  • © 2008 IBM Corporation

    IBM Power Systems

    nmon Analyser & Consolidator

    Stephen Atkins, IBM UK

    nmon Analyser developer

  • IBM Systems & Technology Group – Power Systems

    © 2008 IBM Corporation2

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  • 3 nmon Analyser and Consolidator

    IBM Systems & Technology Group – Power Systems

    © 2008 IBM Corporation

    NMON Analyser

    � Processes nmon/topasout files for tuning assistance

    ► Possibly not ideal for routine monitoring

    � Requires Excel 200/2002/2003 – will NOT work with Excel 2007

    or 97

    � Produces charts for virtually all sections of nmon output

    ► Number of charts can be reduced

    � Produces some additional sheets using derived data (e.g. for


    � Can merge multiple nmon files FOR THE SAME SYSTEM to

    analyse longer periods

    � Recommended number of intervals is no more than 300

  • 4 nmon Analyser and Consolidator

    IBM Systems & Technology Group – Power Systems

    © 2008 IBM Corporation

    NMON Analyser – known issues

    � MERGE processing and general handling of files with >65,000

    lines requires CRLF line endings

    ► As a general tip, send the files individually to the PC as ASCII/TEXT

    � Currently can’t do FIRST/LAST processing for files with

    timestamps >5 characters in length

    ► Probably fix this is V3.3.5

    � Several issues arising from Excel limit of 256 columns

    ► JFS file sections

    ► ESS sections

  • 5 nmon Analyser and Consolidator

    IBM Systems & Technology Group – Power Systems

    © 2008 IBM Corporation

    NMON Consolidator

    � Process nmon/topasout files for multiple purposes:

    ► Overall view of LPAR’d system utilisation

    ► Overall view of clustered system utilisation

    ► Modelling changes from Dedicated to Shared LPARs

    ► Modelling server consolidation scenarios

    ► Reporting actual or potential savings from virtualisation

    � Requires Excel 200/2002/2003 – not tested with Excel 2007 or 97

    � Only produces overview charts for CPU, Memory, Network, Disk

    ► Fast and simple code, pre-generated charts

    ► May be more suitable that the Analyser for high-level reporting even

    for a single LPAR

  • 6 nmon Analyser and Consolidator

    IBM Systems & Technology Group – Power Systems

    © 2008 IBM Corporation

    NMON Consolidator – restrictions

    � Only processes a maximum of 250 intervals per host

    ► Requires Excel 2007 to fix

    � Does not process files with more than 65,000 lines

    ► Requires Excel 2007 to fix

    � Double-counts disk I/O for systems using esoteric device

    names (e.g. ESS/EMC/FAStT)

    ► Fixable today but I’m not sure how important it is to do so – will

    increase runtimes significantly

  • 7 nmon Analyser and Consolidator

    IBM Systems & Technology Group – Power Systems

    © 2008 IBM Corporation


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    PLEASE read the fulsome manuals – I spent a lot of time writing them!