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NGO Reporter Brasil’s experience on monitoring social impacts of ethanol

Marcel Gomes NGO Repórter Brasil

2nd Workshop on the Impact of New Technologies on the Sustainability of the Sugarcane/Bioethanol Production Cycle

CTBE – Campinas – Brazil November, 2009

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Areas of expertise

Education Advocacy

Research and Journalism

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Value chain

Identification of social and environment impacts, labour violations, production chains, social, economic and political actors

Researchs, report’s production, education and advocacy projetcs

Social mobilization and commitments among civil society, goverments and companies

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Commodity and Biofuel Initiatives

Inputs from Landless Workers’ Movement, Land Pastoral Comission, local social movements and NGOs, companies, universities, Federal

Prosecuting Counsel, Labour Prosecuting Counsel, goverments...

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Commodity and Biofuel Initiatives

•  National Pact Against Slave Labour

•  National Commission Against Slave Labour

•  Sustainable Connections Pacts

•  Brazilian Civil Society Network on Biofuels ‘RedeBio’

•  Round Table on Responsible Soy

•  Brazilian Initiative for Farming and Cattle Evaluation System

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Commodity and Biofuel Initiatives

Repórter Brasil Socioeconomic Research Framework

Legal infractions

Social struggles’ demands

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Commodity and Biofuel Initiatives

Social struggles’ demands

•  Who are the actors? •  What is the social network? •  Where are the centers? •  What are the demands? •  What are the strategies? •  What roles are they playing? •  How the public agenda has been produced?

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Commodity and Biofuel Initiatives Sugarcane complex workers – São Paulo (1,000Rais)

Total Only Cultivation +87% +27%

2007 – 215 97 2006 – 207 96 2005 – 151 75 2004 – 145 67 2003 – 122 61 2002 – 114 61 2001 – 115 76

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Commodity and Biofuel Initiatives

Legal Infractions

•  Penal Code •  Brazilian Labour Law (CLT) •  Regulatory Norm (Norma Regulamentadora) 31

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Commodity and Biofuel Initiatives 1999 Monthly wage – R$ 509 (Rais) 4.54 basic food package (Dieese)

2007 Monthly wage – R$ 1142 5.55 basic food package

2000-2008 Price paid per sugarcane ton + 9.8% (IEA)

2000-2008 Worker’s productivity +11.9% (IEA)

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Notifications on Labour Irregularities – Sugarcane Sector – São Paulo

Source: Grupo Estadual Rural – São Paulo

2006 2007 2008

Actions - companies inspected

160 109 50

Number of workers attended

95.596 74.777 52.065 Notifications Notifications/

Actions Notifications Notifications/ Actions Notifications Notifications

/ Actions Excessive

working hours 72 0.45 19 0.17 14 0.28

Lack of breaks 27 0.16 19 0.17 7 0.14 Official contracts 42 0.26 32 0.29 13 0.26

Payment 27 0.16 41 0.37 34 0.68 Weekly time off 15 0.09 26 0.23 26 0.52

Improper restroom facilities

37 0.23 48 0.44 24 0.48 Absence of individual protection equipments

52 0.32 49 0.45 31 0.62

Improper lodging 8 0.05 27 0.24 3 0.06 Improper transport

29 0.18 40 0.36 13 0.26

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Labour Inspection Actions – São Paulo (February – June, 2009)

Bauru São José do Rio Preto

Ribeirão Preto


Companies 26 13 07 46

Involved workers 9.395 10.387 13.157 32.939

Autos Infração

- Labour Law 23 28 21 72

- Safety/Health 56 69 41 166

Cities 09 11 06 26

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Slave Labour

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Slave Labour Dirty List (Jan, 2007)

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Source: CPT, MTE* (07/10/09) e MPT* (05/11/09)

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Source: CPT, MTE* (07/10/09) e MPT* (05/11/09)


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Estado Ocorrências % Maranhão 5417 31,3 Mato Grosso do Sul 1556 9,0 Pará 1441 8,3 Bahia 1181 6,8 Piauí 1176 6,8 Tocantins 1064 6,1 Minas Gerais 995 5,7 Goiás 783 4,5 Alagoas 759 4,4 Pernambuco 611 3,5 Paraná 521 3,0 Ceará 493 2,8 Mato Grosso 338 2,0 Paraíba 268 1,5 São Paulo 235 1,4 Rio Grande do Norte 131 ,8 Santa Catarina 69 ,4 Espírito Santo 64 ,4 Rio Grande do Sul 54 ,3 Rondônia 46 ,3 Acre 38 ,2 Rio de Janeiro 20 ,1 Amazonas 18 ,1 Distrito Federal 17 ,1 Sergipe 16 ,1 Roraima 5 ,0 Amapá 2 ,0 Total 17318 100

Tabela 1: Estado de nascimento do trabalhador

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Source: CPT,

MTE* (31/10/09)

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Source: CPT,

MTE* (31/10/09)

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Labour impact causes:

•  Fragile laws

•  Inspection groups deficiency

•  Overexploitation of labour tradition

•  Economic benefits

•  Weak civil society

•  Available labour

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Labour Perspective Right to Strike

Sugarcane cutter Victor Ronaldo de Alencar, fired after a strike in Sertãozinho, São Paulo

Feraesp assistant in Sertãozinho, SP

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Labour Perspective Right to Strike

•  Rise in wages •  Non payment of wages •  Meal (ticket) •  Transparency of sugarcane measurement •  Better labour conditions

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Labour Perspective Changes in Migration Flows

Montanha and Brito, from Pimenteiras, PI, who work as sugarcane cutters in Sertãozinho, SP

Julia, in Leila’s arms, knows her father only from pictures her mothers shows her.

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Labour Perspective Changes in Migration Flows

•  New ethanol/sugar mills •  Longer harvest •  Harvest mechanization

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Guarani-kaiowá was hurt after attack in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul

Labour and Land Perspective Indigenous Rights

Xakriabá Indians who work in sugarcane cutting in Pontal, São Paulo

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Labour and Land Perspective Indigenous Rights

•  Sugarcane advancement vs. right of land •  Labour relation •  Labour law and indigenous rights

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Thank you!

Marcel Gomes [email protected]
