  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot


    Professional quality in your pocket

    Interchangeable-lensDigital Camera

  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot


    Actual size

    magine the infinite potentialvision all the power and flexibility of an interchangeable-lens camera in your pocket. Breathtaking image quality and

    htning-swift response previously reserved for high-end photography. Feature-rich flexibility and advanced movie- making

    apabilities. Plus meticulous craftsmanship that inspires a sense of pride. Imagine the new one-of-a-kindANEX-7 from Sony.

    ow nothing can stop you from realizing your vision.

    24.3 megapixel image resolution

    World's fastest8 release time lag

    Worlds first9 XGA OLED Tru-Finder viewfinder

    Intuitive TRINAVI operation

    AVCHD Ver. 2.0 (Progressive) Full HD 60p movies

  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot


    ar T* E 24mm F1.8 ZA (SEL24F18Z),1/80 sec.,F2.5, ISO 200,Auto white balance

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    0mm F4.5-5.6 G SSM (SAL70300G),Mount Adaptor LA-EA2,1/160 sec.,F5.6, ISO 200,Auto white balance

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    m F1.8 OSS (SEL50F18),1/250 sec.,F5.6, ISO 200,Auto white balance

  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot


    amatically improved BIONZ image processing engine

    azing fast BIONZ processor has been

    timized to bring out the f ull potentialthe new Exmor APS HD CMOS imagensor. Utilizing powerful algorithms, itnsforms RAW data from the sensor

    o beautiful images with extremelycurate color and rich tonal gradationsoughout the entire dynamic range.

    en during ultra-high-speed continuous

    shooting or Full HD movie shooting, it

    effortlessly handles the vast informationgenerated by the 24.3 megapixelCMOS sensor as well as other processor

    intensive tasks such as advanced digitalcompositing. Moreover, RAW image noisereduction complements dual noisereduction in the sensor to deliver images

    of superb quality with extremely low noise.

    ew 24.3 megapixel Exmor APS HD CMOS sensor

    joy breathtaking image quality inmost any lighting, thanks to Sonys

    w proprietary Exmor APS HD CMOSnsor with astounding 24.3 megapixelsolution. The sensors extra-large

    rface area raises sensitivity in low-lightnditions and strengthens backgroundfocusing effects so you can add

    pth and drama to virtually any scene.

    Furthermore, dual noise reductionsignificantly reduces noise during analog

    and digital signal conversion to ensuresmooth, crystal-clear reproductioneven in low-light conditions. Discover

    the dramatic difference that rich detail,accurate color and smooth tonalgradations can make.

    ndulge in sophisticated imaging technology

    High sensitivity and broad ISO range

    Virtually any lighting conditions can bemastered with NEX-7 thanks to extremely

    high ISO sensitivity and wide-rangingsettings from 100 to 16000 a rangeof 7 1/3 EV steps. Even when shooting

    in dimly lit conditions without a flash ortripod, extremely low-noise, high-qualityimage capturing and processing ensure

    outstanding results. You can capture themood of a candlelit wedding ceremonywith a high sensitivity setting.

    Use a low sensitivity setting and slowshutter speed to photograph the flow

    of a river. Or clearly shoot athletescompeting indoors with a high sensitivitysetting and high shutter speed. In regular

    shooting conditions, the Auto ISO modecan automatically choose the optimalISO setting between ISO 100 and 1600

    or between any range you ch oose tocustomize for creative results.

    ISO 6400ISO 1600

    E 50mm F1.8 OSS (SEL50F18),1/5 sec., F8,ISO 3200, Auto

    Exmor APS HD CMOS sensor23.5 x 15.6 mm

    MICRO Four Thirds sensor

    13.2 x 8.8 mm sensor

    1/2.4 sensor(common in compact digital cameras)

    The APS-C size sensor is more than 13x larger than

    1/2.4-size sensors,3.1x larger than 13.2 x 8.8 mm sensors,

    and 1.6x larger than MICRO Four Thirds sensors,

    resulting in much higher image quality and sensitivity.

  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot


    Fast and precise autofocusing

    Intelligent contrast-detection autofocusingdelivers precision focusing when shooting

    virtually any type of subject in photos andmovies. Simply point and shoot for fast,accurate results. You can also use DMF(Direct Manual Focus) for more creativecontrol or instantly switch from DMF to MF(Manual Focus), or between AF and MF, by

    pressing the AF/MF button.

    The AF system places 25 AF points over

    a wide area of the frame, making it easyto change the composition and trackmoving subjects while maintaining focus.

    Two autofocus modes (Single-shot AF

    and Continuous AF) along with threeAutofocus Area settings (25-point Multi,user-selectable Flexible Spot and Center)

    utilize an advanced new AF algorithm foroutstanding performance and speed.

    10 fps continuous shooting speed

    Capture the decisive moment during fast-breaking action by shooting continuously

    at up to 10 frames per second. PowerfulBIONZ processing combines with rapiddata readout to easily process the 24.3

    megapixels of data from the Exmorsensor at accelerated speed.

    New Tracking Focus function

    Now its easy to keep moving subjects insharp focus. Once you select a subject

    as your main target, new TrackingFocus stays locked on that subject andmaintains focus even as the subject

    moves. This hassle-free mode assures thatunpredictable subjects stay in focus evenwhile you are zooming or adjusting the

    composition. It lets you concentrate on thescene without worrying about the focus.

    Intelligent Face Registration

    Catch familiar faces at their bestthe new Face Registration functio

    intelligent technology based on Srenowned Face Detection lets yoregister up to eight faces in mem

    Whenever you shoot, the camerarecognizes and focuses on thesewhile also adjusting exposure, fla

    output and more to capture thembeautiful best. Smile Shutter teccan also be used concurrently fo

    ultimate in automatic shooting e

    Screen shown when registering faces

    Capture every decisive momentwith confidence

    E 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 OSS (SEL1855), 1/1000 sec., F6.3, ISO 400, Auto white balance

    ghtning fast response

    nt let special moments slip away ine blink of an eye. The worlds fastest

    ease time lag8 an astounding 0.02c. virtually eliminates any delayhen pressing the shutter button. So youll

    never miss another photo opportunity. Thisamazing performance was accomplished

    by adopting an electronic front curtainshutter. Overall camera response wasfurther enhanced by improving AF

    performance (via accelerated imagesensor readout) and increasing image

    processing capabilities. Now its easierthan ever to capture high-quality shots indynamic, rapidly changing situations.

  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot


    Express your movie-making aspirations

    tra-large image sensor

    henever you capture movies, the extra-ge dimensions of the Exmor APS HD

    MOS sensor empower you to expressur full creativity. The large size enablesautiful background defocusing effects

    a cinematic sense of depth andama. It also contributes to extremelygh recording sensitivity for effective

    ooting in very dim lighting. The largensor additionally lets you take fullvantage of P/A/S/M modes to

    anually adjust exposure.

    AVCHD Ver. 2.0 (Progressive)Full HD 60p movies

    Now you can capture HD movies at amuch higher frame rate for the ultimatein smooth movie playback. Thanks to

    the accelerated performance of thelarge Exmor sensor and BIONZ imageprocessing engine, as well as Sonys

    adoption of the new AVCHD Ver. 2.0(Progressive) format, you can shoot Full HDmovies at 60 fps12. Moreover, image quality

    is outstanding even at this acceleratedspeed: the beautiful 1920 x 1080 pixelmovie footage is the same resolution asHDTV broadcasts.

    24p film-like expression

    Cinematic films are traditionally

    captured at 24 fps, creating a subtle

    but unmistakable look that movie loverseverywhere associate with the cinema.

    Simply by capturing your movies at thesame frame rate, in the progressive 24pformat, you can recreate this look and

    endow your movies with an added senseof quality and drama.

    Full manual movie shooting

    NEX-7 expands your control over camerasettings so you can carefully craft each

    scene for maximum impact. Using manualfocus and P/A/S/M modes (ProgramAuto, Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority and

    Manual Exposure), you can flexibly adjustbackground blur and manually controlexposure. On-screen prompts provide

    assistance to make full manual operationquick, easy and comfortable.

    Clear audio recording quality

    A built-in stereo microphone ensuresoutstanding audio quality. Advanced

    circuitry improves recording quality andreduces noise to make a big differencewhen shooting in quiet settings. Optional

    Stereo Microphone ECM-ALST1 can beattached to the cameras Auto-lockAccessory Shoe to provide directional

    audio coverage from 90 to 120.

    Optional clip-on LCD monito

    For extra shooting and playbackas well as the most accurate ma

    focusing possible, simply add theLCD Monitor CLM-V55.11 It boastsWVGA LCD screen with a wide vie

    angle, pixel magnification and s

    Heightened creative potential

    Sony makes it easy to exaggerate themood or completely transform the look

    of your movies by applying Creative Styleand Picture Effect10 modes, which aredigitally applied to your images in real-

    time as you shoot. For example, theToy Camera mode creates a rough,amateurish look, while Posterization

    reduces the number of colors to makea vivid, high-contrast statement.

    One-touch movie access

    With one press of the MOVIE button, NEX-7

    is ready to roll. The camera immediately

    enters movie recording mode regardless ofwhether you were shooting photographs

    continuously, in single-frame mode ornot at all. Its the quick and easy way tocapture every movie-making opportunity.

    Clip-on LCD MonitorCLM-V55

    Stereo MicrophoneECM-ALST1

  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot


    Control dial L

    Control dial R

    Navigation button

    Control wheel

    Dial your way to fine-tuned perfection

    INAVI Navigation made simple

    ny proudly introduces TRINAVI, annovative new approach to camera

    eration that enables faster and moreuitive fine-tuning of camera settings.rough the use of a navigation button

    d three easily accessible dials, it virtuallyminates the need to hunt through menuerarchies to find desired settings. You

    mply press the navigation button locatedxt to the shutter button to select a majorttings category (Exposure Settings, Focus

    ttings, White Balance Settings, D-Rangettings, Creative Style Settings, etc.). Thene the three dials on the top and back

    the camera to quickly and easily adjustrameters as desired. Only parametersated to your chosen category are

    played to ensure simple operation. WithNAVI, operation is always satisfying. Youend less time searching for settings and

    ore time expressing your creative vision.

    Customizable navigation button

    NEX-7 makes it easy to customize whatcategories are selectable with the

    navigation button. By default, ExposureSettings, Focus Settings, White BalanceSettings, D-Range Settings and Creative

    Style Settings are selectable. But PictureEffect Settings and Custom Settings which lets you assign parameters to

    the three dials from a list of alternativesincluding ISO and Metering Mode canbe chosen to replace other categories

    (except Exposure Settings). Moreover, thecategories can be customized to appearin any order you like.





    Focus Settings

    White Balance Settings

    D-Range Settings

    Creative Style Settings

    Exposure Settings

    Picture Effect SettingsCustom Settings

    Navigation button

    Navigation button

    Navigation button

    Navigation button

    The order of categories can be customized.


    White BalanceSettings


    Creative StyleSettings

    Picture Effect



    P m od e P ro gr am Sh if t


    A mode Aperture

    S mo de S hu tt er sp ee d

    M mode Shutter s peed Aperture

    A F m od e A F a re a m od eFocusing area



    MF modeEnlarging area

    (vertical )Enlarging area



    Modes(AWB, Daylight, Shade,

    Cloudy, Incandescent,

    Fluor.: Warm White,Fluor.: Cool White,

    Fluor.: Day White,

    Fluor.: Daylight, Flash,

    C.Temp./Filter, Custom)

    Amber-bluecolor tone Greenco



    adjustment No item

    DRO level/HDR level(incl. Auto)


    Image styleAdjustment

    (contrast, saturation,





    Control dial L Control dial R Cont


    Note:Pressing the center of the control wheel or bottom so

    changes the magnification.

    Custom Settings lets you assign any of the following paramcontrol dials and control wheel:Exposure Comp.,Autofoc

    Metering Mode,White Balance,DRO/Auto HDR,Creative S

    Effect,Quality,Not Set.

  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot


    View every detail with astonishing clarity

    Level HistogramDisplay Basic Info

    emarkably clear XGA OLED Tru-Finder EVF A world first9

    ery detail of your scene is displayedh incredible contrast, clarity and color

    curacy on the amazing new XGA OLED-Finder display. Since you can seeactly what will appear in your photo,

    cluding defocusing effects that faithfullyect your aperture settings, you can

    e-tune every aspect of the foreground

    d background to achieve the results yousire. Moreover, viewing is supremely easyany type of lighting an advantage

    er LCD monitors that are difficult to view

    in bright sunlight and optical viewfindersthat are difficult to view in the dark.

    This viewing ease makes it simpler toconcentrate on the scene, adjust settingsand shoot without removing your eye from

    the finder.

    The backlight-free design of OLED

    technology delivers incredible contrast(10 times greater than high performanceLCD electronic viewfinders) and

    dramatically broadens the dynamic

    range. Accelerated OLED response alsovirtually eliminates both motion blur and

    residual images when tracking movingobjects or displaying recorded movies.Slim unit dimensions gave Sony extra

    freedom to achieve advances like awide 33.1 viewing angle, high 23.3mmeye-point and 100% frame coverage. A

    high-precision 2,359K dot resolution allowsfine-adjustment of focus via MF Assist.

    ariable information display

    e OLED viewfinder clearly displaystailed shooting information at high XGAolution for quick and easy reading.

    u can display the data in your choicethree display modes (Display Basico, Level or Histogram) by pressing DISP.

    e level gauge indicates whether themera is level in the horizontal and front-ck directions. The histogram displays

    e luminance distribution of pixels in theage, which can be adjusted throughposure compensation.

    8 LCD display modes

    When viewing the LCD, you can displayshooting information in your choice of

    8 convenient display modes (GraphicDisplay, Display All Info., Big Font SizeDisp., No Disp. Info., Live View Priority, Level,

    Histogram, or For Viewfinder). The selectionprocess is simplified by narrowing downthe choices to your favorite modes with

    the DISP Button (Monitor) menu. Thereafter,selecting a mode is as simple aspressing DISP.

    Three handy grid displays

    Whenever you desire assistance the horizon or achieving a balan

    composition, you can overlay onthree types of grids in the viewfinThese include a 3x3 grid that follo

    rule of thirds, a 4x4 grid that inclu45-degree lines passing through and a 6x4 grid that simplifies the

    of multiple visual elements.

    Narrow down the number of selectable modes

    Graphic Display Display

    Live View Priority Level

    Big Font Size Disp. No Disp

    Histogram For View

    Tiltable Xtra Fine LCD monitorwith TruBlack technology

    The big, bright LCD monitor is perfect forshooting both movies and still images.Featuring a crisp 921K dot resolution

    and wide 16:9 aspect ratio, this 3.0" LCDmonitor incorporates Sonys originalTruBlack technology to suppress lightreflections and deliver more vibrant colors,

    deeper blacks and excellent contrast.Monitor brightness can be adjustedmanually or automatically, and Sunny

    Weather mode boosts brightness whenviewing under exceptionally bright light.The monitor also angles approx. 90 up

    and 45 down, allowing you to shoot from

    unusual perspectives.

    Anti-reflective film

    Reinforced glass

    Resin filling

    Generic LCD monitor

    with troublesome reflections

    TruBlack display eliminates reflections


    Clear protective cover

    Tiltable display

    Hold the camera high to shoot from above. Or place it

    low to the ground for a startling view of life looking up.

  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot


    Savor the quality of precision craftsmanship

    gid magnesium alloy body

    u can depend on the ruggedness ofX-7. High-intensity magnesium alloynels on the top and front provide solid

    otection of the lightweight body, whichers a high degree of structural integrityd long-lasting durability.

    egantly crafted, intuitive controls

    autifully refined dials and buttons are

    afted from solid metal for a feeling ofmost quality and anodized for enhancedughness. The flat topmost panel further

    ntributes to a highly sophisticated,ified design.

    Slip-free rubberized grip

    Confident handling is assured bya compact camera body that fitscomfortably in your hand and a durable

    grip covered in thick rubber to assureslip-free usage no matter how you holdthe camera.

    Meticulous attention to detail

    Every minute detail of NEX-7 from easy-to-read button icons to anodized dials witheasy-to-grip ribbed rims demonstrates

    elegant craftsmanship and thoroughattention to detail.

    Auto-lock Accessory Shoe

    This is the first E-mount camera w

    Auto-lock Accessory Shoe, whicheasy connection to options incluFlash HVL-F43AM, Macro Twin Flas

    HVL-MT24AM and Sync TerminalAdaptor FA-ST1AM.

    Built-in flash

    When the lighting is dim, this builflash unit with a Guide Number ocan provide the supplemental lig

    you need. Combined with high ISsensitivity, it enables shooting in nany environment.

  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot


    Open the door to unlimited creativity

    Final photo with highlights,mid tones and shadows

    properly exposed

    HDR Painting

    h Contrast Monochrome

    tial Color (Blue)

    t Focus

    Posterization (Color)

    Partial Color (Green)


    Posterization (B/W)

    Pop Color

    Rich-tone Monochrome

    Retro Photo

    Soft High-key

    Partial Color (Red)

    Toy Camera

    Partial Color (Yellow)

    dd character with Picture Effect

    alize your creative potential with Pictureect, a fun and simple way to convert

    eryday scenes into exciting works of art.modes with options give you a total ofeffects for endless artistic possibilities.

    al-time preview is available for mostects, letting you experiment to satisfyur creative urges. New modes include

    R Painting, Rich-tone Monochrome,ft Focus, Soft High-key and Miniature, aique effect that transforms scenes to

    ok like photos of miniature models.

    e:Some Picture Effect modes cannot be

    plied to movies.

    Hand-held Twilight

    Discover how easy it is to produce night

    shots with all the vibrancy of the originalscene.In Hand-held Twilight mode,NEX-7fires off six photos at high speed and

    composites them to create one low-noisephoto. Thanks to the excellent performanceof the Exmor sensor and BIONZ image

    processing engine, your night shots willsparkle with markedly reduced noise evenwhen shooting without a tripod.

    Creative Style

    Thirteen Creative Style modes let you adddistinctive looks and moods to photosand movies while you shoot. Choose from

    Standard, Vivid, Portrait, Landscape, Sunset,Black & White, Clear, Deep and othermodes depending on the scene. Contrast,

    saturation15 and sharpness can also befine-tuned to get just the right look.

    Scene Selection

    When you select one of eight SceSelection modes to match the tyscene, NEX-7 will automatically a

    basic shooting parameters like ashutter speed, white balance anto match the scene. The wide ran

    settings Portrait, Sports Action, Landscape, Sunset, Night Scene,Portrait and Hand-held Twilight

    just about any shooting situation

    Anti Motion Blur

    Its easy to prevent blurry results when

    shooting in dimly lit settings or attelephoto focal lengths. Simply shoot inthe Anti Motion Blur mode. After taking

    six shots at high speed, NEX-7 aligns andcombines them into a single photo byfully leveraging Sonys image analysis and

    compositing technologies. This mode alsoimproves portraits by eliminating the needfor a flash.

    D-Range Optimizer (DRO)

    In tricky lighting conditions, DRO

    natural-looking images with optimbrightness and tonal gradation. subjects face is dark, for example

    recovers details hidden in the shaand delivers a naturally bright imDRO can even be used effective

    continuous shooting and when cmoving subjects. You can shoot imode or manually select from fiv

    of compensation.

    anage difficult lighting withuto HDR

    light in the remarkable depth andalism that Auto HDR mode lendsotos. This mode is ideal for capturing

    amatically lit scenes that are difficultrecord conventionally due to greatriances in light and shadow. NEX-7

    kes three shots at different exposures e each for highlights, mid tones andadows then digitally combines them

    o a single high dynamic range (HDR)oto with rich shadow and highlighttail. For enhanced creative control, you

    n set the HDR exposure range to coversteps, from 1 EV to 6 EV.

    Sweep Panorama mode in 2D or captivating 3D

    Simply press the shutter button andsweep the camera in a smooth arc, either

    horizontally or vertically. NEX-7 takes aseries of shots then stitches them together

    into a seamless, high-resolution panoramicphoto ready for large-format printing

    or HDTV playback. And now theres 3DSweep Panorama mode, which produces

    dynamic 3D panoramas for play3D-compatible HDTVs.14

    Exposure for mid tones

    Exposure for highlights

    Exposure for shadows



    With D-Range

    Optimizer (Auto)Without D-Ran


  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot


    Discover unrivaled freedom and flexibility

    MF Assist on(5.9x magnification)

    st and precise MF Assist

    hen your creative vision demandstremely fine-tuned focusing, the MF

    sist function delivers all the precisionmanual focusing at a magnifiedw. Simply press the AF/MF button to

    ect the MF mode. Or choose the DMFrect Manual Focus) mode and startletting the sophisticated AF system

    hieve nearly the focusing results yousire. Then fine-tune the focus with the

    cusing ring in either mode. As soon as

    u adjust the ring, the MF Assist functionnds a helping hand by enlarging thertion of the composition on which

    cus is being performed, making it a

    ap to obtain razor-sharp focus. Choosem two magnifications 5.9x or 11.7xdepending on the subject you are

    ooting. The remarkably convenient MFsist function is an especially big helpring macro photography or when

    ooting at large apertures.

    1200-zone metering

    Advanced 1200-zone metering deliversprecise exposures, deftly handling the

    most difficult lighting situations with ease.Employing a sophisticated scene analysisalgorithm and BIONZ image processing,

    the system evaluates light levels and colordistribution, then calculates exposure tosuit each image. You can also lock the

    exposure by simply pressing the AEL button.

    Anti-dust system

    Advanced dust resistance helps minimizephoto blemishes. A special static-free

    coating on the image sensors opticalfilter helps prevent dust from adhering. Thefilter is vibrated ultrasonically every time

    the camera is switched off to dislodge anydust particles that settled on its surface.Ultrasonic vibration can also be activated

    manually at any time.

    Bundled software and conne

    A full software suite including P(Picture Motion Browser)18 and ne

    Data Converter simplifies contmanagement, photo editing andon your personal computer.

    You can also enjoy watching youand movies on various types of c

    devices, including Sony BRAVIA

    Blu-ray Disc players, VAIO comand Sony PlayStation systems w

    lets you navigate with speed andvia PlayMemories software (for photos, panoramic images and

    images) or Filmy19 software (fo

    AVCHD movies).

    Daylight white balance

    aking function on

    ely focused image Precision Digital Zoom at 10x magnification

    eaking function for focusonfirmation

    ake sure your subject is properly focusedh the Peaking function. This detects

    e most sharply reproduced area of the

    age and highlights it for the level of sensitivity and highlightlor are adjustable.

    Precision Digital Zoom

    Even when youve maxed out the reachof a telephoto zoom lens, you can still

    get closer with Precision Digital Zoom.Delivering up to 10x magnification of thecentral area of the frame, this convenient

    feature works with any E-mount or A-mountlens16, including fixed-focal length lenses.

    Auto/manual white balance

    Easily control the colors of your photosand movies with auto or manual white

    balance adjustment. Select Auto or oneof nine presets for lifelike colors no matterwhat kind of scene you are shooting. Then

    manually adjust amber-blue or green-magenta color tones on a color chart tofurther tweak the color. Or switch to the

    C.Temp./Filter mode and select a desiredcolor temperature. All adjustments changethe color of the displayed image in real-

    time, making it easy to add a charmingwarmth to a candlelit moment, pump upthe violet in a brilliant sunset, or inject a

    soothing blue calm to a mountain lake.Custom settings can also be saved inmemory for later use.

    Precise exposure even in difficult lighting


    Multi-slot memory card support

    NEX-7's media card slot supports MemoryStick DuoTM and Memory Stick Pro HG

    DuoTM as well as SD, SDHC, SDXC andEye-Fi media.

    New lens shading and aberrationcompensation

    NEX-7 automatically compensates forthe shading and aberration char-acteristics of the particular lens you

    mount, ensuring optimal shootingresults. Utilizing embedded data withinthe camera on every E-mount lens, it

    provides optimal compensation everytime for peripheral shading, chromaticaberration and distortion each of which

    can be activated or deactivated throughthe menu.

    A host of playback features

    Enjoy your photos and movies to the maxwith NEX-7s playback features. You canenlarge images for closer inspection, view

    Sweep Panorama images, and listento movie sound with the built-in speaker.Other features include index view for

    viewing content by date and variousslideshow styles.18

    Long-lasting powerful battery

    Improved battery performance lets youtake up to 430 (approx.) still images17 andenjoy longer shooting and playback times

    on a single charge.

    Image sensor

    Optical filterwith anti-static


    Dust particlesdislodged by


    Image Data Converter



  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot


    Achieve your creative visionwith Sony lenses

    Mount AdaptorLA-EA2EW

    terchangeable lens flexibility

    pen the door to your creativity with withmpact, high-performance Sony E-mount

    d A-mount lenses.16 The superb opticalrformance of these lenses makes them

    eal for shooting both photos and movies.

    ny A-mount lenses

    the power of over 30 A-mount lenses m fisheye and ultra wide-angle to

    acro and super telephoto models isurs to enjoy once you add an optional-EA2 or LA-EA1 mount adaptor. The

    w Mount Adaptor LA-EA2 even featuresanslucent Mirror Technology that enablesper-fast, high-performance full-time

    ase-detection AF during still andovie shooting.

    A selection of fine optics for

    any situation or subject

    E 16mm F2.8(SEL16F28)

    Only compatible with SEL16F28.

    Ultra Wide Converter (VCL-ECU

    Only compatible with SEL16F28.

    Fisheye Converter(VCL-ECF1)

    E 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 OSS(SEL1

    E 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 OSS(SEL18

    This ultra lightweight macro lens offers a minimum focus distance of 3.7"(9.5cm). The quiet autofocus drive and rugged aluminum-alloy body make itan outstanding choice for nature photography.

    1/2500 sec.,F3.5,ISO 100, Daylight white balance

    E 30mm F3.5 Macro(SEL30M35)

    A fast mid-range telephoto model well suited for portraits, this lens creates

    lovely defocused backgrounds through an ideal combination of focal lengthand circular aperture. Built-in image stabilization and a wide maximumaperture deliver exceptional low-light performance.

    1/1000 sec.,F1.8, ISO 200,Auto white balance

    E 50mm F1.8 OSS(SEL50F18)NEW

    This slim telephoto zoom lens weighs only 12.2 ounces (345g) and beautifullycomplements the SEL1855. With outstanding optical performance over the entirezoom range, its an excellent choice for portraits, sports and nature photography.

    E 55-210mm F4.5-6.3 OSS(SEL55210)NEW

    1/1250 sec.,F8,ISO 400, Daylight white balance

    This fast, wide-angle Carl Zeiss lens is ideal for landscapes, cityscapes and

    group photos. The wide maximum aperture and superb optics also make itsuitable for shooting in dimly lit settings. A minimum focus distance of 6.3"(16cm) provides close-up capability as well.

    1/2000 sec.,F8, ISO 400,Auto white balance

    Sonnar T* E 24mm F1.8 ZA(SEL24F18Z)NEW

  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot


    Give your photography a professional edge

    nar T* 85mm F1.4 ZA (SAL85F14Z),Mount Adaptor LA-EA2,1/640 sec.,F9, ISO 400,Auto white balance

    Translucent Mirror Technologydelivers super-fast phase-

    detection AF during both still

    and movie shooting.

    ew mount adaptor for Sonymount lenses

    easy to combine all the power of

    mount lenses with all the conveniencethe compact NEX-7. Simply add the new

    ount Adaptor LA-EA2, which incrediblycludes award-winning Translucent Mirror

    chnology. It lets you take full advantage

    most A-mount lenses from fisheyed ultra wide-angle to super telephoto,

    cluding our acclaimed G Lens seriesd Carl Zeiss lenses.


    ompatible with NEX-5,NEX-3, NEX-C3,NEX-VG10

    nd NEX-FS100 after firmware update.

    ot compatible with teleconverters.AF notupported with the STF lens.

    Guide Number of 24(combined, 24mm, ISO100, meters).

    Filter Diameter: 49mm, 55mm

    Macro Twin Flash Kit


    90 90

    Guide Number of 43 (105mm, ISO100, meters)

    Quick Shift Bounce for optimum angle at various camera orientations

    Wireless ratio control 22-step power level switching



    Compact body

    Guide Number of 20(50mm, ISO100, meters)

    Easy operation

    Switching between bounce

    and direct flash settings

    Raising the body turns thepower on

    Guide Number of 58(105mm, ISO100, meters)

    Quick Shift Bounce foroptimum angle at various

    camera orientations

    Wireless ratio control

    Large LCD panel




    Shotgun Microphone

    ECM-CG50Clip-on LCD Monitor





    Hot Shoe Adapter

    FA-HS1AMStereo Microphone


    Filter Diameter: 49mm, 55mm

    Ring Light


    Expand your possibilities

    As the first E-mount camera with lock Accessory Shoe, NEX-7 open

    possibilities by providing a fast aconnection to a wide range of aaccessories including Ring Light

    Macro Twin Flash Kit HVL-MT24AM5" Clip-on LCD monitor CLM-V55 Stereo Microphone ECM-ALST1.

  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot


    Controls and dials

    Remote sensor

    AF illuminator/Self-timer lamp/

    Smile Shutter lamp


    Lens release button

    Tripod receptacle

    Battery/Memory card cover

    Number of recordable still images(Memory card formatted with this camera,image

    aspect ratio 3:2)2 GB 4 GB 8 GB

    Standard 335 680 1350

    Fine 205 410 830

    Extra Fine 100 200 405

    RAW & JPEG 54 105 220

    RAW 74 145 300

    Recording time for movies(Memory card formatted with this camera,in hourand minutes)

    2 GB 4 GB 8 GB

    60i 24M (FH) 10 m 20 m 40 m

    60i 17M (FH) 10 m 30 m 60 m

    60p 28M (PS) 9 m 15 m 35 m

    24p 24M (FX) 10 m 20 m 40 m

    24p 17M (FH) 10 m 30 m 60 m

    1440 x 1080 12M 20 m 40 m 80 m

    640 x 480 (VGA) 3M 70 m 145 m 295 m

    Recommended memory card for movie recordinPRO Duo (Mark2),Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo

    card/SDHC memory card/SDXC memory card (C

    The numbers in the table above show the approx

    recordable time obtained by totaling all movie file The size of a movie file is limited to approx.2 GB.

    The maximum length of time you can shoot cont

    about 29 min.

    Capacity will vary based on image recorded.

    Accessories System Chart

    HDMI CableDLC-HEM15/30

    Accessory KitACC-HDFW

    HDMI Cable

    Accessory KitHDMI Cable (Mini)

    Approx. 6.5"DLC-HEM20

    RechargeableBattery PackNP-FW50

    Microphones / Monitor

    Clip-on LCDMonitorCLM-V55




    Lens Accessories

    CircularPL FiltersVF-49CPAM /67CPAM

    ND Filters [8x]VF-49NDAM/67NDAM

    MC ProtectorsVF-49MPAM /67MPAM

    Rear LensCap


    Battery / Charger / AdaptorLCD Protect Semi Hard SheetPCK-LM1EA


    (still imagesonly)

    LCD ProtectSheetPCK-LS1EM

    Eyepiece CupFDA-EP10

    Body CapALC-B1EM

    Shooting Accessories

    Rechargeable Battery PackNP-FW50

    AC AdaptorAC-PW20

    Flashes / Flash Accessories


    Ring LightHVL-RLAM

    External BatteryAdaptor for FlashFA-EB1AM

    Multi Flash CableFA-MC1AM

    Off-cameraCable for FlashFA-CC1AM

    Extension Cablefor FlashFA-EC1AM

    Triple Connectorfor FlashFA-TC1AM

    Sync TerminalAdaptorFA-ST1AM

    Hot ShoeAdaptorFA-HS1AM

    Macro Light AdaptorFA-MA1AM

    Off-camera Shoefor FlashFA-CS1AM

    Macro Twin Flash KitHVL-MT24AM



    Memory StickPRO-HG Duo "HX"/Memory Stick PRODuo Mark 2

    SD MemoryCard

    Memory Cards



    USB terminal

    Hook forshoulder





    Control wheel

    Soft keys

    Flash pop-up button

    MOVIE button

    AF/MF & AEL button

    AF/MF & AEL switch lever

    Playback button

    LCD monitor


    Eyepiece sensor


    Light sensorFlash

    Auto-lock Accessory Shoe

    Control dial L

    Control dial R

    Navigation button

    Shutter button

    Image sensor position mark

    ON/OFF (Power) switch

    Cases & Straps

    Soft Carrying


    Back PackLCS-BP2


    Shoulder StrapSTP-XS3

    Soft CarryingCaseLCS-ELC7

    Lens CaseLCL-140AM /90AM/60AM

    Soft CarryingCaseLCS-EMC

    Soft Carrying Case



    Body Case

    Shoulder Strap

    STP-XH70Shoulder Strap












    Front Lens CapALC-F49S /ALC-F67S


    Battery ChargerBC-VW1

    Soft CarryingCaseLCS-BBF

    Soft CarryingCaseLCS-EMF

    Soft Carrying




    Meet every need withwide-ranging accessories

  • 8/3/2019 Nex 7 Brochure Sonyalphanex.blogspot



    Camera type Interchangeable-lens digital camera with built-in flash

    Lens compatibility Sony E-mount lenses

    Image sensor

    Type APS-C size (23.5 x 15.6 mm),Exmor APS HD CMOS sensor with primary color filters

    Number of pixels (approx.) 24.3 megapixels (effective),24.7 megapixels (total)

    Image sensor aspect ratio 3:2

    An ti -d us t s ys te m C ha rg e p ro te ct io n c oa ti ng o n o pt ic al f il te r a nd u lt ra so ni c v ib ra ti on m ec ha ni sm

    Recording system (still image)

    Recording formatJPEG (DCF Ver.2.0,Exif Ver.2.3,MPF Baseline compliant),RAW (Sony ARW 2.3 format),3D MPO (MPF Extendedcompliant)

    Image size(pixels)

    3 :2 a sp ec t r at io L :60 00 x 4 00 0 (24M),M:4240 x 2832 (12M),S:3008 x 2000 (6M)

    1 6:9 aspe ct r at io L :60 00 x 33 76 (20M),M:4240 x 2400 (10M),S:3008 x 1688 (5.1M)

    Sweep PanoramaWide:horizontal 12416 x 1856 (23M),vertical 2160 x 5536 (12M),Standard:horizontal 8192 x 1856 (15M),vertical 2160 x 3872 (8.4M)

    3D SweepPanorama mode

    Wide:7152 x 1080 (7.7M),Standard:4912 x 1080 (5.3M),16:9:1920 x 1080 (2.1M)

    I ma ge qu al it y m ode s R AW, RAW & J PE G, JP EG F in e, JP EG St an da rd

    Picture Effect11 modes (15 effects):Posterization(Color,B/W),Pop Color,Retro Photo,Partial Color (R,G,B,Y),High ContrastMono,Toy Camera,Soft High-key,Soft Focus,HDR Painting,Rich-tone Mono, Miniature

    Creative StyleStandard,Vivid,Neutral,Clear,Deep,Light,Portrait,Landscape,Sunset,Night Scene,Autumn leaves,Black &White,Sepia (Contrast -3 to +3 steps,Saturation -3 to +3 steps,Sharpness -3 to +3 steps)

    Dynamic range functionsOff,Dyn amic Range Optimizer (Auto/Level),Auto High Dynamic Range:Off,Auto Exposure Difference,ExposureDifference Level (1-6 EV,1 EV step)

    Color space sRGB,Adobe RGB

    Recording system (movie)

    Recording format AVCHD Ver.2.0 (Progressive)/MP4

    Video compression MPEG-4 AVC (H.264)

    Audio recording format Dolby Digital (AC-3)/MPEG-4 AAC-LC

    Image size(pixels)

    NTSCAVCHD:1920 x 1080 (60p/28 Mbps/PS,60i/24 Mbps/FX,60i/17 Mbps/FH,24p/24 Mbps/FX,24p/17 Mbps/FH)

    MP4:1440 x 1080 (30 fps/12 Mbps),640 x 480 (30 fps/3 Mbps)


    MediaMemory Stick PRO Duo,Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo,SD memory card,SDHC memory card,SDXC memory card

    Slot Multi slot for Memory Stick Duo /SD memory cardNoise reduction

    Long exposure NR:On/Off,available at shutter speeds longer than 1 sec.,High ISO NR: High/Normal/Low

    White balance

    ModesAuto WB,Daylight,Shade,Cloudy,Incandescent,Fluorescent,Flash,C.Temp 2500 to 9900K,C.Filter (G7 toM7 15-step,A7 to B7 15-step),Custom,WB micro adjustment

    Focus system

    Type Contrast-detection AF

    Focus point 25 points

    Sensitivity range EV 0 to EV 20 (at ISO 100 equivalent with F2.8 lens attached)

    Focus modes Autofocus, DMF (Direct Manual Focus),Manual Focus

    AF modes AF-S:Single-shot AF,AF-C:Continuous AF

    Focus area Multi Point (25 points)/Center-weighted/Flexible Spot

    Other featuresTracking Focus,Predictive control,Focus lock,AF micro adjustment,Eye-start AF (only available with optionalLA-EA2)

    AF illuminator Built-in LED

    AF il lu mi na to r r an ge (a pp ro x. ) 0 .5 m - 3. 0 m (E 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 OSS)

    Exposure control

    Metering type 1200-zone evaluative metering

    Metering sensor Exmor APS HD CMOS sensor

    Metering sensitivity EV 0 to EV 20 (at ISO 100 equivalent with F2.8 lens attached)

    Metering modes Multi-segment, Center-weighted, Spot

    Exposure modes iAUTO,Programmed AE (P),Aperture priority (A),Shutter-speed priority (S),Manual (M),Sweep Panorama,3DSweep Panorama,Anti Motion Blur,Scene Selection

    S ce ne S el ec ti on P or tr ai t, L a nd sc ap e,M ac ro ,Sp or ts Act io n,S unset ,N ig ht P or tr ai t,N i gh t S ce ne ,Ha nd -hel d Twi li gh t

    Exposure compensation +/- 5.0 EV (in 0.3 EV steps)

    Bracketing 3 continuous exposures in 0.3 or 0.7 EV steps

    AE lock AE is locked when focus is locked.

    ISO sensitivity(Recommended Exposure Index)

    ISO 100-16000,AUTO (ISO 100-1600)


    Type 0.5" XGA OLED, electronic viewfinder

    To ta l num be r o f d ot s ( ap pr ox .) 2 ,3 59 ,2 96 d ot s

    Brightness control Auto/Manual (3 steps between -1 and +1)

    Field coverage Approx. 100%

    Magnification Approx. 1.09x (with 50 mm lens at infinity,-1 m -1)

    Diopter adjustment -4.0 m-1 ~ +1.0 m-1

    Eye point Approx .23 mm from the eyepiece lens, 21 mm from the eyepiece frame at -1 m-1 diopter (CIPA standard)

    Display Disp. Basic Info, Level, Histogram

    Real-time image adjustment display Exposure Comp.,White Balance,Creative Style

    LCD monitor

    Type 3.0" wide,TFT, Xtra Fine LCD monitor with TruBlack technology

    N um be r o f d ot s ( ap pr ox . to ta l) 9 21 ,6 00 do ts

    Brightness control Auto, Manual (5 steps between -2 and +2),Sunny Weather mode

    Field coverage Approx. 100%

    Adjustable angle Up approx. 90 degrees, down approx. 45 degrees

    Display contentsGraphic Display,Display All Info.,Big Font Size Disp.,No Disp.Info., Live View Priority,Level,Histogram,For viewfinder

    Real-time image adjustment display Exposure Comp.,White Balance,Creative Style

    Focus checkMF Assist (5.9x,11.7x )

    Peaking (Level:High/Mid/Low/Off,Color:White/Red/Yellow)

    Other features

    S mi le Shu tt er t ec hno lo gy Sm ile Sh ut ter (selectable from 3 steps),Help Guide

    Digitial zoom

    Type Precision Digital Zoom, 1.1x-10x


    Type Electronically c ontrolled, vertical-traverse, focal-plane t ype

    Shutter speed 1/4000 to 30 sec., Bulb

    Flash sync. speed 1/160 sec.

    E le ct ro ni c f ro nt c ur ta in shu tt er Ye s,O n/ Of f

    SteadyShot INSIDE (image stabilization)

    Type Not supported (image stabilization supported by lens )


    Type Built-in flash

    Guide No. 6 (in meters at ISO 100 equivalent)

    Flash coverage Field of view up to 18mm (indicated on the lens),27mm (35mm format equivalent)

    Control Pre-flash TTL

    Flash compensation +/- 3.0 EV

    Flash modes Flash off, Autoflash, Fill-flash, Slow Sync., Rear Sync.

    Recycling time Approx. 4 sec.

    E xt er na l f la sh So ny S ys te m Fl as h c omp at ib le w it h A uto -lo ck A cce ss or y S ho e

    Wireless control Supported on external flash


    ModesSingle-shot,Continuous,Speed Priority Continuous,Self-timer (10/2 sec.delay),Self-timer (Cont.)(with 10sec.delay; 3/5 exposures),Bracketing,Remote Cdr (with optional Remote Commander RMT-DSLR1)

    Speed (approx.,max.)1 Continuous mode:3 fps,Speed Priority Continuous mode:10 fps

    No.of recordable frames (approx.)2 Fine:17 frames,Standard:18 frames,RAW: 13 frames,RAW & JPG:11 frames


    ModesSingle (with or without shooting information), RGB histogram and highlight/shado w warning,6/12-frame indeview,Enlarged display mode (L:16.7x,M:11.8x,S:8.3x),Auto Review (10/5/2 sec.,Off),Image orientation(On/Off),Slideshow,Panorama scrolling,Folder selection (Still),Forward/Rewind (movie),Delete,Protect


    PC interface Hi-speed USB (USB 2.0):Mass-storage,MTP

    HD output HDMI mini connector (Type-C),BRAVIA Sync (link menu),PhotoTV HD

    Others Auto-lock Accessory Shoe, Microphone jack, Remote sensor

    Compatible OS (USB connection) Windows XP3 SP3,Windows Vista4 SP2,Windows 7 SP1,Mac OS X (10.3-10.6)


    Microphone Built-in stereo microphone or ECM-ALST1 / ECM-CG50 (sold separately).

    Speaker Built-in,monaural, volume settings in 8 steps


    C om pa ti bl e s ta nd ar ds E xi f P ri nt , Pr in t I ma ge Ma tc hi ng II I, D PO F s et ti ng

    Custom function

    Type Custom key settings


    Battery Rechargeable Battery Pack NP-FW50

    Still imagesApprox.up to 350 images with viewfinder and up to 430 images with LCD monitor (CIPA standard)Actual performance varies based on settings,environmental conditions and usage.

    MoviesApprox.up to 90 min.with viewfinder and up to 100 min.with LCD monitor (1920 x 1080,Approx.17 Mbps)Actual performance varies based on settings,environmental conditions and usage. Battery capacity decreaseover time and use.

    External power AC Adaptor AC-PW20 (sold separately)


    With battery and Memory Stick PRO Duo Approx.12.3 oz (350 g)

    Body only Approx. 10.3 oz (291 g)


    W x H x D (excluding protrusions) Approx.4 3/4 x 2 3/4 x 1 11/16 in. (119.9 x 66.9 x 42.6 mm)

    Operating Temperature

    Range 32-104 F/0-40 C

    Main specifications

    * is a trademark of Sony Corporation.* Exmor , BIONZ , BRAVIA , SteadySh ot, VAIO , InfoLithium , Memory Stick , Translucent Mirror Technology , Tru-Finder ,

    Memory Stick PRO Duo , and Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Corporation.* PLAYSTATION and PS3 are trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.* Blu-ray Disc and are trademarks.* AVCHD and AVCHD Progressive , and their respective logos, are trademarks of Panasonic Corporation and Sony Corporation.* SD Logo, SDHC Logo and SDXC Logo are trademarks of SD-3C, LLC.* HDMI, HDMI Logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.* iMovie is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The Works with iMovie logo is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.* All other company and product names mentioned herein are used for identi fication purposes only and may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.* InfoLithium is a lithium battery pack which can exchange data with compatible electronic equipment about its energy consumption

    Trademarks & Remarks

    System requirements of bundled software

    Image Data Converter SR/Image Data Lightbox SR PMB

    OS5Microsoft Windows Macintosh Microsoft Windows

    Windows XP SP36/Windows Vista SP27/Windows 7 SP1

    Mac OS X(10.3 - 10.6)

    Windows XP SP36/Windows Vista SP27/Windows 7 SP1

    CPU Pentium III 800 MHz or faster

    Power PC G4/G5 series(1.0 GHz or faster recommended)Intel Core Solo/Core Duo/Core2 Duo, or faster recommended

    Pentium III 800 MHz or faster(For playing/editing HD movies:Intel Core Duo 1.66 GHz or faste/Intel Core 2 Duo 1.66 GHz or faster)

    Memory 512 MB or more 1 GB or more512 MB or more/for HD movies,1 GB or more

    The 2012 Sony World Photography Awards is now accepting entries until January 4, 2012. For more details, visit the websat

    2011 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibitedAll other trademarks are trademarks of trademarks of their respective owners. Features and specifications are subject tochange without notice.

    Specifications and features are based on information available at the time of printing and are subject to change without notice.

    1 Speed may vary depending on shooting conditions and memory card in use.

    2 When drive mode is set to continuous shooting Hi mode.

    3 64-bit and Starter Editions are not supported.

    4 Starter Edition is not supported.

    5 Compatible operating system: factory preinstalled only.

    6 64-bit edition and starter edition not supported. Windows Image Mastering API (IMAPI) v2.0 or later required to create discs.

    7 Starter edition not supported.

    8 Among consumer cameras as of October 2011.

    9 Among compact interchangeable lens cameras.

    10 Some Picture Effect modes cannot be applied to movies.

    11 Requires Rechargeable Battery Pack NP-FM500H or AC Adaptor AC-PW10AM (all sold separately).

    12 Records in 29 minute segments.

    13 In meters at ISO 100 equivalent.

    14 Requires 3D HDTV, HDMI cable (at least 10.2 Gbps) and active 3D glasses sold separately.

    15 Not available when B/W mode or Sepia mode is selected.

    16 Adaptor is required for A-mount lenses.

    17 Actual performance varies based on settings, environmental conditions and usage. Battery capacity decreases over time and us

    18 Not compatible with mac software.

    19 Not compatible with 60p movies.