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  • 7/28/2019 No Schedule Lines Due To


    No Schedule Lines Due for Delivery uptoSelected Date

    Problem : This is one of the most common errors that newbies to SAP SD face when tryingto create a delivery from a sales order. This page will be useful to all of ourSAP

    Training students who are gettingSAP SD Training from us.

    No Schedule Lines due for Delivery upto the selected Date

    Solution : This problem could have 3 root causes. The first Reason is more straight forward

    and simple to solve We will discuss all the reasons here and the solutions to each of


    Reason 1 :This problem occurs when you are trying to create a delivery that the system is

    NOT ready to create yet. Here is an example. You just created an SAP Sales Order for M-

    01 for a quantity of 10. To understand this at a much greater level of detail, you would have

    to first understand what is SAP Delivery Scheduling. But lets discuss how to just resolve ithere.

    Since the delivery is not expected by SAP at this point in time , change the date to a future

    date. How far into the future ? As far as SAP expects or any date beyond it.

    In order to find out that date, go to the SAP Sales OrdersShipping tab and check out the

    Delivery date In this case its 15.07.2011!input.jspa?objectID=4081953&objectType=2!input.jspa?objectID=4081953&objectType=2
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    However, when you try to do the delivery and get the error message No Schedule Lines

    due, click on the back button,
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    and future date the delivery. In this case change it from 06.07 to 15.07 and hit enter.

    You should now be able to create the delivery as usual.

    Reason 2: This is a more serious problem and cannot be solved without either config

    changes or master data changes. Let me take this example that one of the students has
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    Everything looks pretty innocent until this point. Now check out the Schedule lines

    associated with this line item.

    As you can see, the confirmed qty is Zero. That means, the system is not able to confirm

    the quantity either via procurement or via production. An alternative way to check it is via
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    the Shipping Tab of the header where you should see the respective dates.

    From the picture above, you can see that none of the dates were being calculcated by SAP

    as part of the standardSAP delivery Scheduling Process. In order to understand the root

    cause for this, the first point to dig down to is the MRP type of the material ( which in turn

    causes theSAP Schedule Line categoryto be determined ). In order to do this, first check

    out the plant that this order has been created in ( you can find it out at the line item level )
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    and go to MM02 or MM03 to see what the MRP type is.

    As you can see the MRP type is based on re-order point and the re-order point is 100. Now

    at that point, ideally MRP should be run which will ensure that the respective planned orders

    or purchase requisitions would be been created. Since this is a test system this did not

    happen and thats the reason why the schedule lines could not show any confirmed qty at

    any date in the future.

    Since this is MM/PP related stuff, it is better for SAP SD Training students to work with

    materials that have standard MRP types like PD. This post is also useful forSAP CRM

    Training students because although SAP CRM does not deal with logistics the CRM

    consultants still have to understand why deliveries could NOT be performed.
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    Reason 3: This could also occur because the Plant is not defined in the plant. Example, an

    order created for a new material shown below, does not have the Plant Determination

    Check here for the logic onSAP Plant Determination . Now , because of this reason the

    system could not determine the stock and hence the schedule of dates and hence could not

    confirm schedule lines. And as discussed in the class you know the importance of schedule

    lines and the confirmation required there in order to be able to create a delivery. There are

    multiple ways to fix this problem as determined inSAP Plant Determination and the easiest

    way to do it is to set the plant up for the material master for the respective Sales Org views

    Reason 4 : This is very similar to Reason 3 Just a different set of changes at the material

    master level. As usual, stock is there in MMBE as shown below.
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    But still the order is being not confirmed at the schedule line level.

    Again, check out if MRP type or Availability Checking parameters ( Checking Group ) has

    been changed in the material master. I went to the change log and found out that the

    material has been changed for these parameters.
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    When I went inside I

    found out that the MRP type, reorder point and checking group of the material has been


    I tried changing the plant from 1000 to 1200 and it was able to confirm the schedule lines,

    but when I changed it back from 1200 to 1000, it gave me a message saying No Control

    Data Maintained for Checking Group 04 and checking group A
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    I immediately went to the Availability check controls [ spro -> IMG -> Sales & distribution ->

    Availability Check and Transfer of Requirements -> Availability Check -> Availability Check

    with ATP Logic -> Carry out Availability Check ]

    I found out that for the

    combination ( Checking Group 04 and Checking rule A), there is no config available.
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    I did the

    configuration by copying from 01/A combination and VOILA !! the sales order for M-02 was
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    created with confirmed schedule lines. Check out Order # 25182

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    No schedule lines due for delivery up to the selecteddate

    1. "I am not an SD guy" : If you are an end user, but putting the cursor in a field (e.g.

    "Selection date") and then pressing F1; you can read SAP Help, thereby you can get an

    idea about the way how the logic pertaining to that field works.

    2. Selection date -

    VL01N is for creating deliveries. The purpose of creating a delivery is to deliver the goods to

    the customers. The delivery process starts with the "Availability of material". Thus if there is

    NO material then delivery should NOT be made for that sales order.

    With the help of Selection date, user and SAP creates delivery note ONLY if material is
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    ALREADY available OR

    Selection date is after Material availability date


    CASE 1

    Material availability date = 01 - Jan - 2012

    If selection date = 12-Jan-2012

    Then delivery can be created

    CASE 2

    Material availability date = 01 - Jan - 2012

    If selection date = 12- Dec-2011

    Then delivery can NOT be created & user shall get the message you got.

    For material availability date -

    Go to VA03, item level, tab Schedule lines

    Button Shipping, there you can see "Mat. availability date".

    ps - there is also Transportation planning date, but i have not mentioned it to keep the

    concept simple.



    canenareplied 16 hours ago

    I need to create the OBD before the delivery date. The lines are confirmed because I don?t

    check the Availability of materia.


    SandeepKumarreplied 2 hours ago

    Please do check the date in first screen of VL01N. It should be date on or after the date as

    provided in the schedule line tab of sale order line item.
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