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Dear Friends,First, I wish to thank all of you who sent good wishes my

way while I was recovering from the infection and surgeryon my ankle. I am happy to report that I am back on myfeet, again, and beginning to take walks. I had another littlesetback recently, but not enough to keep me from playingall my engagements.

I am feeling veryhappy and exhilarat-ed by the Quartet’sp e r f o r m a n c e sthroughout the sum-mer. We played agreat set in Montereyand I have hopes thatcombined with theQuartet’s 2006 per-formance we will havea good CD recordedlive before that very-much-alive audience.Clint Eastwood, whois always an impor-tant figure through-out the MontereyJazz Festival, is exec-utive producer ofseveral documen-taries pertaining tojazz and in particular the Monterey festival now celebratingits 50th year. The documentaries are all being filmed underthe direction of Bruce Ricker, whose American Mastersprogram on Tony Bennett was recently aired on PBS.Bruce and his crew have been at work documenting theDBQ at Newport and Monterey along with interviews withmusicians and family members. Clint Eastwood and I sat at

the piano at Mission Ranch in Carmel for a filmed conver-sation. There is also footage from the 2006 Monterey festi-val performance including the Cannery Row Suite, which Ihope will make the final cut. I understand that the workingtitle of the documentary about my life in music is “In HisOwn Sweet Way”.

While we were in beautiful Monterey, Iola and I celebrat-ed our 65th wed-ding anniversary.We enjoyed a“family dinner”with Randy Jones,Michael Moore,Bobby Militello &Russell Gloyd, thepeople we seealmost as much,if not more,than our ownfamily. We alsocelebrated withfriends and sup-porters of theBrubeck Institutewho had cometo the festival.

A wonderfulsurprise at the

New por t JazzFestival this year was having the chance to play withthe Brubeck Brothers Quartet. They were on a dif-ferent stage earlier in the day than the DBQ’s set onthe main stage, so Iola and I went out to FortAdams early to hear them. When we arrived theywere playing “In Your Own Sweet Way” and BruceRicker had the cameras rolling. Toward the end of


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P.O. Box 216 Wilton, Connecticut 06897

Volume 25. Number 2 Fall 2007/Winter 2008

NEWSLETTERthe dave brubeck quartet


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Clint Eastwood and Dave at Mission Ranch, Carmel, CA. September 2007

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their set the band started to play “Blue Rondo a laTurk”. The young genius Taylor Eigsti was at thepiano. Taylor beckoned for me to join them as hemoved over to the electric piano. We are fortunatethat this happy, swinging moment with Chris andDan, Mike DeMicco and Taylor was caught on cam-era by Bruce and his crew. Since Randy Jones wasrecuperating from a surgery, Danny Brubeck tookhis place at the drums for the Quartet’s set later thatafternoon. It was also filmed.

The Detroit Jazz Festival is an amazing experience.It is a free festival, a community effort, with hun-dreds of volunteers. Again, we went to the festivalsite early to hear the Brubeck Brothers, this timewith wonderful Chuck Lamb on piano. When wemoved over to the amphitheater where the Quartetwas to play, the place was already jam-packed, all theseats filled and standees several rows deep aroundthe periphery of the sun-drenched theater. It was anamazing crowd.

We had another great night at the Syracuse Festivalin spite of the rain, and also in Winnipeg, Ottawaand Toronto. All in all, a good summer. Ten thou-sand people showed up for our Hollywood Bowlconcert with Bruce Hornsby, Jack DeJohnette,Christian McBride and Madeleine Peyroux. Thatsame night another 10,000 were in Millennium Parkin Chicago to see a performance of my ballet“Elementals”, choreography by Lar Lubovitch anddanced by the Ballet Florida dance company.

Recently, I was privileged to hear a piece that I hadwritten seventeen years ago. It was performed onceat a church in Rhode Island, then put away. OnOctober 19 the combined choirs and orchestra ofNotre Dame conducted by Russell Gloyd performedit again, and the priest who had originally commis-sioned the composition, Fr. Ron Brassard, was inthe audience with Iola. Notre Dame was the perfectplace to present “Canticles for Mary”. In this pieceI used three Gregorian chants and as a prelude ahymn in praise of Mary. The chants are introducedseparately in each of the three movements thatrelate to the Annunciation, the Nativity, and theCrucifixion. Finally the themes of the threeGregorian chants and the hymn are sung simultane-ously. Fortunately, all this interweaving complexity

works beautifully.Richard Grant’s Pacific Mozart Ensemble will be

performing the second movement “ConcordiaLaetitia” in their Christmas program as the titletranslates as “Sounds of Joy”. Pacific Mozart is alsoplanning to include many of my choral works inforthcoming concerts with the eventual aim ofrecording them. That’s good news for me.

“Sounds of joy have put to flight all the sadness ofthe night”. That is a good thought to leave you withfor the holiday season. Best wishes to you all!



Dave playing in Detroit Jazz Festival


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Page 3: NEWSLETTERthe dave brubeck quartet Newsletter fall07.pdf · Laetitia” in their Christmas program as the title ... Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Dave Brubeck Quartet’s

Dear Friends,In New England we have enjoyed a prolonged

Indian Summer of warm days, golden leaves and onmost days clear blue skies. The leaves on the giantoak tree across the stream have turned to copper.In fact, the view outside my window is very muchlike the cover of Dave’s piano solo album “IndianSummer”. As Doug Ramsey expressed in his reviewof the CD “This is one for quiet evenings in frontof the fire.” This lull in our schedule is most wel-come after a busy and hectic summer.

We look forward to some major events in theSpring. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the DaveBrubeck Quartet’s legendary State Department tour,the Brubeck Institute will be staging several eventsin Washington, DC in April, coincidentally JazzAppreciation Month. (Visit the Institute for updates.) “The Lightin the Wilderness” will be performed in February atThe University of Georgia in Athens marking the40th anniversary of Dave’s first oratorio. This per-formance and a jazz concert will occur during theQuartet’s residency on campus.

I have been amused by recent colorful commen-tary that has appeared in some of the festivalreviews. After the Hollywood Bowl concert theheadline for Don Heckman’s critique in the L.A.Times read “Players with seasoning bring the mostspice to the Bowl”. The lead paragraph ofHeckman’s article began “The message was loud andclear... Don’t overlook the fogies.” We joked thatemulating the rock groups maybe we should changethe name of the Quartet to Dave Brubeck and TheFogies.

Steve Greenlee in The Boston Globe led his articleabout the Newport Jazz Festival with the followingparagraph: “News Bulletin: Major theft this week-end at Fort Adams State Park during JVC JazzFestival. Description of subject—Elderly gentle-man, white hair, thick glasses, walks and speaksslowly, but plays piano like a madman. Date ofbirth 12-6-20. Item stolen: the show.”

In his review Greenlee remarked “had there beena roof at the festival, Brubeck would have torn itoff.” So, you see, there’s some life yet in “the oldgrey haired piano player”. That last quote is from

our youngest child, Matthew. When he was aboutfour or five years old he became separated from hisolder sister and couldn’t find his way back to ourhotel room in Acapulco since every door on everyfloor looked the same. A guest in the hotel heard achild crying outside his door and in attempt to com-fort him asked his name and who his parents were.Between sobs Matthew replied, “You know myfather. He’s that old grey haired piano player.” Theworst part of the story, says Dave, is that the manrecognized him by that description, and at that timeDave was forty years younger than he is now.As we approach Thanksgiving and the Holidays, we

have much to be grateful for, not least among themany blessings we have received, is the friendship,loyalty and support you have shown toward ourfamily and us. We thank you, and wish you the hap-piest of Holidays.




“Don’t overlook the fogies”Dave Brubeck, Bobby Militello, Randy Jones and Michael Moore

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On July 12 the BBC honored Dave with their LifetimeAchievement Award in an unprecedented cross-Atlanticceremony that was broadcast worldwide. Sir JohnDankworth, in London, presented the award to sonDarius Brubeck, receiving it on behalf of Dave. WhileThe DBQ stood by in New York City in the studios ofSirius Satellite Radio, the BBC jazz band, under thedirection of Russell Gloyd, was on stage at the MermaidTheater in London. On cue the DBQ began to play anarrangement of “Blue Rondo” joined with the BBCband over 2500 miles away in London. The same pro-cedure was followed for a performance of “Take Five”.The Quartet’s performance was shown on a large screenin the theater. According to BBC producers this was “afirst” inter-continental simultaneous satellite perform-ance in music broadcasting.The Lotos Club presented Dave with the Lotos Medal

of Merit at a State Dinner held in his honor in NewYork City on October 2. Son Christopher Brubeckspoke of his father’s personal side with some humorousaccounts of what it was like growing up in the Brubeckhousehold. Dr. Billy Taylor spoke of Dave’s profes-sional career and his contributions to jazz as a musicalambassador, educator and champion for social equality.A congratulatory letter from Yo Yo Ma, who received

the Lotos Medal of Merit in April, was read at the cer-emony. Everett Raymond Kinstler’s portrait of Davegraced the menu cover. The Lotos Club, founded in1870, has a remarkable history of legendary membersand honorees, perhaps Mark Twain being the mostnotable. Some of the recent awardees from the worldof music are Sir James Galaway, James Levine, ReneeFleming, Sheldon Harnick, and Lorin Maazel. Some ofthe distinguished honorees in the past were RichardStrauss, Enrico Caruso, Sir Thomas Beecham, SergeKoussevitsky, Leonard Bernstein and Aaron Copland.

Dave was among the seven musicians honored by theConcord Historical Society of California on October 20at their Black and White Gala. Dave was unable toattend but responded to the Society “my musical rootsgo deep in the cultural life of Concord” citing his moth-er, Elizabeth Ivey, who taught piano in Concord and histwo brothers, Henry and Howard who were also musi-cians and teachers and all natives of Concord.

Frank Malfitano, celebrating the 25th year of theSyracuse Jazz Festival, dedicated the 2007 festival toDave Brubeck and headliners—Bela Fleck and ArethaFranklin. The plaque presented to Dave reads: “Forbeing on time and ahead of his time, while masterfullyredefining time for the rest of us.”




“Brubeck Meets Bach” (Sony Classics 88697060322),a two-cd recording of a 2004 live concert in Frankfurthas been released by Sony/BMG in Europe. Featuringthe DBQ, duo-pianists Anthony and Joseph Paratoreand the Munich Bach Collegiumunder the direction of RussellGloyd, it was originally a privatepressing given to clients by theconcert’s corporate sponsors.The CDs received such favorablereaction and demands for morecopies to give to friends that Sonyhas now issued “Brubeck MeetsBach” as a commercial record-ing. CD-1 consists of Bach’s“Concerto for 2 Pianos andOrchestra in E-Minor” andBrubeck’s “Points on Jazz” for 2pianos and chamber orchestra

performed by Joseph and Anthony Paratore and theBach Collegium conducted by Russell Gloyd. CD-2opens with the Quartet playing St. Louis Blues, followedby the DBQ with orchestra performing “Unsquare

Dance”, “Lullaby”, “BrandenburgGate: Revisited”, “Regret”, “BlueRondo a la Turk”, “Take Five” andthe final encore “Guten Abend, GutNacht” (Brahms).

Dave Brubeck Quartet, Live in’64 & ’66, Jazz Icons DVD (Reelin’In The Years Productions 2119005,distr. By Naxos)

To the fans of the DBQ of the ‘60swith Paul Desmond, Joe Morelloand Eugene Wright, this is definitelya “must have”. Dave thinks that this

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is the best footage of the Classic Quartet that he hasseen. These concerts in Belgium ‘64 and in Berlin,Germany ‘66 were filmed when the Quartet was at thepeak of their game and their fame. The black and whitecinema photography is excellent. The illustrated bookletwith liner notes by Darius Brubeck and a foreword byDoug Ramsey is interesting and informative. Darius feelsthat the performances on “Three To Get Ready” and“Take Five” are better than the original recordings. In hisfive star review for Audiophile John Henry wrote: “Inaddition to two versions of ‘Take Five’ you also get two(versions) of Dave’s composition, ‘Koto Song’. The firststresses the Japanese, Messaien and Takemitsu influences,while the second is more blues-based improvisation.”Other titles on the DVD are “St. Louis Blues”, “In YourOwn Sweet Way”, “Take the A Train”, “Forty Days” and“I’m in a Dancing Mood”.

INDIAN SUMMER (Telarc Jazz 83670) Excerpts from recent reviews

“…a musical remembrance of things past—or as thejazz pianist describes it ‘a sort of Indian summary’ ofhis extraordinary life. It ranks as one of the most per-sonal and intimate sessions in his 60-year recordingcareer…Brubeck still displays the same creative spiritand exuberance that led him to be officially designateda Living Legend of Jazz earlier this year at a KennedyCenter ceremony.” Charles Gans, Associated Press

“…a solo piano album that totally transcends his previ-ous output by light-years. There are a lot of old stan-dards among the 16 tunes Brubeck reinterprets withconsummate skill. This might be the saddest version of‘September Song’ ever recorded in history—but thealbum isn’t maudlin. It’s a magnificent swan song.”Grade:A Norman Weinstein, Christian Science Monitor

“From the first cadence…several things immediatelybecome apparent—first and foremost, though he’s anelder statesman of jazz at 86, Dave has lost none of hisyouthful vigor and exuberance that inform his playing. Atthe same time, the way he elegantly harmonizes the classictunes show a depth of wisdom that speaks to his decadesof rigorous musical exploration.” Keyboard Magazine

“…reflective, meditative ballads, softly but skillfullyplayed and hinting at melancholy…Brubeck’s perform-ance is uniformly exquisite, imaginative andelegant…adding up to one of the more intimate entriesin Brubeck’s enormous discography.”

Jeff Tamarkin, All Music Guide



Live in ‘64 & ‘66, Jazz Icons DVD

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“…a solo journey through the past on Indian Summer,the jazz legend’s unadorned and dry-eyed remembranceof standards and originals past. It begins with ‘You’llNever Know’, recalled from his Army days, and con-cludes with the title tune he first recorded a half-centu-ry ago.” AARP Magazine

“Indian Summer’, the album’s title tune, is illuminatedwith warm, sunny colors, an impressionist piece for allseasons. Its sense of nostalgia is subtly highlighted byBrubeck’s artful use of the sustaining pedal that keepsnotes suspended in the air, wavering and echoing as asonic remembrance of things past.”

Hartford Courant“As much as the Dave Brubeck Quartet has come tosymbolize the cool jazz of the 50s and 60s, the 86 yearold pianist remains an engaging, technically ferocioussoloist. His late career recordings (e.g., Just You, Justme; Pvt. Brubeck Remembers) are testimony to the factthat age has not obscured his ability to recreate harmo-ny and rhythm of his own….Image without a vocalcompanion, Brubeck is a consummate storyteller at thekeyboard.” Andrea Canter, Jazz Police

“Each interpretation comes laden with memories. Andthey’re timeless. Dave Brubeck’s performance bringsback those memories for all of us.” Jazz Improv NY

“Brubeck, who’s experiencing a kind of Indian summerin his long career, is extremely accessible and seems toinvite the listener in from the front porch.”

Karl Stark, The Philadelphia Inquirer

“A major force in the American cultural landscape,Dave Brubeck is one of this era’s most prolific and far-sighted artists who has taken our imagination beyondthe boundaries of the expected with his innovative ren-ditions of some of your favorite songs…bridging thegap between traditional jazz and folkloric appeal. Henavigates through fresh and exciting terrain…Brubeck’smasterful solo performance will endear you to his leg-endary work for years to come.

Paula Edelstein, Sounds of Timeless

“Brubeck’s solo piano excursion through the autumn ofhis life has Brahmsian gravity, dignity and reflection. Italso has moments of playfulness and no lack of har-monic audacity…. Here, he reminds us that at the lowerend of his dynamic range he has one of the softesttouches of any pianist—and those harmonies, still dar-ing after all these years. This is one for quiet eveningsin front of the fire.” Doug Ramsey, Rifftides

Darius, Dan, Chris and Matthew Brubeck are having aninteresting year of varied per-formances. Darius has made sev-eral appearances in London andis now teaching in Istanbul,Turkey on a FulbrightScholarship. He plans to meet hisbrother Christopher in Bratislavafor the premiere of Chris’ newconcerto for trumpet and trom-bone, and then rendezvous withhis brothers in Sanibel, Florida toplay the New Year’s Eve celebra-tion at Ellington’s Jazz SupperClub. As a board member ofIAJE he will be attending theInternational Conference in Toronto in January.

Cellist son, Matthew, now teaching at York Universityin Toronto has hookedup with a number of dif-ferent groups in Canadaincluding touring withthe Cape Breton fiddlerNatalie McMaster. Thispast summer he andDavid Braid played atmany of the Canadianjazz festivals, receivingenthusiastic notices. Hereis an example from theNova Scotia News:

“This is a duo that couldplay the same repertoire at a classical chamber music




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Dynamic Duo: David Braid and Matthew Brubeck

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concert and fit right in. The harmonic texture deliveredby Braid with his typically sensitive touch on the pianokeyboard is one of the richest of any pianist since BillEvans. Brubeck’s soaring lyricism, driving bass lines andagile bowed improvisations merge with Braid’s pianisticinvention in an ideal combination. Both musicians canbe heard listening to each other, since their note-choic-es, rhythmic insertions and general style express whateach of them is hearing from the other player.”

Doug Ramsey, distinguished journalist and jazz critic,on his blog site “Rifftides” wrote a short history of thecello as a jazz instrument and a detailed review of theBrubeck/Braid duo’s first CD “twotet/deuxtet(Independent bb 001 CD) (This album can be pur-chased at

“The musicians play five pieces by Brubeck and threeby Braid. Matt Brubeck’s facility with the instrument,bowing or plucking, seems to allow him to play whatev-er occurs to him. His full, deep sound takes on an edgeof dramatic urgency when he improvises with the bow,as he does to great effect in ‘Mnemosyne’s March’ andseveral other tracks. In ‘Sniffin’ Around’ he employs hiscello as a baby bass a la Percy Heath, occasionally lettingthe strings slap wood as bassist Milt Hinton used to do.

I usually rail against debut CDs in which musiciansrestrict themselves to original material, not only becauseit gives the listener nothing familiar to relate to, but alsobecause so often the music is weak. In Twotet/Deuxtet,the songs are light years beyond the wispy excuses for

blowing that fill so many jazz CDs. Their melodieshave strength, the harmonic structures have substance.Even the rhythmic offbeat that opens a free piece ofinstant composition called “Improvisation” develops amelody.

I had never heard—never heard of—Braid beforeTwotet/Deuxtet showed up the other day. Now, I’mcompelled to catch up with his previous work…. Braid’stone, touch, chord voicings and imagination make himone of the most interesting new pianists I’ve encoun-tered in a long time. In researching him, I discoveredthat I’m not alone. It turns out that when Gene Leesfirst heard Braid, he wrote, ‘If Bill Evans were alive, I’dsend Braid’s CD to him.’ ”

Paul Youngman in wrote of theiralbum: “These two young composers, playing in themoment and writing songs that come from all that hasinfluenced them in their lives have put together a joyfulrecording…David Braid is one of Canada’s most giftedcomposers as well as an outstanding pianist who seem-ingly spans musical genres with ease. Braid was therecipient of the 2007 Socan Composer of the yearaward...The co-composed “Improvisation”…a funky,pulsating percussive rhythm that sets the stage forexploration of the theme—sliding gracefully into a cellobreak of pleasing classically tinged tonal music that cre-ated emotions of high drama, solitude and passion.Other Brubeck compositions follow along in a similarmanner, displaying skillful musicianship, playing withabandon either col arco or pizzicato style or some combi-nation thereof. Matt Brubeck has a feel that conveys avibrant personality…I look forward to much more fromthese two gifted contemporary musicians.”

Ted O’Reilly in The Toronto Music Magazine WholeNote commented: “I have to stop thinking of Braid as‘Canada’s – best-young/most promising” etc… He hasarrived…. the variety is remarkable, with dramamatched by beauty matched by fun and just plain diggin’in…The discovery here for me is Matt Brubeck and hismaster of the cello. Arco, pizzicato, caressing or groov-ing, he’s a full measure of jazz player, despite the rarityof his axe.”

If you wish to learn more about Matt and David, visitthe i r webs i tes : www.mat tbr ubeck .com

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( When Chris and his wife, Tish, headed for Alaska in October, I asked them to send me a summary of Chris’activities to include in the DBQ Newsletter. To my surprise, Chris sent back a full-blown letter which I ampleased to share with you. I.B.)

The last several months have been very full and very satisfy-ing. On a personal note, our daughter Stephanie got marrieda few weeks ago on a beautiful autumn day on the shores ofCandlewood Lake in Connecticut. Our new son-in-law, TJSnyder, his family, our family and a multitude of friends hada heartfelt and joyous time celebrating this new marriage.The Brubeck Brothers Quartet has been busy this Summer

and Fall recording its second CD for Koch. You may recallthat last year’s release, Intuition, received outstanding reviewsand spent 2 months near the top of the national jazz radio air-play charts. The new CD, CCllaassssiiffiieedd (due out in early 2008)will be adventurous because in addition to featuring 55 min-utes of new jazz compositions by me, Dan, Mike DeMiccoand pianist Chuck Lamb, it also includes a special appearanceby the The Imani Winds. The Imanis are featured playing mycomposition “Vignettes for Nonet” written for woodwind quin-tet and jazz quartet. The 22-minute work in three movementsintegrates classical music with jazz improvisation and hasbeen performed around the country the last few years earn-ing stellar reviews. The Imani Winds are setting the chambermusic world on fire with their recent collaborations with jazzlegends such as Wayne Shorter and Paquito d’Rivera. The lasttrack on CCllaassssiiffiieedd will be an exciting version of “BlueRondo a la Turk” with The Imani Winds and the BrubeckBrothers Quartet re-working Dave’s masterpiece.Concert highlights this summer have included performanc-

es by the BBQ at the Detroit Jazz Festival and the granddad-dy of them all, The Newport Jazz Festival. Immediately after

performing at Newport, I flew to Singapore to play with myother group, Triple Play (with Joel Brown on guitar and Peter

Madcat Ruth on harmonica) and the Singapore ChineseOrchestra. This turned out to be a fantastic experience withthe Western blues-infused music of Triple Play integratingwith exotic sounding (and exotic looking) traditional Chineseinstruments that made up that Orchestra. The concerts werea wild success, an exciting blend of Eastern and Westernmusic that brought a tremendous spirit of joy to the stage andto the audience. These concerts were recorded live and willbecome the next Triple Play release, also due out in early 2008.

On the compositional front, my new concerto, SpontaneousCombustion for Violin and Orchestra, premiered on October 27,2007. The soloist, Nicolas Kendall, is a brilliant young violin-ist who is also featured in the group, Time for Three, whichtours extensively. The concerto is 32 minutes long in 3 move-ments and is tailor-made to highlight Nick’s impressive skillsnot only as a classical virtuoso, but also as a fearless improvis-er. The new work was commissioned by The AnchorageSymphony, and conducted by Randall Fleischer. Nick andRandy think it will be a vehicle that will ignite Nick’s interna-tional solo career.I have another piece premiering in Prague on November 23,2007. It is a concerto for Trumpet, Trombone and Orchestra,entitled From the Blues to Beyond. It features the founder of theCzech National Symphony Orchestra, Jan Hasenohrl ontrumpet and me on trombone. It will be performed again onNovember 29 in Bratislava. This is the 4th time I’ve had thepleasure of working with this wonderful orchestra, and thesecond piece I will premiere with the CNSO. (I premieredand recorded my second trombone concerto, “The PragueConcerto” there in January 2004). Tish and I are especiallypleased because Darius and Cathy will be joining us in Pragueand will be there for the premiere performance, and to helpus celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary!The year wraps up with The Brubeck Brothers performing

Dave and Iola’s Christmas cantata, La Fiesta de la Posada, withthe Yakima Symphony Orchestra and Chorus; Triple Playplaying at the National Gallery on December 23rd; MikeDeMicco and brothers Darius, Dan and I continuing ourNew Year’s Eve tradition of performing at Ellington’s onSanibel Island, Florida. Lots of things going on in 2008 too,so look at the schedule and the website for updates( and

Happy Holidays, and let’s all pray for Peace in 2008!Chris

(As we went to press we received two reviews about the world premiere ofChris’ violin concerto “Spontaneous Combustion” with Nick Kendall, soloist,and the Anchorage Symphony Orchestra. The headlines read: “CombustionIgnites Alaska Crowd” and “New Piece Sizzles”. Congratulations, Chris!)


Triple Play triumph in Singapore Left to Right: Chris Brubeck, Tsung Yeh, Peter “Madcat” Ruth, Joel Brown


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Earlier this year Shan Sutton, head of the Holt-Atherton Special Collections at the Universityof the Pacific in Stockton, California, inter-viewed Dave and Iola for the library’s oral his-tory project. Excerpts from the two day inter-view can now be accessed by going to theInstitute on: Brubeck Archive. When the SpecialCollections page comes up, click on OralHistory Project. Then, click on Watch Videos,and there we are!

Keith Hatscheck from the Conservatory ofMusic at University of the Pacific conducteda 13-day research trip to Poland to study theimpact of the Dave Brubeck Quartet’s 1958tour sponsored by the U.S. Department ofState. He returned with new material for theBrubeck collection including an original program fromthe 1958 Polish tour. At the Sopot Molo Jazz FestivalGolden Jubilee, Keith made a brief statement on behalfof the Brubeck Institute and showed a short multime-dia piece created by the UOP library team documentingthe tour in Poland a half century ago. In the videoDave sent personal greetings to the audience and espe-

cially to the musicians he met at that time, many ofwhom were appearing in the Festival’s Golden Jubilee.Hatscheck also conducted interviews with musicians inWarsaw in their homes and at the Institute for PolishCulture at the University of Warsaw. Hatscheck is cur-rently working on a summary of his research in a papertentatively titled, “The Voice of Freedom: The Impactof the Dave Brubeck Quartet’s 1958 Tour of Poland”.

Dec. 1 The Grand Theater @ 7:30 p.m.Salt Lake City, UT


Dec. 14 & 15 Yakima Symphony Yakima, WA



Jan. 18 George Nakano Theater @ 7:00 p.m.3330 Civic Center Drive

Torrance, CA(310-787-1201)

Jan. 19 Gallo Center for the ArtsModesto, CA

Jan. 20 The Improv Night Club @ 3:00 p.m.San Jose, CA831-461-5816

Jan. 21 Yoshi’sSan Francisco, CA


Jan. 23 Arena Theater @ 7:00 p.m.210 Main StreetPoint Arena, CA


March 28 Redwood Coast Jazz FestivalArkley Theater @ 9:00 p.m.


April 24 Berea CollegeBerea, Kentucky

April 29 Napa Opera House (w/Dave Brubeck)Napa, CA

May 1 & 2 Scottsdale Center for the Arts(w/Dave Brubeck)

Scottsdale, AZ

Dave with the 2007-2008 Brubeck Fellows: Ben Flocks, tenor sax (18), Santa Cruz, CA; Cory Cox, drums (20), Houston, TX; Brian Chahley, trumpet (20), Toronto, Canada;

Chris Smith, bass (19), Minneapolis, MN; Javier Santiago, piano (18), Minneapolis, MN. The Fellows will be appearing with Dave at the Paley Center for Media in New York on Nov. 28 at a Producers Circle event, “Evening with Dave Brubeck”. In April they will be performing with

Dave at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC.



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Dec. 7 Performing Arts Center @ 7:00 p.m.1801 16th Street, Wisconsin

Rapids, WI715-422-7365

Dec. 8 Thrasher Opera House @ 7:30 p.m.506 Mill Street, Green Lake, WI


Dec. 10 Memorial Auditorium @ 7:30 p.m.200 North Front Street,

Burlington, Iowa800-397-1708

Dec. 23 National Gallery @ 6:30 p.m.6th Street & Constitution Avenue,

Washington, DC202-842-6075

Feb. 22 Arts Under the Dome @ 7:00 p.m.First United Methodist Church

Gulfport, MS228-374-4141

Feb. 23 First United Methodist Church @ 7:30 p.m103 First Street

Fort Walton Beach, FL850-243-9292

March 7 Norwalk Concert HallNorwalk, CT @ 8:00 p.m.

Benefit for Norwalk Symphony Orchestra203-847-8844

March 30 State Theatre @ 2:00 p.m.316 Eau Claire St. Eau Claire, WI

April 4 Ritz Theatre @ 7:30 p.m.30 South Washington Street


April 11 Messiah College @ 8:00 p.m.Hostetter Chapel

Grantham, PA717-691-6027

April 12 Alden Theatre @ 8:00 p.m.1234 Ingleside Avenue

McLean, VA (703-744-9356)

April 18 Court St United Methodist Church @ 7:30 p.m.215 North Court Street, Rockford, IL

April 19 Raue Center for the Arts @ 7:3026 North Williams Street

Crystal Lake,

April 25 University of Arkansas @ 7:30 p.m.2801 South University Avenue

Little Rock, AR 72204501-683-7230

April 26 Warfield Concerts @ 7:30 p.m.Philips Community College

Helena, AR

Jan. 26 w/Middletown Symphony OrchestraDave Finkelman Auditorium,

Miami Univ. CampusMiddletown, Ohio

March 15 & 16 w/Illinois Philharmonic OrchestraCenter for Performing Arts

Park Forest, IL708-481-7774


“Spontaneous Combustion”, Concerto for Violin and Orchestra

Nick Kendall, soloist with the Anchorage SymphonyOrchestra,

Randall Fleischer, conductorOctober 27 & 28, 2007 – Anchorage, Alaska

“From the Blues to Beyond”, Concerto for Trumpet, Bass Trombone and Orchestra.

Jan Hasenorhl, trumpet, Chris Brubeck, trombone

Czech National Symphony OrchestraNovember 22, 2007 – Prague

November 28, 2007 - Bratislava



Page 11: NEWSLETTERthe dave brubeck quartet Newsletter fall07.pdf · Laetitia” in their Christmas program as the title ... Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Dave Brubeck Quartet’s



New York, NY B.B.King Blues ClubNov. 23 237 W. 42nd St.8:00 pm (212) 997-4555

New York, NY Blue NoteNov. 24 131 W. 3rd St.8:00 pm & 212-475-859210:30 pm or

Bronxville, NY Reformed Church of BronxvilleDec. 2 “La Fiesta de la Posada”

180 Pondfield Road3:30 pm 914-337-6776


Key Largo, FL Ocean Reef CenterFeb. 2 200 Anchor Drive8:00 pm

Ft. Pierce, FL Sunrise TheaterFeb. 3 117 S. Second St.3:00 pm 772-461-4775

Sarasota, FL St. Thomas RC ChurchFeb. 8 Tentative7:30 pm

Athens, GA University of GeorgiaFeb. 13 & 14 Performing Arts CenterFeb. 13 only “The Light in the Wilderness”8:00 pmFeb. 14 Jazz concert8:00 pm Performing Arts Center

230 River Rd.(706) 542-4400

Buffalo, NY Performing Arts CenterMar. 25 University of Buffalo8:00 pm 716-645-2787 or 716-852-5000

New York, NY w/Ramsey LewisMar. 27,28,29 Rose Theater8:00 pm Jazz @ Lincoln Center

Broadway @ 60th St.212-721-6500

Washington, DC BRUBECK INSTITUTE FESTIVALApr. 7-13For details visit Institute website

Apr. 10 Library of CongressCoolidge Aud.

“Cultural Exchange” w/ Hedrick SmithBrubeck Institute Jazz Quintet

Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts“The Real Ambassadors”

Washington, DC w/Ramsey LewisApr. 13 Kennedy Center Concert Hall8:00 pm 2700 F St. N.W.


Philadelphia, PA w/Freddy ColeApr. 16 Kimmel Center, Verizon Hall8:00 pm 300 S. Broad St.


Newark, NJ NJ Performing Arts CenterApr. 18 Prudential Hall8:00 pm One Center St.


Newport News, VA Ferguson Center for the ArtsApr. 19 Christopher Newport U.8:00 pm 1 University Place


Yakima, WA TENTATIVEApr. 22

Portland, OR Benefit: Music for the HeartApr. 24 Schnitzer Hall7:30 pm Performing Arts Center

1111 S.W. Broadway503-274-6564 or ticketmaster

Seattle, WA w/Ramsey LewisApr. 25 Paramount Theater8:00 pm 911 Pine St.


Eugene, OR w/Ramsey LewisApr. 27 Silva Concert Hall7:30 pm Hult Performing Arts Center


Napa, CA w/Dan & Chris Brubeck, & Bobby MilitelloApr. 29 Napa Valley Opera House8:00 pm 1030 Main St.


Scottsdale, AZ w/Dan & Chris Brubeck& Bobby MilitelloMay 1 & 2 Center for the Arts7:30 pm, 5/1 7380 E. 2nd St.8:00 pm, 5/2 480-944-2787

New York, NY Tribeca PACMay 15 Manhattan Community College8:00 pm 199 Chambers St.


Mt. Pleasant, MI Soaring Eagle CasinoMay 23 Tentative

Page 12: NEWSLETTERthe dave brubeck quartet Newsletter fall07.pdf · Laetitia” in their Christmas program as the title ... Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Dave Brubeck Quartet’s

the DBQ NEWSLETTERP.O. Box 216Wilton, CT06897



Inquiries about bookings for The Dave Brubeck Quartet should be directed to:

Frank Modica, Jr.SUTTON ARTISTS CORPORATION20 West Park Avenue, Suite #305

Long Beach, New York 11561 Phone: (516) 432-1790 • Fax (516) 897-1855