
newsletter #6

Photography has been a key issue on display in the program of /Kaunas International Film Fes-tival /this//year. The selection clearly identifies different perspectives, ideas and approaches on the issue and we could not just ignore this fact. That is qhy on this 6^th issue of Nisimazine Kaunas we decided to cover Brazilian sensation /Neighboring Sounds,/ one of the last films ever to be shot on classic Technicolor style; look deep down through the viewfinder to learn more about a documentary on legendary Dutch photogra-pher Anton Corbijn; and we met up with young Brazilian director Kleber Mendonça.

Neighbouring Sounds

“Ask the beast and it will teach thee, and the birds Once upon a time there was this boy in the Brazil-ian city of Recife. He used to climb high into the trees and stone walls till he was shot down. This true fact is intertextually used in this con-temporary urban story that reminds us about dif-ferences between particular societies and, even more, particular systems. But heroes are not about breaking boundaries. Heroes are about en-couraging people fixing dysfunctional rules.READ MORE

Review by Vaide. Legotaite. (Lithuania)

Interview: Kleber Mendonça

Interview by Sami Pöyry (Finland)

Neighboring Sounds is a breath of fresh air in Brazilian cinema. What at first looks like another crime film turns out to be an intelligent and excit-ing view of the Brazil’s fast-changing cityscape. We sat down with the director Kleber Mendoça Filho to talk about his debut feature. READ MORE

Anton Corbijn Inside out

Review by *Donata Juskelyte**(Lithuania)*

A man lying on a sofa shares his sense of lone-liness, unhappiness and opens up his family wounds, as if the camera was his psychiatrist. In this documentary film, /Anton Corbijn: Inside/ /out,/ there is also another side of the story: the outside of inspirations, passion for music and ac-quaintance with celebrities. Who is that man be-hind this chaotic portrait? READ MORE

Kaunas international Film Festival 2012