

No. 7: 15th October 2021

VICTORIAN DAY YEAR 6 This week, our Year 6 children went back in time to 1897! During the day, they experienced what it was like to be a child in a Victorian school. They ate a 'tasty' bowl of gruel and some children even had seconds! They also learnt under strict Victorian class rules, baked scones, tried needlework and paper craft and enjoyed learning about Victorian outdoor, card and parlour games. It was hard in Victorian times for children but we all had a great day!

Art: The Wray Common Way

At Wray Common, we are passionate about developing children’s creative flair, by introducing them to different skills and techniques. We do this by inspiring our children through artists and encouraging them to experiment with each skill and technique to produce and reflect on their final pieces. Children develop their skills in their sketch books that they keep from Reception until they leave in Year 6. These support children in developing their skills, as they can look back on previous years’ learning. This enables them to see improvement in their skills throughout their primary lives. Over each year, our children develop and build on their skills in drawing, painting, printing, sculpture and collage.

In Reception, children are encouraged to experiment throughout the year with a range of materials and making marks. They are encouraged to be creative and recreate images they see around them in everyday life. Their first experiences of colour is experimenting with mixing different colours and finding different textures around them.

In Years 1 and 2, children create simple drawings using pattern and develop by adding tone which they build on when painting by mixing colours to create realistic darker tones. Children use different materials to create collages, and use skills such as overlapping, as well as experimenting with different textures using everyday objects. During Years 3 and 4, children continue to develop their knowledge of printing, using different pencils for tone and more complex sculptures. Children are expected to reflect more independently on their own work and compare it to the work of their inspired artist. When planning their final piece, children are expected to make simple choices based on their experiments and start to understand colour as conveying a message or meaning of emotion.

In Years 5 and 6, children explore the use of colour to convey emotions and mood through tone, shade and texture. As inspiration, children use more stimuli such as music and their environment. Art is recognised as a form of personal expression through their own abstract patterns and pieces and they make decisions towards their final piece to create a desired outcome for the viewer.

In Summer 2 term, children are immersed in a whole school topic. This gives children the opportunity and freedom to use the art skills they have developed that year, and to continue to develop them. During this time, year groups work collaboratively across the school. As part of this topic, children can produce bigger artistic masterpieces that they might not be used to such as collage to create our CAPTURE characters.

Throughout their time at Wray Common, all children have the opportunity to produce a piece of art and design the next year’s Home School Learning Journal. This allows children to express their favourite parts of Wray Common through art. We have introduced Wray Common’s Arts Council to represent the views of the children across the school in art and other creative subjects.

Dear Parents and Carers, A request from the School Council: Children across Wray Common voted to raise money for Renewed Hope, East Surrey this half term. We were visited by Andrew Tyers from the charity who informed us about the great work that they do. We, the School Council, have decided, along with Mr Taylor, that we will help them to fill the house!

We kindly ask you, our parents and carers, to collaborate with us in helping those who find themselves homeless, vulnerable and lonely at this time of year. We ask that you donate what you can to fill the new house the charity has purchased and make a real difference to someone’s life. Collection boxes will be put in each class and will be collected on Wednesday 20th October 2021. Please keep your donations to no bigger than a shoe box in size! Thank you for your support. Let’s fill the house!

YEAR 3 This week, Year 3 shared their brain builds. Their task was to research what Stone Age homes looked like and use their research to build their own representation of a Stone Age shelter. Here are some examples:

YEAR 2 Last week in our English learning we learnt and retold the story of 'Sarah and the Time Machine'. This week, we innovated the story and made changes. We used our writing toolkit to make sure our writing is the best it could be. Look out for our punctuation, adjectives, sentences starters and amazing vocabulary. With thanks to: Alice, Finlay, Iona, Lara, Lily-Rose, Nate, Rupert and Zoe.

UPCOMING EVENTS Tuesday 19th Oct—Football Match v Meath Green (away) invited pupils only Tuesday 19th Oct—Netball Match v Meath Green (away) invited pupils only Wednesday 20th Oct—Year 2 Significant Person in History Dress up Day Wednesday 20th Oct—5B Class Assembly 9:00am Wednesday 20th Oct—5T Class Assembly 2:45pm Thursday 21st Oct—Reception Elmer Day Friday 22nd Oct—Surrey Platinum Jubilee Day—School Closed Monday 25th—Friday 29th Oct—Half Term Holiday Monday 1st Nov—INSET DAY Tuesday 2nd Nov—Term Starts

SECONDARY ADMISSIONS Just a reminder to Year 6 Parents and Carers that the deadline for Surrey Secondary School applications is Sunday 31st October 2021. Please visit to make your application. If you require any help completing your application please contact the School Office.

WELLIES PLEASE Please can all Parents and Carers make sure that their

children bring their wellies in to school so that they can

play on the field and use the

dens at playtime. On days

that are wet and muddy … no

wellies, no field!

SCHOOL DINNERS Just a reminder that all School Dinner preferences need to be set by the 20th October for the next half term, and this must be fixed until Christmas. Changes MUST be requested via the school office. If changes are made without notification being given i.e. if we think a child is having a school dinner and they bring in a packed lunch, parents will be charged for all dinners we have 'made' for that child even if they have not been taken. If you need to make a change please complete a Meal Preference form using the link below. Dinners need to be paid for in advance and your balance on Scopay at the end of this half term will reflect the amount owed for dinners based on Tuesday 2nd November until Friday 17th December assuming your child’s current preferences remain the same. If you have any dinner money outstanding from this term or prior to this, your new balance will also include any money owed.

AYLMERTON Please see the link below from Mr Durston to a parental advice website for preparing worried children for a school trip.

CLASS READER We have been reading 'The Egypt Game' in Year 4. It is about two girls called April and Melanie who become friends and discover their love for everything Egyptian. Their friendship grows stronger over their interests, and they create a game called the Egypt Game. However, strange things have been happening and the girls are wondering if the Egypt Game has gone too far. 'My favourite part was when April and Melanie met because they played a game I have never heard of before.' - Evie 4F 'My favourite part was when the girls dressed up on Halloween as Egyptians because they liked them so much.' - Ella 4F 'I enjoyed learning all about the characters.' - Sienna 4F 'My favourite part was when they met Elizabeth because they felt worried as they didn't know her.' - Drew 4F 'I liked how the girls created the Egypt Game!' - Henry M 4F 'Marshall is my favourite character because I like the toy he has.' - Noah 4F 'I have liked the story so far because it has mystery and excitement.' - Felix 4F


1VL Olivia For an amazing attitude to her learning, always challenging herself in everything! 1W Christopher For attitude to learning. Chris now goes to the focus table when asked, without fuss, and has a much better attitude towards his work – particularly writing. Keep it up! 2B James For persevering with his writing and using his box plan to support his ideas. 2S Olivia For always challenging yourself in maths by thinking of new methods. 3B Leone For super writing of his precise instructions for how to trap his own created beast. 3J Jaeden For persevering in his Maths learning and constantly seeking to improve his work. 4B Mollie For continuous perseverance in Maths resulting in her nailing her column addition. 4F Felix For revisiting his Year 3 knowledge of hatching, cross hatching and stippling to add shading to his perspective drawing in art! 4P Bleu For fantastic focus in English when planning his persuasive letter. 5B Amelia For writing an amazing introduction and first argument for her persuasive speech. 5T Jack C For taking his time in Art and producing a wonderful water colour painting – brilliant blending technique! 6C Jason For super contributions during our poem analysis of ‘The Highwayman’, especially with the new vocabulary. 6E Holly & For making amazing links and contributions in class when discussing our new favourite poem – Brett The Highwayman. Your ideas were inspirational! 6G Louis For great collaboration and reflection during our maths lessons this week.

COMMUNITY MATTERS George and the Giant Pledge are running a couple of Halloween events this year. 1. Hartsfield Manor - Halloween Afternoon Tea This year there are three dates - 21st / 26th / 28th October with two separate sittings at 1pm and 4pm Tickets are available via 2. Holmesdale Halloween Horrorfest at The Yard on Sunday 31st October Scary 'horrorfest' with spooky activities including 'Meet the Witch'. Splat the Rat, Mini Pumpkin Decorating, Storytelling and Live Music. Tickets are limited so please book to avoid disappointment from The Yard. Tickets will become available from the 16th October.

FRIENDS OF WRAY COMMON The Friends of Wray Common are organising the annual personalised Christmas cards, mugs, calendars and gift labels this year to raise money for the school. Please look out for your order form and price list which will be coming home with your child very soon! If you would like to order, please ask children to use the reverse of the enclosed order form to create their magnificent artwork over the half term break. For tips and guidelines on how to create the perfect picture, please go to and click on 'Artwork Guidelines'. Completed order forms must be returned to the class teacher by the morning of Wednesday 3rd November. All products will be delivered to school by the beginning of December. For further details please see page 7 of this newsletter.

SQUID GAME—PARENT SUPPORT We have been made aware of many children across the school discussing this new Netflix series. Please be aware that its content is not age-appropriate - it is rated as appropriate for 15 years old and over. This link provides parents with further information should they require support.
