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Page 1: Newspaper proposal

Newspaper Proposal

Ariba Ahmed

Page 2: Newspaper proposal

Name Of Newspaper:

‘The Brent Insider’

I've decided upon this name because its short, punchy & to the point. It straight away informs the audience of the locality the newspaper is based on.It is short and ‘punchy’, this puts it as a marketing advantage as people are less likely to remember a name if its too long or confused about the title. Whereas, this name simply suggests it’ll inform one of what's going on inside Brent, which is precisely the aim of the newspaper.

Additionally, it is a unique newspaper name, as through research I’ve not yet come across another newspaper with the same name.

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Newspaper Slogan: ‘Unfold the truth…’

This is a play on words, with double meaning of ‘unfolding the truth’; having the truth of news revealed to you as well as ‘unfolding the truth’; psychically unfolding the actual newspaper containing genuine news.

I decided upon this slogan as not only is it short and memorable but through my own experience I have found that a slogan with a play on words is a great marketing skill and attracts consumers as its more fun & unique .

The actual meaning of my slogan is also of significance as mainstream media tends to exaggerate stories, leaving audiences wondering what the truth is, giving my newspaper more of a unique selling point.

‘Unfold the truth’ will appeal to my audience more so because they are even more likely to want to know no little than the complete truth of their surroundings, as it concerns the community in which they live.

The ‘…’ (an ellipsis) at the end almost conveys the slogan as a cliff-hanger , leaving you to want more thus actually reading within the newspaper.

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Logo: Through secondary research into local newspapers, I found the majority did

not include a symbolic logo, rather the way their font was designed was their symbol.

I initially decided to incorporate the following logo into my newspaper

However, I thought to use convention of a local newspaper by making it more subtle by including it in the following way instead;

As you can see I did want to have unique selling point to my local newspaper and decided to also challenge the conventions of a local newspaper by using a unique colour scheme of mint green and white, as I've not yet come across this through the local newspapers I've seen.

I decided to upon his colour as its neutral, nothing too bright as I want the newspaper to be taken seriously , also to prevent the audience getting confused with a tabloid or magazine which tend to have brighter logos/fonts.Rather I aim for it to easily identified as a local newspaper.

The actual logo was designed to look slightly like an eye, but be simple and easily identifiable, as I felt the relation between my newspaper name includes ‘Insider’ also the slogan includes ‘truth’, my logo symbolises the consumer should look inside and see what's inside also the idea of what we witness with our eyes we cannot deny as the truth, (i.e it is not hearsay)

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Font style etc I intend to use ‘Trajan Pro (Bold) for the title / masthead

Arial Body for subheading/quotesArial Body (Bold) For the Headline

I chose to use these fonts as they were clear to read as oppose to many other fonts as shown below:

HEADLINE (Arial Body) HEADLINE (French Script MT) I chose to use a maximum of 3 different font styles because I didn’t want to bombard

the audience with too many different fonts and styles as this goes against the convention of a newspaper, which tend to use clear concise fonts as I have.

One convention of Newspaper (particularly old traditional ones) are to use the following font.

I've decided to not use this classic style as it may comes across as outdated and not modern as competing local newspapers also don’t use this.

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Lead story ‘Feeble Senior battered for a bag of chips’. Story about a senior citizen merely on her way home with a handbag with her,

she was mugged for it by 2 feral teenagers in a brutal snatch and grab for what turned out to be nothing valuable but a bag of chips.

The reason I decided upon this story was because I found unusual stories grab the attention of readers because it is something out of the norm. I found this to be true through my own primary research and experience as the following article was one I was particularly keen to read.

I also found negative stories making headline to be trending in Local Newspapers and Media in general appears to sell more. Therefore, I decided upon a mugging story.

I considered other headlines such as; Grandmother victim of a brutal Snatch n Grab, however this headline doesn’t reveal the uniqueness of this story which was that the muggers who expected to find money/valuable within the handbag, found a bag of chips instead. However I did not want to give too much away in just the headline and I wanted to include emotive language as well as I find that this would captivate the audience more and empathise with the victim of the situation.

I considered other headlines such as; Grandmother victim of a brutal Snatch n Grab, however this headline doesn’t reveal the uniqueness of this story which was that the muggers who expected to find money/valuable within the handbag, found a bag of chips instead.

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Lead story image

(Original) (Post Modification)

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Second Story ‘Local teenager eXiled from X-factor’.

Story about a local teenager who starred on hit television talent show; ‘The X-Factor’and was the most recent contestant to lose his spot on the show.

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Second story image


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Language For the Lead headline ‘Feeble Senior battered for a bag of chips’.

I did not want to give too much away in just the headline and I wanted to include emotive language such as feeble & battered as well, as I find that this would captivate the audience more and empathise with the victim of the situation. I thought marketing tools such as the slight alliteration with ‘Battered for Bag of chips’ would also make the headline more ‘attractive’

I don’t consider my Local newsapper to be tabloid gossip filled newspaper so I aim to avoid using slang despite it being a local newspaper and some slang being atypical of the locality of the newspaper, I believe ..

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Marketing aims

Target audience Unique selling point:Promotion:interest

Target Consumer:
