
North Country CollegeExplore Your Potential

Explore Your PotentialNorth Country College

North Country College Is in a place like no other where:

Students explore academics and life;

Nature is an extension of the classroom;

Liberal arts are enhanced by natural curiosity; and

Subtlety in nature revitalizes great minds.


Research Development

Theme & Goals 14

Tenets 15

Moodboard 16

Dynamic Moodboard 17

Logo Development I 18

Logo Development II 19

Overview 04

The School 05

The Industry 06

Trends 07

Competitor Brief 10

Conclusion 11

Table of Contents

Style Guide Solutions

The Leaf Labyrinth 22

Placement & Flexibility 23

Motif & Patterns 24

Seasonal Colors 25

Imagery 26

Type & Tone 27

Website 30

Degree Tree 31

Mobile Tour 32

Mobile Site 33

Print 34

Commercial 35

Explore. Dream. Discover.

ResearchOverview 04

The School 05

The Industry 06

Trends 07

Competitor Brief 10

Conclusion 11

Table of Contents

OverviewThe needs of today’s prospective students to be met by institutions of higher education are shifting at a rate faster than what many will be able to afford. Colleges and universities must demonstrate their value through their brand strategy in an effort to increase enrollment numbers within a target demographic. Meeting the needs of prospective students today will prepare institutions for tomorrow.

Powerful trends are dominating the industry and flexibility will be an asset that will set an institution apart. To demonstrate the effectiveness of brand strategy in higher education, North Country College (NCC) will be used as an example. The college’s history and current strategic plan make it an ideal candidate for a rebrand because of the value its services provide. After research and analysis of current industry trends, a rubric for assessing value has been developed.

Academic Straight A’s Accessible






If an institution can offer accredited programs of study through approachable faculty and staff, in accessible locations, for an affordable price then education can be achievable. This book proves that by investing today in a ‘Straight A’ academic experience with North Country College, a student can build their better tomorrow.

The SchoolLocated in the nation’s largest wildlife preserve is the main campus of North Country College. With humble roots in Saranac Lake’s general hospital, the development of the college and community have been intertwined since 1969.

With a vision of promoting the betterment of the individual and community, North Country developed a liberal arts, career-centered curriculum. It has expanded its academic philosophy and now serves Northern Franklin County in Malone and Southern Essex County in Ticonderoga. The three campuses make education accessible for a population within 3,600 square miles.

North Country boasts 18 Associate Degrees and six, one-year certificate programs that qualify students for a majority of the top 30 occupations with the largest projected job growth. Course work at NCC is relevant to everyday life and career specific, which is the reason given by 77.6% of first-year students for attending a college or university.



The IndustryHigher Education is a monolithic industry that rarely experiences a renaissance. Institutions that do not demonstrate adaptability and flexibility will sacrifice an opportunity to build upon or repair prior rank and reputation. With the population of prospective students rising in number and diversity, North Country College, although ranked in 2010 as New York State’s Best Community College, will find it exceedingly difficult to compete against larger public and private institutions for students if they rely on their current brand strategy.

The industry is being propelled by three powerful, external trends: Economic, Technical, and Student. What was considered a good education yesterday, may not be a valuable education tomorrow. How adaptable and flexible an institution is to the underlying forces will determine its future success.




While 57% of Americans say that “the higher education system in the United States fails to provide students with good value for the money,” North Country Collegemust consider how prospective students today are measuring the value of post-secondary institutions and how the college can adapt to changing marketplace needs. North Country can differentiate its three Adirondack campuses by adapting to meet changing marketplace needs.


Economic TrendIn 2011, only 22% of Americans agreed, “college costs in general are such that most people are able to afford to pay for a college education.” The yearly cost of tuition at North Country is $4,700 for residents of New York State, and $10,400 for non-residents, significantly less than the national average in-state tuition cost of $9,598. College affordability will continue to influence academic investments and is subject to the first major trend affecting higher education.

“Having passed the rising costs incurred from federal budget cuts, increased athletic expenses, and poorly performing investments directly on to consumers for the past five years, the higher education field has caused students and their families to assume greater levels of debt than earlier generations had to manage.”

Institutions that increase tuition must justify the value of their services if they are to pass the debt burden onto students. North Country can dominate this trend because of its affordable tuition rates, accredited services and the achievements of alumni.

Yearly Cost:$4,700NCC

Yearly Cost:$13,864UVM

Yearly Cost:$22,668


Yearly Cost:$12,274


Yearly Cost:$10,009


CompetitorsCSR: College of Saint Rose - Private 4 YRUVM: University of Vermont - Public/private 4 YRPSU: Plattsburgh State University - Public 4 YROCC: Onondaga Community College - Public 2 YR

Technical Trend“Traditional private andpublic universities are increasingly embracing online course delivery.” This is the area where North Country will struggle due to current technological resources. Several competitors offer certificate and degree programs completely online, while North Country only offers a few distance learning courses. To offset their technology deficit, North Country will need to promote its civilized wilderness locations as a college experience augmented by in-class technologies and application based learning.

Student Trend IAcademic interests are changing with market place needs. Instead of specializing in one area, students are seeking multiple avenues of intellectual expression and application. They want to know something about everything rather than everything about something. This adds to a graduate’s marketability since “55% of hiring decision-makers believe most students would be better served by a broad-based education that helps them choose their best career path.” To meet this need, “institutions will offer more and more cross disciplinary programs to meet the interests of students who want to obtain an education in the new specialties that continue to emerge...”

North Country students are free to explore the broad, liberal arts course offerings as electives, minors and dual degrees.


Bradley wants to provide for his family now that he is out of active duty and wants to give his fiancée the wedding of her dreams. He has decided to look into college since his GI Bill will cover all public tuition costs.

Student Trend IIThe average student enrolled at North Country is a 26.94 year-old female who lives in either Essex or Franklin County, New York. The college’s goal is to increase the number of fully matriculated students between the ages of 17-24. The National Center for Education Statistics projects “a rise of 11 percent in enrollment of students under 25” between 2010-2020.

Another key demographic will be veterans utilizing the Post-9/11 GI Bill. The Department of Veterans Affairs has already distributed benefits to more than 860,000 veterans and that number is expected to double in the next five years.

PersonasSince she was four, figuring skating has been Jenna’s life. She works for the Lake Placid Conference center at the ticket booth part time and has become increasingly interested in accounting and event management. In her senior year of high school, Jenna is deciding what path to take in life that will allow her to continue pursuing her athletic and professional passions.

Jenna, 17 Bradley, 25

Competitor Brief

#1 College of Saint Rose19 primary choice applications from local high-school seniors

Onliness Statement Located in Albany, New York on a 46 acre campus, Saint Rose is the only historically religious college that has opened its doors without discrimination and has embraced the educational philosophy for personal betterment in an era of superficiality.

#2 SUNY Plattsburgh14 primary choice applications from local high-school seniors

Onliness StatementFor those seeking a quality academic and meaningful social experience in an era of limited engagement, the State University of New York at Plattsburgh is the only public university that creates a unified student body in upstate New York.

#3 University of Vermont8 primary choice applications from local high-school seniors

Onliness StatementThe University of Vermont is the only quasi-private, public university serving dedicated students in the State of Vermont and surrounding regions that seek deeper truth through research in an era of immediate fact.

#4 Onondaga Community College6 primary choice applications from local high-school seniors

Onliness StatementOnondaga Community College is the only community college that is elastic to changing economics for average citizens in Central New York who seek a higher standard of living in an era of limited skilled labor employment.


campuses located within a 3,600 square-mile radius; students can experience and grow in the comfort of their backyard. Building their future through the power of a

‘Straight A’ education.

ConclusionAll institutions of higher learning are being affected by powerful trends economically, technologically and demographically. This is a rare time for the industry and will be a prime era of growth for those that take advantage and adapt to the changing tides. North Country has a historically influential past, but the current public association of the college is negative. While a living five-year plan is being put into place to increase assets in the long term, there is great potential within the current facilities to generate a positive effect now.

A prospective student seeks much more than an attractive price tag when considering where to invest in their academic, economic and personal betterment. Factors such as class size, programs of study and alumni success can influence a student’s decision. While North Country will find it difficult to compete against other institutions that receive greater funding and have larger endowments, the college has a wealth of advantages to showcase its valuable educational services. Making education achievable is a goal of the college. The supportive faculty and staff make learning tangible for students with a broad liberal arts curriculum offered at three

Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.

Table of Contents

DevelopmentTheme & Goals 14

Tenets 15

Moodboard 16

Dynamic Moodboard 17

Logo Development I 18

Logo Development II 19


Campaign ThemeWhen great minds, like Mark Twain and Albert Einstein, sought reprieve in the Adirondack Park, they were refreshed and experienced profound insight. The next generation of great minds can plant the seeds for lifelong learning with North Country College’s three campuses in the same natural, revitalizing space.

GoalsUnite Campuses



North Country provides the next generation of great minds the opportunity to explore their potential in the naturally enhancive Adirondack Park. Adapting to the pace of nature and experiencing seasonal cycles is an extension of the classroom. Within the classroom, a student is introduced to a broad, liberal arts education that focuses on understanding.

Campaign Tenets

NatureGreatness Exploration

Expanding an individual’s knowledge and understanding across multiple disciplines opens the path to greatness. Greatness cannot be measured on a material scale, but through a spiritual relationship and respect for thought. This is the fundamental principle of a liberal arts education.

Through studying nature a greater understand of the world results. All three campuses of North Country are gateways to the largest expanse of protected wilderness in the United States: The Adirondack Park. This natural setting offers a potential quest for greater understanding and has profound effects on humans, enhancing curiosity and revitalizing the mind.

The essential beauty within free thought and nature is exploration, the ability to choose paths of interest with no determinable end. Along the journey curiosity will divert attention, setting a new course or continuing an old. These paths are what North Country encourages students to see through the study of liberal arts in a natural setting.



Dynamic MoodboardThe moodboard presented for North Country uses imagery to show how students can feel focused inside and outside the classroom.The colors selected are drawn from nature representing energy and peace. Students can feel that they are making a smart decision attending a rural college because many great minds before them have found the area to be revitalizing and inspiring.

The dynamic moodboard tells a story about North Country’s location based theme and the reprieve felt by being surrounded in nature that allows students to focus on their academics and explore their curiosity.

Man originally learned from nature and was able to develop civilizations from that wisdom. Progress has been rapid and the chaos and noise of modern life can be stressful and affect concentration.

Logo Development ISince shape is the first step in the sequence of cognition, triangles were the primary focus. Pattern, position and abstraction all drove this phase, reflecting the idea of a unified school and enlightenment. Color is next and the palette developed reflects the changing of the seasons and was integrated to visually differentiate North Country year round.


Growth Concentration Free Thought &Potential

Logo Development II

In wilderness is the preservation of the world.

Table of Contents

Style GuideThe Leaf Labyrinth 22

Placement & Flexibility 23

Motif & Patterns 24

Seasonal Colors 25

Imagery 26

Type & Tone 27

North Country CollegeExplore Your Potential

Explore Your PotentialNorth Country College




The Leaf Labyrinth

A matured tree experiences little growth, while a sapling has tremendous potential. With the unfurling of its leaves, the sapling has its first opportunity to grow bigger and better than before. The labyrinth created from the three leaves is a powerful tool used for concentration, stress relief and free thought. The color variations are based on the changing of the seasons. This is reflective of North Country’s theme of nature inspiring great minds.

This logo was designed with fluidity and flexibility in mind. In the following pages, several variations and applications will be shown to demonstrate adaptability.

North Country CollegeExplore Your Potential

North Country CollegeExplore Your Potential

North Country CollegeExplore Your Potential

North Country CollegeExplore Your Potential

North Country CollegeExplore Your Potential

North Country CollegeExplore Your Potential

North Country CollegeExplore Your Potential

North Country CollegeExplore Your Potential

Explore Your PotentialNorth Country College

Minimum Size Placement & Flexibility

Explore Your PotentialNorth Country College

0.50 IN

9 PT]7 PT]

North Country CollegeExplore Your Potential

North Country CollegeExplore Your Potential

North Country CollegeExplore Your Potential

North Country CollegeExplore Your Potential


Motif & Patterns

The motif (top of page) created for North Country is inspired by the cycling of the seasons in the mountains and valleys of the Adirondack Park. Patterns may be created with geometric and organic rhythms from the Leaf Labyrinth.













R:111 G:191 B:111C:59 M:0 Y:76 K:0

R:248 G:190 B:23C:2 M:26 Y:99 K:0

R:243 G:116 B:32C:0 M:68 Y:100 K:0

R:65 G:189 B:238C:62 M:4 Y:0 K:0

Colors Primary Secondary



Images of natural textures and patterns, students studying nature and in nature studying and composites of great minds will enhance North Country’s location based theme.


Typography & ToneComposites



Roboto SlabThis is the primary font in the logo and may also be used for all copy.



Merriweather SansThis is the secondary font used for the tagline and may also be used for subheadlines and body copy.




Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap,but by the seeds that you plant.

Table of Contents

SolutionsWebsite 30

Degree Tree 31

Mobile Tour 32

Mobile Site 33

Print 34

Commercial 35


WebsiteMore than 50% of parents of prospective students say that “a bad experience on a college’s website may have some negative effect on their perception of the college.” It is imperative for North Country to develop an intuitive, easy to navigate and interactive website.

While a website has basic interactivity, adding innovative features can engage a user for longerperiods of time, increasing the likeness that the site will be memorable. Color and imagery will cycle seasonally to maintain a fresh look throughout the year. Students will connect with this because it ethically markets the campuses. This is important because “27% of first-year students felt the admissions or recruitment materials didn’t accurately portray campus.”

North Country College

Explore Your



Faculty &Staff





AdmissionsThe College's open rolling

admissions policy seeks to be consistent with the purposes and philosophy

of the College.


Campus VisitCampus Visit

Saranac Lake [Main] Campus - 23 Santanoni Ave., PO Box 89, Saranac Lake, NY 12983, 518-891-2915Toll Free:1-888-879-6222 / [email protected]

Degree TreeEmpowering the student to make informed, smart decisions is the goal behind the Degree Tree. Through this tool, students are able to explore individual degrees and how they have choices within their selected major. The Degree Tree can be shared via the student’s social network to obtain valuable family and peer support. The colors will remain consistent between this web app and the website. North Country plans to offer new specialized degree programs and to partner with four-year universities to offer advanced degrees. This will “meet the interest of students who want an education in the new specialties that continue to emerge.”

The Degree Tree app allows users to customize and share their academic plans visually to align with their specific interests.

North Country CollegeExplore Your Degree

General Knowledge HED111











Switch Degree

Credits Remaining 24





Introduces the basic concepts of

wilderness designation and

management, including a study of

wilderness management

throughout the United States with

an emphasis on the Adirondacks.

Wilderness Recreation Leadership


Mobile TourA campus tour is important during the college search, but an entire community tour is more engaging. North Country is moving academic and professional offices into the downtown area of the communities it serves, creating a “college town” experience. Students will interact and know the communities in a fun, positive way. North Country has announced massive expansions in the three communities it serves. The expansions will include student housing and classrooms in downtown areas. This fits in with North Country’s “College Town” concept of increased integration with the three communities. The tour will end at the bookstore, encouraging students to purchase apparel.

The interactive mobile tour will guide users throughout the campuses and into the communities.

Mobile SiteIn 2012, “40% of 13- to 17-year-olds owned a smartphone device” and 14% of them had accessed a college web-site via their devices. The mobile site will be a slimmed down version of the web site that contains pertinent information for prospective students. The design will maintain North Country’s look and feel with the cyclical color palettes.

Secondary Option


PrintApparel and athletics promote school pride and turn the wearer into walking advertisements. The patterns and designs on t-shirts, sweats and bags will stand out against the competition’s sea of bland typographic swag.

The business cards will empower employees as they will be able to choose the back design of their card to reflect their personal aesthetics.

Business Cards North Country Apparel

Back Options

CommercialTo reach a wide audience, video will be used to broadcast the new brand, generate interest and deliver the new narrative via television/web.

The first commercial introduces the new brand by building curiosity and anticipation. It showcases the flexibility of the new tagline and ends by introducing the new identity.

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ReferencesBratman, G. N., Hamilton, J., & Daily, G. C. (2012). The impacts of nature experience on human cognitive function and mental health. Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences, 1249(1), 118-136. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06400.x

Constantinides, E., & Zinck Stagno, M. C. (2011). Potential of the social media as instruments of higher education marketing: a segmentation study. Journal Of Marketing For Higher Education, 21(1), 7-24.

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Dew, J. R. (2012). The Future of American Higher Education. World Future Review, 4(4), 7-13.

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Noel-Levitz, National Research Center for College and University Admissions, and James Tower (2011). The e-expectations of the parents of college-bound students. Coralville, IA: Noel-Levitz. Retrieved from

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Pulley, J. L. (2003). Romancing the Brand. (Cover story). Chronicle Of Higher Education, 50(9), A30.

Reynolds, C. V. (2013). From Combat to Campus. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 21-26

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Fort Ticonderoga Layout [Print Photo]. Retrieved from America/usa/Northeast/Fort Ticonderoga/800px-FortTiconderogaLayout1758[1].png

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Image ReferencesAdirondack Coast. (Photographer). (2007). Adirondack Sunrise [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

agroovyplace. (Photographer). (2008). [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Albert Einstein [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Design-templates-windows-phone [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Eastern Mennonite University. (Photographer). (2010). Nature in the Shenandoah valley [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Eastern Mennonite University. (Photographer). (2010). Nature in the Shenandoah Valley [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Flight of the butterflies [Print Photo]. Retrieved from

Fort Ticonderoga Layout [Print Photo]. Retrieved from America/usa/Northeast/Fort Ticonderoga/800px-FortTiconderogaLayout1758[1].png

Gilligan, J. (Photographer). (2013). Saranac Lake winter carnival [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Happy students [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Hobsons. (Photographer). Student_girl [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Javurek, T. (Photographer). (2012). Pretty student girl with laptop in autumn park [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Jen'ys flickr page. (Photographer). (2009). Adirondack fall [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Kaplan, T. (Photographer). (2011). For Vacation, Cuomo Favors Saranac Lake [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Lovett, K. (Photographer). (2009). The student [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Mark Twain camp [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Mark Twain Portrait [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Mingorance, J. (Photographer). (2012). Man with curly hair smiling through his smart phone [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Morris, C. (Photographer). (2013). Official welcoming for new president [Print Photo]. Retrieved from

Mwanner. (Photographer). (2007). Hodson Hall [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

North country community college - malone [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Palmer, R. (Photographer). (2012). Horse shoe bend [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Pfluegl , F. (Photographer). Beautiful young woman working with her notebook is sitting outdoors [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Photograph of author Robert Louis Stevenson [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Plotz, J. (Photographer). (2012). Adirondack Field [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Rabuya, N. (Photographer). (2009). Learning [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Robert Louis Stevenson [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Singh, J. (Photographer). (2010). Nature 1 [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Ticonderoga Campus [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Titov, E. (Photographer). (2011). Student with glasses and books [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Titov, E. (Photographer). (2011). Two girls working on laptop [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

The Wild Center. (Photographer). (2011). Winter Walk [Web Photo]. Retrieved from Workroom. (Photographer). (2010). Purple T-Shirt [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

thirdwise. (Photographer). (2007). Seeing nature [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Tote Bag [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

University of Minnesota (Photographer). (2008). Studying flowers in the nature nook [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

wartaberita. (Photographer). (2011). Holding Tablet PC [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

yalenclothing. (Photographer). (2011). Blank T-Shirt [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Image ReferencesAdirondack Coast. (Photographer). (2007). Adirondack Sunrise [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

agroovyplace. (Photographer). (2008). [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Albert Einstein [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Design-templates-windows-phone [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Eastern Mennonite University. (Photographer). (2010). Nature in the Shenandoah valley [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Eastern Mennonite University. (Photographer). (2010). Nature in the Shenandoah Valley [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Flight of the butterflies [Print Photo]. Retrieved from

Fort Ticonderoga Layout [Print Photo]. Retrieved from America/usa/Northeast/Fort Ticonderoga/800px-FortTiconderogaLayout1758[1].png

Gilligan, J. (Photographer). (2013). Saranac Lake winter carnival [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Happy students [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Hobsons. (Photographer). Student_girl [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Javurek, T. (Photographer). (2012). Pretty student girl with laptop in autumn park [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Jen'ys flickr page. (Photographer). (2009). Adirondack fall [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Kaplan, T. (Photographer). (2011). For Vacation, Cuomo Favors Saranac Lake [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Lovett, K. (Photographer). (2009). The student [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Mark Twain camp [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Mark Twain Portrait [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Mingorance, J. (Photographer). (2012). Man with curly hair smiling through his smart phone [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Morris, C. (Photographer). (2013). Official welcoming for new president [Print Photo]. Retrieved from

Mwanner. (Photographer). (2007). Hodson Hall [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

North country community college - malone [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Palmer, R. (Photographer). (2012). Horse shoe bend [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Pfluegl , F. (Photographer). Beautiful young woman working with her notebook is sitting outdoors [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Photograph of author Robert Louis Stevenson [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Plotz, J. (Photographer). (2012). Adirondack Field [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Rabuya, N. (Photographer). (2009). Learning [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Robert Louis Stevenson [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Singh, J. (Photographer). (2010). Nature 1 [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Ticonderoga Campus [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Titov, E. (Photographer). (2011). Student with glasses and books [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Titov, E. (Photographer). (2011). Two girls working on laptop [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

The Wild Center. (Photographer). (2011). Winter Walk [Web Photo]. Retrieved from Workroom. (Photographer). (2010). Purple T-Shirt [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

thirdwise. (Photographer). (2007). Seeing nature [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Tote Bag [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

University of Minnesota (Photographer). (2008). Studying flowers in the nature nook [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

wartaberita. (Photographer). (2011). Holding Tablet PC [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

yalenclothing. (Photographer). (2011). Blank T-Shirt [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

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