
North Belfast Locality

Planning Group

Resources and Partnerships

in North Belfast Event

Directory of Services

Thursday 19 April 2018

In Currie Primary School

Jenny Potter

North Belfast Locality Planning Group Chair

(NOW Group)

Tel: 028 9043 6400

Email: [email protected]

Una Casey, Business Support Manager CYPSP and

Interim Locality Planner for Belfast

Tel: 028 9536 2848

Email: [email protected]

“As Chair of the Locality Planning Group I would like to

welcome you to today’s North Belfast Locality Planning Group

Resource and Partnership Networking Event, I hope today

gives you the opportunity to find out more about what is

available in the area.”

Jenny Potter, Chair.

Background North Belfast Locality Planning Group

The Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership

(CYPSP) believes in bottom up planning and the inclusion of

outcomes based planning at a very local level. Locality

Planning Groups have been in place since 2001 in some areas

in Northern Ireland.

Locality Planning Groups are partnerships between statutory,

voluntary and community organisations that are working with

and for children young people and families at a local

geography to find local solutions to local need using an early

intervention approach.

The North Belfast Locality Planning Group was formally

launched in 2013 and has 56 member organisations from the

statutory, voluntary and community sectors.

Our mission is to strengthen collaboration to benefit

families in North Belfast.

The North Belfast LPG is currently working through their

2017- 2020 Action Plan;

the priorities of the plan are:

Improve Resilience for children and young people and

their parents and families

Improve school attendance for children and young people

Positive partnerships and communication.

For further information please contact [email protected]

Glenbrook SureStart provides a range of services for families living in the Ardoyne, Cliftonville and Ligoniel ward areas.

Glenbrook is based in the Wolfhill Centre in Ligoniel but delivers its services in a variety of centres across the three ward areas.

Services include:

Antenatal and postnatal support, breastfeeding support

Drop in groups, stay and play groups

Family support home visiting services

Parent programmes, events

Speech language and communication support

Workshops and children’s programmes.

Services are free and available to all families who are expecting or who have a child / children under the age of 4 and who live in the designated ward areas.

Caroline Milligan, Project Co-ordinator

Glenbrook Surestart

Tel: 028 9071 2266

Email: [email protected]

Smile Sure Start offers services and activities to parents/

families living within New Lodge, Waterworks and Duncairn

wards, and within parts of Mount Vernon and Chichester


We are based in Duncairn Gardens but deliver programmes

in different community venues across all these wards.

Services are available to any parent/parent to be and a child

remains registered with us until their 4th birthday.

A parent/family can access any service that would be useful

to their needs and circumstances and all services are free at

the point of delivery.

Mandy Briggs, Project Co-ordinator

Smile SureStart

Tel: 028 9504 7734

Email: [email protected]

Nuala McKavanagh, Family Nurse

Family Nurse Partnership

Tel: 078 2531 3787

Email: [email protected]

FNP is a voluntary, preventative and licenced programme for

young, first time mothers.

Specially trained nurses offer structured and intensive home

visiting throughout pregnancy and the first two years of baby’s

life, building trusting and supportive relationships with

families. The nurses use in depth methods to work with young

parents on ensuring good psychological preparation for

parenthood and developing healthy attachment relationships.

The aims of FNP are to:

Improve pregnancy outcomes for vulnerable young first

time mothers

Improve child health and development

Improve parents’ economic self-sufficiency

Current eligibilty criteria for FNP are:

< 19years at LMP

Living in North Belfast

Gestation no later than 28 weeks

First baby (previous termination, miscarriage or still birth


No planned adoption

Clients are visited at home:

Weekly for the first four weeks

Fortnightly until birth

Weekly for 6 weeks postnatally

Fortnightly until 21 months

Monthly until 24 months.

Notifications to Family Nurse Partnership are welcomed and

clients may self-refer. Enrolment to and participation in FNP

are voluntary. The FNP approach recognises that the clients

are experts in their own lives and utilises the expectant

mothers’ intrinsic motivation to do the best for her child to

develop and expand the strengths within a family to promote


Services in Belfast are:

Family Support Helpline

Parent Support Groups

Parent/Professional Training

GAP (Girls and Autism Project) – Girls age 11-18 living in

Belfast. Mentoring, 1-1 support for each girl and family to

achieve enjoyment and full participation.

Zoë Tisdale, Girls and Autism Project Officer,

Autism NI

Tel: 028 9040 1729 (Option 1)

Mob: 078 6735 5792

Email: [email protected]

Natalie Robinson, Regional Child & Family Support


Child Brain Injury Trust

Tel: 028 9081 7145

Mob: 079 1775 8701

Email: [email protected]

We support families in North Belfast and across Northern

Ireland who have been affected by childhood acquired brain

injury. We help children and families to come to terms with

what has happened, and help to fill the gaps in services and

build bridges to access existing services. We work in

hospitals, homes, schools and the community providing:

One to one emotional and practical support

Expert support to teaching staff and schools

Sibling support

Advice on small grants and benefits

Access to legal support

Transition support in hospital, home and school

Social events for all the family

Online support group and online factsheets and webinars


Fiona O’Donnell, Community Support & Information Officer Special Educational Needs Advice Centre (SENAC)

Tel: 028 9079 5779 Email: [email protected]

SENAC provides information and advice on getting support for

children with learning difficulties and disabilities in school.

SENAC can help parents understand the special educational

needs system and support you in communicating your

children’s needs to those in authority.

Our services include a confidential advice line and a children’s

advocacy service. We can offer parents assistance preparing

for annual reviews, letter writing and communication with

schools and the Education Authority. SENAC can help with

the wording of Statements and interpreting Individual

Education Plans. We can also offer a support service where

our advocacy worker can accompany parents to meetings and

assist with writing letters. We work with parents to empower

them to get the best possible outcome for your child.

SENAC will also come to speak with parent/community groups

to give free information sessions in your community.

Bronagh O’Callaghan, Family Service Transition


NOW Group

Tel: 028 9043 6400

Mob: 078 2344 6122

Email: [email protected]

NOW Group are a social enterprise supporting people with learning difficulties and autism into jobs with a future.

NOW Group Family service support families in which parents have mild to moderate learning difficulties or an Autistic Spectrum Condition. We work with expectant and new parents with children under five in the Belfast area to support them by building confidence, develop skills and make them more connected to their communities. When they are ready we will provide opportunities for parents to move on to NOW’s Training, Volunteering and Employment Services and plan their future.

NOW Group also run two Social enterprise cafes, The

Bobbin Cafe based in the City Hall and Loaf Cafe

Bakery and an outside catering business Loaf Catering

Our Mission Statement

Improving outcomes for families in Upper North Belfast

who want support by connecting them to early

intervention services.

Hubs believe in helping families to develop the skills to help


The Hub looks at the needs of families and work to match

families’ needs to the best possible service or services that

can help.

The Hub directs families to the services they need. This can

be a service provided by a Hub member or a service provided

by an organisation not directly involved with the Hub but

associated with it.

The area covered by the Upper North Hub roughly covers the

area bounded by the Crumlin Road to the south, and the

Antrim Road to the east.

Karen Mc Lean, Upper North Belfast Family Support Hub Co-Ordinator The Vine Centre

Tel: 028 9035 1020 Email: [email protected]

Edith McManus, Lower North Belfast Family

Support Hub Coordinator

Ashton Centre

Tel: 028 9074 9986

Email: [email protected]

The Family Support Hub provides early intervention services to families and young people requiring support. The Hub brings together organisations that deliver services to children/young people (0 - 18 years) and their parents/carers. This includes community, statutory and voluntary family support services.

The Lower North Belfast Family Support Hub can help families at

many difficult times, whether it is dealing with the challenging

behaviour of children, debt, stress/depression, alcohol/drug misuse

or social isolation. Any adult family member can refer themselves to

the Hub simply by completion of a referral form or you may give your

consent for another organisation with whom you are involved such

as your child’s school, your doctor or health visitor or a local

community group to make a referral on your behalf. The Coordinator

of the Hub will then contact you in order to help match appropriate

services to your family’s needs.

At all times your details will be kept confidential until you agree that

you would like to avail of a particular service whether it is youth

support, advice and guidance or services that offer emotional and

well-being support. There is no need for families to struggle through

life’s difficulties, because the Family Support Hub is here to help

through these times and work in partnership with families to improve

outcomes for all the people who live in Lower North Belfast.

EISS - Early Intervention Support Service, is a family support

service that;

Aims to support families when difficulties arise before they

need involvement with statutory services

Works with families with children from 0 - 18 years of age

Provides a range of supports tailored to the needs of each

individual family and their circumstances

Achieved through a key worker who works with the whole

family, usually in their own home

Works with families for a time limited period of

approximately 12 weeks

Can involve a range of both hands on practical support

and therapeutic interventions

We cover both Family Support Hub areas in North Belfast.

Lesley McMaster, Project Worker

EISS Niacro

Tel: 028 9032 0157

Email: [email protected]

Rebecca Duncan, Project Worker

Tel: 07435787301

Email: [email protected]

Helen O’Neill, Communications Manager

Health & Social Care Board

Tel: 028 9536 1004

Email: [email protected]

The Family Support NI website -

provides information on all types of Family Support.

The Family Support Section is a useful resource for young people,

parents, and front line staff. It provides information on all aspects of

Family Support including support for young carers, disability,

domestic abuse, drug/ alcohol misuse, mental health, social care for

children, and others. It provides contact details for a variety of family

support services within the community, statutory and voluntary

sectors across Northern Ireland.

Staff can use the website to signpost parents and/or young people

to appropriate services. Parents and young people can use the

website themselves to explore the variety of services available

within their local area.

All registered childcare providers are listed on .

You can best check for childcare by choosing type of childcare (use

Drop-down bar) then input your (full) postcode – indicate within

1/5/10 miles. You can filter results by (tick boxes) vacancies/

experience of special needs/school pick-up etc. to find childcare

which best meets your needs.

Maria Rogan, Director for Training & Development

Parenting NI

Head Office Tel: 028 9031 0891

Helpline Tel: 080 8801 0722

Email: [email protected]

Lynn Heatley, Parental Engagement Coordinator

Parenting NI

Tel: 028 9031 0891

Email: [email protected]

Parenting NI has been supporting parents and families across

Northern Ireland since 1979 through our many services.

We believe that effective parenting is the cornerstone of

strong families.

Parenting NI provides anyone in a parenting role with the

support and resources they need to ensure the most positive

upbringing for their children and young people.

Supporting Families North Belfast (SFNB) Project is a

partnership of five Healthy Living Centres in North Belfast.

The Project brings together individual elements from each of

the partners to deliver a holistic care pathway using good

health as the foundation for the delivery of family support


SFNB provides a range of services under first three tiers:

Early intervention through confidence and resilience

programmes to pupils and parents

Family support and

Counselling to children and families through New Life.

Claire Allen, Programme Coordinator Supporting Families North Belfast

New Lodge Duncairn Community Health Partnership

Tel: 028 9074 5588 Mob: 075 8512 5743

Email: [email protected]

The Reach-Out Project addresses issues of poor mental

health, well-being, substance misuse and self-harm by

providing holistic support to individuals, families, and


The project impacts communities by:

Improved physical and mental health

Increased engagement with young people

Promote safer and healthier communities

Build pathways to further education, employability &


The support we offer is:

Counselling and Complementary therapies

Volunteer opportunities

Deliver health education and awareness initiatives

Youth engagement

Health Promotion Events.

Michelle Worrall, Youth Engagement Officer

Extern Reach-Out

Tel: 078 4110 2958

Email: [email protected]

Gary Symington, Senior Youth Intervention Worker


Tel: 028 9075 5070

Email: [email protected]

Lighthouse supports those who have been bereaved through

suicide and we are committed to providing support services to

families who have lost loved ones and for individuals who are

in crisis.

Initially established in 2003 as a community response to a

community problem (the exceptionally high incidence of

suicide in North Belfast) Lighthouse has undergone various

stages of growth and change; however, the core purpose of

the organisation remains unchanged.

If you are having suicidal thoughts you can contact a member

of Lighthouse staff. We are here to help you through your

difficult time. Lighthouse also see people in crisis, so if you

are feeling that life is not worth living please come in a talk to

us. We are here to help you.

Lighthouse aims to be a beacon of hope for all of those within

Belfast and the surrounding areas. We have a great team of

staff offering all sorts of different talents: Lighthouse know that

no two people are the same so this is way we have a diverse

team who work to prevent suicide.

Martina McIlkenny, Care Team Manager

PIPS Charity

Tel: 028 9080 5850

Tel: 0800 088 6042

Email: [email protected]

PIPS Charity delivers suicide prevention and bereavement support

services, counselling and therapies across Belfast.

We learned that everyone is different and we need to be able to

offer an appropriate service to cater for individual needs.

PIPS offers a range of:


Crisis Support


OCN Accredited Training

Sign Posting - our care team provides a valuable link to statutory

services and other relevant agencies

Raise Suicide Awareness of PIPS through World Suicide

Prevention Day, Celebration of life, and Christmas tree of lights,

concerts and fundraising events

Advocacy have been instrumental in highlighting the need to

address the problems of suicide and self-harm in a more

strategic way.

Wendy Stewart, Community Family Team Leader

New Life Counselling

Tel: 028 9039 1630

Email: [email protected]

New Life Counselling offers counselling to individuals across

the age range of 5 years and older for a range of issues

including anger, anxiety, depression, behavioural issues,

family separation/divorce, relationship issues, self worth/self

esteem issues, stress, trauma and bereavement.

Services can be offered at 25 Ardoyne Road, or through a

schools counselling service.

Family Therapy is available in Duncairn Gardens. This is an

opportunity for family members to come together to discuss

issues creating stress, which may include family separation/

divorce, mental health issues, behavioural issues, substance

use, anxiety or domestic violence.

Referrals can be made through our website: where you will find a button on the

top right hand side of the toolbar “Get Counselling”.

Health Professionals or schools can also refer clients/families.

The LEMIS+ Project ‘Wellbeing for Work’ programme supports

those on DLA, ESA, PIP or unemployed and on no benefits. It

offers a free weekly programme.

The project aims to:

Help residents who feel that they can’t work and maybe even

feel like they will never be able to work

Support the work of local representatives and professionals

who already work with people who would benefit from the


Provide taster sessions, workshops and presentations to

community organisations and groups to help local residents

reach their potential

Helping those most removed from the job market, the wellbeing

boot camp delivers benefits such as:

Increased emotional wellbeing

Lower stress and anxiety levels

Goal setting and a strong sense of fulfilment and self-


Rosie Smyth, Wellbeing Coach

Employment & Training Services

Ashton Community Trust

Tel: 028 9074 2255

Email: [email protected]

Barnardo’s Community Resilience Programme

Is a 12 month professional development programme for

statutory, voluntary and community practitioners in North

Belfast. Training and support is provided to enable

practitioners to implement trauma informed approaches and

strategies within their organisations.


To facilitate cross-sector collaborative partnerships within

North Belfast

To enable joined up approach to promoting wellbeing and

resilience within the community

To provide an understanding of the science behind stress

and adversity and how this impacts on learning, behaviour

and life outcomes.

Roisin O’Neill, Community Resilience Facilitator

Barnardos NI

Tel: 077 2562 4242

Email: [email protected]

Nora Duncan, Youth Health Co-ordinator

Ligoniel Healthy Living Centre

Ligoniel Improvement Association

Tel: 028 9039 1225

Email: [email protected]

Ligoniel Healthy Living Centre (LHLC) was established in 2003

to address health inequalities and prioritise needs.

LHLC (funded by the Public Health Agency) focuses on

strategic development, social services and health inequalities;

environment and recreation; and youth health programmes

and activities.

It supports and addresses health promotion, intervention, crisis

intervention, and achieving clinical targets in a user friendly,

innovative way.

LHLC works with statutory agencies and other community

partnerships providing information, programmes and

support to enable people to make informed choices and

decisions about healthy lifestyles through building capacity

and increasing confidence and self-esteem.

Kieran O’Reilly, Regeneration Co-ordinator

Ligoniel Improvement Association

Tel: 028 9039 1225

Email: [email protected]

Ligoniel Improvement Association’s mission is to “To initiate,

facilitate and resource community participation in the

improvement of Ligoniel.”

It is guided in its work by the following principles:

• A recognition of the importance to promote social justice,

equality and opportunity

• A commitment to the inclusion of the most marginalised and

disadvantage in the community

• A commitment to cross community work with its

neighbouring communities

• An anti-sectarian, non-party political approach to all aspects

of its work

LIA aims to:

Strengthen the capacity of local groups and individuals to

combat social, economic and cultural disadvantage

through appropriate educational and training opportunities

Encourage greater participation by local people in

decisions effecting their everyday lives

Support efforts to identify and tackle common problems

and issues across the community divide

Provide resources and support for local, and cross

community, forums and partnerships.

Ben Rayot, Youth Justice Practitioner

Youth Justice Agency

Tel: 028 9035 1982

Email: [email protected]

Our aim is to make communities safer by helping children to

stop offending.

We work with children aged 10-17 years who have offended,

are at serious risk of offending, or those on the ‘cusp’ of

entering the criminal justice system.

We provide a range of services, often delivered in partnership

with others, to help children to address their offending

behaviour, divert them from crime, assist their integration into

the community and to meet the needs of victims of crime.

We work in close partnership with community groups and

statutory organisations.

We are able to facilitate awareness raising/educative

workshops in schools and youth organisations.

We deliver sessions for assemblies to classes depending of

the school needs. The subjects we currently cover are:

Drugs and Alcohol: looking at the reasons why people

use drugs and alcohol, the impact it has on people

around us and the impact on the long and short term


Internet/online safety: from apps on mobile phones to

tablets, computers and game consoles. How to be safe,

what to do and not to do and again the impact of it on


“No Harm Done?” A journey through the justice system

for young people.

One punch: Exploring and making aware the dangers of

that one punch can kill.

Building resilience course: this is a course for year 8

pupils who have been identified to struggle.

It is a brilliant opportunity for us to engage with young people

before it may be too late for them and educate them in making

informed choices.

Richard McLernon, Safer City Coordinator

North Belfast District Policing Community Safety


Belfast City Council

Tel: 028 9032 0202 ext 3324

Email: [email protected]

Policing and Community Safety Partnerships work to make

communities safer, ensuring that the voices of local people are


In Belfast we have an overarching Policing and Community

Safety Partnership and four District Policing and Community

Safety Partnerships (North, South, East and West).

Each partnership is made up of elected and independent

members and representatives from the statutory sector.

We aim to build safer, shared and confident communities by:

engaging and consulting to help improve policing and

community safety

working in partnership with local communities, partners and


monitoring our performance and being transparent about

what we have achieved

encouraging cooperation with, and inspiring confidence in,

the justice system and, in particular the police

North Belfast DPCSP provides support in the following areas:

Castle (Bellevue, Cavehill, Chichester Park, Duncairn,

Fortwilliam and Innisfayle)

Court (Ballygomartin, Forth River, Shankill and Woodvale)

Oldpark (Ardoyne, Ballysillan, Cliftonville, Legoniel, New

Lodge, and Waterworks)

To find out more about CYPSP and the North Belfast

Locality Planning Group: