  • TechAmerica Space Enterprise Council Board of Directors Meeting

    November 14, 2014 NOAA Satellite and Information Service

    NOAA Satellite and Information Service Dr. Stephen Volz, Assistant Administrator

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    NESDIS Mission

    Our mission is to deliver accurate, timely, and reliable satellite observations and integrated products and to

    provide long-term stewardship for global environmental data in support of the NOAA mission.

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    Supporting NOAAs Mission NOAA is a science-based services agency engaged with the entire Earth system

    science enterprise.

    Climate Adaptation & Mitigation

    Weather Ready Nation

    Resilient Coastal Communities &

    Economies Healthy Oceans

    NOAAs Top Four Priorities: 1. To provide information and services to

    make communities more resilient 2. To evolve the National Weather Service 3. To invest in observational infrastructure 4. To achieve organizational excellence

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    NESDIS Principal Activities Currently Providing 24/7 On-Orbit Satellite Operations

    Geostationary satellites (GOES) Polar-orbiting satellites (POES) Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Jason-2 altimetry satellite Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP)

    Acquiring Next Generation Satellites GOESR Satellite Series Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) DSCOVR (Solar Wind Continuity) Jason-3 Altimetry Satellite COSMIC-2 Radio Occultation

    Providing Long Term Data Stewardship National Climatic Data Center National Oceanographic Data Center National Geophysical Data Center

    Conducting Research and Developing Operations Center for Satellite Applications and Research




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    Upcoming Launches

    NOAAs satellite acquisition programs continue to successfully meet their major milestones as they progress toward their respective launches starting early next year.

    Launch schedule: DSCOVR: January 2015 Jason-3: March 2015 GOES-R: early 2016 COSMIC-2: 2016 (first six satellites) JPSS-1: early 2017

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    DSCOVR: January 2015 The Deep Space Climate Observatory, DSCOVR, is a Joint NOAA / NASA / DoD

    space weather program which will succeed NASAs ACE mission in providing solar wind measurement continuity from the L1 orbit

    Will maintain accuracy and improve the lead time for geomagnetic storm warnings, up to one hour in advance

    Provides necessary national infrastructure protection for transportation, power grids, telecommunications, and GPS

    U.S. Air Force providing launch vehicle through their launch services contract with SpaceX

    Launch Commitment Date: January 2015 Pre-Ship Review and Operational Readiness

    Review happening this week

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    Jason-3: March 2015

    Jason-3 will succeed Jason-2 in providing global sea surface height measurements and continuity of a 20-year data record

    Joint NOAA / NASA / EUMETSAT / CNES mission for operational satellite oceanography measurements

    Crucial to improvements in weather modeling and hurricane intensification

    Launch vehicle selected by NASA is the SpaceX Falcon 9 v1.1

    Launch Commitment Date: March 2015 Next Jason-3 system review is the

    Operational Readiness Review scheduled at the end of January 2015

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    GOES-R: Next-Generation Data

    Next-generation geostationary satellite, GOES-R, is scheduled to launch in 2016.

    GOES-R will provide significant improvements in the detection and observation of meteorological phenomena.

    In anticipation of new data, the GOES-14 satellite has been operated in super rapid scan mode, which provides one-minute imagery (left panel of video).

    This imagery emulates the high-temporal resolution capabilities of GOES-Rs Advanced Baseline Imager.

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    GOES Flyout Chart

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    COSMIC-2 The Constellation Observing System for

    Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate, or COSMIC, mission is a Partnership with Taiwan, NASA, and the U.S. Air Force

    Will provide global radio-occultation measurements of ionosphere, temperature and water vapor information to improve weather forecasts

    Valuable data due to non-biased quality, accuracy and depth

    Shown here is a comparison of sounding distribution over three hour periods between COSMIC and fully-implemented COSMIC-2 (12 satellites)

    Launch in 2016 of the first set of six COSMIC-2 satellites

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    JPSS: Next-Generation Data

    The Joint Polar Satellite System, JPSS, ensures continuity of global weather observations and critical environmental data

    Delivers real-time data to the National Weather Service, improving the quality of forecasts and enabling improved consistency in public warnings 3 to 7 days in advance of a severe weather event

    Provides critical monitoring for hurricanes, droughts, floods, snowstorms and other severe weather events

    Advances weather, climate, environmental and oceanographic science through technological improvements in satellite instruments and capabilities Fire detections from the operational Suomi NPP VIIRS Active Fire product in northwestern U.S. on July 24, 2014. Data in various user-friendly formats are

    available from the product evaluation portal at

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    Polar Orbit Flyout Chart

    Note: Research satellites that contribute polar observations are not shown

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    NESDIS: Strategic Initiatives Support NOAAs partnerships with private industry as part of the

    Department of Commerces Big Data Initiative Develop a commercial data policy and innovative

    business models to assure primary mission functions while maintaining full and open data sharing

    Plan for more robust systems architecture at the enterprise level and plan for satellite architectures beyond GOES-R and JPSS, with demonstrations and developments completed well in advance of the need date

    Enterprise ground system to standardize product distribution, access, archiving and compression, and to expedite the incorporation of new observations

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    NESDIS: Looking Beyond FY2015 Move toward a system that is flexible, responsive to emerging

    technologies, and economically sustainable Enhance program management structures to minimize overhead,

    simplify interfaces, and enable flexibility in execution and acquisitions Utilize partnerships to leverage investments in science and technology

    that enable more frequent refresh opportunities Leverage partnerships and collaborations in a systematic and strategic

    way to enable the NESDIS vision Increase accessibility to information to better serve satellite data

    communities Attract technical, science, and management talent to build the

    foundational capability for the future

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    Slide Number 1NESDIS MissionSupporting NOAAs MissionNESDIS Principal ActivitiesUpcoming LaunchesDSCOVR: January 2015Jason-3: March 2015GOES-R: Next-Generation DataGOES Flyout ChartCOSMIC-2JPSS: Next-Generation DataPolar Orbit Flyout ChartNESDIS: Strategic InitiativesNESDIS: Looking Beyond FY2015Slide Number 15
