Page 1: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP

Nonprogram Revenue Calculator

As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP 39-2011.

This tool will inform the director if revenue from the sale of non-program foods generate at least the same proportion of revenue as they contribute to program food costs.

The nonprogram revenue calculator will become a checklist item starting in the 2014-2015 school year and will be submitted along with the Paid Lunch Equity tool (PLE).

Page 2: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP

Nonprogram Revenue Calculator Completion

Page 3: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP

What is needed to complete the calculator for submitting during the Administrative Review?

Select a recent month in which month end data has been completed.

Total the number of reimbursable breakfasts served for the selected month.

Total the number of reimbursable lunches served for the selected month.

Total Number of After school snacks for the selected month.

Page 4: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP

What is needed to complete? Cont.

Utilizing the inTEAM’s pre-costing feature in the menu compliance tool, pre-cost 5 days of breakfast and lunch menus and establish the average menu cost of each. The average cost of an afterschool snack will also need established. This can be done by simple calculations on an ASCP production record.

Value of food used for the selected month. This can be taken from the D-6 or by completing a calculation provided in a future slide in this presentation.

Generate a report from your Point of Sale (POS) software containing the revenue totals for the selected month of adult meals and a la carte sales.

Page 5: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP

What is needed to complete? Cont.

Total revenue for all catering done inside the selected month.

Munis report containing total revenue for the selected month.

Nonprogram Revenue Calculator. This tool can be found at: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator

Page 6: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP

Calculating: Cost for Reimbursable Meal Costs

Total number of Reimbursable Breakfasts x average breakfast menu cost

+Total number of reimbursable lunches x average lunch

menu cost +

Total number of reimbursable after school snacks x average snack food cost

(If you do not participate in the after school snack program, skip this step.)

Grand Total = Cost of Reimbursable Meal Costs

Page 7: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP

Calculating: Cost of Nonprogram food & Total Food Cost

The calculation above will lead to value of food used for the selected month.

(If foods used for CACFP snacks/suppers are recorded on the same inventory as NSLP and SBP foods, the cost of foods for CACFP will need to be placed in the "Adjustments to Inventory" section and subtracted in the equation below to calculate the final "Value of Foods Used".)

Value of food used (from D-6 or calculation above) Minus –

Reimbursable Meal Food Costs (calculated on previous slide)Equals = Non program Food Costs

Total Food Cost will calculate automatically in the calculator.

Page 8: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP

Calculating: Total Nonprogram Food Revenue

Total income from Adult meals + a la carte sales (POS report).

+ Revenue from Catering

Totals:Total Nonprogram Food Revenue

Page 9: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP

Calculating: Total Revenue

When entering total revenue for the selected month, make sure you subtract the end of the month student account balance to determine the revenue for the transactions that occurred during the selected month.

Once the total revenue is plugged into the tool, the tool will calculate the minimum amount of revenue from non-program foods that is required to meet this requirement. The tool will also calculate the additional revenue, if any, needed to comply. This is an indicator that the prices of the non-program meals need to be increased.

Page 10: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP

Example: Cost for Reimbursable Meal Food

Month Selected: September

Total Reimbursable Breakfasts x Average Breakfast Meal Cost10,300 x $0.90 ($9,270.00)

plusTotal reimbursable lunches x average lunch meal cost

25,400 x $1.15 ($29, 210.00)equals

$38,480.00 = Cost for Reimbursable Meal Food.

* This example does not include an after school snack program. If you have an after school snack program, be sure to include these numbers. The total meals x average after school snack cost would be added to the total Cost for Reimbursable Meal Food.*

Page 11: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP

Example: Cost of Nonprogram Food

September:$40,672 Value of Food Used

Minus$38,480.00 Non-program Meal Food

Equals$2,192.00 Cost of Non-program Food

Total food cost is calculated automatically.

Page 12: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP

Example: Total Nonprogram Food Revenue

$ 2,050.00 Adult Meals and Ala Carte Salesplus

$800.00 Catering Equals


$2,850 = Total Nonprogram Food Revenue

Page 13: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP

Example: Total Revenue

Total of all deposits including interest minus month end student account balances: $25,450.00

$25,450.00 = Total Revenue

Page 14: Nonprogram Revenue Calculator As part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, revenue from nonprogram foods must be measured. It is covered in SP

Completed Tool
