
No. 97 Friday 18th May 2012 With this newsletter you will receive Permission slips for Year 3, 2 and Kindergarten to the Barbican, Painshill Park and

Birdworld School Holiday Sports Camp leaflet Years 1 - 6 Sports Day Letter, whole school Swimming Gala Letter for Years 3 - 6


There was an incident in school this week in which a child in Nursery became ill fol-

lowing the ingestion of hand gel. Thankfully she has made a full recovery and is ex-

pected back to school on Monday. As a result of this, we have decided to ban the use

of sanitising hand gel from school until further notice. This includes small bottles of

gel brought into school by the children, and so we would ask you not to put these

into your child's lunch box for the present. We will ensure that the children wash

their hands properly before and after eating. If you have any concerns please make

an appointment to see Mrs Dobell.

Dear Parents, The school seems to be very quiet this week without Year 6. The children are of course in France enjoying sunshine and good weather, not to mention the very many and exciting activities that we have been hearing about in our daily bulletins. They’ve been making bread, canoeing, fencing, and participating in archery, aeroball, rock climbing and the in-famous mud assault course. Outings were to the French market where the boys and girls bought goods from the stall holders speaking in French; to Arromanches to visit the land-ing beach and the D Day Museum and to the American War Cemetery. The fun evening events included dressing up in something typically French, devouring delicious escargots and participating in a talent show. The children return on Saturday with suitcases full of dirty washing. What a joy for the eager parents awaiting them! Undoubtedly they will be looking forward to a home cooked meal, a hot bath and their own beds. We were treated this morning to a splendid assembly from 4L. The children dressed as athletes to represent the various sports at the Olympic Games and after a lovely rendition of the Australian National Anthem they imparted lots of interesting facts about the games. This afternoon the school was awash with sombreros, ponchos and the aromas of deli-cious Mexican food as Year 2 celebrated a Mexican day and learnt more about the diverse Mexican culture and its traditions. Year 3 had a splendid outing to Fishbourne where they dressed as slaves and enacted a scene in a Roman kitchen. Tonight there is a Year 3-5 swimming gala at Ibstock Place School. We look forward with baited breath to the outcome of the gala and wish our young swimmers the very best of luck. Marianne Austin



Saturday 19th May

Year 6 Return to Kew College. Please collect your child from school at 3.30-4.00pm approximately

3.30 - 4.00pm approximately

Tuesday 22nd May

Recorder Club to be held in the Art Room 8.20am

Year 5 Parent Talk, ‘Preparation for Senior School’ in the Sedum


Year 6 Outing to National Archives – walking 9.30am

Year 4 Cricket v Fulham Prep Away Year 4 Rounders v Ravenscourt 2 Teams at Home

2.00pm 2.00pm

Wednesday 23rd May

Year 4 outing to Whipsnade Zoo Year 6 outing to Globe Theatre

Coach leaves at 8.30am Coach leaves at 9.00am

Thursday 24th May

Sports Day at the University of Westminster Sports Ground, Chiswick No After School Clubs Children to come to school in sports kit. Collection from school. No Nursery Yellow session, please take your child to the Sports Ground for 12.00pm. If you would like to picnic with your family before hand, please be at the ground for 12.00pm.

1.00pm 8.20am 11.30am 12.00pm 12.00pm 12.00 - 12.45pm

Friday 25th May Year 6 Cake Sale 8.20am

Music News Kiera-Uma was awarded her Grade 1 piano certificate in assembly this Monday. Kew College Summer Fair Performances Kew College Friends have invited both the Junior Choral Club and Wind Band to take part in performances at the Summer Fair on 16th June. Performances will be timed at approximately 12.10pm and 12.45pm, and will be in the playground near the Hall and the pear tree. Mrs Thompson Head of Music

A REMINDER: If you are going to make an Usborne book order, please return your Order Forms together with your cheque by the 25th May. If brochures have been misplaced, you can check out the books on and write down your choices on paper. Thank you.

A Kew College Gran is appealing for any spare balls of wool to be donated to help a Women's Hospital in Ethiopia. Any odd balls, of any colour of double knitting wool, can be dropped off into a box which will be near the front door next week. The wool will be used to knit squares that will become blankets for use at the hospital in Addis Ababa. The organising charity is Hamlin UK. Jo Beddington [email protected]

Headteacher’s Commendation

Congratulations to the following children, who received the award this week:

For significant improvement in Comprehension Robert M 5S Frederick 5L

For significant improvement in all areas of English Maddy M 5L Shachar E 5S

For good reasoning skills Joseph H 4L

Well done children!

Year 6 at the Bank of England On Friday of last week, Year 6 ventured into the City of London by coach to visit the Bank of England’s Museum. The morning began with a few short films to introduce how money began, how it has evolved over time, interest rates both earned and paid and inflation. The speaker explained about the impact of the Bank of England’s control over interest rates and the effects this had on people’s attitudes to spending and saving. They also got a feel for the way in which prices are set and how they change according to supply and demand. It was good for the children to get a feel for how the monetary system works and to understand the role of the Bank of England as differing from that of a high street bank. The films and talk were followed by an interactive tour of the museum

where the children got to simulate inflation and counteract it with interest

rate changes to stabilise the economy. They even got to lift a bar of gold

bullion! Sadly we could not take it home.

Years 5 & 6 Shakespeare workshop in school and trip to the Orange Tree Theatre.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of Shakespeare’s most amusing comedies and when the Orange Tree Theatre team came into school to do a workshop with the children, it was a comedy indeed. The play opens with Theseus and Hippolyta planning their wedding. The children acted out an abridged version

and since the dominant theme of the play is about the trial and tribulations of love, peals of laughter could be heard throughout the school as the boys and girls acted out the parts of lovesick individuals. It was a terrific introduction to the play and gave the children a good insight before their visit to the theatre the following day. At the theatre, the play was acted by professionals but supported by a spattering

of Kew College children chosen at random. They were given costumes and scripts

and engaged whole heartedly in the production. It rates as one of our favourite

outings to the Orange Tree Theatre so far.


On Thursday 3rd May Year 3 played Orchard House at Rounders. Orchard House batted first. We took our positions ready for the match to begin. I was the bowler with Jasmine P as the back stop. Each of their players had 2 turns to bat. Although Orchard House tried really hard, they didn’t manage to get any Rounders. Next it was our turn to bat, we tried really hard. Lucy was Orchard House’s bowler and she was very good. We were really keen to not got out and to score lots of rounders. As it was our first match of the season we occasionally ran each other out but we also managed to score. Georgie Heale got our only full Rounder and others in the team got half Rounders which made our score 4:0 to Kew College. Well done to all the team: Olivia M 3B, Jasmine P, Olivia H, Tilly, Olympia, Georgie H 3S, Georgie H 3B, Nerys, Anya and Jasmin M. Olivia M 3S

On Tuesday 15th May Year 4 A team played a cricket match against Ravenscourt Park. We lost the toss and Ravenscourt choose to bowl first. I batted first with Samarth. Raven-scourt's best bowler soon hit the stumps after 4 balls and then again after another few balls. We finished our 2 overs and then Charlie and Oliver went in. They did very well and got Kew College quite a few runs. The rest of the pairs had their turns and scored more and more runs until we were down to the last pair, Toby and Ted. They did extremely well and got us lots of runs. It was finally our turn to bowl. I went first and did a few really good balls and so did all the other bowlers and soon we were down to our last bowler, Toby, he was brilliant and bowled a wicket and an LBW. The final score was 233-245 to Ravenscort. We need to work on communicating, espe-cially when we are batting. Well done to all the boys who played. By Lachlan 4F

Year 3: Georgia 3B Freddie 3B

Kiera Uma 3B

Year 5: Marilys 5L

Eliza 5S Victoria 5L Portia 5S

Frederick 5L

Congratulations to our Golden Sentence winners this week!

On Thursday 17th May, Year 3 played against Orchard House. We started batting. We all did very well and hit the ball a few times. The whistle blew. Now we were fielding. Every-body did fantastically well. It was the end of the match. Unfortunately, we lost. The score was 1 1/2 to Orchard House and 1 for Kew College, what a tight score! Well done to all the girls who played. I think we need to improve on our batting. Anya 3S

Dates for the Diary

Dates for the Diary

Summer Fair – Saturday 16th June Summer Fair

Your class reps will have sent you details about the chocolate and bottle tombola:

On Friday 25th May we will be putting boxes outside school to collect donations for the chocolate and bottle tombola. Chocolate donations can be big and small - the more variety we have the better, this can be bars of chocolates, boxes of chocolates, chocolate biscuits, hot chocolate, chocolate cakes, chocolate sauce etc The prizes should be geared towards children and please remember NO NUTS (including coco-nut) as we will not be able to use them. We are sure that this will be a popular stall so the more we have the better. Some supermarkets are doing deals on chocolate items and Poundland seems to have some amaz-ing offers. Bottle Tombola - again we are requesting items for both children and adults. Children can win any drinks - juices, coke, lemonade, bottles of jam, honey, sauces - basically anything in a bottle - again with no nuts. Adults can win anything containing alcohol! We will be wrapping all items of alcohol in cellophane and they will only be given to an adult on the day. We would be very grateful if you could send your donations of both chocolate and bottles into school on Friday 25th May. Thank you for your support

We are also looking for a baker to make a cake for “Guess the weight of the cake” Please can you let me know if you would be willing to bake one – [email protected] A big thank you to all those who have so generously offered raffle and auction prizes – we are very grateful indeed. Recycling There were lots of blue recycling bags outside school this morning. We will let you know what the total weight was and how much we raised – thank you for supporting the trial, we will be doing an-other collection in the Autumn. Restaurant Tree This is a new attraction this year. The Restaurant Tree will give you the opportunity to win a meal for two or some vouchers. Restaurant donations will be pinned to a tree in a sealed envelope. You might pick an empty envelope, or if you’re lucky, an envelope containing vouchers for a meal… If you can help get more vouchers - even for a bottle of wine, coffee and cake etc please let us know Contact [email protected] or [email protected] Misty Interiors offer a design and make up service for made to measure curtains, blinds, val-ances and headboards (removable cover) for both private and commercial properties. For a free quote contact Kozue Garner (an ex Kew College parent) - or 07703 486047.
