
Customer Stories Samples Client: Nina Segura, Founder of Metaspire, Creator of,

Author: Kimberly Galor


Protecting the Future

The story of Steve, founder and leading educator in an organization that empowers kids to

protect themselves against violence, and his experience with the Strategy Master Program

illustrates how even the most successful leaders can benefit from stepping outside of their own

box for solutions.

“I was looking for someone to help me find my personal direction and also to

successfully transition the organization into the future, which may or may not

include me.”- Steve

As is often the case, Steve decided to join the program with a specific mission in mind. Having

nurtured and developed his organization for sixteen years, he wanted to begin to focus on how

to transition the company.

He’d worked with Nina in a different capacity in the past and trusted her business skills. With

his busy schedule, it was helpful to be able to jump right in to the Strategy Master Program and

get to work without having to spend extra time treading water to establish a connection.

Full Steam Ahead

Both leaders and entrepreneurs tend to operate in ways that emphasize their own strengths.

Steve’s nature is to work extremely hard and maintain a “full steam ahead” mentality. It has

been challenging for Steve to find someone inside his organization that he could collaborate

with to create a strategy, as he has surrounded himself with equally enthusiastic educators who

prefer to focus their energy on doing the work with the children and families in their


The guidance of Nina and the mastermind group helped him to take a step back and re-evaluate

exactly what he wanted to accomplish with his own career and with his exit strategy regarding

the organization. In Steve’s case, the ACTT Blueprint created by Nina was critical in helping

Steve to first align himself with his personal career goals before trying to focus on a strategy for

transitioning his legacy, the organization.

“For me, there was an element of personal growth along with organizational

growth opportunities that I was able to explore simultaneously. I consider it to be

like business therapy, where you are guided through the process of determining

what you want and how to get it rather than just being directed to take

predetermined steps.”- Steve, Strategy Master Program participant

Trust the Process

One of the most common concerns about coaching and mastermind groups is the exposure of

vulnerabilities. Leaders often want to protect what is behind the curtain.

This is where Nina’s experience and training provide such important value. She is dedicated to

working only with clients that she can deeply impact. She skillfully places clients together in

appropriate mastermind groups that provide meaningful support and growth throughout their

journey. The foundation of her coaching is the establishment of trust, both between herself and

between all individuals in her programs.

The Strategy Master program has many elements, including one on one sessions with Nina.

Steve echoes the thoughts of many others when he discusses one aspect of the program, his

mastermind group.

“Individuals throw out a challenge they are facing and everyone pitches in with

solutions. The emphasis is not to judge or question why a problem exists, but

rather to gain some other perspectives about how to solve it. It shows how

everyone can work together for the greater good and yet also work on their own

evolution.”- Steve

Steve continues to work tirelessly with his organization and is in the middle of his Strategy

Master program. Now that he has gained a focus on the right goal, he feels he is making great

strides and is using his time more wisely. He expects the outcome of his work to be that he has

set up his organization to maintain momentum and continue to make a difference in the lives of

children, with or without his direct daily involvement.

“I think the most important thing I appreciate about the program is the trust.

Trusting Nina and the people I am working with. Nina establishes trust right away

and she brings that out in others.”-Steve

You might relate to Steve if you are a passionate, tireless leader or entrepreneur whose style is

to dive in and get to work. As a strong leader, you may have surrounded yourself with others

who have the same style, making it difficult to gain a different perspective. It can be challenging

to reveal yourself or your organization fully to move forward and grow. With Nina’s programs,

you learn how trust can enrich you personally and accelerate your professional growth.

The Path to Super Leadership: Eron’s Story

Like scores of other professionals who were loyally employed by the same company for more

than a decade, I was beginning to experience a feeling of career stagnation. I worried about not

reaching my potential due to not evolving and improving as a leader.

For the most part I was surrounded with people that had similar career backgrounds and had

worked in the same industry. There weren’t any professionals in my circle that I felt I could tap

into to broaden my horizons. Fortunately, I had a caring co-worker who’d worked with Nina

Segura in the past and she advised me to contact her about the Strategy Master Program.

I felt lucky to have been given a great recommendation and figured this was going to be a great

solution. Problem solved, right? Not so fast.

The Value of an Honest Coach

If you have had the chance to check into Nina’s programs or talk to her in person, then you

know her as a refreshingly honest person. One point that Nina makes very clear is that she will

tell you if she doesn’t think you are a good fit for her program. She wants to set every individual

up to succeed and if her path isn’t a good fit for you she will do her best to make other


During our initial consultation Nina was beginning to express that she wasn’t sure I was a good

fit for the program. Perhaps it was ultimately my tenacity or desire to branch out beyond

conventional boundaries that captured her attention and allowed me to win her over in the

end. Enthusiasm and the willingness to act are qualities that Nina responds to and is an expert

at facilitating in those she chooses to work with.

Who Do You Think You Are?

Before continuing my story, I want to pause and explain something that may speak to you.

Many times, people live in a career or a job that is secure but not fulfilling, staying on a path

that doesn’t allow them to exercise their full potential. I know from personal experience that

concern about maximizing one’s potential or missing future opportunities is a heavy burden to

carry daily.

Those who work long term for a company often get caught up in the feeling that the company is

their identity. After over ten years with my company, I felt that my skills didn’t compare to the

people I deemed as “successful” in the professional world outside of my industry. I had taken a

positive trait, being humble about my own strengths, to a detrimental extreme.

If this (or similar reasons for feeling “less than”) is holding you back, I urge you take a chance

and explore coaching options with Nina. The group of people you will work with come in with

an equal amount of challenges, insecurities and internal conflicts. The bonding experience of

working through problems and goals together is what makes the team so dynamic.

Learning to ACTT

From my first introduction to the program, I found that providing honest feedback and helping

others built confidence in my own skills and value proposition. My focus was sharper as I

started the ACTT Blueprint and learned to identify my three most important values. I found it

extremely empowering to set 30 day goals and then accomplish them with the support and

accountability of the group. Capitalizing on my leadership SuperPower (referenced in Chapter

4) was another aspect of the program that was invaluable to me.

Perhaps the biggest “A-Ha” moment for me was the fact that my tendency to be humble was

interfering with my progress. That honest feedback kept coming in my direction until I finally

heard it. We must all brand ourselves and ours skills, we must sell ourselves to those who will

be able to promote us or invite us to the next professional opportunity. This lesson is one that

impacted the way I see myself as a leader and it is one of the most profound insights that I

gained from my experience with Strategy Master.

Get Off the Fence!

My leadership style and my professional career have been positively altered thanks to the tools

I acquired working with Nina and my group. I have experience with training programs both in

person and online and there is nothing that compares to this one.

If you are currently on the fence about joining Nina, I advise you to immediate jump off the

fence! A good primer would be reading her book, “Everyday is Friday: The ACTT Blueprint for

Leaders and Entrepreneurs”.

Why Coaching is for Everyone

The story of Michael Sabbag, Strategy Master Participant, illustrates why leaders and

entrepreneurs should remain coachable.

As the President of Partners4Performance, a consulting firm specializing in organizational

success through leadership empowerment, Michael is a deeply committed proponent of

coaching and development.

He has over 30 years of HR experience, a Master of Arts in I/O Psychology and a book titled

“Developing Exemplary Performance One Person at a Time” under his belt. One might wonder

why someone with such a deep and clear understanding of professional development would

need to be a participant in a coaching program.

How the Coach Became the Coached

Michael’s role as the President of his own consulting business led to a professional

acquaintance with Nina Segura and they kept in contact regularly to update on their respective

businesses. During one update, Nina shared the tool she’d developed which was called the

ACTT Blueprint for Leaders and Entrepreneurs.

“I thought it was interesting in terms of the framework and model she put

together (the ACTT Blueprint) and I really thought it could help a lot of people and

businesses.”-Michael Sabbag

When Nina invited Michael to co-facilitate an in-person coaching session, he was able to see

firsthand the value that people were getting out of it. He realized that the program made

people think on a deep level about what mattered to them and then moved them forward

toward actions that align with those values. It was then that things started to click.

“I wasn’t even thinking about getting a coach for myself.”-Michael Sabbag

Michael hadn’t been considering the path of seeking out a coach when he agreed to co-

facilitate with Nina. After that session, he couldn’t help but consider his own business career

and some of the challenges he was facing. He wanted to proactively move from doing the same

things again and again with decent results to being highly effective and getting to the next level.

It was then that Michael decided to join The Strategy Master Program.

The Value of the Strategy Master Program

The main objective Michael had upon entering the program was clear. He wanted growth in

terms of his own client portfolio. He knew that participation in the mastermind group and

exposure to Nina and other subject matter experts would be an effective path to meeting his


While he’d already familiarized himself with the ACTT Blueprint tool, there was a second and

equally valuable resource that impressed Michael beyond any of his expectations. That

resource was the community of participants, the Crew.

“The community, including the participants and Nina (along with other subject

matter experts), had such a huge impact. I expected people to come together and

help each other but I didn’t expect the level of commitment and caring in the

group. Not just with ideas, but with actions like taking the time to meet with me

individually outside of the group just because they wanted to help.”- Michael


Game Changer

The ACTT Blueprint and the support of his Mastermind group is what led Michael to think about

what he valued. Through exercises and group interaction, it started to become clear that

Michael truly enjoyed “doing the work” in his field more than being a business owner in that

field of work. To be able to leverage his own strengths, he learned, he would have to stop

spinning his wheels on things like trying to find clients and instead find a job with an


“Thanks to my involvement with The Strategy Master Program, I’ve completely

changed my focus from owning my own business to finding a job within a

company. That will allow me not just to leverage my strengths better, but to

develop deeper professional relationships and have more of an impact on

whatever organization I am with.”- Michael Sabbag

This was a game changer for Michael. He embraced the process and discovered that his original

objective for joining the program wasn’t the right one. Instead, he gained the self-awareness to

realize the ladder of success he was trying to climb was up against the wrong wall. The reason

he’d hit a plateau in his business growth was because he was striving against his value system

to attain the wrong goals. Through aligning himself with his values and gaining the support of

his Crew, Michael began to focus on the next steps of his journey.

Not “The End”, the Beginning

Michael continues to work with his Strategy Master Program and is transforming his life by

persistently taking actions to achieve his new goal. The hard work of completely changing his

career is not without its challenges, and yet again he points out the value of his Crew as he

strives to find the perfect organizational fit.

“Getting a job can be punishing. After a few rejections, it gets disheartening. But

when I have the support of Nina and the group of people who want me to succeed

it helps me be persistent and with a great attitude. That support is what helps me

bring the best of myself to each new opportunity.”

Michael’s journey is one that might be familiar to many. Whether you identify with the part

where he seemed to be struggling with developing his business or the part where he was

somewhat surprised to learn he was chasing the wrong dream, everyone has times throughout

their professional career and personal life where the opportunity for growth presents itself. The

Strategy Master Program is just one example of the programs offered by Nina that provide a

safe and inspiring space for you to create the meaningful and prosperous life you deserve.

Contact Nina at 1-866-630-6334 today to explore the programs she offers!