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Welcome to Wellburns Summer 2009 Newsletter.We hope you find some light relief and enjoyment within

the following pages during these unique times.

What’s on Guide -WellburnWellburn House13th June – Local Jazz Band

Eighton Lodge7th June - Red Cross Garden Open Day

St Catherines23 June, Manor School Jazz Band

– Will be holding our upcoming event“Jazz on the Lawn.” We will havemarquees set up on the front lawn to protectus from the elements, be that rain, windsnow or sun, however hope for good weather.We will be serving afternoon tea for all whowill be attending.

Grimston Court28th June – Red Cross Garden Open Day

Riverhead Hall1st August – Summer Fair22nd August – BBQ6th September – Beverley Brass Band

Whorlton Grange 20th June - Sports Day18th July - Summer Fayre1st August – BBQ

Glenholme House8th August - BBQ

Craghall4th July - BBQDate TBC - Ballroom & Irish Dancers

Fastest 50Fastest 50 Award – Wellburn was placed 28thin the Fastest growing North East companyAwards for 2008.

Grimston Court Staff Sponsored Walk – 17 May 2009

Organised By Lucy Mills

The staff at Grimston Court have raised

£600.06 by doing a three mile sponsored

walk at Castle Howard in aid of the Residents’

Funds. Nine members of staff and the York City

Football Club mascot “Yorkie the Lion” took

part. We were joined by two of the Residents,

Jim Wilkinson, who turned 98 that day and

Nancy Campbell, for the photos.

The day started with high spirits as everyone

met at the Home with the sun shining and

wearing their specially printed t-shirts.

Everyone looked the part and was raring to

go! As we arrived we went for photos by the

Castle and then we started the walk.

Everyone got to enjoy the beautiful scenery

and chatted all the way, stopping for photos

as we went. The walk was enjoyed by us all

and we will definitely be doing it next year!

All categorieswhere wellattended andother notablewinners wereDiesel forthe assaultcourse, Monty(in a bikini) forthe fancy dress, Ellie (for the waggiest tail), Dillonfor best male dog, Pat for best bitch and finally alovely little Shitsu called Tilly took the puppy prize.The day was rounded with a wonderful barbequeprovided by Alan Ramsey, Heatherdales' gardener.

Head Office:Suzanne Hughes -

My 17 year old son Benjaminhas just passed his driving testand bought himself a mini.

Heatherdale DOG SHOWOn the hottest day of the year so far,Heatherdale's dog show and fun day wasvoted a resounding success by visitors, staffand residents alike.Seventeen dogs took part in the homes awardwining gardens, with the spectators viewing fromthe new decking and vantage point around thebeautiful fountain built with money donated by aclosing down charity.Simon and his wife from Aln Veterinary grouppresented the rosettes for eight categories,including fancy dress, an assault course and bestin show, where the winner Ellie, a Jack Russellcross, was presented with an engraved silver cupas a prize.

Wellburn House • Glenholme Residential & Day Care • Eighton Lodge • Whorlton Grange • Rosevale • Ryton TowersHeatherdale • Craghall • St. George’s • Grimston Court • Riverhead Hall • St. Catherines • Garden House

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“ As I sat in the Lord Crewe, at Blanchland,writing my speech for the wedding, thenight before, I reflected on how things hadchanged in the last 3 years. I now had ayoung family, a daughter, a gun dog, soonto be wife Marie and sold my house inCallerton. I may have taken my time, butwould never have realised how quicklythings had moved on.

Over the last 3 months Marie and I spentevery spare time we had, organising thewedding, which was to be held at StMary’s church, Slaley and then onto theVillage Hall. However we were notprepared for the morning of the 6thSeptember, when the country was hit withone huge storm, particularly Morpethtown which was flooded. I spent most ofthe morning collecting broken bits ofGazebo and we had to cancel the openhorse drawn carriage. Having met theUshers and Best man down at Blanchland,before the ceremony, for an initial drink,the bridge serving the main road between

Blanchland and the church was overwhelmed with water and closed. Drivingto the church along the back roads,through rivers of water, was quite anexperience and we were lucky to start ontime. Umbrellas were up and the churchservice was a lovely experience.

The Vicar was incredibly flexible andallowed us to take pictures in the church.Once finished we headed down to SlaleyVillage Hall to a fantastic food experiencewith caterers Layth and Kerry of ‘FeelGood Food’ and danced the night awayto the band, Rolling Rock, who spent 2and half hours driving through the floodsfrom Morpeth to Slaley to reach us. Thecommitment from the Vicar, organist, foodcaterers, band and family and friends inmaking it such a first class and fun day,we can’t thank them enough. Some sayyou don’t usually enjoy your ownwedding, but Marie and I had amemorable day.”

"Daffodils" (1804)

I WANDER'D lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o'er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the Milky Way,

They stretch'd in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay:

Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but theyOut-did the sparkling waves in glee:

A poet could not but be gay,In such a jocund company:

I gazed -- and gazed -- but little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;

And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.

By William Wordsworth (1770-1850).


Q. What do you enjoy most in your care work?A. I think that we are all in the care profession

because we can make a difference to thequality of our residents’ lives – we can offerthem the hope of a future.

Q. What are your aspirations within thecompany?

A. I didn’t just want to join Wellburn, I wantto really belong, and building upon ourstrengths and uniqueness.

Q. What do you enjoy doing in yourleisure time?

A. Fell walking, reading, theatre, live music.

Q. What type of music do you like?A. I enjoy most live music. I went to Latitude

Music Festival in July (one of those thingsyou have to do before you die!).

Q. If you were going to a place of your choicefor a meal where would it be?

A. Panni’s in High Bridge, Newcastle. It’s anauthentic Italian restaurant – cheap andvibrant, and they offer free Italian lessonson evenings during the week.

Q. What’s your favourite movie?‘A. A Beautiful Mind’, ‘Local Hero’, ‘Amelie’

Q. What’s your favourite holiday destination?A. The Northumberland Coast, and Tuscany.

Q. Have you got a pet hate?A. Trolleys left abandoned in supermarket car

parking bays.

Q. They say most ladies prefer men who aretall, dark and handsome – who do youprefer?

A. I much prefer geeks!

Q. If you were granted one wish what wouldit be?

A. My one wish would be that children neverdied before their parents.

Q. Do you have any regrets in life?A. I regret not going to university, but then

I may not have worked in care, so I believethat things happen, or don’t happen,for a reason.

Q. What helps you to relax?A. Walking, music, socialising with friends

and family.

Q. What annoys you?A. Meanness, narrow-mindedness.

Interview with Dawn Bianchi,Care Operations Manager

Head Office Wedding

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New StaffGrimston Court welcome the followingnew staff:

Gemma Volans Deborah O’NeilSylvia Gronau Audrey Barber

Tongue Twisterby Connie Wilcock, aged 101 years

While we were walking,we were watching window washers

wash Washington's windowswith warm washing water.

Whether the weather is cold,Whether the weather is hot,We’ll weather the weather,

whatever the weather,Whether we like it or not.

Jean Muscroft’sStory

My name is Jean Muscroft. I am89 years of age and was born inDarlington. I have two children,one son and one daughter. I wasmarried to my husband John forapproximately 30 years. We met atBarclays Bank where we bothworked as Bank Clerks. My biggestachievement in life was finding apartner who loved me and raisingour two children together.

My fondest memory would be thelast kiss I had with my husbandbefore he sadly passed away.

Connie started knitting at 7 and 93years later is still knitting for others.She knits for the raffles and raisesmoney for the residents’ funds, onceraising £50 with a Pudsey Bear!

Her mother taught her on four needleswith “real wool”, not acrylic. One of herearliest memories is of Sewing Class atSchool. One girl had brought in twowooden needles and the teachercalled Connie to the front to cast on.Connie panicked because she didn’tknow how, but somehow managed.When she got home she cried andwhen her mother asked what waswrong she told her. Her mum puteverything down, sat with her andtaught her properly. That is Connie’searliest memory, of knitting themost positive.

Steve’s happiest and most significantmemories are from the time he workedin a fashion house in the West Endof London.The business sold silks and fabrics tohomes and dressmakers. Originally thecompany was called John Bunting &Co until his father took over at a laterdate and the name changed to ArthurSudberry, after him.This was a large part of Steve’s life andhis happiest times.

Mark ErringtonMy name is Mark Errington

I used to go tothe BreweryYard in York.We wouldspend the daywith Mr Hunt, hewas always verypolite and say“Good evening”

I belongedto SouthbankWorking Men’sClub and St Clements Working Mens’Club to which I am at present theoldest member of both clubs.My memories of Mr John Hunt are thathe was a very respectable gentleman.I have had many a drink with him. Wewould discuss many issues relating tothe Working Mens’ Clubs, he wouldchat away with us and was happywhen we bought his beers.I recall that he was a very generousman to our Club, which had no morethan 200 members.

Anne CoughlinAnne Coughlin has been an “entertainer”since she was born on 9 September1919, in York. She grew up singing withher family and friends and was in achoir at school. She didn’t do thisprofessionally, but it was always part ofher life. Anne claims she was “justnormal” and her life was “ordinary”.Working at Grimston Court, we find thathard to believe, as she is always the lifeand soul of any party here!Since Anne joined us over a year ago inMay 2008, she has provided us all withfun and laughter. From chatting to staffand residents, to singing with thePhilharmonics Male Voice Choir in Maythis year – she’s done it all. She sangall the way through the concert andeven posed with the Choir for thephotos afterwards. Along with all theother residents it wouldn’t be the samewithout her.

EventsOn Friday the 8th of May, the Residentsat Grimston Court were entertained bythe Philharmonics Male Voice Choir.

They were joined by family and staff toenjoy their singing favourites such as:She, Shall we gather at the River, WhiteRose, Bobby Shafto and the Welshsong – Guadiad. With 25 singers it wasa wonderful evening and every onejoined in.

Afterwards there was a buffet of Indianand Chinese food with wine for all toenjoy. This followed by photos of theChoir and Residents. The Residentsenjoyed the evening so much, theyrequested the Choir came back and onthe night went to bed happier thatthey’d had a ‘wonderful’ night.

Residents’ Stories- Memories

Connie Wilcockborn 24/10/1897 – 101 years old!

Steve Sudberryborn 03/11/1914 – 93 years old!


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2009 has seen a busy period inthe life at Riverhead. January started quietly with a timetorecover and return to some normality.

February was our month forCharitable Events and we decided toundertake a “Have a Heart Month”for the British Heart Foundation.This entailed a Jumble Sale, CakeStand and Balloon Race, with thewinning Balloon reaching London.We raised £180 for the worthy cause.

This month “Fruity Friday, in whichstaff will wear yellow and donate£2.00. The residents are hopefullygoing to wear yellow as well.

Resident & Homenews


Ladies Day at Ascot was held atRiverhead Hall

Past & Present - Then and Now

T o prepare for the day theresidents each had a hat to

decorate as fancy and colourful asthey could. The afternoon startedoff with the ladies donning theirhats and the male residents alladmiring their creations.The earlier racing was on thetelevision and bets were put on (orin this instance all the residents andfriends picked a horse) ready for themain race at 3.40pm. Before the racestarted we served champagne and

strawberries to everyone and settleddown for the main event of theafternoon. We had a bid board up withall the names of the horses on andonce the race started everyone wascheering on the horses they hadchosen.

At the end of the race prizes weregiven out to the winners, there was abottle of champagne for 1st prize, abox of chocolates for 2nd prize and3rd prize was a box of biscuits. It wasa really entertaining afternoon, andwas enjoyed by all those whoattended and helped with the activity.

Helen Spink or as she likes to beknown 'Nellie' came to RiverheadHall from a Bradford NursingHome in May 2008 at the age of85 years.Nellie spent her youth and marriedyears with her husband George inKeithley near Bradford and Leeds.Nellie and George had 4 children 2sons and 2 daughters from whom shehas 10 grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Nellie and George had a wonderful lifetogether and their social life was firstclass. They enjoyed going out formeals, and taking good holidays bothat home and abroard. Dancing was agreat pleasure to them both and theywon many awards for both LatinAmerican and Ballroom dancing.Nellie enjoyed nothing better thandressing up and going out and wasoften seen in fancy dress trying to'keep the spirit of the party going' asher daughter described it. Herdaughter described Nellie as the mainassett to any function and even thoughGeorge was much more reserved hehad to change his ways once Nelliewas in full party swing mode.

Nellie and George enjoyed 17 cruisestogether on many of the big linersincluding the Oriana, Canberra, Lenadel Marr, QE2, and the Northern Starrvisiting many many countries andmeeting many people. They were oneof the few people to be on the QE2 in

New York at the sametime as Cocorde flew over.Both of these had been toNew York many times butit was the first time thatboth had been at theStatue of Liberty at thesame second in time.Nellie during these yearswas a fine dress makerand made many of herballroom gowns she woreon the cruises.

A year and a half after thedeath of her husbandGeorge, Nellie suffered a stroke thatrobbed her of her ability to walk andtalk and at this time Nellie moved toBradford into a home to be near herdaughter Yvonne. This would helpCorrine who lived near Driffield fromhaving to travel through all the badweather of winter down the motorwaysto make sure Nellie always had avisitor, as her sons were living awayfrom the area.

A great tradgedy occurred in thefamily, in November 2007 Yvonne,Nellies youngest daughter, found outthat she had cancer and died within 1year. It became hard for Corrine andNellies sons to visit more than once aweek but they thought that Nellie waslooked after and so she remainedwhere she was. Then an accidentoccurred and the out come of this wasthat Corrine found her a lovley roomat Riverhead Hall and moved her the

85 miles north to be near Corrine andher family.

Nellie now 86 years of age is stillunable to walk and though her powerof speech remains lost she can alwayslet us know her needs. If Nellie wantssomething or she is pleased she says'wee wee' and no! is a 'wee' and theshake of the head. Nellie enjoys aBrandy on special occassions and lovesour entertainment afternoons. Nellieloves all the big films on DVD, themusicals, and listening to the girls tellher their latest news and what theyhave been up to.

Corrine says Nellie has done so muchwith her life, much which cannot bereported to spare her blushes, but tellNellie a tale and you can see in herlaughing face and eyes thats she issaying 'been there', 'done that', 'got theball gown to prove it'!!

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Ten members of staff have completeda recent module for Palliative Carethat has already been of great value tointroducing the Care of the DyingPathway. This is great for the staff tosee that even in the last transition oflife – end of life is not a failure of care.

We have new recruits to theCare Team:1. A special welcome to

Michelle(NVQ III)2. Stacey, Lynn & Emma and

Sarah (NVQ II)

Carol Hinch has moved from herrole as a Kitchen Assistant into theNight Care Team and Charlotte hasat last returned to the fold – full time.Kasia is also now working full time.A special thanks needs to be givento the staff who travelled to Yorkover the Winter period.Staff are currently undergoing furtherdistance learning modules rangingfrom Dementia, MedicineAdministration and Infection Control.For some staff this is also an adjunctto undergoing their NVQ’s.

Staff news

The weather was the best we couldwish for and it meant that we could putout red white and blue bunting andballoons around the garden andtraditional Union Jack flags. The tableswere placed like the traditional streetparty and all the residents sat along thetables that were set in a red, white andblue theme.The entertainers for the afternoon hadlearnt a medley of war songs and it waslovely to see the residents and familiessinging along to the likes of Vera Lynn.Lots of families were able to attend andthere was a nice mixture of olderpeople celebrating with their youngerfamily members.Betty a resident of 93 years camedressed in her medals and enthralled

the younger membersof staff with her warstories. Some of theresidents initially feltthat the war wasnot something theywanted to rememberbut they too, slowlymade their way downas the garden cameto life. It was lovely tosee they had changedtheir minds. For theresidents that weretoo ill to attend a traywith balloons and

buffet was taken to their rooms, so thatall could enjoy it as much as possible.A special mention has to be made forAudrey who due to ill- health had notspent any time out of bed in the last fivemonths, but who requested to get outof bed to listen to the band. For thestaff, it was lovely to see her smilebreak out as she sat in the garden andtook in some sun.

The garden was full of people. Staff,relatives and friends enjoying theatmosphere, listening to peoples’ talesfrom their experiences and as themedia felt that the 65th year wouldpass with mere mention; it was nice tosee that we flew the flag for the peoplewho endured, and conquered all thoseyears before.A tombola stall was set up to raisefunds for further events and this waswell supported by every one and wemanaged to raise £71. We were alsogiven a twenty five pound donationfrom Doris and Ken’s family towardsthe residents’ funds-thank you.

Wellburn UpdateAfter the success of this trial at

Riverhead, Wellburn has investedin an incubator to hatch and release

more rare birds into the wild.This will be rotating the homes overthe coming Spring and Summers.

Watch this space...

Our favourite bit of news has to bethe “Riverhead Chicks” and their birthinto the lives of the residents, staffand families. They have been a joy foreveryone and there are still lots more toenjoy in the next few weeks. Ten out ofthe 12 eggs hatched and the chicksare bigger than we ever initially imagined.

Riverhead Hall Garden PartyCelebration for VE-Day

Sunday 31st May became a huge day for the residents’ at

Riverhead Hall. The staff worked hardover the weekend organising theauthentic menu for the event. Thisincluded sandwiches such as Spamand jam, egg and beef paste. Therewere jellies and blancmange, cakesand buns. So a thank you, first of all toCathy and Gina for their hard work inthe kitchen; as we currently had nocook on shift.

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New ResidentsWe would like to start our newsletter witha big welcome to new residents:

Dorothy Goodfellow Isa BolamJim Graham Mary GouldKathy Walker Joyce AtkinsonMary Andrews Irene Walder

Glenholme Day Centrereopened on 1 Octoberafter refurbishment. A Sunderland Echo article of Friday3 October said:“Residents of a Sunderland Day CareCentre took a trip down memory lanewhen they were chauffeured around thecity in style. A vintage car, provided by WashingtonMotor Services, visited the centre aspart of celebrations to mark therefurbishment of Glenholme DayCentre in Roker.

Day Care Manager ShelleyMcDermott said:“The main lounge has been extended anda lobby and quiet room has been added.Toilet facilities are now all wheelchairaccessible and the structural work, electrical,plumbing, nurse call system, fire alarmsand IT systems have all been upgraded. Thechanges have made the centre morecomfortable and enjoyable and we can nowinvite more visitors due to the extra spacewhich is great as Glenholme is a greatlifeline for the elderly to get out of the house.This really enhances their quality of life”.

ST PATRICKS DAYAs Shelley is Irish shealways does St Patricksday with great passion,as always she arrives alldecked out in green,complete with big hat!There was plenty of Irishmusic to dance to, andas is Shelley’s tradition,a little drop of the black stuff. AlthoughShelley did mention that it is goodfor you!!

The DUCK n DIVEWe had planned a trip to the local pubbut the weather was particularly poorso we decided if we couldn’t go the pubwe could bring the pub to Glenholme.We decked the daycentre out with pubtrimmings and renamed it the duck ndive for the day! We had lots ofshandies and traditional pub snacks,we even had barmaids!! A fantasticday was had by all.

Mexican fiestaWe have regular planned theme dayshere at Glenholme daycentre. On thisparticular day our chosen theme was aMexican fiesta... we had our sombreroson and ponchos.We made sangria and played pin thetail on the burro, next to the cactus! Thedaily exercises had a Mexican twist too.

Congratulations to Peggy McClusky whoreaches her 100th birthday in July.We have recently had a new bus & driver– Michael – and we go out on regular tripsto places like The Seal Life Centre andAlnwick Gardens.Here is a picture of Peggy Semple at ourlocal Bowling Alley.

We also now have an Aromatherapistcalled Adele who makes us feel relaxed.

We have been going out since April thisyear because of the good weather andsome of us are having a weekend break inJune, with team leaders Sheila and Madge,to Seaton Sands in Scotland. Over the lasttwo years we have also been to Blackpooland Haggerston Castle, it’s a great changeand good fun.

Below is a letter from Joyce Atkinson,one of our new residents:

Dear FriendsI have not beenvery long in thisnew home,however I havebeen welcomedwith love andcare. It wasdisappointing to leave my home, but abetter set of Carers is here to settleyou in. The Home is very clean andkept tidy by a busy team of Carers.The ladies and gentlemen here arevery hard workers, I would like to seethem have more rest periods, I don’tknow how they do it all in a day. We go on trips, which are pleasantand very interesting, the last one Iwas on was the Sea Life Centre atWhitely Bay, I never knew that thereare so many colours, absolutelywonderful, then we went off for fishand chips.The meals are varied we cannotthank them enough for their servicewith a smile.Joyce Atkinson


Future AnnouncementsSusan Deacon is due to get married in thesummer, we wish her and Alan the very bestfor the future and promise to behave on herhen night in Dublin in May!!

WelcomeWelcome to Kate Gill who has joined the DayCentre team. And well done for completingkey skills in record time.

CongratulationsCongratulations to Sue Deacon, JeanRichardson, Lisa Outhwaite, all forcompleting nvq’s since last magazine. Also congratulations to Mandi Green whohas had a little boy, Devan and also recentlymarried best wishes to her and Peter. Finally congratulations to Lisa Outhwaitefor her promotion to deputy in theday centre.

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Pets as Therapy dogsWe have regular visits from our friendsKendal and Bracken, our PAT dogs...They are Pyrenean mountain dogs,aged two and four. They are surely thebiggest dogs we have ever seen!Both dogs really love all the attentionthey get here and also the many dogtreats and biscuits they get...

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Whorlton Grangewins gold!On Monday 7 September, Syd Batchthe gardener and Susan Kaprelian, theDeputy Manager of Whorlton Grange,received the prestigious Gold Award forthe Home, at the regional finals of the‘Britain in Bloom Competition 2008’ atGateshead Leisure Centre. Westerhopealso won two other Silver Awards inwhat was to be a memorable day forthis attractive Newcastle suburb.Syd (Batch) explained that the homewas only given two days’ noticeof being judged for the second time;when the photographs were takenand the subsequent importantdecisions made.

Wellburn is a company renowned forthe pride it takes in its gardens andmaintaining them to a high standardthroughout the year. This isemphasised in previous competitionachievements of Eighton Lodge andRyton Towers at ‘Gateshead inBloom’ in 2007.

OutingsWhorlton Grange have enjoyed manygood days out:• Pets Corner• Corner House• Saltwell Park• Beamish - Resident Hannah Hasting

reflects on her day out to Beamishon 21 April:

One day in April, me, some otherresidents, three Carers and a big bag ofgrub with plenty to drink, had a day outto Beamish.There was a lot of walking to do but a lotto see and a lot of messing around. Therewere people dressed in old fashionedclothes and they were giving out cake forus to try. There where old fashionedtrams and horses & carts and the weatherstayed fine for us, it was a lovely day out.

New StaffA big welcome to the staff who havejoined our team:

Michelle McMurry Care AssistantLillian Marshall Kitchen AssistantJulie Elliott Kitchen Assistant

CongratulationsLinda Williamson on becoming TeamLeader in December 08

Nicola Little - Completing her NVQ 3Leighanne Lockyer - Completing herNVQ 2

Red Nose DAYOn the 13th March we had a FundRaising Day for the Red Nose Charity,we raised £123.76 in one day. It was afun filled day, everyone enjoyed it,especially the Splat The Staff event. Itwas such a giggle! We took plenty ofphotos of the whole day. We also had a staff sponsored silencewhich some staff found very hardespecially Kay.

AROMA THERAPIST -March 2009When the aromatherapist came Joanwas very pleased and wanted toexperience some of the treatmentsthey give. She then gave Joan amassage from her toes to her knees,while Joan was in the aromatherapistalso told Joan that she was wearing thewrong type of stockings and advisedJoan to get the right stockings for hercirculation. When Joan came out of theroom she said it was worth it and wouldlike to receive the massage treatmentagain, and would advise other peopleto have the massage as its relaxing.

It was a very snowyday here in Sunderland,so Kay and Shelleydecided to get somehelp from the daycentreclients to make asnowman... They raidedthe dressing up boxand George was born!All the clients thoughtit was hilarious to makea snowman as many had not done thatsince they were a lot younger... Trulyeveryone felt Shelley and Kay relived amiss spent childhood!!


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The regional finals are judged alongthe same lines as the Chelsea FlowerShow, with bronze, silver and goldcategories. Susan and Syd describedentering the Suite at the GatesheadLeisure Centre as “Like going to theOscars!”, with the large round tablescovered with masses of flowersand balloons.

Westerhope Residents Associationhailed Whorlton Grange’s achievementas magnificent, considering that theHome won Gold at the first attempt.Syd hopes to build on thisimpressive achievement, which hedescribes as a joint effort by all thestaff connected to the Home, addingthat it shows the standard ofWellburn Care Homes’ competitivegardens in a very competitive field.

So all-in-all a successful competitionfor Wellburn Care Homes, and ofcourse Congratulations are due toShirley Ward, Debbie Matthews andall the Gardening Staff of the Homes.

George the Glenholmesnowman

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The youngest member of staffand the Oldest Resident atWellburn House both celebrated theirbirthdays in April:PennyThe Junior Care Assistant at Wellburncelebrated her 18th Birthday.

MargaretThe Oldest Resident at Wellburncelebrated her 102nd Birthday.

UnobservantOh, let me unobservant be

In just the wisest way,And let me only see the best

In folk I meet each dayAnd may I never see the flaws

Condemning out of handAll those whose words or actions may

Seem hard to understandAnd ho, I hope, where’re I go

May all the folk I seeBe just as unobservant when it comes

to judging me.

Dust if You MustDust if you must, but wouldn’t it be better

To paint a picture, or write a letterBake a cake, or plant a seed,

Ponder the difference between wantand need.

Dust if you must, but there’s notmuch time,

With rivers to swim andmountains to climb,

Music to hear and books to read,Friends to cherish and a life to lead.

Dust if you must, but the worlds out thereWith the sun in your eyes and wind in

your hairA flutter of snow, a shower of rain,

The day will never come back again.Dust if you must, but bear in mind,

Old age will come and its not very kindAnd when you go and go you mustYou yourself, will make more dust.

Margaret left school at 15 years old andwent to work in a Bank, one of the few jobsacceptable for young ladies in 1920. Shewas brought up in the Suffragette years,when women fought for the right to vote, thiswas granted in 1928 when Margaret was 21,just old enough to vote. She married thesame year and had a good life. She haslived through two World Wars and stillremains bright and alert and has never losther sparkle.

Penny was born in Newcastle GeneralHospital on 26 April 1991. She left school at16 and worked part time in a Chinese TakeAway while she attended College throughthe day. She started work at Wellburn Housewhen she was 17, this was a full time job asa Junior Care Assistant. She passed herDriving Test a month before her 18thbirthday and then bought a car with moneygiven as presents for her birthday. She hashad a serious boyfriend for two years andthey went on holiday to Boston in Americato celebrate his 21st Birthday. Penny is alovely caring girl and all the residents atWellburn find her a pleasure to have around.

NEW Residents

Mary Devall and Margaret Benson

Apopular local brass band delightedresidents of a Northumberland carehome with a special visit and an

afternoon of music on 28 September.

The Dunston Silver Band paid a visit toWellburn House, Ovingham, treating its elderlyresidents to a memorable day of theirmusical talents, playing their old favourites.

Care Home Manager, Margaret Armstrongsaid: “The Dunston Silver Band isincredible, extremely talented and energetic.They provided the residents with anafternoon of fantastic entertainment, whichthey thoroughly enjoyed.

“Families of our residents and members ofthe public also came so we had a really goodturn out and it is a day they will never forget.”

The Dunston Silver Band which formedaround 1902, recently came third in thethird section of the North of England BrassBand Championships.

Conductor and Musical Director of the band,Sue Murill said: “As a band we play to highstandard but we make sure we enjoyourselves at the same time so it is really niceto play at places like Wellburn House for anappreciative audience. It is also great to playthe old classics to people who enjoy musicfrom past eras.

Brass BandBlows Away Residents

NEW StaffCarole Garrow & Allison Todd –Kitchen Assistants.

Good luck to Julie who is going onMaternity leave shortly. Hope everythinggoes well.

Highland Cattle CentreWe all enjoyed a day out to the highlandcattle centre and had a warming cup of teaat the Highland Cattle Centre.

Residents’ Outings

A Day at the SeasideResidents enjoying the day at Whitley Bay,finished off by fish and chips by the sea.

How Times have changed


Picture of Maggielooking at the cattle.

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Gladys Chapman

Gladys was born in Wollengong,Australia where her father had

emigrated to be a miner when he was 21years old. Gladys’ mother followed oncehe was settled in a house and they weremarried in Sydney. Gladys lived inWollengong until she was 10 years oldbefore her family settled at Newbiggin bySea. Gladys passed her exam forGrammar School unfortunately familyfinances couldn’t stretch to paying for her– her brothers had priority. Gladys went to work at the Co-op inAshington where she met her futurehusband Will, who was on holiday in theUK from Canada, where he worked inthe Gold Mines of the Yukon. EventuallyWill got a job as a policeman inNewcastle and they had a daughtercalled Anne.

After 25 years as a policeman, Willretired and he and Gladys bought a shopin Bedlington.

After Will passed away, Gladys used tolook after her granddaughter Rachel,while Anne went back to work. Anne andher husband Bill had a house inTorrevieja in Spain and Gladyssometimes stayed there for holidays.

10 years ago Gladys sadly becameregistered blind. This was difficult forher as many of her hobbies weredependent on sight – she did beautifulknitting, embroidery, cooking and icingwedding cakes. But moving nearer toAnne, Bill and Rachel made things alittle easier and Gladys now loves livingat Heatherdale.

Marjorie Ormston came to Heatherdalein November 2007 and she has told methat her time here has flown over.Marjorie was born on 26 August 1909, she

was the second youngest of five girls and

lived all her life in West Thirston.

Marjorie went on to tell me that she

attended Girl Guides at the age of 10 and as

a punishment for being naughty her mother

would stop her going.

She would cycle from home to Alnmouth

with her younger sister and four other

friends, to work as a domestic in a hotel.

Some days after work, she and her friends

would go swimming in the North Sea. One

day while Marjorie and her sister were

swimming, they were carried out by the tide.

Marjorie was rescued by a nearby fisherman,

but unfortunately her sister drowned.

Marjorie met her husband, Jimmy who she

knew from school, they courted for six years

because they did not have enough money to

get married, as Jimmy was only a bus driver.

Later on he got a better job as a delivery

driver and they married in 1935 just before

she was 25 years old. Two years after they

married, Marjorie had a baby son, Keith.

After having Keith, Marjorie started making

cakes. She said that she did not know how

she had the nerve to put up a notice in the

window “Homemade Cakes for Sale” – and

sell they did. Soon she was making and

decorating wedding cakes. She is very proud

to say she made and decorated John Fenwick

of Fenwick Newcastle’s wedding cake and

went to his reception at the Station Hotel.

Marjorie has a very strong faith and went to

church often. She became involved in the

WI, for which she was Chairperson for 30

years. This brought another proud moment

in her life, when she attended the Royal

Albert Hall as an Advocate for the WI.

Finally, Marjorie said that she is a very proud

Grandmother of three grand daughters, who

between them have given her eight great

grandchildren, who she is even more proud

of and of course she has her son Keith.


Marjorie Ormston100th birthday on 26 August 2009

MacMillanA Coffee Afternoon was held on11 October in aid of MacMillanCancer and the Residents’Social Fund.“We had a busy afternoon, wehad a cake stall and a raffle,we also had a large tombola.We raised a total of £165 to splitbetween MacMillan and ourResidents’ Fund.

New StaffNicola Lynn Angela SpeightSonia Easton Sarah TelfordSheila Canning Kirsty Withy

CongratulationsAlison Moore on becoming Manager

Violet Douglas promotion to Senior No 3

NVQ Passes at Level 2: Sarah Barnes & Denise Pringle

On Sunday, 12 October 2008, there was asspecial service of praise at our local Church, StJohns the Divine. The service was to celebrate

the 150th Anniversary of the Church.To mark the special occasion, the Church was

open to the whole community showing displaysand exhibitions, reflecting the Church’s history.

So it was decided that after tea on Sunday wewere going to get ready to attend the Evening

Service of Praise. Alison, Lisa, Sarah and Susanhelped us get ready for Church. It was a lovely

sunny evening.As we approached the Church, I saw all banners

outside the Church and all the cars parkedalong the road.

Once inside the Church, we were given a lovelywarm welcome by everyone and the Vicar openedthe service by thanking and welcoming Mr Alan

Beith, our local MP, his wife and also friends fromHeatherdale for attending the service.

The service was lovely covering all occasionsthat the local community would need to attenda church for Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage

and Bereavement. With a chance to sing a hymnfor each occasion.

After the service there was a chance to reflect withfriends old and new and have some refreshments.

Piece by Hannah Glass,Resident at Heatherdale


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A FORMER York drivinginstructor has finally givenup his licence after more

than 80 years as he celebrates his100th birthday.

Reg Butler could boast keeping a cleandriving licence for 83 years, butyesterday saw him finally swap it for atelegram from the Queen, as hecelebrated the landmark birthday withfamily and friends.

Mr Butler, who lives at RosevaleResidential Home, in Wigginton, is alsobelieved to be the oldest Freeman of theCity of York, and yesterday he was paid asurprise visit by the Master of the Guildof Freeman, Tom Gibson.

Speaking during the celebrationsMr Butler, a former Park Grove Schoolpupil, said: “It’s been wonderful up tonow. Everybody has been enjoyingthemselves and the weather hasbeen beautiful.”

A wide range of ages turned up yesterdayto celebrate with Mr Butler, includinghis 90-year-old sister-in-law and Lily his

great granddaughter, who is two-and-a-half years old.

His son, Alan, 72, said: “He’s as fit as afiddle. Since he went in to the care homehe has improved immensely. Hisproblem now is that he’s too brightupstairs for someone his age.

“He’s been looking forward to this sincehe was about 40,” he joked. “There’s alot of champagne around.”

In his 20s, Mr Butler worked atRowntree’s before setting up a generalstore close to his childhood home inHaxby Road.

After shrewdly predicting the rise of thesupermarket, he sold his business in1970 and became a driving instructor,which he admits he did “very well outof.” A talented athlete, Mr Butler joinedthe York Harriers and during the leantimes of the 1930s, was able to makemoney with his athletic skills – but notwithout some risk.

Speaking to The Press last year, he said:“In those days you were strictly amateur.Of course we were in a slump then –worse than we are now. At 21, I lost myjob at Rowntrees, but I had two children,so I used to go out to the country fetesand meetings and race for the money.You got paid for each race and Icould earn 50 shillings which was a lotof money.”

There was an important job to be done,And Everybody was asked to do it.

Everybody was sure that Somebodywould do it,

Anybody could have done it,but Nobody did it.

This is a story about four people namedEverybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

Somebody got angry about that,because it was Everybody’s job.

Everybody thought Anybody could do it,but Nobody realised that

Everybody wouldn’t do it.It ended up that Everybody blamed

Somebody when Nobodydid what Anybody could have done.

PoemThe Value of Old Age

Remember old folks are worth afortune with Silver in their hair,

gold in their teeth, stones in theirkidneys and gas in their stomachs!

I have become a little older since Ispoke to you last, changes have come

into my life. I am quite a frivolous oldgirl, I am seeing five gentlemen eachday! As soon as I wake up Will Power

helps me out of bed then I go visit Loo’e.

Next its time for Mr Quaker who givesme my oats. They leave and Arthur

Ritus shows up and stays for the rest ofthe day. He doesn’t stay in one place verylong, so he takes me from joint to joint.

After a much busy day I am ready forbed with Johnny Walker – what a life!

Oh and yes – I’m flirting with Al Zymer!

The vicar came the other day and said“At your age you should be thinking

about the hereafter”. I told him“Oh I do, no matter where I am,

the lounge or upstairs, in the kitchen orin the basement, I ask myself –

Now what am I here after???

Scarecrows, worms and tigerswere all part of a Bank Holidayweekend of fun as people acrossNorth Yorkshire made the most ofthe good weather. The scarecrowcompetition which is an annual eventin our village and the neighbouringvillage was started a few years ago toraise money for Cape Town.

£3,000 pounds was raised over the 3days, myself and three members ofstaff took five residents on thescarecrow trail. Payment was £1 to usethe trail and answer questions relatingto the scarecrows displayed, therewere over 100 hundred scarecrows ondisplay. Icecream was enjoyed by all.Here is a photograph of thescarecrows we made with the residentsand entered into the competition. Wedecided to make Bride and Groomscarecrows due to three members ofstaff getting married this year.

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STAFF:“Productions”Nikki and Ivan Pashov (Nurseand Carer respectively) arethe proud parents of their firstbaby, Anjali.Their beautiful daughter wasborn on Monday 4 May at11.00pm and weighed in atapproximately 7lbs.

Louise Smith, Deputy Matron,started maternity leave in mid-April. Louise and husband Nickhad a girl - Lydia Mary, born on28 May 2009.

Jenny Piercy, Carer, startedmaternity leave at the end ofMarch. Jenny and husbandNick had a boy - Alfie John(to join their two daughters)on 26 May 2009.

Nick Smith (Chef) and wifeDawn are expecting theirsecond child in early July,a brother for theirfirstborn Nathan.

We are delighted to have DanniTsoneva, Carer, returning to workafter maternity leave. Danni andSteve are the proud parents ofgorgeous Nadia, their firstdaughter, who was born justbefore Christmas 2008.

More newseagerly waiting...“watch this space”

ResidentsSt Catherine’s have welcomed severalnew residents since the New Year:Joyce Barker Alys Cockerill,Bunty (Jessie) Dill Betty ForsterIvy Pearce Marie WardLucy Wood Muriel Young


On Tuesday 30 June, we will be havinganother Clothing Party provided byClouds Clothing Ltd. They supply a fullrange of ladies and gentlemen’sclothing. It is usually a good gettogether where relatives can helpresidents choose suitable additions totheir wardrobe and, or course, staff areon hand to assist, if required. A cup oftea and a delicious cake from our chefwill round the afternoon off!

On Monday 14 December we will behelping resident Eve Osbornecelebrate her 100th birthday – plansare already afoot to make this into avery special day for Eve.

New StartersSince the New Year we have welcomedthe following staff:

Naomi Davis Jacqui HigginsEwa Kieliszek Tomasz NiedzwieckiHirstina Pashov* Lucy PeacockMargaret Robson Laura StevensRebecca Stone Andrew TomlinsonMandy Turner Eileen Wilson

All of whom have fitted well intoour team.

*Sister of Ivan & Aunt to Anjali

We also welcome Judith Scurr, DeputyMatron, who has seamlessly and ablytaken over the reigns from Louise Smith(who is on maternity leave).

Maurice tells me that he and his sistergrew up in Beckenham, Kent. As ateenager he joined the RAF as anInstrument Mechanic and kept theRAF in the air, mainly working on thefamous “Halifax” and “Lancaster”bomber planes.

At the outbreak of WWII he was postedto Holme on Spalding Moor, NorthEast of York.

Elsie, a York girl, grew up on LawrenceStreet with her parents, eight sistersand one brother. Before the war sheworked at Terry’s Chocolate Factory,but WWII saw her taking a job as –would you believe – a bomb maker at amunitions depot at Thorpe Arch (thebunkers still exist – looking like grassyhills but are now converted to shops).We are reliably told that one eveningat the end of work, Elsie walked outof the depot with a detonator stuck toher shoe!

It is no surprise that Maurice was“blown away” when he first metElsie – quite a looker – on a “Blinddate” in the Punch Bowl Pub inStonegate, York.

They have been together ever since.They are the very proud parents of twosons, John & Peter and have fivesmashing grandchildren.

“Chris Fletcher whom took thispicture mentioned that Maurice andElsie were an inspirational couple.”


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Grandma’s off her rocker!In the dim and distant past,

When life’s tempo wasn’t fastGrandma used to rock and knit,

Crochet, tat and baby sit

When we were in a jam,We could always count on Gran,

In the age of gracious living,Grandma’s life was one of giving.


Now Grandma’s at the gym,Exercising to keep slim,

She’s off touring with the bunch,Or taking all her friends to lunch.

Driving north to fish or hike,Taking time to ride her bike,

Nothing seems to block or stop her,Now that Grandma’s off her rocker!

CelebrationsElsie and Maurice Hughes, who moved to St Catherine’s in 2008, celebratedtheir 66th Wedding Anniversary (11 April 1943) which takes some beating.Many congratulations to them.

TrainingTraining is ongoing, with many staffstudying for NVQ qualifications, whilstothers are currently undertaking anAsset Course in Dementia Awareness.

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ActivitiesAs always Craghall has been busy within-house entertainment, activities andoutings, both old and new. Our regulargames of bingo are still proving popular,along with new activities which areproving to be a his such as arts & craftswith Meryl, bread and jam making andmany more. We have also had a range ofin-house entertainers from blues, jazz,soul and opera which have been enjoyedby all.

Michael has been a wonderful additionto us, driving us all over in the mini bus.

On our trips out lately we have been toThe Sealife Centre:

Other outingshave included:Angel of theNorth, AlnwickGardens as well asTynemouth and acouple of pubs!

In house activitieshave included:

• Arts & Crafts• Exercise Class• Audio-Visual Show• Majestic Movies• Aromatherapy• Singers – Allen Cutler

and the Swinging Jay B

Our favourite quote of the month:

Age is somethingthat doesn’t matter

unless you’re a cheese!– from Alice.

New StaffCraghall would like to give a warmwelcome to:

Emily KentJennifer Harrold Janice BirdseyGemma Nettleton Kelly ThirkhieldGaynor McElvanney Marjory Cram

Congratulations to Andrea & Michaelon their Wedding.

Also congratulations to:Mary Douglas achieving NVQ 2Joanna Garlukiewiez achieving NVQ 3

Hannah was a complete surprise toher parents, Mary and Joseph,

when she was born on the 23 October1915. Her twin sister was still bornand then followed Hannah, much toher parents’ delight. Her father servedin a dockyard in Turkey during WorldWar I before returning to his familyand opening a furniture repair shop.He died when Hannah was only 15.Hannah got her first job at the age of 16,looking after a friend’s baby. In 1934 shemoved to Kendal to help one of hersisters who was working as a priest’shousekeeper in a presbytery. In 1935/36,

she moved to Carlisle to help anothersister who had a double curvature of thespine. She returned to Newcastle duringWorld War II, where she trained inWallsend to make parts for Bren guns ina factory on Team Valley.

In 1947, Hannah was asked by FatherBernard Wilkinson, if she would like tobecome his housekeeper. She attended aHousekeepers’ Conference every two orfour years in places such as Rome,Strasbourg and Frankfurt, where she gotto meet housekeepers from all over theworld. Father Wilkinson became ill,Hannah nursed him for the last five yearsof his life and he eventually passed awayin 1979. She then stayed with her nieceand nephew in Roker until she made thedecision to mover to Craghall.

Miss Bonnar has been at Craghall foreight years now and she tells me abouther time here. “In the eight years I havespent here, I have made many friends,both old and new! Over the years I haveenjoyed so many activities at Craghalland there was always a lot to choose from.Although my health is going downhill,the staff always try hard to keep me involvedwith my friends and activities going oneven if its just sitting in the garden.

I really enjoy living at Craghall withall the residents and staff, we have alovely atmosphere”.

RESIDENT’S STORYLife StoryHannah Bonnar

“ “

My Plants– By Joyce Charlton

Geraniums bloom on the window sillFrom a china bowl red fuschias spill,The ferns, on shelves, appear to trail,

They look so feathery and frail.Small begonias, pink and white

Dazzle in the bright sunlight.

Sadly Joyce passed away earlier in the year,however we felt it would be lovely to include

the poem above with the permission ofher family who wrote a few words aboutEighton Lodge: “We all have very fond

memories of Mother’s last few Months atEighton Lodge, where she always seemedhappy and cheerful and well cared for.We felt very lucky to have found such a

high standard of care for her and wouldlike to take the opportunity, once more, to

pass on our gratitude to all the staff atEighton Lodge for the way they

looked after her.”

From Eighton LodgeIn a mini-bus

Sunshine all the wayHere we arrived

At SeahousesNow let’s have a great

Day out withCups of tea and biscuits a

Happy time was had by allI love a day at the seaside

Pot pies made in the Sand and castles by the sea

SeahousesBy the residents of Eighton Lodge

whom went on a day trip to thecoastal town of Seahouses

Welcome to new employee AnnScott who is a Carer

Congratulations to GillianWood (nee Donnally) who got marriedon 15 May 2009


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Blooming Men by Wendy Cope Blooming men are like blooming buses

You wait for about a yearAnd as soon as one approaches your stop

Two or three others appear.You look at them flashing their indicators,

Offering you a ride. You're trying to read the destinations,

You haven't much time to decide.If you make a mistake, there is no turning back.

Jump off, and you'll stand there and gaze While the cars and the taxis and lorries go by

And the minutes, the hours, the days.

SIMON’S WEDDING The Wedding of Simon and Shirleytook place at Durham registery officeon 12th December 2008

Around the middle of NovemberSimon asked me to keep Friday 12thDecember free as there was aproperty in Durham he would like meto go and view with him, the date wasentered in my diary.

Monday 8th December

In normal circumstances, I would be givensome literature about the property severalweeks prior to the visit. With noinformation at all I presumed the visit hadbeen cancelled and Simon had forgottento tell me. So I went to his office toconfirm the appointment was still goingahead, ‘Simon, you asked me to keepFriday 12th December free to visit aproperty in Durham, has it been cancelled?’he face was blank for a couple of seconds,then glanced at his desk diary, looked upin horror and said ‘oh God lass, yes keep itfree its still on!’ with no further information,left his office a little confused.

Tuesday 9th December

Shirley rang to ask if I was going to be inthat evening as Simon was away onbusiness and thought it would be a goodopportunity for a ‘girls’ night in with a

bottle of wine. Within minutes ofShirleys’ arrival, she mentioned‘I believe your going to Durhamwith Simon on Friday to view a property?’Following my confirmation she said ‘I amafraid he has lied to you’. Shirley musthave seen the look of confusion on myface, she smiled and said, ‘Norma, you aregoing to Durham on Friday, but not to viewa property, Simon and I are gettingmarried and we would like you to be ourbridesmaid’. I was absolutely delighted,however sworn to secrecy.

12th DecemberShirley arrived at mine midmorning,dressed in casual trousers, a fleece andtrainers! Having collected the flowers wearrived back at Coach House, ‘where’sSimon?’ I asked, ‘oh he’s at the office’Shirley replied!!! I made a coffee whileShirley went to get into her wedding outfit,she re-appeared transformed, lookingevery bit the blushing bride, however therewas still no sign of the groom... Tenminutes before we were due to leaveSimon arrived from the office, fleece,hunting sweatshirt and of course the veryfamous ‘Jesus Sandals’. ‘Hello Norma’ hesaid ‘what are you doing here?’ picture thescene – Shirley looking absolutely radiant,me in my Sunday best not to mention mycorsage of fresh fuchsia, and he asks mewhere I’m going!

Eventually, Simon being Simon turned uptrumps having quickly changed and re-appeared looking very handsome and verymuch the groom.

We met Ann in a car park, the otherbridesmaid an old friend of Shirleys, justoutside Durham City. The wedding servicewas both dignified and emotional. Theyemerged onto the streets of Durham Cityas Mr and Mrs Beckett and we headedback to the hotel for a champagnecelebration. Out of Ann’s petite handbagshe produced the smallest wedding cake Ihave ever seen, complete with knife.Having had a glass of Champagne and aslice of wedding cake we headed for home.Shirley and Simon headed back to CoachHouse for their honeymoon. Earlier thatmorning Shirley had put Champagne inthe fridge together with Smoked Salmonand Strawberries – but alas her romanticevening was not to be, Simon fell asleep onhis return home – but didn’t he do well!by Norma Burns

New StaffStaff & Residents would like towelcome two new members of staff toGarden House:Helen Anderson DomesticDavid Filer Handyman

Long term friends, Agnes Davis andAudrey Walsh have very fond memoriesof Blackpool, having visited there intheir childhood.They and their key worker, Team LeaderErika Richards are busy arranginga short break to recapture those distantmemories. Agnes and Audrey are off to the seasideon Friday May 22 for lots of Sun, Sea,Donkey Rides and Candyfloss.

G arden House recently purchaseda life sized mechanical Golden

Retriever as a therapeutic aid for ourresidents.It has voice innovative animatronics, whichallows Ben (as he has been named) torespond to adults and children alike. Benwill listen to and follow voice recognitioncommands such as sit, lie down and give apaw. He will also wag his tail when he isready to play. As part of the fur friends group of therapyaids, we have found it very beneficial tolots of our clients as a companion to thosewho may be feeling a bit lonely or upset. Italso helps those who are anxious. Benseems to have a genuine calming affect, asmany of the residents have found out forthemselves. Many of our residents hadlong time pets of their own. Ben is so lifelike that it has been offered tit bits to eatfrom the tea trolley and other benefits forthe staff are there is no daily walksrequired or poop scoop patrol.

CongratulationsCongratulations to:

Michelle Hutchison NVQ Level 2Hayley Lindsay NVQ Level 2Kirsteen O’Neill NVQ Level 2

BEN – A Great SuccessBLACKPOOL herewe come(Picture showing Agnes& Audrey, waitingpatiently to be pickedup for their travels.


All three girls are currently workingtowards their Level 3 Award, whichwill hopefully be completed inSeptember of this year.

Best of friends,Mary and Ben.


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A fter a long winter it is wonderfulto see the advent of spring

flowers and blossom on the trees.I never cease to be amazed thatthey bother to come up andflower after the hard frosts, snowand wind!There is a lot of ‘garden gossip’ totell you about this season.

Our company is increasing thenumber of events taking place inthe gardens. Eighton Lodge(Sunday 7th June) and GrimstonCourt (Sunday 28th June) areholding Red Cross Charity Opendays. These are wonderfulopportunities to share our awardwinning gardens and help to raisemoney for such a worthy charity.

Eighton Lodge can now boast agreat copy of an original ‘pottagegarden’ designed by Lee Brown andI, we are preparing for plenty ofsummer salads, vegetables andfruit. The greenhouses are beingused to bring on annuals, seeds andtomatoes. We will be having ourown plant stall at the Open day.

Grimston Court has a new garden,the ‘Sir John Hunt’ garden, namedafter the original owner ofGrimston Court, whose portrait isin the main entrance hall. Thisgarden is situated within the oldrose garden; the theme is atraditional English cottage garden,full of colourful plants and shrubsto attract wildlife, butterflies,insects and wild birds. Over 200meters of turf re-enforcementmesh pathways are being laid tomake the gardens accessible toresidents, families, visitors and alsomakes the walks wheelchairfriendly. A guide to thegarden walks will beavailable soon.

Heatherdale, another ofour award winners willshortly be boasting anew fountain in the reargarden, purchased withmoney kindly donated bya closing down charity.This eight foot, four-tierstructure will certainlybe an eye catching feature,particularly as we areholding a ‘dog show’ atHeatherdale in late May.

The spring display of colour atRyton Towers has been brilliant, weare looking forward to warmerweather this year, so that residentswill be able to sit out on the newpatio and look over the lawn to newrose beds.

Wellburn House has a newgardening team, Rob Jacobson(Ryton Towers) is doing the maingarden, leaving Rod Alder toconcentrate on baskets & pots atboth Wellburn House and RytonTowers. There is now a gardengazebo and pergola at WellburnHouse, Rod has finished thepergola in plenty of time forresidents to sit out and enjoy thegardens over summer.

Whorlton Grange, fresh fromsuccess in the regional finals ofBritain in Bloom will have four newflower beds to be judged in thisyear’s competition.

St Catherines has experiencedconsiderable tree works both onthe road side and within thegarden. The bulbs, baskets andwinter bedding plants are providingglorious colour. Brian has beenputting up the bird boxes andimmediately they have had ‘residents’!!

The main garden and wall-mounted baskets at Rosevale arevery colourful.

As far as the garden is concernedbuilding work at Riverhead Hall hasfinished, the large rockery plantedin 2008 is established andflourishing with colour. There aretwo new beds, one which is full ofroses and the other more traditional;these will be a beautiful addition

this summer to thealready establishedmain garden, whichnow has safe accessfor residents.

I do hope everyoneenjoys our gardensand take as muchpleasure in them asthose whose workand inspiration hasput them together.

Debbie Matthewsand Shirley WardGarden Managers

Wellburn Summer News 2009

Garden House has ‘had thebuilders in’ but we will be shortlystarting work on the new re-designed gardens, the front gardenhas amazingly remained colourfulthroughout the works.

Glenholme and the Day Centre arerejoicing in silence this year; thebuilding works are finished andresidents and staff can enjoy theglorious gardens to the full.

St Georges is having two largeflower beds redesigned and workhas started to install the new blackwrought iron baskets on theentrance wall and underneathwindows, these will festoon thebuilding with colourful flowers.

Lee Brown (Eighton Lodge) hasalso taken over as gardener atCraghall and the garden is lookingstunning, a new flower bed hasbeen designed for outside theresidents lounge.

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Wellburns’ SpringSummer Recipe

Poached Smoked Haddock,crushed New Potatoesand Butter Sauce.

Ingredients6oz piece of naturally smoked haddock6 peeled and cooked new potatoes1 whole lemonChivesPicked Baby leaf spinachWhite wine250g unsalted butterHalf pint of milk


Place the milk in a pan with an addition of half a cup of water; this will stop the milkfrom boiling, place the haddock into the milk when the temperature is at the correcttemp, 65 degrees. Poach the haddock very gentle.

With the peeled potatoes place in a pan with some of the butter, with a fork crush thepotatoes until crushed and hot, then place some chopped chives into the potatoes.

When warm fold in the baby spinach until wilted, season to taste.

To make the sauce add 50ml of wine to a pan with 50ml of water, bring to the boil,take from the heat then whisk in butter till you get a consistency which coats theback of the spoon, season to taste,

To assemble place the potatoes and spinach on the plate, place the warm smokedhaddock on top, and then pour your butter sauce over the top.

Happy 100thBirthdayto Doris Mathewson

Happy 60th Birthday to Pat Shevlin –Deputy Manager

Goodbye to Katherine Brown, our BankStaff for the last three years. She has goneto work for the Plastic Surgery Departmentat the RVI after qualifying to be a Nurse –Well done & Good luck.

On Sunday 19 April 2009, RytonTowers celebrated their first resident’s100th Birthday. Doris Mathewson hasbeen a resident for about five years atRyton Towers and has lived throughtwo World Wars. In the Second WorldWar, Doris taught at SunderlandRoad School, Low Fell, Gateshead.On Doris’s big day her nephew Derekand Noreen his wife surprised her withafternoon tea at Eslington Villas in LowFell, an even bigger surprise was the factthat friends had travelled from as far asLondon,York, Edinburgh and Peebles.Staff at Ryton Towers celebrated witha fabulous hand made cake in the

shape of “100” and a singer appearedfor entertainment.

Doris puts her longevity down to her faithand having been a regular churchattendee. She continues to be active andknits teddy bears that we usually sell at ourcoffee afternoons and Garden Parties, withthe proceeds going to Residents’ funds.Doris also enjoys reading, doingcrosswords and Suduko.

New ResidentsPeggy Blackburn Florence ConwayDolly Anderson June BellEdna Snowdon Frances Henderson

New StaffScott Harbottle - TeamleaderGillian Fisher C/A Kayleigh Leech C/ARoberta Carroll C/A Kerri Vincent C/ATracey Smiles C/A



Wellburn Summer News 2009 Page 15

New ResidentsFirstly, I would like to welcome all of thenew residents into our Home. All the loveand care for the future:

Margaret Parton Elizabeth RolandJoe Ball Doris HopeMarjorie Gibson Ronnie Clennell

Family AffairCongratulations to Granny Dot andAuntie Jane on the new arrival of babyFreya, born on 25th March.

Birthday GreetingBetty Doorwood Margaret EvanErnie Foster Margaret BatesEmma Cheetham Nan & DorothyEmma Fabon

EngagementsCongratulations to:Joanne & John Elaine & David

On the forthcoming Engagements.Hope you all enjoy the evening in Juneand look forward to a loving andhealthy future.

Last but not leastWe would like to thank Michael, whotook the residents to Herrington BurnCountry Park.The staff and residents enjoyed feedingthe ducks and the day. The hospitalitywas lovely and they are looking forwardto future outings.God Bless to you All

Holiday Excitement Everyone looks forward to their holidays,the one person who loved hers wasRano, one of the staff. She went to Indiato three family weddings, of which sheate and danced for two weeks. Above is alovely picture of some ofher family.

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Wellburn Care Homes Ltd. Head Office: Tyne View House, 9 Grange Road, Newburn, Newcastle upon Tyne NE15 8ND

Tel: 0191 229 3530, Fax: 0191 229 3531 Email: [email protected]

ClassifiedsFree Yorkshire Terrier8 years old.

Hateful little blighter, bites!

Free Puppies1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky

neighbours mutt.

Free PuppiesMother, Kennel Club registered

German Shepherd.

Father, Super Dog... Able to leap

tall fences in a single bound...

Joining Nudist Colony!Must sell washer and dryer £100.

Found Dirty White DogLooks like a scrawny rat.

Been out quite a while.

Better be a blooming big reward.

Wedding Dress For SaleWorn once by mistake.

Call Stephanie.

For Sale by Owner Complete set of Encyclopaedia

Britannica, 45 volumes.

Excellent condition.

£200 or best offer.

No longer needed,

Got married last month.

Wife knows absolutely everything.

Formula 1This is a great time for Formula 1 fansespecially if you are British. Afteryears of Michael Schumacher andFerrari being at the top and no onebeing able to catch them, eventuallythere are signs of a brighter future forother teams.Last season there were two Ferrari’sin the top three for the title. Thesewere Felipe Massa (Brazilian) in third,Kimi Raikkonen (Finnish) in secondbut leading the way was LewisHamilton (British) in his McLarenMercedes becoming the youngestever driver to win a Formula 1 title atthe age of 23. During and after theend of the 2008 season there were alot of off the track issues going on.These issues led to the Super-Aguriteam pulling out mid way through theseason and also the Honda teamdeciding not to participate in the2009 season. This made way forRoss Brawn (British) to introduceBrawn GP. This new outfit effectivelytook over all of Honda’s operationsand started work immediately onimproving the car they had inherited. The 2009 season got under way inMarch with the first race inMelbourne, Australia. Everyone waswatching for the new team Brawn GPas their new car had proved to beexceptionally quick in pre seasontesting after they had improved thecar and signed a contract with

Mercedes-Benz tosupply their engines.They proved to be asquick during the race asthey had been in practicewith Jenson Button (British)leading them to theirfirst victory withRubens Barrichello (Brazilian) in theother Brawn GP car in second place.This was Jenson’s first grand prixvictory since racing in Hungary 2006and although Ruben’s did not win,he has not won a race since Italy2004, this proving how good a carRoss Brawn had designed andimplemented in approximately 13weeks. Jenson has now won five outof six races showing that it was not aone off and that he is still one of thetop drivers in the sport. UnfortunatelyLewis Hamilton has not continued onfrom last season and has had adreadful start to the season, he hasnot finished in the top three as Tony Henderson

Well Newcastle's Season! What aCatastrophe! From making a mess ofsignings in the summer to Keeganwalking over transfer policy. We didn'tget the players everyone knew weneeded and have suffered because ofit. The appointment of Keegan wasboth the best and worst possiblesigning Ashley could have made. Itwas always going to end in tears.We've spent two ‘years’ makingmistake after mistake with signings,managers, coaching staff. Sir Bobrebuilt the team and then was sacked- Then it all went really wrong.With so much money involved today,are players fully committed to theclub. Two players who I have felt havefought tooth and nail for this club thisseason were Mr Taylor and Mr Duff. Iunderstand before Shearer camealong, there were no rules to ensureplayers turned up for training in time,or spent any time as a team. Wherewas the fighting spirit and Respect?Where was the former in the last 45minutes, in our last Premiership gamethis season, when it mattered! Where do we go from here? Thereneeds to be a clear out from top tobottom. I feel very few of the first teamshould be given the chance to stay,don’t hold onto players if they are notcommitted to the club.Get Shearer signed up to a longterm contract and give him completecontrol of staff and transfers.Then let’s look at ouryouth players andsign a few from theChampionship, withfighting spirit whocan give us a chance.

by Helen Ashworth

A view from aNewcastleSupporterof 15 years!


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