Page 1: North Carolina Chamber Governmental Affairs Report

Presentation TitleMonth 00 > 2007

North Carolina Chamber Governmental Affairs Report

September 4, 2013

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Lobbying &


Policy Committees


Federation &

Grassroots Alliance

Allied Business


Political Intelligence

#1 Statefor Jobs

North Carolina ChamberThe Whole Game



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2013 OpportunitiesPolitics to Policy

> Strengthen North Carolina’s talent and workforce development system

> Modernize the tax code

> Restore solvency, integrity and affordability to the UI Trust Fund

> Protect North Carolina’s water supply needs

> Encourage adequate support for transportation

> Continue updating the workers’ comp system

> Provide greater protection through tort reform

> Protect and attract jobs through continued regulatory reform

> Strengthen “all of the above” energy production

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Education & Talent SupplyPillars of a Secure Future

Opportunities• Strengthen workforce


Wins• S14 – Increase Access to

Career/Technical Ed• H23 & H44 – Increase

Digital Learning• H767 – Brass to the Class• S280 – CDL Requirements• S361 – Excellent Public

Schools Act (included in the budget)

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Competitive Business ClimatePillars of a Secure Future

Opportunities• Tax modernization• UI reform• Workers’ comp improvements• Tort reform• Regulatory reform

Wins• H998 – Tax Reform• H4 – UI Reform• S174 – Disapprove IC Rules• H683 – Commonsense

Consumption Act• H74 – Regulatory Reform Act

In Progress• S648 – NC Commerce

Protection Act

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Tax Reform

> Dramatically improves North Carolina’s competitiveness regionally and nationally

> Moves North Carolina from 44th to 17th in state business tax competitiveness (Tax Foundation)

Key Features

• Lowers the personal income tax to a flat rate of 5.8% (5.75% in 2015)

• Increases the standard deduction• $20,000 combined mortgage interest

and property tax deduction• Eliminates the sales tax holiday• Eliminates the estate tax• Nonprofit sales tax refund cap: $45M

• Allows many credits, including Article 3J, to expire, but keeps the R&D credit

• Reduces the corporate income tax from 6.9% to 6% in 2014, 5% in 2015, and 3% by 2017 if triggers are met

• Studies: elimination of the franchise tax, expansion of the sales tax, and the corporate income tax trigger

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UI Reform> Our “Broke & Broken”

UI System> $2.5+ billion debt> 3rd highest UI debt in USA,

2nd highest per capita debt > Federally mandated tax

increases on employers until the debt is paid off

> Most generous benefits of any in in the South

> “Worst managed UI system in the nation for the last 15 years”

> #1 impediment to business climate competitiveness and job creation

> Reforms> Bring benefits in line with revenues, avoid yearly federal tax increases> Restore solvency, affordability, integrity to the reemployment system

Unemployment Insurance Trust FundCash Flow, 1990 to 2012

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Entrepreneurship & InnovationPillars of a Secure Future

Opportunities• “All of the above” energy

production strategy

Wins• S76 – Domestic Energy

Jobs Act• H613 – Omnibus Act

Regarding Coal-Based Energy (bad for jobs, defeated)

In Progress• S522 – New Markets

Jobs Act• H680 – Crowd-funding

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Infrastructure & Growth LeadershipPillars of a Secure Future

Opportunities• Protect NC’s water supply• Encourage adequate

support for transportation

Wins• S341 – Amend Interbasin

Transfer Law• H157 – Limit Use of Highway

Fund Credit Balance• H817 – Strategic Transportation

Investments• H857 – Public Contracts

Construction Methods• S710 – Fair Share

Contribution for Electronic Vehicles (budget)

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Nathan [email protected]
