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1. Putting You On The Map /Tracking geotagged location data in Brandwatch Analytics Nick Taylor [email protected] | Tel: +44 (0)1273 234 290 2. Brandwatch /What we do Crawling the web 1 Analysis 2 Action 3 Queries 22 Boolean Operators 80m+ sites crawled 25 languages Sentiment analysis Categories, Filters and Rules Influence and Audiences Alerts and Signals Reports Engagement and Partners 2015 Brandwatch | 2 Brandwatch is a social intelligence platform launched in 2007 Founded in Brighton /Now with offices in London, Germany and the US Over 1000 /Brands and organizations use Brandwatch today 3. Customer Requests /Why build a geotagged map? Our customers wanted to see their data in context Bank wanted to see mentions around a specific branch to provide offers, highlight broken ATMs Retailer wanted to see where they have delivery problems, understand why they have a bad reputation in the South West A travel company wanted to see a heat map of people talking about them Analyst wanted to see regional buzz to inform decision makers in that business Retailer wanted to see how responses to a campaign spread across city/country/world 2015 Brandwatch | 3 4. Geotagged Maps /Visualizing global mentions 2015 Brandwatch | 4 5. Geotagged Maps /Cluster view 2015 Brandwatch | 5 6. Geotagged Maps /Sentiment view 2015 Brandwatch | 6 7. Zoom /Street or building level accuracy Ability to zoom and see how mentions are distributed within a neighborhood or building 2015 Brandwatch | 7 8. Zoom /Street or building level accuracy 2015 Brandwatch | 8 9. Geotagged Maps /Visualizing global mentions 2015 Brandwatch | 9 10. Customer Requests /Why build a geotagged map? Filtering the data lets you detect trends, opportunities and risks more easily by adding context. Sentiment Author Impact/Influence Categories Time 2015 Brandwatch | 10 11. Zoom /Street or building level accuracy Tracking mentions of the Holborn Fire on 1st April 2015 2015 Brandwatch | 11 12. Zoom /Street or building level accuracy 2015 Brandwatch | 12 Tracking the Hashtag #BBCQT during the three leaders appearances David Cameron Blue Ed Miliband Red Nick Clegg Yellow The periods during which each party leader is on stage are clear from the burst of conversations about them 13. New Features /Whats coming next? Weve already had feedback from people using the maps and have come up with some ideas of our own. Animated replays Location Query Area Topics / Demographics Categories and Tags Custom Map Designs Personalized Pins 2015 Brandwatch | 13 14. The Future /What will it be used for? We look forward to seeing how our customers and partners use the technology in new and innovative ways . Advertising Venues, Stores, Travellers Market Research Analyzing Regions, Surveying Specific Audiences Campaigns Measurement, Engagement, Competitions Journalism Sourcing/Confirming Witnesses, Detecting Scoops Customer Service / Reputation Management Alerting Local Staff, Detecting Local Issues 2015 Brandwatch | 14 15. Thanks for Listening! 2015 Brandwatch | 15