Page 1: NO QuARteR MAGAzINe: GutS & GeARS - Privateer … · and monsters of the Iron Kingdoms. Read about what ... Immoren, The Witchfire Trilogy,


Guts & Gears takes a look at the men, machines, and monsters of the Iron Kingdoms. Read about what it takes to be a warrior or warbeast with one of the many factions or look into the mechanikal workings of hulking warjacks and what it takes to get these multi-ton constructs to dominate the battlefield.

By Will ShickArt by Mariusz Gandzel & David Kuo

All content copyright 2001 - 2011 Privateer Press, Inc. All rights reserved. Privateer Press®, Play Like You’ve Got a Pair, Iron Kingdoms, Immoren, The Witchfire Trilogy, Monsternomicon, Five Fingers: Port of Deceit, Full Metal Fantasy, WARMACHINE®, Steam-Powered Miniatures Combat, WARMACHINE: Prime MK II, WARMACHINE: Escalation, WARMACHINE: Apotheosis, WARMACHINE: Superiority, WARMACHINE: Legends, WARMACHINE: Wrath, Forces of WARMACHINE: Pirates of the Broken Coast, Forces of WARMACHINE: Cryx, Forces of WARMACHINE: Cygnar, Forces of WARMACHINE: Khador, Forces of WARMACHINE: Mercenaries, Forces of WARMACHINE: Protectorate of Menoth, Forces of WARMACHINE: Retribution of Scyrah, Cryx, Cygnar, Khador, Protectorate of Menoth, Pirates of the Broken Coast, Retribution of Scyrah, HORDES, Monstrous Miniatures Combat, HORDES: Primal, HORDES: Evolution, HORDES: Metamorphosis, Forces of HORDES: Circle Orboros, Forces of HORDES: Legion of Everblight, Forces of HORDES: Skorne, Forces of HORDES: Trollbloods, Circle Orboros, Legion of Everblight, Skorne, Trollblood, No Quarter Magazine, Formula P3, Formula P3 Hobby Series


Page 2: NO QuARteR MAGAzINe: GutS & GeARS - Privateer … · and monsters of the Iron Kingdoms. Read about what ... Immoren, The Witchfire Trilogy,

Speech given to new Assault Corps recruits by Master Golern Stonefist:You’ve all come here to pledge yourself to the assault corps of Great Clan Udo here at Horgenhold. You think you deserve this honor because you’re tough as a mountain and powerful as an avalanche. Well I’m here to tell you that right now you ain’t more than gobber dreck on the bottom of my boot heel until you prove otherwise. The right to serve one of the three toughest fighting clans in Rhul isn’t given away; it’s earned through sweat and blood.

By the time I’m done with you lot, those that are left will be truly worthy members of this fortress, this clan, and the assault corps. But first you are going to have to prove yourself. You are going to go through the worst hell you can imagine, then you’re going to get up before dawn and do it all over again. I’m going to put your oaths through the crucible to see who’s comes out pure steel and whose only pretending to be worth a damn.

We’re going to teach you how to fight with axe and battle cannon all right, but that’s just to start. An assault corpsman is much more than a mobile weapons platform. He’s a living, breathing battering ram ready to crush anything foolish enough to stand against his pledged house. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be able to kill a charging gorax with your little finger.

Dwarves and humans believe warjacks are the most devastating weapons of war on the battlefield. Well, in these halls, we know what a squad of the Assault Corps can do to any six-ton pile of moving scrap.

I can see in your eyes that some of you think I’m blowing smoke up your rear ends. You think this old, mean-tempered sarge is just talking a big game with nothing to back it up. Well, believe you me, the only thing you’ll find up your asses for the next eight weeks is my boot.

We’re going to kick things off easy, since despite my better judgment, I think some of you out there might just have what it takes to honor your new clan and earn the respect of the Stone Lord Udo himself.

Everyone get up and grab those packs over there—yeah, the big heavy ones. We’re going on a nice little five-mile run up that hill over there and back. Then we’re going to do it again and again until you renounce your oath or dinner’s called. And dinner doesn’t happen round here for at least four hours.

Welcome to the Assault Corps, boys.

Run 8 miles in full kit (300lbs) in less than an hour.

Flip a Grundback Gunner onto its back a minimum of 5 timesDemonstrate perfect knowledge of close-combat forms, including armed and unarmed.Load and fire a minimum of 3 battle cannon rounds per minute while maintaining a marksman score of at least 75.

Coordinate fire with his squad to a score of 90 points.

Complete the 15-mile Assault Corps obstacle course, which includes steamjack wrestling, endurance challenges, and marksmanship challenges in less than 3 hours.

Demonstrate complete aptitude in maintenance and servicing of battle cannon and ammunition.Field-strip and reassemble a battle cannon blindfolded in less than 120 seconds.


