
2013© Trivadis


WELCOME Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else Markus Flechtner

October 2013

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 1

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Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 3

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About me ..

§  Senior Consultant, Trivadis, Duesseldorf

§  Working with Oracle since 1993 §  Development (Forms, Reports, PL/SQL) §  Support §  Database Administration

§  Started at Trivadis in 2008

§  Focus §  Oracle Real Application Clusters §  Database Migration

§  Teacher §  O-AI – Oracle Architecture and Internals §  O-RAC – Oracle Real Application Clusters §  O-NF12c DBA – Oracle 12c New Features for DBAs

4 Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3

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1.  Character sets & Character Conversion

2.  Unicode

3.  Oracle Parameters

4.  Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter

5.  Oracle-Tools: Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU)

6.  Changing the Character set of an existing Database

7.  Change Database and Character set


9.  Recommendations

10. Links & further information

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 5

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Character sets (1)

§  “A character set is just an agreement on what numeric value a symbol has“, i.e. a mapping table (code point) §  How to display a numeric value (in the database) as a corresponding character

in the output §  How to store an input value (e.g. numeric value) in the database (or file etc.)

§  Some well known character sets §  WE8ISO8859P15 („= WE8ISO8859P1 +€-character + some more“) §  WE8MSWIN1252 §  AL32UTF8 §  UTF8 §  US7ASCII – not recommended §  WE8ISO8859P1 (ISO 8859, Page 1, for Western Europe) – not recommended

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Character sets (2)

§  Oracle 11.2 supports 247 different character sets

§  Oracle database supports different types of character sets §  SB: single-byte encoding §  MB: multi-byte encoding §  FIXED: fixed-width multi-byte encoding §  ASCII: strict superset of ASCII §  EURO: Euro symbol supported §  UDC: User-Defined-Character set (using „Oracle Locale Builder“)

§  See Oracle 11.2 Globalization Support Guide, Appendix A („Locale data“) for more information

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Character sets (3) – well known character sets

§  The WE8ISO8859-family §  WE8ISO8859P1 §  WE8ISO8859P15 §  ..

§  ISO/IEC 8859

§  Differences between ISO8859-1 and -15

§  See for more information

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Character Conversion: from client to server (and vice versa)

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 9


Database Character set = WE8ISO8859P15

INSERT (‚€‘) è  Converted to è  WE8ISO8859P15

Stored: „€“


But the € cannot be displayed In WE8ISO8859P1!

It‘s all about the correct and compatible setting of database character set, client OS character set and client Oracle character set!

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Character set- and NLS-information on the database

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 10


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1.  Character sets & Character Conversion

2.  Unicode

3.  Oracle Parameters

4.  Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter

5.  Oracle-Tools: Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU)

6.  Changing the Character set of an existing Database

7.  Change Database and Character set


9.  Recommendations

10. Links & further information

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What's Unicode? - Introduction

§  “Unicode is a computing industry standard for the consistent encoding, representation and handling of text expressed in most of the world's writing systems.” (

§  Development started in 1987, current version is Unicode 6.3 (released in September 2013), representing more than 110.000 characters

§  Universal encoded character set

§  Store information in any language è supports globally used databases

§  AL32UTF8 = variable width (1 – 4 bytes per character)

§  UTF-8 = variable width ( 1 – 3 bytes/character)

§  UTF-16 = fixed width (2 or 4 bytes/character)

§  Oracle supports Unicode since Oracle 8.1

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3


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Character set AL32UTF8 - Introduction

§  Reminder: “A character set is just an agreement on what numeric value a symbol has“

§  Supported as database character set since Oracle 9i

§  Recommended character set

§  Check your clients: Old Oracle 8i (or earlier) clients have problems with AL32UTF8 è use UTF8

§  Characters have variable length (1 – 4 bytes)è any character other than US7ASCII (A-Z,a-z,0-1 and ./?,*# etc..) needs more than one byte è the database may need some more space (csscan will report an estimation)

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Character set AL32UTF8 – bytes of storage for different chars

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 14

(from Oracle 11.2 Globalization Support Guide, © Oracle)

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Unicode vs. Classical 8-bit-character set

§  Database 1 – “old fashioned” 8-bit-Character set

§  Database 2 – “modern” Unicode Character set SQL> SELECT PROPERTY_VALUE FROM DATABASE_PROPERTIES WHERE PROPERTY_NAME=’NLS_CHARACTERSET'; PROPERTY_VALUE ---------------------------------------------------- AL32UTF8 SQL> INSERT INTO CSDEMO.UMLAUTE VALUES ('äöüÄÖÜß'); SQL> SELECT ZEICHEN,DUMP(ZEICHEN) FROM CSMDEMO.UMLAUTE; ZEICHEN DUMP(ZEICHEN) ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- äöüÄÖÜß Typ=1 Len=14: 195,164,195,182,195,188,195,132,195,150,195,156,195,159

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3


SQL> SELECT PROPERTY_VALUE FROM DATABASE_PROPERTIES WHERE PROPERTY_NAME=‘NLS_CHARACTERSET'; PROPERTY_VALUE ---------------------------------------------------- WE8ISO8859P15 SQL> INSERT INTO CSDEMO.UMLAUTE VALUES ('äöüÄÖÜß'); SQL> SELECT ZEICHEN,DUMP(ZEICHEN) FROM CSMDEMO.UMLAUTE; ZEICHEN DUMP(ZEICHEN) ---------- ---------------------------------------- äöüÄÖÜß Typ=1 Len=7: 228,246,252,196,214,220,223

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Character set AL32UTF8 – Technical Limits within Oracle

UTF8 | AL32UTF8 | AL16UTF16 (1 to 3 bytes)| (1 to 4 bytes)| (2 bytes) MIN MAX | MIN MAX | MIN MAX ------------------------------------------------ CHAR 2000 666 | 2000 500 | N/A N/A VARCHAR2 4000 1333 | 4000 1000 | N/A N/A ------------------------------------------------ NCHAR 2000 666 | N/A N/A | 1000 1000 NVARCHAR2 4000 1333 | N/A N/A | 2000 2000

§  For the national character set, only UT8 and AL16UTF16 are allowed

§  There is still an underlying limit of 4000 Bytes per VARCHAR2 column è you can store 4000 “a” (single-byte-character) in such a column

§  Every multi-byte character reduces the number of available characters (e.g. you can store 3997 “a” + 1 “€”, because the EUR-character is a 3 bytes character in the AL32UTF8 Character set, and 3994 “a” + 2 “€” and so on)

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1.  Character sets & Character Conversion

2.  Unicode

3.  Oracle Parameters

4.  Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter

5.  Oracle-Tools: Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU)

6.  Changing the Character set of an existing Database

7.  Change Database and Character set


9.  Recommendations

10. Links & further information

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Oracle Parameters: NLS_LANG (1)

§  „NLS_LANG is used to let Oracle know what character set your client's OS is USING so that Oracle can do (if needed) conversion from the client's character set to the database character set.“

§  Character set in NLS_LANG not necessarily equal to DB character set! §  If both are equal this may be beneficial in terms of performance (OCI)

§  è On typical Western European Windows Clients §  NLS_LANG=<LANGUAGE>_<TERRITORY>.WE8MSWIN1252

§  è On Unix systems the character set depends on the locale -  Check LC_ALL -  See

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3


-- Format <Language>_<Territory>.<ClientCharacterSet> NLS_LANG = GERMAN_SWITZERLAND.AL32UTF8

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Oracle Parameters: NLS_LANG (2)

§  With the value of NLS_LANG, the client tells the server about the character set of the incoming data §  If both are equal, the server does not do any conversion

§  How to check what’s stored in the database using SQL Developer §  Run SQL Developer on a PC with no other Oracle software installed §  Insert data via SQL Developer & SELECT it

-  => everything OK? => the database supports these characters §  Query existing application data

-  => Output OK? => data in the database is correct -  => Output not OK? => check the configuration of the client

which inserted the data

§  See MOS-Note 158577.1 “NLS_LANG Explained (How does Client-Server Character Conversion Work?)” for details

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Oracle Parameters: NLS_LANG (3)

§  Recommendation on NLS_LANG §  Set the character set part of NLS_LANG to the character set of the OS, e.g

WE8MSWIN1252 on a Windows client

§  Recommendation on the database character set §  Choose a character set which is a superset of the character sets of all clients

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Oracle Parameters: NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS (1)

§  Specifies the default length semantics to use for VARCHAR2 and CHAR table columns

§  Possible values are §  BYTE (Default) §  CHAR

§  New hint in the 11.2 documentation:

§  è change the parameter to CHAR on session level only!

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Oracle Parameters: NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS (2)

§  Oracle has changed its’ mind:

§  See the 11.1-documentation

§  (it’s a “documentation bug”) J

§  But there are MOS-Notes which state “do not set the parameter to CHAR”, even for 11.1 databases

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Oracle Parameters: NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS (3)

§  Oracle recommends to specify the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS on column level:

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 23

SQL> CREATE TABLE unicode_demo ( byte_string VARCHAR2(10 BYTE), char_string VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) ) Table created. SQL> DESCRIBE unicode_demo Name Null Typ ----------- ---- ----------------- BYTE_STRING VARCHAR2(10 BYTE) CHAR_STRING VARCHAR2(10) SQL> INSERT INTO unicode_demo (byte_string) VALUES ('äöüÄÖÜ'); ORA-12899: Value too large for column [..]

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1.  Character sets & Character Conversion

2.  Unicode

3.  Oracle Parameters

4.  Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter

5.  Oracle-Tools: Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU)

6.  Changing the Character set of an existing Database

7.  Change Database and Character set


9.  Recommendations

10. Links & further information

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 24

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Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter (1): Introduction

§  CSSCAN §  Character set Scanner

§  CSALTER §  Script to change the character set of a database ($ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/

admin/csalter.plb) §  Changes data dictionary only, additional actions for user data may be required

§  Csscan/csalter to be desupported after 11.2 §  Replaced by DMU (Database Migration Assistant to Unicode)

§  Installation of csscan §  User & Tables created using $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/csminst.sql §  Default-User CSMIG (after installation user is locked & password expired)

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Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter (2): csscan: Parameter

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 26

Character set Scanner v2.2 : Release - .. [..] Keyword Default Prompt Description ---------- ------- ------ ------------------------------------------------- USERID yes username/password FULL N yes scan entire database USER yes owner of tables to be scanned TABLE yes list of tables to scan COLUMN yes list of columns to scan EXCLUDE list of tables to exclude from scan TOCHAR yes new database Character set name FROMCHAR current database Character set name TONCHAR new national Character set name FROMNCHAR current national Character set name PROCESS 1 yes number of concurrent scan process LOG scan base file name of report files [..] ---------- ------- ------ ------------------------------------------------- Scanner terminated successfully.

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Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter (3)

§  How to find out if the database contains characters which do not belong to the database character set (and therefore can not be converted to AL32UTF8 or any other character set)?

§  èset FROMCHAR=TOCHAR=current character set (sic!)

§  (in theory) running csscan with TOCHAR=AL32UTF8 makes no sense, because AL32UTF8 contains all characters J

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 27

oracle> csscan userid='"/ as sysdba"' full=y fromchar=WE8ISO8859P15 tochar=WE8ISO8859P15 ARRAY=1024000 LOG=/tmp/csscan_source.log PROCESS=8

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Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter (4): Summary Report

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 28

[Data Dictionary Conversion Summary] Datatype Changeless Convertible Truncation Lossy --------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- VARCHAR2 1.778.335 0 0 0 CHAR 94 0 0 0 LONG 128.565 0 0 0 CLOB 22.072 0 0 0 VARRAY 19.812 0 0 0 --------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- Total 1.948.878 0 0 0 Total in percentage 100,000% 0,000% 0,000% 0,000% The data dictionary can be safely migrated using the CSALTER script [Application Data Conversion Summary] Datatype Changeless Convertible Truncation Lossy --------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- VARCHAR2 682.846.037 0 0 872.321 CHAR 134.119.259 0 0 0 LONG 36.528 0 0 0 CLOB 0 0 0 0 VARRAY 0 0 0 0 --------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- Total 817.001.824 0 0 872.321 Total in percentage 99,893% 0,000% 0,000% 0,107%

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Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter (5): csscan - Results

§  Changeless §  OK, no more steps required §  Simply run „csalter“ to change the data dictionary

§  Convertible §  Data has to be converted between the character sets (due to a different character

mapping) è export/import

§  Lossy data §  Existing database contains data which cannot be converted to new character set §  è correct the data so that it can be converted, otherwise csalter will fail!

§  Truncation §  Modify column length (if possible) §  Shorten data if necessary or switch to CLOB

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Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter (6): csscan - Truncation

§  Csscan reports the „Max Post Conversion Data Size” (in Byte!)è there is no problem with a size less than 4000 Byte (for VARCHAR2) resp. 2000 (CHAR).

§  Otherwise csscan will report these columns

§  è you have to take care for these columns (shorten data in a senseful way or migrate to CLOB)

§  è otherwise you will loose some information L

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 30

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Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter (7): csscan – Lossy Data

§  “Lossy” data is data which cannot be converted to the target character set è in most cases result of an invalid NLS_LANG setting on the clientè Data Cleanup is required

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 31

User : DEMO Table : COST_ID Column: DESCRIPTION Type : VARCHAR2(80) Number of Exceptions : 13 Max Post Conversion Data Size: 81 ROWID Exception Type Data(first 30 bytes) ------------------ ------------------ ----------------------------- AAAPYvAANAAADOfAAr lossy conversion GEBŽUDE W1 (BšROGEBŽUDE) AAAPYvAANAAADOPAAs lossy conversion FIRMENANGEH(tm)RIGEN-NEUFAHRZE AAAPYvAANAAADOPABB lossy conversion GEBŽUDE FMI AAAPYvAANAAADOvAAP lossy conversion EINFšHRUNG EURO AAAPYvAANAAADOvABN lossy conversion OBERFLŽCHENVEREDELUNG (KOPF-KS AAAPYvAANAAADQGABJ lossy conversion BENUTZERSERVICE, CAD-SERVICE,

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Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter (8): Data Cleanup Script

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 32

SQL> set serveroutput on SQL> BEGIN FOR c_rec IN

(SELECT owner_name,table_name,column_name,data_rowid FROM csmig.csmv$errors WHERE error_type='DATA_LOSS')

LOOP sql_statement := 'SELECT '||c_rec.column_name||' from '||c_rec.owner_name||'.'||c_rec.table_name||' where rowid='||chr(39)||c_rec.data_rowid||chr(39); execute immediate sql_statement into old_value; dbms_output.put_line ('UPDATE '||c_rec.owner_name||'.'||c_rec.table_name|| ' SET '||c_rec.column_name||'='||chr(39)||old_value||chr(39)|| ' where ROWID='||chr(39)||c_rec.data_rowid||chr(39)||';'); END LOOP; END; /

è Results look like [..] UPDATE OWNER.TABELLE SET SPALTE='Durchf?hrung' WHERE ROWID=' … ' ;

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Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter (9): csalter

§  Changes the data dictionary only, no user data

§  Use it only if you have “changeless” data only in the database (otherwise csalter will fail)

§  Csalter runs in restricted mode only

§  If you have “convertible” columns in the database, you can run csalter + export/import (on table or user level) to convert the data §  è if you have “convertible” data in your database, switching to a new

database may be the better option §  è old database remains as a fallback solution §  è reorganization etc. possible

§  In most cases csalter will fail, so the recommendation is: do not use it!

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Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter (10): csalter

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 34

SQL> @@csalter.plb 0 rows created. Function created. Function created. Procedure created. This script will update the content of the Oracle Data Dictionary. Please ensure you have a full backup before initiating this procedure. Would you like to proceed (Y/N)?Y old 6: if (UPPER('&conf') <> 'Y') then new 6: if (UPPER('Y') <> 'Y') then Checking data validility... begin converting system objects PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Alter the database character set... CSALTER operation completed, please restart database PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 0 rows deleted. Function dropped. Function dropped. Procedure dropped.

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1.  Character sets & Character Conversion

2.  Unicode

3.  Oracle Parameters

4.  Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter

5.  Oracle-Tools: Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU)

6.  Changing the Character set of an existing Database

7.  Change Database and Character set


9.  Recommendations

10. Links & further information

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 35

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Oracle-Tools: DMU (1) - Overview

§  DMU = Database Migration Assistant for Unicode, current version: 1.2

§  JAVA-based GUI-tool, requires J2SE SDK

§  DMU can convert/migrate/change the NLS_CHARACTERSET to AL32UTF8/UTF8 for a database

§  Successor of csscan/csalter

§  New features (compared to csscan/csalter) §  Aggregates all tools in UI §  Extended analysis features §  Automation of modification and conversion tasks

§  Download via OTN or MOS: §

index-330958.html §  MOS: Patch 13262762

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3


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Oracle-Tools: DMU (2) - Installation

§  Database Server §  A server side patch (9825461) is required §  The patch is included in (and up) §  Patch is not available for all versions (e.g. use of DMU with or is not supported) è csscan/csalter as “Fallback”

§  Database §  Run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/prvtdumi.plb to install the package


§  Client §  J2SE SDK 6 is required

§  See MOS-Note 1272374.1 for more information

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Oracle-Tools: DMU (3) - Workflow

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Oracle-Tools: DMU (4) – Create Repository

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Oracle-Tools: DMU (5) – Scan the database

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Oracle-Tools: DMU (6) – Solve issues

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Oracle-Tools: DMU (7) – “Bulk Cleansing”

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Oracle-Tools: DMU (8) – Convert Database

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Oracle-Tools: DMU (9) – How does DMU do the conversion?

1. Put the database into restricted mode.

2. Disable various job queue processes.

3. Drop or disable selected indexes.

4. Disable selected triggers and constraints.

5. Convert the data in user tables and in selected data dictionary tables to Unicode.

6. Convert CLOB columns in the data dictionary.

7. Issue the ALTER DATABASE Character set statement.

8. Enable triggers and constraints; and re-create indexes and constraints.

9. Restore the database instance parameters.

The conversion of a table is performed either by updating its columns with an UPDATE statement or by converting the columns while re-creating the table using the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement. The re-creation of a table is faster than an update if most of the table rows must be converted.

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3


SQL> UPDATE <col> SET <col>=SYS_OP_CSCONV(<col>, 'AL32UTF8');

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1.  Character sets & Character Conversion

2.  Unicode

3.  Oracle Parameters

4.  Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter

5.  Oracle-Tools: Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU)

6.  Changing the Character set of an existing Database (csscan/csalter)

7.  Change Database and Character set


9.  Recommendations

10. Links & further information

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Changing the Character set of an existing Database (1)

§  Don’t forget to backup your database before changing the Character set!

§  Prepare for csscan

§  Run csscan

§  Evaluate output

§  Data Cleanup

§  Run csalter (remember the backup beforehand)

§  If you have convertible columns or CLOBS: run (partial) export/import to migrate user data

§  Update Statistics

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1.  Character sets & Character Conversion

2.  Unicode

3.  Oracle Parameters

4.  Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter

5.  Oracle-Tools: Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU)

6.  Changing the Character set of an existing Database

7.  Change Database and Character set


9.  Links & further information

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3 47

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Change Database & Character set (1) - Preparation

§  Prepare for csscan

§  Run csscan

§  Evaluate output

§  Data Cleanup

§  Create empty tables in new database §  With correct CREATE scripts (<column> VARCHAR2 (xxx CHAR)) §  (or) Adjust column length / semantics after creation

§  You can modify the length semantics in the source database, too. In this case you don’t have to create the tables before importing them

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SQL> ALTER TABLE demo_table 2 MODIFY (demo_column VARCHAR2(20 CHAR));

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Change Database & Character set (2) – Data Transfer

§  Option 1: 1.  Datapump Export 2.  Datapump Import


§  Option 2: §  Streams (è “near-zero-downtime” possible)

§  Option 3: §  Own methods (e.g. INSERT INTO tab@newdb SELECT * from


§  Or §  Golden Gate, Quest Shareplex etc.

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1.  Character sets & Character Conversion

2.  Unicode

3.  Oracle Parameters

4.  Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter

5.  Oracle-Tools: Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU)

6.  Changing the Character set of an existing Database

7.  Change Database and Character set


9.  Recommendations

10. Links & further information

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§  Take care for functions

§  Don’t forget the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS in PL/SQL-code

§  Additional changes to application code may be required (see Globalization Support Guide for more information)

§  Don’t forget to test the application with the Unicode database!

Oracle Globalization Support, NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS, Unicode and Everything Else - V2.3


Refers to characters of the input character set

Refers to bytes Refers to Unicode characters


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1.  Character sets & Character Conversion

2.  Unicode

3.  Oracle Parameters

4.  Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter

5.  Oracle-Tools: Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU)

6.  Changing the Character set of an existing Database

7.  Change Database and Character set


9.  Recommendations

10. Links & further information

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Recommendations – summarized (1) – Parameter

§  Parameter NLS_LANG §  Set the character set part of NLS_LANG to the character set of the OS

-  On Windows: check your environment for the ASCII codepage, choose the appropriate character set, e.g. WE8MSWIN1252 (see MOS-Note 179133.1 for details)

-  On Unix: check your locale setting (“locale –a”), see MOS-Note 264157.1 for details

§  Parameter NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS §  On instance level: BYTE §  On column level (in DDL statements): CHAR

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Recommendations – summarized (2) – DB Character set

§  Database character set §  Choose a character set which is a superset of the character sets of all clients

(see Oracle Globalization Support Guide 11.2, Apendix A) for details) §  think about future requirements §  Oracle recommends using Unicode for all new system deployments (Oracle

11.2 Globalization Support Guide, Chapter 2 “Choosing a character set”) §  If you have to store Unicode data, choose a Unicode database character set

§  National character set (for NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, NCLOB) §  As Oracle supports Unicode as a database character set, the “N-datatypes”

should not be used (this simplifies application development)

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Recommendations – summarized (3) – Character set Migration

§  Migrating the character set of a database to Unicode §  Check your existing data carefully and change data which cannot be

converted §  Recommended: create a new database with character set AL32UTF8 and

transfer the data to the new database using e.g. Datapump -  è old database remains as a fallback solution -  è reorganization possible -  è Near-Zero-Downtime migration possible with Oracle Streams

§  Change the character set of an existing database if you have „changeless“ columns only or if diskspace is an issue

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Recommendations – summarized (4) - Tools

§  Csscan/csalter §  To be desupported after 11.2 (MOS-Note 1418321.1) §  Fallback solution if DMU cannot be used §  In most cases only csscan is used (in order to analyze the existing data)

§  Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU) §  Successor of csscan/csalter §  Default tool for 12c §  Patch 9825461 required (included in and higher, but not available for

all database versions below

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1.  Character sets & Character Conversion

2.  Unicode

3.  Oracle Parameters

4.  Oracle-Tools: Csscan & csalter

5.  Oracle-Tools: Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU)

6.  Changing the Character set of an existing Database

7.  Change Database and Character set


9.  Recommendations

10. Links & further information

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Links & Further Information (1)

§  Oracle Documentation §  Oracle® Database Globalization Support Guide 11.2

§  Unicode in general § §

§  Database Migration Assistant for Unicode § §  Near-Zero Downtime Migration Model with DMU & Oracle Streams


§  Misc §  Oracle Whitepaper „Character Set Migration – Best Practices“ § §

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Links & Further Information (2)

§  My Oracle Support Notes §  144808.1 - Examples and limits of BYTE and CHAR semantics usage

(NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS) §  1272374.1 - The Database Migration Assistant for Unicode (DMU) Tool §  276914.1 - The National Character set ( NLS_NCHAR_Character set ) in Oracle 9i, 10g

and 11g §  225912.1 - Changing the Database Character Set ( NLS_Character set ) §  69518.1 - Storing and Checking Character Codepoints in an UTF8/AL32UTF8 (Unicode)

database §  788156.1 - AL32UTF8 / UTF8 (Unicode) Database Character set Implications §  745809.1 - Installing and configuring Csscan in 10g and 11g (Database Character set

Scanner) §  444701.1 - Csscan output explained §  158577.1 - NLS_LANG Explained (How does Client-Server Character Conversion Work?) §  264157.1 - The correct NLS_LANG setting in Unix Environments §  179133.1 - The correct NLS_LANG in a Windows Environment §  1522722.1 - Known Issues With The DMU Tool version 1.2

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Links & Further Information (3)

§  My Oracle Support Notes (continued) §  225938.1 - Database Character Set Healthcheck §  13854.1 - Dump SQL Command for NLS Debugging §  69518.1 - Storing and Checking Character Codepoints in a UTF8/AL32UTF8 (Unicode)


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