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Conventions In what way does your media product, use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?To create my front cover, contents page and double page spread I look at popular music magazines which are currently being sold in shops. From this, i took structures and layouts from magazines such as NME and kerrang. I then took 3 layouts from kerrang magazine for front cover, contents and double page spread.

This is my final front cover. I have used conventions and a range of techniques to create a magazine front cover, which looks professional and applies to my target audience. I have used the technique of using a large background picture which takes up a large amount of space. This attracts the audience and helps to persuade them into buying the magazine. In addition, I have used popular techniques such as the large bold magazine title, like used in the popular magazine NME. The barcode on the front shows to the audience it is a purchasable product.

This is my final contents page. The basic layout I have used is popular with a lot of rock magazines currently on the market. For example NME and kerrang magazine. The main picture separates the page into sections which makes it easy to read and understand. I have used large fonts and kept the writing to a basic minimum. This is because through research and personal experience I have found out that short and to the point text works more effective than long and over written text.

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Conventions In what way does your media product, use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This is my final double page spread. I used a basic layout of separating the pages by using one big main picture. The text on the right hand side is all about the lead guitarist which is shown on the left hand side, and how he and his band started off and became famous. It include short interviews and quotes from band members to attract the audience and engage them into reading the whole article.

Furthermore, I used a plain black background and used bright colour fonts, which helps to catch the attention of my target audience. Lastly, I used page numbers on the double page spread, as you would expect in a typical magazine today.

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Conventions This the title of NME magazine, as you can I used a similar technique, to help to caption the attention of my readers.

I also used similar techniques from this magazine. A main background picture and a plain background. With text and images around the picture to fill the page.

Also, the catch phrases and add ons at the bottom, give an insight of what is in the magazine. Which I have included in my magazine.

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Representation How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Before I created my magazine. I researched into what age group buys the most amount of magazines. I found out that between 16 – 24 year old male and females buy the majority of magazines today. I have tried to make my magazine fit into these catergories and use bright colours for a younger audience.

This magazine is addressed towards male rather than female. This is instantly shown by the main picture of a man on the front. Also, the captions are more popular with males than females.

The magazine is aimed towards lower to middle class people. It is professional but is made to look slightly informal to attract a younger and lower class target audience.

The double page spread, uses language which is used in most popular rock magazines. It is designed to make the reader feel relaxed and not tense or have to concentrate to much if there is a lot of difficult language to read and understand

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Institutions What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I researched a variety of music magazine distribution companies, and found out that the company that would be suit my products is musicmags. This company specialises in rock magazines which they review and distribute out to shops and how to market the product using a range of different techniques.

In addition, they are well known within the music magazine industry, which will be helpful because using a well known institution will help to boost the sales of my music magazine.

Musicmags will look at my product and evaluate it, according to a mark scheme they tick of boxes. I researched into the mark scheme they used and found small information showing me what key things that are required or are preferred in a music magazine.

However, key points that I would have to change or improve on, is the range of fonts used and the editing of my images. To improve this to get a distributor to buy my products I would have to spend more time improving my products and making the images perfect. This would be improved through either photo shop or fireworks.

In conclusion of this, I would have to spend more time editing my overall products and add more vital detail that is required for my products to reach the next level.

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AudienceWho would be the audience for your media product?My target audience is mainly aimed at 16 – 24 year old males. Also it is aimed towards rock supporters. The darker colours of the background contrasting with the light colours of the fonts attracts rock fans as it is similar to many rock magazines out today. I am aiming at a niche market, for those who are specifically into rock and new talent.

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Attracting your audience How did your attract/address your audience?

I used a range of colours to help to attract my audience. In addition, I used a big main picture and title to help to engage retain and entice my audience. I also used a main title and bold fonts to help attract my target audience. Furthermore, I looked at a range of rock magazines, and I have found out that red and white fonts are popular, which will help me to attract my target audience.

I included information around the picture which shows the audience an insight of what is included within the magazine.

The picture of the member of the band “The conspiracy” is shown playing his guitar. This automatically helps to address my audience.

The black plain background is popular with rock music magazines that are currently sold in shops today. This is why I have used a plain background to make it look less complex and more approachable.

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Use of technology What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt how to use different lighting effects and techniques to take pictures and edit them using fireworks. In addition, I learned how to use layers to edit my pictures to make them look professional.

I also learned to use slide share, to upload power points to my blog page. This is helpful because it makes it easy to upload power points and pictures.

However, I had knowledge about how to use fireworks and similar programmes such as Photoshop. This helped me to edit my photos and design my layouts and the structure of the page.

I learnt how to use different effects on the camera to give me a better overall picture. For example I used sunlight effects and day time effects to help me to get an image which will look professional on my final products.

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Progress from prelim Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

By looking back at my preliminary task, where I had to design and create a school magazine. When I created my prelims, I used basic layout and structures, with little editing with my pictures and text. On my final products I spend more time making it look professional and look like it could be sold in a shop. I have learnt how to edit images efficiently saving time but making them look more professional.

In addition, I did more research into popular magazines and designed a layout that look more professional and standard in comparison with popular music magazines sold currently.

Furthermore, I have learnt how to spend my time more wisely and experiment more with my designs, this has helped me to create a more complex design in comparison with my prelim.

Another thing I have learnt from my prelim in progression to my final products is to research information, I did this by asking a survey between 10 people to ask their opinions on my layouts and designs. This helped me to create a magazine that people who regularly buy rock magazine are after. In comparison with my prelim where I did little research with resulted in a prelim which people may not want to buy or look at.
