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Page 1: Newsletter VMM project

Monster logo created by FOCA CLIPART

Six schools, hundreds of children, dozens of teachers ... Our work requires that we coordinate all of us. This year we had three meetings to organize the project: Trutnov (Czech Republic), Cossington (UK) and Porto de Mós (Portugal) in June. At these meetings, the teachers agreed

activities and dates, discussing procedures and in search of solutions to achieve the objectives. A great experience. Thanks to our hosts!

No. 2No. 2No. 2 June 2013


I n d e xI n d e xI n d e x [email protected]


We coordinate: Trutnov, We coordinate: Trutnov, We coordinate: Trutnov, Cossington, Porto de MósCossington, Porto de MósCossington, Porto de Mós

Congratulations, Congratulations, Congratulations, monsters! monsters! monsters! First anniversaryFirst anniversaryFirst anniversary

It's a nice dream: VMM project celebrates its first year, with illusions and effort. Hundreds of children in Sweden, UK, Czech Republic, Portugal, Italy and the Spanish state have been working together this year around the monsters and their presence in children's literature. We met friends, creating monster-pets which travel along Europe, inventing Virtual Museum of Monsters beings, writing stories with them, preparing a multilingual dictionary … We have worked very hard! Together we have overcome borders and language differences.

1.1.1. Congratulations, Monsters! First anniversary

1.1.1. We coordinate: Trutnov, Cossington, Porto de Mós


6 friendly schools

8.8.8. Good news! Another year with monsters

8.8.8. Follow us online

Page 2: Newsletter VMM project

1 year, 100 joys1 year, 100 joys1 year, 100 joys

We have one year to work with our friends in Europe. It seems a short time, but we did many things. With Lion, our monster-pet, children learned how to make and read QR codes on the iPad. Celebrate Carnival. The whole school dressed as monsters. Jaco, the monster Portuguese, was at the party and put on a mask of Lion. Children cared much to Jaco: visited a museum of painting, learned to brush my teeth, went to the Municipal Library, participate in birthday parties, recycle school paper … Violeta Monreal writer came to the school to talk about monsters and books. Now the school library has more fun books about monsters: 36 books. 10 monsters invented attractive to the Virtual Museum.

We work with English School and Portuguese School: write tales of monsters with collaborative techniques. VMM prepare project merchandising: pencils and bookmarks. Also recorded on the iPad the words that will be heard in the Multilingual Dictionary on line. The kids really enjoy the blog

VMM: like to know latest news and express their opinion. In one year the project "Virtual Museum of Monsters" gave us a lot of joy. Friends Swedish, English, Portuguese, Italians, Czechs: THANK YOU!

Colegio tremañes (SPANISH STATE)Colegio tremañes (SPANISH STATE)Colegio tremañes (SPANISH STATE) No. 2 - June 20123 [email protected]


This is the view of our childrens 3, 4 and 5 years: "These monsters because we really like we did with love, eager and with love. We like Lion, Jaco, Prutt... We like all monsters. It's fun to take pictures with monsters. I also had fun at the carnival, when the whole school dressed as monsters. We like to have friends in other schools of Europe, because friends are very Italian, other friends are very Swedish, others are very Portuguese... All our friends are very handsome and very cool. Our friends in Europe made a very handsome monster dolls. We go to see our friends at their schools. As we go live far away by plane and by boat".

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In february a parcel came to Bifrosts pedagogiskaenhet. It was from England. The excitment was high when we opend it. That was the first time we met with Lucy and Starry. Together we have had a wounderful time that unfortunately soon will end. Its lucky another monster will arrive! Lucy and Starry have been a big part of our days here at Bifrost. They have given us questions and tasks. We have learnd a lot together! This week Starry came with us to the forrest and asked us about different shapes and what they are called.

The children started to look after things in the forrest with different shapes. After this day we have read books about shaped, we have drawn different shapes, we have looked at different shapes, made monsters out of shaped and with the iPad we have made patterns of shapes that we later have made out of pearls.

Thank you Lucy and Starry for a great time and Hello Lion!

Bifrosts förskola (sweden)Bifrosts förskola (sweden)Bifrosts förskola (sweden)


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No. 2 - June 20123 [email protected]


Cossington c of e primary school (united kingdom)Cossington c of e primary school (united kingdom)Cossington c of e primary school (united kingdom)

Lion and JuvenalLion and JuvenalLion and Juvenal

In March some of the teachers involved in the Project came to visit our school and meet our pupils. While the weather was typical English weather, everyone was able to see some of the sights of Leicestershire. We also took a trip at the weekend to Stratford upon Avon which is where Shakespeare was born. Juvenal came along too.

This is Juvenal outside Shakespears’s birthplace.

Lion has enjoyed his time in school. Whilst visiting us he was able to come on a rip to Beaumanor Hall with the year 2 pupils. We even made him a pirate hat so he could join in. The children in class 2 have all been making monsters at home so Lion felt very welcome while in the classroom as he was surrounded by lots of friends. Lion went home with some of the children from class 1 and 2 and even went on holiday with Jamie S from class 2. We have now waved goodbye to Lion and Juvenal as they set off to visit Sweden and the Czech Republic.

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From Italy arrived a big green monster that likes to eat spiders and insects and doesn’t like to bathe. He told us a sad story. He lost his parents in Italy and decided to look for them. The first country was Portugal. He was happy when he realized that they also went looking for him and that they were also in Portugal.

We built a monster named Juvenal very environmentally friendly and the arrival to our school of two monsters com-ing from Italy: Gicca and Org. They come for help to the stu-dents of the EB1 Corredoura that would support them in the pursuit of their son Prutt, which got lost in a garden. The enthusiasm in helping those new friends was immediate.

The month of February was extraordinary for two main reasons: we built a monster named Juvenal very environmentally friendly and the arrival to our school of two monsters coming from Italy: Gicca and Org. They come for help to the stu-dents of the EB1 Corredoura that would support them in the pursuit of their son Prutt, which got lost in a garden. The enthusiasm in helping those new friends was immediate. We were studying aspects of our coastline and we took them to Nazareth, where he met a sea monster to whom they asked for help. This monster was going to the Azores. Thus, our friends got to know theexistence of the archipelago as part of our country. Already in the classroom helped to build a model of that archipelago . The days passed and Prutt was still missing. Bibliomóvel be came if ther sun was there so they ask the asked the librarian if she had seen their son or if he was hiding on the shelves. The librarian teld was sorry to them that she had not seen him. Meanwhile, our friends went to the mountains surrounding the school, but nothing ... then decided to help colleagues to cultivate our vegetable garden. After this activity others followed: the construction of m2 participation in cultural jour-neys, the recreational reading in the reading corner, a trip to the Municipal Library, among others.

During his staying in this kindergarten, together with kids, he learned hygiene concepts and attitudes, learned how to plant vegetables, heard lots of stories, met Camila (the character of school libraries project of this school), learned and taught mathematics and used ICT to communicate with his Italian friends. In summary, a journey full of adventures.

Agrupamento de escolas de porto de mós (Portugal)Agrupamento de escolas de porto de mós (Portugal)Agrupamento de escolas de porto de mós (Portugal)

Jacó is a sea monster, chosen by students from our Kindergarten to represent us in this project. Our friend Jacó, after having caught a big scare in the polluted waters of his river, decided to travel all over the world to raise awareness and motivate students to protect and preserve the environment.

Give and takeGive and takeGive and take

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Present from englandPresent from englandPresent from england

During the visit in England we

received a book for children called

The Gruffalo. Our pupils worked with

the book and the film during English

lessons. Children really enjoyed both

the book and the film, which intro-

duced them to English literature. The

story tells about a mouse, who wan-

ders around a forest and is looking

for nut. He meets a fox, owl and a

snake, all of whom try eat him. To

survive, the brave mouse needs to use his wits. He claims he is about to meet a terrible

monster called Gruffalo and this way he chases his enemies away. The mouse becomes

more and more confident. Nothing bad can happen to him in the forest. Until he turns

round the corner and finds himself face with a figments of his imagination, the Gruffalo

well and the mouse can finally enjoy the found nut. At the end our pupils draw the


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Children of the Primary School “Gianni Rodari” are waiting for…. Matylda! So there! After the lunch time we found a big case with inside…. Matylda: a beautiful little monster! Finally we can welcome her among us! Children pampered her, and later put her to sleep be-cause Elisa said: “Teacher, she surly is very tired be-cause of the long travel, she needs to sleep.” (Matylda has slept for one hour). When she woke up, Arianna said: “Teacher, maybe she feels alone because she leaves in Trutnov all her mon-ster friends. Let’s bring her to our monsters, so she doesn’t feel alone.” (Matylda met a lots of different monsters, she socialized with them, she played with them, she also wanted be in love with TANTEDITA, but finally she refused him because he is a latin lover, in fact we saw him send kiss to another monster, Bru-chettola!) On 14th March was Matylda’s name day: we made a big party with her new monster friends. She blew on the candles and she ate cake (she likes very much the chocolate cake!) On Wednesday at school for lunch there is lasagna: so we bring with us Matylda to taste it and she likes it very much! Matylda likes our picture cards that she can find in the books of our library, so every day, before going home, we give her a book: she enjoys herself and she doesn’t fell alone during the night. Now she has to leave and we are very sad and Daniele said: “Teacher, I think that Elisa, Arianna and all girls in the class will cry a lot!”

Looking for Molli Children of kindergarten F.ll Cervi tell us:

We are waiting for a long time the coming of Molli. Every day we asked to our teachers: “Is Molli coming?” and teachers said: “NO”. But one day Tiziana arrived at school with a big case and we happily opened it. “That

happiness, it’s Molli”. A little colored and tender monster, we were afraid to break her. Molli lived in the monsters’ yellow house, with other Italian monsters. She enjoyed a lot and she learned some Italian words: mostro (monster), paura (fear), ami-co (friend), bello (beaty), ciao (hello), come stai? (how are you?), molto bene! (very good!). When she arrived in our school it was snowing and she went in the garden to play with children. Later spring is coming and she went outside with children to pick up flowers and walk in the streets. Molli went with us to the theatre and saw an acting named “il cubo magico” (the magic cube), and later she visited the toys museum: there were toys that our parents used when they were chil-dren.

Now we have to say

hello to her, we are

very sad, but we

love her.



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The VMM Project is one year old but it doesn´t finish here. During the next academic year 2013/2014 we will continue with more work. Our monster-pets continue their European tour. We will do a tribute to Maurice Sendak and his book "Where the Wild things are". We will write more stories about monsters in

collaboration with our friends. We´ll celebrate the "Monster Month" in our school libraries. We will make an exhibition about the VMM project in local libraries. And other two newsletters will be published. During the academic year 2013-2014 we will make coordination meetings in Italy and Sweden. And the project will end with an evaluation meeting in the Spanish State in June 2014. Then our Virtual Museum of Monsters will come true. Thanks for your cooperation.

Happy summer for everyone!

Good news! Good news! Good news! Another year Another year Another year with monsterswith monsterswith monsters

You can visit our blog You can visit our wiki You can visit our virtual desktop eTwinning: Also find information on the web pages of our schools.

Follow us onlineFollow us onlineFollow us online

888 [email protected]

--- Colegio Tremañes (Spanish State)

--- Scuola F.lli Cervi (Italy)

--- Základní Škola (Czech Republic)

--- Agrupamento de Escolas de Porto de Mós (Portugal)

--- Cossington C of E Primary School (United Kingdom)

--- Bifrosts förskola (Sweden)

Monster logo created by FOCA CLIPART