Page 1: Nick Kemp Products II Outside - Provocative Change Works...create and use time. The recordings consist of two tracks which combine powerful hypnotic inductions, NLP approaches and






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Nick Kemp has been involved in the �eld of personal change for over thirty years, having studied many forms of communication and personal development, including Hypnosis, Provocative Therapy and Neuro Linguistics, before creating his own Provocative Change Works(tm) approach that he uses in his private practice. As a longstanding musician, he �rst started to produce his own audio products a decade ago(including the �rst ever commercial multi sound DTS hypnosis CD) under the Human Alchemy(tm) brand. These Human Alchemy CDs have become regarded by many as some of the �nest hypnosis products available, and were described by Anglo American Books in the following way -

“We are sent many CDs and audiotapes from therapists for review, but it is truly unusual to come across a product that is as e�ective and professional as this o�ering from Nick Kemp. As well as being a useful tool it should be of great interest to those who wish to use the more complex language techniques inherited from Milton Erickson's great work.”

Anglo American Books

In 2004 Nick Kemp �rst met Frank Farrelly, (creator of Provocative Therapy and a major in�uence on the creators of NLP) and began an intensive training with Frank to become an approved Provocative Therapy Trainer. He subsequently founded The Association for Provocative Therapy (or AFPT), and released the “Provocative Change Works for Phobias” DVD set in 2006, which has commentary from Frank Farrelly himself. In the same year Nick was a guest for 26 consecutive weeks on BBC

Radio, curing phobics live on the air, using his Provocative Change Works approach. This approach has been described by Frank Farrelly in the following way

“You’ll �nd his work on phobias using PT mixed with Hypnosis quite a blend and Enlightening!”

Frank Farrelly

In 2008 Nick Kemp was invited to present at the IASH Conference in San Francisco to a “standing room only” audience, and began to further establish himself as a major international trainer. In 2010 and 2011 he will be running a series of new trainings in the UK, Europe and USA, co training with many of the world’s most accomplished international trainers and therapists, including Frank Farrelly, Steve Andreas, Doug O Brien and Andrew T Austin. His Provocative Change Works approach and creation of the Provocative Icon System (tm) has attracted the attention of many longstanding international trainers, including Steve Andreas who made the following comment

“Do you know Nick Kemp? – (he is) exceptionally bright, and I have immensely enjoyed communicating...These kind of exchanges that I have been having... are the kind of activities that I think can really advance the �eld.”

Steve Andreas NLP Developer, Writer

In 2010 Nick was invited by Steve to co present at the Advanced Mastery Training in Boulder Colorado, and was one of the present-ers at the IASH conference in San Francisco. In between running workshops, releasing products and writing articles, Nick runs two highly successful practices in the UK, where he works with private clients using his Provocative Change Works (tm) approach for changework. He has also released a series of training DVDs on his work including the sessions from the Boulder Advanced Mastery Training ,showing him working with members of the public, using the PCW approach.

These products can be ordered securely online at

Page 2: Nick Kemp Products II Outside - Provocative Change Works...create and use time. The recordings consist of two tracks which combine powerful hypnotic inductions, NLP approaches and

The Adventures of Well Being Now CD A few words from Nick KempOver the years people from across the globe have given great feedback about this CD. I created a combination of music, stories and deep hypnosis to transport the listener into greater states of well being. This product is excellent in assisting with relaxation, creativity and positivity.What people are saying about this recording

"This is a very interesting CD using hypnotic language techniques to take you on an adventure discovering deep relaxation as well as facilitating change. We are

sent many CDs and audiotapes from therapists for review, but it is truly unusual to come across a product that is as e�ective and professional as this o�ering from Nick Kemp. As well as being a useful tool it should be of great interest to those who wish to use the more complex language techniques inherited from Milton Erickson's great work. Highly recommended!"

Anglo American Books"Wow, new CD's from Nick Kemp? Can I get one? I always look forward to new recordings from Nick. He is doing something bene�cial (one of my most highly valued criteria) that I'm sure will be of great use to listeners. With his emphasis on creating good intentions, the relaxing hypnotic rhythms of the music and a unique sound, these adventures in relaxation are in a category by themselves."

Michael Breen, Master Trainer of NLPThese recordings are designed to complement traditional medicine, not replace it. If you have any doubts about your mental or physical health you should visit your doctor as soon as possiblePrice £18

Letters to your unconscious CDThis CD is a great tool for accelerated state changes for increased motivation, communication and enhanced well being. The recording consists of four distinctive tracks and uses a combination of NLP, hypnosis and music to take the listener into deeply relaxed and motivating states.What people are saying about this recording.

"Hey, I just want to take this opportunity to add my voice to the chorus of praise being sung about Nick Kemp's Hypnosis recordings. It is wonderful to listen to

recordings that are intelligent and well done on every level, the production, the music, the inductions and the suggestions, every aspect is top notch. If you haven't yet had the pleasure of listening to them I would heartily suggest you do.Thanks, Nick!"

Doug O'Brien and Associates NY"Letters To Your Unconscious Now “this recording is interesting. Essentially it is divided into two interconnected parts. Part one overloaded me with hypnotic suggestion and metaphor and then after a gentle interlude, part two took me deeply into something beautiful. Nick's recording's aren't just for the trance junkies, but the serious hypnosis and NLP student will do very well to study the structure of these recordings."

Andrew T Austin Hypnotherapist & authorPrice £18

About Time CDA few words from Nick KempI have always been fascinated by time, and how people "manage time" This CD was created so that each listener can experience what it’s like to go into "slow time", through powerful hypnotic inductions, and realise that we each create and use time by how we think and pay attention in daily life. “About Time” is another in the Human Alchemy series of recordings. This CD explores how we create and use time. The recordings consist of two tracks which combine powerful hypnotic inductions, NLP approaches and the use of metaphors to take the listener into learning about time.What people are saying about this recording

"This is an outstanding aid to inducing hypnosis. Especially e�ective are the combinations of drones and unusual rhythms that aid the induction of deeper trance states"

Crown house Publishing

"Hi Nick, Many thanks for posting the [CD] so promptly. I received it Saturday morning. I have no idea what you're doing on this CD but after listening to it from beginning to end, I felt like I'd not only just moved house but moved planets too! My range of vision seemed to open up and sharpen at the same time- I seemed to be very sensitive to detail & colour, which was fuller and richer. And I have no idea where that blasted smile came from but it insisted on hanging round for some time! My girlfriend was quite disturbed by my appearance (smiling for no apparent reason!) & behaviour but I had a great time. "

GarethPrice £18

Music for Hypnosis CD This is an instrumental CD from Nick Kemp, designed as a backdrop for deep hypnosis. Some of the musical themes were used on the "About Time" CD and will be familiar to attendees of Nick's seminars. This is an excellent CD for deep relaxation and contains 6 distinctive tracks including new sonically improved and remixed versions of Ascending and Moving AheadWhat people are saying about this recording

"The music is simply magni�cent. (I speak as a classically trained composer!) It is warm and embracing and gives

a feeling of an ability to induce total relaxation"David Aldridge. Composer

A few words from Nick KempThis CD was created especially for people interested in an audio product of purely instrumental music, that avoided the usual "new age clichéd" style of music. The recording uses the latest digital recording techniques and is best listened to on headphones in a comfortable environment.Price £18

Deep Trance Music CD This is the �rst instrumental recording from Nick Kemp and many of the musical themes were used on the acclaimed "Adventures of Well Being Now" and "Letters to your Unconscious" recordings. This product is ideal for deep relaxation and uses the latest digital recording technology to create a product that can be used as a backdrop for hypnosis sessions or simply for independent listening   What people are saying about this recording

"The energy and love emanating from the music is more than I ever hoped for, so uplifting!"

Jennifer Rayner Editor A few words from Nick KempThis instrumental recording of deep trance music is ideal for altered state progressions and deep hypnosis. My in�uences are well documented as being Brian Eno, David Sylvian and Eastern music. All compositions are recorded using 32 bit digital technology to produce excellent trance inducing soundscapes.Price £18

Provocative Change Works Live in the USA- 6 DVD Set The complete” Provocative Change Works” live sessions from the Advanced Mastery Training in Boulder Colorado, hosted by Steve Andreas and Real People Press. Over 8 hours of material, with numerous client sessions including dealing with Bruxism, and comprehensive discussions of the Provocative Change Works process from an NLP perspective. This is an excellent introduction to Nick Kemp’s Provocative Change Works(tm) process, with plenty of Q and A about this process, used in a therapeutic context.Available in PAL and NTSC formats Price £99

Provocative Change Works for Phobias- by Nick Kemp 2 DVD set(With narration by Frank Farrelly)

Here Nick illustrates his Provocative Change approach which combines Provocative Therapy with Hypnosis. You can observe two client sessions curing a phobia of needles and a client with claustrophobia. Nick gives audio commentary on one of the sessions and both sessions have commentary from Frank Farrelly.

"In these excellent DVDs, Nick Kemp demonstrates how to use a combination of Provocative Therapy, simple anchoring, submodalities and hypnosis to quickly cure a phobia of needles and claustrophobia, with immediate tests to show that the process was successful. Nice work."

Steve Andreas NLP author, trainer, developerThis is modelling excellence at its best. Not only do you get the chance to view and hear coaching sessions but you get the here and now break down of them. What a great way to learn and what exemplers Nick and Frank are in going with the moment. The discussion between Frank and Nick shows what real life coaching is all about.. friendship, love, humour, spontaneity, learning. I love it all and found myself rushing to get a pen to note some thoughts, something that I rarely do but signifying something that i want to be sure to capture to experiment with myself.

Sue Knight - Author & Trainer"The DVDs are brilliant, and perhaps show even more than you realise. It's a lovely master class as to the application of your techniques and how you blend them nicely together. The commentaries are great, inspiring, although I'd love to hear Frank say more - his inputs are insightful. I particularly like your commentary, as it gives a bit more idea of how your mind works during the session. Thanks, it was exactly what I wanted - how to apply the skills I know but from another and more experienced perspective - as well as a new direction to investigate as well.I put some of the elements of what I have learned from your approach with a client this morning, and actually found that the session �owed more easily, and the results came far quicker. Thanks on his behalf, as that's what I'm doing this for!I'll be watching the DVD's a few more times to peel the onions a little, and I'm very pleased I purchased it. Thanks! Products like this make study and continuing professional development easy!"

Gary Turner - Professional SportsmanPrice £29.99

How Provocative Change Works- by Nick Kemp single DVD(With commentary by Frank Farrelly)

This product is essentially a �y on the wall documentary of Frank Farrelly and Nick Kemp discussing client and therapist expectational sets and how these expectations a�ect session outcomes. The DVD also includes Frank commenting on a demonstration that Nick conducted at the IASH San Francisco conference, using Provocative Therapy. Themes explored here include: client and therapist expectations; which kind of people make good Provocative Therapists; and the early days and reactions to PT.Price 19.99

Provocative Change Works for Anxiety – 4 DVD Set This is a set of DVDs by Nick Kemp showing you how to work with a variety of anxiety related conditions using the Provocative Change Works approach. These include public speaking, insomnia and anticipatory anxiety. The DVDs contain full narration and explanation of the process and include description of the PCW Icon system. This is an excellent introduction to the Provocative Change Works(tm) process created by Nick Kemp, with footage taken from live trainings as well as private client sessions.

"An excellent DVD set! Nick Kemp's 'Provocative Change Works for Anxiety' enlarges our understanding of the Provocative Change Works approach by illustrating a di�erent mix of elements than was seen in the 'Provocative Change Works for Phobias' DVD set. Once again, Nick Kemp provides a commentary to indicate the thinking behind what he does in the three �lmed sessions (together with showing Provocative Icon Cards to point out the provocative therapy strategy he is employing). There is an additional interview in which he speaks speci�cally about his Voice Tempo technique. Interestingly, the �rst session in the set takes place in a workshop context and this separates out the initial provocative element. For those unfamiliar with the provocative method it may be hard to make sense of what they are seeing, so it is especially helpful to see an interview with the client who is very good at articulating his experience of this and its bene�ts to him. One would have to say that Nick Kemp is exemplary in doing all he can to make his methods available and accessible to anyone with an interest in change work and the workings of change."

Dr Graham DawesPrice £75