  • 8/17/2019 Nietzsche - Writings From the Late Notebooks 34-37


    Notebook 3 , May - Juy 88


    The hsrcal sense he capacy dne qckly he rder f rank f

    he alans by whch a peple a scey a man les - he relanshpf hese alans he cndns f lfe he relan beween he

    ahry f he ales and he ahry f he frces ha are a wrk (he

    presmed relan sally een mre han he acal ne) beng able

    rproduc all hs whn neself cnses he hsrcal sense.

    5 5 ]

    raly s he dcrne f he rder f men's rank and cnseqenly als

    f he sgncance f her acns and wrksfor hs rder f rank hshe dcrne f hman alans n respec f eeryhng hman. Ms

    mral phlsphers nly presen he rder f rank ha rles now n hene hand lack f hsrcal sense n he her hey are hemseles rled

    by he mraly whch eaches ha wha s a presen s eernally ald

    The ncndnal mprance he blnd selfcenedness wh whcheer mraly reas self wans here n be many mrales wans

    n cmparsn and n crcsm b raher ncndnal belef n sel

    s hs n s ery essence anscenc - and fr ha reasn alneh perfec mrals wld hae be mmora, beynd gd and el. B s scence hen sll possb? Wha s he search fr rh rhflnss hnesy f n smehng mral? And wh hese alans

    and he crrespndng acns hw wld scence be pssble? Take he


  • 8/17/2019 Nietzsche - Writings From the Late Notebooks 34-37


    Writings from the Late Notebooks

    conscentosness ot of knowedge and what remans of scence?7 Is

    sceptcsm n moraty not a contradcton nsofar as t s precsey here

    that the hghest renement of mora expectatons s at work: as soon as

    the sceptc ceases to consder these ner eaatons of the tre to be

    athortate he no onger has reason to dobt and to stdy unless the willto knowledge were to have quite another root than truthfulness -

    Regardng the pan. Introduction

    I . the organc fnctons transated back nto the fndamenta w the

    w to power and as hang spt off from t.

    2. thnkng feeng wng n eerythng that es what s a peasre other than a stmaton of the feeng of power

    by an obstace (more strongy st by rhythmca obstaces and ress

    tances) eadng t to swe? Ths eery peasre ncdes pan. -

    If the peasre s to become ery great the pan mst be ery ong and

    the tenson of the drawn bow prodgos.

    3 the w to power specasng as w to norshment to property to

    tools to serants -

    obeyng and masterng the body.- the stronger w drects the weaker There s no other casaty

    whatsoeer than that of w on w . So far there has been no mecha

    nstc - - -

    4. the nteecta fnctons W to shape to assmate etc

    Annex The phosophers great msnderstandngs.

    Man n whateer staton he may nd hmsef needs a knd of aaton

    by means of whch he jstes .e seglores, hs actons ntentons andstates towards hmsef and especay towards hs srrondngs. Eery

    natra moraty s the expresson of one knd of mans satsfacton wth

    hmsef and f one needs prase one aso needs a corresponding tabe ofaes accordng the hghest esteem to those actons of whch we are most

    47 Ge wissenhajigkeit (concintioun) Wssen (knowldg) Wissens(ha (cnc)

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    Notebook 35 May Ju� 1885

    apabe in whih r rea strength expresses itse Where we are strngestis where we wish t be seen and hnred

    One mst free nesef frm the qestin What is gd? What is m

    passinate? and as instead What is the gd man the mpassinateman?


    Up to now a moraity has been above a the expression of a conservative wito breed the same species with the imperatie A ariatin is t be pre

    ented ny the enjyment f the speies mst remain . Here a nmber fprperties are ng hed fast t and cutivaed whie thers are sarieda sh mraities are harsh (in edatin in the hie f wies generay against the rights f the yng et.) and the rest is men whse

    harateristis are few bt ery strng and aways the same. These har

    ateristis are reated t the bases pn whih sh mmnweaths an

    hd their wn and assert themsees against their enemies.

    A at ne the bnds and fetters f sh breeding apse ( fr a time

    there are n enemies eft) The indiida nw as sh restraints and

    grws wid there is immense rin angside magnient mtifarisjngeie pwards grwth Fr the new men wh nw inherit the mostdiverse things the need arises t mae themsees an individua egisationne apprpriate t their peiar nditins and dangers The mraphisphers appear wh are say representaties f sme mre m

    mn type and with their disipine sef t a partiar ind f man

    I . is the phispher sti possibe tday? s nt the extent f what isnwn t arge? s it nt ery niey that he wi be abe t reah an

    overview the ess s the mre nsientis he is? Or ny too ate whenhis best days are er? Or damaged arsened degenerated s that hisvaue judgement n nger nts? - Otherwise he bemes a diettante'with a thsand itte snaiie feeers sing that great paths4 respet

    4S Patho hr i th e of rnd ac

  • 8/17/2019 Nietzsche - Writings From the Late Notebooks 34-37


    Writngsom the ate Notebooks

    fr hmsef and hs gd rened nsene In shr: he n nger

    eads he n nger mmands If he waned d s he wd hae

    beme a grea ar a knd f phspha Cagliosto

    2. wha des mean s day li phsphay be se Is n ams a way f etricating nesef eery frm an gy game Aknd f gh? And smene wh es n ha reme and smpe ay:

    s key ha hs has e hm shw hs ndersandng he bs ay

    frward? Ogh he n hae red fe persnay n a hndredways s as hae smehng sa ab s ae? In shr: \e bee

    ha a man ms hae ed absey nphsphay ardng

    he reeed deas abe a n hae ed n md rsness n

    rder reah jdgemens n he grea prbems frm hs wn epeence

    The man wh he wdes experene mpressng n genera nsns: gh he n be he ms pwerf? - The wse man has

    ng been nfsed wh he shar and een nger h he regs


    I gh agans a he hyprsy f sen adeI regardng epositon, f desn rrespnd he geness f


    2 n he ms methods whh a a parar mmen n sene mayn ye en be pssbe

    3. n he ams objectivity, d mpersnay where as n a aans we e smehng ab rsees and r nner experenes

    n a few wrds. There are rds knds f any eg ha f

    SanBee50 wh neer erame hs exan a hang had here

    and here rea warmh and passn n hs Fr and Agans and d

    hae ked e f hs fe.

    Wha separaes me ms deepy frm he meaphysans s I dn n

    ede ha he s wha hnks Insead I ake he I itseo be a constuction

    thinking f he same rank as maer hng sbsane ndda

    49 Cnt landro d agor (atuall Gie Balam) wa an alhm and osr " hodd in prison in 1795 .

    50 CharesAgutin SaintBve (18°4-69), French l erary htran and riti


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    Notbook 35 My -Ju 1885

    prpe' nmber' in ther wrd t be ny a gutv ction withthe hep f which a kind f cntancy and th knwabiity' i inerted

    int ntd nto, a wrd f becming. Up t nw beief in grammar inthe lingitic bject bject in erb ha bjgated the metaphyician

    I teach the rennciatin f thi beie It i ny thinking that pit theI: bt p t nw phipher hae beieed like the cmmn peple'

    that in / think' there ay mething r ther f nmediated certainty and

    that thi I' wa the gien cae f thinking in anagy with which we

    ndertd' al ther caa reatin Hweer hbitated and indi

    penable thi ctin may nw be that in n way dipre it haing been

    inented mething can be a cnditin f ife and nvthss bf

    In a wrld fbecming in which eerything i cnditina the amptin

    f the ncnditina f btance f being f a thing etc can nly be

    errr Bt hw i errr pibe?

    Shwing the ccein f thing eer mre ceary i what' named

    pntion: n mre than that


    Timee' t be rejected At a particlar mment f a frce an abte

    cnditinality f the reditribtin f al it frce i gien i t cannt tand

    ti Change' i part f the eence and therefre i tempraity -

    which hweer jt amnt t ne mre cnceptal piting f the

    neceity f change.


    NB. The msu f a man i hw mch f the tuth he can endre witht dgnting. Likewie hw mch hppinss ikewie hw mch"dom and po

    On the rder f rank


  • 8/17/2019 Nietzsche - Writings From the Late Notebooks 34-37


    Notebook 36, June - July 1885

    Neer has more been demanded of ng creatres than when dry and

    emerged. Habtated and adapted to fe n the sea they had to trn

    arond and oertrn ther bodes and cstoms and act n eery respect

    dfferenty from what they had been sed to before there has neer been

    a more remarkabe change on earth. Jst as then throgh coapses

    throgh the earth sowy breakng apart the sea sank nto the rptres

    caes and troghs and ganed depth so (to contne the metaphor) what shappenng today among men perhaps offers the exact conterpart mans

    becomng whoe and ronded a dsappearance of the rptres caes and

    troghs and conseqenty aso a dsappearance of dry and. For a man

    made ronded and whoe by my way of thnkng eerythng s at sea'

    the sea s eerywhere howeer the sea tsef has ost depth t I was

    on my way to qte another metaphor and took the wrong trnng I was

    tryng to say that I, ke eeryone was born a creatre of the and and

    yet now I have to be a creatre of the sea!

    M ompassion '. - Ths s a feeng for whch no name satses me Iexperence t when I see a waste of precos capactes for exampe at the

    sght of ther - what force and what nspd pronca probems (at a

    tme when n France the bod and cheerf sceptcsm ofa Montagne had

    aready become possbe!). Or when I see a man fang behnd what he


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    Notebook 36 June Juy 1885

    cd hae becme de t sme stpid chance. Or wrse when thinking

    abt mankind's t - as when with fear and cntempt, I happen t

    bsere the Erpean pitics f tday which is certainy as heping t

    weae the fabric f a mankind's ftre. Yes what might man' becme

    if --! This is my kind f cmpassin' een if there's n ne sfferingwhse sffering I wd shareY

    6[ 10

    Hw ng hae I been cncerned in my wn mind t pre the perfect

    innoene f becming And what strange paths I'e taken in this qest Atne pint it seemed t me the right stin t decree that existence, as

    smething ike a wrk fart, des nt fa nder the jrisdictin fmraityat a instead mraity itsef bengs t the ream fappearance' Anther

    time I said Objectiey, a ntins f git are entirey witht ae

    bt sbjectiely a ife is necessariy njst and agica' Then again, I

    wrested frm mysef the denia f a prpses and fet the nknwabiity

    f casa cnnectins. And what was this a fr? Was it nt t gie mysef

    a feeing f cmpete irrespnsibiity - t pace mysef tside al praise

    and blame independent f a past and present in rder t rn after my

    wn gal in my wn way? -

    If the wrd had a ga it cd nt fai t hae been reached by nw. If it

    had an nintended na state this t cd nt fail t hae been reached

    If it were capable at a f standing sti and remaining frzen, f being'

    if fr jst ne secnd in al its becming it had this capacity fr being'

    then in trn al becming wd ng since be er and dne with and

    s wld al thinking a mind' The fact f mind' as a beoming presthat the wrd has n ga and n na state and is incapabe f being

    Bt the d habit f thinking abt a eents in terms f gas, and abt

    the wrd in terms f a giding creating Gd, is s pwerf that the

    thinker is hardpressed nt t think f the gaessness f the wrd as,

    again an intentin This idea the idea that the wrd is intentinay

    Th Grn word Mled coion, it i coosd ofmt (with) + lede (o uRr


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    Writings om the ate Notebooks

    evading a ga and even has the means expressy t prevent itsef frmbeing drawn int a cycica curse - is what ccurs t a thse wh wud

    ike t impse upn the wrd the facuty fr eterna noety that is,impse upn a nite, determinate frce f unchanging magnitude ike

    the wrd' the miracuus capacity t refashin its shapes and states

    innitey They wud ike the wrd, if n nger Gd, t be capabe fdivine creative frce, an innite frce f transfrmatin; they wud ike

    the wrd t prevent itse at wi frm faing back int ne f its eariershapes, t pssess nt ny the intentin but as the means f gardingitsef frm a repetitin. The wrd is, thus, t contro every ne f itsmvements at every mment s as t avid gas, na states, repetitns

    and whatever ese the cnsequences f such an unfrgivaby crazy way

    f thinking and wishing may be This is sti the d reigius way fthinking and wishing, a kind fnging t beieve that in some ay or otherthe wrd des, after a, resembe the beved d, innite, bundessy

    creative Gd - that in sme way r ther the d Gd sti ives' - that

    nging f Spinza's expressed in the wrds deus sive natura'52 (he evenfet natura sive deus'). But what, then, is the prpsitin and beief whichmst distincty frmuates that critica turn, the present ascendancy fthe scientic spirit ver the reigius, gdinventing spirit? Is it nt the

    wrd, as frce, must nt be cnceived f as unimited, fr it nt be

    cnceived f that way - we frbid urseves the cncept f an initefrce, as beng incompatibe ith the concept of orce Thus - the wrdas acks the capacity fr eterna nvety.

    I take gd care nt t tak f chemica as' that has a mra aftertasteIt is rather a matter f the absute estabishment f pwer reatins the

    strnger becmes master fthe weaker t the extent that the weakr cannt

    assert its dgree f autnmy - here there is n mercy, n frbearance,even ess a respect fr aws'!

    It is unikey that ur knwing' wud g any further than what's just

    necessary fr the preservatin f ife Mrphgy shws us hw the

    Go hat , atur'





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    Notebook 36 June -Juy /885

    senses and neres as the brain deep in prprtin t the difct

    f nding fd


    In the realm f the inrganic t fr an atm f frce n its direct

    prximit cnts frces at a distance cance ne anther t Here we nd

    the cre f perspectiism and the reasn wh a iing being is egistic

    thrgh and thrgh

    The weaer pshes its wa t the strnger t f a ac f fd it wants

    t tae sheter if pssible t becme one with it. Cnerse the strngerreplses the weaer it desnt want t perish this wa instead as it grws

    it spits int tw and mre The greater the rge t nit the mre ne

    ma infer weaness the mre there is an rge t ariet differentiatin

    inner fragmentatin the mre frce is present

    The drie t cme clser and the drie t replse smething in bth

    the inrganic and the rganic wrd these are what binds The whe

    distinctin is a prejdice.

    The wi t pwer in eer cmbinatin f frces resisting what sstronger attcking what s weaker is more correct NB. Processes as beings


    The cnnectin f the inrganic and the rganic mst lie in the frce f

    replsin which eer atm f frce exerts ife shd be dened as an

    endring frm f theprocess ftestingrce, where the different cmbatantsgrw nea In hw far being as ines resisting the beer b

    n means gies p its wn pwer iewise in cmmanding there is acncessin that the ppnents abste pwer has nt been anished

    nt incrprated dissed Obeing and cmmanding are frms f

    martial art

    The cntinal transitins d nt permit s t spea f the indiidal

    etc the nmber f beings is itsef in x. Ve wdnt spea f time at


  • 8/17/2019 Nietzsche - Writings From the Late Notebooks 34-37


    Wrtngs om the ate Notebooks

    all and would know nothing of motion if we didn't, in a crude way, believewe saw something at rest' alongside things in motion. Just as little wouldwe speak of cause and effect, and without the erroneous conception ofthe empty space' we would never have arrived at the conception of spaceitself. The principle of identity has as its background the appearance' thatthings are the same. A world of becoming could not, in the strict sense,be grasped', be known' only inasmuch as the grasping' and knowing'intellect nds an already created, crude world, cobbled together out ofdeceptions but having become solid, inasmuch as this kind of illusion has

    preserved life only to that extent is there such a thing as knowledge':i.e. , a measuring of earlier and more recent errors against one another

    Philosophy in the only way I still allow it to stand, as the most general form

    of history, as an attempt somehow to describe Heraclitean53 becoming andto abbreviate it into signs (so to speak, to translate and mummify it into a

    kind of illusory beng4)

    It is unfair to Descartes to call his appeal to God's credibility frivolous.Indeed, only ifwe assume a God who is morally our like can truth' and thesearch for truth be at all something meaningful and promising of success.This God left aside, the question is permitted whether being deceived isnot one of the conditions of life.

    The triumphant concept offorce', with which our physicists have created

    God and the world, needs supplementing: it must be ascribed an innerworld which I call will to power', i.e, an insatiable craving to manifestpower; or to employ, exercise power, as a creative drive, etc The physicistscannot eliminate action at a distance' from their principles, nor a force ofrepulsion (or attraction). There is no help for it: one must understand allmotion, all appearances' , all laws' as mere symptoms of inner events, and

    3 Heracl, a Gree phloophe lng arond 00 Be, hed ha evhng move5 'being ': alc added


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    Notebook 36 June -Juy /885

    use the human analogy consistently to the end n the case of an animal, al lits drives can be traced back to the will to power likewise all the functionsof organic life to this one source.

    Aong the guiding thread of the body -Supposing that the sou' was an attractive and mysterious idea which

    philosophers, rightly, gave up only with reluctance perhaps what theyrenow learning to exchange for it is even more attractive, even more mysterious. The human body, in which the whole most distant and most recentpast of all organic becoming regains life and corporeality, through which,over which, beyond which a tremendous, inaudible river seems to owthe body is a more astonishing idea than the old soul .

    n every era people have believed better in the body as our most certainbeing, in short as our ego, than in the mind (or the soul -or the subject, asthe language of schoolmen now prefers to term it). t has never occurred toanyone to think of his stomach as an alien stomach, perhaps a divine one;

    but as for regarding his thoughts as inspired, his valuations as promptedby a God, his instincts as mysterious activity for this tendency and tasteof man there are testimonies from all the ages of mankind. ven today,particularly among artists, one often enough nds a kind of wonder anddeferential unhooking of judgement when the question arises of how they

    succeeded in making the best throw and from what world the creativethought came to them When they ask themselves this kind of thing,theres something of innocence and childlike bashfulness about them;they hardly dare to say That came from me, it was my hand that cast

    the die. - Conversely, even those philosophers and religious men whoselogic and piety gave them the most pressing grounds to view their bodilyside as a deception, and a deception overcome and put away even theycouldnt avoid acknowledging the stupid reality that the body has not ed.On this matter we nd the strangest testimonies, partly in Paul, partly inVedanta5 philosophy

    Th philosophy basd on h Upanishads which a laboaions on h mo ancin I Iindsacrd es, h Vdas

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    Witings om the Late Notebooks

    But in the end what does strength of belief signify! It coud still b avery stupid beief - Here one must reect:

    And in the end if beief in the body is only the result of an inferen

    supposing it were a false inference as the ideaists caim: is not the crebiity of the mind itsef cast into doubt by its being the cause of sfalse inferences? Supposing multipicity and space and time and mo(and whatever ese may be the presuppositions of a belief in corporeai� were errors what mistrust of the mind would be aroused by the thing tinduced us to reach such suppositions! nough: for the time being bein the body is still a stronger belief than beief in the mind and anowho wants to undermine it wi most thoroughy be undermining beli

    in the authority of the mind as well !


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    Notebook 37, June - July 1885

    MoalZ and phsolo

    - e d i illcosidered ha precisel huma cosciousess has forso log bee regarded as he highes sage of orgaic developme adas h mos asoishig of all earhl higs, ided as heir blossomig

    ad goal fac, wha is more asoishig is he body: her is o ed ooes admiraio for how he huma bod has become possible; how sucha prodigious alliace oflivig beigs, each depede ad subservie ade i a cerai sese also commadig ad acig ou of is ow will, cali, grow, ad for a while prevail, as a whole - ad we ca see his doesnot occur due o cosciousess! For his miracle of miracles, cosciousess is us a ool ad ohig more a ool i he same sese ha hesomach is a ool The magice bidig ogeher of he mos diverse

    life, he orderig ad arrageme of he higher ad lower aciviies, hehousadfold obdiece which is o blid, eve less mechaical, bu a

    selecig shrewd, cosiderae, eve resisa obediece measured biellecual sadards, his whole pheomeo bod is as superior oour cosciousess, our mid, our coscious hikig, feelig, wil lig, asalgebra is superior o he imes ables. The apparaus of erves ad braiis o cosruced his subl ad diviel so as o brig forh hikig,felig, illig a all seems o me, isead, ha precisel his hikig,feelig, willig does o iself require a apparaus bu ha he socalledapparaus, ad i aloe, is he hig ha cous Raher, such a prodigious


  • 8/17/2019 Nietzsche - Writings From the Late Notebooks 34-37


    Writingsom th at Notbooks

    sythesis of livig beigs ad itellects as is called ma will oly be ableto live oce that subtle system of coectios ad mediatios ad thuslightigfast commuicatio betwee all these higher ad lower beigshas bee created ad created by othig but livig itermediaries: this

    however is a problem of morality ot of mechaics! Nowadays weveforbidde ourselves to spi yars about uity the soul the perso:hypotheses like these make oes problemmor dcut that much is clear.Ad for us eve those smallest livig beigs which costitute our body(more correctly: for whose iteractio the thig we call body is the bestsimile -) are ot soulatoms but rather somethig growig struggligreproducig ad dyig off agai: so that their umber alters usteadilyad our livig like all livig is at oce a icessat dyig. There are thus

    i ma as may cosciousesses as at every momet of his existece there are beigs which costitute his body The distiguishig featureof that cosciousess usually held to be the oly oe the itellect isprecisely that it remais protected ad closed off from the immeasurablemultiplicity i the experieces of these may cosciousesses ad that asa cosciousess of a higher rak as a goverig multitude ad aristocracyit is preseted oly with a sction of experieces experieces furthermore that have all bee simplied made easy to survey ad grasp thusfasd - so that it i tur may carry o this simplicatio ad makiggraspable i other words this falsicatio ad prepare what is commolycalled a will -every such act of will requires so to speak the appoitmetof a dictator. However what presets this selectio to our itellect whathas simpli ed assimilated iterpreted experieces beforehad is at ayrate ot that itellect itself; ay more tha it is the itellect which carrisout the will which takes up a pale watery ad extremely imprecise ideaof value ad force ad traslates it ito livig force precise measures ofvalue. Ad just the same kid of operatio as is eacted here must keep

    beig eacted o all the deeper levels i the behaviour of all these higherad lower beigs towards oe other: this same selectio ad presetatioof experieces this abstractio ad thikigtogether this will ig thistraslatio of always very uspecic willig back ito specic activity.Alog the guidig thread of the body as I have said we lear that our lifeis possible through a iterplay of may itelligeces that are very uequali value ad thus oly through a costat thousadfold obeyig adcommadig -speakig i moral terms: through the icessat exercise ofmay virtus Ad how could oe ot speak i moral terms! - - Prattlig

  • 8/17/2019 Nietzsche - Writings From the Late Notebooks 34-37


    Notebook 7June -Ju 885

    in this way, I gave myself up dissolutely to my pedagogic drive, for I wasoverjoyed to have someone who could bear to listen to me However, itwas just then that Ariadne6 - for this all took place during my rst stay onNaxos could actually bear it no more: But, sir, she said, Youre talking

    pigswill German! - German I answered untroubled, Simply German!Leave aside the pigswill, my goddess! You underestimate the difculty ofsaying subtle things in German! Subtle things! cried Ariadne, horried, But that was just positivism! Philosophy of the snout! Conceptualmuck and mishmash from a hundred philosophies! Whatever next! allthe while toying impatiently with the famous thread that once guided herTheseus through the labyrinth. - Thus it came to light that Ariadne wastwo thousand years behindhand in her philosophical training.

    Inexorable, hesitating, terrible as fate, the great task and question is approaching: how shall the earth as a whole be governed? Andfor what shallman as a whole - no longer just one people, one race be raised andbred?

    The legislative moralities are the main means of fashioning out of men

    whatever a creative and profound will desires, assuming that such an

    artistic will of the highest rank holds power and can assert its creativewill over long periods of time, in the shape oflaws, religions and customs.Such men of great creativity, the really great men in my understanding,will be sought in vain today and probably for a long time to come: they

    are mssng; until, after much disappointment, one nally has to begin tounderstand why it is that theyre missing and that nothing now presents,or will present for a long time to come, a more hostile obstacle to theiremergence and development than what in Europe is nowadays straight

    forwardly called moraz', as if there ere and must be no other one -that morality of the herd animal, already described, which strives with allits force for a universal greenpasture happiness on earth, namely security, harmlessness, comfort, easy living, and which in the end, if all goes

    5 n Gr mtholog Ariadn w th daght of Mino, Kng of rt. With a thrad h hpdTh cap th larinth and th l rt togthr. Abandond b him on th iand ofNaxo, h bcam th wi of th god Diono Ariadn wa a dp ignicant gr r thlatr tzch ( g, BE 295, I Sirmih 19 El Z 8 D Ariadn; alo t lttr toCma gnr 3 anar 1889 and to acob Brchard Janar 889)

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    Wrtngsom the Late Notebook

    we, also hopes to rd tself of all knds of shepherds and bellwethers Thetwo doctrnes t preaches most profusely are equal rghts and smpathywth all that suffers and t takes sufferng tself to be somethng that

    absolutely must be aboshed That such deas can stll be fashonablegves one an unpleasant noton of - - However, anyone who has thoughtcarefully about where and how the human plant has htherto sprung upmost vgorously must suppose that t was under the revese condtons:that the danger of mans stuaton has to grow huge, hs powers of nventon and dssmulaton to ght ther way up through protracted pressureand coercon, hs wll to lve become ntensed nto an uncondtonal wl l

    to power and overpower, and that danger, harshness, volence, danger nthe alleyway and n the heart, nequalty of rghts, secrecy, stocsm, the

    arts of temptaton, devlry of all knds, n short the antthess of eerythngdesrable for the herd, are needed f the human type s to be heghtenedA moralty wth such reverse ntentons, whch wants to breed men to be

    hgh not comfortable and medocre, a moralty whose ntenton s to breeda rulng caste the future masters of the earth - must, f t s to be taught,ntroduce tself by startng from the exstng moral law and shelterngunder ts words and forms That ths, however, requres many means ofdecepton and transton to be devsed, and that because the lfespan ofone man sgnes almost nothng compared to the tme needed to carry

    out such lengthy tasks and ntentons, above all a ne speces must rstbe bred, n whch the same wll, the same nstnct s guaranteed to lastthrough many generatons: a new speces and caste of masters - ths s asreadly understood as the tcetera of ths thought, long and dfcult to express To prepare a reersa of vaues for a certan strong speces of menof the hghest sprtualty and strength of wll, and for ths purpose tunleash n them, slowly and cautously, many nstncts prevousl renedn and calumnated: anyone who thnks about ths s one of us, the freesprts - admttedly, a newer knd of free sprts than the ones before,

    who wshed for more or less the opposte. To us belong, t seems to me,especally the uropean pessmsts, the poets and thnkers of an outragddealsm, nsofar as ther dssatsfacton wth the whole of exstence alsodrves them, at least ogca� to dssatsfacton wth presentda manlkews certan nsatably ambtous artsts who ght unscrupulously anduncondtonally for the specal rghts of hgher men and aganst te herdanmal, and who use the means of seducton offered by art to lull tosleep all herd nstncts and herd cauton among more exquste sprts


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    Notbook 37 Jun Ju� £885

    tirdl ad all all tose critics ad istorias b whom te success

    ull iitiated discoer o te world o atiquit - it is te work o teV Columbus o the Germa spirit - is courageousl continud (for weare still at the begiig o tis coquest) For certail i the world

    o atiquit a dieret ad more masterul moralit ruled rom todas;ad te ma o atiquit uder te educatig spell o his moralit wasa stroger ad more prooud ma tha the ma o toda e was teol wellormed ma tere as bee. But te seductio exerted b atiquit o wellormed i. e strog ad eterprisig souls toda remaiste most subtle ad eectie of all atidemocratic ad atiChristiasedutios as it was i the das of te Reaissace

