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Page 1: Noradrenaline

It acts as the neurotransmitter between sypathetic post ganglionic nerves and the organs they innervate. Arrival of an action potential a the nerve terminal of the post ganglionic neuron causes the release of noradrenaline into the junctional synaptic cleft between neurons. It then diffuses across the  cleft to the receptor (adrenoceptor) sites specifically alpha adrenocpetors on the post junctional membrane of neuroeffector cells (smooth muscle, cardiac muscle or glands).  In persistent hypotensive state, once blood volume deficit has been corrected noradrenaline helps to raise  blood pressure to an optimum level


Page 2: Noradrenaline

The main therapeutic effect of noradrenaline results from peripheral arteriolar vasoconstriction in all vascular beds. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure are elevated causing a rise in mean arterial  pressure.

Half life of noradrenaline ranges between 30seconds to 3 minutes.


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Interacts with β-blocking agents, digitalis glycosides, tricyclic antidepressants, mono-amine oxidase inhibitors, cocaine and oxytocics.


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Adverse reaction include anxiety, dizziness, pallor, tremor, insomnia, headache, palpitations.


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Should be used with caution in patients with atherosclerosis, mesentric and peripheral vascular thrombosis or other occlusive vascular diseases, metabolic acidosis, hypoxia or hyperthyroidism. It should be avoided in patients who are hypersensitive to sodium metabisulfite (which is the preservative in the solution).


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Knights, K & Kathleen, B 2011, Pharmacology for health professionals, Chapter 12, Elsevier, Chatswood, Australia.

