Page 1: Nilakshi -Simple Present Tense


Simple Present Tense

N.M.K.G.BandaraDEH/HNDE/PT/2014/0751st Year - 2nd Semester

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Simple Present Tense is used to express habitual actions.

I read a news paper.

She Speaks to someone

He sleeps lately every night.

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We are using it in general truth

Sun rises in the East.

The moon rotates Around the sun.

Flowers bloom from the sun shine.

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Simple Present Tense is used exclamatory sentences

In exclamatory sentences beginning with here and there .They express what is actually taking place in the present.

There the baby cries!

There she comes with her pet!

Here comes the bus.

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Simple Present Tense is used in Vivid narratives

In Vivid narratives we use present tense sentences Some times these things happen unexpectedly. Immediately the president hurries to the scene.

Enemies now rushes forward and deals heavy blow to the camp.

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Simple Present Tense is used To express

quotations.It is used to introduce quotations.

“ As Robert Frost says…..“A poem begins with joy and

Ends with wisdom “

Keats says …..“ A thing of beauty is

Joy forever “

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Simple Present Tense is used To express broadcast commentaries on sports events

In broadcast commentaries on sports events , the simple present is used instead of present continues.

“Mahela is winning the match”Hi Mahela wins the match

“He is getting a catch “Ah ! He gets the a catch.

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For an action that has already been arranged to take place in near future.

I’m going to the cinema to night.

My sister is arriving tomorrow .

He is participating for thecompetition next week.

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Simple Present Tense is used To express For temporary action

For temporary action which may not the actually happening at the time of speaking. Some times we are doing the action for two , three days. I'm reading “Desert Flower “.

We are practicing for the English Day.

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~~The End~~
