the youngmembers along the way,

that they decided to honour him. “They contacted meand told me I was to be enrolled in the Handball Hall ofFame. It was a great honour to be recognised in thisway. GAA legends, DJ Carey and Peter Canavanpresented the award to me,” said a chuffed Ed.

Family Affair. Handball Hall of Fame winner, Swords man Ed Lee is pictured at the recentawards ceremony at Croke Park with his wife Angie, daughter Jessica and son Andrew.

By Patrick Finnegan

04 29.11.2011North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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Swords Solidarity Against Sewage PlantThe ever expandingcampaign against theproposed ‘SuperSewage Plant’ for theNorth County continuedto gain furthermomentum recently,with Swords hosting thesixth in a series of meet-

ings at St Colmcille’sGAA club recently. While none of theregion’s threeGovernment Ministerswere present, an issuewhich evoked intensedebate, the meetingwas relatively well

attended by a crosssection of politicians,anxious residents andcampaign supporters. The meeting, chaired byDeputy Clare Daly andorganised by Cllr

Eugene Coppinger (SP),focused on building aco-ordinated responseto the nine siteproposals across theCounty with the view totackling the Council’shope of ‘pitting thedifferent communities’against one another.Amongst the issues onthe agenda was the sitelocated in Saucerstown,an area within closeproximity of Swords. One such resident fromSuacerstown, EddieFleming, highlightedthat he lived approxi-mately 300 metres fromthe huge parcel of landand feared that thestench and possibility of

a major disaster wasincredibly worrying.“It’s the concern thatthings could go wrong,and that the Councildoesn’t manage it prop-erly resulting in somesort of environmentaldisaster. That would bea primary concern,” hesaid.

By Kieran Dunne

DAA Scoops NationalProcurement AwardThe Dublin AirportAuthority has taken oneof the top honours at theNational ProcurementAwards, taking the title ofBest Procurement Team.DAA Group Head ofProcurement, PaddyMcMenamin expressedhis delight at the victoryand praised the effort andcontribution of the entireprocurement team: “It isa great reflection on thepeople within theprocurement department,but also on the companyas a whole.”The DAA was nominated in three separate headings - Best Procurement Team,Best Cross Functional Project and Excellence in Public Procurement involvingindigenous SMEs.Judges of the event, which was attended by 400 representatives from all overIreland supporting the 77 finalists across 17 categories, commented on the overallhigh standards which made choosing the eventual winners all the more difficult.

Pictured is Armin Samali from Accenture presenting theaward for 'Best Procurement Team' to Paddy McMenamin,Dublin Airport Authority Group Head of Procurement.

Christmas ‘Rush’The Rush Chamber of Commerce and CommunityCouncil are in full swing organising the ChristmasFestival. The weekend kicks off with the Chamberdance and business awards which will take place onFriday 2nd December in St. Maur’s GAA Club. On Saturday 3rd December, Santa will greet the chil-dren and turn on the Christmas lights. Sunday will bean action packed day starting with the 10k and 5k funrun at 12.00, all runners are welcome. There will be aChristmas market, Wheel of Fortune and Santa will bein his grotto from 1.00pm. For information pleasecontact Rush Community Centre.

New Scrabble Club In RushRush has a newScrabble Club andmembers met for thefirst time on Thursday,8th November last inRush Library. A total of

10 people showed upfor the first night and itwent very well. Theyare looking for morepeople to get involved,both male and female .

The group welcomesbeginners up to regularplayers - no one too oldor too young. You willhave a chance to learnhow to score 80 pointsfor one word and pickup all the hints andstrategy of the gameand make new friendsin the process. Theymeet fortnightly in the library on Tuesdaysat 7pm.

Police ArrestMaskedSuperheroSeattle's self-styledsuperhero has endedup in handcuffs after hewas accused ofassaulting people withpepper spray. Policearrested the man, whocalls himself PhoenixJones, and charged himwith four counts ofassault. Jones, whowears a black mask anda muscle bodysuit, saidhe was only trying tostop a street brawl.

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Swords GroupNeeds YouAre you a buddingwriter? If so, this is thegroup for you! SwordsCreative Writing Groupare looking for newmembers. Visitswordswriters.webs.comfor more information. Allnew members arewelcome.


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Tesco opened their newest store in Rush on Monday last, 28th November. The openingceremony was performed by County Mayor, Cllr Gerry McGuire. Pictured cutting theribbon is Mayor McGuire with Store manager, James McNamara. See our full report on theopening of the new store in next week's edition.

Opening Of Tesco In Rush

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06 29.11.2011North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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Pics: Peter Kearney and Derry-Ann Morgan

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Carl Murphy (3rd from the right), held his 20th birthday bashin the Strand Bar in Rush. Pictured having a ball are Ruth

Colmet, Janine Flood, Emma Brady, Nadine Ryan, David Richardson,Sean Mulhall, Carl Murphy, Megan Rothwell and Nicky Kenny. PK

Darren Kane, in the centre held his 30th birthdayparty in the Old Schoolhouse in Swords recently.Pictured with Darren are Gary Stuttard, Andy

Adams, Jason Cole and Derek Canavan. PK

Lorraine Ward and ClareSpellacey held a joint 30thbirthday in the Old Boro,

Swords recently. Picturedenjoying the party are Karl Joyce,Lorraine Ward, Clare Spellaceyand Graham Spellacey.

Pictured at Rodney Faulkner's surprise 50th birthdayparty at the Bracken Court Hotel in Balbriggan areAdam, Kyle, Fiona, Rodney and Jessica Faulkner. PK

Frank and Peggy Leonard from Portrane celebrated their 50thWedding anniversary recently in the Waterside Hotel inDonabate. Pictured are Back Row: Declan, Sean and FrankLeonard. Front Row: Áine; Frank and Peggy Leonard. DM

Christine Keegan on left celebrated her 40thbirthday at the Harp Bar, Swords. She ispictured here with Mary Connolly. PK

Attending the recent Standard Bred Hose Racing IelandDinner and Awards night which were held in Kettles

Hotel, Rolestown are: Nicola Joyce, Clair Henderson, MaryJoyce, Teresa Joyce and Shellie Roche. DM

Pictured at a friends outingat the Old Schoolhouse,Swords are Canice Carroll

and Sharon Wade. PK

Pictured at Gillian Gough's 30th birthday partyat the Old Schoolhouse, Swords are LisaClooney, Gillian Gough and Ger Gough. PK


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07North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper29.11.2011


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Swords Christmas lights will be turned on on at 5pm. on Thursday 1st December at County Hall.All local townspeople and their children areinvited to come along to join in the celebrationswhen County Mayor Cllr. Gerry McGuire turns onthe lights. Following the turning on ceremonythere will be a reception in County Hall with lightrefreshments.Swords Le Chéile is calling on local restaurants,bars and businesses to get into the festive spiritand come along to the big Switch On.“Bringing people who live and/or work inSwords together is the main aim of Swords leChéile and we want to generate a renewed senseof community for the many thousands of men,women and children in the town,” says CEO ofFingal Dublin Chamber Tony Lambert.

A public meeting was held on Tuesday 15th November lastto support the new Irish medium Secondary School,Coláiste Ghlór na Mara, opening in Balbriggan in 2014.The meeting, which was held in the Bracken Court Hotel,attracted a large gathering. Pictured are two speakerswho addressed the meeting, Tadhg ÓTuathaigh,Chairman of the Committee of Coláiste Ghlór na Mara andCaoimhín Ó hEaghra, Árd Rúnaí, An Foras Pátrúnachta.

Pictured at the official opening of Balbriggan Chamber of Commerce's new office are: CllrMay McKeon, Kevin Tolan, Tony Murphy, Donogh McGowan, Chamber President JoeEnglish, Andrew Forde, Zoe Nelson, Luke Moriarty and Cathaoirleach, Grainne Maguire.

Pic: Tony Healy

Swords Lights UpFor Christmas

Opening Of NewBalbrigganChamber Office

Local senator, DarraghO’Brien has secured amajor commitmentfrom the Minister forPublic Expenditure toreview the proposedSuper Sewage Plantwhich is planned forNorth County Dublin. Speaking in a specialSeanad debate recentlyon capital expenditure,O’Brien said: “Underthe greater DublinStrategic DrainageScheme, it is envisagedthat a super sewagetreatment plant will be

Thursday 17th Novemberlast was a momentousday for the BalbrigganChamber of Commerce,as they officially openedtheir new office at No 1Quay Street.Approximately 40Chamber membersattended the openingceremony, which wasconducted byCathaoirleach, CllrGrannie Maguire alongwith the ChamberPresident, Joe English.“This is an extremelyproud moment for all of

us who have made greatstrides to bring this officeto fruition over the pasttwo years,” said adelighted Joe English.The office will providesupport to existingmembers on a variety ofbusiness related topicsand will encourage thegrowth of the organisa-tion by attracting newmembers. The officevenue will be used formeetings and trainingevents and a place wherethe business communitycan welcome guests who

come to Balbriggan todiscuss potential busi-ness opportunities in thearea. A new office manager,Zoe Nelson has beenappointed to facilitateand coordinate the officeactivities and joining herin the office will beLauretta Igbosonu, whowill help with the admin-istration of the office andassociated activities.“This is a very practicalexample of a communityhelping itself through thevery difficult economictimes in which we findourselves, every townneeds a bit of good luckbut the BalbrigganChamber intend toensure there is more tolocal success than luck,”

said Nelson. TheChamber wants to growthe town in a profes-sional, targeted andstrategic manner to makeBalbriggan the best place

to work and live. TheChamber are specificallyaware of the talents andexperiences that thosewho have grown up inother areas of the world

can bring to the commu-nity. They welcome anynew ideas or initiativesfrom the newer residentsof Balbriggan and thesurrounding area.

constructed in NorthCounty Dublin, which isnot required, at a cost ofbetween €2.3 billionand €2.7 billion. I urgethe Minister to re-eval-uate that project, whichdoes not stack up interms of value formoney. Localised plantsare the way forwardrather than a massiveRingsend II.” Minister BrendanHowlin responded: “Iam giving an under-taking now to theSenator that I will have

it investigated. I metpreviously with theMinister for the

Environment, Heritageand Local Government.There is a propensity for

engineers to have bigschemes. I have giventhe Senator an under-taking that I will havethe matter reviewed.” O’Brien said: “I ampleased that the Ministerhas given this publiccommitment to reviewthis scheme. I and thou-sands of people in northCounty Dublin arecompletely opposed tothis plan, which is totallyunnecessary. I am nowcalling on the CountyCouncil and the GreaterDublin Drainage Project

Team to suspend allplanning and adminis-trative work on thisscheme immediatelypending the completionof this review.” “This proposal is thegreatest threat to thequality of life and envi-ronment of NorthCounty Dublin. I amcalling on theGovernment now toreject this proposal andfor the people of NorthDublin to continue tolobby their Governmentrepresentatives in theOireachtas and theCounty Council,” heconcluded.

Review Commitment On Super Sewage Plant

Senator Darragh O’Brien

Newlyweds 'StoleReception Food'A newlywed couple arebehind bars in the US -for allegedly shopliftingfood and drink for theirwedding reception.Arthur Phillips III andhis bride Brittany Lurch,were arrested forstealing £600 worth ofgoods from a super-market in Pennsylvania.The couple werecaptured on CCTVloading a trolley andleaving without paying.

USAWacky World

08 29.11.2011North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

[email protected]

North County Livingby Caroline Heffernan

Doing The Lion’s Share

With its motto ‘we serve’, the 116 Lions Clubs dottedaround the island of Ireland work tirelessly to serveindividuals and local communities nationally and inter-nationally. In July this year, Swords Lion Seán Sandfordwas appointed District Governor of 105-I which encom-passes the island of Ireland. Seán is ultimately respon-sible for co-ordinating all Lions activities across theland.Semi-retired from his highly successful haulagecompany Sandford Freight, Seán maintains that itwould not be possible for him to travel around thecountry as District Governor if he was working full time.“I’m away from home two or three nights a week. Icould be visiting a club up in Antrim or down inSkibbereen but I enjoy it, I like meeting people.” Seán joined Swords Lions Club in 1995 and loves thecamaraderie within Lions. “I’ve made friends for life, notonly across Ireland but also across the world in coun-tries such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada.” Lions Clubs’ first and foremost commitment is to thecommunity in which they are based. “It’s not only aquestion of fundraising to serve our communities andthe vulnerable in society, it’s also a question ofproviding services,” Seán explains. “Some clubs acrossthe country visit senior citizens living in nursing homes.On their birthday, they’ll present them with a cake andcard. It doesn’t cost money, it’s very simple but itmakes a big difference to people to know they’re notforgotten.” Many Lions Clubs across the NorthCounty host an annual SeniorCitizen’s Christmas Party and Seándescribes it as ‘great fun.’ A largerproject involving Lions Clubs fromacross Ireland brings a group of900 senior citizens to Trabolgan inCork for a week’s holiday everyyear. “Swords Lions Club hasabout 15 senior citizens travellingand we have a ball. We have lots ofactivities organised includingdance competitions, cookerydemonstrations, First Aid coursesand walks and it’s fantastic to seethe difference it makes to people to get away for aweek.”Another project that Swords Lions Club has recentlybecome involved with in conjunction with the emer-gency services is called ‘Message in a Bottle.’Launched recently by Health Minister, Dr. James Reilly,Seán explains that “it involves providing free plasticbottles to senior citizens into which they put a formcontaining all their basic health information, such astheir GP’s details and a list of their medication. Theystick a photograph of themselves on the front of thebottle and put it in the fridge. A green cross sticker isplaced inside the front and back door of the person’shome and another on the outside of the fridge alertingemergency services who may be called upon, that thereis basic medical information available. It’s a simple ideathat has saved lives,” says Seán.Lion Club volunteers regularly organise fundraiserssuch as golf outings and table quizzes to provide fundsto improve the lives of young people in our communi-ties. Seán describes having a lump in his throat as hewatched a young girl called Aoife with cerebral palsy

who attends St. Michael’s House in Baldoyle, communi-cate with the aid of her computer ‘My Tobii.’ Aoife’scomputer, which has transformed her life, cost €20,000and the funds were raised by Malahide, Portmarnockand Howth/Sutton Lions Clubs working together andhosting the fantastic Graffiti Classics concert.The practice of various Lions Clubs grouping togetherand organising ‘zone projects’ or ‘inter-club projects’ iscommon and is evident every year in the hugelysuccessful Lions Club Christmas Food Appeal heldacross the country in December. “Swords Lions Clubcollects food outside various local supermarkets overtwo weekends and any cash that is donated isconverted into food from the supermarket we’re basedat. It’s estimated that last year the Lions Club ChristmasFood Appeal raised two million euro worth of food forpeople across the country. A lot of clubs liaise withtheir local St. Vincent de Paul to identify families inneed and we have a great relationship with the variousConferences in Swords.”With the focus on supporting local communities, Seánexplains that 90 per cent of funds collected by LionsClubs across Ireland stay in Ireland. “We donate 10 percent of monies raised to international causes to alle-viate suffering, following a major disaster such as thefloods two years ago in Pakistan. The great thing aboutthe Lions is that 100 per cent of the money collectedgoes to the cause, there are no administration fees

deducted. In the case of Pakistan,the Lions of Ireland purchasedwater treatment tablets andshipped them directly to the LionsClub in Karachi, who subsequentlydistributed them to areas of need.”Seán is currently involved in devel-oping two new projects within theLions Club. “We would like toprovide carers across the countrywith a respite weekend. The secondproject involves the planting of10,000 native trees across thecountry. “With the encouragementof current International President,Dr. Wing-Kun Tam, the Lions Club

are planting trees across the world in the spirit of ourmotto ‘to serve’ to benefit both our communities andthe environment. A couple of hectares of land on theedge of Swords have been donated to us to create a woodland and we are currently working with the County Council toprogress this.”Seán’s commitment to his role as District Governor andhis tireless traversing of the country, visiting LionsClubs, maintaining existing projects and encouragingthe development of new ideas is evident. He concedesthat when his term of office expires next June, his wife,Patricia and he may need a long holiday! In the mean-time, as he prepares to head off to meet Lions Clubmembers in Kilkenny, his enthusiasm for his role ispalpable, “it’s great to feel we’re making a difference inpeople’s lives and achieving something tangible.” Swords Lions Club is always seeking new members asdemands on their services increase. Anybody inter-ested in finding out more can contact Michael Clince at(086)8141214. ‘Message in a Bottle’ is available freefrom local chemists or by contacting Michael.




Seán Sandford


This year's District Governor of Lions Clubs across Ireland who

epitomises the ethos of the charity whose motto is 'We Serve'.

“As he prepares to headoff to meet Lions Clubmembers in Kilkenny,his enthusiasm for hisrole is palpable, “it's

great to feel we'remaking a difference

in people's lives and achieving

something tangible.”


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The Skerries Chamberof Commerce aregetting all festive andare hosting a SuperChristmas BonanzaWeek which meansthat you will have togo no further thanSkerries to find allyour shopping needsthis Christmas. The scenic, seasidetown is fast becomingthe place to do yourChristmas Shoppingthis year and boasts animpressive array ofshops to suit even themost frenzied shopa-holic. Whether its

clothing, electronics,health and beauty,crafts, homeware oranything else inbetween, Skerries hasit all. As well as taking in thedelightful festiveatmosphere, you canstroll around enjoyingthe local delights andlooking for gifts foryour loved oneswithout having toendure the task ofgoing into the citycentre to shop. In thespirit of bringing thattruly festive cheer tothe town, the Skerriesshops are brim full ofatmosphere, full ofChristmas lights andgoodies. Its a festive celebra-tion so why not comedown and see for your-self what Skerries hasto offer. Away from thegruelling slog of thecity centre shopping,you have a chance toexperience for yourselfthe warmth of thefriendly locals and thesee what treasures arein more then 8O inti-mate shops, storesand markets, theboutiques and delisand much much more.All week you canwander the town allday and into the earlyevening of a veritablebonanza of uniquediscounts offers andgifts all at the till. Forthat perfect present,come and shop inSkerries.













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09North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper29.11.2011

Super Christmas Bonanza WeekSuper Christmas Bonanza Week

SKERRIESWe have something for everyone...

Offers Galore!t’s a secret that had to get out sometime, though perhaps Skerries would quite happily have kept it to themselves. A scenic seaside town where some of the best

pubs, restaurants, cafés and delicatessens in the country nestle cosily around a bustling shopping community of three historic streets, where the person behind everycounter is familiar, a friend.But a year of national awards has thrown Skerries into the limelight as a very special place, unique in fact to the country’s eastern seaboard, not least for the 65 clubsand associations that mark this cluster of islands on Dublin’s north east shoulder as a place where over 8,000 happily thrive.Having already trounced the regional Tidy Towns awards with medal upon medal and enjoyed national media attention for a multi-award winning Adopt-A-Beach initiativethat has kept banners of excellence fluttering over 6km of scenic strands where St Patrick himself once strolled, a series of extraordinary events unfurled this year.First Skerries came together in their thousands to walk shoulder to shoulder in solidarity for two lost fishermen, a show of unity that so deeply moved the entire countrythat Community of the Year was bestowed on the town on national television - and out of tragedy came tears again, of pride..Then local man Bryan Cullen captained the Dubs to victory and thousands poured onto the streets of Skerries once again, this time in boundless joy, in celebration, towelcome the Sam Maguire cup through the streets. All eyes once again turned to Skerries from the furthest corner of the country – for the second time in months it wasthe little town that could, that did and does.And the genuine warmth and unity of these recent times, this friendly pride, has since filtered into the very soul of the town. You can feel it in the air today as daylightfades and Skerries’ Christmas lights sparkle in the dusk, permeating every warm shop window with a magic light.So it is that in the spirit of that genuine warmth and with no small degree of pride, the very Skerries shops now heaping windows full of Christmas lights and goodiesat the end of this extraordinary year wish to extend the invitation to experience the secret of this place where so many have come to love to live.It’s a Christmas celebration, an invitation to come and see for yourself, away from the grueling slog of city centre festive shopping, what a unique pleasure it is to strollcomfortable among real people, from shop to glittering, bountiful shop - or to sit and sip warm drinks on heated street-side patios of so many eateries bedecked withfoodie plaques and medals that attest to a joy in food and fun and friends.In a year for sparkling seaside Skerries that has spanned an entire spectrum of emotion, that has changed the way a town looks at each other and is seen by the restof the country, the town is lighting up like a Christmas Kinsale of the north east – and giving something back.All week you can wander the town all day and into the blissful and gentle early evening, soaking up the atmosphere and partaking of a veritable bonanza of uniquediscounts, offers and gifts at the till.It’s just Skerries’ way of saying thank you for supporting local business and once more standing up for the small man when big business would seek to suck away theseasonal shopper into hellish malls of lino floors and canned Christmas musaque.The secret’s out alright. It’s out on Skerries streets and in the more than 80 intimate shops, stores and markets; the boutiques and delis, the pubs and restaurants all tuckedbetween tiny streets of cottages where the air is crisp with sea salt, turf smoke and delicious cooking.We can’t keep it to ourselves any longer. Come down and join us and feel the warmth.



A VeryHappy& Joyous Christmas from

10 29.11.2011North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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Woman TakesHorse ForJoyrideAn elderly Russianwoman was arrested- after she stole herneighbour's stallionon her 80th birthdayto t ick off one herdreams on her bucketl ist. AgrafenaVasilyevna wasquizzed by policeafter sneaking into aneighbours stable,saddling up hishorse, Lyme andgalloping away.

RUSSIAWacky World

McDonald’s OpensIn MillfieldShopping CentreMcDonald’s Restaurantofficially opened its newrestaurant in MillfieldShopping Centre,Balbriggan, creating 70jobs. The delivery of thenew jobs brings to 300the number of jobscreated by McDonald’s inIreland this year. Theopening ceremony wasperformed by All Irelandwinning Dublin Captain,Bryan Cullen.Located in MillfieldShopping Centre, therestaurant has a capacityfor 100 customers, withthe vast majority ofemployees coming fromthe local area.Business Manager at

McDonald’s, Balbriggan,Aisling McNamaracommented “The first fewweeks at Millfield

Shopping Centre havebeen a hive of activity andthe McDonald’s restau-rant has been no different.We were able to fill thevast majority of jobs in thestore with people from thelocal community. We arelooking to building on thisstrong start by continuingto serve high quality foodat affordable prices andlook forward to buildingup a strong customerbase in the years ahead.”

Local Business Wins National AwardFleetConnect, a localbased based provider ofwireless communicationproducts and services,clinched the award forBest New Business at the15th Annual National

Enterprise Awards lastThursday, November24th.Organised by the Countyand City EnterpriseBoards to recognise theachievements of Ireland’s

micro enterprises, theawards were announcedby Mr. John Perry, T.D.Minister of State for SmallBusiness at the event inDublin Castle.FleetConnect was estab-lished by Patrick Cotter in2008 to specialise in thesupply and installation ofin-vehicle systems forbroadband. Employingfive people full-time, thecompany has installedbroadband systems forIrish Rail, Bus Éireann andTranslink in addition toother transport providers.The company issupported by FingalCounty Enterprise Boardand has recently estab-lished an office inBirmingham with plans toexpand into the UK andEuropean markets.Oisin Geoghegan, CEO ofFingal County EnterpriseBoard was the first tocongratulate the companysaying, “FleetConnect, ina relatively short time, hasbecome a market leaderin wireless communica-tion. FleetConnect is anexcellent representativeof Irish enterprise and Iam delighted that tonightit received recognition forits achievements.”

Pictured at the official opening of McDonald's at MillfieldShopping Centre, Balbriggan last Friday are Dublincaptain, Bryan Cullen, with Adrian Crean, ManagingDirector of McDonalds Balbriggan and members of staffof the restaurant, with the Sam Maguire Cup. Pic: RN

Charity FundraiserIn MalahideMother and daughter Anne and Aoife Mulhair fromMalahide proudly presented Joanne BrennanServices Manager of the Alzheimer’s Society ofIreland with a cheque in the amountof €5,791.50 in Malahide recently.This is the third year that Anne andAoife Mulhair have organised eventsin an effort to raise money for thecause which is very dear to theirhearts. In October of this year theenergetic ladies ran their third‘Forget Me Not Girls Night Out’ in theSiam Thai restaurant in Malahide. Anne and Aoife emphasised thattheir fundraising initiatives are notonly to help raise much neededfunds for the Alzheimers Society ofIreland, but to help them to continuecarrying out the fantastic work thecharity does through-out the countyand country.Speaking to the County Leader at the

cheque presentation Anne said, “Aoife and I arewant to help raise awareness about the disease. Wewant to help get this important message out into thepublic arena to help others to find crucial help andadvice early.” Aoife and Anne Mulhair would like to take thisopportunity to sincerely thank everyone includingfamily, friends and sponsors for their continuedsupport with their fundraising efforts.

Pictured here are: Aoife and Anne Mulhair from Malahide presenting a chequefor €5,791.50 to Joanne Brennan Services Manager of the Alzheimers Societyof Ireland. Pic: DM

[email protected]

11North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper29.11.2011

Gift Of Christmas AtMovies@SwordsA Christmas to remember awaitssome lucky cinema goer this year, asthe “Movies@Giving TheGift of Christmas”promotion will start onthe 1st December andcloses on the 20th ofDecember at midnight.The promotion will be atMovies@Swords as wellas [email protected] be in with a chance ofwinning, all you have todo is to buy a largeCombo Meal atMovies@Swords in thePavilions Shopping Centre and youcould have the happiest Christmasever. Movies@Swords will give away

€5,000 to one lucky winner on the21st December. One semi-finalist willbe drawn at 11pm every night fromthe 1st December untilthe 19th December and placed in thedraw for the final on 20th December.

There will be six finalistsrandomly selected onthe 20th December, sixfinalists for Dundrumand six for Swords. Thefinalists must be avail-able to attend the finalof the competition onthe 21st in the cinemathey have been selectedfrom. These finalists willbe notified on the 20thDecember by 2pm and

the name will be posted on thewebsite and on Facebook. If you arenot contactable, another finalist willbe chosen randomly.

Janice Lawlor

Swords ManCrowned Mr WorldSwords resident, Enda Wright has made history bybeing crowned Mr World. This is a first for anyone inIreland to win this prestigious title. Enda, who trainsand instructs at Image Health and Fitness Studio inSwords is very proud of his achievement. Image Health and Fitness Studio, located in CastleShopping Centre in Swords are no strangers when itcomes to success, as the owner John O’Toole hasrecently won the RIBBF over 40s national champi-onship held at the Helix in DCU. Only two weeksprior to this, Thomas Callery won the first placetrophy for newcomers to the sport. Thomas hasbeen training alongside Enda for the past year at the

popular Swords studio. At the same competition,Niall Kinsella took second place in class 3 as seen inBaz’s Extreme World, shown recently on RTE.Previously to all this success, Image Health andFitness studio has also held the Mr. Ireland trophytwo years in succession The ‘09 Mr. Ireland cham-pion, Ralf Ibrzoska won the same title that was wonin ‘08 by Enda, the present Mr. World. To cap off a great night for the studio, the Best Gymof 2011 was won by Image Health and FitnessStudio. The array of trophies on display is a testa-ment to the success of this very progressive gym.

The new Mr World, Swords man, Enda Wright ispictured with the owner of Image Gym and FitnessStudio, John O'Toole

Pictured at the launch of the Lusk Tidy Towns Christmas Card and Calendar at Murray'sTop Shop in Lusk are Front row L-R: Nina Flynn, County Mayor, Gerry McGuire, Pat Kellyand Senator Darragh O' Brien. Back row L-R Mary Hennessy, John Flynn, Caroline Keane,Anthony Mason, Albert Cruise, Laura Duffy, Susan Robinson, Jason Burke and TeresaKilmurray. Pic: DM

Indonesian Film In SkerriesAn international film comes to Skerries on Wednesday 30th of November. As part ofthe One World Festival, the Skerries Rockabill Film Society is bringing the Indonesianmovie Laskar Pelangi to the Sailing Club. Set in the 1970s, at an elementary school inIndonesia, the movie traces the development and relationships of students with theirteachers.There will be complementary Indonesian refreshments served on the night.More information can be found by phoning 086 8345970.

McInerney Saunders CharteredAccountants will be hosting theupcoming End of Year Businessbriefing. It should prove invaluablefor new start up businesses in theregion, as well as more establishedenterprises. This free, early morningevent takes place onThursday, 8th Decemberin Movies@Swords atthe Pavilions ShoppingCentre, commencing at7.30am and finishing at9.30am. It is titled ‘Where ToNow?- A Time To Plan’and is being held inconjunction with FingalDublin Chamber, withNorth County LeaderNewspaper as themedia partner. It is sure to providean excellent opportunity fornetworking with other businesspeople in the area.As the event title suggests, a keypart of the briefing will be devotedtowards planning. One of the keyspeakers will be Gerry McInerney.Gerry, a fellow of CharteredAccountants Ireland, set up the prac-

tice in 1980 that has grown to a sixpartner firm, providing a broad rangeof compliance and advisory servicesto owner managed business inLeinster. He has in excess of 30years experience working withclients and during his professional

career, Gerry has builtup a reputation as atrusted adviser. He is thefirm’s managing partnerand is involved in thedelivery of the firm’sadvisory and insolvencyservices. He is currently on theboard of IAPAInternational and ischairman of its member-ship committee ensuringthat member firms have

acceptable quality standards.This business briefing is open to allbusinesses in the North County area,but booking is essential. To bookyour place, contact Freda at 01-8900977 or [email protected]. Next week we willprofile some of the other speakerswho will make contributions to thisseminar.

Gerry McInerney

Where To Now?Business Seminar Speakers

12 29.11.2011North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

[email protected]


AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 18The trick to dealing with perplexing situations isto act swiftly and decisively, yet to expect littlein the way of response. By all indications takecareful note of this advice - and act on it - forwhat takes place this week.

PISCES Feb 19 - Mar 20You frequently spoil those you care about andoften find it difficult to be tough with them. Butas events transpire this week, certain issuessimply cannot be ignored. Also, in all matters,the faster you act the better.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20As the week begins and you face unpleasant -and in some cases unfair - power struggles, youbecome dispirited about getting issuesresolved. In every case, persistance, combinedwith patience, wins the day.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 20However time-consuming difficulties with othersare, you must explore your options. Initially, thisprovides intriguing insights, but towards theend of the week you will be putting into practisewhat you learnt in the past.

Gemini May 21 - Jun 20Few things are more frustrating than having todeal with unfairly rigid circumstances or inflex-ible individuals. But you soon begin to see thatchange could help you take advantage of as yetundiscovered possibilities.

Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22Difficult as it may be, try not to take personallywhatever happens earlier in the week. This willenable you to focus on the far more intriguingdevelopments that are indicated in your signs asthe week comes to an end.

Leo Jul 23 - Aug 23You’ve known for some time that you were goingto have to confront certain individuals or situa-tions, but the time never seemed right. Now, notonly is it ideal, but your hand will be forced asthe week progresses.

Virgo Aug 24 - Sep 22If you come to feel this is a week to tidy upmatters from the past, then you won’t minddealing with the issues you face. In fact, you’llbe revealed once circumstances force you toconfront certain situations.

Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22For weeks now you’ve been trying to get closeties or associates to agree to certain plans, butyou’ve been frustrated. Try to be patient, indica-tions are that events later in the week will playright into your hands.

Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 22You’ve been cornered into making decisions thatreally aren’t your responsibility. And, whateveryou do this week, someone will object. Thatbeing the case, the solution lies in being tough,and call it as you see it.

Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec 21You’ve been ignoring all doubts or anxieties forsome time. Initially, you hoped you could side-step them. But evasion becomes increasinglydifficult when faced with developments as theweek takes hold.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19You want time to become comfortable with thepotentially life-changing offers that arise aroundThursday, but you’ll have to move swiftly. Anydelay with such decisions, and they could bemade on your behalf.

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Christmas VigilanceEncouraged bySwords Forum

An antisocial behaviour and commu-nity safety public meeting, hostedby Swords Community Policy Forum,has highlighted the need for Swordsresidents to be extra vigilant in thelead up to Christmas.The meeting, which took place inBASE resource centre,Brackenstown, Wednesday last, andwas attended by local North WestSwords residents, identified theneed for proper security arrange-

ments to be put in place within thehome. Speaking at the public meeting,Sergeant Kevin Toner, of thecommunity policing unit in Swords,told those attending of the seasonalopportunism often deployed by burglars during the festive period.He pointed to practical solutionssuch as setting your alarm andbeing wary of bogus visitors. Also present at the meeting wasTask Community Care’s nationalTeleCare co-ordinator, GemmaMcDonnell, who explained thebenefits of a Seniors Alert Schemeinitiative in which over 65’s canavail of free security systems andinstallations through a means testgrant assistance programme.

Pictured here at the recent Swords Community PolicingForum meeting is Sergeant Kevin Toner and communitydevelopment liaison officer, Caroline Mills.

By Kieran Dunne

Classes InBalbrigganBalbriggan Branch ofCómhaltas CeoltóiríÉireann weeklyChildrens’ Tin whistleclasses take place onWednesdays from 7pm -8pm with Adult Classesfrom 8pm - 8.30 p.m.and Set dancing classesfrom 8.30 - 10pm inGlebe North FCClubhouse inBalbriggan. Everyone iswelcome to come andlearn.


Pictured here are, Sineadand Sebastian who cele-brated their big day inthe Waterside HouseHotel in Donabate afterwinning the prize of theirdreams! Back in May thisyear, the WatersideHouse Hotel hosted theirbi-annual Wedding OpenDay where couples wereinvited to come and viewthe hotel as a potentialvenue for their wedding.Little did Sinead Maloneand SebastianKraszkiewicz know whatthis day was going tobring. Throughout theday all couples whoattended were enteredinto a draw to win theirvery own free weddingand the lucky couplehere emergedtriumphant and cele-brated their weddingalmost two years earlierthan they had planned!

CASA Celebrates 30 YearsCASA, the Caring andSharing Association,recently celebrated it’s30th anniversary andis hopeful that theycan continue toprovide much neededservices for manyyears to come. CASA,however does not wantto rest on its laurelsand is hopeful that itcan extend services in2012. But to helpachieve this they needhelp.CASA is a voluntaryorganisation whosegoal is to developfriendships and socialoutlets for people withdisabilities through a

variety of social activi-ties. It is a local basedcharity that worksclosely with those whoneed its services most.Activities include localsocial events, respitebreaks and Lourdespilgrimages. It is unique in that itprovides services forpeople with all disabil-ities - physical,sensory and intellec-tual - of all ages andbackgrounds and itgoes without sayingthat the demand forservices greatlyexceeds volunteercapacity. Local groups provideregular social eventsfor people with

disabilities where theyenjoy activities (asimple meal, l iveentertainment, a sing-song) with one-to-onecare in a safe andrelaxing environment.For people who aredependent on familysupport or carers,CASA offers a muchappreciated sense offreedom and indepen-dence. In addition,they have two respitecare houses inMalahide and Swordsthat provide midweekor weekend breaks fortheir members in asafe and family-likeenvironment. Forfurther informationcontact 01 8725300.

Pictured at the 30th anniversary of CASA are Luke Byrnefrom Swords and Caitriona O' Neill.

Career ChoiceService AvailableSquarePeg offers a unique Career ChoiceAnalysis Service which ensures choosing thebest fit college course for your son/daughter.There is a series of Psychometric assessmentswhich include Interests, Aptitudes, LearningStyles, and Career Values. These are completed ina controlled environment over the period of a day,(Saturday 11am - 4pm). They are done mainly online with full support available at all times. Theyacknowledge the importance of students knowingthe best way they learn as an individual - onesize does not fit all! If your son/daughter findslarge class numbers off putting and their concen-tration lowers, then the type of third level insti-tute they choose is of the utmost importance.Large full lecture halls will not suit them and thisis one of the things they must think about whenfilling out their CAO. The SquarePeg process for5th and 6th Years provides a comprehensivereport and their feedback indicates that bothstudents and parents benefit from the process. It is ideal for 5th years to plan for their future nowand for 6th year students who are preparing to fill out their CAO Form . Further information at [email protected] or

[email protected]

13North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper29.11.2011

New CommunityCentre InSwordsCounty Mayor, Cl l r . GerryMcGuire, officially handed overthe keys of the ApplewoodCommunity Centre to the localcommunity recently.The Applewood CommunityCentre is part of a new ‘sharedfacility’ involving the GaelscoilBhr ian Boróimhe, SwordsEducate Together Nat ionalSchool and the CommunityCentre. Speaking to the CountyLeader at the handover event,

County Mayor, Cl l r . GerryMcGuire, said: “The Council isproud of its role that allows thedelivery of facilities throughthe Fingal Schools Model. Thisinnovative initiative continuesto provide greatly needed facil-ities to communities across theNorth County.” The ApplewoodCommunity Centre comprisesmeeting rooms, a dance studio,a children’s activity room and akitchen facility. Also included isa large multi-purpose SportsHall, which the schools utiliseduring school hours and afterwhich the community hasaccess.

County Mayor, Cllr Gerry McGuire is pictured handing over thekeys of the new Applewood Community Centre to SéamusSeaghach, Chairperson of the Shared Facility Executive.

President Michael D. Higgins made his first trip to the North County as President, when hevisited the Waterside Hotel in Donabate last Saturday at the request of Dublin Inner CityOld Folks, who had their Christmas party there. Pictured are: Tony Dunleavy (Co-ordinatorDublin's Inner City Old Folks Club), Chris Slattery (Proprietor of the Waterside Hotel,Donabate), President Higgins, Mrs Higgins and Thelma Slattery (Waterside Hotel). Pic: DM.

St. Patricks Brass and Reed Bandcelebrated their 35th anniversarywith a Gala concert in the BrackenCourt Hotel recently. With specialguests, The BlanchardstownBrass Band, The Steadfast ShoesBrass Band and Guest ConductorJack Reegan, the bands put on avery special performance.Previous members of the bandshowed up for the night with oneperson even travelling all the wayfrom Cork for the event.A fantastic night was had by all200 guests who attended and theevening was a great way tocommemorate the band’s 35thyear. Member of 35 years AlfieCooney was presented with anaward for his faultless years ofservices to the band, as wasconductor Larry Dunn which

acknowledged his continuousand hard work over the years. Theconcert was recorded and theband is in process of producing aDVD, which will be available inthe comings weeks. The band was established in 1883and presently is the only BrassBand in the North County. In2002, the band was awarded theuse of the Balbriggan Town Crestfor it’s long service to the commu-nity. Come along to the bandroom any Wednesday, 7pm to8pm to practise and newmembers are always verywelcome (with or withoutprevious experience).Pictured here are the members of St.Patricks Brass and Reed Band at their35th Gala celebration in Balbrigganrecently. Pic:

Milestone For Balbriggan Brass Band

Baby Katie TakesIt All In Her Stride

Baby Katie Donnery from Rush certainly caused astir when she was born three weeks ago. Beautifullittle Katie was born in the toilet at Topaz ServiceStation in Lissenhall, as her parents, Amy Balfe andThomas Donnery were on the way to deliver Katie atthe Rotunda Hospital. Last week, she was the centre of attention asnational television and press camera men and jour-nalists jockeyed for position to get a photo of thenew born. Little did she know that she was the mostfamous baby in the North County, for a little while atleast. She and her parents were the special guests ofTopaz, when Katie was presented with a bracelet,with topaz stones. Katie was as cool as a cucumber,took it all in her stride and slept soundly throughoutthe entire event. Oh, the bother of fame!

Baby Katie is pictured with her parents, Amy and Thomas.

Two Headed SnakeUp For GrabsA two-headed albinosnake has been put upfor sale in the US with aprice tag of at least£16,000.The Honduranmilk snake hatched afew days beforeHalloween at conserva-tion group inFlorida.Owner DanielParker, a biologist, saidhe hoped it would bebought by a zoo,aquarium, or serpen-tarium where peoplecould see it.

USAWacky World

GAA ClubSays ThanksO’Dwyers GAA club inBalbriggan would like tocongratulate all theparticipants, who repre-sented the Club, in solosinging and set dancingin Scór na nóg inPortmarnock recently.Well done to all whoparticipated in the event.

14 29.11.2011North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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Mubashar Hafeez (ACCA) In-House AccountantNorth County LeaderNorth StreetSwordsCo. Dublin

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Hundreds of res i -dents expressed theirinterest for anEducate Togethersecond level schoolin Balbr iggan. Thecampaign was organ-ised recent ly inMi l l f ie ld ShoppingCentre. “We receivedvery posi t ive feed-back. There is a lot ofinterest from people.We are del ightedbecause we got a lotof support from thearea. People areconcerned that they

have to send thei rk ids outs ideBalbriggan and thereis a lot of interest inhaving more choiceshere.” said LaviniaMcLean, one of thecampaign's organ-isers. Educate Together is aschool patron body,an independenteducational charityand the fastestgrowing provider ofpr imary schooleducation in Ireland

today. Set up in the1970s, it now oper-ates 60 pr imaryschools , inc ludingtwo in Balbriggan. The Educate TogetherSecond Level Scool inBalbr iggan wi l l beopen to all families inthe area and wi l la l low chi ldren toexplore d i f ferentways of learning andencourage them tofind their own bestway to learn andprovide a safe andsecure environment .They have a l readygathered over 800people support ingthis project inBalbriggan and theinterest campaignswill continue over thecoming weeks.

ResidentsCampaign ForBalbriggan School

Pictured here are from L-R, back to front: Ronan Michael, Sharon Griffin, Niamh Saleh,Bob Dowling, Suzanne Reeves, Cormac McLean, Adam Saleh, Layla Saleh, Griffin Dunne,Kate McLean, Isabel Dunne, Conor Farrell and Noah Makris at the recent rally for a newBalbriggan School. Pic: RN

StudentTrapped InClothes HorseA student had to becut free by f ire-fighters after she gother head trappedinside a clotheshorse. DanielleMorgan admits shewas "muckingabout" in her flat-mate's bedroomwhen the accidenthappened. Friendsand staff at her hallof residence tried tofree her beforecall ing the f ireservice.

ENGLANDWacky World

Malahide United F.C.member Brian Kennyhas put in p lace aplan where bothMalahide Businessesand Malahide resi-dents can supportthe 2011 ChristmasAppeal for childrenstoys, and GamesDonations which willbe distributed by St.Vincent de Paul toneedy children in the

Malahide community.Malahide United F. C.are prov id ing areceiving station forgifts and donationsfrom the Malahidepubl ic in thei rGannon Park SportsComplex at CoastRoad, Malahide.The receiving stationat Gannon Park willbe manned by BrianKenny on Monday 5th

December to Friday9th December from5.30pm to 8.00pmand on Saturday10th December from11.00am to 2.30pm.Donat ions may bemade by cheque orpostal order madepayable to St .Vincent de Paul. Agenerous responseto th is Appealhowever large orsmal l wi l l make abig d i f ference toneedy chi ldren inMalahide th isChristmas.

Malahide CharityNeeds Your Support

Pictured at NUI Galway’s Winter ConferringCeremonies is Jennie Moles from Balbriggan, who wasconferred with a Master of Arts in Journalism. Alsopictured is Bernadette O’Sullivan, Course Director ofthe MA in Journalism programme at NUI Galway.

By Roxana Neag

[email protected]

15North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper29.11.2011

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Volunteer Of The YearIn BalbrigganTheresa Coscoran has recently won the Volunteer of the YearAward for her hard work in the St Vincent De Paul shop inBalbriggan. “She is an amazing lady and a very valuedmember of staff . Theresa always goes the extra mile for SVP.We would be lost without her and all our shop volunteers asthey are amazing and all of them work so hard.”Theresa has been working in the charity shop for the past sixyears. She lives in Lusk, but comes every week to work as avolunteer in Balbriggan. She knows that customers need to bepleased in order to come back again next time, so she puts alot of effort to offer them the best quality service. “I love doingvolunteer work here. I feel I am doing something good, some-thing helpful for the elderly and for the young people as well.It gives me the sense of achievement. “ says Theresa. Pictured here is Theresa Coscoran, Volunteer of the Year in St. Vincent dePaul charity shop in Balbriggan. Pic: RN

Well known writer, Oisin McGann paid a visit to Skerries Community College recently andentertained the students with ideas and techniques he uses when writing novels. This ispart of an exciting initiative employed by this progressive school, which encouragesreading and writing among its students. Pictured at the visit are: Siobhan Duane, DanielCondren, Michael Halpin, Ross Kelly, teacher Fiona Spellman and writer Oisin McGann.

Donabate Christmas MarketDonabate’s inaugural Christmasm a r k e t w i l l t a k e p l a c e o nSaturday December 10th from3pm-6pm in St. Patrick’s Parishhall on Main Street. Tradersf r o m t h e r e g u l a r S a t u r d a ymarket will be in attendance aswel l as a host of extra stal l -holders.There will be an array of goodsavailable on the day including:craft, jewellery, photography,knitting, fruit and vegetables,

e g g s , m e a t s a n d c h e e s e s ,candles, cakes, relishes, jamsand chutneys, Christmas breadsand cordials and seafood. Therewill also be music and entertain-ment provided. The market tiesin n ice ly wi th the Chr is tmasl i g h t i n g u p c e r e m o n y w h i c hstarts at 4.30pm across the roadin the church grounds, so bringall of the family to the village on1 0 t h D e c e m b e r f o r a t r u l ywonderful Donabate Christmas.

Celebrity Bainisteoirin Lusk Lusk National School is celebrating anotherGAA victory for the North County. Fifth classteacher, Arnold Mahon played a key role inKilleshin from Laois winning the recentCelebrity Bainisteoir GAA reality series. Starting in defence and finishing in attack, thelocal schoolteacher scored a total of 1-5 in theseries. Three of these came in the final, whichwas won after a thrilling extra time. Saying the final “was the toughest game by

far” Arnold feels they benefitted from havingTony Cascarino on side. He said the ladsbonded very well with the former soccer aceand everybody “got on very well”. The reactionfrom staff, students and parents has beengreat also. The local received “lots of encour-agement” with the kids and staff.The 26 year old teacher is in his first year inLusk National School. Now very much involvedin the community, Arnold wishes his Junior andSenior teams all the best in Cumann namBunscol.Celebrity Bainisteoir teacher, Arnold Mahon is pictured3rd from right (middle row) with pupils from 5th class atLusk National School.

SwordsToastmastersDo you need helpwith your publ icspeaking? I f so,Swords Toastmastersmeet at the CarnegieHotel , Swords, at8pm on the secondand fourth Monday ofthe month. Newmembers are alwayswelcome.

Malahide Comhaltas Hold Lively SeisiúnThe Malahide branch ofComhaltas Ceoltóirí nahÉireann held a livelyseisiún in The GrandHotel on Sunday 13th ofNovember last.The seisiún was a hugesuccess with many ofthe branches’ aspiringyoung musicians takingpart. Also in attendancewere members from theneighbouring Comhaltasbranch in Kinsealy. Theseisiún allowed studentsto showcase theirtalents and build confi-dence by playing withtheir peers in a non-competitive and encour-aging environment. Younger musiciansplayed in the first hour,then some of the more

experienced musiciansalong with members ofthe Malahide/Kinsealybands filled the roomwith lively music andbeautiful singing.Following the success ofthis event, MalahideComhaltas Branch planto hold similar events inthe futureThe Malahide branch ofComhaltas holds classesfor all ages, children andadults, on Saturdaymornings in St OliverPlunkett’s N.S. school,Malahide, between9.15am and 12.00pm.Tuition is available in anarray of instruments.These include fiddle,bodhrán, tin whistle,harmonica, flute,

concertina, guitar andbutton accordion.Classes are pitched atbeginner, intermediate,and advanced levels. Allare welcome and newmembers are particu-larly welcome at alltimes.

Ciara Savage (2nd from left) celebrated her 21st birthday at the Strand Bar in Rushrecently. Pictured enjoying the night are Jane Bermingham, Ciara Savage, Ciara O' Brien,Aviva Byrne and Denise Wade. Pic: PK

Badminton InSkerriesHere is a great way toKeep yourself fit duringthese Winter months.Skerries BadmintonClub are looking for newmembers, both maleand females, over 16only. The sessions takeplace on Mondays andWednesdays at 8pm inthe Community Centre.


Swords Lions Club will be holding their AnnualChristmas Food Appeal in local supermarkets overthe coming two weeks. Each year they are afamiliar sight in the run up to Christmas collectingnon-perishable food items for the needy in theSwords area. This year the collection points willbe in JCs Supermarket from Thursday 1stDecember to Saturday, 3rd December, and in thePavilions at Superquinn and Dunnes Stores fromThursday 8th December to Saturday 10thDecember. In the past years, the generosity of the localcommunity to this very worthy cause has beenoutstanding. For example last year, a total of 34laden trolley loads were collected. Lions ClubPresident, Michael Clince appeals to shoppersto give as generously as possible. “Your littlebit of help will go a long way towards makingChristmas a happier occasion for the moreneedy in our community.”

Swords Lions Club Food Appeal

BalbrigganChoir WinsTop PrizeThe North Dublin CommunityGospel Choir , based inBalbr iggan recent ly tookhome first prize at the Sligo

International Choral Festival.Facing stiff competition frominternational choirs in theLadies Compet i t ion, theladies of the North Dublinchoir took the h ighlyacclaimed first prize with awinning rendition of a folkclassic.Later that day, joined by themale section, the choir alsoclaimed the top prize in the

Mai O’Connor Trophy forGospel Choirs Programme. Inboth competitions the choirwon a bespoke trophy and acash prize. Commenting onthe win, Musical DirectorJonathan Davies Wright said:“I am so proud of the choir.In the two short years sincethe choir formed, their hardwork and dedicat ion haspaid off.”

Swords Lions Club secretary, Nikki Mullin


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Carl Keegan, Tom

Murphy, Sean Maguire

Scott Harland, Glen Brazil, Kieren Mew.

16 29.11.2011North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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17North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper29.11.2011

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ChristmasConcert InRolestownA Christmas Concertfeaturing theEnchiriadis Choir fromMalahide will takeplace in St. Brigid’sChurch in Rolestownon Sunday, December11th from 3pm-5pm.The Concert is byticket admission only.Tickets cost €5 andare available atRolestown Church. Allare welcome toattend.


18 29.11.2011North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

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Successful Charity Event In Swords Over €11,000 wasrecently raised forcancer research by theFriends of Alice Kane.This extraordinarysum was raised aftermonths off u n d r a i s i n g ,concluding with aGala Dinner at theCarnegie Court Hotel

in Swords. A chequefor €10,200 waspresented to CancerResearch Ireland,which was laterincreased to €11,214following a raffle. TheGala night was justone of many

fundraising eventsorganised by the Kanefamily. Over the lastfew months theyorganised coffeemornings, golf clas-sics, cakes sales, carboot sales and manymore in aid of cancerresearch. The Kanefamily have been tire-

lessly raising thismoney, since theparting of theirmother Alice Kane on20 September lastyear. Guests at theGala Night were enter-tained with traditionalmusic by Room forOne More, rock musicby local rock group7th Heaven andcomedy by comedianDoc Savage.

Pictured here are L-R: Marty Kane, Antoinette Lamb, Anne Kane, Aly Pepper, ElaineGillespie (Cancer Research Ireland) MC Joey Kane, Mary Kane-Lynders and Tom Kaneproudly holding the cheque for the amount they raised for the Irish Cancer Society.

Great Success Of‘Malahide’s Got Talent’Malahide Musical andDramatic Society’srecent fundraiser‘Malahide’s Got Talent’was a huge successand generated greatinterest. The competi-tion was held over fournights, from Thursday,10th November toSunday, 13thNovember. The firstthree nights were heldin Malahide RugbyClub, with the top actsas voted for by acombination of audi-ence votes and judgesvotes qualifying for theGrand Final which washeld on Sunday 13thNovember in TheGrand Hotel ,Malahide. Society PRO, MarissaMagner said, “We are

delighted to announcethe winners were localband, Fret 13 made upof Seán Dolan, DavidMc Intyre and BenLawless. The bandimpressed the judgeswith their stage pres-ence and werecrowned overallwinners, taking homethe top prize of €500.In second place weregirl group ‘TheCopycats’ whichconsisted of EmmaWoodhead, Emma O’Reilly and Megan O’Shea, while third placewent to AoifeO’Connor.

“The funds raised fromthis competition willgo towards staging ournext production whichis ‘Sweeney Todd- Thedemon barber of FleetStreet’ which will beheld in Scoil Iosa Hall14th-18th Februarynext. Rehearsals forthis musical are in fullswing under the direc-tion of Lynda O’Neill ,musical directorAndrew J. Linnie andc h o r e o g r a p h e rMichelle O’ Hara.”

Remote IslandRocked ByVandalismAn isolated Scottishisland has reported itsfirst case of vandalismin living memory - and ittook police two days toarrive toinvestigate.Coll, has nopolice station. Anislander said: "Therewas an incident aboutfive years ago of apunch being thrown inan argument at the pubbut that never came toanything officially."


By Peter Kearney

[email protected]

19North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper29.11.2011

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Localise, a group ofteenagers from Swordsrecently organised avariety of charity eventsto raise funds for thehomestart programme inSwords. This programmehelps young families incrisis around the area.The group organised acake sale among otherevents to raise the fund.An impressive total of€585 was raised overalland the group will beorganising otherfundraising activities overthe coming weeks.Localise is a communitybased outreachprogramme and thegroup are now in are intheir forth year in Swords.Localise is an experimetallearning programmewhich seeks to promote

Children across theNorth County arereminded to getdoodling for a chanceto win the Doodle 4Google national artcompetition. Google ismaking a final call to allNorth County entriesfor its annual Doodle 4Google creative art anddesign competition.The deadline for entriesis fast approaching andchildren have until the9th of December tosubmit their doodles.Students from Dublinare encouraged tocreate a doodle aroundthe Google logo basedon this year’s theme ‘Iwish...’. The winningdoodle will be seen bymillions of Internetusers when it appearson the Google Irelandhomepage in March2012. The winningstudent and theirteacher will bothreceive personallaptops, and theirschool will win a€10,000 technologygrant. Entries areaccepted from juniorInfants right up to 6thyear pupils The fivemost popular doodleswill be presented to theofficial Google team ofdoodlers, who willselect the overallwinner. Schools canenter the competitionby logging onto:

and encourage youthparticipation and leader-ship through positiveaction on issues effectingthe lives of young peopleand their communities.

They have had manysuccessful fundraisingevents over the past fouryears including a DaffodilDay, a Pyjama Dayamong others. The group

meet every Tuesday inCYC Swords and arealways looking for morevolunteers. If you're inter-ested please contact:[email protected].

Successful Fundraising In Swords

'Doodle'For Google

Localise, Swords members, Brian Gillen, Jasmine Burrowes, Orla Burrowes and AdamKonoski collecting for Focus Ireland.

20 29.11.2011North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper

[email protected]

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21North County Dublin’s N0.1 Quality Newspaper29.11.2011

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AVENT Steam steriliser€20 and avent bottlewarmer, brand new inbox € 0876373940BEGINNERS guitar inperfect condition.Comes with soft

carrying case. Neverused. Cost over €80,sell for €35. Ph: 0861513549CANE 3 piece conserva-tory suite incl.Cushions, flowerpattern. 1x 2-seaterplus 2 armchairs.Hardly used. €150.

Ph: 018452114HONEY pine dresser€125, matching press€60, matchingextending table and 6chairs €150. 0861513549LADIES BIKE, excellentcondition, rarely used.Cost over €200 will sellfor €110 ono. inSkerries.Ph: 0861513549 TINYLOVE cot mobilefor sale. brand new inbox €20. mothercareplainest v.g.c.€ 0876373940

DUBLIN city counciltransfer from 2bedroom house inDublin 3 superb condi-tion to 2 bedroomhouse/apartment. Allareas 0851518552/0860637534SWAP or sale detached5bed, 3bath, beautifulfitted kitchen and largelounge, all in show-house condition. Willswap for 3bed house orlarge apartmentNorthside Dublin. Ourhouse is in Leitrim.Ph: 0879698599

SWAP wanted from 3-bed Courneil house inDrogheda Quiet Cul-de-sac. Perfect for youngfamily to Swords,Skerries, Rush, Lusk orBalbriggan Areas. Ph: 0871638163

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Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought to extend theexisting single storey dwelling to the rearand to the north and to alter the internallayout and location of external openings andadd a front porch and velux rooflight toRockery Gardens, Skerries Rd, Luskfor Stephen AllenThis application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy at the offices ofthe planningauthority during it’s publicopening hours and a submission orobserva-tion may be made to the authority in writingon payment of theprescribed fee (€20)within the period of 5 weeks beginning onthedate of receipt by the authority of thisapplication.Regards

Fingal County CouncilPermission sought for new sign overshopfront at 4 Main Street, Malahide, Co.Dublin for Malahide Credit Union. The appli-cation may be inspected or purchased at afee not exceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of Fingal CountyCouncil during its public opening hours. Asubmission or observation in relation to theapplication may be made to the PlanningAuthority in writing on payment of theprescribed fee within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by thePlanning Authority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilWe Eoghan & Maureen Gleeson intend toapply for Planning Permission for a develop-ment at this site; 32 Portmarnock Drive,Portmarnock , Co. Dublin .The development will consist of:Planning permission is sought for first floorextension over existing single storey exten-sion to front side and rear of dwellingconsisting of bedroom with dormer windowfront and ensuite to rear,also canopy alongentire front of dwelling over front door andlower ground windows and sunroom to rearand all associated site works.The Planning Application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy at the,offices of the Planning Authority during thepublic opening hours of 9.30 - 16.30 Monday– Friday at: ,Fingal County Council, FingalCounty Hall, Main Street, Swords, Fingal, Co.Dublin (to inspect PlanningApplications on all lands except those landsto the west of the N2) Fingal County Council,Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Fingal, Dublin15. (to inspect Planning Applications on alllands west of the N2) A submission or obser-vation in relation to the Application may bemade in writing to ,the Planning Authority onpayment of a fee of €20, within the period of5 weeks, beginning on the date of receipt byFingal County Council of the Application.

Fingal County CouncilPermission is sought by Louise Bathe toexpand the original extension at the rear ofthe property with a single story structure. Toremove existing flat roof ,over previously

extended kitchen area and incorporatepitched roof containing 4 No. skylights tied inat right angle to existing, at 98 SeaviewPark, Portrane, Nth Co. Dublin. The planningapplication may be inspected or purchasedat a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of the planningauthority during its public opening hours anda submission or observation may be made tothe authority in writing on payment of theprescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt bythe authority of this application.

Fingal County CouncilPermission is sought for alterations toexisting dwelling & the construction of adetached dormer dwelling (4 bedroom) onsite to side (south) of existing dwelling, newvehicular entrance & associated site works @Pine Lodge, Convent Lane, Portmarnock, Co.Dublin for Aoife Bermingham. The planningapplication may be inspected or purchasedat a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of the planningauthority during the public opening hoursand a submission or observation in relationto the application may be made in writing tothe planning authority on payment of theprescribed fee (20 euros), within the periodof 5 weeks, beginning on the date of receiptby Fingal County Council of the application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought by S. Devittfor a first floor extension over the existinggarage, internal alterations and for all associ-ated site development works at 41 Abington,Malahide, Co. Dublin.The planning application may be inspectedor purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of ,making a copy at theoffices of the planning authority during itspublic opening hours and a submission ,orobservation may be made to the authority inwriting on payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros) within the period of 5 weeks begin-ning on the date of receipt by the authority ofthis application.

Fingal County CouncilI, Paul Meade intend to apply for PlanningPermission for development at FourSeasons, Balleally, Lusk, Co. Dublin. Thedevelopment will consist of change of usefrom existing garage to Montessori schooland an extension of same, opening hoursfrom 9:30am to 12:30pm, and 1pm to 4pmMonday to Friday catering for a total of 14 no.children, with provision of additional carparking, and associated site works. The plan-ning application may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy at the offices ofthe planning authority during its publicopening hours and a submission or observa-tion may be made to the authority in writingon payment of the prescribed fee (20Euros)within the period of 5 weeks beginning onthe date of receipt by the authority of thisapplication.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought for revisionsto approved planning permission for 2 no.houses at Robswall Cottage, Coast Road,Malahide Co. Dublin planning ReferenceF08A/1407, the revisions include the rectifi-cation of southern boundary to Site A andthe relocation of the approved vehicularaccess serving Site A. Applicants K & FFlannigan. The planning applicationmay be inspected, or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost of making acopy, at the offices of the planning authorityduring its public opening hours. A submis-sion or observation in relation to the appli-cation may be made in writing to the plan-ning authority on payment of the prescribedfee, €20, within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of the application, and suchsubmissions or observations will be consid-ered by the planning authority in making adecision on the application. The planningauthority may grant permission subject toor without conditions, or may refuse togrant permission.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought for renova-tions and remodeling of existing dwelling“Tanglewood”, Broomfield, Malahide, Co.Dublin, the proposed works include a newraised pitched dormer roof providing a firstfloor with habitable accommodation,dormer windows, external and internalrenovations, revisions to fenestration andupgrading of the existing vehicular access.Applicants: Joan Henry & Tim Mulcahy. The planning application may be inspected,or purchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy, at theoffices of the planning authority during itspublic opening hours. A submission orobservation in relation to the applicationmay be made in writing to the planningauthority on payment of the prescribed fee,€20, within the period of 5 weeks beginningon the date of receipt by the authority of theapplication, and such submissions orobservations will be considered by theplanning authority in making a decision onthe application. The planning authority maygrant permission subject to or withoutconditions, or may refuse to grant permis-sion.

Fingal County CouncilJakobi Properties Ltd. intend to apply forplanning permission on lands at DroghedaRoad, Bremore, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. Thedevelopment will consist of the constructionof 4 no. two storey three bedroom semidetached houses accessed from DroghedaRoad, associated car parking spaces, privaterear gardens, all associated boundary treat-ments, ancillary site development worksand connection to foul sewage system usingsome of the capacity available from a previ-ously permitted development for 998 no.units under Reg. Ref. F07A/1249, of which 6no. three bedroom units i.e. 1 no. Type 27apartment building located within the‘Hampton Court’ sector, shall not be occu-pied until capacity becomes available withinthe Balbriggan Foul Sewer Network. Theplanning application may be inspected orpurchased a fee not exceeding the reason-able cost of making a copy at the offices ofthe planning authority (County Hall, MainStreet, Swords, Co. Dublin) during its publicopening hours (9.30-16.30 Monday toFriday). A submission or observation in rela-tion to the application may be made inwriting to the Planning authority onpayment of the prescribed fee (€20) withinthe period of 5 weeks beginning on the dateof receipt by the authority of the application.The Planning Authority may grant permis-sion subject to or without conditions, or mayrefuse to grant permission.

[email protected]@northcountyleader.iePlease submit your planning notices to:

before 5.30pm every Thursday, in order for the application toappear in the following issue of North County Leader.A receipt will be issued when your planning notice is received.Please retain this receipt as proof of submission.

Attention Home Owners, Architects & Builders

Fingal County Council Planning Application Adverts are

FREENorth County Leader, Your No.1 Local Newspaper

are happy to announce that we are now accepting Planning Application Adverts for the following areas: Balbriggan, Balrothery, Skerries, Lusk, Rush,

Loughshinny, Ballyboughal, Naul, Portrane, Donabate,Swords, Kinsealy, Malahide and Portmarnock

Adverts must be supplied by email [email protected] by visiting:www.northcountyleader.ieyou can also post your advert on a disk toNorth County Leader, Leader House, North Street, Swords, Co. Dublin



Last Weeks published deathsfrom the North County

ATHLEY(Loughshinny)Patrick (Paddy); lovinghusband of the lateElizabeth (Betty) andloving father of Susan,Ruth and Mark; sadlymissed by his family,sons-in-law, grandchil-dren, brothers, sisters,brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces,extended family and alarge circle of friends.

DELAHOYDE(Balbriggan)Sinéad; deeplyregretted by her lovingdaughters Katrina,Nadine, Amy andMurika, grandsonBrogan, sisters Fionaand Síobhan, extendedfamily and friends.

DROMEY (Portmarnock)Marie; deeply regrettedby her partner Jim,sisters Therese andEdel, brothers John,Seamus, Kieran, Brianand Daragh, sister-in-law, brothers-in-law,nieces, nephews, rela-tives and friends.

KANE (Malahide)Geraldine; loving wife ofEamonn, will be verysadly missed by herloving children Lisa,Marc, Alan and Paul,

grandson Daniel, sistersSr. Estelle and Miriam(Kearny), brother Frank,son-in-law, daughters-in-law, relatives and friends.

KELSH (Malahide)Theresa; beloveddaughter of the lateRichard and Ellen, deeplyregretted by her lovingnieces, nephews,cousins, relatives, neigh-bours and friends.

MAGUIRE (Bayside)Thomas (Tom),(suddenly), belovedhusband of Nuala andloving father of daughterLinda Jand and son ColinThomas, very sadlymissed by his lovingfamily, brothers, sisters,brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews,relatives, friends andneighbours.

WADE(Balbriggan)Joe; deeply regretted byhis loving wife Teresa,sons John and Jospeh,daughter Rachel,daughter-in-law Alison,grandchildren Gavin,Lauren, Dylan and Emilia,sister Ena, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law,nieces, nephews, rela-tives and friends.

Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have askedyou for many favours. This time, I ask you for a

very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesusand place it within your broken heart, where

your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes itwill become your favour and not mine. Amen.

Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publicationand favour will be granted no matter how

impossible. Never known to fail.M.E

Miracle Prayer

Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have askedyou for many favours. This time, I ask you for a

very special one. Take it Dear Heart of Jesusand place it within your broken heart, where

your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes itwill become your favour and not mine. Amen.

Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise publicationand favour will be granted no matter how

impossible. Never known to fail.M.L

Miracle Prayer

Dear Heart of Jesus inthe past I have askedyou for many favours.This time, I ask you for

a very special one.Take it Dear Heart of

Jesus and place itwithin your brokenheart, where your

father sees it. Then inhis merciful eyes it will

become your favourand not mine. Amen.Say this prayer for 3

days. Promise publica-tion and favour will be

granted no matterhow impossible.

Never known to fail.E.W


Dear Heart of Jesus inthe past I have askedyou for many favours.This time, I ask you for

a very special one.Take it Dear Heart of

Jesus and place itwithin your brokenheart, where your

father sees it. Then inhis merciful eyes it will

become your favourand not mine. Amen.Say this prayer for 3

days. Promise publica-tion and favour will be

granted no matterhow impossible.

Never known to fail.P O’B



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