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Page 1: NGHS After School Club

After School Club Available to all pupils in the Junior School

from 3.50pm to 5.45pm

NOTTINGHAM GIRLS’ HIGH SCHOOLExperts in educating girls from 4-18 yearsLeading. Learning. Loving it.

Junior School

Page 2: NGHS After School Club

After School ClubThe After School Club is available to all pupils in the Junior School and runs between 3.50pm and 5.45pm every day during term time. At the end of the school day the girls attending After School Club meet in the Library to sign in and then enjoy a snack and drink.

Reception - Year 2

There is a varied programme of activities for your daughter to enjoy including games, arts and craft, outdoor play and a quiet story time. There is something on offer to suit every need.

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Years 3 - 6

For the older girls this is an ideal opportunity for them to finish homework, catch up with reading or practise their music, with help from Junior Staff, if needed. They can then enjoy some outdoor play and time to wind down after a busy day - freeing up valuable home time.

Year 7

As part of our transition as an all through school, we offer Year 7 girls extended supervision in the Junior school between 5.00pm and 5.45pm after the Senior School Library has closed. Sixth Form helpers collect any After School Club girls and bring then over to the Junior School. There is no charge for this service.

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The cost, which includes a drink and snack, is as follows:

Concessionary rate: £6.00 a day (every night) when paid half termly in advance within the fi rst two weeks of term Standard rate: £7.00 a dayBefore or aft er a school club: £2.00Additi onal costs: £1.30 when a sandwich is ordered in advance. Home sandwiches or snacks may be provided for your daughter to eat during aft er school club and these must be handed in to Mrs Sail for refrigerati on during the school day.

A late collecti on fee of £10.00 will be charged for any child who is not collected by 5.45pm


Your daughter’s ParentPay account is charged monthly, with payment due by the 14th of the month following. See page 9 in the handbook for further details on the ParentPay system.

If a place at aft er School Club is booked but not required it must be cancelled by 12.00noon or the full charge will be made. This also applies if your daughter is absent, so please remember to cancel the booking when you ring in about her absence.

The number to contact the Aft er School Club Supervisor, during Aft er School Club hours, is 07500 969653.

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t: 0115 935 4450junioraft [email protected]

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